280574 WHITE - CITV CLERK C PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �,�����#�� CANARV - OEPARTMENT ' BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 1 Council esolu ion R � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is about to reconstruct the traffic control signals at the intersection of Kellogg Blvd. at Broadway St. , Sibley St. and Jackson St. Kellogg Blvd. is on the Trunk Highway System (Old Trunk Highway Number 5) , presently designated as control section 6218; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers be authorized, and directed to execute on behalf of the City of St. Paul, agreement No. 61605 between the City of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Department of Transportation , providing for the distribution of costs incurred in the installation of said City Project �3-T-1175 - signal reconstruction at Kellogg Blvd. and Broadway St. ; Kellogg Blvd. and Sibley St. , Kellogg Blvd. and Jackson St. , a copy of said agreement being attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. DES:kaj COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fietcner Public r s (Traffic-RHR) Galles [n Favor � Masanz � Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JU� 5 1983 Form Approv d b t Atto y Certified Y s e ounci! re BY By -- t� o d by �Vlavor: t L Appr b a o for Subm' s o ' to ncil By PusttsHeo JUL 1� '�83 - -- ---�-- � — _ . � -------- ----____� i ■ -i � � ��.�rr.w _-___.. + ������� _pcablic Works DEPART(�1ENT Donald E. Sobania �ONTACT 2�—_8 pHONE � �1xne 2 8 , 19 8 3 DATE 1 e�r� e e � (Routing and Explanati n She�) " Ass.i n Number for Routin Order Cli All Locations for or Si . -2` Ci � -- � oi�,.�,,,� _s_-- - -� M�or � Finance and Manageme ces Director � City C1erk . . B i c �T What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale). • Resolution authorizing proper City officers to execute , on behalf of the City 'of Saint Paul , an agreement with the Department" of Transportation providing for the costs incurred in the reconstruction of the traffic control signals at Kellogg Blvd. at Broadway St. , Sibley St. , and at Jackson St. (83-T-1175) . Financial , Bud etary and Personnel Impacts�Anticipated• Resolution directs costs, as outlined by agreement , to be paid from P.I.R.; fund code 62527 and be reimbursed by Mn/DOT, $26 ,500 and M.S.A. funds $26,500. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charqed or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : — , Council Resolution Copy of agreement DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x �, Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance �Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 �SP.P RP.Vl1'4P SidP for Instructions) � � �Y� �. �P. � . ����� � . i'�� �'� ._ �. -� �,�� - . . � '� � � �.�. � � _ . �� . � �L . •F '����� � ** . � `�A,''�' -� � � -� ,.. — _, L�IREC7o�P - �RA�'F/c � NG/NEER/�tJG- �,'���� . , � �>,. �4IPINESOTA TRAN�POR`I'ATION L'�FARTr9EN`I' TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEi�IENT NC. 51605 BET:aEEN ' THE STA�E CE I�iIPJIQESOTA, DEPART^IENT CF TRANSP�R`1'A'1ION aND THE CITY O.F ST. PAUL, i�lINNESOTA FOR Revisions of Traffic Control Signals with street iights at the intersections of Trun;c Highway No. 5 (Kellogg Boulevard) and Broadway Str2et, Sibley Street, and Jackson �treet in St. Faul , Aiinnesota. c.s. 621a _ S.A.P. 164-020-52 �nd 104-23�-01 . L'•i.S.A. 164-196-G5 C. �. T-�_175 Pr:�pared by Trafiic Engineering ESTIP•lAi'�D AP�i0Ut1i i�ECEI'v?�BLE F.f�SCUrd`L' 'i'G BE i.NCUl1Bc1t6L NONE $25 , 5G0. 00 '� ��} . . ' \ . ,'`�-��P�t��J'� l ; , . , . , �l.-IIS ,�GRLE2•lENT ;nade and ent�red into by and b��tween the � ::t�.te "or :°linn�sota , Department or 'iransportution, her2inafter referred to as the "State" , and the City ot St. P�ul , h�reinatter ; referred to as tne "City" , WITNESSETH: 1 ! WHEREAS, it is justified and considered mutually d�sirable ' to revise the existing traffic control sign�ls with street lights ,' ' on Trunk Highway P�o . 