280537 � �N�HITE - CITV CIERK ���`��� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII F CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAYOR . � • • ouncil. Res lution Presented By , . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Council Committee on Finance, Management and Personnel , the City Council of Saint Paul does hereby approve the following budget amendments to the Community Development Block Grant Year IX Program: Project Project Current Increase Revised No. Title Budget (Decrease) Budget 9/99 ll�snecified Contingency $174,866 $(36,460) $138,406 (999) 9/41 Citizen Participation 300,000 36,460 336,460 (013) TOTAL $474,866 $ -0- $474,866 FURTHEP. �ES�LVEa, the CounciJ of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve funding for the City' s Citizen Participation District Councils for the period of July 1, 19�3 through June 30, 1984. Funds are to be provided from the City' s General Fund and Community Development Block Grant Year IX Program in the amounts as specified below: District General Fund CDBG Total 1 $19,206 $ -0- $ 19,206 2 -0- 24,710 24,710 3 -0- 27,689 27,689 4 -0- 26,142 26,142 5 -0- 24,325 24,325 6 -0- 25,721 25,721 COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays FletCher ceu� In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ Against BY Tedasco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �uN 2 S '^^3 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, A�pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � �WHITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 l�Y��� I PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR � � , File N 0. ouncil Resolution Presented By ����a�-'" Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 District General Fund CDBG Total 7 $ -0- $ 33,751 $ 33,751 8 -0- 33,897 33,897 9 -0- 25,245 25,245 10 17,347 -0- 17,347 11 -0- 23,493 23,493 12 -0- 27,040 27,040 13 6,139 14,487 20,626 14 17,339 -0- 17,339 15 17,390 -0- 17,390 16 13,579 -0- 13,579 17 -0- 19,743 19,743 Early Notification System -0- 13,000 13,000 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays GaO� In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibet __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson JU� `� g �9a3 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, t�pproved by Nlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY r� 1 I ��WFIITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll 2 CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ��•��,�� BLUE - MAVOR � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3 District General Fund CDBG Total Insurance $ -0- $ 2,500 $ 2,500 TOTALS $91,000 $321,743 $412,743 APPROVED: ` Peter Hames, Director Gregor B es Dept. of Finance & Management Services Budget Director COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fislei�sr °s�' [n Favor Masan: Nicosia � scnetbe� � __ Against BY� �� ' iedess�-. Wilson Form App ed by Ci tt r y Adopted by Council: Date ���� `� R t483 � r � NI,_Y� Certified Y s d y oun il Se ry BY By t� d by Mavor. ^ ar JUN 2 8 1983 AP ved by Mayor r ubmission to Conncil g , t-r�—°� B PUBLISNED JUL � 198� a �;�: ::.��ti., CITY •4F `�.�.x:x�-��� �.�.ur� � ��'����'� � ;- �,� �, . �``+�,�;�:.�:.x�''� ''` � OZ�`I�`ICl; OT '1`I=IF. CITI' COU14TCxY. ,. ::�„'�:; ' _, ,:.�:<: �r;y'.�`�`'--►'_� "3 •� % . �:x,�, � � -= �"����' D d t e June 16, 1983 , • ''s. _`-`�i.''? , . . ==:�{c:e:%�. C 4 M-�T'�'���� ��� � P 0 R T TO � 5q�n� P�� 1� Cit� Cou�ci t . �� � � � C O T'f}C�I���'Q� O h F INANCE, MANAGEMENT �, PERSONNEL ' � � . CH A I R James Scheibel ' . l:AA p.m. . 2b. Status Report on t}ie First Source Agreements at Ener pax�'� '��oN 7�FN. �--� fiY (1:00 - ].:30 ��.m.) �.7. 1 Discussion of the Citizen �'articipation District Buclget Request as tzansmitted ``J by tiayor Latimer. (1:30 - 2:O�v����.22F.� f.cJ►T?i PcM�cln+�t£ti`t5 � �¢3U�1C�c. �O�Q PtA,°1.217ttAL_ 18. Resolutiun approving the revzsed A£firmative �lctioTi }'roFi:au� for the City o£ st. Paul. (z:oo p.m.) �,�� (jU�/L 7U10 I,t��KS - - -- - . � y . . .. _ .. . ... - - . . , .; ...:�.-_�,... . . . .... ......___. ..__ _ - • _ . . . . ... _ . ... ... ._' _ �_""_.. .�.._.�_��.x�.:.v:.F.. . . ''..' � :......-..-�.0 ...__' � CITY NALL SEVBNTFI FLOOfi , , SAINT PAUL,�i1NIr£SUTA 55102 '�-�+� - C'a,l� ��b, f'la E D -- Go _ ��. DEPARTFIEN? . S � r���� I�g..Y ��NKtN�_ _ ,_CONTACT L) Y?y9�t. �c�:�945 PHONE O v 3 DATE / �v� v � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Malyorai Signature): � • � ' Y C� P , �,� ���::-' - /M�Yar � , --�- :.'�-�;.- ..�....—� ' r ���.��� fo City Clerk � � � �;,�,.....� /�,����' � w�.�twta�.K. �e� �` G�� i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): App�-o�t o� -4�.�s rascl�,�.k�oK. a�.-�.o��z�s a,� o�.ltoc.a�e�, � V���Zj� \ Q�T�Ci�Qa.���� VV��ti�s �Or. ► �V �fi� l�W „� ��II�J � . ��3o�8�j. �T'l��s ceso����oK. atldca�as �-DSC� ��u.�.�,s. A co„Kpa�K�o,� rGSo�c�t.�-�ow a►.1�oc.a.�-es Ge.He.ca.� �t�.v�s. Financial , 6udgetary and Personnel Impacts Antici�ated: GDgC� -�w�.gs . 1n�o�.uG be¢.�. c�.pP��a,�e�, a,K� are o�va.�lable �o< -�'N.�s a�G�t tc��-t-y . 0 Funding Source and Fund Activity Nu�er Char�d or Credit�d:_ G DgG - 399 i 7 -oao -o t 3 Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : �, P�oPose� �wHa�� �e5e���.�.-4-�ov�. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolutior� Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes N P� No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 SSPa RevPrsP SidP for 'Instructions) G1TY � • I !R��`��l�� . � ' 7 ,�•�� � F�, . CITY OF SAINT PAUL o - � -. a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONQM(C D�VELOPMENT � a c����El=li1� v DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �F��� 5��� `)�'i �T hC 251Nest Fourth Streei,Saint Paul,N�innesota 55102 ?� 612•298•5586 .@ -0Z tes• May 23, 1983 �y� �� Council President Victor Tedesco and t�embers of the City Council 7th Floor City Nail Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Counci] President Tedesco and Members: i am transmittino the budget requests from the citizen participatian districts for the period beginning July 1, 1983 and ending June 30, 1984 for City Councii reviear and action. My recommendations €or funding the citizen participation districts are also ' attached. You wi11 note that my recommendations are in concur�^ence with the District Councils' Forum formula allocation. Allocating citizen participation funds by formula is more objective arc� reduces the funding disparities among r districts. � majority of the District Councils based their budget requests on � the formuia amount. 1'he formula allocation is designed to be phased in over a three-year period. �or this '83-'84 period, it requires a �otal increase of $17,780 or 5.1q. A like amount would be requ�red for the subsequent two years. Last year there was a 3.1� increase and the year before there was an increa�e of 1PSS than 1%, well below the inflation rate. 7he Community Development Division requested a list of goals and activities from the District Counciis. Copies of the lists submitted are attached. The contribution citizens make to the City of Saint Paul through the citizen participatidn process is remarkable and has increased since the inception of Distr9ct Councils, as T'm sure you are aware, I hope the City Council finds the attached information helpful in your de�fiberations regarding funding of citizen participation activities. Please feel free to contact me, Wfliiam Q. Patton or Jerry Jenkins of the Community Oevelopment Division and/or the Budget Section with any questions yau may have. ineerel � 0 • l. MER � May r GL/sh Attachment ' �:f`..