280591 wHITE - CITV CLERK ���/�` PINK - FINANCE COURCII V j CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L J f BLUE - MAVOR File NO• cil Resolution Presented By Referred To L'CG S!r/�T 1 Ol� Commi ttee: Date � r ���—� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of St . Paul that Chapter 302, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 , entitled relating to the city of St. Paul; setting the maximum amounts of and other conditions for the issuance of capital improvement bonds; amending Laws 1971, chapter 773, sections 1, as amended, and 2 , as amended. a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk as the chief clerical officer of the Council of the City of St . Paul shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this Resolution of approval of said Act. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher '�"i^e"�"���� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibel _ � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date .1UL 7 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa s y ouncil e tar BY �1pp v by ;Vlavor: _ `�U�- � � 183 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY PUBLISHED JUL 16 19.� . � : � . � � � � �� � ���� ��` ' - H.F. No. �45 CHAP'�ER No. ����� `�3 .,,� . �- ��� NOTE Tt�is►s the tinai version pf ih3 Ui!! ih�t t:il! fY.. lrznsT�,;�c t�th? 5avernor's • desk. Che::'c Ho�se i�r'ex �e�artm�at tcr ��pc�:e:l s:a!us ('��0-66�oj 1 2 rela�iny to th.e city of St. Paul; se�t�iag the maximum 3 amvunts of and ot'�er conditions for the issuance of s capital improvement bands; amer_ding Laws 1971, chapter S 773, sections l, . as amended, and 2, as amended. 0 7 BE IT ENACTED BY T'rIE LEGISLATI7Rc. OE' T��E ST�TE OF 1`�FI�IESOTAc 8 Section 1. Laws 197I, chapter 773, section 1, as amended �3 i�I Laws 1974, chapter 35I,_ section 5, subdi�rision .�, �aws I97G, _ ; . ; . , _ IG chapter 23�, section �I,' Ga*�s I�78, -chap�er ?88, section 1, an3 � 11 La�.rs 198]., chapter 369, section 1, is anended to read: 12 Section l. [ ST. PAUL�, CFTY OF; CRPIT�G IivIPROVENIE�IT 13 D�tOGR.��. J � • _ • F 1'-= Subdivi.sion 1. rIotwithstanding any provision oF the IS charter_ of the city of St. Paul, the council of said cit� shall. I5 have power bl a resolution ac�opted by five affirm�tive votes of I7 ali its nembers to authorize th? issuance and sale of general 18 obligation bonds oz" the city in en Q:�a��� e� $S��S8,-262 a9k eae?3 �g G8=°%:E�F3'" *je�� �9r' @ �9�i' yea� Jea'i9� ea�.wP�o;*�EJ `r1��:'? �'^..UG-� ye�� - z� =9=�,- the years stated and in the aggregate anr_ual a;,tounts not 2? to e;�ceed the limi�s prescribed in subdivision 2 of this szction ?? ; =a� a �_u� �eax �eu_er� ea:�!°te:�e:�:g _y �98�,- for the payment of 2� T�r�:�ch the £ull faith and credit of the city is irrevocably 2�� r�le�ged. 25 Subd. 2 . �ey ��e 7e�� _988 =�e ei�7 e� 6�. P��� �s 1 . j P'���:�=���... �� �`j3'1° �^ju+3 ��': =„��+•t�._'.. `,�J�?'r��°=°— �a.-NP�.�°._ �w.J. ua� ^ •���� - �-> ,a�-„3-��9 �yei. =o� e�c: of th� yea�s -��= A�� -9�� I983 ; z93= ,♦ y �r � / ; _;35 , '_c36, i�3?, ar_d �-28 �Ze c_tl o� S�. ?a�:1 is as��iorizeci to '-' :SSLIE �Q::CC:S =I1 t:l@ �CjCJ.."°Cj3t'"..° D.r,l._^.Cl'�J3�. �[;:C11:1�`. Ci $a � �i00���0 :O� • j °3Ct': 1°:r � O� L9?: _y@ j°�_ �7C3= t.'??� `3��3e��?'_�.�'-. �A��3 L-'..a@ �G'�°"� 9� C� �-- ?°�= •°•l�1 '-'=l°=° �'��'•°-° lIl 2ri amour.t ecual �O OIlE-LOLi�t:2 O� or.e 7 oerc_r.t of t:�e assessors es�i.�nated �narket va?ue af ta:cabie $ JL'C�@�'�� lil St. ?ZLL�.� :Ji'1±.C�'1°V°� 1S C1. �`.c�3�°'_'� ��CV�.�'..v-�C. ��:�`.''_?:° � that ::o :�iore th�n $3, 000, 000 of bon�s is aut?:orizsa to be issue3 ?0 in any �ne� year, unl�ss St. ?aul ' s Local 5er_zral ob�? .r,ation Il ciebt as �efined in this section is less �han six percent of st�e?