280478 WHITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 ,//y CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��� �` BIUE - MAVOR . � � `` . , Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. �� ��` � Presented By ` " � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance establishing a new Chapter 62 of the St. Paul Administrative Code. , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 62 of the St. Paul Administrative Code entitled Street Maintenance and Assessments is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 2 . That a New Chapter 62 entitled "Street Maintenance, Service Charges and Assessments" is hereby established to provide for the nature and the extent of street maintenance and the collection of costs incurred thereby in accordance with the provisions provided herein. Section 3. 62.01 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the terms defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them as follows : (1) "Street Maintenance" means and includes, but shall not be limited to, cleaning, flushing, oiling, repairing, ege�a�}r�g; x�a��ta�n�r�g;-}��ese����g;—�1`39tft���ii�J�—9ti°���1°i J�-pa�nt�ng;-�a�r�ter st�eet-xta�r��enaaee-ar�e�-se��r�e�ng-e�-9��ee�-e�-e�ess�aa�ks;-as-*�e��-as t�e-se�*a�e}�g-e�-ga�l���g-�te�e�s-e��ee�-��g�t��e}-spste�ts;-t�aff4e e�g�a�-sps�ex�sT-a�d-a��-�e�t��a�e��-wa�r�}��-e�-gt�}ele-s�gns-e�-ethe� �e�a�e�-s��ee�-�x;g�e�e�te�.�9.- as well as the servicing of special ornamental street lighting systems. (2) "Street" means any street, alley, sidewalk, boulevard or other public way or any part thereof. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �en� In Favor Masanz Nicosia g scnetbei Against . Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approv d y it Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved or for Submission to Council By By 8-�1�3 � - -- . = � �a �� � . ;.ij r • _ -. ,/ ,�C`t��r (3) "Service Charges" mean the annual costs or expenses in- curred by the City in street maintenance, which costs or expenses when due and unpaid shall be collected against benefited property as an assessment in a manner and amounts as provided herein. Such costs may include but shall not be limited to, the maintenance costs, direct administrative costs, and any interest expense associated with the issuance of obligations as provided in Section 62. 05. 62 . 02. Council approves annual program. (1) The Council shall each year, as part of the annual budget process, determine what streets shall be maintained together with the estimated amount of service charges to be levied against bene- fited property. Prior to such determination the City Council shall fix a date for public hearing, and the City Clerk shall cause to be published notice of such hearing in a legal newspaper twice, no less than 10 days prior to such public hearing. Not less than 10 days before the hearing, the D�partment of Finance and Management Services shall mail notice approved by the 'City Council thereof to the owner of each parcel within the area proposed to be charged, but failure to give mailed notice or any defects in the notice shall not invali- date the proceedings. For the purpose of giving mailed notice, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the county Auditor or county tax statements, but other appropriate records may be used for this purpose. The notice shall state the date, time and place of such hearing, the particular service to be perfor�ned, and the estimate of the cost of such service to be charged against benefited property. (2) At such hearing the council shall hear property owners regarding the scope and desirability of the proposed service and the method of collection of such service charges. The council shall by resolution determine the services to be performed and shall author- ize the doing of the work by the appropriate city department or agency. 62 . 03. Cost records. The Department of Public Works and/or agency shall keep a record of the service charges incurrsd, or expected to be incurred, in the performance of street maintenance services on city streets. Once the record of the services charges has been made, the Department of Public Works and/or agency, shall report such information to the Department of Finance and Management Services. 2 . ��I-�3 _ . - �- � - - - �. r � � � � � - - ���,y� 62. 04. Assessment Procedure. Any service charge levied or imposed under this chapter shall be distributed against praperty benefited by the safe and clean operation and maintenance of streets. Said charge shall be payable in one single installment, but shall be collected in the same �nanner as real property taxes; shall be pay- able at an interest rate equal to the borrowing rate of the City at the time of the assessment ratification by the City Council; shall be payable when it becomes due notwithstanding the appeal procedure which is specifically provided and authorized in Section 62. 