���"��'� �'! � DISTRICT 1 District Budget Request {July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Community Organizer $7,900 Other 3,900 $11 ,800 Office & Supplies $ 2,750 Neighborhood Communications $ 2,400 C.P. Training, Consultant Fees, Travel Travel $ 250 $17,200 ;�CN����� 1 ' DISTRICT 2 District Budget Request (July 1 , 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Community Organizer $13,200 Social Security 924 Workman' s Compensation 110 Mihn. Unemployment 693 Federal Unemploymerit 110 $I5,037 Office & Supplies Rent � 2,4C0 Leased Services 300 Misc. Office Supp�ies/Phone 480 $ 3,180 Neighborhood Communications Sunrise Allotment $ 5,880 Office Postage 240 Special Meeting Flyers 203 � 6,323 Equipment Purchases New Equipment Purchases/Repair $ 500 C.P. Training, Consultant fees, Travel Travel $ 360 Contingency $ 100 $25,500 �����,�� � DISTRICT 3 District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Sa3ary & Fringe $14,900 Office & Supplies Uffice Rent $ 1 ,600 Phone 850 Supplies 4,139 $ 6,589 Neighborhood Communications $ 3,500 Equipment Purchases $ 100 C.P. Trainin , Consultant Fees, Travel $ 600 $25,689 �!��'���� DISTRICT 4 District Budget Request �July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Cornmunity Coordinator $17,850 Heal th Ir�surance 500 Worker' s Comp. Insurance 200 $18,550 Office & Supplies Telephone $ 719 Consumables/Supplies 1,5�0 Rent 1,350 $ 3,569 Neighborhood Communication $ 2,850 C.P. Training, Consultant Fees, Travel Travel/Training $ 804 Contingency $ 100 $25,873 �������� DISTRICT 4 District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Community Coordinator $17,850 Health Insurance 500 Worker' s Comp. Insurance 200 $18,550 Office & Supplies Telephone $ 719 Consumab?es/Supplies 1,5�0 Rent 1,350 $ 3,569 Neighborhood Communication $ 2,850 C.P. Training, Consultant Fees, Travel Travel/Training $ 804 Contingency $ 100 $25,873 . ���?�l�; DISTRICT 5 District Budget Request (July l, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Community Organizer, 3/4 time $14,000 Mealth Insurance Benefits 582 Clerical Staff 1 ,500 $16,082 Office & Supplies Copies . $ 300 Rent, meeting space 2,130 Supplies 150 Telephone 650 Postage 240 $ 3,470 Neighborhood Communications Monthly insert in Eastsider $ 3,300 Leaflet printing 500 � 3,800 C.P. Training, Consultant Fees, Travel Leadership training $ 50 Miaeage 420 $ 470 $23,82Z � ���?���� DISTRICT 6 District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel �15,000 Office & Supplies $ 4,521 Neighborhood Communications North End News $ 3,600 Equipment Purchases 5 200 C.P. Training, Consultant fees, Travel $ 400 g23,721 • � ' ,��./��'�.yi#� i ' DISTRICT 7 Oistrict Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Personnel $23,382 Fringe 2,806 Bond 84 E�nployer' s Comp. 176 $26,448 Office & Supplies Rent, Phone, Xerox $ 4,280 Postage and Supplies 1 ,200 Insurance (incTudes Directors & Officers) 400 $ 5,880 Neighborhood Co�►munication Election $ 325 Publicity 3,000 $ 3,325 C.P. Traininq, Consultant Fee�, Travel Transportation $ 932 Consultant/Training 100 $ 1 ,032 $36,685 � DISTRICT 8 +'�'������� District Budget Request (July 1 , 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Salaries (Exec. Dir. & P.T. Secretary) $20,500 Health Benefits 300 Employer FICA 1 ,374 Unemployment Compensation 205 Bonding Insurance �� . $22,449 Office & Supplies Rent $ 2,916 Telephone 1 ,596 Liabilit.y Insurance 300 Reserve ��2 Miscellaneous 300 �aper 280 Postage 32I Copier Supplies 899 Publications & Documents 100 $ 7,434 Neighborhood Communications Newsletter (supplies, paper, postage permits, typesetting) $ 4,571 Fl yers 59 Annual Elections 200 Publicity & Advertisement 450 $ 5,280 Eguipment Purchases Copaer $ 1,400 - Mimeograph 1 ,500 Fo1 di ng Machi r�e 7�a Small Office 100 Maintenance (copie�r & typewriter) 430 $ 4,130 C.P. Training, Consultant �ees, Travel Leadership Training � 392 $39,685 � 2�����_�� : DISTRICT 13 CONSORTIUM District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel $10,840 Office & Supplies $ 6,213 Neighborhood Communication $ 1 ,248 C.P. Training, Consultant Fees, Travel $ 325 � $18,626 ������� DISTRICT 9 District Budget Request (July 1 , 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Salaries $ 6,792 FICA 455 Unemployment � 119 Worker's Compensation 80 $ 7,446 Office & Supplies Phone $ 540 Rent 3,081 Supplies 600 Moving Costs 300 $ 4,521 Neighborhood Communications Community Reporter page $ 3,600 Equipment Purchases Kroy Headline Writer $ 313 Mimeograph Screen 56 Storage Cabinets; Shelving 263 $ 632 C.P. Training, Consultant fees, Travel Community Reporter deliver� $ 180 Federation Contract 6,516 Yacation Coverage 250 $ 6,946 Contingency $ 100 $23,245 ��'������ DISTRICT 10 District Budget Request (July 1 , 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Community Organizer, Newsletter Editor $10,000 Dffice & Supplies Rent $ 1,335 Phone 660 Supplies 700 $ 2,595 Neighborhood Communications $ 2,500 Equipment Purchases $ 150 �15,345 ���������.��7 DISTRICT 11 District Budget Request (Jul y 1 , 1983 - June 30, 1984) Persannel Community Organizer $14,124 FI CA 946 Worker' s Compensation 85 Unemployment Compensation 381 Hea7th Insurance 500 � $16,136 Offiice & Suppi ies Rent $ 3,240 Lia bility Insurance 133 Financial Audit 500 Treasurer' s Bond 100 Supplies 250 Phone 540 $ 4,763 Neighborhood Communications Midway Monitor ads $ 1,780 Copying 240 Pri nti r�a 250 Postage 240 Newspaper subscription 50 Flier printing 50 $ 2,610 Equipment Purchases $ 100 C.P. Training, Consultant fees, Trave7 Staff Travel Expenses & Parking $ 693 Manbership Programs 50 Workshops 50 $ 793 Contingency $ 100 $24,502 ������� DISTRICT 12 District Budget Request (July 1 , 1983 - June 30, 1984} Personnel Community Organizer $12,900 FICA 921 Unemployment 419 Typi'st 1,900 Bookkeeper 600 $16,740 Office & Supplies Rent $ 1,3C0 Cleaning 75 Telephone 650 NSP 550 Postage 400 Supplies 300 Newspaper 65 Xerox 480 � 4,320 Neighborhood Communications BUGLE $ 3,120 Pub7 ications 200 $ 3,320 C.P. Training, Consultant Fees, Travel 7rave7 $ 660 ; $25,040 ��^��,.�� . LEXINGTON-HAMLINE COMMUNITY COUNCIL District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Salary $3,560 Em�l oyee Heal th Insurance 300 $3,86Q Office & Supplies Rent $ 700 Phone 600 Consumabies 200 Pri.nting 200 Postage 200 Utilities 200 $2,100 _ . $5,960 ; - �.