280544 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COURCII /��j���� BLUE - MAYOR E GITY OF SAINT PAITL r�� � s, CANARV - DEPARTMENT � RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS DN N File N O. ROOM � un il Res u�Z�n Presented By � ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Cazncil File 279946 was approved by the City Council on Nl�rch 10, 1983, said resolution ratifying assessments for sidewalk reconstruction, including sidewalk reconstruction on the Sauth side of Van Buren Avenue from Mackubin Street to the West 8?+ feet at 500 and 512 Van Buren Avenue. WHEREAS, the St. Anthony Hill Relief Storm Se�w�er System Pro�ect, under construction, requires the installation of a seven foot storm drain pipe with new sanitary sewer lines on both sides of said pipe in the 500 block of Van Buren Avenue which may cause an undermining of the sidewalk in sa.id block. NOW TI�RII'ORE BE IT RESOLVID, that Council Resolution C.F. 27�46 be amended by deleting the followin�; �510919 South side Van Buren Avenue fram N�.ckubin Street to West 84 feet at 500 and 512 Van Buren Avenue which is the only property in the 500 block of Van Buren Avenue so affected by sa.id Council File 2799�• RESOLVID FURTHER, tha.t the assessment for sidewalk at 500 and 512 Van Buren Avenue be reconsidered af`ter the completion of relief storm sewer pro�ect in said block. BE IT FURTI�R RESOLVED, that in all other respects Council Resolution C.F. 279946 shall rema.in in full force and effect. COUIVC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �+ Nays � a,,,�� FINANCE GEMEN� SEftVICES Masanz - In Favor Nicosia DIRECTOR scheibe� _ � __ Against Y -�edeaee- Wilson � � R 19�� Form Approved y i tto Adopted by Council: Date Certified as d by Cou BY �. JUN 81983 � Ap y Mavor: _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY `) _ ,.—� gY � PUBLiSHED J U L 9 198� , ,{ �AA ' ��Ti�t9`!F";'� xoreh �tae�t�#1tD'�; AVtUE tr'om t�i4o.a: St.ta Wat 401cet abut- tingS77 N.Grotto 1 510913 Both sides GRdI'f0 STREET fmm Sher - bume Ave.Lo Charles Ave. 1 S109U Eaat aide CEDAR STREET trom 3.Como-.. at e00 and BOY.Cedar 4 , �10915 ,9ouU►-side CAR1�R,,, RVENIJE icv�n RaY• . , mond Ave.to Wat,IS0 . icet. ... �ESOLO'nOttsl►�3@IG S S10Y18 " Weet�side YARION�. �" - STRSE'l'fiumWa�*tata_< _ Sk to Nmth�llO Leet R._ Camcll'lYl�No:279YM—By Chrls Nkwia— _: . Northsifde WAYZATA ,r In t6e motter ot t6e aa�smmt of bmeflb. ' SrR�'fioawMarloo - cost u�d ccpens�s!or sidetvalk reca�tructiou St:tir�altSdS�'8��".•'� of t6e followinC :`i =��'I�f�, ��N .. Vot4K Flle � . �, t�'r. Wud No.� p�►p�� � _-� 8pc.. S SIORld North �lde W. MON- • TANA AVENUb trom �t�- ' Lncio[ton to 1�3 teet 4 8109R0 Southedde�&Dl[UND _ West. Atit&NU&tmm Albert St fb Pascal3t.at i4�0 S S10B90 Both sida E. IOWA Emnund 8�.a�ly> AVENUE h�oeo Ldsar 1 3-lOY2S Sout6 side BLAIR ton 3t.W Wed T70 txt AVENUE; irom N. &alao SS5(Loi 34.Blk � ' .,��p 3!.W L�at S4 ll aad SY4(Lot 10,Blk ` feet.'abutting°,1158 � E. Io�va Ave. in B�; Phakn Perk City View Additlm 1 S10BY4 Nort6 side SSLBY 1 S10YOT Both sida YILTON AVSNUE toEast from ;:` , . •� Xve.aN10S4"' STAESf irom Univer- �';.. fit� Ave. to Chuks �Se1b7 Ave�oalf?