� I2 market value calculat�d as oz Decerr.ber 31 of the preceding year; � I3 i�u� at�no time shaI.i` the aggregate principal amount of bonds 14 authorized exc�_� $8;5E9;2A9 �� ?98�,- $9, 000,000 i:� I983 e.�� 15 , $9, SOO, Q00 in I98a, $10, 100, 000 in 1985, $I0, 700, 000 in 1986, - -----------------------------------.._______ 16 $11, 300,000 in 1987, and $].2, 000, 000 in 1988. ---------------------------------------------- 17 Subd. 3 . Eor. purposes of this section, St. Paul' s general 18 obligation debt sha?I consi�st of the principal amount oi all 1:9 outstar.ding bonds of ( I) the city of St. Paul, the housing and 20 redQvelopment authority of St. Paui, the civic center authority 21 of St. Paul, and the port autnority c� St. Pau1, for which the 22 full faith and cr�dit of the city or any .of the foregoing 23 authorities has be4n plelged; (2 ) IndepYnce*_:t School District 24 625, for orhich t:ze full faith and credit of the district has 25 been ple�ged; �and (3 ) the county of �amsey, for whzch the fu1l � 26 faith and credit of the county has been plelred, reduced by ari 27 amount equal to the princzpa? amount of stte_� the otztstar.d�ny 28 bor_ds muitzplied by a fic�.tre, the nunerator of ;Jhich is equal to 29 the assessed value of property within the countl ou�side of �he 30 city of St. Pau1 and the denominator of whic:: is equal to the 31 assessed va?ue o� the county. 3? Ther.e sha11 be deducted b��ore makinc; tre foregoi�:g 33 co„tputations the outs�anding princioal am�unt of all re_`uncied 3� bonds, al? ta:�c or aid anticipation certificztes of indebtedness 35 0� the ci�y, the aut'�orities, the sc?�oo1 dist�ict and the county 3o fo= ��rrich the �u1? _ai�h ard cr��-� o� the 50�= > > �_�s nas be._� 2 � _� _.....�...,..� ,..w..� F_...___ . __.�.�.._,. .�...... ._.,.���._._._�..�,�.c,., _.,�.w..��..,�,- - _ __....,.,.._ . .. �.. <., ...�..._ -,.., ---. �...:�... y y� r , �J= --^° �=10L' i.t':�°_°_ COI2SZC:.`.iV@ Il°_3?'S� C�Y'.e'_"3? taX I+���j��� . � . �( ` , . �;�'� .�r �a�_�=__°��d _���_�s� �o su^po�� �nnual p_�zc_paI ar_ci i^t���s� _ �at�-,e^�� . 1• � �ac . 2 . Laws 1971, chapter 773 , sect�on 2, as amend_d by . � �acJS 1978, cha�tzr 788, sectio:� 2, is amend�d to read: ; Sec . 2 . The proce�ds of a�? bor.ds issued pu=suar_t to � sect:on I hereof sha11 be used exclusive�y for �'.�.e accuisition, y C�i,S�`.Y'L1C�i0I1� �P.G7 =@'J3yi Of C3D1:�� ?:.i��O�i�.�!an�g_ �Ior_� OL. ��..'1@ . ?C proceeds of any boncs so zssued s�:a?1 be expended exce�t upan ?1 projec�s which _nave be�n reviewe�, anc have received a priority Z2 rating, from a capital improvements conmittee consis�ir_q of 18 � i3 men�ers, of whom a majority shall not hold any pa�d offic� or � 1Q position under the city of St. Paul . The meri�ers shall be 15 appointed by the malor, with at least �pyee four me�bers from I6 each NTinnesota senate district located entirely withzn the city 17 and at least two me�rcbers from each senate district located 18 partl.y within tre city. Prior to making an appointrctent to a I9 vacancy on the ca�ital improvement budget co�r.�mittee, the mayor ` 2"� shaLl consult the legislators of tne senate district in which 2I the vacancy occurs: The nriorities ar_d recon�endatians oi s�ee_� 22 t:Ze commifitee sha11 be nurel.y advisory, and no buler of any stie?3 23 bonds shall. be re�tire� to se� to the application of the 2S proce�ds. . 25 Sec. 3 . [EcF�CTIVE DATE. ] 25 This act is effective_ the day after compliance with ----------------------=---------------------------- 27 �tinnesota Statutes, szction 6�5 .021, subdivision 3 , by th� ---------------------------------------------------------- 28 governing nody of the city of St. Pau1 . ---------------------------------------- � 3 .