280586 WHITE , - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �j�a� C�ANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. '��� BLUE - MAVOR � �o ncil Resolution Presented By 1/ � /'j - Referred To �����1�CE= Committee: Date � ��� Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby � approve s and rati.fie s the attached Memorandum of Agreement which �, amends the 1981-1g83 Collective Bargai.ni.ng Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and the United Associati.on Pipe- fitters Local 455. App rove d: Chairman, ivil Service Commi sion COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays p,�RSO OFFICE Ga°� � (n Favor Masanz Nicosia sche�be� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 7 1983 Form A rove Cit tor y << � Certified Ya• Counci re BY g�, � t� r e by Mavor: Dat L 1 1 1983 A y Mayor for Sub ' si `'to c By PUBLISHED J U L 16 1983 -_ _ -- _ _-_-__ __: . . _ _ . --- -- __ ______ ___��� �'�'H�ITE - CITY CI�RK �INK - FINANG� G I TY O F SA I NT PA I.T L Council CAN4RV - DEPART.��NT . File �O• BLUE - MAVO= CITY CLERK Co��cil �Zeso����on Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approve s and ratifie s the attached Memorandum of Agreement which amends the 1g81-1g83 Collective Bargaini.ng Agreement bei:ween the Independent School District No. 625 and the United Association Pipe- fitters Local 455. Approved: Chai rman, Civil Se rvi ce Commi s sion COUNCIL'�IEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��etcher Nays pERSONNEL OFFICE Galles In Favor Masanz Ntcosia scne�be� Against BY Tedesco W ilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY 8� Approved by Ytavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ ` ���� : �---'�`'` ...�,,_....__._-, - 1983 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 and United Association of Pipefitters Local No. 455. In full settlement, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except as hereia modified, the signed I98I-1983 Collective - Bargaiai.ng Agreement between the pa�ties shall be the basis of the. forthcoming labor agreement. 2. Appendia C. -- Appendix C of the said Agreement shall be replaced with Append�.x C which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Appendix D - Appeadix D of the said Agreement sha11 be replaced with Appendix D which is attached hereto aad made a part hereof. It is uaderstood that, the above settlement shall be recommended by the School Boar� Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the Board of Education. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this Ig�, day of , 1983. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 IINITED ASSOCIATION OF PIPEFITTERS LOCAL N0. 455 � ,/ �i��t� �.� gy. �� ' . Negotiator Business Mana e . ���/�'3 � �� � /�J �rDZX C _ ����11rc��✓� - The basic hourly wage rate for provisional, regular and grobationary employees- appointed to the following class of positions and not receiving the Frfage Benefits I.isted .in Article 12.2 shall be: Effective Effective E€fective Effective Effective rtay 4, 19 S I June 15,198I July I, I981 :�Iay 1 , 19 S 2 May I, I98: Pigefitter . . . . $14.25 $14.25 $14.I1 $1� .64 $Z8.00% Refrigeratioa, Gas & Oil Serviceman. $I4.25 $14.25 $14.1I $I5.64 $18.00* � Pipefitter Foreman $15.40 $15.69 $I5.55 $I7.09 $19.44* Mechanical Insg. . $I5.40 $I5.69 $15.55 $17.Q9 $19.44* • � Senior Mechaaical Iasp.