280429 ������� City of St.Paul _ COUNCIL FILE NO. � � � FINAL ORDER IN s' < By �-����.:���,�� � �- CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS x���# File No. In the Matter of ��ypj� Spi li�� id l�rMM11tC �t4 t�M liili �NM�� �ot �t s1+�, cuts asd iilli, #�atai� r#�t �! �r+�r�el at �at+rr�i ��p�o�rt t�at s�bjact t�d ar s�a+ri�l+rr e�ur��. e�ass�ton�i b� racoa�►r�ttl4ewr .� ,. � tb�tea# ss �s�s�tima o! slopq !.e da �rsAiati afd p►�e�t� e!' ebir sl1��r iti ileak 9, '!'s+�r'� Oretlet� s� Qo��.i� A+Nitioo ot i��l�ts. under Administrative Order "' approved •i � �� under Preliminary Order � �C� ��� approved � 5 �� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made ��X�� 3C�t�X��tx�d� XX�XX7b't�614��3�CX��e6����� 7i1t� 3��#�sX��XrX X�$3f�K FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines that the estate required tor thie imptovement be as describ- ed above, and LLat the proper City otficers eubmit a report to the City Counoil tor Lhe pnrpose of t�e Connail's making an award of damages for the interest xq�and determination of assesaments, if any, against the benefited property. acquired JUN 7 1983 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas� $�tC,}tP.Ir'NaYs ertified se y Council cret n�1�S:�:�2' In Favor B ",,���P� �' � �v� � 9�3 -: . �,�, Against � . ,�.�h�'f . Mayor ' = `� �L� UBLISNED JUN 18 1983 '—�rr� , + J �•.♦������ ,� rsat�nsT osuss Ce�uwil Fiie No.�OQTB—�y C6rls Nicata— in the l[atter ot condemnin`and tatin/�n eas�t lo the l�d n�nfa[9�r 1he tbpa� cuts and 61h:Sadudint ri�ht of�e�vd oi lAtezpi support trom sabieet laIId os r�tber�f�oonsioacd b�axavattaot theraoi or cooatruction of slopas in the4r+dins aad WYln{oi the alie�ia Hlack 9,1Yac�'s Ontlots aod Co113n�s Additbn�Outlots., g6e Coumll of tbe C[ig a/8a�t Psul havin� received the�rt of tbr liayor u�We. abow lmpiov�eat. aad haviot ca�sidered wtd xport�hexebY�otva: 1.Th�t the etid:epott and the same'b hereb� a�mvad with uo alte�tiv�, aad that the'rstlmakd eat thereof b�—P-. 2.'that a public hearinj !fi had a� said impmv�t on the 81st dqv��Y.19p.et 10:00 o'clock a m..m o�um�u�:namu`�en oi the City Hal1 and Court Howe Suildin`in thr CltY ot Salrit$aul. 8.T6at poCSae o! aaid �bHo I�rinj be givm to the panons aad in the mwna proeida/br the Cbµta�rtatio�tlse cime.na ylace o! hsarlas,. the nat+ue of the i:qp�rea�mYaaQ,.fM total cort thersoi n eatimutled. : Fila No.183�B A�ted.bp'�(buucill[sy S,1Y8.9. APPi'�4�BY 9�1983. Q,iIsY 14.1985) , y � ' � �,.� �R�e2����� f� � L '::Y���,,�` �;i'1`Y" �:F ,��:Li�7'_i.' ���.1U3�� ����'� � 1 \ �� . . . �I, y ' .Y� . � ( ( x,� _. �� ,:. , y � OZ+'FICT (JI'• •l,�iI�; CIT'i' COTJ\`CIZ. . � �,, , : _t • j :� �"' +ti :� ' t.,;, -- �-'��: D a t e ; June 1 , 198 3 �,�� _�, - , �'`�4;-._•- C4M � (TTEE REP4RT TO = Sqtn� Pqu ! � i�� Cou�Cil F � O � ' Cfl1'71�It'��'�e On PUBLIC WORKS � . CF-iAIR , CHRIS NICOSIA � ► The Public Works Committee, at its meeting of June 1 , 1983, took the follo►ving action: Items #2, #4 , #5, #6, #7, and Resolution approving preliminary layouts for the improvement of Trunk High�vay 61 tivere recominerided for approval. Item #3 i�ras laid over indefinitely, as was Item #8. for variance Item #9 - Resolution/from State for reconstruction of Arlington Avenue between East Shoxe Drive and Hazelwood Street was laid over indefinitely. Item #9 - Resolutioi� for variance from State for design of urban , roadways for Sunday parking from 8 : 00 a.m. to 1 : 00 p..m. on west side of Lexington Parktivay from Minnehaha Avenue to Blair Avenue - rec{uest withdrawn. CITY HAL.L SEVENT}t FLOOI: SAI\1' i'AUL, hil`NESOT;� �i10? r� • . � °�"�'..Rb'�7 . ' _ .. , . �� _ : ,_.