280609 WMITE - CITY CLERK ���� 1� PINK - FINANCE COUflCll CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 1 C uncil Resolution Presented B � .0 � Y �eferred To � ��T��L� Committee: Date � ��'�^a � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Salnt Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriatlon total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1983 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, dId establish certain Sepcial Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1983 budget: Cucrent Amended Budget Chan es Budget FINANCING PLAN 126 PED Administration Fund $ -0- $ 10,000 10 000 36022-3699 Salnt Paul Foundatlon Grant - Economics of Amenity Program SPENDING PLAN 126 PED Administration Fund $ -0- $ 3,300 $ 3,300 36022-219 Economlcs of Amenity - Fee to Partners for Livable Places 36022-299 Economics of Amenity - -0- 4,000 4,000 Downtown Management of Amenities 36022-299 Economics of Amenity - -0- 2,700 2,700 Lowertown Art Dlstrict �- 10,000 10 000 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1983 budget. �� �.� �c�lS ��m�t'° �`� �a.. �1�3/�� � �lte ,�i�r , COUNC[LMEN V Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Fletcher �� ceu� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei A gai nst BY .�.��.�. Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 14 19�3 Form App e y i A or Certifie P- - e by Co ncil S et BY By r . tapproved ay � a r: Date JUL 5 1983 A y yor for S bi i i to C uncil BY � — B PUBLISNED J U L 2 3 198,� . . �r��'��� -��-�=���r�-�-- R � THE SiAINT PAUL FOUNDATION cc'. ���?� ����`�� • � 1120 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ••���„-���h� �' Q1k (612)224-5463 f�,�.. .�„�� ���r ��... y `� SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 b c�����3 J Distribution Committee RICHARD A.MOORE CHAIRMAN SAM SINGER VICE CHAIRMAN May 19, 1983 MRS.WILLIAM WEST TREASURER HEUEL D.HARMON RONALD M.HUBBS ������ REATHA CLARK KING y RICHARD A.KLINGEN RICHARD H.KYLE Mr. George Latimer NORMAN M.LORENTZSEN �,��Y 2 p 1983 DR.DWIGHT L.MARTIN Mayor TIMOTHY P.QUINN City of Saint Paul �.THOnn SSIMONET 347 Clt.y Hall MA,YOftS OFFICE FREDERICKT.WEYERHAEUSER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 President PAUL A.VERRET Dear Mr. Latimer: Re: Grant No. 8��H� SECRETARV We are pleased to announce that on May 11, 1983 , the Distribution Committee under the Plan for The Saint Paul Foundation and the Members of The Saint Paul Foundation, Inc. , adopted the follow- ing resolution: RESOLVED that a grant of $10,000, to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, to help finance participation for a second year in the "Economics of Amenity" Program of Partners for Livable Places, is approved. Enclosed find an original and copy of the Terms of Grant agree- ment related to this grant. Please make special note of all the provisions and procedures indicated . Sign and return the original to my office as soon as possible indicating your accept- ance. No check can be issued until the Terms of Grant agreement has been received. It is anticipated that payments will be made as follows: June 1983 $5,000 October 1983 $5,000 We wish you every success and look forward to receiving reports as required by the agreement. In all future correspondence , please refer to the Grant Number shown above. Sincerely your , �-�,,� � G� �Q , aul A. Verret President PAV:amf Enclosures Corporate Trustees:AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK&TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL• FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL• NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL amf.5/16a A COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ' , . � �THE SAINT PAUL FOUNDATION ������ • _ , , 1120 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING • (612)224-5463 SAINT PAUL.MINNESOTA 55101 T E R M S 0 F �, R A j� P 1 e a s e R e a d C a r e f u 1 1 y ! I. �ccep an�� of Cr�n,� The grant to your organization from the Foundation is for the explicit purpose (s) described in the Grant Resolution and is subject to your acceptance of the terms described therein. To acknowledge this agreement, to accept the grant and receive the funds, return a signed copy of this "Terms of Grant " to the Foundation. Keep the other copy for your files. Please refer to the grant number and title in all communications concerning the grant. Grantee: Date Authori2ed: City of Saint Paul