-Pipefitter. $I6.I7 $16.65 $I6.51 $18.05 $20.40* Pipefitter-Controls Specialist $I8.00# The basic hourlp wage rate for teaporarp aad emergency employees appoiateci to the followiag cl.ass of positiaas shall be: Effective Effective Effective Efiective Effective May 4, i9ai June i5,i98i Juiy i, 198i P4ay i, 1982 Ma.y i, 2983 Pigefitter- . t . . $14.82. $14.82 $14.67 $16.27 $18.72* Refrigerat3aa, Gas & Oil Serniceman. $I4.82 $14.82 $I4.67 $I6.2? $18.Z�*. Pipefitter For�naa $I6.02 $16.32 $I6.17 $17.77 $20-22* Mechanical Insp. . $16.02 $16.32 $16.17 $i7.-77 � $2�•22* Senior Mechaaical Insp.-Pipefitter. $I6.82 $17.32 $17.17 $18.7T $21..22* P3pefitter-Coatrols Specialist $1$•72* TEie basic hourlp wage rate for regular employees appointed to the following class of positions who are receining the fringe beaefits listed ia Article I2.2 shall be: Effect�ve Effective Effective Effective :�tay 4, 1981 3une 15,1981 I�ay I, i982 May i, 1983 Yipefitter . . . . $14.74 $14.74 $14.43 $17.55 Pipefitter Foreaan $15.74 $I5.99 $16.10 $I8.80 Mechanical Iasp. . $IS.bS $I5.90 $I7.I0 $I3.48 Senior rfechanica� ' Xasp.-Pipefittsr. $16.32 516.73 $I7.92 $19.31 Pipefitter-Contrals� Speci.a.list $17.55 *Th�s rate iacludes the ta.Yabls Credit Union contribution. . - C1 - . � ` . ���1� APPENDIg C (continued) If the Union elects to have the contributions Iisted in AppendiY D iacreased or decrea.sed, the Fmployer may adjust the above applicable rates for participating employees ia such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant. � C2 - � . ���8� ' � APPEl`TIJIX D Effective �fay I, 1983, the �IPLOYER shall: � (I) contribute $2.00 per hour from which payrol]. deductions have been nade for a11 hours worked by garticipating ezmployees as de€iaed in Articles I2.3, 12.4 and 12.5 of this AGRE�IE�IT, to a Uaion designated Credit Unione (2) contribute $I.23 per hour for all hours worked by participati.ng � employees as defined in Articles Z2.3, 12.4 and I2.5 of this AGREEhIENT,� to a Health aad Welfare Fund. (3) coatribute $I.78 per hour for aI.I hours. worked by participating employees as defined in Articles 12.3, I2.4 and I2.5 of this AGREEM�iT� to the Pension Fund. (4) coatribute $ .08 per hour for all hours. worked by participating ` ' employees as defiaed ia ArticTes 12.3, 12.4 and IZ.S of this AGREEME�IiT, ta the Journepman and Apprenticeship Trainin� Fund. (5) contribute $ .03 per hour for aIl hours worked by participating emplopees as defiaed in Articles 12.3, 12.4 and I2.5 of th3.s AGREE?�IENT to the General Benefit Fund. All contrfbutions made in accordance with this Append� shall be forwarded to the Twia City Pipe Traders Service Association. The F�IPLOYER shall establish Worl�aa's Compensation and Unemploycaeat Compeasa- tion programs as required by Minnesota Statutes. - DI - Personnel Office DEPARTI,IENT � � Bernard P. Wright T T ���� �ON A�C 298-4221 PHONE --� reen ee �_ June ?, 1983 DATE . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip Al] Locations for Mayoral Signature�: � \ partment Di rector Ci ty Attorney --_ ' °r . �1�,��IV1C,L� Fi nance and. Management Servi ces Di rector �U N �3 '�83 City Clerk Budget Di rector MAYORS OFFICE What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Pt�rpose/Rationale�: Thi s re solution approve s the 198 3 Memorandum of Agreement between the Pipefitte rs � Union and the Independent School District No. 625. This Agreement amends the 1981- 1.983 Collecti.ve. Bargaining Agreement. It establishes the May 1, ;1983 wage rates. The 1983 total'package i.ncrease for the Pipefitter classes is $1.86 per hour. This adjustment is based on the outside union rates. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None. This memorandum only covers Schooll�istrict employee. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachrr�nts): 1. R.e s oluti on . 