280477 s
P:NK� - FINqNCE COUIICIl ` � �/'/J
i, BLUE - MAVOR File NO•
ou il Resolution
Presented By �'�-�, �L�r�
JReferred To ������'� Committee: Date ���g'3
Out of Committee By Date
a) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 462C (the "Act"), the City of Saint Paul (the
"City") has been authorized to develop and administer programs of multi-fami1y housing develop-
ments under the circumstances and within the limitations set forth in the Act. Section
462C.07 of the Act provides that such programs for mu'lti-family housing deve1opments may be
financed by revenue bonds issued by either the City or any port authority referred to in the
Minnesota Statutes , Chapter 458.
b) On March �, '1983, fo�lowing a public f�earing he�d on the same date, the City approved
by Council Resolution No. 279896 (the "Reso�ution") a program (the "Program") for financing
325 units of rental housing (the "Pro3ect") tq be owned and.operated by AHW Corporation in
Saint Pau1 Energy Park, and authorized The Fbusing and Redeve1opment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul (the "HRA") to issue revenue bvnds in the aggregate principal amount of $13,000,000,
including $5,600,000 to finance 138 renta'1 units comprising Phase I of the Project and
$7,400,000 to finance 175 units comprising Phase II. Of the Project.
c) On Apri1 14, 1983 the HRA issued its mu�ti�family housing revenue bonds (First Federa1
Savings and Loan Association of Minneapo�is � FS�,ICJHi�ltop Partners Project) in th� amount of
$3,500,000 to provide partia� financing for phase I of the Project.
d) In connection with the issuance of the HRA Bonds, the Port Authority of the City of
Saint Pau7 �the "Port Aut�hprity"), Qn Apri� ��, �983, adopted. Reso�ution No. 21�5 giving pre-
liminary approval to the issuance of $1,500,p00 in taxab�e revenue bonds issued pursuant to
Special Resolution No, `1270 of.the PQrt Aut�hority, whic�h revenue bonds are tp be used in
addition to the $3,500,000 previousiy issued by the HRA to cpmp�ete the ftnancing of Phase I
of the Pro j ect,
COUNCILMEIV Requested b De artment of:
Yeas Nays --�j,r�
Fletcher ���6 �
�a��� In Favor
scheibe► _ Against BY �
JU� � � j9$3 Form Appro ed by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary B �`'�`"'�� �
� �UN � �g� Approved ayor for Submissio to Cou cil
t�pp by IVlavor: D �/��%r�
g /+ By
_ }
INK - FINANCE j� j � r�''h�p-t
- File N 0.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
e) Pursuant to the Resolution, the Program �For financing the construction of the Project
has been drafted, and a public hearing on the Project and the Program therefiore was held on
March 1 , 1983, after notice duly published, a1� as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section
462C.05, Subdivision 5. A11 those appearing at said public hearing who desired to s�peak were
f) The City has been advised that the Progr�tn has not been modified in either scope or
nature since the adop�i:ion by the City Council of the Reso'lution, except that the �financing
portion o�f the Program has been modi�fied to a1�ow the Port Authority to issue $1 ,500,000 of the
Phase I bonds rather than the HRA issuing the entire amount.
NOW THEREFORE, be i t resolved by ttie Ci ty Cc�unci'� o�f the Ci ty o�F Sai nt Pau� , Mi nnesota, as
�. The findings and conc�usions contained in the Reso�lutiQn are hereby r�tified and
a��i rmed as they re�ate to the �Pi nanci ng to be andertaken by ttte Port Authori ty.
2. Irt accol^dance with the Act, �he Maygr is hereb� aut�ori.zed and directed to submit an
amendment to the Program tQ the Minnesota Housing �i��nce Agency jthe "MHFA") for its approval.
The Mayor is fur�her a�thorized to execute a��l necessary supparting dpc�anents and to provide
the MHFA with any and a�� information the M1��A may require �Pvr the purpose of amending the
Progr�am, and the City Attorney is authorized to initiate and assist in the preparation of such
documents as may be appropriate to the Program if it is approved by MHFA,
3. The Amendment to the Program to be submitted zo the MHFA sha'I� be to the effect that
�the Port Authority wi�1 be issuing $'1,500,000 o�P taxab'le revenue bonds to complete the
financing of Phase I rather than the NRA issuing the entire $5,600,000 which had been authorized
and sha71 re�P�ect any modifications in the terms o�F the revenue bonds themse�ves that are
necessary for issuance of such bonds by the Port Authority.
