280592 wHITE - CITV CLERK nOUnCl� n{'�j����
PINK - FINANCE t� ����
o cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To �-��rl.s�i'Q/� Committee: Date � r'a�a �
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of St . Paul that
Section 8, Chapter 259 , Laws of Minnesota for 1983, entitled
"An Act relating to liquor; authorizing election
day sales; reducing the period of existence required
for a club license; authorizing off-sale licenses
to dispense certain samples and advertise in bordering
states' newspapers in certain instances; regulating
volume discounts; authorizing the City of St. Paul to
issue an on-sale liquor license to the Phalen Park
club house; authorizing the City of St. Paul to issue
a special beer and wine license to the Downtown Council;
authorizing the City of Minnetonka to issue three
additional on-sale licenses; authorizing the City of
Long Prairie to issue a club license to a certain Moose
Lodge; amending Minnesota 5tatutes 1982 , Sections 340 .034,
subdivision 1; 340 .11, subdivisions 11 and 15; 340 .14 ,
subdivision l; 340 .15, by adding a subdivision; 340 . 408;
and 340 . 983. "
a certifi�d copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said
Act hereb� is in all things approved; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk as the chief clerical
officer of the Council of the City of St. Paul shall forthwith
file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed
by the Attorney General statingthe essential facts necessary
to said approval of said Act hereunc�er and including a copy
of this Resolution of approval of said Act.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas ays
�+eC'sat fp„S In Favor
scheibe� _ __ Against BY —
Adopted by Council: Date
Ju` 7 �s�3 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified P s-ed by ounc�l S c r BY
/� o d by iNavor: a _ �UL � 1 ��3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By — BY
PttBLISHED �U L 1 G ��83
_ ��� "y 1�
(Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.U2 and 645.U21)
County of Ramsey
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the
City of St: Paul
(name o govanment unit)
DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 19 83, Chapter 259
Section 8 requiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body of said local
governmental unit before it becomes effective, the St. Paul City Council �
(deaignate governing body)
at a meeting duly heald on the �th day of July , 19 83 , by resolution
C.F. 280592 did approve said Laws, 1983 ,Chapter 259. Section 8,
(If other than resolution,specify)
by a majority vote of all of the members thereof
(Ayes 5 ; Noes 2 ; Absent or not voting � ) and the following additional steps, if any, requir-
ed by statute or charter were taken:
To be publisfied in the official paper of the City.
A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this eertificate by reference.
Signed: �O
SEAL City Clerk
(Of£cial designation of officer)
(This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by
the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.U21)
*If extmordinary majority is required by the special law insert fraction or percentage
__ ��1lVNESOTA�
1.�F_t�T QF,sTA� �
- JUL 131983
_ �(�o���
��f St�
PINK - FINAN�E � I TY O I�' SA I N T I�A U L Council �
C.�'o cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To �GIS�10!�l Committee: Date G "�� � �
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of St. Paul that
Section 8, Chapter 259 , Laws of Minnesota for 1983, entitled
"An Act relating to liquor; authorizing election
day sales; reducing the period of existence required
for a club license; authorizing off-sale licenses
.' to dispense certain samples and advertise in bordering •
states' newspapers in certain instances; regulating
volume discounts; authorizing the City of St. Paul to
issue an on-sale liquor license to the Phalen Park
club house; authorizing the City of St. Paul to issue
a special beer and wine license �to the Downtown Council;
authorizing the City of Minnetonka to issue three
additional on-sale licenses; authorizing the City of
� Long Prairie to issue a club license to a certain Moose
Lodge; amending Minnesota Statutes 1982 , Sections 340.034,
subdivision 1; 340 .11, subdivisions 11 and 15; 340 .14,
subdivision 1; 340 .15, by adding a subdivision; 340 .408;
and 340. 983. "
a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said
Act hereb� is in all things approved; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk as the chief clerical
officer of the Council of the City of St. Paul shall forthwith
file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed
by the Attorney General statingthe essential facts necessary
to said approval of said Act hereun�er and including a copy
of this Resolution of approval of said Act.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �ays
�f1e�'sat�p� In Favor -
scnetbsl A g3i n s t BY
Jul 7 j983 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified s'cd by ounc'1 S c r BY
sy� - � �
A o d by �lavor: a �UL i i ��H3 Approved by Mayor foi Submission to Council
gy, BY �
- �•sZ� or regula�ion pursuant to tiiis cha• l � - - ' ``' "'=• �'
,� _ -.:-� _�- ���,
� • '2 �lawful purchase �ursuarit to this sectio ��� �
'� 3 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1982, CHAPTER 259 .