���g���� MERRIAM PARK COMMUNITY COUNCIL, INC. District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel $2,400 Office & Supplies Liability Insurance $ 25 Postage 940 Rent 1,020 Consumables 926 $2,911 Neighborhood Communication �1,200 C.P. Training, Consultant fiees, Travel $ 325 $6,836 ������� SNELLING-HAMLINE COMMUNITY COUNCIL District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Contracted Services $4,580 Office & Supplies Phone $ 288 Rent/Utilities 682 Consumables 40 Printing/Duplicating 192 $1 ,202 Neighborhood Communications Postage, Mai7ing, etc. � 48 _ $5,830 ���`�'�� DISTRICT 14 District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel Organizer $ 9,420 Secretary 300 Intern 300 Unemployment Comp. 245 Worker' s Comp./Liability Insurance 260 $10,525 Office & Supplies Rent $ 1 ,200 Telephone 700 Copier Contract 250 Supplies, paper 450 $ 2,600 Neighborhood Communications Postage, distribution $ 800 Printing 500 $ 1 ,300 Equipment Purchases Repair/Purchase $ 150 C.P. Training, Consultant Fees, Travel Training $ 25 Travel and Parking 820 $ 845 $15,420 � . �����►;�� DISTRICT 16 � District Budget Request (Juiy 1 , 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personnel C.O. Salary $ 8,400 Worker' s Comp. 50 Unemployment Comp. 150 $ 8,600 Office & Supplies > .., ►-y ���� ��.� � DISTRICT 15 � District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) Personne] Community Organizer $ 8,000 ' Seeretarial/Intern 1,000 $ 9,000 Office & Suppl ies Supplies $ 1,000 Tel ephone 700 Rent - Office 1,200 Rent - Meetings 200 Insurance 360 Equipment Maintenance 150 $ 3,610 Neighborhood Communication Printing � 670 Postage 1,350 � 2,020 C P Training, Consultant Fees, Travel Traael Allowance $ 640 Training and EducatiQn 120 ' ; $ 760 i $15,390 ��(.��..��� DISTRICT 17 District Budget Request (July 1, 1983 - June 30, 1984) , Personnel Contracted Personnel $12,000 Frange Benefits (Health Ins,) 450 Secretarial Assistance 360 $12,810 Office & Supplies Rent $ 1 ,400 Office Supplies 800 Phone 420 $ 2,620 Neighborhood Communications Printing $ 743 Postage 1 ,450 $ 2,193 C.P. Training, Consultant Fees, Travel Transportation $ 120 $17,743 ' . ... f ���,�� � .. �� • � � �'O r-�+ � � � N tn � � i-+ �+ ►-� r-� f-+ f-� � -i (D C V al CJl -P W N i--+ O l0 00 V dl CJ7 -P W N h-� � •� � H J.Q7 . � . �"� � � � �.I�(D � y n n -s -s fD -�• V C7 O�"a \ �--� N C"1' �(/Y C'7 (D -+• .E�s {14 \ -i 'o N O W O�� � -P h+ � t--+ h-� N N F-' N W W N N N N N F-+ N►-+ C7 a •• CT � �p �Tl .P CJ7 Ul p W N N N N O N (T N Ol 1 C'� C � v v v �r v dl � � � -P O �A O O V �p � �p O N l0 O � l0 O CJl W \ � . w rn o 0 0 0 0 �s rn oo ►� w cn o o cn ►-� o o w --� m d� W O O O O O O N O �--' O O O 0 O O O O O O Z N in ^� -� --1 � m oo n May 20, 1933 COMPARISON OF REQUESTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS �������� 1983-84 Recommended Current Total 1'otal Requested Formula Amount Difference Between District 7/1/82-6/30/83 7/1J83-6/30/84 7J1/83-6/30/84 Request & Formula 1 $ 16,300 $ 17,200 $ 17,200 $ -0- 2 22,500 25,500 22,710 +2,790 3 25,010 25,689 25,689 -0- 4. 22,950 25,873 24,142 +1,731 5 20,500 23,822 22,325 +1,497 6 22,000 23,721 23,721 -0- 7 32,950 36,685 31,751 +4,934 8 32,230 39,685 31 ,897 +7,788 9 22,011 23,245 23,245 -0- 1� 13,980 15,345 15,347 - 2 11 20,962 24,502 21 ,493 +3,009 i2 25,970 25,040 25,040 -0- 13 15,700 18,626 18,626 -0- 14 14,000 15,420 15,339 + 81 15 15,000 15,390 15,390 -0- 16 9,400 11,890 11,579 + 311 17 14,000 17,743 17,743 -0- $345,463 $385,376 $363,237 $22,141 ENS 10,000 Liability Ins. Coverage 2,500 $375,737 _....rm�...�.�.,�.�._.�-_____.�_..,._„�_._�.,,.�.... �. �.._•- - . . �..._..___.w__,_�_.___v__.._...___._.. - -- - -�s-���� �._"�' ...,,T.� �� � �����.�� Di stri ct 'I 1 � GOALS & O�JECTIVES: v�1e ave been i•aorking on a method of establishin� co��maility goals and objectives. In r1ov. l;'$2 �;he Board of llirec�ors snent their meeting listing �rhat -�hey v��anted to see accomnlished in the Mid�•ray community. mhat list included L�9 i�Lems. Frankly, since that Tneetin�, v�re have had some pro'olems of hova to dzs- cipline ourselv�s to the point •�here t,e can establisli priorities and determine �•rhich goals and o�j ec�ives are �;,an:�geable and realistic for one year, five years, ten years. In April 19$3 a Long-P�ange Planning Co:n�nii:tee ��;as estab- lished from volunteers on the Bc�a-rd. In I��Iay the Corn�-nittee i�et t•aith staff from the YouLl: Project, ti:hic:h _has agreed to prQVide technical assistance �o us. In the u�coming non;,hs, the Co�- mittee t��ill be t�aorking on connectino the are�s ". _ of program development, services, fundraising and �administrat�ion into a cor�;nan irarne of reference. Continued assistance fro:n the Youth Project, Board U;orkshops and s�bsaYuent comm�tt;ee meetings are being scheduled. It is our 'oelief that as t�re go through this proeess ��re �•�ill not only be establishing our 19$3-$1� goals, but s�r�ngthening our community, building lead�rship skills and becoanin� a more resnonsive and representative organizata.c�n. L�15T YEAR'S ACIIVZTIES ��Thich erill be coni,inued in 19$3-$3 are: -- tii t-ray !, eig or oo l�ettivork Program to increase a safer, � more cohasive neighborhood throu�h bloc�c club or�;anizing. - Tiidt��ay FU�,L to increase ener�y conservation throu_�;h t;he residential energy audit pro�ra:n. -- Horton Park Festival I�I i;o provide family eni;e-rtainmeiit, celebrate arts and culture o� the area, and raise funds at the grassroots for District 11.. Orga.nizational planning and le�rning ho:�r to manage our gro:tiltii by consolidatin� and coord�.n�ting proorams, services, fund-- raising and ad.�ninistr�'�ion. -- Oversee the ciay=to-day o;�erations �of thre� standin�; cor�ti-nittees, ten special co:�nmittees, four neighborhood co:runittees, and five .city-vride com.mitt�es. � 4CTI�TITIES ;�IHIC�i t�� HOP� TO BEGIN IN� 19$3-$4 are: T�Iid�:ay Co�nmunity Development Corporatiori to implement housing acquisition and rehab to ensure neighbornooci control o.� and access to affordable housin; options. -- I�4idv�ray ��ei�hborhood Partnership Program to irnplemen�: physical ir�provements to the Snelling Ave. corridor, both residential and commereial� - �stablishing a P1Iid�•�ay Community Cente-r at Hamline Playground. �� ..r-i��1'�1 � ?�������� Please fill this out and return atong with your budget request for '83 - '84. C. P. District # � � Date: May 4, 1q83 t. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: District 1 will continue to facilitate knowledgeable participation of residents and businesses in the definition and solution of the area's problems and the maximizing of its potential. This will be done with the District 1 News, flyers, informational presentations , neighborhood meetings, etc. 2. List of nei hborhood activities currentl bein carried out which will be continued in 1983 - $ : Council time (staff and volunteer) continues to be focused on the concerns (p�iysical and economic) involved with the development of the District's few remaining vacant or underused commercial sites and the Nighwood residential area. The Highwood Capital Improvement Committee will continue to try to paan for design, implementation a��d payment of the extension and imarovement of that areas streets and sewers. � The District 1 News moves toward grcater financial independence and with continued responsibie management and editing it should not only provide the area with news but perhaps begin to share some of the Council 's costs. The paper/Council are encouraging the development of a Community Calender and coordination of event scheduling. The Battle Creek drainage project nears completion, however; insuring the proper restorafiion and carefully staged reuse will become an important District Council task. Likewise "overseeing" the Sun Ray Library restoration project and Burns Avenue Park development are seen as Council responsibilities. The District Council will continue to encourage boulevard tree planting and Residential Street Improvement Program participation. We foresee difficulty with this goal because of city policy ambiguities and a general public unwill- ingness to share public costs. Resolution of an effort to have the Public Utilities Commission change its telephone rate tiers to give approximately half of the District's residents the same phone rate as now charged the rest of St. Paul. 3. List of neighborhood activities which you hope. to begin in 1983 - 8�+: The lack of a community center continues to be a problem for the area. We hope to be abte to propose a solution cont�ining some combination of these � elements: Sun Ray Library; Conway Recreation Center; YMCA; local corporate or foundation assistance. The iocation of a movie theater in the Sun Ray area will also be investigated. The deve�opment of two leaf composting windrows. in the �istrict with the help and on the land of Ramsey County. Formation of block clubs to combat neighborhood crime, apathy and lack of personal social support systems. Pursue the construction of sidewalks in areas of hi.gh pedestrian�MTC use. The benefits will include not only safety but also needed jobs. := `�'��7r �'��'����7 ..r.4 � ��� Y� ii' ..G�: - �1�i j1��1 �w :`' ���i, '�``~ ��b.p.�.BL'/ftd��rA�� Jul�� 1� 1`J:3 - Jt�t1e 3�� 1`.a?4 -.� y�z�f. r`, �/l A�A��qu�A ��� r (T - - � 11� � '"�j"'�+', �/ P�.i 1 ,�•� I�.eqiic..,t 209 West Paqe, St. PQUI, MIV 55107 292-8020 f � P1ease fill this out �nd return along with your budget request for '83-'84, C.P. District � 3 Date: 1���.y 9, 19s3 1. ; Statement or list of your G P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: Goals: Zb maintain and stren�then existing co�mninity groups (axid create new ones if nc�ded), and to coordinate their work so they can effectively rea,ch specific objectives on issues. Zb ;�rornate a positive image of the corrmunity and positive attii:udes of tiYest Siders. Objectives: Lnei'gy - Zb continue t��rlc on a cc�rrq�rehen.sive nei�hlx�rha;ci c:r��.;.�., , Economic Drevelopmeni; -. �b coni;inue �1�orl:in� with and pm��i_dinfi s�.iprx�ri; 1.'r:r Liyt: �4est Side Developn�ent (brporation. Pr�si.tive Cbnmi,uzity Trr�€;�e - To continue to improve the corrrnwzii:y's ima��e and foster positive attitudes by Uuildin� axid �videning the support �or nei�hborhood based festivals and events. �nvironmental - Zb continue to monitor, research and provide inpui; to i.�sues t�at ef ect t e neighUorhood enviYo�unent. . Neighborhood Issues - 1b v.�ork with jYest Siders on what�ver issues ma,y arise t�iat affect either a smali area o� tlie corrrnunity or the entire nei�hborhood. 2. a) �'Vest Side �nergy Corr�any: Comprehensive neigl�borhood ener� work �vas boc�sted by the Innovation L�er�y Grant funcling reeieved at the end of 1981. tYork continues on home energy audits, a neighborhood energy netw��rk e� volunteers�informationa� + ubrlsshops and sales of energy conservation suppli�s. b) Zhe Fburth Annual j9est Sid� Pride D�.y (Parade, entertainrr�nt, events) is planned for Saturday Septemb�r 10� 1983 at Htu�boldt Iiigh School. ' c) The Fourth «lest Side Salutes the W�nter. Ca.rnival is anticipated for January: 1984. d) Zhe second River�-ont Days will be Ue1�3 from June 16 - 26 and a third festiva.l is anticipated for coi.nciding dates in 1984. e) Zhe WSCJO �hviranmental Comnittee will continue to identify, research and make re�nda.tions on issues that affect tlie neighborhood environment�like tbe current Haz.arc�us �Yaste facility si::ing process. f) Zhe WSQ� Building/7�nd Use Cflrrmittee will continue to review deyelopers pla.ns, seek resident input and rral:e recorm�ndations on neigizborhood de�'relopment and land use issues. g) Holman Airport Advisory Comnittee - �VS00 �vill continue to participate in the plannin� process for the airport. h) High Bri.dge Task 1'orce - WSO� will contirxue to participate in tl-,•� planning process and give input to the M[�TT. l�pt. af 1�ansportation regaxding the building of a nev� Bridge. i) P�SaO will continue to support tlie West Side ATeighborhood Iiousing Service in an effort to irnpro�re the conditions of hotzs.ing in the neighborhood. j) SVSCn �vill continue to parl:icipate in the City's Unifie-c{ Ca.pital Tn�aroverrient Buclget process. k) Zl�e WS00 Riverview Library Comnittee (Associ�.tion) will continue to review nlans and make recaimenc�ations on issues that affect the Library, 1) Zhe �1150� Baaxd of Directors will continue to rncieve, review and react to recam�enda,tions macle by comnittees, oi:her groups and individuals. ihe Boaxd will continue to hold regular monthly open meefiings puUlicized in the �'Vest Side WIC�. An aiuiva,l meeting for the electio�z of Board membexs wi11 be held in October 1983. The.Executive QxTmittee, Personnel Cocuni.ttee and ByLaws (xxrrnittee will:�all oontinue to m�et. Zhe books of the cofipo��,t�on � �shall continue to be kept in �ood order. 3. a) �he West Side Historv Project �ontaines aspects �f both continuin� and new beginnings. A3.thou�h the projeet started th;s year with a ��t ' � fran the Dayton-tiudson kbunda,tion another proposat has been written wi�th anticipa,ted fundin� to begin this sumn�r. �vo nEw aspects of the prcject would be computorization of the da.ta oollected by student interns an3 a series of colloquiims to be conducted i.n cooperation with Ma.calester (blleg�e. b) Gocrrrnuzity Garden project. c) Rpck �ncert on Harriet Island d) Harriet Island planning e) Bl,�ck Nurse Program inplerr�ntation : f} Saint Paul Pragram (Rand Study) participation and irnplementatian. g) West Side bevelopment Corpora.tion (K'SDC):begin a more ooncentxate�l effort to �ur�ther the aims of the group includi.ng the publi.5hi,ig of. a We�t Side Susiness Directory. A�so q, : possible Grant proposal to secure turids for � staffing and specific �ro,jects to be identified by the NSDC Board of Directors. h) J�any activities that �Will occur in '83 -'84 are �unidentifyable at this tirne beca.use some issues will be reactions to future events �r actions of other groups�and other issues will .t�e the result of future idc�as or discussions. WSQ? will provide a cocmnmity focus and forum for those issues. Corrmittees rray be fornr�d, issu?s resnarched and res�x�nc;es formul.:�ted in an o�n �vay that triLs to give the broad�st access possible to everyone in the nei�hborhood to parti.cipate in the debate/discussionJre�.,�n-nda.tion and resoluti.ons. March 21� Dayton's Bluff District 4 Community Council ,+�.����� Please fill this out and return along with your budget request for '83-'84. C.P. District # 4 Date: M ay 23, 1983 1. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84; � Improve communication/relations between districts, especially on Easfi Side Fundraising to make the council self sufficient Improve the performance of community council committees Continue to strengthen community communications Develop leadership skills of community council board members 2. List of neighborhood activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84: Continuation of the " Festival on the Bluff" Continuation of and subsidy of the Dayton's Bluff District Forum Completion of Tax Exempt status Implementation of the Etna-Birmingham Development Implemenfiation of the reuse of Mounds Park Jr. High site through OHP, Inc. Another Swede Hollow cleanup histo calendar 3. List of neighborhood activi�ies w�iich you hope to begin in '83-'84: Economic Action Team to monitor businesses Youth Job Program Rejuvenation of Block Clubs/Crime watch Old Harding Place and �tna-Birmingham Developments Membership/public relatio�s drives Review and update District Plan Obtain liability Insurance March 21 , 19�3 ����`����'7 Please fill this out and return along with your budget request for '83-'84. C.P. District # 5 Date: May 17, 1983 1. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: l. Continue to develop crime prevention education and programs for residents and businesspersons in the district 2 . Promotion of the District Council and other councils and associations within the district to publicize projects, issues and encourage more participation. 3 . Neic�hborhood Self Reliance - through specific neighborhood prc�ects, information and resource sharing . 4. Fundraising - tailored to meet needs of specific projects or plans . 2. List of neighborhood activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84: - Crime prevention training for block leaders - Community Garden Project - Gillette Site Housing Task Force to work with developer & , neighborhood - Ongoing Land-Use/Zoning review and recommendation on issues. - Organizing a Food Co-op. - Task Force involvement with Phalen Lake Restoration and new Payne Avenue Bridge and commercial redevelopment. ' 3. List of neighbnrhood activities which you hope to begin in '83-'84: - Neighborhood Compost Project - Revise District Council by-laws - Economic development project/wozkshops - Sk ills bank , ., March 21 , 1983 - ������;3� Please fill this out and return along with your budget request for '83-'84. C.P. District # 6 Date: May 13, 19�33 1. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: Tt should be noted that the District 6 Planning Council is currently going through a long range planning process. We had hoped to complete this project by May 1 , 1983. However, due to a turnover of staff this planning process had to be delayed. We will be happy to send you a copy of the completed goals and objectives as soon as they are completed. 2. List of neighborhaod activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84:(continued on reverse side) -Development of Trout ]3rook(Fioyt//1bc11) -Cayuga Rec. Center -Hazardous Waste Sit.es -Como Park Planning -Energy ,�ark -Working with business community and Community Desi n Center in identifying problems and needs of lower Rice S�reet�South of Front) . -Pro�oting housing rehabilitation -Identifying I,and Use conflicts aand negotiate land usage -Identifying landlord and tenant conflicts/issues and negotiating problem solving solutions -Identifying traffic problems and negotiating solutions 3. List of neighborhood activities which you hope to begin in '83-'84: -NPP proposals -Emergsncy Job Fund proposals -Fund Raising activities -Redevelopment of Albermarle Street(f�nal phase of the South of South of Front Project) -South of Front Public Improvements -Community Gardening -Bulk Mailing; incorporate additional organizations in order to distribute information and help defray costs �, ,, � 2. -Lewis Park Redevelopment -District Council Orientation -Promoting and participating in the C.I.B. �cess � March 21 , 1983 � r �f�a?��� Please fill this out and return along with your budget request for '83-'84. C.P. District # �_ Date: 5���f83 1. Statement or list of your C.P. Distriet Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: � * Build and maintain a community network with the Block Clubs . * Continue to publicize membership opportunities in PTA ' s , Booster Clubs , the District Planning Council and city boards . , *-Respond �to city gov�rnment., . its departments �. needs and communications . * Formulate a stronger bond with University Ave . businessmen for improvement of the cammercial s�rip. * Facilitate input on issues relevant to all of the community . (DVER) 2. List of neighborhood activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84: * Block Club network to facilitate crime and fire prevention �� as well as , energy conservation . * Fundraising , programming and operation of the Community Center at _911 Lafond. * Establish a separate identity to operate the Com�nunity Center after 9-1-83 . * Group buying for landscaping . * Ne�ghbors organized to monitor specific housing problems . (OVER) 3. List of neighborhood activities which you hope to begin in '83-'84: * Unemplayment - Employment Program in the community . * Rain leader disconnection program. * Obtain commitments for partial demolition/construction in Drew Passive Park. * Greeting and orien�ation committee for new residents . * Monitor bars and adult entertainment in the neighborhoad . * A youth company to build and sell garbage can stands . * Formation of a youth board . 1 . * To serve as a cpordinator of social services for people and their households and to develop and maintain a listing of social services availabel in the community . * To foster neighborhood pride and identity . * To promote volunteerism . * To foster leadership development and neighborhood involvement . * To promote cooperation between the ethnic and racial groups that co-exist in Frogtown . 2. * Clean-.up in cooperation with COACT. * Pigroast fundraiser/ identity builder . * Support of the CDC with its housing developm�nt . * Participating with the University Avenue Development Council to develop the annual parade . � Ma rc h 21, 1983,� ��'����� � Please fill this out and return along with your budget request for '83-'84. C.P. District # __� Date; Ma�, �_ ��R� T�^^ 1. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: *to promote citizen participation funstions in the district *to aid and assist in general district planning *to provide communications support services for West 7th non-profit organizations, neighborhood residents, local businesses, etc. *to maintain a center with duplication and media equipment for rental *to maintain a reference library *to provide support services to the West 7th Community Reporter *to perform necessary administrative duties relative to the above 2. List of neighborhood activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84: *hold a candidates forum before �he city elections 3. List of neighborhood activities which you hope to begin in '83-'84: *dependent upon results of consolidation process with the West Seventh/ Fort Road Federation. Ma rc h 21, 1983 � ����:� Please fill this out and return along with your budget request for '83-'84. C,P. D1Str1Ct # 10 Ddte: May 13, 1983 1. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: . Obtain 501C3 Status A��ly to Post Office for Permit r7ailing Number Additional District Recycling Pickups Increase rieeting Attendance Strive fior nistr�ct R�;?resentations on all C�mmittees, Task Forces, etc. Encourage New i�lemb ers to Fi•11 Upcoming Committee Vacancies. Provide Better Community Communication regarding Meetings and Issues. Find Assistance for Elderly and Handicapped Who Require Snow Shoveling, Need Rides, �ree Planting etc. Become More Involved with Institutions in the District: such as: Sholom, Lyngblomsten, Metro Deaf Center, Churches, Schools, etc. 2. List of neighborhood activities currently being carried out which will be continu ed in '83-'84: Continue to Publish the District 10 Report Newsletter � Recyclying Unlimited Free Curbside Pickups Energy Atxliting by Distric� Sponsored Auditor Provid e Phone Information & Referrals to inquiries Continue to grovide Answering Service When Off_ice is Closed; Return all Calls District Representation at City meetings, Public Hearings, City Council, etc. Arrange for Input from Elected Officials, County Commissioners, hlayor, Senators & Representatives, City Councilmen Information Presentations of Interest to the Community Help to Resolve Neighborhood Problems Continue Involvement with Energy Park, Com� Park, State Fair Issues. Continued Coordination of all District 10 ActivitWOrking 2�e30°�rsni��rO��e�izer, 3. List of neighborhood activities which you hope to begin in '83-'84: Energy Related Seminar or Workshop Neighbonc��od Block Watch Program Group Purchase of Stump Removal Service Explore Solutions to Neighborhood Parking Problems--Possible Sub-District 1 Parking Study. Require Regular Committee Reports. Enter into Another Combined Parks Dept. & District 10 Tree Planting Program if Funding Becomes available. ___�...__� .,.,..,.. __.. ,...., ..,.o...... ..... � .. ,.. _.._... K_..____ .__ . w �,...._.... . _ ._. __..__. . ._,. . ,., _. � _ .. .. __, _ _ �.`. Ma rc h 21, 1983 � 2�����.3'� Please fill this out and return along with your budget request for '83-'84. C.P. District # 12 Date: May 11 , 1�83 1. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: 1 . Increased regognition of purpose of District 12 Council and actions it takes . 2 , t�aintain and increase housing stock . 3 . Fnhance commercial area such as Raymond/University and Como/Carter 4 . Maintain effective liaison among resideniial , business , industrial communities and city government. 5 . Increase cooperation and communication with school district . 6 . Publicize and support ongoing District 12 projects as well as projects sponsored by District 1?_ groups . 7 . Initiate projects as desired by the neighborhood. 8� Encourage conservation of natural r�sources . 2. List of_ neighborhood activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84: 1 . Block faurse program 2 . Crimewatch 3 , tleighborhood composting of leaves/grass 4. Community Gardens 5 . Flower Beds on 6dater Department land 6 . Qoulevard Tree Replacement 7 . Hame Energy Audits 8. ���orkshops on gardening , energy issues 9 . h1eals on Wheels deliveries 10 . Vol unteer• vi s i tors program 11 . Curbside pickup of recyclable materials 12. Preservation and beautification of 280 pond area . 3. List of neighborhood activities which you hope to begin in '83-'84: 1 . Flower beds on Sidney Triangie 2 . Reaive Job Bank for youth 3 . tdeighborhood seminar on ways to use cable television access channels , co-sponsored with BUGLE 4. Nome Chore service for Block Nurse clients 5 , Help establish cooperative baby-sitting club in south St . Anthony 6 . Snow remova7 by Boy Scouts on sidewalks around Coliege Park 7 . Install water lines in community gardens �� ��' - AI`� P �� ,q�P . � �����,����� ER � t� � 11�ERRII�M PAF�K ; �, CO��UNlITY COU�VCiL, Inc. .� � � 645-0349 • WILOER AT SAINT ANTHONY . SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55104 O ���• �� 1983-84 FR PLA • Goals, Ob'ectives GOALS. Improve the quality of life in the community through the development and continuance of processes and policies and programs which further citizen participation in the decision-making affecting Merriam Park., OBJECTIVES: ' a. Assist in the continuance of an active Community Council which would meet monthly with at least a quorum present. Assist in strengthening leadership abilities among current leaders (seminars, etc.) . Provide adequate staff assistance to committees as needed, and encourage more active participatian in standing committees. Arrange publicity, me�ting space, assist in agenda setting, ensur� that adequate minutes are kept and that motions are carried out (letters mailed to appropriate officials, etc.) . b. Monitor City government for programs, services and'policy changes which could benefit or .harm the neighborhood. Review Early Notification System mailings, attend City Council and committee meetings, maintain communications with City staff and other Community Organizers. Maintain a neighborhood resident on the t4ayor's Responsive Government Task Force, which provides input into the decision- making as to which City services are and are not essential. Maintain a member on the Citizen Participation II Forum,. Maintain a member on the Roy Wi.lkins Memorial Task Force. c. Gontinue to advise the St. Paul City Council, Planning Commission, and/or the Planning and Economic Development Department on neighborhood viewpoints as they relate to administering the zoning codes and housing code variances, ordinances, the District 13 Plan, the Merriam Park Housing Development Plan, etc. , and to develop recommendations to strengthen the enforcement of building and housing codes. d. Develop and implement strategies to reduce the number of blatently illegal conversions in the� Aierriam Park neighborhood. e. Dtaintain citizen participation funding for the District 13 Consortium by assisting officers of the Consortium, maintaining lines of communication with other Community Councils in the District, and keeping accurate ledgers for the Merriam Park Council's participation funds. f. Provide technical assistance to areas in Merriam Park which have issues specifi- cally related to their immediate neighborhood. Provide staff assistance to groups of neighbors or form Ad Hoc Committees to the Council, to aid in arrang- ing publicity, meeting space, formulating agendas, keeping records, carrying out motions, and reporting to the full Council. The Organizer will work with • the St. Thomas College (parking and off-campus housing) , Cooperative Plating (local company violating pollution control standards) , "Tot Lot" (proposal to relocate) , and Cable T.V. committees, and will continue to assist in Organiz- ing Crime Prevention Block Clubs in areas whose residents request such assistance. , . ,ti 1983-84 GOALS/OBJECTIVES: . g. Investigate the necessity for updating the Merriam Park