4. Upon approval of the amendment to the Program by the MHFA, the Port Authority is
authorized to proceed to issue its revenue bonds pursuant to the Program, as amended.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine [n Favor
sno�ra�te� __ Against BY — —
Adopted by Council: Date _ �UN � � 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Se etary BY
App v : vor: D JUN � 7 1��3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By — BY
WH17+.��- C�TV CLERK � COl1I1C11 ����LAr�Nl
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
5. Said Port Authority bonds , if and when issued, will not constitute a charge, lien or
encumbrance upon any property of the Port Authority or the City, except the Project, and such
bonds or obligations will not be a charge against the Port Authority or the City's general
credit or taxing powers but are payable from sums to be paid by the developer, Hi1ltop
Partners , pursuant to a revenue agreement to be entered into between the Port Authority and
Hilltop Partners , which revenue agreement sha11 be dated as of June 1 , 1983.
COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays �
Gailes In Favor
scnetnei __ Against By
Adopted by Council: Date ��N 1 6 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Pa s d by Council S tar BY
1 1983 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
t�pp by Nlavor: —
By _ By
� _ •
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�'�- .,=.,� Cz�,y oF SA.zzV�, P.�..ur�
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�'�t G;'�'.�:;P:=:'��:` f -
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�y.;,,�,`� --Y�'= f.�`= D d t e . June 16, 1983
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TO = Sq�n� Pa� l� City Cou�cit
- ' - � . C� A I R James.Scheibel
. . . • 9:00 a_m. - . - - -- ,
• . F ' '
l. Ap�roval of minutes from�meeting held June 9, 1�83. . _ �i,�,��•�� �
2. Resolution authorizing an ao eement with TSD 1f625�far a school age da c�:re �r gra:n
at Dayton s Eluff Reczeation. Centex. (CommLUizty Services) _ _
3. Resolution approving the addition� of the Lauderclale Comptiter Center to tlie �ire CU
- protection agreement between the Cxty of St. Paul and the Il of Ti. (Fire Dept:)�����_�
4. Resolutiori increasing paramedic fees. (I�ire �Dept.) tD�-E�iF€� -::�=r�lcr �,t,;�,�-� -
_ , . �,.,.�..�.......�.....
' S: Resolutzon:approving additions to •the 1953 budget in th ' 1t'orks_ll�t. (Yttblic 1':k
- ' ' ,���='. �-cl. .:_f
6. Ordinance amending Sections� 33.04 $ 370. 16 0£ the Legislative Co e. �usin� Cc,��s�.;�
i- -� 7. Resolution=approving adcixtions to the 1983 bud,get to.prot�ide reveziue, �and�cxPe��ses
; � . for Debt Service of February, 1983.bond issues. (Finar�ce Dept.)• � _ ---�-_��
� 8. Resolution amending �the 1983 Capital Improvements Budget to acld additi.ona2 funding
�.for the 2983 D95A contingency Fund. (Publi� ti�'orks.). _ ,��'-`Q?_�f3*`-,�,-!
. 9. Resolution revising the specs for Stage Technician and starring the title;of
, Public Adclress Operat�or. (Pe�sonnel) ���E�--E3='_�� � '
j10. Resolution approvi.ng a multi-family housing development financi�ig prvgra�n and
� a�ithorizing submission to the 1�tinnesota Housing Finance Agency. (PED} /:����U�ba '�
_�;,,�.-.,,..�:, . ::- ,
° 11. Resolution amending Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules by substittiting i�e�r
� specif�cations for the title of Vehicle 1•iechanic Supervisor. (Pexsonnel) � Y��'
-�� �-C�.
� I2: Resolution adopting additions to the budget for the Summer Readi�io Prograio and tl�e
; St. Anthony Park Branch Library. (Community Services) _�d�C3��p"_'a=CT"''
' """�°�,�-.
13. Resolution ,approving the settlement to the Plaintiffs involv�d in tlze St�bstitute
Library Specialist la►�suit. (City Attorney's Office) ��U=�7F"�p`:or=Q. -_'S -
14. Resolution approving increases in the 1953 bud�et to al lo�a tl�c 1�ousi.ng F 131dg. Code
• Dept. to pay bills from city departments on expenses incurred by hot►se riove S COI�GI.