5 ( nellogg Boul`vard) at Broadway Street, � � . Sibl�y Street , and Jackson Street in the City; and WHEREAS, the City and State :vill participat2 in the cost, j � : maintenance and operation of said tratfic control signals c•lith i � . str�et lights revisions as hereinafter set forth; a � NObV, THEREFOP,E, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLO��S: � �� �+ � 1 . The City shall prepare the necessary plans , � � s?ecifications and proposals and snall perform the engineering and � inspection_ required to complete the items of work hereinafter set 1 � . forth. Sucn work as described immediately above shall constitut2 � ; "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be so referred to j ', � , hereinafter . . t � 2 . The contract ccst oL the �.�or;c or , if the work is not , � � � ; . contracted , the cost of �11 labor , materials , and equipnenc rental j � + I � requir`d to complete the work , �xcept the cost or providing the a � ; power supply to thz service pole , shall constitute the actual � � � ; "Construction Cost° and shall ;�e so ref�rred to hereinafter . s 3 . The City shall re�ise or cause Lhe revision of the ' j ! existing traffic control signals with street lights on Trunk � j � . ; , " � G1�05 � � � -1- , � ; . . � ' I l:?��' - .,,m.,., .__ _ �_ . r_ , ������.� � . - �I1.^_.['i;vd':' '�O . 5 ( :C.=_IiO�jC) :OUI��VurU � i�t �COaCjWu� �tL'E.'Et.� .�.�1bIC�� Strz�r. , �nc 7ackscn Street in accordance cait.� the plan and sNecification �or Ci�y Project T-11?� , State Aid Project i1os. i64-020-52 �nd 164-��8-01 , and rlinnesota Stat2 Aid P3o. 1�4-196-05. Tot�l Esti�a�ed Construc�ion Cost is $50 , OOO . GO . ' ; , ^�unk ::ignway i1o. 5 (Keliogg Boulevard) at Broadway Street. Signal Syst�m "A" . Estimated Construction Cost is $20 , OOC . 00. State ' s share is 50 percent. City' s snare is 50 percent. b. Trunk ::ighway No. 5 (I:el.logg Boulevard) at Sibley Street. Signal System "B" . Estimat2d Construction Cost is $20 , 000. 00 . State ' s share ' is 50 percent. City ' s share is 50 percent. c. Trunk Hignway tio. 5 ( Kellagg Boulevard) at Jackson Street. Signal System "C" . Estimated Construction Cost is $10 ,G00 . 00. Stat2 ' s share , is 50 percent. City' s shar� is 50 percent. 4 . Upon completion of the work provided for in paragraph , 3 hereof to the satisfaction of the State ' s District Engineer , the St�.te shall pay to the City the State ' s share of the actual � Construction Cost nlus six percent of such share as the �tate ' s � share of the cost of Engineering and Inspcction incurred by the City in prosecution of sGid wor�. rl�he Ci�y shall pay any remaining costs. , 5 . The total estimated amount to be encumbered for payment to ti;e City from Trunk Highway Funds for work performed under �.his ; •01005 � l i�;i:l� -2- 0 . ��h�x��, �_ :��r�e�ent is $::b , Sup , G� , rn �i:e ev��nt tha�_ at any ti;ne it appear� ��at suc:Z reiMbuLsement :.iil ��xc�4d said suM, the C:ity shall �romp::�Y� notiFy the S�ate ' s Disi.ricL- Engineer at Oakdalz or his duly auti�,crizeC repres2ntative or z.he reason for the increase in cost and the ar�ount ef adGitional �unds necess�ry to complete the , project. IL approved by tne State ' � District Engin�er at Gakdal� or his duly authorized representative, additional funGS shall be . encur„berec by tne State and notice by the State ' s District Engineer at Cakdale or his duly authorized repres�ntative to the City of that adai*ional Qncumbrance will �er,-�it the City. to perform that ' addiLional work. � u . Payment to the City will be made by the State for such ' � work which is cemplete and approved and upon• subr.lission by the City � I � c� an invoice in quintuplicate itemizing the Construction Cost and ; •.. � certified by a responsible City orficial that said work has been � _ � completed under the terms of this agreement. 