280459 WMITE - CITV CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ����J� CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File � NO. Co ncil Resolution Presented By � -��"'�v'� Referred To �'�.��—e. /�127st�� Zi� r�ee-�� Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1983 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October l , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recarenends that the following additions be made to the 1983 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Chan es Amended Budget 436 Special Police Projects 34115 Fund Balance 6,902 6,945 13,847 Net Change 6,902 6,945 13,847 SPENDING PLAN 34115-253 Training Registration 0 200 200 34115-521 Refunds 0 45 45 34115-852 Video Tape Equipment 6,902 0 6,902 34115-856 Computer Software 0 1 ,000 1 ,000 34115-857 Canputer Hardware 0 5,700 5,700 Net Change 6,902 6,945 13,847 APPROVED � Bud et i ctor COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Departm nt of: Fletcher ���� �evine � [n Favor Masanz ��o Nicosia /� ,� C�,���r��G'Y✓ scne�bei _ � __ Against BY --L���� Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date — JUN 9 1983 Form Approved y ity ttorney Certified Y�s_ d Council S ta BY By �,'� �1pp by Mavor: ate 9�3 Ap ove by M or r �issio to Council By gY � 1�.� _�li PUBLISNED JUN 18 198� ' . �` , . s 2��4�� DEPARTMENT: Police ROUTING AND EXPLANATION SHEET CONTACT: B,%/ �,yt?,f� (GREEN SHEET) PHONE: �90?'3,��/� �'or Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements ROUTTNG ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: ` -. IaIAECTOR OF MANAGEMENT � MAYOR DEPARTMENT D�RECTOR ,�� DIRECTOR, FINAI�ICE & MGT. -SERVICES � CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK �� BUDGET DIRECTOR �,'� �G�,� ACTION REQUESTED (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATURE) : A Cit,Yi Council Resolution authorizing an increase in the budget for the Police Responsive Services Fund, 34115. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS (PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)?: Proposed expenditures for the Police Responsive Services Fund (34115) were set too �ow when the budget was approved on C.F.. 279978. The cash balance January 1 ,1983 was $15,430.33 and further receipts are anticipated in 1983. Amending the budget will bring it in line with activity now planned. FIMQANCIAL, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTTCTPATED: The actual balance of the fund currently exceeds proposed expenditures. There is no impact from this request on personnel . ATTACHMENTS (LI T AT A HMENTSr: ' 1. L'•'7H� ,t,0 in`� � ����� 2. � � 3. NOTE: Please review necessity for attachment of the following supporting dgcuments. Department: City Attorney: 1. Council Resolution Required? r'Yes No 1. Resolution? Yes No 2. Insurance Required? Yes "✓No 2. Insurance Sufficient? Yes No 3. Insurance Attached? Yes .'�'No Revision OM:4/29/82 � . . ����'I�� DEPARTMENT OF POLICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION ��larch 31, 1983 T0: Chief McCutcheon FROM: Support Services Division - Fiscal Affairs Unit 6�1i 11 i am Carrol l , Accountant I I I /,�//,�`� SU6JECT: Computer Purchase � Please indicate your approval at the bottom of this information sheet as per the City's requirement for Department Head Approval . The purpose of this proposal is to con�puterize manual ledgers kept to provide very current inforn�ation on Activity, Expense Code and Unit level which will allow us to rr�atch the current detailed budgeting structure of the Department. This is currently a very inefficient task that the computer will enhance by: 1. h?ore efficient input. 2. P1achine calculations versus manual calculator additions a�ith its inherent errors and time consumption. 3. Printed reports after each update. Information produced would provide reports on a aaeekly, biweekly or on call basis, by unit, includinn instruments in process and unencumbered G Contracts, et, Also a comparison of the individual budgets by Unit by expense codes. We vrould not greatly change our procedures other than what normal standard computer operat�.ons H�ould require , booting up, etc. Our people would merely enter on cor�puter what we now do manually. Inputs would be of all instruments involved in purchasang of goods. Updates would be done as they are now, in small batches. Output would be hard copy for distribution and off the screenupon request. Volume would be similar to computer output volun�e of current reports. There is little to believe that direct savings will result. This request is prin�arily directed at improving productivity, effectiveness and improved service delivery 4�hich have suffered as a result of a staff reduction. I�Jhat we are� dealing with is an attempt to avoid an increase back to former staffing ' levels. 4lhile purchase of this computer may not prevent the need to go back to prior staffing levels it is the best a]ternative to try. The n�achine that will be purchased, an I[iP1 PC., will be able to communicate with the City's current Prin�e as an intelligent terminal thus providing flexib- ility for future interaction. It will be nearly identical to the four IBM PC's purchased by P.E.D. this March. Softt�iare will also be the same as P.E.D. 