280588 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��y-�� PINK - FINANCE COIZIICIl 71r1� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �BLUE - MAVOR a��~� , File N 0. , Co n_ci Resolution Presented By Referred To ✓ !°I ���"l`l�� Committee: Date �O ' �� �3 Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City afficials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the County of Ramsey where- by the City' s Division of Public Health will provide laboratory services for lake water testing, subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which shall be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Galles in Favor �O`"M`'^'�T..� ��'L���s� Masanz Nicosia � � /, scheibei _ Against BY �"�-��'��r Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 �9e� For Approved by ry Certified P ss Coun il S et r (7� B � By 1 � r� by ;�,a�o�: JUL i � 1983 Appr v y Mayor for b ' i n'to Council By By PUBUSHED JUL 16 1983 z ��� � � ,���'°' , Community $ervices DEPARTt,1ENT ; ' � Gary J. Pechmann �ONTACT 292-7711_ PHONE ���� �� , May 23, 1983 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): RECEIVEn �' Department Di rector � � _ MAY 2, 7 1983 ,� City Attorney �t,�� R�CENED 3 /Mayor CITY ATT1R1�� � ��AY ? 7 �►Ga3 4 Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di�^ector --�_ RF�Fn�Fp 5 Ci ty C1 erk MAYORS OFFICE � J�.���j - �w ;�:�;��:� 6 Budget Director ` OFFICE OF 1 H:.- Ui ,�.:fOR DEPARi�,�.�Fn.�� .-�:: � �ANCE� ' AND MANAGEiv;t��� �CRVICEg� '�that Will be Achieved by 7aking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Resolution to allow City signatures on an Agreement between the Division .of Public Health through iis laboratory and the County of Ramsey. This Agreement will allow Ramsey County to utilize the Division's laboratory for lake water testing. Sharing of our laboratory facilities by Ramsey County will result in more efficient use of the laboratory. Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: The County will reimburse the City $11 .50 per day for the first employee working in the Mboratory, a nd �5.25 per day for each additional employee. Total annual cost to the County for laboratory use and supplies shall not exceed $3,400. No personnel impacts are anticipated. Funding Source and' Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: � Funding code 33239 Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : 1 . Agreemenf - original and one copy �� Copy of resolution from Ramsey County Board of Commissioners 3. Resolution ; UEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No /4� Yes � No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (�ee Reverse Side for Instructions) , ' • • � ���� e�. AGREEMENT � ." } An Agreement, made and enter?d into th.is day of , 198 , by and betwzen the City of $ainP Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinaft�r referred to os the "City", acting through its Division of Public Health, and the County of Ramsey, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter �eferred to as the "County", acting through its Department of Publ i c Works; , WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County has undertaken r�storation projecis on Phalen Lake, Como Loke and Long Lake, and the City is vita!ly concerned wifih the �estoration projects on Phalen Lake and Como Lake; and WHEREAS, the Covnty intends to maintoin a general lakes testing program on major lakes within the cvunty; and WHEREAS, _the County has employed a (ake management specialist and other staff whose duty, among others, is to conduct lake testing for the restoration projects and for the ge�eral testing progrcm; and . WHEREAS, in order to perform the lake testin�, the County requires the use of suito5le laboratory facilities, and the County does not hove such facilities available; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City and �� the County as follows: 1 . ThaF the County's Lalce TAanagemenf Specialist and other County stafF under his direction shall have access to and the use of the City's public health (aboratory faciliti�s for the various procedures necessitated by fihe projects obove reci;ed. � � -2- � �.C7�1'�`r�*' 2. That during the use of the laboratory facilities the Lake Management Specialist shall be under tl�e direction and control of the LaSoratory Direcfor of the Division of Public Health 3. That the County will reimburse the City for supplies dnd chemicals directly consumed by the County stafF on a strQight-charge basis. Additional supplies and chemicals to be used by the County staFf will be purchased directly by the County. In addition,. the County wilt pay eleven dollars and fifty cents (�11 .50) for the first employee and five dollars twenty-five cents ($5.25) for each additional employee per day of laboratory usage for laboratory equipment maintenance, cosh and general facilities usage cost. Total annual cost to the County for laboratory usage and supplies sha)I not exceed three thous��nd four hundred do)(ars ($3,400). 