00-231ORIGINAI. council File # O�— �-3 \ Green Sheet # 100097 RESOLUTIOId CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) has provided 2 funding through the Z3nited States Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug 3 Elnninarion Program for the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and Youth 4 Activities program since 1993, and 5 GVHEREAS, the PHA grant funding from the Drug Elimination Program, including 6 funding for this project, has expired and the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and 7 Youth Activities Program face reductions due to a lack of funding, and 8 WHEREAS, the PHA has applied for and was awarded a 2000 Drug Elimination 9 Prograzn Grant which includes funding for the Teen Council and Youth Activities Program at 1 o McDonough Recreation Center, and i 1 WHEREAS, as a result of this grant award the Division of Parks and Recrea6on is 12 eligible to receive $47,800 in federal grant funding for operating a Teen Council and Youth 13 Activiues Program in the McDonough Recreation Center community, and 14 WHEREAS, upon project approval the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formal i 5 contract with the Public Aousing Agency of Saint Paul for the specific purpose if implementing 16 youth programs at McDonough Recreation Center 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, ffie Mayor, pursuant to secuon 10.07.02 of the City charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget, and WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adapted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special Fund Polices. and 22 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Division of Pazks and Recreation McDonough Teen Council Program Financing Plan 325-23102-3400 State Direct Grants in Aid 325- All Other Financing TOTAL Spending Plan 325-23102-0219 Fees-Other Pro Services 325-23102-0283 Rental-Vehicles 325-23102-0299 Other Miscellaneous Services 325-23102-0357 Athletic/Recreation 325-23102-0357 Data Processing Software 325- All Other Spending TOTAL C�rrent Budget 0.00 6,483,590.00 5,424,242.00 C4�rrent Budget 65,000.00 30,000.00 37,000.00 147,288.87 0.00 6.204,30113 6,483,590.00 Changes � :11 1 1.1 00 -3-3'� Amended Budget 47,800.00 5,424,242.OQ 47,800.00 6,531,390.00 Changes Amended Budget 13,214.00 7,159.00 19,566.00 3,750.00 1,500.00 0.00 78,214.00 37,159.00 56,566.00 151,038.87 1,500.00 6,204,301.13 47,800.00 6,531,390.00 44 NOW TAEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper 45 city officials to enter into the necessary agreements to accept and expend the $47,800 Housing 4 6 and Urban Development, Drug Elinvnafion Grant program funding available through the 47 Public Housing Agency and approves these changes to the 2000 budget and intends to 4 8 authorize any unspent grani monies to be re-appropriated in 2001 to avoid a lapse in service 4 9 delivery, the total not to exceed the above budget. Beaanav Blakey_ Bostrom Coleman Harris Laatry Reiter Yea/II Nays �/ � Adopted by Council: 2> absent 0 Ddte �� � �. �-O C7 C7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � �,� c �� ,_i..Q� Approved by M Date: /�ZGO�v"� (5 �� By: �s����� sy: Approval Recommendec}'/by Budget Director: � Z�� /� 1 By ���D �4��� Form Approved by City Att� By: �GJ 1� c��`� ,' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� ��-i� ����i�'�'J"�'—� o- � Requested by: :_..� . DEPAiZTMENi/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Parks and Recreatio� February 11 GREEN SHEET NO. 100097 2000 � — \ CANfACT PEflSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � 1 DEPARiMENTDIRECTOR �J GITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEH FO 3 CRY ATTOflNEY CITY GLEFK MUST BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DATq ��1'fING ��/� ORDER ? �NANCIAISERVICES�IR. TWL_ F) FlN.SEAVECES-ACCOUNTING , March 1 � 20�0 4 MAYOR (OH ASSISTANT� �175 7 300 CHA - Rossbem TOTAL # OF SI6NAiURE PAGES � ICUP ALL LOCATIONS WN SIGNAiVPE) ncnor,a�nu�o: Signatures authorizing the proper City oifiiciafs to enter into the necessary agreements to accept and expend $47,800 in funding from a Housing and Urban Development grant to the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program and made available to the Division of Parks and Recreation for youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center. RECOMMENDA710NS: ApProve W Or Felea (A1 PEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE f-0LLOWING nUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEFlVICE COMMISSION 7, Has Nis person/firm ever worke0 under a conVact for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this parsoNfirm ever been a ciry emPloyeei VES NO DISTFICT COUNQL — — 3. Does this person/firm Oossess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? VES NO Eaplvn ali yes answers on separete shee[ anC at[aeh to 9reen sheet. INITIATING PROHIEM, ISSUE, OPPOftWNIN (Whu, What, W�en, Where, Wfiy): Funding for youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center in 2000 have been made possible through an award of 547,$00 from the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center will receive 547,800 in funding. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None ��� 16 2000 ���� �� �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: The opportunity to expend 547,800 in funding on the McDonough Recreation Center teen council and youth activities programs will be lost/ �r��� �Q������ � �$3aR � �. 2��fl TOTAL AMOUNT OF TfiANSACTION S 47, HOO COSLNEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES � NO FlINDINGSOURCE PubliC Housinq AqenCV of Saint Paul ACTIVITYNUMBER 23102 FINANqAL INFORMATON: �EXPLAIM � $47,800 in funding to be received and expended. ORIGINAI. council File # O�— �-3 \ Green Sheet # 100097 RESOLUTIOId CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) has provided 2 funding through the Z3nited States Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug 3 Elnninarion Program for the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and Youth 4 Activities program since 1993, and 5 GVHEREAS, the PHA grant funding from the Drug Elimination Program, including 6 funding for this project, has expired and the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and 7 Youth Activities Program face reductions due to a lack of funding, and 8 WHEREAS, the PHA has applied for and was awarded a 2000 Drug Elimination 9 Prograzn Grant which includes funding for the Teen Council and Youth Activities Program at 1 o McDonough Recreation Center, and i 1 WHEREAS, as a result of this grant award the Division of Parks and Recrea6on is 12 eligible to receive $47,800 in federal grant funding for operating a Teen Council and Youth 13 Activiues Program in the McDonough Recreation Center community, and 14 WHEREAS, upon project approval the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formal i 5 contract with the Public Aousing Agency of Saint Paul for the specific purpose if implementing 16 youth programs at McDonough Recreation Center 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, ffie Mayor, pursuant to secuon 10.07.02 of the City charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget, and WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adapted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special Fund Polices. and 22 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Division of Pazks and Recreation McDonough Teen Council Program Financing Plan 325-23102-3400 State Direct Grants in Aid 325- All Other Financing TOTAL Spending Plan 325-23102-0219 Fees-Other Pro Services 325-23102-0283 Rental-Vehicles 325-23102-0299 Other Miscellaneous Services 325-23102-0357 Athletic/Recreation 325-23102-0357 Data Processing Software 325- All Other Spending TOTAL C�rrent Budget 0.00 6,483,590.00 5,424,242.00 C4�rrent Budget 65,000.00 30,000.00 37,000.00 147,288.87 0.00 6.204,30113 6,483,590.00 Changes � :11 1 1.1 00 -3-3'� Amended Budget 47,800.00 5,424,242.OQ 47,800.00 6,531,390.00 Changes Amended Budget 13,214.00 7,159.00 19,566.00 3,750.00 1,500.00 0.00 78,214.00 37,159.00 56,566.00 151,038.87 1,500.00 6,204,301.13 47,800.00 6,531,390.00 44 NOW TAEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper 45 city officials to enter into the necessary agreements to accept and expend the $47,800 Housing 4 6 and Urban Development, Drug Elinvnafion Grant program funding available through the 47 Public Housing Agency and approves these changes to the 2000 budget and intends to 4 8 authorize any unspent grani monies to be re-appropriated in 2001 to avoid a lapse in service 4 9 delivery, the total not to exceed the above budget. Beaanav Blakey_ Bostrom Coleman Harris Laatry Reiter Yea/II Nays �/ � Adopted by Council: 2> absent 0 Ddte �� � �. �-O C7 C7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � �,� c �� ,_i..Q� Approved by M Date: /�ZGO�v"� (5 �� By: �s����� sy: Approval Recommendec}'/by Budget Director: � Z�� /� 1 By ���D �4��� Form Approved by City Att� By: �GJ 1� c��`� ,' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� ��-i� ����i�'�'J"�'—� o- � Requested by: :_..