^ Ave. 1 5-10898 ' Noreh ai�e'`SSLHY AVLNUE to Was4trom 1 SI0D0D South s�de W. �[II�i- �Lexin�tonAve.:at'1159 . NLHAFiA AVEMIL at 3e1by Ave:only- EE6� E62 l[InndfaAa �r to 3t.Albuu St. 5 S1089B West side CUMBERLAND 1 S10C30 SoutAqst side �ab1107&1ll1 I'���� Cumberland St. Cocw Ave.to GtaLham . gt, � siosoi < wes� side FARR- INGTON STREET 1 81EYt1.. >Soth sida (iR011Y) from Fuller Ave. to ',���t��� Nort61S5 feet abutting �r ��'tO��AV°•� 919 Fuller Ave. S 510903 Nort6 side CALIFOR- NIp pVENUE`from N. GrotW St W N.Avon St. et 789 Calilomta only '� Under Preliminaz9 Order 718548 approved April 8. 1982: Final Order YJ8780 approved June 8.1982. A publlc 6earing having been had upon the A45��^t tor the-above improvement,aad said aa�nsmeat having been lurther.con- sidered by 1ha Courxil;end hav3ng been con- sidered Snal�y aatistactory,theretore,be it RE.SOLVED.That the said assesament be. and t6e sama is hereby.in all rpspccts ratified. RESOLVED FURTFIER. ThaY the said asaesammt be and ii is 6ereb�deternolned to be payable ln Five(SYnqual i�tallmenb. File Nos. S1Q886,"S10SY0:S10W7."51090a,� S10909, 8�10910, S10911: S10B14r 3�10013, 510914, 51091b, 510818. S10Y17,?`51091E, 810919, 510940. &109'l5, �10897. 3-10898, S10899.510901,S10D03 Adopted by the CouocSl 1[arch 40,19q. ppproved March 11.19e3. (March 19.14� . REC�IVE p , services ������ " �V �;,�,�.��•p„& ��,�p.,�r. � PARTIiENT M � 6��9� NTACT . C - �o�E TTORNEY Jtiule 1983 OATE . �v�� � � ��. (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Numi�er for Rauting Qrder (Clip A1] Locations For Maycral Signaturel: ____ � , ., � Department Di rector ct ty attorney � � RECEIVED � Di rector of Managee�ertt/Mayor -- �.� Finance and b�nagement Servi ces Di rector d�� 1 ;��;r;�; �,_ Cfty Cl@i"k " OF�[CE OF THE DIREC70R ___,_ Budget Director AND MANAGEN,ENTFINANCE . SERVICES _.,. i �Ihat Will be Achieved by Takinc�,,,A�tion on the Attached Mater�als? �PurposelRationale): Postponemeut of the assessmerrt for sidewalk reconstruction at 500 and g12 Van Buren Avenue until after completion of the St. Arrtho�r Iiill Storm Relief and Tunnel System . This postponement is advisable due to the possibility that the seeRirrer work m�.y uadermine the recently co�cpleted side�wa.lk reconstruction. �inancial , Budgetarv and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: �. .�_ . . Assessment pe�ymerrts will be postponed severa]. months! but customer relationship im�roved. Funding Source and F�d Actfvi�ty Naaber Charged or Credit�d• .� . --.------ Attachments �List and N�ber ali Attact�nents): � ..,..�.� � l. Cauncil Resolution for signature • 2. C.F. 279946 � DEPARTMENT REYIEW CITY ATTQRtVEY REYIEW � Yes 1Vo Council Resolution Required? Resolutjon Required? Yes No Yes _,g,_ No Insurance Required? Ins+urance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for Instructions)