06 , except in the event an appealing party is successful on appeal, the City shall reimburse the appealing party by the amount the assessment is reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, the failure of a property owner to make payment of the assessment when due as provided herein, in and of itself, shall render void any appeal of the assessment by said owner. With these exceptions, service charges shall be collected using the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 429. 061 and 429 .071, and shall be remitted in its entirety, including any interest and penalty, directly to the City. 62. 05. Issuance of obligations. To de�ray the costs and expenses of street maintenance as provided in this Chapter 62 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the City may issue obligations and create a revolving fund as authorized by the City Charter. 62 .06. Appeal to District Court. Any property owner aggrieved by the City' s assessment authorized in this chapter may appeal to the District Court in the manner set farth in Chapter 14 of the St. Paul City Charter. 62 . 07. Severability. If any one or more of the provisions of this law is deemed unlawful for any reason, all other provisions contained herein nevertheless shall remain in full force and effect. 3. S-II��'3 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 ("_y'_ CANARV -DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAZTL O T BIUE -MAVOR File NO. � � ` . . , � • ` � Ordin�z�zce Ordinance N 0. �/�d'7'.J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its adoption, passage and publication. 4. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �an� In Favor Masanz � �°°°�° Against BY Scheibel Tede�sco Wllson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 3 1983 Form Approv y 'ty Attor y Certified Pa se } cil S c et y BY B �- AUG 2 31983 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv by Mayor: gy \ � ��1..''�' BY � PUBLISHED S E P 3 1983 s�-tr-�3 - � - , - � FILE COPY - --�____- _- ___--- _------------- -------------- _ ---------_ - - . . " . WMITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE � COUIICll y/�� a/� CANARY � DEGARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. " � �" BLUE — MAVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ��dT-� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance establishing a new Chapter 62 of the St. Paul Administrative Cocle. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Chapter 62 of the St. Pau1 Administrative Code entitled Street Maintenance and Assessments is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 2 . That a New Chapter 62 entitled "Street Maintenance, Service � Charges and Assessments" is hereby established to provide for the nature and the extent of street maintenance and the collection of costs incurred thereby in accordance with the provisions provided herein. - Section 3. 62 . 01 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the terms defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them as follows: (1) "Street Maintenance" means and includes, but shall not be limited to, cleaning, flushing, oiling, repairing, ege�a��r�g= xta�nta����e�;-��ese��3�g;-��sta����g;-st��g�ng;-ga�nt�ng;-�ar�tcr 9t�eet-rn��r��er�a�ee-a�d-se���e��g-e�-s��ee�se�-e�e9��aa�ks;-as-�e}}_ee el�e-se���e��g-e�-ga�l���g-�e�e�s-s��ee�-��g����}-sp9�e�►s;-t�affte . s}g�a�-s�s�e�eT-a�el-a��-�egt��a�e��-6aa����g-e�-gt�}e1e-e���s-e�-ethe� �e�a�e�-g��ee�-}x�g�e�efne��e.- as well_ as the servicing of special ornamental street lighting systems. � (2) "Street" means any street, alley, sidewalk, boulevard or other public way or any part thereof. COUHCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Ffetcher cen� In Favor Masanz Nicosia g Scheibel Against . Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary _ BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Gouncil -, - , - � ����7� (3) "Service Charges" mean the annual costs or expenses in- curred by the City in street maintenance, which costs or expenses when due and unpaid shall be collected against benefited. property as an assessment in a manner and amounts as provided herein. Such costs may include but shall not be limited to, the- maintenance costs, direct administrative costs , and any interest expense associated with the issuance of obligations as provided in Section 62. 05. 62 . 