__. .,_ .� �.�. - T- ,.�...,.--�......,�.,- -�.�-.,,-V,. �»�sr..-tit^-.: '_..: - t ... � c:. ''`. :,� -.r,t-. �.��._.� �c "' i-. ..s- x, ..7�-.. . �'�;�vx 3.`.3 .1.'�'_ '�'r"-„-:-�• . . �. . ... <.�.,i.J2�-ti'�, r .��� 3+-e..� r� . . . ..✓i-. .�.r—' . .. . . � _. . _. _ , :, ... .�. �;, . ... . �.� . s• .�. . ... .._...........,. _....«..._.�......�_,...�-..�.^!w.•...�u�rMT .rsr.a,-ww.'...+.-aa.:..l-�aTae.,w.ey^*'"-.....�-n..�.�.....r.n.sw.+.�n----•-'...�.v.. ._ . ... _�• . , .�.�,y..�,. .___.. . _.' .T... ..r .�.'_.o- .,.:.F....x..yb,,..,s,.t ;- , �R'°ra.. ..,. -+1 .�.a._ ; � ��f.� � �/� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) County of Ramsey ) ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) ' I, Albert B. Olson, City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the attached copy of the Certificate of Approval of Laws 1983, Chapter 302, is a true and correct copy of the original certificate filed with the Secretary of State. WITNESS my hand and seal of the City of Safnt Paul, Minnesota this 2nd day of March, 1984. _ � (�� _ � .- - C' ` ,�"`f�,1 . �-�%���--�, City Clerk ;..� i��� . � • CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,645.U2 and 645.U21) STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE,That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the ' City of St. Paul (name o government unit) DOE5 HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Lawa, 19 83, Chapter 302 requiring approval by a � majority vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the St. Paul City Council � � (designate governing body) at a meeting duly heald on the �th day of July , 19 83 , by resolution C.F. No. 280591 did approve said Laws, 19 83,Chapter 302 (If other than reaolurion,specify) by a majority vote of all of the members thereof (Ayes � ; Noes � ; Absent or not voting � ) and the following addifional steps, if any, requir- ed by statute or charter were taken: To be published in the official paper of the City. � A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. S' ed: r� � SEAL City Clerk (Official designation of officer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.021) �`If extraordinary majority is required by the special law insert fraction or percenta . ����s�un�or� � ��ro�sT�� JUf 13 98� ���� . �i�r�f St�ta e=,"Y.+• = o�P p ME~� (� I TY U Ir .5A I N T l�A U L Council ����`�- 1 .n� .�� - M�roa Fl�Q N0. � o cil Resolution 1'resented L3y � '�� Referred To L`��'" -5�-�� � Committee: Date � � `���3 Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of St. Paul that Chapter 302, Laws of Minnesota for 1983, entitled relating to the city of St. Paul; setting the maximum , amounts of and other conditions for the issuance of capital improvement bonds; amending Laws .1971, chapter 773, sections 1, as amended, and 2 , as amended. a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk as the chief clerical officer of the Council of the City of St. Paul shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this Resolution of approval of said Act. COUNCIL{VIEN • Requested by Department oi: Yeas Nays . Fletcher • +�^� �<���eS In Favor Masanz • Nicosia scneibei. Against By Tedesco , Wilson JUL 7 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hp Council: Date Certif�ed Ya s y ouncil tar By ppp �� by 4lavor: ��L � � 1903 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY ."E!! 1 6 i�3 � ��o.�-�� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) County of Ramsey ) ss. ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I, Albert B. Olson, City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No. 280591, as adopted by the City Council . July 7, 1983, approved by the Mayor July 11, 1983, and published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger, the official paper of the City on July 16, 1983, with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this 2nd day of March, 1984. ' r----, � � %�'`� '� � ` ,,;� ,G�//�/�!���.�-,� . City Clerk `l�� r,��lTl - �� � . �._� - - � �INPNCC Council �(} I '''"r ' CI1'Y U1'' SAINT ��AUL l'�`7� C11:�R• = M�rQ1'TMCN� FIIC N�• ♦ HI UL � Co .cil R eso lution : � > ,/� Presented !3y � Referred To ���'" S�-�% � Committee: Date � � °z��3 Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of St. Paul that Chapter 302, Laws of Minnesota for 1983, entitled relating to the city of St. Paul; setting the maximum , amounts of and other conditions for the issuance of � capital improvement bonds; amending Laws .1971, chapter 773, sections 1, as amended, and 2, as amended. a certified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk as the chief clerical officer of the Council of the City of St. Paul shall forthwith - file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and including a copy of this Resolution of approval of said Act. COUNCILI7EN • Requested by Department of: Yeas Naps . . Fietchet •' ;�*�+�<<���e°_S In Favor Masanz ' Nicosla B s�netbei Against y Tedesco . Wilson Aduptcd h}• Council: Date JUL ` 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Certif�ed Pa s y ouncil tar By q�p �• by \lavor. JUL i � 1983 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bt• - By - JUL 1 6 1983 .� . , � , ���'.l `� � CITY OP` SAINT PAUL - OFFIC� OF TFiI� CITY COIINCIL �.....;. ..,........�� '�=�-����" D a t e ; June 30, 1983 ' I . COMMITT � E RE PORT TO = SQint Paui City Councit FROM = Commirtee Oh LEGISLATION C H A I R : James Schei bel , Acti ng Chai r Resolution approving Section 8, Chapter 259, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 en- titled "An Act relating to liquor; authorizing electibn day sales, reducing the period of existence required for a club license; authorizing off-sale licenses to dispense certain samples and advertise in bordering states' news- papers in certain instaraces; regulating volume discounts; authorizing the city of St. Paul to issue an on-sale liquor license to the Phalen Park club house; authorizing the city of St. Paul to issue a special beer and wine license to the Downtown Council ; authorizing the city of Minnetonka to issue three additional on-sale licenses; authorizing the city of Long Prairie to issue a club license to a certain Moose Lodge; amending Minnesota Statutes 1982, Sections 34D:034, subdivisiori 1 ; 340.11 , subdivisions 11 and 15; 340.14, subdivision 1 ; 340.15 by adding a subdivision; 340.408; and 340.983. " Resolution approving Chapter 110, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 entitled "An Act relating to the city of St. Paul ; providing for facilities, bonding powers, and � duties of the St. Paul port authority; amendin� Laws 1976, chapter 234, section 3, subdivision 1 .° Resolution approving Chapter 30, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 entitled, "An Act relating to the city of St. Paul ; regulating appeals, hearings, and procedures concerning the Human Rights Commission; amending Laws 1965, chapter 866, section 1 . " Resolution approving Chapter 302, Laws of Minnesota for 1983 entitled "An Act relating to the city of St. Paul ; setting the maximum amounts of and o�her con- ditions for the issuance of capital improvement bonds; amending Laws 1971 , chapter 773, sections 1 , as amended, and 2, as amended. " f The Legislation Committee recommends approval . � � CTTY HALL Sx��'Ew'Cti FLOOk SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .�..„ �w'