2. Copy for City Clerk - 3. Memorandum of Agreement , DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �es No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No�� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 f�� RPVPI^SP S1fIP f�r 'Ins�ructions) °"�r-�' • ' ' ' �irV���� .. . � Y.�;,r�'"'� � 1983 MErIORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 and United Association of Pipefitters Local No. 455. In full settlement, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except as hereia modified, the signed 198I-1983 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties shall be the basis of the forthcoming labor agreement. 2. Appendix G - Appendix C of the said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendi�c C which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. A�pe� D - Appendi�c D of the said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendix D which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is uaderstood that, the abave settlement shall be recommended by the School Boar� Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the Board of SEducation. IN WI �E�_S�S WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this j�LEs� day of , 1983. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 62S UNITED ASSOCIATION OF PIPEFITTERS LOCAL N0. 455 B -����� �'� Bq: h�,�� .'�� ' Negotiator Business Mana e . 3��/�3 �-/� 3 /s • ' „� �PPE�i DIX C � ;i�r���� ., . , . � • �` ;� Tfie basic hourly wage rate for provisional, regular and Frobationa.ry e�ep3.oyees appofnted to the following class of positions and not receiving the Fringe Benefits listed .in Article 12.2 shall be: Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective r�ay 4, 1981 June 15,198i July i, 1981 �ay i, 1982 rtay i, i983 Pipefitter . . . . $14.25 $14.25 $14.1I $I.�.64 $I8.00* Refrigeration, Gas & Oil Serviceman. $14.25 $14.25 $14.II $I5.64 $18.00* Pipefitter Foreman $15.40 $15.69 $I5.55 $I7.09 $19.44* Mechanical Insp. . $15.4� $15.69 $15.55 $17.09 $19.44* • Senior Mechanical Iasp.-Pipefitter. $16.I7 $I6.b5 $I6.51 $18.05 $20.40* Pipefitter-Controls Specialist $I8.00* Z1ie basic hourlp wage rate for temporary an@ emergency employees appoiated to the follcwing class of positions shall be: Effective Effective Effective Effective Effective May 4, I981 June 15,I98I July 1, 198I May 1, 1982 May 1 , 1983 Pipefitter . . . . $14.82 $I4.82 $14.67 $16.27 $18.72* Refrigeratioa, Gas & Oil Serviceman. $I4.82 $I4.82 $14.67 $I6.2T $18.72* Pipefitter Foremaa $16.OZ $16.32 $I6.I7 $17.77 $20.22* Mechanical Insp. . $16.02 $1b.32 $16.17 $17.77 $20.22* Senior Mechanical Insp.-Pipefitter. $I6.82 $17.32 $17.17 $18.77 $21.22* Pipefitter-Controls Specfalist $18.72* The basic hourly wage rate for regular employees appointed to the following class of positions who are receiviug the fringe beaefits listed in Article 12.2 shall be: Effective Effective Effective Effective May 4, 1981 June 15,1981 May 1, i982 rtay i, 1983 Pipefitter . . . . $14.74 $14.74 $I4.93 $17.55 Pipefitter Foreman $15.74 $15.99 $16.10 $18.80 Mechanical Insp. . $15.65 $I5.90 $17.10 $18.48 Senior Mechanical � In:p.-Pipefitter. $16.32 $16.73 $I7.92 $19.31 Pipefitter-Coatrols Specialist $17.55 *This rate iacludes the taxable Credit Union contribution. - C1 - o .�. • ....v. . , ���� . �. ., ., . . . , . -�-•. - l � . APPEND� C (coatinued) If the Union elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the abave applicable rates for partic3pating employees ia such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant. - C2 - � . - • . IGi�U�U� .