15. Resolution adopting changes in the 1983 buclget reflectino a corrected char��`"to "° °
� the Purchasing Division from tt�e Central Service Cost Alloeation 1'lan.:�R.�ROl�O
t • '�II�°:��U.�..:
; . .
' C1TY NALL SEVENTFi FLOOfi SAII`T PAUL, �Sl�tif:S�.�i�1 55102
. . '�:����f;�'�
Resolution Na. �_" ;,��'
WHEREAS, on December 17, 1980 the Port Authority of
the City of Saint Paul (the "Port �Authority") issued its
Multi-Family Housing Development Revenue Bonds of 1980 in the
aggregate principal amount of $15, 000,000 (the "Port Authority
Bonds" ) to provide construction financing for the Am'nerst H.
'rJilder Foundation ( "Wilder") , or AHW Corporation as its assign
( "AHW" ) for the construction of up to approximately 380 units
of rental housing in St. Pau1 Energy Park (the "Project" � ; and
WHEREAS, at the time of th� issuance of the bonds the
specific location of the Project had not been determined, the
Port Authority did not own all of the land on which the Project
� was anticipated to be constructed and, therefore, the Port �
Aut2�iority and t�iilde� ente�cd inta an llgre��t �:� �.ea�a dated
ilS a� �lt��lb�r 1, i'� �#.i�a `�gs�a'm�a0a+t"� �as°sud�lt t{� ��+�
t� �r�.� � 1t� #�s �ort �tt�e�L� �l �i�71� �1d�r
or A�iLO �eouid entar i�tfl a l�as� {in sub�t�ntialiy ths fc» ther�
attached to the Agreement) at such time as the Project premises
were owned by the Port Authority and the specific location of
the Project within Energy Park had been determined and, pending
. , ` � �r+
. � ������ � �
the execution of such Lease, providing for the payment of
amounts sufficient to pay principal and interest on the Port
authority Bonds; and __
WHEREAS, on July 27, 1982 the Port Authority adopted
Resolution No. 2041, following a public hearing held pursuant
to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 458. 17 and
458.196, authorizing the sale of the premises described in
Exhibit A attached hereto to Wilder, which Resolution was
intended to replace Resolution No. 1750 adopted by the Port
Authority on November 26, 1980 authorizing a similar sale, but
for which adequate proof of publication could not be located;
WHEREAS, subsequent to the execution of the Agreement
and the issuance of the Port Authority Bonds Wilder assigned
all of its rights an3 interests under the Agreement and other
documents relating to Saint Paul Energy Park to AHtV; and
WHEREA.S, i� co�nacticxi with the negotiations regard-
.i�g t�+s �tt3�re� t�f t�e �ta1 �a.�g �itE�s taa be �strs����
� ��qy �.�►z`�c. aru� th$ exe�ution of tha LtaBe �p �, l�d �ns
��.�d :� �e ��� � ���,t
Authority of the City of Saint �aui {t�e "HRP,") for $3,500,000
of its Multi-Family Housing Bonds (the "HRA Bonds" ) ta provide
long=term financing for approximately 150 rental housing units
� , � t1��e.,
� ������ � l
in Fnergy Park, the construction financing for which was
previously to have been provided by the Port Autlzority Bonds;
WHEREAS, it is anticip�ted tllat additional long-term
financing will be required for this project in the form of
$1, 500,000 of taxable bonds issued by the Port Authority
pursuant to Special Resolution No. 1270 (the "1270 Bonds") to
be purchased by three union pension funds; and
WHEREAS, certain requirements have been imposed on
AHW by the participants in the HRA Bond transaction, including
the HRA, First Federal Savings and Loan Association, and bond
counsel for the HRA Bonds, all as more specifically described
in the staff inemoran�3um on file; and
WHEREAS, AHW has asked that the Port Authority take
- certain actions required in the issuance of the H�tA honds,
including conveying title to the premises in Energy Park
id�t�i��,sd or� Exhibit B, 13er�to, tQ AHLV or i�s designee;
i� ���t t�l��. ��� �ts e� t�t 1aa�d in
r�a�sswwc�33�au �►.��h �he cer��e�ance, restrieti�g t'he gieid +e� n
�"�.�:�! '�.` "'� ��Ir�� � '� '�"t ��"�` �s;
undertaking ta red�em a portion of the Port Authority Bonds on
December 1, 1980; and giving preliminary approval to the 1270
Bonds, all as more specifically outlined in the staff
memorandum on file; and
� f �
� ,._.���� !