S�CTIOt1 8
4 amended to read:
5 340.983 [EILING OF ��l'r.OLES.�ILE PRICc. ___.
6 AIo brand cit,rner or wholesa?er of distiLl�d �-=e�aY spirits or
7 wine shall sell, offer for saie, or solicit any order for
. 8 distilled liquor or wine unless a scheduie of wholesale prices,
9 which shall include varying volune prices, is filed with the
10 commissioner, on a farm prescribed by hir,t, and no sales shall: be
Il made excep.t ia accordance with �t�eii these prices. 6t�e� Eorms
I2 shalls provi.de• for the listing o t tha price, including any �
I3 varying volume� prices, at which each brand distributed by the -
I.4 filing wholesaler ar brand owner is� sols3. The comrcission�r _
IS sha1l. �aiatain s���� 'fiI.ings in such. a manrzer as- to make t�ieir� ' "
I6 contents ea��si:.I.y �accessihLe to the public. The £ilinqs r�equired�. '
� . � • - : _ •
I7 ursder. this� secticri shall be made not later t.�ari th� £irst day- �of� - �
�8 e�cYr. month, and th� scheduZe of .filec�� prices shalI. b�� effective-- _
19 f.rom that day uritil �the first day of� the �next month, �ravided . �
. _ . . . . . _ _ _-
2� that �xzy. _fiZing may,be �amerid'ec� ctithin fzve days� after its :
2�. filinq. The_ com�ussion�r shall �provide copies a£` srxe�� f?I.i:ngs
22 to.� any� person rec�uesting. tharc�, and may clzarge� a re�:sonable fee - '
23 therefoz. Any person may examin.e: s�e?� filznqs in �he office of
2e- the commissioner,. and no charge sha1Z be made for such - '
25 examination. . � . . _ _ _ _. � -
26 P�e• �azttr.tc ��;ee ��ze� pts:st�a�:� �a ��is se���a� ��azx �ze �ay- -
27 � e�e����� •�� e�t�ess e£ 388 e�a�-�s- . _
28 . Sec.; 8. [ST. PAUL; PARzC CLLTB HOUSES; LIQUOR_ j � `
t. .
29 Notwithstanding any contrary provisior� of Za�r, c�±art�r or
30 orciinance, the city of 5t. Paul may by ordinance authorize any
3I hol.d�r of an "orz-sale" liquor license issued by tha city to w�
32 dispe*�se intoxicating I.iquor at any event of definit� duration
33 on the public pre,iises known as the Phalen Park club house_ The
3� event may not be profi.t makir.g except as � fund raisi.ng event
35 for a nonprofi.t organization or a po?itical committee as defi.rzed
36 in Minnesota Statutes, section 210�,.OI., subdivision 8. T'n�
�• -�� -. � ' ' g g to d�sp_nse liquor at the event by
•licensee must be en a ed ' A a
' • __�-------------�----------------------------------------------- �i ��
, . ..
2 pzrson or organizati,�on permitted to use the premises and may "�
. -
�3 dispense liquor onLyrto persons attendingr�tY►_e event rA r� �
4 licensee' s aut_�ori�y shaLl expire upon tsrmination of the
S event. The aut..hority to dispenserliquor�s�-�.all :�e qrd='tecl ir_
6 accordance wit�`z the statu�esrapplicab?e tv the issuance af �
7 "on-sale" liquor licenses in cities of the first class
8 consistent with this act. The dispensing o.f liquor shall be
9 subject to all laws and ordinances governing the dispensing of
10 intoxicatin5 liquor that are consistent wi'-.h �his act. All
11 dispensing of liguor sha].1 be in accordance with the conditions'
12 prescribed by the city. Tlie concli tions may limit the dispensincf
13 0£ liquor to deszgna�,ed areas ofy tha .Eaci li ty. The- cit� may fix '
I4 .and assass a fe� to be paicY tolthe ci�yrby axi "on-sale" lic.ensee;. . .-
' ..____.•_--__�-_--_--�.:._--_-_�-_._.---=-------------------------------�- -
- l5 far ea:c� event. far.wliicYi the licensee is enga5ad to dispense �� ' '
" --- _...__ � -----------------=------------------- ______ - - ' � .
