280419 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��sc PINK - FINANCE i ,�:�`� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT l,�U L COUt1C1I �. - �� R� � BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. ou . cil Resolution Presented By ���a t'�.L� Referred To � �����-l= Committee: Date �� ��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1983 budget. This transfer is for the increased per diem costs of the Planning Commission. FROM: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve - Specified Transfer to General Fund 09061-537-000 $ 5,000 T0: Planning and Economic Development Operating Transfer Out 06000-537-000 $ 5,000 APPROVED, as to funding: APPROVED: /6 . Di ctor of Finance y� Budget e or ��`ry� COUIVC[LMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays F•l�unt ��tcher L�ine Galles � In FBVO[ Ma ox Masanz Mc hon N;cos�a _ Against BY sr�ti ite� - T,edesco Seheibel dlhlson TedesCo J�� � ,� Form Approved b Ci t rn Adopted by Council�~Date — Certified P _Sed y Council Se t BY By Approved by ;Vlavor: Date JUN� 1_983 AP o by Ma or for Sub i on o o ncil By - — BY P tsH�a JUN 11 1983 . . -• ,, �;����� 9 * * * * * ANALYSIS * * * * * 1983 QONTINGFNT RESERVE SPECIFIID (09061-537) as of May 5, 1983 Council C�IANGFS/TRANSFER Aclopted -------------- 1983 Council Ctiirrent Budget File Date Amount Balance Salary Reserve 4,193,440 Personnel Issues Task Force 279788 02/03 -36,000 Recreation Special Use (5,200) rejected 0 City Coimcil Special Use 280186 04/14 -10,400 Cancel 1985 Shade Tree Billings pending salary adjustment -131,753 City Council Intern Request pending -5,400 Parks Ground Maintenance pending -30,635 Planning Canmission Per Diem pending -5,000 3,974,252 �►ployees' Health Insurance Premitun Reserve 265,828 265,828 Retiree Insurance Reserve 79,658 79,658 Workers' Canpensation Reserve A) Dependency Benefits 240,000 240,000 B) Disability Reserve 250,000 250,000 Unemployment Canpensation Reserve 0 0 Disputed Exempt Property Assessments 26,244 pending -13,695 12,549 Early Retirement Incentive Program 0 0 E911 Funding for 1983 Installation 92,301 92,301 Crosby Park-Aidden Falls Maint. Option 30,000 30,000 (if regional f�mding is not obtained) Co�cil Research - Data Co�m�mications 10,000 10,000 Police Sector Nbve: 1) Lease Cost Increase 20,000 20,000 2) Utilities Increase 18,3I2 18,312 3) Resnodelling of Facility 89,000 89,000 Capitol Approach Lighting Maint. Transfer 25,000 25,000 (if Legislature does not cover costs) Fletcher's Unwanted Parking Space 600 600 Council Intern Options Tedesco 5,200 Levine 5,200 Masanz 5,200 Nicosia 5,200 20,800 1983 Tree Maintenance Financing 279733 O1/20 -20,800 0 5,361,183 -253,683 5,107,500 tedesc%�nbs 501/RE5ERV83 04/22/83 ,.=- ..,. ,�,�,,_. - l�.l'.L' .2. V.L�' ►�.(�.1_1\'.l' .i_" .,[1 U.1_. ' � ,. .f.,�" . • . r�`� �)..�� t�;1:' `{��. �`r . �7��a;,cc;r, o��• ��.�r.n�, ci�.��1� C�trnCrr., t . t` ;Y���; �;:;�:� }:. : �A��� �i" ;:' ••� 1�• ' �,. , . �� � �' `�-•=='- :� �, � ��;.:��." �� i . . . �t=.:;:�:.��'` � � � • Do�e: • ��tay 20, 1983 � - � .; ��.���s � � M��T��l� I������ � � <«,:�, �.���, ��� �z�!i�NC�, , M�1�l���U;��1T � � ;;Lt�`���� . I��.RSC��U�[..._ C��/iU�I�CTEE � `�-.,..��?'r' 6�-7.) . ' �'o�;J Gr�u's ' � ' � MEETInG D.'1 fE: Thursday, Tfay 26, 1953 TlN�E : 1: 3o p.m. � � � � - � . p1.�10E " : .Room 707; City Hal l - - . � � - - � . . � �+ � , 1 .` - � 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 19, 198 2. Resolution approving securities pledged by Guaranty State Bank. (Finance) � � ^ �� `� . - . • 3. Resolution establishin tit� „a �;.lass s ecs for Emergency Paramedical Services Chief. (Personnel - . �-���� � , . . 4. Resalution revising class spec. for Nutritionist III.. jPersonne � � . • "��� . .5. Resolution establishing title and class specs for Nutritionist IV. (Personne � � b. Resolution authorizing use •of•.police of�icers' privately otianed 4-wheel drive vehicles as olice � atrol v '�c1�s__�ii��c�.ng.sriow emer�encies��Pol�e Dept��,�-;'�`����,���-~�Q°�;,.. : �����r��'�������",�;� ��t 7. Resolution a�proving additions to 1 Budget for Planning Commission Per Dier� - Costs. ' (PED) � ' � • . L�.S. Resolution �transfering funds for the increased�.r�j er diem costs of the Planning � � �p.. . °'"'���� � .� 7 a_ . Comr�ission. PE -��•� 9. Re::olution amending the �983 Budget for City Ha11 .Annex Remodeling. (Pinance Dept. 10. Resolution amending the 1980, 1981 and 1J82 CIB Budgets to provide additional funding for acqi�isition of ri ht-of-wa for the Payne Avenue Bridoe Replacement Project. - (Public Vlorks Dept.) - - 11. . Resolution authorizing the submission of a preapplication to the Dept. of the Interior to secure UPARR grant funds for the rehabilitation of the Oxford Pool/Jimmy Lee . Recreation Center complex. (Community Services - " - - - _ . 12. Resolution requesting the transfer of $15,0 0 to the Government Responsiveness Program account. (Administration����� 13. Resolutions concerning the sale/leaseback of the Civic Center � a. The Civic Center Lease. b. Pledge of revenues to make lease payments, sources to include: hotel/motel tax, t�x increment revenues, and Civic Center revenues. 14. Resolution requesting the Civil Service Commission to reopen the grievance filed by Public IVorks laborers for the consideration of any new or additional testimony. 15. Additional discussion of the investigation of the Civil Service/Personnel Department. �is��rssion �d� o� �urte 9 c�t 2•G'o (crf F;��a��e �ze��i��y) � fou�' f'er�u;�u� d�eQt, .,��ok a� ���.�clu�,�s- � � .���, �: �e,�" a� G`{I�f�tUi.EU� , cc��Kc1� s�i , � Gr r�e� Clhe �(2�11,1G�r�u(�. � �