___ , . . ������►� , �, . , _ _ . _ . . w:. . � __ Hearinn Date __- _ _ : _. .,. _ . , 2. 6 7 8� .- _._ V�CATIOI� : Petition of City of St. 1'auI fo�• tlze vacation of _ pi�bl.�c int�rest in vacant ].ancl on the sauth sa.de of . Afi�aneha}�a Ave. bet��Teen Pederson ancl 1�'int}irop Streets. This . � parcel oI ].and will be deeded back �to the origina� o�anei-s , as it i��as gilTen to the City for park purposes on1��. . Commuliity Services states that tliei-e is no intent:i.c�n to _ � de>>elop this sxte• �o�- paxk ptxrposes in tlie foxeseeaUle - • - future . ' � 3. 6/7/33 • � R/11'TPICATION OF ASSESSDIL'NTS: For const�uctin� a san� tax•y " : sewer in AA1�S AVEI�UE from Ilazeltaood Street to 410 feet � ivest of Barc].ay St. , and in BnRCLAY STREE'f :Exom �1mes A�renue • -� , to Mechanic .Avenue. Also, construc�io�l of sana.tary. set�ier � service connections and a 1��ater main in �D9ES �1V��;UE from 150 feet .ti�est of Barc�ay Street to Hazc].t�Tood Stxeet. � 4. 6/7/83 FIN�L ORDER: To decide on the grading F, pavi.ng oI the East- � <<'est alley in Block 2, Cole' s Rearrangement of Rlocks 1 �, 2 , � • and Subdivision and Enlargement of 131ock 3, of his Randolph . � St.reeti and Pleasant Street Addition; Block 2, Buckhout' s Rearrangement of Aloore's Addition; }31ock 2, 1Vatson's 2nd . � Addition from Interstate 35-E to Chats��:orth Street (bounded by 35-E, Juno, Chatsl��orth and Ar�nstrong) . Also, slope con- struction ' in the above s'aid a11ey. S. 6/14/83 � RA'fIFICATIOI� OF ASSESSAIENTS: I'vr tlie g2-acling and pa�'inb �of SLOAN S'f. from Iloyt Avenue to cul-de-s�sc. Also , con-truc.tioi� of storm water drai_nage fac:ilities in IlOYT �1VIiNUE and also b � the construction of sewer service and ti��ater service co�iiiect- � ; �ions. Al.so, construction of a watcr mai�� iT� SLOAN S':'R��'I' � • from lloyt Ilve. to cul-de-sac. . . • �-"� � 6. 5/�7./S3 " �` " PIN�I. ORDER: Illl]�TOVlIl� zllcy i.n ]31oc� J, Txacy' s Out].ots �, Collings Addit:ion oI Outlots by graclili�; and pa���.��g fram � E. Seventh Street to Case 1lventze. nlso , slopc construction . in t}ie aUove said a11ey (boundect by L'• . �Seventh Street , Case � ���enue , Johnson Parkway and Ocean Street) . Laid over fram 5/18/�3) . . 7. 6/7/S3 �TACI�TION: (Laid over Irom 5/�/83) . I'et:ition by tlic City � of Saint Pau1 for the vacation of publa.c a.nterest in . , . G9 1�'. Congress Stxeet to` convey tliis property to llispanos � . En rli.nnesota (11. E.D4. ) . • ' � S. SIDI:IVALKS: (Laid over �Y011l S/1S/83) . Final Order -for rc- . � constxuction o:C� sidewalks 1vl�ere necess��ry at the follo�,ring � � location: North side I�7ICliIGlii�! STP.I:E'f f-�•om ror� Roaci to Richmond Street. � � � � 9. VARTI�I�CE from the State fox reco��struct�on of ARLII�GTON AV�NUI: betiaeen East S}iore Dri>>e and I-I,izel�vood Street ; - VRRI�NCE fxom State for design of urban roadways for Stinday paz•kii�g �rom 8 : 00 a .m. to 1 : 00 p.m, on t��est side � of L�XINGTON P�1RK�V1�1' from Minnehaha Avenue ta 131air Ave. ; � �lpproval� of �preliminaxy layouts for t3�e impro��ement of _ 'i'RUN�: I•IIGH�VAY 61 . . , , _ ,�_ :