280405 WNITE — C�TV CLERK .A/rp (A.�
PINK - FIyANCE COUnC1I F. F��� ;)��
� ouncil Resolution
Presented By �-lr
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul is presently in the process of
entering into a cooperative construction agreement with the Minnesota
Department of Transportation; and
WHEREAS, Completion of the Kellogg Boulevard Project from Robert
Street to John Street prior to August 1, 1983, is required by contract;
WHEREAS, The Kellogq Street Bridge from Mounds Boulevard to John
Street is scheduled for opening between July 15, 1983 and August 1, �
1983; and
WHEREAS, The cooperative agreement between the City of St. Paul
and the Minnesota Department of Transportation will not be completed
before June 15, 1983; and
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
ceu� Publ ic W rks JFK
In Favor
Masanz G��`��y"-�"\ �'
Nicosia �
Scheibel __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
y� .
t#ppro e by lNavor: Approve yor r Submis ' Coun il
` � C�uncil Resolution
Presented By a�' b���'-�`i
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
' PAGE 2 OF 2
WHEREAS, Construction of this project must start as early as
possibly if completion by August 1, 1983 is expected; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby
approve the interim use of 1983 Municipal State Aid Funds up to
$250,000.00 for the Kellogg Boulevard Project from Robert Street to
John Street; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon completion of the cooperative
agreement between the City of St. Paul and the Minnesota Department of
Transportation and upon receipt of cooperative agreement funds from
the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the 1983 Municipal State
Aid Funds shall be reimbursed in an amount equal to that received by
the cooperative agreement.
J�Gf/L� �i ��
Peter Hames �a�� Greg B1 s
Director of Finance � � Budget Director
COUfVCILME[V Requested by Department oE:
Yeas Fletcher Nays � Pub1iC Works (JFK)
Ga°� [n Favor
scheibe� __ Against BY
MAY 3 1 �g83 Form Approv b ty n y
Adopted by Council: Date . �i��� `
Certified s-ed b Council S tar BY �
/�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved b ay for Submiss' uncil
By BY .
P�16LISWED JUN 11 1983
(COUn - ie nu.�rru�ui __ _..... .. /
WHF.RF:AS,�7'hc City ha� no othcr option R'({EREA3,The Councll tor tlu Clty ol�
nO� avn�lnbir to it to rcccive lhc vnrinnor
i�ryuratr4 uulraa Il PuO1�llic�W III�IN�'<Ic111P1�iIi Council Fllr Nn.280278-By Chris Nlcosla- Paul hes rccr;ved testlmOny tF4� Clttr
' rcel WIIBRCA`i, "fhe Com�n�e�loner of txraon� wh�� ara li�rnaed u molot v�A�
at p ot the Southwest 4. af o� the Commissioner ot tAe Department oI ereabletoukeadvanta�e
orthwest ,Southeast w at Northwest TranspoRetion;now,there[om,be it TranspoKation!or the State ot Minnesota ha�'�%�+��d p�or to lhe effective date�
• a „ hwest 4� ot NoRheast U. o[ RESOLVED.That as the sole condltion to prepared: plans, special provisions, an s: ��ovq ils
specitications tor the improvement of Trunk the ord�nance lowering lhoae fees aad th-
SecU ,Townshfp 29 NoAh,RanRe 23 recpi��ng a variance trom the provisions ot Hi¢hway No. 190, renumbercd as Trvnk other dealers pald the then exl�tlnj fee;nu�
, est, Fourth Princlpal Merldlan lying Stet�Ald Rules 1�MCAft Scellon 1.50�2 H,1, ����hway No.55E,wlthln the corporate Ilmll� lherctore,be It
East ot Flynn Street as opened bounded by C,the Council of the Clty of Satnt Paul dexs ot the City of St.Paul,from the 900 Ft.So.ot RESOLVED, That the followtn� Itcens�
the tollowing described lines: hernby agree to indemnify, save, and hold T.H.5 to 400[t.No.St.Clair Ave.;and seeks motorvehiclesalvagedealersrecetveai22*
Commencing at the Southwest crorner of harmless the State of Minnesota and all ot its the approval thereof: retund from their i424.0011ttnse tee paymen.