May 11, 1983 �rant Number: 81-83 �mount Granted: $10 ,000 Grant Resolution: RESOLVED that a grant of $10,000, to the City of Saint Paul, to help finance participation for a second year in the "Economics of Amenity" Program of Partners for Livable Places, is approved. Grant Period: F�unda ;on Officer for this Grant• Begins-May 19, 1983 Nancy R. Harris Terminates-May 19, 1984 II. Review of Grant Ar_t i vi tv The grantee will furnish the Foundation with written reports according to the following schedule: Final Report - June 30, 1984 JH.16Z pagelof4 ' , . III. S�ecial Provi �inn� All grants are made in accordance with current and ap- plicable laws and pursuant to the Internal Revenue Service Code, as amended , and the regulations issued thereunder . Please read the following carefully: 1. Pubi ;�Announcement,� Announcements of the grant award are to be made by the grantee unless other- wise indicated by the Foundation. Grantees are expected to review the text of any announcements and plans f or publicity with the Foundation Officer for this grant within two (2) weeks of the signing af the "Terms of Grant. " All subsequent public an- nouncements , news features , publications or information concernir.g the grant program will indi- cate the Foundation's participation in the program funding. Please send a copy of any published ac- counts mentionir.g the project or the Foundation to the Faundation Officer. . 2. �Qnd� tLre of ran F�,r,�G• This grant is for pur- poses stated in the grant resolution. The funds provided hereunder may be spent only in accordance with the provisions of your funding request and budget as approved. The program is subject to modification only with the Foundation' s prior writ- ten approval . Funds will be disbursed to the grantee upon receipt of the properly completed "Terms of Grant" and the satisfactory compliance with special conditions: (a) Any special conditions which apply to this grant, as listecl, should be complied with as rapidly as feasible. These con- ditions may make the release af funds contingent cn special requirements and future payments contingent upon demonstrated performance. In such cases, you must submit adequate eviaence of com- pliance with the conditions before the Foundation may release funds . If you have questions about the special condi- tions, contact the Foundation Officer responsible for the grant. (b) No funds proviaed by the Foundation may be used for any political campaiSn, or to support attempts to influence legislation of any yovernmental body other than through making available the results of nonpartisan analysis, study and research. x.18/c Page2of4 • . . ' � �����9�:1 (c) Expenses charged against this grant may not be incurred prior to the date at which the grant period begins or sub- sequent to its termination date, and may be incurred only as necessary to carry out the purposes and activities of the approved program. (d) The grantee organization is responsible for the expenditure of funds and for maintaining adequate supporting records consistent with generally accepted ac- counting practices. (e) Equipment ar property purchased with grant funds shall be the property of the grantee organization so long as it is not diverted from the purposes for which the grant was made . If the purpose of the organization or the use of grant funds is changed, or if the grantee organization should go out of existence, the equipment or property reverts to the Foundation. 3. Reversion�� Grant Funds: The grantee will return to the Foundation any unexpended funds at the close of the grant period. Funds also will be promptly returned: (a) If the Foundation determines that the grantee has not performed in accordance with the "Terms of Grant" or met the specific grant conditions of the approved program and its supporting budget. (b; If the gLar.tee loses its �x�mgtion f rom Federal income taxation as provided for under Sectien 501 (c) ( 3) , of the Internal Revenue Code. 4. So_ay�.