280605 • N�MIY:. • - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE • ` • GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �,/�+� 'CANARV - OEPARTMENT a1�3 E. BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `- • 0 indnce Ordinance N 0. f 70 � � . . , Presented By ?/Referred To ���LtG w ��'C �� Committee: Date ��l��� Out of Committee By Date Page 1 of 2 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13539 , approved January 31 , 1967 , pertaining to Parking Meter Zones. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Ordinance No. 13539 , approved January 31 , 1967 , is hereby amendEd by adding the following to Section 5 , Fifteen-minute , 10� area, thereof : LOCATION SIDE OF STREET Exchange Street , 150 feet east of Ninth Street. North Old Sixth Street , 55 east of Main STreet North Section 2. That Ordinance No. 13539 , approved January 31 , 1967 , is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 2 , one-hour 50� area thereof : LOCATION SIDE OF STREET Minnesota Street between Kellogg Blvd. and Fourth St. West Section 3 . That Ordin ance NO. 13539 , approved January 31, 1967 , is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 3 , two-hour 50� per hour area thereof: LOCATION SIDE OF STREET Aurora St. f rom Cedar St. to Robert St. Sbizth COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher .�� G��r 9 In Favor — Masanz Nicosia Against By Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY c Ap y Mayor: D t Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY f f , r �� ����l�J Public Works ' DEPARTI•tENT �707� � Robert H. Roettger � ONTACT � 298-4701 PHONE June 28, 1983 OATE �e`� e Q, (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for �tayoral SiqnatQ�.�IVED Ci ty Attorney �UL. 5 jg� � t/Mayor CITY ATTOR�(fY Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director �lhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials� (Purpose/Rationale) EstablisYnuent of 15�unute parking meter on E�ch�nge St, was requested by St. Joseph's Hospital to provide m�re sYiort-teizn parkinq space, Establishment of 15-m�i_nute parking meter ari Old Sixth St. east of Main was requested }�, Cath�lic Charities so organization ca¢z use a high turnaver area which can be utilized by the handi.capped. EstablisY�¢ne,nt of a one-hour metex area on Minnesota. St. htwn. Kellogg and 4th was because St. Paul Dispatch pressrocxn has bee,n relocated; tY��fore, truck zone Was r�noved a��d meters installed. Installation of 2-hour p�kinq mete�s on Aurora fran Cedar to Robert was requested by the State with approval fran the Pa�king Ck�nnission. Financial , Bud etary and Personnel Impacts �Anticipated N�e Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charqed or Credited N/A Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) • . Ordinance (2 pages) DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes �_ No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 �SPA RpvrrcP CiciP f�r �tnstructions) WH14E - GTV CLERK • • � PIlf'I( - FINANCE A � � �ANARV -DEPAR7MENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICI iJ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �` ����1��� • y p r ind CG Ordinance 1�0. �l � 7% � A Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 of 2 Section 4. This ordinance shall not be printed as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code but shall be incorporated therein by reference. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage , approval , and publication. COU(VCILMEN �� Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � Public Works (Traffic-RHR) S�. �.�s [n F a vo r ���L,C�xCJV� Masanz � Nicosia Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date OCT 2 5 �g83 Form Appr ve b C� y orney Certified s d y Council S ary BY By ' � r� Ap v by Mayor. ��� � ` �� A r v y or for Sub i si Council B �j PUBLISHED f�QV � 1983 . ,�- ' . , CHAIR , CHRIS NICOSIA �il , ���j�0�� The Public Works Committee at its meeting of July 27, 1983 took �ct�o� _ approving all of the following items : - Hearing Date . , � , � _ , r"� � 2. S%2/83 FINA�` ORDER: (Phase I) To consider e.storing AIISSISSIPPI RTVER BLVD. from Cleveland Avent�e to T1-u11k 11ig,ln�ay �S by . removing� tlie �xisting� 2•oad��ay F, curb anc] replacin.g tliem � to a �,ridth of 30' following •tlie alignnient of the existing easterly curb, with concrete curU and gutter and bitwnin- • � ous paving, drainage facilities, park�vay ].anclscaping, , - � � street furnishings , ornamental street 7.ightxng , pedesti•ian, ' bike path adjacent •the bluff, and a11 i�icidental con- ' , •struction as needed to 'complete this project. . . - 3. 