the Northwest 44 ot said Section 27;thence egents and employees from any and all claims,
Norlh 0°04'0�' East (assumed bearing) demends, actions, or causes ot actions of NOW.THEN,BE TT RESOLVED That said Acme Auto Parts,310 VY.Sycamon,55117
along the West Ilne of said Northwest�/�a whatscever nature or character arising out of plans and special provisions tor the Atlas Auto Parts,2Y8 W.Sycamon,55117
distance�ot 1126.23 feet; thence North or by reason of in any manner the improvement of said Trunk Highway within grac's Auto Parts,1338 Jackson,55117
89°IS'04"East 670.39[eet to a point on the reconstivction of FRONT AVENUE from Dale said corporate limits of the City, be and Norm's Auto Parts,839 Edgerton 58101
Northerly extenston ot the East line ot Street to Westem Avenue, the said claims hereby are approved including the elevations
Fly�n Street,said point being the point of arising out of the said construction being in and grades as shown and consent is hereby Norm's U-Pull It,108 E.Arlingtoa,SS107
beginning of the lines to be herein any other manner than as a 46 foot wide curb given to any and all changes in grade Norm's West Side Auto Pads, 591 Barg<
described; thence South 1°13'04" West to curb street in accordance with the occasioned by said constniction. Channe1,55107 �
884.98 feet along the Eest line of said Minnesota Stete Aid Construction Standards BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City Adopted by the Council April Y8,1983.
Flynn Street to a point�on the Northerly to be found in the rules o[ the Minnesota dces hereby agme to require the park[ng of all pPProved April 29.1983. �
line of highway property; thence South Depertment of Transportation 14 MCAR vehicles,if such parking is permitted within � �May T,1983)
72°44'42' East 51.03 feet along said Section 1.5032, or arising as a result of the the corporate limits of said City, on said
northerly line; thence South 10°47'O6' Commissioner's decision to grant this Trunk Highway,to be parallel with the curb
W¢st0.87 teet;thence South 79°Ol'S4"East variance. adjacent to the highway,and at least 20 feet
628.82 teet; thence North 89°22'OS' East Adopted by the Councll April 26.1983. trom any crosswalks on all public streets RESOLU170N RAT(FYING ASSBSSIISN7
• 983.92 teet;thence Easterly along a curve Approved Apr1128,1983. intersecting said trunk highwaq.
to the left 226.89 feet,radius ot 1000 teet, �May 7,1983) Adopted by the Council Apri128,1983. Council File No.280218-Bq Cbr1s Ntcasie--
delta angle uf 13°;thence NoRh 78°22'04' ppproved April 29.1983. In the matter of the assessment of benetit•
East 437.83 feet; thence North 0°02'47' - ° ---- --'---� cost and expenses for sewer servicaSOmecti
T�"�� - (May T,1983)
West 111 18 (eet; thence North 52°09'16' repairs for the months oi Juae 1�2 th
West 1102 98 feet; thence Northwesterly Council File No.280225-By Chris Nicosia- __ --'�p�tober 1982,the following propa'tY:
along a cucve to the left 286.10 teet,radius WHEREAS, The following House Drain Lot 21, Block 8, Stinsoas Rlc� Stn=
ot 424.72 feet, delta angle of 38°35'40'; ContraMor,having met all of the provisions of Council File No.280239-By James Scheibel- Additlon,55 W.biagnolla Ave.(Address)
thence South 89°IS'04' West 743.83 feet; Chapter 240 of the Legislative Code of the City Resolution of the Council of the City of William J. and Mlschelle Fleischhack�
thence North 85°01'S8' West 100.50 teet; of St. Paul, and having made the proper Saint Paul, Minnesota approving and (Owner)
• thence South 89°15'04'West 279.84 feet to application for a HOUSE DRAIN authorizing the filing of an application for an pssessment:51,042.09
the point of beginntng.(Council File No. CONTRACfOR'S LICENSE,it is hereby
278004� Urban Development Action Grant for the p public hearing having been 6ad upon:..
