280547 WMITE - G�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council t�Q�f�2:��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOV7 File �O. 14�-� � � Co ,uncil Resolution Presented By �-� Referred To r�N��L� Committee: Date ��� ��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been notified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development of the availability of an additional 2.296 million dollars in fiscal year 1983 Community Development Block Grant funds, to be provided through the 1983 Federal Emergency Jobs and Recession Relief Bill ; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on May 31 , 1983, and a review of the proposed use of these funds was held by the Saint Paul Capital Improvement Budget Committee on June 9, 1983; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Mayor George Latimer, as Chief Executive Officer of the City of Saint Paul , is hereby authorized and directed to submit a supplemental Community Development Block Grant Year IX 'Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds' to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in such form as prescribed by the regulations of said department; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor or his designated representative, the Deputy Director of Community Development, is further authorized to execute and submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development any assurances, certifications, technical changes, or additional information that may be required by said Department during their review of the City' s supplemental Community Development Block Grant Year IX Submission for Federal Assistance; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon notification of approval of the City of Saint Paul 's supplemental Community Development Year IX Program by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize and direct the proper City officials to execute the grant agreement and contract between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the City of Saint Paul for the su ppl emental Communi ty Devel opment Year IX Prograr��S�• p�u���n!���a���C�pit�l Ir.zprove*Qe�t S�d�et Cor.imi'rtee receyye�l tb.Ys*�c;�.E:,t on (d�te) � -9� and�tzea.iznQ:�ds Si •� COUNCILMEN � �<<' � Yeas Nays / Requested by 'Department of: Gall� " [n Favor 1 nin & Economic Develo ment Masanz Nicosia Schelbel � _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN 3 0 1983 Form Approved b City Att ney Certified Y s• un il et BY � By A►pproved a ate Approved yor for Submi sio Council By BY � ?` PUBLISNED JUL � 19$� PED Community Develop. DEPARTt,1ENT ��(l54'7 Bob Hammer �ONTACT 7494, ext. 211 PHONE DATE 1 �y� � v (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature): 1 Department Direct r , rney 3 Director of Management/Mayor Fi nance ar�d Manageme�t Servi ces Di rector R����v�D 4 City Clerk ' ,lUN 141983 Budget Di rector �AYORS OFFICE 5 Councilman Scheibel s i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Approval of the attached Resolution will authorize the City to apply to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for supplemental FY83 Community Development Block Grant Year IX funds. These -funds are available through the 1983 Emergency Jobs and Recession Relief Act, passed by Congress on March 24, 1983. Financial , Budgetary and Persannel Impacts Anticipated: The City will receive an additional $2,2Q6,OOO in CDBG Year IX funds. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credit�d: Attachments (List and Nu�er all Attachments� : 1. Proposed Council Resolution 2. Statement of Objectives and Budget Summary DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEIrII � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? xx Yes No NA Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? NA Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 f�PP RPVP!"SP S�(IP for �Instructions) ,., Al plsa�� ' �S�t�r �: CIT� OF SAINT PAUL (�,��c r� ��� ,:� � �t.��rt-1�►� ( �o r� :� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR , � �� u,i�t.niu � 'tlSl l�ll tt a' � �c 347 CITY FIALL '°'� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIhfER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR June 13, 1983 Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the City Council Seventh Floor City Nall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Emergency Jobs and Recession Relief Bill : Saint Paul ' s Community Development Block Grant Program Dear Council President Tedesco and Members : As you are aware, on March 24, 1983, the Congress passed the 1983 Emergency Jobs and Recession Relief Bill : This legislation, commonly referred to as the "Jobs Bill" , provided $4.6 billion in additional FY '83 funding to 21 major federal programs. The largest allocation, $1 billion, was appropriated to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Through the CDBG entitlement funding formuia, Saint Paul will be receiving an additional $2.296 million in CDBG funds. In order to secure these funds, the City must submit a formal application to the HUD Area Office no later than July 1, 1983. A public hearing on the proposed use of these funds was held on May 31 , 1983. Approximately 16 requests from neighborhood and community organizations were received, all with an emphasis on job creation and/or economic stimulus. Based upon my review of these requests, I am convinced that a combination of public improvements/construction and job creation projects will best address the needs of the entire City. Attached, for your review, is a "Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds" for expenditure of the CDBG "Jobs Bill" funds. At its June meeting, the Capital Improvement Budget Committee approved my recommendations. A brief summary of each item contained in the "Statement" is listed below: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS/CONSTRUCTION Infrastructure for Troutbrook and Garfield School Sit� - $450,000 -- Both of these tracts of land are currently vacant and have the potential of becoming much needed new housing. By making these sites buildable, the City can �� . - z - � � .� . 2���.���`� stimulate many facets of the construction and housing industry and ensure new housing opportunities. Local Match for Urban Parks Application - $96,600 -- The City has applied for a grant to rehabilitate Jimmy Lee Recreation Center under the federal Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Act. Should the City receive this grant, a match equal to 20% of the project is required by the federal government. CDBG funds can be considered local funds under the UPARR and CDBG guidelines. Increase in 1984 Residential Street Paving Program - �375,000 -- With approximately 67q of the City' s residential streets still remaining unpaved, I am recommending an increase in the level of CDBG funds allocated to the I984 RSPP. JOBS CREATION Incubator Small Business Program - $662,000 -- This project is the first major thrust of the Homegrown Economy Program currently being developed by the Mayor' s Office. The project will assist small businesses by providing a wide variety of services to fledgling companies. A building would be purchased to house a number of businesses. Shared space and low-cost rent would be combined with assistance from the City' s Business Revitalization Division. As the companies become established and relocate, new firms would be provided the same opportunity. Programs of this type have been successful in several large metropolitan cities. The assistance to new businesses will help to ensure their success, and thus provide many additional permanent jobs. Jobs Creation Fund - $462,400 -- At the City' s public hearing on the Jobs Bill held May 31 , 1983, the City received a number of proposals from the community- based organizations which would either provide or assist persons in obtaining meaningful employment. I am proposing the creation of a fund from which these organizations may receive assistance in their employment creation activities. As I have stated earlier, The City Council must act by June 28, 1983 to secure the CDBG Jobs Bill funds. I believe my recommendations will have a positive impact on a large sector of Saint Paul 's economy. Your conscientious review and approval is appreciated. Any questions regarding the CDBG Jobs Bill funds should be addressed to William Q. Patton, Deputy Director of Community Development, at 292-1577. i cerel y, GEORGE ATIMER Mayor GL:sh Attachment cc: William Q. Patton �������� ' CITY QF SAIWT PAUL, MINNESOTA STl�TEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOBS BILL OBJECTIVES Since its inception in 1974, the City of Saint Pau1 's Corr�nunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program has been based largely on the goals and objectives of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and the Capital Allocation Policy. These documents provide the policy direction �for all community development activities, and are used throughout the City's community development planning and capital budgeting processes. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the City's key objectives for the 1980's, and the Capital Allocation Policy ensures that capital resources are allocated to those acti.vities deemed essential to the long term health and vitality of Saint� Paul . The development of both documents involved extensive citizen participation, and residents are active in both the revision of policies and allocation of CDBG resources. Both the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan and Capital �111ocation Policy: 1984-1985 strongly support the objectives of the federal Housing and Community Development Act, i .e. , to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environmen�, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of lour and muder3te inc:,me. Saint Paul 's CDBG Prograr� also gives maximum feasible priority