02 . Council approves annual program. (1) The Council shall each year, as part of the annual budget process, determine what streets shall be maintained together with the estimated amount of service charges to be levied against bene- fited property. Prior to such determination the City Council shall fix a date for public hearing, and the City Clerk shall cause to be published notice of such hearing in a legal newspaper twice, no less than 10 days prior to such public hearing. Not less than 10 days before the hearing, the Department of Finance and Management Services shall mail notice approved by the City Council thereof to the owner of each parcel within the area proposed to be charged, but failure to give mailed notice or any defects in the notice shall not invali- date the proceedings. For the purpose of giving mailed notice, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the county Auditor or county tax statements, but other appropriate records may be used for this purpose. The notiee shall .state the date, time and place of such hearing, the particular service to be performed, and the estimate of the cost of such service to be charged against benefited property. (2) At such hearing the council shall hear property owners regarding the scope and desirability of the proposed service and the method of collection of such service charges. The council shall by resolution determine the services to be performed and shall author- ize the doing of the work by the appropriate city department or agency. 62. 03. Cost records. The Department of Public Works and/or � agency shall keep a record of the service charges incurred, or expected to be incurred, in the performance of street maintenance services on city streets. Once the record of the services charges has been made, the Departmerit of Public Works and/or agency, shall report such information to the Department of Finance and Management Services. 2 . . - , ����7�' . _ _ . - . .- 62 . 04 . Assessment Procedure. Any service charge levied or imposed under this chapter shall be distributed against property benefited by the safe and clean operation and maintenance of streets. Said charge shall be payable in one single install�ent, but shall be collected in the same manner as real property taxes; shall be pay- able at an interest rate equal to the borrowing rate of the City at the time of the assessment ratification by the City Council; shall be payable when it becomes due notwithstanding the appeal procedure which is specifically provided and authorized in Section 62 . 06 , except in the event an appealing party is successful on appeal, the City shall reimburse the appealing party by the amount the assessment is reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, the failure of a property owner to make payment of the assessment when due as provided herein, in and of itself, shall render void any appeal of the assessment by said owner. With these exceptions, service charges shall be collected using the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes 429 . 061 and 429 .071, and shall be remitted in � its entirety, including any interest and penalty, directly to the City. 62 . 05 . Issuance of obligations. To defray the costs and expenses of street maintenance as provided in this Chapter 62 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the City may issue obligations and create a revolving fund as authorized by the City Charter. 62 . 06. Appeal to District Court. Any property owner aggrieved by the City' s assessment authorized in this chapter may appeal to the District Court in the manner set forth in Chapter 14 of the St. Paul City Charter. 62 . 07. Severability. If any one or more of the provisions of this law is deemed unlawful for any reason, alI other provisions contained herein nevertheless shall remain in full force and effect. 3 . . --�-- ---� _ __ _ . - - . - - --. -- - - ---- ---. - WFIITE . - CITY CLERK . . ' • � .J ^ . .� PINK - FiNANCE �+� CANARY - DEPARTME�VT CITY OF SAINT PALTL F1eci1NO. � ��" BLUE - MAVOR �---�� Ordind�ce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 4 . ' This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its adoption, passage and publication. 4 . :� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher ceu� In Favor Masanz NiCOSIa B scnetbei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Appcoved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council T1_. T__ ��h`.f,,�.�..'`�., ,. _ ,- � �C� �l�r/ d ��- '�a �- - � �, �I'1`Y OI�' ►.�%.AIi\T7.' �AUL �''7 C' �r'4:ir �� 3t'4:�> � / / �y�J :_i �. . � :- ,,r,S-- ���.,��� � olrricr.+, or �,r-r��, CITY COLTi�CIL �Y��,,�s�T <<A,` � - � D a t e : � . '� " ��; ,' August 4, 1983 �- � �. ,� ��;�;. ��.; ..;�:: COMMiTT � E RE PORT TO = 5a�n� Pau i City Cou �ci ! � F R O � � C o m m i��e e O h FI'NANCE, MANAGEb4ENT � PERSONNEL - ' C H A I R James Scheibe 1 A � Ef� DA. � . 1. Appr•oval of minutes from meeting held July 28, 1983. /4ppr_ovec� �-=� . . � � - � .�__ 2. Resolution recommending_ addi�tions to the I98� budget. (Finance) f�p�;�''(jU� 3-Q 3. Resolution executing an agreement with Long Cadillac, Inc. for supplying various - automobiles to the City of Saint Paul. (Police) rQV�� �?