8/2/83 . RATIFICATION OF ASSESSA9ENTS : Gradin� and paving tlie alley in Block 4 , . Oakland Park Addition from l�lerscliel to �ldine Streets (bouncled by Herschel, Marshall , AJ.cli.ne and Dayton) 4• 8/2/83 R�11'TFTCATTON .OF ASSES5DIENTS : ' GradS.ng and pavin; the North- South alley. in Sahlgaard' s 5ubdivision of Lot SS, Lake � ::�. __ -_ - Como�__Villas from �the East-jUest alley to llatch Street (bounded by Hatch, Kilburn, Front, and ChatstJOi-�li Streets) 5. S/2/83 RATI�ICATION OF ASSESSDIENTS : Gradin�, pavinb and opening of the all.ey in Block 3, Kuhls �ldditiorr from �lldine Strcet to Pierce Street (bounded b�y Dayt071 � Pierce, Selb}� and Aldine) . � • 6.. 8/2/83 R�1'fIFTCATION .0� �ISSESSAIENTS: Foi• constrtictin� a Sa�iitar�� � . � Sewer in an easement bettiaecn Larpcntcur �lvc. ancl Little . Canada Road, Said easement extenda.n�; over and zcross a - part o� Lots 1 a.nd 2, Block 1, Gaston ' s Stibdilrision I�o. 1 . � , � 7�. S/�/83 I�II�AL ORDEF: : 'fo consider �racl�.ng �nJ pzv:in� the alley in � '-� ` � Block 7, Leech ' s llcldition from the I�ortli line of Lot 10 � ' to ;�icl3oal Strect (bouncicd by Gooclricli, Leech, �fcl3oal and 1ti'ilki.n) . Also , slope construction in thc abo��e said allcy. S. S/�/S� � FI��'/1L ORDER: To consicler �racl�.n� ancl pavin�; tl�e alley in }31ock 1 , Auditoi•' s �Subdivision (tq7 :f.ro�n Simnson Street to Pascal Street (boundecl by En�;l.eti.�aocl, A�Iinnchzha, Pascal. and Simpson) . Aiso, s1oPc construct':i.on a.n thc aboti-e said alley. 9. 8/9/83 FI,�AL ORDER: To consicler gracla.na and p��vi»�; the alle}r in B].ock 3, Stone ancl Tioi-ton' s 2ncl J1dd�.ta.on rrom DeSoto Strcet to I>>y Street (botincled hy 13raa.�ierd, Burr, I��y and lleSoto) . Also, slope COIlS'�1-uct:io�i a.�l tlic abo�•e s��id allcy�. - lU. DISCUSSIO;� : Improvement oI' that part of 1'runk flight.ay �IOi bet���cen King Street to Fort Road (]teplacement �f thc �tio}i Briclge and cons_tr��ction of scen�.c overlooks) . 11 . . OItUT\ANCE : pei-taiiiing to Pai•�;ing Aietei- Zo�ies ; amendino . Section 5 and Section 2 . (7-14-83) . . . ._ _ �_, �: , ,_�._ _. _ _. :_- - . _._ _ ___ � - , �__ , , ____.� _----� , <.: . __ ��N;,N�E �ITY � OF SAINT YAUL �:��,::;::�j �������� ANARV - DEPARThfENT ILUE�^ - Nr�oR � � . File NO. �•-� + %f�� 1 - 70 / ' � Q ��°� 0 din�nce Ordinance N�. � 7� �/ . . , � . . 'resented By Referred o ' u �—rG �v �� Committee: Date �rl�$3 Out of Commi Date Page 1 of 2 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13539 , approved January 31 , 1967 , pertaining to Parking Meter Zones. , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Ordinance No. 13539 , approved January 31 , 1967 , is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 5 , Fifteen-minute , 10� area, thereof : • LOCATION . � � SIDE OF STREET Exchange Street , 150 feet east of Ninth Street. North Old Sixth Street , 55 east of Main STreet North Section 2. That Ordinance No. 13539 , approved January 31 , 1967 , is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 2 , one-hour 50G area thereof : LOCATION SIDE OF STREET Minnesota S�reet between Kellogg Blvd. and Fourth St. West Section 3 . That Ordinance N0. 13539 , approved January 31, 1967 , is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 3 , two-hour 50G per hour area thereof : • LOCATION � SIDE OF STREET Aurora St. f rom Cedar St. to Robert St. Sduth COUNCILMF,IV Requested by Department of: 'eas Nays , Fletcher Levine In Favor . Masanz Nicos�a Against By Scheibel Tedesco Wilson ' Form A pproved by City Attorney �dopted by Council: Date ertified Passed by Council Secretary By By pproved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By _. _ ,..:, ::__ .._r:, , :.,.,.;,, . r•Ir1K - FINAN�E (�I TY O F SA I NT YA U L `""""`i� '� ��1�j��� CANARY �D£WARTMENT � Flle NO. � � 1,� - BLUE° �-�MAi'OR � rdin� CP. Ordinance N O. _����'"/ _ � A Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date Page 2 of 2 Section 4. This ordinance shall not be printed as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code but shall be incorporated therein by reference. � . Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage , approval , and publication. COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of: .��� Yeas Nays Fieccner Public Works • (Traffic-RHR Levine In Favor � � Masanz � • ��Lv���-�CJ�.� l Nicosla Against By � Scheibel Tedesco � Wilson Form Appr ve b C' y orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By . � By A r v y or for Sub i si Council Approved by Mayor: Date �j . n.. _ G�.