to activities 4JFi1Ch will benefit low and moderate income families, or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. The SdirL Paul Comprehensive Plan: Objectives for the 1980's The Compr°hensive Plan i$ Saint Paul 's official planning document. It helps to provid� a vision of the City's future �iutential , while guidino its response to current issues and opportunities. The Comprehensive Pian recoyniz�s that Saint Paul is faced �vith many community develop�e.lt needs which surpass its limited aniount of resources. Secause the City may not have the resources needed to . accomplish all of its objectives, attention must be directed to those activities of the most critical nature. The Comprehensive Plan and the city's CDBG objectives focus on objectives essential to the future we11-being of the City. The key objectives v��hich affiect the CDBG program are: 1 . Nousin : To maintain and upgrade the City's existing sound housing stock while seeking to improve deficient housing and generating con- struction of new, affordable housing choices in character with the neighborhoods surrounding them. 2. Ener _: To achieve greater energy efficiency by maintaining and retro- fitting existing structures, v�hile encouraging energy conservation and innovation in construction. 3. Infrastructure: To maintain City investments, particularly sewer and water lines, streets, bridges, public buildings, and existing parks, through repair and/or replacement as needed. The Comprehensive Plan expands these objectives into issue or area-specific , policies and recommendations, many of which pertain directly to community development activities. Prior to the appropriation of CDBG funds, all community development programs and projects are reviewed for consistency with the ado�ted policies of the Comprehensive Plan. � , � _ 2 — �!c.`�����`� The Capital Allocation Policy: 1984-1985 The Capital Allocation Policy was specifically designed to guide Saint Paul 's Unified Capital Improvement Budgeting process and the expenditure of CDBG funds. It sets the general direction for capital expenditures over a multi-year pe�riod. The policies are used to allocate capital resources according to Ci�y goals and objectives, and to determine the relative priority of proposed capital projects. The major goals of the Policy are closely related to the Comprehensive Plan, and form the basis for Saint Paul 's capital expenditures and community developmen� activities: � 1 . To strengthen the City's neighborhoods in order to make them better places to 1ive. 2. To consider enerqy use in all the City's activities and to increase energy efficiency whenever possible. 3. To ensure the structural integrity of the City's physical facilities in order to maintain b�sic. levels of serv�ce and prevent potent�al health and safety hazards. 41ith the passage of the Jobs Bill , the City of St. Paul has a unique opportunity to utilize additiona1 block grant funds for the purpose of alieviating the effec�� of the recession. The goals of the City's Capital Allocation Policy are, there����, supplemented by a number of objectives to be accomplished by the CDBG Jobs Bill funds. The objectives are: a) to create additional construction jobs through the installation of public improvements designed to promote both new housing construction and rehabilitation in the City's low and moderate income areas. b) to provide a jobs stimulus to the business community through the creatiun cf a small hu�iaess i.icubator progra�n. c) to assist neighborhood and community.based public services agencies through the provision of block grant funds for both emp1ayment and emaloyment related services. The 1984-1985 Capital Allocation Policy is divided into four sections: -Strategy; -Implementation and Development; -Project; and -Budget Policies. Each policy section provides a different level of direction for the capital improvenent budgeting process. The two sections which pertain most directly to the allocation of CDBG funds are described below. In combination, the four policy sections represent Saint Paul 's priorities for the use of its block grant and other capital resources. . • ` � ?C�t..����`� l l . Strategy Policies - The Strategy Policies set general direction for ain au s community development activities r�ithin the framework of goals and principles. They establish the relative proportion of funds that should address each of four areas: City-wide service system improvements, neighborhood-related improvements, economic development- related improvements, and support system imporvements. In addition, the annual proportion of funds allocated to any one area of the City is monitored over time to avoid excessive geographic concentration of improvements and to assure that community development needs in all areas are addressed. Lastly, the policies identify priorities for basic service systems, economic development, neighborhood betterment, energy efficiency, and housing improvements. 