WEiEREAS, the Port Authority has reviewed the staff
memoran3um and has determined that the premises described on
Exhibit B hereto are no longer n�eded for the Project, and that
the conveyance of that land, on the terms and conditions
� proposed, will not be to the prejudice of the holders of the
Port Authority Bonds and that such actions will be to benefit
of Saint Paul Energy Park and the City of Saint Paul.
1. Upon receipt of (a) payment in the amount of
$196,800, and (b) an accountant' s certification that acnounts
held in the Bond Fund and Construction Fund for the Port
Authority Bonds, togetRer with earnings thereon (taking into
account the yield restriction imposed below but not taking into
account reinvestment of such swyns) are sufficient to pay all
principal and interest due on the Port Authority Bonds on
�t i, i+�3 �at, i# t�ts a�cc�nta�►t's ta�'Eifi+�:ats �t L�tt
sut� �so�st+s �re � ssf#i:cieat � �sat p�se, an
irrew+�a�le i�tt�rr �f esa�li.t, f� fflrm aad aa3sat�nec
sat�fa�t�2y to PDrC Aut2�tit� sL�tf�. �or t"'�e �a�t laii, t�
Port Authority shall convey the land described on Exhii�it B
hereto to AHW, or its designee, by a deed which (x) imD�ses
� . , �3 1-+E►`.
--•�. �� ( /
covenants related both to Saint Paul F�nergy Park and the
residential rental housing restrictions of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1954, as amended; and (y) includes any easements which
might be necessary or desireable to provide access to that
2. Upon issuance of the HRA Bonds, at least
$3,500,000 of the proceeds of the Port Authority Bonds shall be
invested at a yield not to exceed the yield on the HRA Bonds.
3. If the HRA Bonds are issued, at least $3,500,000
of the Port Authority Bonds shall be redeemed, at par with no
premium, on December 1, 1983.
4. The Port Authority hereby gives preliminary
approval to the issuance of at least $1,500,000 of its taxable
revenue bonds under Special Revenue Bond Resolution No. 1270
subject to further consideration by the Board of Commission�rs
following a public hearing and the approval of the i+�iinnesota
Housing Finance Agency, all as required by the Minnesota
S. �.1 a�tS�ds h�L�fAx�! Li�t� �i � Pott
A�ti+�t'.i�► � #ts a�►� �a _e�fa�t �.t� #�e �3��zve a�
execution of the Lea�e bet�een th� Port Authority and AHW
relating to the premises described in Exhibit C, attached
hereto; are hereby ratified and affirme� an3 tY►e de3.ivery of
that Lease and a short form lease relating thereto, are 'nereby
� ..����r� �
G. The President and Secretary, or such other
o£ficers as are appropriate in their absence, are 'nereby
authorized and direeted to execute and deliver any and all
documents necessary to consummation of the transactions herein
approved including, without limitation, the deed and any ease-
ments referred to in paragraph 1, above.
Adopted April 11, 1983.
� /
G''� ��
-G �Ck
Attest: P esident
�i'. _ ;' � � ' /_--
Secretary %
, . � . �� :
� ���, ;�.� � ;.