. lEa� liquor.� The au�ority g=anted by� tY±is subdivision. sharl. r=at� � � �
�7 coun-t.�as an. aciditional "on=sale" in.toxicating liquor. licer_se• £or .
l8 pu;-pos�s of deter�ining� tlie number -af liquor licenses pe:-mitted
----. --- ----___.r...._ ,_-- �--- _ -------------- ------�--------------- - �.
- 19� to ba issu�d under th� pravisions- of Mz�nesot� Statu�es; � section �
_ 20 3�0-.Il' .°' . _. -- _ _,- . . ._ : :.;. . - : - -
21 Sec. 9�f [ST. PAUL.;. ODt--SALE' I`IO�FZN'i'OXICATI�iG b1Ar.T LTOUOR APTD � �
23 - Notw�itltstanding sec�i:ons 3QO�. II, subdivision 2C1, 350. 1�, .
� �----------=--------------...._--------___-------------____.__ _ .
2Q subdivision 3, and any othez contrary provisiozz of law, charter, "
25 or ardinance, th� qo�srniag body of the city of St. Paul may
2o issue '.'on-sale" norzinto�icating ma�� 1ic�zor and "on-sale" wine
27 licenses tQ the St. Paul Downtown Council for usz only at the
28 annual Taste o£ Min.rzesota Eestival to com,n��noz-ate the July 4th
25 holiday at ths state ca�i.tol and on its surrour_dinrj property.
30 �ne fee for eac��licens� issued under this sectioa is $53 .50. -
32 The ci.ty of Minnetonka may issue three orz-sale licenses for
33 the sale of intoxicating liquor, which licenses shal.l be iri
. 34 addition to thz nt:.�e� authorized by Niir.rz�sota Statutas, sectiori
35 3�0. 11, subdivision Sa. Al]. other provisions o� chapter 3=0
36 s:.alz app?1 t4 Iicenses issued purst;.ant to this section_
:_ . . � . . >
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Date ; June 30, 1983
TO = SQint Pau I City Council
C H A I R : James Schei bel , Acti ng Chai r
Resolut.ion approving Section 8, Chapter 259, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 en-
titled "An Act relating to liquor; authorizing election day sales, reducing
the period of existence required for a club license; authorizing off-sale
licenses to dispense certain samples and advertise in bordering states' news-
papers in certain instances; regulating volume discounts; authorizing the city
of St. Paul to issue an on-sale liquor license to the Phalen Park club house;
authorizing the city of St. Paul to issue a special beer and wine license to
the Downtown Council ; authorizing the city of Minnetonka to issue three
additional on-sale licenses; authorizing the city of Long Prairie to issue a
club license to a certain Moose Lodge; amending Minnesota Statutes 1982, Sections
�" 340:Q34, subdivision� T; 340.11 , subdivisions 11 and 15; 340.14, subdivision 1 ;
340.15 by adding a subdivision; 340.408; and 340.983. "
Resolution approving Chapter 110, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 entitled "An Act
relating to the city of St. Paul ; providing for facilities, bonding powers, and
duties of the St. Paul port authority; amending Laws 1976, chapter 234, section 3,
subdivision 1 . °
Resolution approving Chapter 30, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 entitled, "An Act ',
relating to the city of St. Paul ; regulating appeals, hearings, and procedures I
concerning the Human Rights Commission; amending Laws 1965, chapter 866, section l . " I,
Resolution approving Chapter 302, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 entitled "An Act �'
relating to the city of St. Paul ; setting the maximum amounts of and other con- �
ditions for the issuance of capital improvement bonds; amending Laws 1971 , �
chapter 773, sections l , as amended, and 2, as amended."
The Legislation Committee recommends approval . �