280554 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT. PA LT L Council j CANARV - DEPARTMENT ; t` ������ BLUE - MAYOR File NO. , 1 �C uncil Resolution Presented By ```'"`�`�"��� Referred To �������LE Committee: Date �P��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the following securities: � $400,000 U.S. Treasury Notes H 87 10.25% due March 31, 1987 pledged as collateral to protect deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with Commercial State Bank, hereby is authorized ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays Finance and Management Se ices �a��� In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibe� �__ Against B ` Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date `jUN 3 0 19H3 Form Approv by 'ty ttorn Certified Va: d C c Se r BY B}� � � � ' T l�lppro Mavor: D L � � 83 Approved b r Submission to Coun il BY BY PUBLiSHfO JUL 91983 � . 'Finance & Management DEPARTI•1�NT � Shirley Davis �ONTACT . �`_��"��� 292-7038 PHONE ���� �� May 31, 1983 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Nu�er for Routing Order (Clip All locations for Mayoral Signature); �Department Di rector �U t� 3 1983 2 City Attorney _ R�CEIVED CITY ATTORNEI( 3 Di ector of Management/Mayor Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector ��-�� ' � !�,��' 4 City Clerk OFFICE 0� THE DIRECTOR Budget Di rector ,A►VDPMANAGEM NT SERVICES i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): The passage of the attached resolution approves the securities pledged by Commercial State Bank, to protect funds of the City of Saint Paul while held in said bank. MSA 118 requires collateral to protect public funds and sets out a procedure to be followed in the handling of said collaterall including the requirement of approval by the governing body. - �, :,�: Financial , Budgetary and Personnel I�acts Anticipated: � _ , � , �:::� r=. NONE , iA� o 14 :� _..,.. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: „ , NONE Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� : 1. Proposed Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY_ REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? � � Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions) � ,' ��.�;•'� ��Z��,�� o.L�� �t� 11�T�L� 1'/.� I_7T1 ` . r� �• � 2,,l'� + o��,l��rcl, 03;, .r�-r j�, C1 T 1� coL�c iL �"_��?��� , � f ' i � Ddte , �t 1 � � -` / : ; � : Jume 22 1983 `� ` %;;� '�:�::.� - . A?, �;�'��� f t��������°�'.����; " = . : _ � . TO = � q�n� Paul� Cit� Cou�cil � F�R O �V� = C O T��l I��l.°2 O Il FINANCE, MANAGEMENT F, PERSONNEL ' � . C H A i R James Scheibel � �.n. . 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held June 1G, 1983. ;�q�T,� ��__._" _ . 2. Resolution authorizing the•�City to apply to NUD for sup lemental FY 1983 . � . � CDBG Year IX funds. (Community Development) ,,�, � . �#r 3. Rcsolutiqn authorizing the submission of an application to EDA fox additional funding�for Energy Park. (Community Development)_3�!�pr-b(,�LCy-�� .. 4, kesolution approving the issiiance of tax exempt re>>enue bonds to finance acqtiisi- --�- � tion and remodeling of the }lampden Building. (Port AuY}iority) ,�}�OL'�F�:�=-�� 5. Resolution approving the issuance of retiTenue bonds to finance constriiction.of. a maintenance facility for Central l�arehouse Company. (Port Authority�"��j�j�(��-� � � . 6. Resolution approving t}ie issuance of revenue boncls to finance constrvction � of an office/distribution center.for Crescent Electric Supply Co. (Port �����) �_� 7. Resolution approving additions to the 1953 Budoet to take care of e��enses � ii�curi`ed for the 1953 Tax Anticipation Certificate Sale. (Finance llept.-) ���^�'� Z-( S. Resolution approving additions to the 1953 Budget for disUursement of funds � from the Debt Service Account. (Finance Dept.)-�p�'.O�(�'��-,� . 9. Resolution appraving securities pledged by Commercial State Rank. Finance Dept.) � �/�r0�'`�� �=4T CIT�' }IALL SEVENTI-1 FLOOI: SAII`T PAUL, �il�\ESOTA SS102 .,-��..„