4. That the County shall reimburse the City on a monthly basis upon receipt of o monthly invoice. • 5. Thot the County ogrees at all times hereunder that its Lake Management Specialist ond other staff shall be independent contractors as to the City, and not employees of the City, and, further, will save harmless the City from any and all claims of whatever kind that may be occasioned by tF�e � County staFf's work hereunder unless such claims are attributable to the negligence oF the City or of its employees and ogents. �� • 6. That this Agreement may be terminated by either party with or without � cause upon thirty (301 days' written notice From either pQrty to the other; hov��vzr, charc�es wnicl� have accrued for services shall survive as a valid claim. ,� . • -3- � �_ � .�,��. ,,�_ . 7. That any a�terations, variatio;is, modifications, or waivers of provisians of this AgreeR;ent shall be valicl only wh�n tnsy hav� bse� reduced to writing, fully signed, a;�d attached to the origina{ of this Agreernent. 8. That tne terms oF this Agreement shall be from Janury 1 , 1983 through December 31 , 1933. (N 1�'VITNE$$ VJHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Funding code: 33239 t � ,f /l V(C� -Chairman, Board oF oun�""y"Commissioners ayo� ,�. � ..� ��' Director, Department of Finance and ',,� .',- Atfiest: Management Services + ' hief Clerk-County Bom�rd DirecFor, ne�artmant of g3�.5'b y�//�� Community Services APPROVED AS TO FORM�: APPROVtD AS TO FORM: n ' �it C�1� !�.-�:.;�-r�13 r '.�� Assistant County Attor ey Assistant City A torney FI ����,. ,�RE A`.�,�'� „�;_r �� C�:.� s oao �- • Budgeting $ q�unting B� A ` 1 �..+fIP'"n.. f���o / \ ,�:-- ' �:�- � C1TY or S�YZV�r P.�ur �.'.'�.. 7 ♦ J y��• • "i�'\ ti°� l I\ � ;.; ; ,�.-"- r.,1; .� �•� 1 OI�'FIEF OI� 1FIlT CITY COUI�CIT� ��� �''a �';'"e`'� �' '�� D o t • , �:� . _ ,`'� �� . e • June 30, 1983 z;;.. �. ,�:'''� •�.�.�.;Y;: - � COMMITT � E R E PO RT TO = Saint Paul City Council F � � � = C o rn m ir t e e O h Finance, Management F; Personnel CN A t R Councilman Scheibel .. ._� • " . � Fl t7 � � . � !'1, - ' . . . . . 1. Approval of minutes from, meeting •held June 22, 19g3��-�,�� 2. fiesolution increasin aramedic .fees.� (Fire De axtment ' -�_ S P , P ��-����--�-�,[�� .. � �.. ' � Y • . ' 3. Ordinance amending Sections��3.04 a�ic� 370.1G of the St. Paul� Legislative Code. (Community Services)`�°L-f��;��L�,`�'�,,���;� � 4. Resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget to provide,financing� . \ for the construction of the Seventh Place pedestrian mall."`` _ � � � --- - ,:� �S. P,esolution approl�ing agreement bet�ceen the City of St. Paul and Ramscy County whereby the City's Department of Public Health will provide 1�-a�bo tor -- _ -� services for lake �.ater testing. (Community Services) �,�j �� . _ • . '�l-'��,�. __ _ --�� . �' 6.. Resolution approving the 1983 I�femorandum of Agreement �.�hich an:ends the ' - 1981-1983 Collective Bargaining Agreenen� bet►veen the Independent Scliool District I�o. 625 and the United �lssoci�a ion Pipefitters Local 455. - (Personnel Office)_.����'. + �r� � : - 7. Ordinance establishing 'a nei+ Chapter 62 of the St. Paul Administrative Code pertaining to street maintenance and assessments. (Fin�nce and Tfana�ement - Services)���,��:���-�-'���"���'��s 4 �_:�'�� ` . ' . �_. -, ___ ' .' " . Not on Agenda � g. Resolution changing bond issue for Battle,.Creek�otel project from $7,000,000 to $9,(�00,000. (Port Authority_)`��f��Q(��:r�Z,--(� 9. Resolution amending the 1981_Capital Improvement Budget to provide funding .fr�r railroad crossing improvementsat Chestnut and Eagle Street=.-�Ol'OfI�(�=�Z-_� 10. Resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget to provide funding for � Dale Street and Dfaryland Avenue overlay projects. �� - _ -- - .- �" ' . -�PPf-�r� =- - - .,�a..., - CITY HALL SE�ENTH FLOUF: SAINT PAUL, MINNFSUTA 55102 �--�.�■ • ' � -- --- .s-��-t---w�!��r�r��,-...,u....-�.o...`,o,..r- .. :.tYna�--,"" r.. _ . ... � . . . , _,...�7k:..��.. ._.. , ., . _ +""'�.t'4�'�c'_', ..... . .... ,. - .... .. .- ,._... ... .,.,�_, -_ _�.�.. ._..r'�.�-