2. Implementation and Dev2lopment Policies - These policies identify criteria �vhich are important considerations in selecting capital improvements. They are used by participants in the capital improvement budgeting process during the review of project and program proposals. Most of the policies are stated in terms of "priorities" or "cvnsiderations" reflecting their use as evaluation criteria. All community development programs and projects are reviewed for consistency with the adopted policies of the Capital Allocation Po7icy prior to the appro�riation of CBBG funds. Copies of both the Saint Paul Comprehensive P1an and Capital Allocation Policy are available for inspection during normal business hours. Information concerning either document �s available by contacting: �::: � Community Development Division Department of Planning and Economic Development 1420 City Hall Annex 25 West 4th Street Saint Paul , Mfd 55102 (612) 292-1577 . ' • r`,������� CI7Y OF SAINT PAUL, PIINNESOTA PROJECTEO USE OF CDBG JOBS BILE. FUNDS Public Improvement Activities: 9A/O1 Infrastructure: ' Troutbrook Site � 400,OOQ Garfield Site a0,000 9A/36 Residential Street Paving 375,000 9A/02 Rehabilitation of Neighborhood . Facilities(Jimmy Lee Rec. Ctr. ) 96,600 $ 922,600 � Public S�rvice �'.ctivity: � 9A/03 Jo�s Creation Fund $ 462,400 462,400 Economic Development �c��vity: , 9A/04 Incubator Small Business Program $ fi62,000 662,400 General Administration 250,000 TOTAL PROGRAM COSTS $ 2,296,000 � .� _ ������'� Revised 12/23/82 " . CERTIFICATIONS The grantee hereby assures and certifies that it will comply vrith the regulations, policies, guidelines and requirements with respect to the acceptance and use of Federal funds for this fed�rally-assisted program. Also the grantee gives assurAnces and certifies with respect to the grant that: (a) It possesses legal 'authority to make � a grant submission and to execute a commmunity development and housing probram; (b) Its governin� body has dtily adopted or passed as an official act a resolution, motion or similar action authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the grantee to submit the final statement, all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the grantee to act in connection v:ith the submission of the final statement and fo provide such additional information as may be required. (c) That prior to submission of its final statement to HUD, the grantee has met the citizen participation requirements, prepared its final statement of communit} develogment objecti��es �nd projected use of func�s, �nd m�de the final statement available to the publie, as reGuired by section 104(a)(2) of the Housina �nd Community Development Act of I9r4, as amended; (d) It is follow�ing a current housing assistance plan ���hich has been approved by HLD and K*hich meets the re:�uirements of section lU4(c){i) of the Housing and Coomunity Development �et of 19i4, as amended; (e) It has developed its final statement of projected use of funds so as to give maximum feasible priority to activities K�hich benefit loc��- and maderate-income - families or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums o: bliaht; the fin22 statement of projected use of funds may also include activities lvhich the gr�ntee certifies are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious threat to the health and �velfare of the community, and other financial resources are not available; _ (f) Its chief e:�ecutive offieer or other officer of the grantee approved by HUD: (1) Consents to assume the status of a responsible Federal offical under the National Environmental Poliey Act of 1969 and other authorities as speeified in 24 CFR 58.5; and (2) Is �uthorized �znd consents on behalf of the grante-� and himself/herself to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal courts for the purpose of enforcement of his/her responsibilities as such an official; (g) The grant wiil be conducted and administered in compliance with: , (1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88-352) and implementing regulations issued at 24 CFR Part 1; (2) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Pub,L. 90-284), as amended; c�nd thttt the grantee will administer all programs fznd activities related • ��'L��,"�� ' Certifications - Page 2 to housinb and commmunity development in a rnanner to affirmatively further fair housing; � (3) Section 109 of the Nousina and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; and the regulations issued pursuant thereto; (4) Section `3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as am ended; (5) Executive Order 11246, as amended �b�� Executive Orders 11375 and 12086, and implementing regulations issues at 41 CFR Chapter 60; (6) Executive Order 11063, as amended by Executive Order 12259, and � implementin� regulations at 24 CFR Part 107; (7) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Pub. L. 93-112}, as amended, an� implementina regulations whez published for effect; (8) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (Pub. L. 94-135), as emended, and implementin� re�uulations r:hen published for effect; (g} The relocation raquirements of Title II and the acquisition requirements of Title III of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Aequisition Policies Act ef 19'10, and the implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part �2; (10) The labor standards requirements �s set forth in 24 CFR n n..i_._ t� t7__..