RESOLVED, That the said House Drain North Quadrant Redevelopment - Ideal ��ssment for the above improvement,an
The described tracts in paerel 4 include the Contractor,upon providing a bond,insurar.ce �urity Hardware Corporation Relocation. said essessment having been furth
following described portion of these vacated certi[icate and the payment of the one �yHEREAS,Saint Paul is eligible for federal considered by the-Council,and having br��
public streets: . , , hundred seven dollars(EI0T.00)license fee,is assistance �nder the Urban Development considered tlnally,eatisfactory,.thenfore.�:
-SeacuerStreet/romtheNorthlineo[itoceo , hereby.�canted.�liceqseauthorizin8tqeqQage., •p��onGranYProaram<UDA6)administered.::. it . .. �,;i"�;�%4
RoadtotheSouthltneotSchroederDriJe; ' in the business ot HOUSE DRAIN bytheU.S.DepartmentolHousingaadUrban ggSOLVED,That the sald atsp�ment :
- Jones Street from the North line of Rosen CONTRAC'fOR in lhe City ot St.Paul for the Development,and end the same is hereby in all respscts ratifle�.
Road to the South line of Schroeder Drive; .Year 1983.
Vem Alberts,Jr.,dba Total Asphalt H'HEREAS,The Saint Paul Department of RESOLVED FURTHER, T6at the s:u
- Hamline Avenue from the North line ot Planning and Economic Developrtient has assessment be and it is hereby determine�+
DeCourcy Drive to the Northerly line of the Adopted by the Co��• prepared a UDAG application for the North ye payable in ten(10)equal installments.
described tract;and Appro i 28,1983. ~"�'� uadrant Redevelopment - Ideal Security File No.18298
- Schroeder Dr[ve trom the East line of �+'��ey 7�1983) �,,�� are Corporation Relocation�and
Flynn Slreet extended NoRherly to the East -� �- WH EAS, The requir�d public headng Adopted by the Council Apri126,1983
.�'�� � -C-� -T�="�" Appmved A ri128,1983.
line o[Jones Street extended Northerly. r. / ' ' ��/ upon sa appl(cation has been held; now, P , r,
and �,,�` Council File No.280231-By Chris Nicosia- therefore, it _ (May 7,1983) �
WHEREAS,The Cwncil has been nested RESOLVED,That the Council of the City of RESOLV ,That the Council of the City of �
by the Port Authority of the City of S�nt Paul Saint Paul does agree to enter into a Saint Paul d s hereby approve t6e filing of
to warve said retained easeme m the cooperetive construMion agreement with the the Applicati for an Urban Development RESOLUTION RAI7FYING ASSBSSMB�
property specifically described a ve,and the Minnesota Department of Transportation Action Gran for the North Quadrant
e(tected City Deparlments, No hern Stetes (Mn/DOT) [or the construction ot a Redevelopment - Ideal Secunty Hardware Council File No.280232-By Chtla Nicos�.-
Power Company and Nort estem Bell Corporation R location project and the
bituminoas overlay, constructing new In the matter of the assessment oI benei:
Telephone Company have iled written drainage structures, driveways and curbing activities therei proposed,and be it
cost and expenses for sidewalk reeonst:uc:
Certificates o[ Intended No Use with the where needed,on KELLOGG BOULEVARD FURTHER ESOLVED. That Mayor of the following:
oftice o[the City Clerk,which�ertificates are trom Robert Street to John Street all under George Latimer, s Chief Executive Officer o! Voting
inrorporaled herein by retere�ce;and the supervision of the City and in accordance the City,is here y authorized and directed to �yatd •
WHEREAS,The attected Ci� DepaRments with the City Project 83-P-0925. submlt the Urb Development Action Grent 3 510984 NoRh side and East s�d�
and other public instrume talities have 'Phe estimated cost of the work to be funded Application to e Department of Housing and gEECH W OOD AVEN.
continued to waive the retaine easements in by Mn/DOT is E19t,297.00. Urban Deve opment in such form as irom S. Howell St.
the vaceted properly as more tul set forth in pdopted by the Council Apri126,1983. Prescribed y the regulations of said gahland Ave.
their CeR�ficates of intended on-use as„ Department nd be it
heretofore mentioned. � Approved April 28,1983. FINALL RESOLVED,That the Mayor,or 4 5-10985 Both sides FRY STdh
(MayT,1983) his desi ated representatives, are further irom Deyton Ave. to M
That the Council of the City of Saint Pa '� �utho ed to execute and submit to the U.S.
pursunntto5ertion13G.06,doeshcrebywuive, D, rtment o[ Housing and Urban 2 - 530988 East side MISSISSl
releasr and extinguish the retained easements Council 38-By Bob Flet ,. evelopment eny assurence,certiticattons,or STREET from 13th St
tn the vacated public properly as specS[ically "^' additional in[ormation that may be required Univeisity Ave.
