D001027��� � WYd T^^ CityGai: Pints � - Finaace Uept Cwazy . ' Dept City of Saint Paal • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVLSION ao e AD�STRA'C1VE ORDER� Consistent with the suthority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request ofdie Director of the Depa�fiient of Erecutive Adminisimtion to amend the 1996 budget of the Genera] fund, the D'uector of the Deparhnent ofFinance and Management Services is authoriud to amend said budget in the following manner. Glurrent Bud�et TO: 001-00155-0214 001-00155 - 0856 001-00155-0857 O -00155 - 01I1 001-00158-0111 001 A0159 - 01 I l $5,050.00 $0 $12,582.48 $ 1,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $67,&l8.59 ($39,536.00) ($25,673,36) ($ 8,63923) $ 6,050.00 $ 5,000.00 $80,431.07 $142,498.00 $395,511.00 $209,388.00 Preparedby: Ac6vityManager :e uestedby: DepattrnentDirector ' No 1�2.� Date: ~—) !V tEl Amended Bud¢et $102,962.00 $369,837.64 $200,748.77 �� i�-- �--- �-�---�-� Appro y: Mayor g - �-- 9l Date: USERS�BROERidAN�WPFII,ESIACL'fSPA7(�FORMS.AMG535836 L•CPf Hum CONCA_.. �,wbN&PHONE: john Hamilton 266-6470 MUST BS ON COCJNCII. AGELYDA BY (DATL� DATE INTT7ATED ' ' ` � ` "� 08l09/96 GREEN SHEET No.: 35836 � Il�IlTL1LDwTE II�TL[AUDATE ASSIGN 1 DEPAR'LMENT DIR.�� CITY COUNCII. 7YIJ7NggR CITY ATCORNEY 3 CITY CLERK gpR 2 BWCiET DII2. F[N. � MGT. SERVICE DII2. ROUTING MA1'OR {OR ASST.) 4 FINANCFlACCT ORDER TOTAL/t OF SIGNATURE PAGES__] (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) acrtox x��srEn: Transfer of pianned salary savings to the 800's for hardware and software purchases and to the 200's for staff trainis3e and develooment. RECOMbiENDA170NS: Approve (A) or Re�ed (R) _PLANNQdGCOh¢9SS10N _C[VII,SERVICE COMI4IISSION CSB COMMITCEE _ S'CAFT DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WfiICH CAUNCIL OBJEC'CNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACCS MqSf ANSR'ER THE FOLLOtYING QUESTIONS: 1. Hasthispe�sacJfixmevaworkedundcacoatcuxfort6isdepartmeut? Ya No 2. HasthispecwdScmevab�acilyempbycel Y� No s. noesu Yes No Ezplain a0 yce aavwen on separate s6eet and nffacb fo yreen sLeet A'ITL4TING FROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'I'Y (Who, w�r, wn�, wnere, wny>: As a result of the Office of Human Resources reengineering and managed attrition plan, the Office has realized reductions in staff and resulting in salary savings that are now availabfe to reallocate to our technoloev nlan. anv.uv�racss�nrexoven: This action wiii allow the Office of Human Resources the opporiunity to continue its migration to a single hardware and software platform capable of supporting current and future customer service DISADVANY'ACES IF APPROVED: n�snnv�races u� xoT neexoveo: The current configuration in the Office of Human Resources {three (3) different operating systems) creates major difficulties in providing quality services and poor utilization of staff resources (HR and CIS). The inability to standardize the Aardware and software needs of the Human Resources Office will continue to result in subontimimal utilization of staff and TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAAIVSAGTION: 573,84&59 FUNDING SOURCE: FINANCIAI.11�'ORMAT{ON: (E7CPLAI(� resources. COSTlREVEMJE BUDCETED: ACfSVSTY NUMBHR: � U�s REGE�VEt� SEP 1 ? 199fi �!T'� GLERK � ���� \J From: 7oe Reid To: Council Members Date: Monday 9-16-96 Subject: Human Resources AO This AO requires some further explanation about how it relates to the recently approved PC Replacemern Project. The 1996 PC Replacement Project is a strategy for replacing existing outdated PCs. It is not intended to be an acquisirion strategy to increase the esisting PC inventory in any individual Department. Departrnents wishing to add to the number of PCs in their Departments in 1996 were instructed to budget for and purchase these acquisitions as they had in the past. Human Resources is increasing their number of PCs in 1996 by replacing dumb temrinals with PCs. They aze budgeting for and purchasing PCs consistent with the instructions they were given. The equipment they are purchasing is identical to the machines being leased tt�rough Winthrop Financial Senlices. The eciuipment purchased by Humui Resources will be considered for replacement in 2000 when the 19961ease anangement with Winthrop expires and a new lease is negotiated. r