'I�he invoice ano ' supporting records are subject to uudit by tne St�te ' s representa- s � tive at �he dir�ction of the 5tate. ' ; 7 . T.",e City shall sub�r�it to th� State a czrtified copy of � the low bid recei�ed and Gn abstract or all bics r�ceivzd by the City, toget'r.`r with tne City' s r�quest for concurrence by the State i�, the award of a ccnstruction contract. �ward of the contract shall n�t be mad� until the State a�vises tn� City in ,aritir.g of i�s concurr�nce. 3 . Einal plans and specifications for the revision of the traffic control sianals with street lights work provided for hereby n1605 ; ,�,�, ' -3- ' , � �,.� ;1.: i - _._ ,,,�...��„�„�,.....��.:,.�.��.,.,����,.-��,_..,-�,�.� � . ������� �. .�_ a:nal� :�Gve Sta�e approval �rior t� G�•;ard of a construct�on contract b, �:� Ci�y. � 9 . T�e construction work �rovided for herein shall �e ,� under the ci=ection anc supervision of the City. It is �greed, :.oca2ver , that the State snall �ave the right to periodically insp`ct sGid cost sharing construction cost. 10 . The City snall install cr caus2 the installation of an • adequate �lectrical po5•�er s�pply to the s2rvic.e pole or pad � inciuding any necessary extensions of power lin�s, and upon � compi�tion of said signal with street lights installation shall � nrovide necessary electrical po�ver for its operation at the cost i � and `xp�nsa of �he City, � li. Upon completion of the tvork contem�lated in paragraph � , � 3 hereof , the City shall mai�Ztain and keep--in repaic tn� traftic � signals ; and maintain the street lights aL its cost and expense. i - � 12. Any and all persons e�gaged in the aforesaid work to , � ; be p�rformed by the City shall not be considered employees of the ; � State and any and all claims tnat may or mighL arise un6zr the Worker ' s Compensation Act of this State on behalf of said employees � � Gahile so engag�d , and any an�� all claims r�ad� by any thircl party as , i a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees � while so engaged on any of the wor� conteu�plated herein shall not , � _ ; be tne �bliga.tion and responsibility of tne State. �, , � 13. Timing of the traffic control signals proviaed for herein shall be initially determined by the City' s TraFfic � Engine�r . Adjustments of said signal timing may be det�rminea by ; ; Y � , 61605 . � { � ; �; -4- + '' � � . ���?���'�� � �� - - �:i°_ vt��° � �i1�0�Cji: 1tS l,vs:'.::iia�l��ilf?C' O� ��ui1SrOCLZL.lOC1� a11Q ;10 �}:an,�:s shall �e ,:,ad� ��_1-�a�ter �;x��r�t with c:1e .��rovai of :.re Stat2. , la . U;cn �xecution cy tize Ci�y and Stat2 and comoletion of the afor�s�id ;•�ork thi� �greement sfiall sup�ersede �na terminat2 the ^ainte^ance provisions for Trunk :iignway No . 5 ( Kellogg Boulevard) ' �t broadway Str'eet , Sibley Street , and Jackson Stre2t contained in : Agreem�nt :10 . C-1?14 between tne parties dat2d P.pril 28, 1955. i � , � ; � � ' _ � � i . :j ' � i � ; ; '. z , � . ! • 1 I I i ,� :� , 1 d � 61605 . -5- , � ,...,. .�......�.....�..,.,,.__..,.._ _ _w._ _.�.._ _...�...._...---_.._. _...,,_,,,,,a.��:,,„.,,,..� �.,...,.....__�..�.. .,,,,o,�,.,,.,� �1 � , . �����►�� . �I�lV V� Jl . i�c�U� • . P.ECO:�Ir:�idDED r CR APPROVAL B Director of Public 6�or;cs y ifayor , APPRCVED P.S TO FORP�1: (City Seal) � By Ass ' t. City Attorney Director o= Finance and Management Service STt�TE OF t�lINNESOTA DEPARTI�EiJT OF TRAiQSPORT�TION P.ECOi�If�1ENDED FOR APPRO�AL: DEPr'�RT�TEi'V�' OF �i'Rt'1NSPORTAZ�ION �,"��: .� '.j �' i �, �!: .�:t ��" ��e..+�iC,�.�► gy ���,.,� District Engineer 'i � Assistant Commissioner Operations Division Dated : APPROVED AS TQ FORt1 ai1D EXECUTIOcv: DEPI�RT��iENT OF aD�'�II'iJISTRA`!'ION By Special Assistant Attorney General State of i�iinnesota DGt°.C� : 61605 , -6- i � � ;�� _