�h G and Patent� Reports, materials, books, and articles resultir.g from this grant may be copyrighted by the organization receiving the grant cr by the author � in accordance with the policies of the grantee organization, toward the goal of ob- tainir.g the widest �issemination of such reports, materials , books and articles. The Foundation reserves the royalty-free license to use such pub- lications. For projects involving the possibility of patents , the grantee shoula request further in- formation from the Founclation. x.18/c Page3of4 - , ..; , 5 . srant Reports: I�teLiID_$��QL�� should be two to three pages in length and provide a summary of activity to date or , as appropriate , since the last such report . These reports should include a financial summary, showing in detail r,ow Foundation funds have been expended during the period. From time to time , Foundation staff will contact the grantee to ar- range site visits to review current grant activities. Final_Re�or.�,� should include a review of perfor- mance and activities over the course of the entire grant period and re,ust be accompanied by a certified financial statement. Two copies of each of the re- quireci reports should be sent to the Executive Director of The Saint Paul Foundation. Please he sure to include the Grant Number and ciate upon which the grant was approved. 6. Limit of,_��mmi.tm�Il�� Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, this grant is made with the understanci- ing that the Foundati�n has no obligation to provide other or additional support to the grantee. In accepting the grant, the grantee accepts the terms stated in this agreement. Further, THE GRANTEE ADVISES THE SAIhT PAUL FOUNDATION T�-:AT IT HAS 11ADE A DETERMINATION REGARDIP:G THE APPLICAEILITY OF THE 1�lINNESOTA CHARITABLE SOLICITATION l�CT (N1S 309) TO THE GRANTEE ORGANIZATION; AND IF PSS 309 DOES APPLY, THAT THE GRANTEE ORGANIZATION INTENDS TO TRY TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THIS ACT. � For the Grantee: � - Signature of Authorized Signature of Project Director Representative (If aifferent) �.ti �sl�1' �...����r���J'P�v , f Print hame, Title, Date Print Name, Title, D e �/-�/�3 Form Apprcved 3/24/&2 x.18/c Page4ot4 � , - 'THE SAINT PAUL FOUNDATION ������j'�,� , �� � •�/� 1120 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ' . (612)224-5463 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 T E R M S 0 F G R A r1 T P_1 e a s e R e a d C �r e f u 1 1 y ! I. Accea an p o��,�a� The grant to your organization from the Foundation is for the explicit gurpose (s) described in the Grant Resolution and is subject to your acceptance of the terms described therein. To acknowledge this agreement, to accept the grant and receive the funds, return a signed copy of this "Terms of Grant " to the Foundation. Keep the other copy for your files. Please refer to the grant number and title in all communications concernir.g the grant. Gran ,Qe: Date Authorized: City of Saint Paul May 11, 1983 Grant Nu� er : 81-83 ount Granted: $10 ,000 �rant Res9lut�on: RESOLVED that a grant of $10,000, to the City of Saint Paul, to help finance participation for a second year in the "Economics of Amenity" Program of Partners for Livable Places, is approved. Grant Period: FoLndati�n Officer for this Grant: Begins-May 19, 1983 Nancy R. Harris Terminates-May 19, 1984 II. Review of Grant Ar_t i vi t� � The grantee will furnish the Foundation with written reports according to the following schedule: � Final Report - June 30, 1984 JH.16Z pagelof4 ' r t ' , f�' y .. III. Spec�ai Prov� Gions All grants are made in accordance with current and ap- plicable laws and pursuant to the Internal Revenue Service Code, as amended , and the regulations issued thereunder . Please read the following carefully: 1. Publ;� Anno�t �, m n � Announcements of the grant award are to be made by the grantee unless other- wise indicated by the Foundation. Grantees are expected to review the text of any announcements and plans for publicity with the Foundation Officer for this grant within two (2) weeks of the signing of the "Terms of Grant. " All subsequent public an- nouncements , news features , publications or information concernir.g the grant program will indi- cate the Foundation' s participation in the program funding. Please send a copy of any published ac- counts mentionir.g the project or the Foundation to the Foundation Officer. _ 2. Exnend> > o an F �nr7�cy- This grant is for pur- poses stated in the grant resolution. The funds provided hereunder may be spent only in accorCance with the provisions of your funding request and budget as approved. The program is subject to modification only with the Foundation' s prior writ- ten approval . Funds will be disbursed to the grantee upon receipt of the properly completed "Terms of Grant" and the satisfactory compliance with special conditions: (a) Any