• ♦/. '. ,J . . � • . ' APPENDI% D Effective May 1, L983, the �IPLOYER shall: � (I) contribute $2.00 per hour from which payroll deductions have been iaade for all hours worked by garticipating eaployees as defined in Articles I2.3, 12.4 and I2.5 of this AGREEMENT, to a Union designated Credit Unione (2) contribute $I.23 per hour for all hours worked by participati.ng ' employees as defiaed in Articles 12.3, 12.4 and I2.5 of this AGREEMENT� to a Heslth and Welfare Fund. (3) contribute $I.78 per hour for alI hours worked by participating employees as defined ia Articles 12.3, 12.4 and I2.5 of this AGREIIKENiT to the Pension Fund. (4) coat=ibute $ .08 per hour for all hours worked by participating � employees as defiaed ia Articles 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 of this AGREEMENT, ta the Journeqman and Apprenticeship Training Fund. (5) contribute $ .03 per hour for all hours worked by participating employees as defined ia Articles 12.3, 12.4 and I2.5 of this AGREEMENT to the General Benefit Fund. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix shall be forwarded to the Twin City Pipe Traders Service Association. The F.MPLOYER shall establish Workman's Compensation and Unemployment Compensa- tion programs as required by Minnesota Statutes. - D1 - A� `t��°��=`� C1�rY or S�.izv�r P�.ur� :;:� - , ,. , >�`>.; ft:t �'' � L._ ! • �� p�;,;�_T,,�w;y��.`.��•• � OI�'F1CF OF '1`H1C CITY COUl�'CIL s,'� i ;.IF,!y4• -� , �.'-"'-"'".``� � D d t e : June 30, 1983 � ��y �� . �'�1t � ' c f,�� ��� ` t _ i�X• � COMMITT � E RE PORT TO = Sa�nt PauJ City Couhcii � F � � � = C o m nn ir t e e O Cl Finance, Management �; Personnel . C N A I R Counci,lman Schei,bel .. . . . - � � . AG � ND . �. � - � . - . . . - ..� . 1. Approval of minutes from, meeting •held June 22, 1983:��,��,'�(.. 2. Resolution increasing paramedic .fees.• (Fire De�artment)-�:���-�-�-----�V��• _ _ _ , . , � . . • � • 3. Ordinance amending �ections_�3.04 a�ic� 370.1G of the St. Paul Legisl�►tive Code. (Community Ssrvices)�L-7��,.��::;�,�� � 4. Resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget to prot�ide,financin�— . for the construction of the Seventh Place pedestrian ma11.�=���`,��,,,l� S. P.esolution approl�ing agreement bet��een the City of St. Paul and Tamsey County whereby the City's Department uf Public Health will provide 1 box�tor —;, services for lake �.ater testing. (Community Services) r ��—� �Yj.� 6.. Resolution approving the 1983 I�iemorandum of Agreement t,�hich an:ends tl�e ' - 1981-1983 Collective Bargainino- Agreenent bet�reen the Tndepei�dent Scliool District I�o. 625 and the United /lssocia zon Pipefitters I.ocal 455. - (Personnel Office). �"'°'-°��� � _ -.������:_ - 7. Ordinance establishing 'a neir Chapter 62 of the St. Paul Administrative Code pertaining to street maintenance and assessments. (Finznce and Tfana�ement - Services) �������-��J�-��_��S . _ - ` _ Not on Agenda g. Resolution changing bond issue for Battle Cr`eek hotel project from $7,000,000 to �9,600,000. (Port Authority_)=��tYj�QQL,: - Z---{; S. Resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget to provide funding for railroad crossing improvementsat Chestnut and Eagle Street:�T'C�II�.(�-,Z.� 10. Resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget to provide funding for - - Dale Street and Alaryland Avenue overlay projects. _,: - _ --- - . --' - � �pj-�r�� =��--� - - •,�_ .� CITY HALL " $Ei%;?NTH FLJ03� SAINT PAUL, MINNFSUTr� 55102 •���. . , _ . . .-- -- - ,.... . ...-R,,,,rss��,o,....�,,..�.-�.wr-.,..fr.,.;,ww�.�.: Y. ,�,;..�,. �, ,.,�...,, �,�•�;."- ...r-.,. .�.. . . �. ,- ' • - ..- .:.. .. a. . �. . ... . ... �:,_� -•.... ... _:,, �-'�rd-ie;-�.s��"�`'^ ,,.. _. .. -...,. .. . ,..�. ... , . _..__� __ .__.__s�.+S-