280612 WMITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPAR7MENT ��• , ��� BLUE - MAVOR - Flle NO. � C u 'l Resolution �- Presented By �-- � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review dated June 14, 1983, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 6/14/83 35-82-H 108 Pierce St. Charles E. Walsh (ten units) BOARD ACTION: Granted extension of time to October l, 1984, to complete stucco and soffit repairs, as designated in city' s letter of May ?, 1982 . , Property Dewcription: Schroeder' s Addition Except E. 4 ft. and escept N. 71 6/10 ft. , Lot 9, Block 10 --------------------------------- 6/14/83 31-83-H 1811 Margaret Walter Schlundt (single family residence) BOARD ACTION: Granted refund of $10. 00 filing fee because subject of appeal is outside board' s jurisdiction. Property Description: Robert L. Ware' s Eastern Heights Lot 32, Block 2 --------------------------------- COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher ceu� in Favor Masanz � Nicosia scnetbet _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 14 1983 Form Approved by City Attorne Certified a.s Counci cr gY C , By t#pproved by Mav : D e ��� � � �983 Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council By �� BY PUBLISNED JUL 2 3 1983 ' DRAFT _ ������ COLNCI L RESOLUTI:ON BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Revieiv pertaining to the follo��ing listed property and as shown by tlie Excerpted Minutes of said Board of �lppeals �nd � Review, dafied June 14 , 1983, and marked EXfIIRIT A, and att�ched hereto and made a part hereof by reference : DATE OF BOARD . � MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERTY ' APPELLANT . 6/14/83 35-82-H 108 Pierce St. Charles E. Walsh (ten units) BOARD ACTION : Granted extension of tiine to October 1, 1984 , to complete stucco and soffi.t repairs , as designated in city' s letter of May 7, 19 82. - Property Description: Schroeder' s Addition Except E. 4 ft. and except N. 71 6/10 ft. , Lot 9 , B lock 10 6/14/83 31-83-H 1811 Margaret Walter Schlundt . (single family residence) BOARD ACTION : Granted refund of $10. 00 filing fee because subject of' appeal is outside board' s jurisdiction. Property Description : Robert L. Ware' s Eastern Heights Lot 32 , Block 2 . . ������.� . , � 6/14/83 - Meeting No. 197 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS & REVIEW Tuesday, June 14 , 1983 Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman Glenn Gausman Harold Knutson Rosann Bostrom Rudolph Sawyer - Lucille Burg Collins ABSENT : William Tilton AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement ' Ali ce Bi j j ani City Attorney' s Office _ �� John McCormick OTHERS PRESENT: Henry Brandis John Magnusson Charles E. Walsh Alfred Moxness STAFF: Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of May 10 , 1983, were approved as distributed to the members. Chairman Glassman introduced Assistant City Attorney John McCormick who will soon take over the assignment of legal advisor to our board from Assistant City Attorney Walter Bowser. The chairman reported briefly on a meeting of the City Development Com- mittee he had attended during the past week, at which the conflict between the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code and the St. Paul Fire Code was discussed. He said the discussion would be continued at .the June 29 meeting of the committee. He felt that the ultimate conclusion would mean the city would have to conform to MUFC regulations, but probably property owners would be granted a fairly lengthy time period for compliance. � . . ������� ,, -3- 6/14/83 - Meeting No. 197 �1( H��3 /T � -------------------------------------------------------------------- 35-82-H 10 8 Pierce St. Charles E. Walsh (ten units) . _ _ SUBJECT : Request variance on Section 35. 03, pertaining to stairwell enclosures , because appellant states that the building has always been classified as a 2 1/2-story structure where such enclosures have not been required before , because the cost would be a financial hardship. Also, request varian ce on Section 34. 13, sill heights , to permit continued use of basement Apt. B where window sill in sleeping area is 60 inches from floor level, because of practical difficulty and expense. � Prior He aring 5/10/83 : Appe llant excused from appe aring. Case was post- poned to June meeting. APPEARANCE : Charles E. Walsh PROCEEDING5 : Mr. Walsh said it was his understanding that the matter of stairwell enclosures was not at issue at this time because the city had returned to its former basis regarding enclosures in 2 1/2-story buildings and were not requiring them at this time. In regard to the sill height of the basement windows , it would be extremely difficult and costly to lower them because of a massive concrete platform outs�de the windows at ground level. For the same reason, construction of a window well would be nearly impossible. Alice Bijjani conceded that such work would be very difficult and costly, but suggested that placing a permanent step at least 12 :inches high below the window in the sleeping room would be an alternative to consid�.<�. She asked if the stucco repair work and hrickwork repairs had been co�r�leted. . . . ������ , -4- 6/14/83 - Meeting No. 197 Mr. Walsh said he was requesting a time extension �or these items. The stucco damage was caused by a leaky roof which has now been replaced. He planned to replace the defective surfaces on the soffits and under the eaves where the stucco was breaking up with some type of wood finishing material, � but the cost would be around $4500 and he could not afford it at this time. BOARD ACTION: Chairmar� Glassman moved that an extension of time to Oc�ober 1, 1984, be granted to complete stucco and soffit repairs. Mr. Knutson seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 BOARD ACTION: Mr. Sawyer moved that a variance of Se ction 34. 13 , pertain- ing to sill heights , be granted, permitting continued occupancy of Apt. B where escape window doesnatcomply with sill height requirements , on con- dition that a permanent step be placed belcsw the window at a minimum height of 12 inches above f loor leve l. Mr. Gausman seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ ; . i - _ _ ������ - . • 6/14/83 - Meeting No. 197 ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS & REVIEW Tuesday, June 14 , 1983 Room 707 .City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman , Chairman Glenn Gausman . Harold Knutson Rosann Bostrom Rudolph Sawyer Lucille Burg Collins ABSENT : William Tilton AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement Alice Bijjani City Attorney' s Office John McCormick OTHERS PRESENT: Henry Brandis Jahn Magnusson Charles E. Walsh Alfred Moxness STAFF: Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of May 10 , 1983, were approved as distributed to the members. Chairman Glassman introduced Assistant City Attorney John McCormick who will soon take over the assignment of legal advisor to our board from Assistant City Attorney Walter Bowser. The chairman reported briefly on a meeting of the City Development Com- mittee he had attended during the past week, at which the conflict between the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code and the St. Paul Fire Code was discussed. He said the discussion would be continued at the June 29 meeting of the committee. He felt that the ultimate conclusion would mean the city would have to conform to MUFC regulations, but probably property owners would be granted a fairly lengthy time period for compliance. .. .. , �.... � � -------��< � . : - - „ . °� .. ._ _. ._ _ . .� _ . ,__ _ - .. ..w... . _ ._._ .� _�. ,__ .�.._.�....��.... .,., _ _. � _ _ .. �. ,a� ����'��� �_.�� 31-83-H 1811 Margaret Walter Schlundt (single family residence) SUBJECT: Request variance of city ordinance regulating placement of private residential swimming pools , to permit continued use of existing swimming pool in owner' s backyard as presently located. APPEARANCE: None PROCEEDINGS : After processing this appeal, Chairman Glassman stated,it had been determined that the subject of this appeal was not under the juris- diction of the board. Therefore, the appellant was entitled to a refund of the fi ling fee. BOARD ACTION : Chairman Glassman moved that the $10. 00 filing fee should be refunded to Appellant Walter Schlundt. Mrs. Bostrom seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting adjourned at 2 :05 p.m. -