< '�a r u �
The Port Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 proposes to sell the following
described property located in Ramsey County, Minnesota, in accordance with
M.S.A. 458.196:
All that part of the South Half of the North Half (S1/2 N1/2) of _
Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 23 West of the Fourth Principal
Meridian, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota described as follows:
Comnencing at a point in the West line of said Section 27, distant
1 ,126.23 feet North 0° 04' 04" East along the West line from the,Southwest
Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW1/4 NW1/4)
of said Section 27, said point being 190 feet Southerly of and. at r-ight
angles to the North line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter
(S1/2 NW1/4) of said Section 27; thence North 89° 15' 04" East 950.22 �
`eet along the Southerly line of the 190-foot wide right of way of Burling-
ton Northern Railroad Company, said line also being l90 feet Southerly
of, measured at right angles to, and para11e1 with said North line of
the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S1/2 NW1/4) , and also being
the Northerly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed by former
Northern Pacific Railway Company to the City of St. Paul , by Warranty
Deed dated March 15, 1956, to the point of beginning of the parcel to
be herein described; thence continuing North 89° 15' 04" East along
said Southerly line and parallel line 1 ,692.51 feet to a point on the
North-Sputh Qu�r�r JinQ pf �h� Nprth H,�lf (N1/2) of said Section 27;
�e �M�t't� �' �' �t" �Irlrat �l� ��1 �c+�t�l y i i�t o# �li��t
�ris� �-i� �f �r �� �yr'�� #1�'t� R,�i 7 r�d Ccx��r, t►a i d l i�
a�so �� "�� �"t ,� !�, �ts� �t r��t �"� '!�. �dd �'l3e�
w�#fi #�e �fi 1 i�t �f �! � ��� � tfie t4orti!�ea�tt �� (�1�
�E]!�) � ��d S�� .� � �#3�ae � �2,�6��� � � a �o�� 7ti��55
'�ir�t��+r'�► i� �o�M!��t ��e a�",;�+ci� � �c +��►'"+�i �3�q
s�id ��i�erl�r 7i�e �f i�e 7�►��# �r1�'�t ri,�t� n# �!� �tar� F,�t"��1y,
said point i�eirg a poi�nt in ttte i�orti�steriq line �f tfi�t cer��in pa��e�
of land conv�ye� by the former Nortf�ern Pacific Railway Company to Gould-
National 8atteries, Inc. by Warranty Detd dated May 20, i952 and recorded
in the Office of the Register of D�eds on May 22, ,1952 as Document No.
1281482, in Book 1392 of Deeds at page 253; thence South 52° 29' 10"
West along said Northwesterly line of Gould-hational Batteries , Inc.
property, 309.42 feet to a point 350 feet Westerly of and at r.ight angles
ri�c��► �a?d Westerly line of Lexington Avenue, and 500 feet North, measured
at right an�les , from a Westerly production of the North line of Hatch
Street; thence South 0° 00' 24" East, parallel with the West line of
said Lexington Avenue and distant 350 feet Westeriy therefrom, a distance
of 500 reet to a Westerly production of the North line of said Hatch
Str�et; thence North 89° 59' 36" East, 350 feet along said produced
street line to its point of intersection with the West line of said
Lexington Avenue; thence South 0° 00' 24" East along the West line of
said Lexington Avenue 50 feet to a point in the Westerly producLion
V • ° � ���t 3�r��`
r�- �` e
July 15, 1982 _
Page -2-
of the South line of said Hatch Street; thence South 89° 59' 36" West
along said Westerly production of the South line of said Hatch Street
to a point in a line parallel with and distant 200 feet West, measured
at right angles, from the West line of said Lexington Avenue; thence
South 0° 00' 24" East along sai.d para11e1 line 196.64 feet to the Northerly
line of DeCourcy Drive as established in Grant of Easement from said
Northern Pacific Railway Company to the City of St. Paul dated October 17,
1957; thence North 82° 30' West along said Northerly line of DeCourcy
Drive, a distance of 401 .93 feet; thence West along said Northerly line
of DeCourcy Orive a distance of 400.25 feet; thence continuing along
said Northerly line South 89° 2.4' 25" West, 1 ,284.67 feet (1 ,284.2 feet
in said Easement) , to a point in the Easterly line of that certain tract
conveyed by the former Northern Pacific Railway Company to the City
of St. Paul , Minnesota, by said Warranty Deed dated March� l5, 1956;
thence North 0° 02' 47" West 86.19 feet along said Easterly line to
the Norhteasterly corner of said certain parcel of land conveyed by
said Northern Pacific Railway Company to the City of St. Paul ; thence
North 52° 09' 16" West along a line that makes an angle to the left
of 52° 06' 29" a distance of 1 ,102.98 feet, also being a Northeasterly
line of said parcel of land conveyed to the City of St. Paul , to a point
of �curve; thence on a curve to the left, the radius of which is 424.72
feet and the centrai angle is 38° 35' 40" , a distance of 286.1 feet,
also being the Northeasterly and Northerly line of said parcel of land
conveyed to the City of St. Paul ; thence South 89° 15' 04" West along
a line tangent to the aforesaid curve a distance of 743.82 feet, aiso
being the Northerly line of said parcel of land conveyed to the City
of St. Paul ; thence North 85° O1 ' S6" West a distance of 100. 50 feet,
also being a Northeasterly line of said parcel of land conveyed to the
Ci t,� �r"f St. ���3, Lo �e �rut p�e i�t of beg�r�f r��.