-. ' • !.. ' 1.�...��.4 n�in1-. j'�['� �(U� ►7UV�21Z'L !1 tlllU Il V L 1-C�Li1t1C1V1Ll 1JDUGU � av ituYiwai w�� J4�.1� requirem ents; (li) Executi�ve or�er 11985 ralating to the ev�.�:lation of flond hRZards �nd Executive Order 11258 relating to the prevention, eontrol, and abatement of water pollution; (12) The flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (Pub. L 93-234); and (13} The re�uulations, policies, guide�ines and requirements of OMB Circular Nos. A-102, Revised, A-87, A-110, and A-122 as they relate to the acceptance and use of Federal funds under this federally-assisted program; (h) No member, officer or employee of tne Grantee, or its designees or agents, no member of the governing body of the locality in which the program is situated, and no other public official of such locality or localities who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the program during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any contraet or subcontract, or the procees thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the program assisted under the Grant, and that it shall incorporate, or cause - to be incorporated, in all such contracts or subcontracts a provision prohibiting such interest pursuant to the purposes of this certification; ' . ������� Certifications - Page 3 (i) It will comply v�tith the provisions of the Hatch Act which limits the political activity of employees; (j) It will give HUD and the Comptroller Gener�zl or any authorized representatives access to and the right to examine all records, bool;s, papers, or docum ents reIated to the grant; (k) It �vill comply with the lead-based paint requirements of 24 CFR Part 35 issued pursuant to the Lead-based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4801 et seq.). � . # . .. . , � ?%�����'� SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION � (Required for all grants made under Pub. L. 98-8) , . � .. . •The grantee certifies that: . ; 1. the additional funds will be obligated and disbursed as rapidly as possible so as to quickly assist the unemployec] And the needy; 2. it will use, to the extent Qracticable, the additional �vnds in areas wh fp� unemployment is highest and has been high for the longest period of time and authorized purposes �vhich have the greatest immediate empluyment impact; and 3. it �ti i�� to the extent practicable, use the additional fund� to maximize immediate creation of new employment opportunities ta indrviduals who were unemployed,at l,east 15 of the 26 weeks prio: to March 24, 1983. ' . . f; . �� . • . . t : � - . _ , • • J i". �.;�L��` ,�:�:���� '��� ;`� �`ITY OF �t'1I�T'.L� �11L3T� ;,,�:��; , . -� �!�����'� �. r �� ��..��j��%:; OI+`I��ICI�: Oli• •1•:EI}: CITl' COli\CII, : ,� �:'_;_,;:,:::. � � �,3 . ��;,• -=-. � `'', ' D Q t� : Jtme 22, 1983 ��j� _; 'f, �; 'Z : � i ' . ..����� •-:. . _. co � � i�� � E . __ RE � o �T . TO = � r� �n� P��► 1� Cifi� Cou��it �E� O I� � G O il��1 I� t{`�2 O h �INANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL � ' � � . C F-f A i R James Scheibel � �-�6 �.m. 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held June 1G, I983. �P�'OU.�U'L ' 2. Resolution authorizing the��City to apply to }lUD for sup lemental FY 1983 . CDBG Year IX funds. (Community Development) ���'Q().Q(,� Z-� . 3. �tesolutian authorizing the submission of an application to �D� fox additional funding for Energy Park. (Community Development) �pr�tF� Z-� �r 4. Resolution approving the issuance of tax exempt revenue bonds to finance acc{uisi- ---�- � tion and remodeling of the Hampden Building. (Poxt Aut.hority) ��y��11�(;� Z-C� S. Resolution approving the issuance of re�Tenue bonds to fitiance constrtiction af a maintenance facility for Central ttarehouse Company. (Port Authority) �j�{�(�� Z'd - � . 6. Resolution approving the issuance of revenue boncls to finance constrUCtion - � of an office/distribution center.for Crescent Electric Supply Co. (Port ����r��) Z_� 7. Resolution aprroving additions to the 1983 Budget to take care of e��enses iiicuri`ed fox the 1983 Tax Anticipation Certificate Sale. (I�inance llept.) ���^Q(�'� Z-� 8. Resolution approving additions to the 1953 Budget for disbursement of funds � from the Debt Service Account. (Finance Dept.��pprou.�� Z-{� . 9. Resolution approving securities pledged by Commercial State Rank. Finance Dept.) �p�ol'`�� Z--a CITY }IALL SEVENTII FLOO� SAINT PAUL. �il\'i�ESQT�� SSI02 .,-��x..„