-O . ��}�� 4. Resolution approving transfers of Community Develo ment Block Grant funds to the Neighborhood Partnership Program. (PED) ��0{(e� 3�(� Se Resolution revising the class specification for the title of Police Officer in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) �praved 3-b 6e Resolution changing the grade and class specification for the titl�e of hfunicipal Garage Supervisor in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) �j�t-b�1e�I 3-Q 7. Resolution changing the grade and class specification for the title of Parkino bleter Monitor Supervisor in the Civil Service. �(Personnel) ��}r'O��•, J2-� . �. Ordinance establishing a new Chapter 62 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code; Street Maintenance, Service Charges and Assessments. (Valuations Division) �"(}(/� ,� . ���� d� � 9. Resolution increasing paramedic fees. . (Fire Department) L(,�,�(��eC' t) �/ee k) � �. . �'r����� s�f�'�fr.�x s�11�1���tcT��tvt�#�A�T35�5�'— ,,�,,' , WHITEr — CITV CI.ERK� PIMK — FIMANCE � " 1 ` �4�.Ar � CANARV -�OEPARTMENT � r G�ITY� OF- SAINT PAITL COIlIICll A� y eLa �1�, sBLUE —11�A�oR , -. File NO. r �E'Tt3RN C0�'Y TO VALUATIONS ' �SI� , rdindnce Ordinance r10. Presented By �'� Referred To'�. I NHI�IC-C Committee: Date ��` ��-3 Out of Committee By Date � AN ORDINANCE F�TABLISHLNG A NEW CHAPTER 62 `�, OF THE ST. PAUL AI�ILIVISTRATIVE CODE. ', TI� C CRJNC IL OF TI�`C ITY OF SAINT PAUL DOFS OR�AIN: '; 3ection 1 That Chapter 62 of t�e St. Paul Administrative Code entitled Street Maintenance and Assessmen�s is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 2 That a New Chapter 62 entitled "Street Maintenance, Service Charges and Assessments" is hereby establish�d to provide for the nature and the extent of street maintenance and the col.�.ection of costs incurred thereby in accorcl- ance with the provisions provided herein. Section 3 62.01 Def'initions. For the purpose of this chapter, the terms defYned herein shall have the meaning ascribed to� them as follows: (1) "Street Maintenance" means and incl�zdes, but shall not be limited to, cleanin�, flushing, oilin�, repairing, operating, maintaining, preserving, installing, stripin�, paa.nting, winter street 3naintenance and servicing of streets or crosswalks, as well as the servicing ,of parking meters, street lighting systems, traffic signal systems, and al� regulatory waxning or guide signs or other related street improvements. (2) "Street" means any s�reet, alley, sidewalk, bou].evaxd or other public way or any paxt thereof. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Fin and Management Services x� Ga11es In Favor — � Masanz Nicosia l7irector scneibei Against BY � Tedesco W ilson � Form Approved City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary �''�� �� By �- Approved by Mayor: Date Ap ov b Mayor for Submi o ci By BY � . . � . . . � � � � . . �?►����'����� �. +2- ( "Service Charges" mean the annual costs or expenses incurred by the Cit in street maintenance, which costs or expenses when due and un- paid sh be collected against benefy.ted property as an assessment in a manner an amounts as provided herein. Such costs may include but shaLl not be limi d to, the maintenance costs, clirect administrative coats, and any inte st expense associated with the issuance of obligations as provided in S tion 62.05. � 62.02. Counc approves annual program. (1) The Counc shall each yeax, as part of the annual budget process, determine what stre s shall be maintained together with the estimated amaunt of service ch ges to be levied against benefited property. Prior to such determination e City Council sha11 fYx a date for public hearing, and the City Clerk sh cause to be published notice of such hearing in a legal newspaper twi , no less than 10 days prior to such public hearing. Not less than 10 days bef e the heaxing, the Department of F'inance and Management Services sha11 1 notice thereof to the owner of each parcel within the area proposed to e chaxged, but failure to give mailed notice or any defects in the notice not invalidate the proceedings. For the purpose of gi.ving mailed n tice, owners shall be those shawn to be such on the records of the caunty audit or county tax statements, but other 8�rpro- priate records may be used for t s purpose. The notice shal.]_ state the date, time and place of such hearing, t paxticular service to be performed, and the estimate of the cost of such s ce to be charged against benef'ited ProPer'tY• (2) At such hearing the council s all heax property awners regarding the scope and desirability of the propo d service and the method of collection of such service chax�es. The coune3l s by resolution determine the services to be performed and shall authorize the ng of the work by the appropriate city department or agency. 