WHEREAS.The Division of Planning.the by said Department during their review of the 7 510996 East side PREBLE S'fR
provided in the aforementioned Certificates ot Division o[ Housing and Building Code -
intend�d non usr. • City's Urban Development Action Grant and trom Beaumont St.to Pa,
Enforcement, and the Deparlments of Fire p�PP��cation for Federel Asslztance (or the Ave. & both sidet BE.+
SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the and Sa[ety Services,Public Works,and Water North Quadrant Redevelopment - Ideal ZdONT S'fAEET tmn+P
above mentioned waiver and release o[said have reviewed the attached proposed plai Security Hardware Corporation Aelocation Ave.to Drewry Lene Sc
easements are for the City o[Saint Paul and currently deuribed as: project. sides DREWRI�LANE fr
those pe�sons tor whom the City has reserved A�� that paR of the W 50.00' of the E Beaumont St. to NoRh
easemenls in said vacated property for the Adopted by the Council April 28,1983. .
250.00' ot the S�h o(the NE'/.ot Section teet.
insfsllation, maintenance and operations ot . Approved April 28,1983. .
2t,Township 28,Range 23;and 3 5-10997 South side ST. CL:a
any sewer,water,gas or electric main,pipe or All that paR ot the N'h of the W 5.00' o[ (May 7,1983)
conduit of public instrumentality. AVENUE fmm Stonebri
the E 200.00'of the S�h of the SW U.of the Blvd.to Woodlawn Avc
ti EXCEPTION, A permanent easement tor NE4�o[theNW'/•ofSection2l.Township �
Water Ulility purposes being dexribed as Zg,Range 23,Ramsey County,Minnesota, . Council File No. 2802�1 - By Victor J.
; follows: and Tedesco- Under Preliminary Order 248824 appro
j The Northerly 40[eet and the Easterly 40 dune 10,1982;Final Order 278924 approve:
teet ot that portion ot Schrceder Road WHEREAS, The proposed plat has been RESOLVED, That upon execution and ly 6,1982. •
lying West of the Northerl extcnsion o[ found to meet the requirnments of Section 67 delivery of a release in tull to the City,in a A public hearing having beea t�ad upon
�� Y ot the Zoning Code; form lo be approved by the City Attomey,the
the West right-ot•way line o[Flynn Street proper City otticers are hereby authorized and assessment tor the above improvement
and the East ri ht•of-way line o(Snellin NOW, THEREFORE. BE TT RESOLVED, said assessment having been [urther �
g g That the City Council accepts and approves directed to pay out o[the Tort Liability Fund
Avenue. 09070-511-000,to: sidernd by the Counctl,and havtng been
NOTE:This dces not constitute a release ot this plat,to be described as Zelda and Stanley sidered finally satisfactory,theretora,be
Straus Additioa 1. BuRon R.Looney the sum ot E411.47 in. RESOL\/ED,That the sald assessme.^
righlc granted by lhr Burlington Northern (ull set[Icment of his claim of damages
Tra�� !.�r^P^•n�'t f�r thi.n•��perly Adopted by lhe Councll April 28.1983. , � . � ,�,, „r;,hnut December 26. 19A2,as and the same is hereby in aU respeMs re�
.. .r .. . . . .. .... : . .Ra.r.t,
. � n �� � �.��
Public Works � r��'��s�`j
DEPART(,tENT C-�'`� �
Daniel Duaford �ONTACT �
`298-4545 PHONE � ��
May 12, 1983 DATE ��� CE�V
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): ��rY ATr�R�
� City Attorney
6 Director of Management/Mayor
� Finance and Management Services Director
� City Clerk
�rec or �
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
1983 M.S.A. Fuads will be used for interim funding for award of the Rellogg Boulevard Pro�ect
from Robert Street to John Street until cooperative agreemeat funds are received from the
Minnesota Department of Transportation.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
Temporary use of approximatelq $191,297.00 of 1983 M.S.A. Fuads. The 1983 M.S.A. Fund wi�l
be reimbursed when cooperative agreement funds are received.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
1983 Municipal State Aid (M.S.A.) Funds.
Attachments (List and Nu�er all Attachments) :
1. Couacil Resolution.
2. Copy of resolution authorizing cooperative agreement.
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes R No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes �_ No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for 'Instructions}