��� � � � � � � 3�� �� ��
.b�r 3'►�t !�''�'�� �ID�"7�I�M� 3�. t� �ire ���► sl�f SL. �t�'f, �� �
i�rt�ae�et dt�! �l l �, 193�1.
Parcel B
All that part of the South half of the North half of Section 27,
Township 29 North, Range 23 West which lies within� tMe fo] lowing de-
scribed lines:
Cortanencing at a point in the West line of said Section 27 , distance
1126.23 feet North of the Southwest corner of the Southwesi Quarter
of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 27, said point being 190 feet
� southerly of the North line of the South 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of said Section
27; thence N 89°15'04" E (the West line of said NW 1/4 is assumed to
bear N 0°04'04" E} 2642.73 feet along the Southerly line of 190 foot
wide right of way of Burlington Northern Inc. , said ' ine also being
190 foot southerly of and parallel with the North l ; ne or" South 1/2
of said NW 1/4 to a point on the North-South 1/4 ; ine of the North 1/2
. � -,.
. �'"�����r�';
July 15, 1982
Page -3-
of said Section 27; thence N 89°28'32" E along said Southerly line of
190 foot wide right of way of Burlington Northern Inc. , said line also .
being 190 foot southerly of and parallel with the North line of the
South 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 27 a distance of 336.60 feet;
thence S 0°37'27" E 865.83 feet; thence S 89°24'25" W 57.33 feet to
the point of beginning of the lines to be herein described; thence S
89°24'25" W 459.56 feet; thence NW1/y along a curve to the right 167.72
feet, radius of 250 feet, delta angle of 38°26'19"; thence N 52°09' 16"
W 576.63 feet; thence NW1/y along a curve to the left 162.87 feet, radius
of 350 feet, delta angle of 26°39'42" , long chord of 161.40 feet bears
N 65°29'09" W; thence N 29°19'42" E along a line not tangent to said
curve 410.42 feet; thence SE1/y along a non-tangential curve to the
right 164.12 feet, radius of 424.72 feet, delta angle of 22°08'25" ,
long chord of 163.10 feet bears S 63°13' 26" E; thence S 52°09'16" E
1102.98 feet; thence S 0°02'47" E 76.18 feet to the point of beginning..
(contains 439,107 sq.ft. , more or less)
The terms and conditions of the proposed sale are available for public
inspection at the office of the Port Authority located at 25 West Fourth
Street, Suite 1305, Saint Paul , Minnesota.
Notice is hereby given that the Port Authority will hold a public hearing
at 2:00 p.m. , Tuesday, July 27, 1982, in its office at 25 West Fourth Street,
St. Paul , Minnesota, to hear and determine the advisability of the �sale.
t��►d t�t#s 1`�t�fi d� � 3�t1�, 196'_
�f �1U�i�T'� � '�
CIfi1 t�f �,I� �. �
• • ��M�1\� • f\,�Vl� � .