� . DEPAiZTMENi/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Parks and Recreatio� February 11 GREEN SHEET NO. 100097 2000 � — \ CANfACT PEflSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � 1 DEPARiMENTDIRECTOR �J GITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEH FO 3 CRY ATTOflNEY CITY GLEFK MUST BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DATq ��1'fING ��/� ORDER ? �NANCIAISERVICES�IR. TWL_ F) FlN.SEAVECES-ACCOUNTING , March 1 � 20�0 4 MAYOR (OH ASSISTANT� �175 7 300 CHA - Rossbem TOTAL # OF SI6NAiURE PAGES � ICUP ALL LOCATIONS WN SIGNAiVPE) ncnor,a�nu�o: Signatures authorizing the proper City oifiiciafs to enter into the necessary agreements to accept and expend $47,800 in funding from a Housing and Urban Development grant to the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program and made available to the Division of Parks and Recreation for youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center. RECOMMENDA710NS: ApProve W Or Felea (A1 PEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE f-0LLOWING nUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEFlVICE COMMISSION 7, Has Nis person/firm ever worke0 under a conVact for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this parsoNfirm ever been a ciry emPloyeei VES NO DISTFICT COUNQL — — 3. Does this person/firm Oossess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? VES NO Eaplvn ali yes answers on separete shee[ anC at[aeh to 9reen sheet. INITIATING PROHIEM, ISSUE, OPPOftWNIN (Whu, What, W�en, Where, Wfiy): Funding for youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center in 2000 have been made possible through an award of 547,$00 from the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center will receive 547,800 in funding. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None ��� 16 2000 ���� �� �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: The opportunity to expend 547,800 in funding on the McDonough Recreation Center teen council and youth activities programs will be lost/ �r��� �Q������ � �$3aR � �. 2��fl TOTAL AMOUNT OF TfiANSACTION S 47, HOO COSLNEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES � NO FlINDINGSOURCE PubliC Housinq AqenCV of Saint Paul ACTIVITYNUMBER 23102 FINANqAL INFORMATON: �EXPLAIM � $47,800 in funding to be received and expended. ORIGINAI. council File # O�— �-3 \ Green Sheet # 100097 RESOLUTIOId CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (PHA) has provided 2 funding through the Z3nited States Department of Housing and Urban Development Drug 3 Elnninarion Program for the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and Youth 4 Activities program since 1993, and 5 GVHEREAS, the PHA grant funding from the Drug Elimination Program, including 6 funding for this project, has expired and the McDonough Recreation Center Teen Council and 7 Youth Activities Program face reductions due to a lack of funding, and 8 WHEREAS, the PHA has applied for and was awarded a 2000 Drug Elimination 9 Prograzn Grant which includes funding for the Teen Council and Youth Activities Program at 1 o McDonough Recreation Center, and i 1 WHEREAS, as a result of this grant award the Division of Parks and Recrea6on is 12 eligible to receive $47,800 in federal grant funding for operating a Teen Council and Youth 13 Activiues Program in the McDonough Recreation Center community, and 14 WHEREAS, upon project approval the City of Saint Paul must enter into a formal i 5 contract with the Public Aousing Agency of Saint Paul for the specific purpose if implementing 16 youth programs at McDonough Recreation Center 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, ffie Mayor, pursuant to secuon 10.07.02 of the City charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget, and WHEREAS, Council file 277520, adapted October 1, 1981 did