special conditions which apply to this grant, as listect, should be complied with as rapidly as feasible. These con- ditions may make the release of funds contingent cn special requirements and future payments contingent upon demonstrated performance. In such cases, you must submit adequate evidence of com- pliance with the conditions before the Foundation may release funds . If you have questions about the special condi- tions, contact the Foundation Officer responsible for the grant. (b) No funds provided by the Foundation may be used for any political campaiSn, or to support attempts to influence legislation of any yovernmental body other than through n�aking available the results of nonpartisan analysis, study and research. x.18/c Page2of4 { ` � ... J . ' '�����-� . � (c) Expenses charged against this grant may not be incurred prior to the date at which the grant period begins or sub- sequent to its termination date, and may be incurred only as necessary to carry out the purposes and activities of the approved program. (d) The grantee organization is responsible for the expenditure of funds and for maintaining adequate supporting records consistent with qenerally accepted ac- counting practices. (e) Equipment ar property purchased with grant funds shall be the property of the grantee organization so long as it is not diverted from the purposes for which the grant was made. If the purpose of the organization or the use of grant funds is changed, or if the grantee organization ` � should go out of existence, the equipment or property reverts to the Foundation. 3. Reversion�� Granf Funds: The grantee will return to the Foundation any unexpended funds at the close of the grant period. Funds also will be promptly returned: (a) Tf the Foundation determines that the grantee has not performed in accordance with the "Terms of Grant" or met the specific grant conditions of the approved program and its supporting budget. (b) If the g�car�t�:e loses its exempti �n f rom Federal income taxation as grovided for under Section 501 (c} (3) , of the Internal Revenue Code. 4. co�yri�h��_�nd patentG: Reports, materials, books, �nd articles resultir.g from this grant may be copyrighted by the organization receiving the grant c� by the author , in accordance with the policies of the grantee organization, toward the goal of ob- tainir,g the widest dissemination of such reports, materials , books and articles. The Foundation reserves the royalty-free license to use such pub- lications. For projects involving the possibility of patents , the grantee should request further in- formation from the Foundation. x.18/c page3of4 • . � + . ,� � 5 . Grant ReBorts• I�i,t,��m_g�pQ,�� s h o u 1 d b e tw o t o t h r e e pa g e s i n length and provide a summary of activity to date or , as appropriate , since the last such report. These regorts should incl�de a financial summary, showing in detail r,ow Foundation funds have been expended during the period. From time to time, Foundation staff will contact the grantee to ar- range site visits to review current grant activities. Einal gepor,t.�. should include a review of perfor- mance arid activities over the course of the ent.ire grant period and must be accompanied by a certified financial statement. Two copies of each of the re- quired reports should be sent to the Executive Director of The Saint Paul Foundation. Please be sure to include the Grant Number and date upon which the grant was approved. 6 . Limit o�Comm.l.�m���. Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, this grant is made with the understand- ing that the Foundati�n has no obligation to provide other or additional support to the grantee. In accepting the grant, the grantee accepts the terms stated in this agreement. Further, THE GRANTEE ADVISES THE SAINT PAUL FOUNDATION TEAT IT HAS l�lADE A DETERMINATION REGARDING THE APPLICABILITY OF THE AIINNESOTA CHARITABLE SOLICITATION T�CT (MS 309) TO THE GRANTEE ORGANIZATION; AND IF MS 309 DOES APPLY, THAT THE GRANTEE ORGANIZATION INTENDS TO TTtY TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THIS ACT. For the Grantee: ��2/.�• - ignature of Authorized Signature of Project Director Representative (If aifferent) �T Pr � C r� r �'�///1l1�P � ` �L./!