General Manager
Assistant City Attorney
City Hall & Court House
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
. . ����� �'�
� EXH 1�3 IT �
All that part oF the South Half oi the Nort'n Half oF
Section 27, Township 29 LJorth, Range 23 ti�lest which lies within
the following described lines:
Commencing at a point in the West line of said Section 27,
distant 1126. 23 feet �Jorth of the Southwest corner of the NW
Quarter of said Section 27, said point being 190 fe�t soutlierly
of the North line of the South 1/2 of the N'�J 1/4 of said
Section 27; thence N 89°15 '04" E (the �Vest line of said NW 1/4
is assumed to bear N 0°04'04" E) 2205.46 feet alon� a line 190
feet South of and parallel with �t'ne North line of said Soutn
1j2; thence, South 54.07 feet to the point of beginning of the
lines to be herein desc.ri'Aed; �hence N 89°15 '04" E 437.32 feet
• to a point on the North-South 1/4 line; thence N 89°28'32" E
337.14 feet; thence S 0°37 '27" E 735. 75 feet; thence
�lorthwesterly along a non-tangential curve to the rig'nt 34. 72
feet, radius of 104.13 feet, delta angle of 19°06 '13", long
chord of 34.56 feet bears L1 48°50 ' 57"; thence P7 39°17'51" W
= 261.94 feet; t'nence �Iorthwesterly along a curve to the Zeft
148.�4 �ss.t, ra�l.i�s o� 4b8.54 feet, de�.ta angle of �.8°l�'19";
.: ��er��a � �'3',`3'!':1��' �1 3�l.�5 �'+el�: �� �.it�'tl�ev�t�'3,� ��og a
�c� � �e � l�i�l.� f�t. �a�i+a�s � ii�i�.7� ��,. �t�.ta
it�cjiae � 3'2�l'�"� t3�riit � 3�2'�9'lf" �ii �S s� �.: �nee
�rth�rl� � a �ucv�� �s,i �as ri�t 1�3.3 ��et, ta3ius ,t�
- �.33..�-�, �� � � �'�1'1�i".; � � .1l,.�i frl��t �
- . . �+o #�e ��t �rF �i�. .
= � - '�Subject to easements,
• - j � �Y�,-�,{
' �.��
ExN�$�c C
All that part of the South �ialf of the North Half of
Section 27, Townshi� 29 North, Range 23 West which lies within
the following descri'oed lines:
Commencing at a point in the West line of said Section 27,
distant 1126.23 feet North of the Southwest corner of the NW
Quarter of said Section 27, said point being 190 feet soL±herly
. of the NortYi line of the South 1/2 of the N►a 1/4 of said
� Section 27; thence N 89°15 '04" E (the West line of said LVW 1/4
� is assumed to bear N 0°04 '04" E) 2642.73 feet along a line 190
feet South of and parallel with North line of said South 1/2 to
a point on the North-South 1/4 line; thence N 89°28 ' 32" E �
1901.99 feet along a line 190 feet South of and parallel with
the North line of said South 1/2; thence S 0°00 '24" E 315.57
feet; thence N 89°20 'S1" E 130 feet to the point oF beginning
of the lines to 'De herein described; thence S 0°00 '24" E 298. 55
feet; thence S 89°24' 25" �V 756.13 feet; thence N 0°37 '27" W
297.74 feet; thence N 89°20 'Si" E 759.34 feet to the poi�t of
�r111� � s�f�s+s�s-
P O R T - � � � ����`�r��(
TO: Board of Commissioners DATE: April 11 , 1983
FROM: E. A. Kraut
To facilitate the issuance of AHW rental housing bonds by the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority in the amount of $3.5 million, certain revisions to
the lease are necessary.
When the $15 million rental housing bonds were issued in 1980 , it was
anticipated that the land would be leased. Now, however, the $3.5 million
issue plus $1.5 million in long term financing guaranteed by certain union
pension funds will be secured by Certificate of Deposit purchased from
First Federal Savings and Loan of Minneapolis. They require that the title
to the land be available to secure the mortgage.
In addition, the three pension funds providing $1 .5 million will require the
issuance of $1 .5 million in taxable revenue bonds to be issued by the Port
Authority pursuant to Resolution No. 1270. .
In co�ti8r� w#t� tt�e is��taxue of tt�e �A bc�ds, the fc�178win� restrictio�s
a�rd �e�4t+i�t�+�s �a�e bee�a i�ed by �i�s t �e�le�a 1 Sav i ngs a� �.�, t he
�1 aAd �ro�i t�ei f+�- t�e � �:
1. ��t ��d u�t#e��yi�g tive ��0 v�its af ��a'� i��san� to �e r.onst�ted
�� �s a�L� 'J�'A �d �tls �s � � � b� ��e �rt ��ty
t� �4��r i�ts �r�� ;�t r3r g��r � �� �a�e af t��tsi� ��` �e �t
2. The Port Authority is to impose certain rental housing covenants on
, the deeded land, necessary in order to qualify by the HRA bonds as
rental housing bonds for federal income tax purposes;
3. The Port Authority is to undertake to issue $1 .5 million of reven�e
bonds pursuant to Special Resulution No. 1270 to be purchased by the
union pension funds at or prior to the completion of the 150 rental
housing units;
4. At least $3.5 million of the proceeds of the 1980 Port Authority bonds
are to be invested at a yield which is no higher than the yield on the
HRA bonds;
�[a�� r /"
' - '-(�_7' �� � ,�
Board of Commissioners
April 11 , 1983
Page -2-
5. At least $3.5 million of the 1980 Port Authority bonds are to be
redeemed on December 1 , 1983, the first date on which such bonds can
be called without premium.
Instead of leased land, the portion on which this segment of the development
will be built will be purchased for $196,800. Since the $15 million bond
issue must remain intact when takeout financing is secured , AHW will provide
an accountants certificate that the amounts now held in the bond fund will
be sufficient to pay all principal and interest and, if not, AHW will
provide a letter of credit for the short fall .
The taxable bond issue issued under Rsolution No. 1270 will be purchased
by the three union pension funds.
Staff recomnends approval of Resolution No. 2115.
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� "" �\ � l OIf'FICF. Ol� TTII�: CI'1'Y COU\CIL
l9�4'i U � t r
� �-� 'y' 4i ' �s ' ��, D a t e : June 9 1983
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� ��� MMITTEE� . I� E� PORT � � �
TO = Sain3 Puu i Ci�y Councit
C H A(R James Scheibel
, 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held June 2, 1983. �'�'3J� a-o
� 2. Resolution approving the Community Development Block Grant. Program
Housing Assistance Plan, 1983-1986. APPR��� a--O
3. Ordinance amending Sections 33.04 and 370.16 of tlie St. Paul _
Legislative Code. (.A� U dtl� 6N� Wc-e.�C.
4. Resolution approving the 1983 Memorandum of Agreement between
Plumbers Union and the City of St. Paul. A�p�d�� a-6
5. Resolution approving� the 1983 Memorandum of Agreement between
Pipefitters Union and City of St. Paul. �Pd�fZC7��(J a��
� 6. Resolution approving the issuance of bonds by the HRA to finance
Phase I of. the rental housing development in Energy Park= Ps�'PRV`��"J a-O.
' '���►'i' .
: .DEP�lRTb1ENT T �m ��-.�;,.c.�.-
' �'OAt�'AC7
pHONE_ : ' � � `r R ;'
DATE � ���
. (Routing and Exptanation� Sfieet)
si n P�umber far- Routin Order Cli All Locatians for oral Si ature : �
���4'7 �
. Department Oi rector $1.5 MILLIOPI TAXABLE RESOLUTION
2 Ci'ty Attorney RESOLUTION �0�12H05SING BONDS)
3 Di rector of;ManagementJMa�yAr
Finance and N�naga�ment Services c `��lst��� (�.2, �J�'�i�,,�
5 City Clerk �,��� ` �
Budget Director
i�hat Wi11 be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? �PurRoselRationaie :
t�n April 11', the Port Authority gave preliminary approv�l to the issuance of '$155 million in tax�
able Port�Authority Reso�utian 1270 bonds to au�nent $3.5 million in bonds issued by the Housing ��
and Reaevelopment Authocjty to finance Phase I of the renta1 housing development ifl Energy Rark.
The $�.5 mil�ion is committed to three union pension funds and wi�i be so1d by the Port Authqrjty
after fina1 action by the Minnesota Nousing Finance Agency, wfio wi11 hol'd a public hearing dn.
June 23�, �983. ` 14pprovaT by the City Cour�cij is essentia'1 e�En though these are taxab1e revenue
bonds i`r� aecordance with the statute. The issuance of these bonds wi11 permit AHW CorpQration to "
commeric�e`ct�nstruction on the fi rst phase of the rent 1 ha sing .pro�ect.
Fin�inc;al�, Budge�ary and Personnel Impacts Antie�p__ a�e�: �
. �/A �
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credit�d:
Atta�chments (List and Nu�er all Attachments):
�� T
Staff Memorandum
. ��ft Cit� Counci 1 Reso1 ution
Port Authority Reso1ution No. 2115
' X Yes No Council Resolutio� Required? Resoaution` Req�ired? X Yes� No
. �.Yes X No Insurance Required?. Insurance Sufficient?X Yes No
- Yes- X Na Ins urarrc� Attached?
cc: R. Tl�rrpe Revision of October, 1982
{Spe RpvPrtP Sidp .for 'Instruction5