Community Council portion of the District 13 Plan. If needed, update the Plan. GOAL II: Develop comfnunity projects beneficial to the majority of inembers of the community, and implement those projects through volunteer effarts, grants, community fundraisers, or the leveraging of public funds to the benefit of this area. OBJECTIVES: a. Organize and implement a group Stump Removal and Tree Buy for boulevards and private property within the Merriam Park area. b. Investigate the feasibility of organizing a Fall Clean-Up in the Merriam Park area, and implement if feas�ible. c. Assist the Neighborhood Energy Project in developing a proposal to organize Block Clubs around energy conservation in the Merriam Park and Snelling/ Hamline neiqhborhood. Continue to assist in writing for grants to area Foundations and the City of St. Paul's Neighborhood Partnership Program. d. Assist the Council in revising the ARticles of Incorporation to meet Federal regulations, in order to obtain a 501(c) (3) non-profit, tax exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service. • ' ,`�.'���L,A•� ! .,,. ... SNELLING HAMLINE � C OMMUNITY : '"• �. COUNCIL s`���� • 113 No. S�r�toQe, St. Peul. 66104 844-1085 SNELLING - HAMLINE COMP1UNITY COU1!CIL' S GOALS & OBJECTIVES � 1983 - 84 � The goal is to develop a plan to organize the Snelling-Hamline neighborhood and to develop a more workable neighborhood organiz- ation. The plan should be acceptable to neighborhaod residents and endorsed by the Council when it is completed. Benefits of the planning process should include better communication among residents and a stronger nei,ghborhood organization with a better sense of resident needs and priorities and a direction •foit future activity. � • We expect that the funded activities will include: a) using time at Council meetings and Board meetings for organizing activities and member development. b) meeting with residents in block meetings to identify needs and problems. cj working raith the City and other neighborhoods to identify effective organizing strategies and available resources. d) door-knocking and mailings to contact residents�.who cannot attend meetings. . ' . ' e) �working with the neighborhood businessmen's association to identify j common concerns and resources.� � ' f) developing a written plan for future organizing activities, to be fmplemented after this grant period. - , � - The Distr�ct 14 � �����±�`� �� ni Council �onlmu ty . 15Z3 FAIRMOUNT AVE., ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55105 • (612) 698-7973 SERVING THE MACALESTER-GROVELAND AND RANDOLPH HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOODS OF ST. PAUL � �������� _ � f�1AY 2� 1983 May 23, 1983 �rr t. G� ������:��t��� � �:4::".�a'����1� ���'��.QPr°�����' Jerry Jenkins, Citizen Participation Coordinator City of St. Paul ' ' City Hall Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 - . Dear Jerry, I would like to apologiz.e for our not submitting our 1983-84 goals and our 1982-83 activities with our proposed budget for next year. It had been anticipated that our board of directors would be adopting our goals for the coming year at our May board meeting which was held last Thursday evening, May 19. That, however, was tabled until our June u{eeting Our goals for the 1982-83 year included 1) reforestation and stump removal, 2) promotion of neighborhood crime prevention efforts, 3) promotion af recycling and 4) resolution of traffic and parking problems on and near Grand Avenue. Our_ council has only one required standing committee: the District 14 Long Range Planning Committee, a committee charged with implementing and/or revising the District 14 Plan. Our other committees are determined by our goal setting process. In addition to the committees charged with implementing our gaals, our board last year also established a Housing and Land Use Committee which is charged with reaction to zoning and other land use matters. In addition to working with immediate neighbors of various land use issues on those issues, our activities in the past f iscal year have included: 1) our 1982 and 1983 citizen initiative tree planting projects, 2) our 1982 and 1983 stump removal projects, 3) establishment and promotion of our Crime Watch 14 effort, 4) seeking funding for and working with several other councils to put together our Neighborhood Crime Prevention Fair, 5) working with Community Education to provide classes in crime prevention, 6) working with Recycling Unlimited to promote recycling in the district, � 7) promotion of home energy audits in cooperation with the Neighborhood Energy Project (won a Golden Sun Award for this), 8) participation in the Grand Avenue West Task Force of the Planning Commission to develop a comprehensive plan for Grand Avenue west of the Short Line, 9) partieipation in the College of St. Thomas Joint Committee on Community Relations 10) seeking funding and putting together a three day bicycle safety event for children, l�put on a Children's Carnival at the 1982 Grand O1' Day, 12) Jerry Jenkins Page �ao May 23, 1983 Mattocks Park, 13) participation in the St. Paul School District's Integration Review Committee, 14) participation on the Rand Advisory Committee and Assessments Committee, 15) participation in the CIB process, 16) participation in the District Councils' Forum. Additionally, we write a regular column in the Highland Villager and the Merriam Park Post, work with 3ournalism students at area colleges to help them better understand neighborhood participation in local political processes, and work wit� local Scout troups to help these young people become effectively involved in important community service projects. Althaugh this is not a complete laundry list of our council's activities the past year, it should give you a pretty good idea of the range of our activities. We shall submit a list of �ur goals for 1983-$4 as soon as they have been established. If you have any questions regarding our goals or activities, please do not hesitate to give us a call. Sincerely, �u�� � �/C-?9'LC,�=�'�--� Kat ie Tarnowski Co unity Organizer _ March 21, 1983 �€�������� Please fill this out and return a7ong with your budget request for '83-'84. C.P. District # 15 Date: ;.,�,�:1.%; 1��3 1. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: S�� �:�-ct�.che:� sta;,eir:e:�t. . 2. List of neighborhood activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84: (a) Eloc�c by blocl: or�a.nizaticsn ci C-rir,e i-�a.tch, and alert resicents of crime proble;�s. (b) Brin� builders a:�d develo���ers to,:c;ther urith nei.�hbors to work out mutually agreeable compro�-�ises on variances and building plans, and ider_tify major neighborhood opposition before developers make heavy investments. (cj 'Jdork 4aith reside�ts and Public ?�.orks to solve traffic cantrol and parking problems. (d) t�dork vaith residents to enhance and protect existing playground and racreation facilities, and to obtain additional facilities urnere appropriate. (e) Cooperat� with area business people to help reactivate business associaticns to enhance the vitality of neigliborhood business. (f) Provide participants and leadership for various city-wide and neighborhood task forces. (g) Support residents in efforts to solve nuisance problems caused by certain business patrons, and to prevent future propbems. 3. List of neighborhood activities which you hope to begin in '83-'84: See ob,jectives 7, 8 and 9 and the attached statement. � 2������3� Goa1s and Objectives for the Southwest Area District Council 1983-84 1 �b.jectiee: � To e:cpand the co.mr.iunitv at�rareness of the District C'ouncil and its activities. Goals: - a) to e*�bark on a membership �rograr.► b) to have More reada.ble reporting in the Villa�er c) to have More literature drops znto affected areas�af the communit,y d) to create a descriptive brochure that describes the activities, goals and ob3ectives o�' the SWAD Council 2, Objective• To increase attendance a,nd educated decision *+�akin� at Board A4eetin�;s. `Goals: a) create an educational training progra.m for Roard Members in various �overnment processes, such as zoning b) develop an orientation prog��M for ne��r Board Members c) r.iaxiMize 'the amount of inforr.�.tion and advance notice for decisions to be made bv Board r.iembers b� advance notice to the appropriate corunittees d) work to define the f'unctions properly �erformed b�r the District Council as o�nosed to the Cit� Council or Citf Plannin� Department 3, Ob,jective: To solicit the interests of' the �roader com.munit;� whenever SL7AD considers a ].ocal concern. 4, Ob.iec��ve: Organize a Crime t•latch Tdetwork in the District. Goals: a) have at least one Meetin� per month to train block ��atch capta,ins b) orga.nize a system to work k*ith tne police c) enhance present District-Wide CriMe Trlatch Co»unittee 5, Ob�jeetive: To work with the Tiighland Business Associ�.tion on a comprehensive plan that considers pedestrians and b�c,ycles �,s �aell as ca,rs for the Hi�hland Villa�e. 6, Ob�jective: To continue to b uild a liason �rith the l3usiness Associations in the District. Goa.ls: a) to discuss a unified theme for the Hi�*hland shoppin�; area and at��►pt to eecure funds for the support of it b) explore uses of public and private funding in keeping the shopping areas of District 15 vital 7, Ob,jective: � io refer to appropriate eor.uni.ttees or develop corimittees to deal �.*ith specific concerns of the community. a) establish �. Land Iiark Cor.�mittee to preserve and stuc�y uses for such things as t�e Highland Saater Tower, the old 2�Iattocrs School, and open space b) establish a Re-Zoning ^ask Force to consider the industrial zones on the north side of Ford Parkway in the Village Area � c) establish a Yoise Cor.L*nittee to take an actzve role:in the problem of Airpozt noise and the probletn of traffic noise on Snelling d) the Recreation and Social Services Cor.u�ittee to establish a permanent "Friends of Park or Playgrount" for each Park, Play�round and the Golf Course = to have an on-goin� .dialo�ue with those groups and to have those �rouns take an active part in maintaining the facility e) The Iiousing and Fconomic Developmen� Corimittee to rnonitor the housin� needs of the elderly in the District g, Ob,jective: To establish a nei�hborhood dispute mediation process and publish its existance 9, Ob�jective: To nror�ote re-cyclin� � Ma rc h 21, 1983 ,4��y x�c��� ! Please fill this out and return along with your budget request for '83-'84. C.P. District # 16 Date: May 17, 1983 1. Statement or list of your C.P. District Goals and Objectives for 1983-84: a. Determine feasibility of establishing a yearly membership drive through homeowners, tennants and residents within District 16. b. Provide a communications vehicle that will focus on increased awareness of active community needs and issues. c. Determine specific fund-raising projects to enhance the financial base of the organization and increase resident tnteraction. 2. List of neighborhood activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84: a. House tour. b. Progressive suppers in fall & spring. c. Booth at Grand Old Days. 3. List of neighborhood activities which you hope to begin in '83-'84: a. Neighborhood newsletter. b. Implement Item c of Number 1 above. � � :��C,�e.�t�"� ! DOWNTOWN COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT COUNGII. Proposed District 17 Goals and Objectives 1983-1984 * Improve the attractiveness of downtown as a living and working community * Increase the participation of the 60,000 people living and working in downtown ir� the decisions affecting their district * Strengthen coalitions with downtown organizations and major employers * Increase communications with City Council, Port Authority, and PED * Make downtown more responsive to the existing residential community including the senior citizens in North Wabasha and the artists in Lowertown * Make downtown a safer community * Enhance economic development in downtown * Encourage expansion of services in the downtown to develop an active 24 hour city • * Educate the public about downtown Community activities currently being carried out which will be continued in '83-'84 * DCDC has recently completed a survey of skyway businesses and on the basis of the data collected, will proceed to improve access to and coordination of skyway hours * Ongoing review of new development plans in downtown and Lowertown. * Implementation of the North Wabasha Plan * Finalization and implementation of the Downtown Circulation study involving automobile traffic, parking, street and skyway levPl pedestrian traffic, bus circulation and reverse bus lanes, bus layover locations, and placement of bus stops * Continued work, through support of the St. Paul Art Collective, in trying to resolve the artist housing problems * Participation in review and revisions of a street maintenance assessment plan . * Review of the programming and rental budget of Town Square Park * Pursuance of a resolution to the problems of insufficie�t liquor licenses for downtown * Gontinued activity of �he DCDC Committees: Resident Needs, Planning Committee, Alcohol Abuse Subcommittee * Continued participation in following committees: South Central District Councils, Downtown Airport Advisory Committee, Downtown- lfniversity Avenue Transit Alternatives Study, Assessment Task Force, Responsive Services Task Force, C.I.B. , Capitol City Coop Board, liason with Lowertown Corununity Council, Chamber ofi Commerce Oowntown Council, Building Owners and Managers Association, St. Paul Art Collective, Parking Commission, New Works Program New activities for 1983i1984 * Development of a crime watch program for the senior residents and businesses in the North Wabasha area * Prepare, and implement an addendum to the downto�n plan which will involve improving amenities for the street and skyway level in an effort to improve the overall visual coordination of downtown * Explore means of becoming self-sufficient * Enlarge the DCDC section of the Downtowner Newspaper to include more DCDC activities * Improve volunteer contributions to DCDC * Incorporate the tenants of the new downtown residential developments into the Residents Weeds Committee District 17 Planning Council