establish certain Special Fund Polices. and 22 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Division of Pazks and Recreation McDonough Teen Council Program Financing Plan 325-23102-3400 State Direct Grants in Aid 325- All Other Financing TOTAL Spending Plan 325-23102-0219 Fees-Other Pro Services 325-23102-0283 Rental-Vehicles 325-23102-0299 Other Miscellaneous Services 325-23102-0357 Athletic/Recreation 325-23102-0357 Data Processing Software 325- All Other Spending TOTAL C�rrent Budget 0.00 6,483,590.00 5,424,242.00 C4�rrent Budget 65,000.00 30,000.00 37,000.00 147,288.87 0.00 6.204,30113 6,483,590.00 Changes � :11 1 1.1 00 -3-3'� Amended Budget 47,800.00 5,424,242.OQ 47,800.00 6,531,390.00 Changes Amended Budget 13,214.00 7,159.00 19,566.00 3,750.00 1,500.00 0.00 78,214.00 37,159.00 56,566.00 151,038.87 1,500.00 6,204,301.13 47,800.00 6,531,390.00 44 NOW TAEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper 45 city officials to enter into the necessary agreements to accept and expend the $47,800 Housing 4 6 and Urban Development, Drug Elinvnafion Grant program funding available through the 47 Public Housing Agency and approves these changes to the 2000 budget and intends to 4 8 authorize any unspent grani monies to be re-appropriated in 2001 to avoid a lapse in service 4 9 delivery, the total not to exceed the above budget. Beaanav Blakey_ Bostrom Coleman Harris Laatry Reiter Yea/II Nays �/ � Adopted by Council: 2> absent 0 Ddte �� � �. �-O C7 C7 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY � �,� c �� ,_i..Q� Approved by M Date: /�ZGO�v"� (5 �� By: �s����� sy: Approval Recommendec}'/by Budget Director: � Z�� /� 1 By ���D �4��� Form Approved by City Att� By: �GJ 1� c��`� ,' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� ��-i� ����i�'�'J"�'—� o- � Requested by: :_..� . DEPAiZTMENi/OFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Parks and Recreatio� February 11 GREEN SHEET NO. 100097 2000 � — \ CANfACT PEflSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � 1 DEPARiMENTDIRECTOR �J GITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEH FO 3 CRY ATTOflNEY CITY GLEFK MUST BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DATq ��1'fING ��/� ORDER ? �NANCIAISERVICES�IR. TWL_ F) FlN.SEAVECES-ACCOUNTING , March 1 � 20�0 4 MAYOR (OH ASSISTANT� �175 7 300 CHA - Rossbem TOTAL # OF SI6NAiURE PAGES � ICUP ALL LOCATIONS WN SIGNAiVPE) ncnor,a�nu�o: Signatures authorizing the proper City oifiiciafs to enter into the necessary agreements to accept and expend $47,800 in funding from a Housing and Urban Development grant to the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program and made available to the Division of Parks and Recreation for youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center. RECOMMENDA710NS: ApProve W Or Felea (A1 PEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE f-0LLOWING nUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEFlVICE COMMISSION 7, Has Nis person/firm ever worke0 under a conVact for this department? _CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this parsoNfirm ever been a ciry emPloyeei VES NO DISTFICT COUNQL — — 3. Does this person/firm Oossess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? VES NO Eaplvn ali yes answers on separete shee[ anC at[aeh to 9reen sheet. INITIATING PROHIEM, ISSUE, OPPOftWNIN (Whu, What, W�en, Where, Wfiy): Funding for youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center in 2000 have been made possible through an award of 547,$00 from the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency Drug Elimination Program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Youth programming and teen council activities at McDonough Recreation Center will receive 547,800 in funding. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None ��� 16 2000 ���� �� �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: The opportunity to expend 547,800 in funding on the McDonough Recreation Center teen council and youth activities programs will be lost/ �r��� �Q������ � �$3aR � �. 2��fl TOTAL AMOUNT OF TfiANSACTION S 47, HOO COSLNEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES � NO FlINDINGSOURCE PubliC Housinq AqenCV of Saint Paul ACTIVITYNUMBER 23102 FINANqAL INFORMATON: �EXPLAIM � $47,800 in funding to be received and expended.