's purchase, including prin�arily D base II , L�lordstar spread sheet programs and PM 73-65 mdJ/ include Quick Code and Quick Screen for D base II utilization. :3�:;. paye 2. ������;�r �, � ` Training vrill be mini-mal . To allow for faster implementation the training will include two short courses on D base II offered at Schaak Computer Acader►ly. The cost will be around $20U.OU if needed. For the most part I plan to develop the reports during 1983 and run some or all - the accounts parallel . This should allovr us to begin with 1984 reports from scratch and avoid any costly conversion, Estimated costs are: A. Software _ 1 ,000.00 [3. liardvrare 5,700.00 . C. Training 200.00 D. Conversion 0.00 E. t�laintenance 0.00 � Total 6,�00.00 Analysis of alternatives are: IBP�-PC - It is the largest selling micro with all the apparent advantages of being the leader such as software support. It is reasonable in price and will be capable of communicating with the Prime. On software, my only solid choices are D base II and l�Jordstar as D base II is one of the most poaaerful data base systems and is capable of having 6dordstar use its files for reports. I have no serious bias to any spreadsheet package except that I know that P.E.D. has several and I would like to share in their application abilities thus we can help each other. This building, 100 E. lOth, has a cardkey security system and has had no security problems to date. As far as files are concerned we have a safe in our office for the protection of disks. In case of problems , hardware or software, we would be using a machine and programs that are in common use Nrithin the city. Funding is available in 34115. A budget revision is required, however, prior to purchase. Success will be n�easured by use of the computer for fiscal year 1984. CC: Jan�es Griffin Dave 4�eida � APPROVED � �L-�GU L��G�v CHIEF OF POLICE �� � APPROVED -� �--� ���/ - .Y _t�i t:� �_/'� • it r' ide Data, Processing s r , , �/'`..�,w� �F � , ��Al A1 ��i��4��, ��',CEO�J�� ,.. , , ;,v.3 DEPARTMENT OF POUCE ��`�'"`' � ' ' �J CITY OF SAINT PAUL �aYQ�S Q�FICE INTER-0FFICE COMMUNICATION !f� ��c�tv�a � � .- REC �,�� _ � EIVED To: Lt. T Redi ng � �: _ , � "�; �,� . .. ., _ _ ,;�1-.�' ' MA� �a Tq�,3 From: Elsie dbury -�� MaYO�S �FFlCE Date: Apri 1 20, 1983 CITY ATTORiV�1f Council resolution for processing. Attached explanatory letter from William Carroll with approval by Wm. McCutcheon and Roy W. Struble. $45.00 addional needed to refund amount overpaid on a registered bill credited to 34115. " � ���� . � Ci� � i� '`'s' 'v� C��� �-� � —, :,,.� �, �.;.., Z � -r+��;� � > _ �-� � `,-:: « � ��� � �� �� -�.� �., '� �? �,�a t,� � PM 73-65 f � � � . ,�:.�v-����:.� . cz��T or s�.z�,T�r P.�.�r� +�C�tr ` � e�`', i �:�� � , ��i� � �' . � ,. F•.=�����,�\ � 03�'�`ICF. OI` T�"II: C;I'J'Y COTJ\CI T. • � _�.4�:.�,.::;�r:' �==► �,.;�.�;...-:. ; � .;�>�..;as•_1.1 .i � - � -� D d t e ; June 2 1983 :�:-�,� - �/ , ��.:�,^.::�, - . .�, �. �����'•�^�'���`I�'�h���. . TO = � arn� Pau t Cifiy Cour� ci � -F� Q� � C O rn CV1 I��@��- O h F INANCE, MRNaGEMEN'r � PERSONNEL . C H A I R James Scheibel . \1., Approyal of minutes from meeting held May 26, 19g3, '�°° . . . . , , +���s:n - 2. Resolirtion authorizing�an increase in the budget for the Police Responsive • Services Fund: (Police Dept.) ��a°_-°`�•,��' ��. ,�� 3. Resolution approving the Community Development Block Grant Program }lousing� � Assistance Plan, 1983-i986.� � (PED����ps�-�pr�� .�����t= . 4. Ordinance amending Sections'33.04 and 370.16 of the St. paul Legislation Code. � ' (Community Services) .�� =o �.��"._�o ._� ; � ;.�...��.����:y � S. Resolut�.on approving the issuance of industrial development revenue bonc�.. for the ac uisi.t�n„andzx.emocle.,�xn _-�:E- ��,rt�.a � ess��z»c._. _��or�.Au horit a �`Q�-.�.��,.�i��i�.�"-"-�+^��fsoc.� � � ��I�.a�.���'�'!.� . ��. }r! p a.'Ttl - •-���Y.-, ,5►--�� - 3-�� 6. Resolution. approving the issuance .of industrial development revenue bonds for Unitog Co. to finance th�,con�truction of and_ec�uiprnent foi• a new building. . (Port Authorit `�a - �u�..��^����-l-•�°� ; �j`..�ir�='�c��r�o N_ , Y) _ - �REs .� ���"�r'RQ� E� -r_ . - . ;-�-Rc�c,�,F�-�- 7_ __Status Report on the City Budget following�the 1983 Lcgislatil�e Session. NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: "�`"�"'_�����'�R��. 8. Resolution authorizing execution and delivery of ground lease and purchase agreement relating to the sale of the Civic Center to the HRA. �' p20vEp 3-0. ���.�..�:, 9. Resolution reducing amount of tax increment pledge towards payment of project General .Obligation Bonds for pledge to payment of Special � Obligation Tax Increment Revenue Note (St. Paul Civic Center Project), Series 1983�,����Cb"=:�-` Lo�O�Ue:i��uli�v:.�����o�►�t7���:� -.- _ _ -_ .�rn,..�_ 10. Resolution authorizing execution and delivery of lease agreement and - depository agreement relating to the Civic, Center ; establishing and providing for the administration of a Civic Center Lease Fund and a . � Lease Security Fund; and pledging and appropriating certain moneys and � revenue sources to_sa�,d funds to meet the City's obligations under the ., ---�-:�-- - lease. �a_�,,, cT � --JCCCO���Ji�i�ilotiT. `-' �------�..�..�3.62�„�Jj Yt[o�T _ . +���L • �� JSaii WM�t..�;A.�1l� .l�f�S.�`l�P.. C1TY �IALL SEVf:NT}I FLOOI: � - , � sA�t�l 1 AUL, �91`NL'-SOTA 5510_ ' ����„