// � � �t O/N/C ��f�G/O� � Print Name, Title, Date Print Name, Title, Da e ���7��3 Form Approved 3/24/82 x.18/c page4of4 � Wlanning & Economic DeveT. �� '""'��c ��� — �EPARTt,1ENT � Pe��v Reichert CONTACT R CE�VE� 7494 ext. 253 PHONE o June 9, 1983 DA�E , ���� � 1r 1 b.:19�__ . (Routing and Explanatiat She�Y � �, Assi Nu�ber for Routin Order Cl i Al l L�a n or rai Si �t�re • � �-�l- `� ECEIVED � ' ` �Department Di rector . . � � city Attorney JUN 10 19$3 nt/Mayor ,� Finance and Manag vi ces Director RECEIVED CITY T�RN� � Ci ty Cl erk : �� � S� � Budget Di rector OFF►c � DEPA: �� T IN E AND MAN ; What Will be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Ma P tionale : Allows the City to receive a $10,000 grant from the Saint Paul Fo nd the Economics of Amenity Program Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: �\�—,� See above �`� R D � Funding Sc�urce and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: 36022 - Economi�s of Amenity Grant Program ��N ZQ� � Attachments (List a�d N�nber all Attachments� : CouwCI�MAN 1. Letter to Saint Paul Foundation - to be signed by Mayor .1AMES SCHElBEL' 2. Grant Agreement — to be signed by Mayor 3. Council Resolution for budget amendment DEPARTMENT REYIEW CI7Y ATTOi�1EY REVIEW X Yes Mo Council Resolution Required? Resolution Requir�d? Yes Na Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (SPe RpvPrsp SidP for 'instructic�ris) • � • � I � HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET � The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: � 1. To assist in routin documents and in securinq ` . requ re s qnatures 2. �'o brief the revie ers of documents on the impacts o PPro � . a ssary suA ortin materials ; � are re ar uir d. ' ,,� �� . , Rp�ING `«�.-;,.,.�,.. ,�,,� . � a� �� t G v SHEET ac io s st '�e rev_e•aea Sv a De2ar*_:aeat � �. . �. zy �t� n , t.�e Di+eczor os i�taanaqesnent, the � o i ce� and aqement Services. Other possible ' � rev 1s are list�d. � I �, � • Mosfi of th HEET headinqs are desiqned to assist in de�velopinq a re of the decision which the attach�ents re�e�e�t;� The head nqs are offered to remind users of some th �re critical elements of this brief. . � 'The etar and Personnel I acts heading provides ; a space o the cost benefit aspects of the decision. �, Costs and benefits relate both to City budqet (General Fund and/or � Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, � �.�omeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Fu11-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. RTING MATERIALS - c;��,:�`� � ,� �,� ���`�� Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN SFIEET is we ne, no letter of transmittal need be inclucled (unless siqn3nq such �a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: A�ctions which require City Council resolutions include: ;i � �� �'' � �'a: Contractual relationship with another qovernment unit. � b. Collective bargaining. c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. � d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain. f. Assumption of liability by City, or qranting � by City of inden►nification. q. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providinq fundinq. Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one � � , .s=����'-��.,� � -. Cz�rY or S�r.rT�r P�uL �,�;:: ;,}ti..;..,..., �����.'� � �• / ��;� � ,. ` orricr or -rr-rr, cz'i'Y COU\CiL s� � ��;�;�-:1�� 1 �_ , , �.... . �� � ';��"`".'-��;� . ! D a t e : � July 7, 1983 ��.� � � //;�j` �a•����;�t i�' `'� � . TO = 5a�n? Paui City Councii � � F R � � � C o m m it t e e O h Finance, Management $ Personnel ' C N A I R Councilman Scheibel • . 1: 30 p.m. � A � ENf� A. - . . � � . .- � _ J _ _ 1. Approval of minutes from• meeting held June 30,. 1983. . � � 'r. ' ' r...r�. � � ,\ • 2. Ruth Meyers, Chairperson, Regional Commission bn Civi1 Rights, brief - . gresentation regarding the City of Saint Paul's proposed affirmative action policy. ' . 3. Resolution appro�ving the_securities pledged by SumQnit State Bank of Phalen Park to protect funds of the City of Saint Paul while held in said bank. � (Finance � Management Services) ��,-���� 4. Resolution allowing the City ,to receive a �10,000 grant �from the Saint Paul . Foundation for the Economics of Amenity Program. (Planning �, Economic Develo ment) . so ti e o e din han es to the 198 b e o i rY���� 5 Re lu on r c mm n g c g 3 udg t t royide or a r conditioning. (Council Research Center) _ � _ ,� �......,�.n...,..�-" 6. Resolution recommending additions to the 1983 Housing Information Office . Budget. (Housing Information Office) � ,� � r �������� ������t 5�1�'����s�l����l��1���03 '�ia