62.03. Cost records, The Department aP blic Works and/or agency shall keep a record of the service charges incurred, or exp�eted to be incurred, • in the performance of street maint�enance aervi s on eity streets. Once the record. of the services chax�es has been made, the Department oP Fu.blic Works �nd/or agency, sha11 report such informat3o to the Department oP Finance and Managmnent Services. 62.04. Assessment Procedure. Any sexrv'ice charge ev�.ed or imposed under tbis chapter shall be distribnted against praperty ben ted by the safe and clean operation and maintenance of streets. S aid charg shall be payable in one single installment, but sha11 be collected in the s manner as real property taxes; sha11 be payable at an interest rate eq to the borro�ring rate of the City at the time of the assessment ratificatio by the City Cauncil; sha11 be payable when it becomes due notwithstand3 g the appeal procedure which is specif`3.cally provided and authorized in Se tion 62.06, ex- cept in the event an appealing party is successf`u7. on appeal, e City sha11 reimburse the appealing party by the amonuit °�he':�ssessmettt is r dazced or eliminated. Flirthermore, the failure of a property awner to mak payment of the assessment when due as provided herein, in and of itsel�', sh render void aay appeal oP the assessment by said awner. With these exceptions, �e' �3 S�-25-f3 �� �°�.-, WHITE�. - CITV CIERK 1 ��� � �PIN,K - FIRANCE -• COUflCll j �� �BLNERY - MAVORTMENT , �;iTY; OF- SAINT PAUL File NO. „ � � � � " RErU�T COPY TO VALUATIONS • DIVISION Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. Presented Referre To Committee: Date Out of Com 'ttee By Date _� service cha es shall be collected using the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutues 429 1 and �+29.071, and shall be remitted in its entirety, including any interest an penalty, directly to the City. 62.05. Issuan of obligations. To defray the costs and expenses of street maintenanee a provi.ded in this Chapter 62 of the Saint Paul Adminis�trative Code, the City may is e obl.igations and create a revolv3ng flznd as authorized by the City Charter. 62.06. Appeal to Dist 'et Co�urt. Any property owner a.ggrieved by the City's assessment authorized in thi chapter may appeal to the District Court in the manner set forth in Chapter 1 of the St. Pau1 City Chaxter. 62.07. Severability. If one or more of the provisions of this law is deemed unlawflil for ar�y reason, other provisions contained herein never- theless sha11 remain in fLill. force a d effect. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force th3rty (30) days after its adaption, passa�e and publication. � �. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Fina e and Mana ement Se 'ces �t Ga11es In Favor � Masenz Director Nicosia Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary B���' �� �� By Approved by Mayor: Date Ap ov d by Mayor for Sub � to ounc�l gy B �•��`��•� `•��, ��r�, .[. Or �.�.1 1�Tr.�.� .I= .�.�� ���'��O •.�r-••.'_ +�y,� /' -.�, � r ���: ��'� ' ,. � ' '07�1�`I�7� • � � iT�: Cl'I`I' GUU\CI7 }; � ��-. .t.`C��:�_� . . O 1 17� � :'t:'� � �.;.�;;= � : . �.,1 "' 'r� . �'�;�: � � D o t e • August 4, 1983 � .., � � : j � `;�� ��� .'t�'� / � ' . COfVIMiT�' � E �? E POP, T TO = 5a�nt Paul Cifiy Cour� cil � : �R O �� = C O I'fl C�1 r��Q Q h F INANCE, MANAGEMENT �, PERSONNEL � ' � C N A t R James Scheibel . . - � � � � AGENaA. . - . , . . 1. Approval of minutes from meetin� held July 2S, 1983. ��pr�V�� 3-� ' - C �. Resolution reconrnending addi�tions to the 195� budget. (Finance) �'�n�-(�V��1I 3 O r-� --- _ — - -�- -- . � � 3. Resolution executing an agreement with Lono Cadillac, Inc. for supplying t�arious �automobiles to the City of Saint Pau2. (Police) �-� rOU�d 3-O . j �� . 4. Resolution approving transfers of Community Development Bloc3: Grant funds to the Neighborhood Partnership Program. (PED) �}�)Pf C I�ed 3-(`j S. Resolution revising the class ,specification for the title of Police Officer in tl�e Civil Service Rules. (Personnel) ����'��'L� 3�b 6. Resolution chanoing the grade a�id class specification for the titl�e o£ Atunici��al Garage Supervisor in the Civil Ser��ice Rules. (Personnel) f��P;�Ve�► 3-O 7. Resolution chanoing the grade and class specification for the title of Parkina Al�ter 1-ionitor Supervisor in the Civil Ser�•ice. �(Personnel) ��pp�'('}U�cJ• 3�(� � �. Ordinance establishing a ne�a Chapter 62 of thc Saint Paul iidmini.strative Code; ) Street biaintenance, Service Charges and Assessments. (Valuations Division)� rQ►/�c7 j - (�aP arnet�lec� 9. Resolution increasing paramedic fees. . (Fire Department) �, J�r�r - L �1 (1 �uee k� �( - �r '� �ir��.;� � ��i����-�:E�tk s:��'f�i�r�cT�J�.sh�I��`�t��?-����'�'', . .�,.� lst �/'� �/ �t�0� . . • ' 2nd S !� �/�'" � � 3rd � ' �� '��� � • Adopted �� -�� -�'`� � Yeas Nays FLETCHER GALLES MASANZ NICOSIA � ��'+?�' - SCHEIBEL � �G �� WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO