280630 WHITE - CITV CLERK ������
BLUE - MAVOR `'�- j "-
, File N 0.
Counc 'l Resolution
. !
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul desires to enter into an agreement
with the Milwaukee Motor Transportation Company to determine the level
of soil stabilization required to relocate their existing truck—on—
flatcar operation from Warner Road to facilities they currently own in
the Pigs Eye area in conjunction with City Project P-0358B2B Warner
Road from Sibley to the Childs Road interchange; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are authorized and
directed to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul an aqreement
between the City of St. Paul and the Milwaukee Motor Transportation
Company providing for a soil stabilization test for the acquisition
and relocation of property in conjunction with the improvement of
Warner Road from Sibley to the Childs Road interchange (City Project
P-0358B2R) , a copy of said aqreement being attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference.
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fietcher Nays �
Galles In Favor Public Works (TEK)
-ssheibe�-� � A gai n s t BY
Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 g 1�3 Form Appr d y City ttorn
Certified a_se Council e BY
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By _
, { , JUL 2 1 983 A b or fo� sub � oun���'
t#p by 1Aavor: D
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PUBLISNED JUL 3 0 1983 �
TFIIS, AGF�V�r, made and entered into this day of
1983, by and betw�n the CI'rY OF ST. PAUL DEPARZN�T OF PUD�LIC WORKS �
hereinatt�►x referrec� to as "City�� and T� �I�F�E MO'i'OR TRANSPORTATION
oQN�ANY, hereinafter referred to as "Con�ny��,
W�� �tI' and Co�any clesire to enter into an agreeme�it for the
oanstruction of a test site to study the feasibility of soil stabilization in
the Pigs �e ].and fill area, �-�Y �s the property on which the test
site will }�e vo�u�ted� ar� Will furnish the rightrof-way to oonduct the test
at no oost.
��'��� �tY � Con�any wish to 000perate for th�e construction of the
test site and also in c����g � �St. �S �.�nt recites mutually
a�� uP� � and oo�nditions as hereinafter set out.
�� �H�0�2E, in oonsideratian of th�e premises and the mutual
�pe�d�lt P�rnc��s the parties hereto, it is agreed as follows:
T� ProPos� test is to det�rntir�e the e��t � �il stabilization
neoessaxy far the site to s�port a tru�k on flatc�. (Tp�) operation.
It is agreed that "dynanuc cong�action" is an acoeptable metl�od which
could be used in tt�e event that this test c3�oes not prove sucoessful.
The actual test site wi11 }�e sele�ted in t� field by representatives of
City and Qo�tpany,
This test will consist of driving a loaded pig�,�� over a test track
for 200 laps (100 laps each lane) , T� �St �.� Will be 100 feet wide by
250 feet lor�g. One-hal,f of the test track will consist of a fabric with one
foot to five feet of granular borra,,� and c�us� �k.
test track will consist of a layer of fabric witti � °�� �lf of the
layer of fabric and then cxushed rock. �'anular borrow. another
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2A & 2B
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�+-- 50� --�
Z�est Areas-
la. Single layer of high strength fabric between subgrade and ag9z'eclate
lb. Single layer of filter fabric betw�een sul�qrade and agg�.egate base.
�• �e layer of filter fabric at subgrade; secand laye,r of high strength
fabric at orle foot depth of crushed rock,
Zb• One layer of filter fabric at subgrade; seoond layer of filter fabric at
one foot depth of crushed rock.
After the test area has been excavated, it will be oo��acted wi.th a
sheepsfoot and rub�ber tire roller. The addition of wat.er may }� necessary.
If any voids are encountered� th�y y�ll � ���� �fore the fabric and
ag9z'egate base are in plaoe. After placement of the fabric, the aggreqate
will be pla�ed in layers rlot exceedinq eight inches in oo�acted thiclmess
�d �� �� �11 � °�pacted t° a minu�n d�ensity of 98$ of the standard
proctor clensity (AS�IM; D698) before placing the next layer.
The Soil bcploration Coctpany of Saint pa�� �e�� �,,�11 select the
soil stabilization fabric to be used in the test.
The test will be oonducted dur,inq � ��. of 1983 by City and
CO'r�Y• The test should be aatpleted in one week, T't�e S�il Fxploration
Oompany of Sa.int Paul, Minrlesota will be retained to oonduct and coordinate
the test.
The first 100 laps (50 laps of each lane) of the plqgypacker will be to
settle and ocx�act t� aqq�a� ��. � �� 100 laps (50 laps on each
lane) will be the actual test, on which the r+esults and conclusions will be
��• � types of c3eflection are antacipated; (a) Initial Settlement and
(bj Deflection and Rebound, The accept�le limi.ts of each are as stated:
y +`*'����"..�T�
A. Initial Settlement:
. During the second 100 laps (SO laps each lane) � a settlement of the
surface elevation of one inch or less will be deemed acceptable.
li. Deflection and Rebound:
During the second 100 laps (SO laps each lane) � a deflection and
rebound of the surface elevation of 1 '�' or less after each pass
of the piggypacker will be deemed acceptable.
Company will supply at its own expense a loaded piggypacker, operator,
and observer. No other expenses in conducting the test will be incurred by
Company agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless City from any
liability for any death or injury to any person and for any damage to the
property of Company, City or other person resulting from. the activities of
Company or its agents in connection with this Agreement and from any actions
or suits for or on account of any such liability including any �udgment rendered
thereto and all costs and expenses incidental thereto (including, but not limited
to attorneys' fees) .
City will supply at its own expense all materials, labor, and the
' services of Soil Exploration Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota to conduct this
City agrees to indemnify� defend and hold harmless Company from any
liability for any death or injury to any person and for any damage to the
property of City, Company or other person resulting from the activities of
City or its agents in connection with this Agreement and from any actions or
suits for or on account of any such liability including any judgment rendered
thereto and all costs and expenses incidental thereto (including, but not
limited to attorneys' fees).
This Agreement will terminate upon completion of the test.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the day and year first written above.
Mayor George Latimer
Director of the Department of
Finance and Management Services
Public Works . _ �� �"���
T,�omas Kuhf eld �ONTACT . .
' �9.2-6277 PHONE ���� �� '
June 28, 1983 DATE
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for aouting Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
JUL 6�1983 .
� �i ty Attorney CITY ATTORN.EY
ire Mayor
Finance and Manageme rvices Director
4 City Clerk
Budget Di rector �
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
This is for the Warner Road Pro3ect. One of the steps in relocating the truck-on-flatcar
operation from Warner Road to Milwaukee property in the:Pigs Eye area is to conduct a
soil stabilization test. The City and Milwaukee Motor Transportation Company have agreed
on what the particulars of that test should be and the attached agreement is necessary to
formalize that agreement. Of particular importance in this agreemeat are the criteria which
wiil measure the success or failure of the soil stabilization test.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
As a result of this agreement, the City will fund certain portions of the work to be done
under the approved Warner Road Pro�ect.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
The City's costs for this test will come from County Aid which have been approved bq
various CIB budgets and by the City Council by Final Order.
Attachments (List and Number all Attachmentsl :
Council Resolution.
x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) `