280382 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��,�,����i�
uncil Resolution
, .
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul ertter into an Agreement with Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company and the Comaaissioner of
Transportation for the installation and maintenance of railroad crossing
signals and the crossing surface at the intersection of T.H.5 and installation
and maintenance of railroad crossing signals at the intersection of Alton
Street with the tracks of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company in St. Paul, Minnesota and appointing the Comanission of Transportation
agent for the City of 5t. Paul to supervise said project and administer available
Federal Funds in accordance with Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36 (1982) . The
City's share of the cost shall be zero (0) percent of the total cost.
BE IT FURTF�R RE50LVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized
and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of St. Paul.
A copy of said agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of:
Fletcher /� PtibliC WoY'ks
Galles �� In Favor � �
Scheibel A gai n s t BY '
Tedesco Donald E. Ny aard, i e �
�Y 2 6 ���3 Form Approve ty rney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certifie •ssed b o .'1 Se tary� BY
r `
App by Mavor: D
� MAY 2 7 i983 Appr bY o Eo� bm�s' n to Council
Pu ED JUN 4 1983
. . , . ���� ����
AG}2EE�lENT N0. 6126?
S•P• No. 6201-56 (T.fi. Sl �
D9inn. Proj . RRS RRP-t1019(10)
Railroad Crossing Signals
and Surface
West 7th Street
Alton Street
St. Paul, Ptinnesota
THIS AGREEMENT, made by and between the CITY OF ST. PAUL, hereinafter called
ST. PAUL AIv`D PACIFIC RAILROAD COAIPANY, DEBTOR, hereinafter called the "Company",
and the STATE OF �(INNESOTA, acting by and through its Commissioner of Transportation,
hereinafter called the "State", VVITNESSETN.:
IVHEREAS, Trunk Highway No. 5 (iaest 7th Street) , (C.S. 6201-56) and Alton
Street crosses the track of the Company at grade in St. Paul , Ramsey County,
D1innesota, the location of said crossings and railroad track being shown on
the print attached, marked Exhibit "B", and herein referred to and made a part
of this agreement; and
WHERE�S, the State has determined that the T.H. 5 crossing be protected
by railroad crossing signals, cantilever flashing light type, and the Company
is willing to install, maintain and operate such signals upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter stated; and
�;HERE:IS, the State has determined that the T.H. 5 crossing surface should
be replaced with a rubber t��e surface, and the Companv is willing to install
and r�aintain the surface upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated; and
_ 1 _
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AGREE�IENT �v0. 61262
WHEREAS, the City, the Company and the State have determined that the Alton
Street crossing be protected by railroad crossing signals, flashing light type,
and the Company is willing to install, maintain and operate such signals upon
the terms and conditions hereinafter stated.
1. The State of �tinnesota, Department of Transportation, "Standard
Clauses for Rail�aay Highway Agreements", dated Dlarch 1, 1982, is attached
hereto as Exhibit "A", and hereinafter referred to as "Standard Clauses".
Except as hereinafter expressly modified, all of the terms and conditions set
forth in the "Standard Clauses" are hereby incorporated by reference and made
a part of this agreement with the same force and effect as thouglt fully set
forth herein.
Standard Ciauses Nos. 1, 2, s", 4, S, 8a, 10 and 11 are deleted from this
2. The Company sltall furnish all material for and with its regularly
employed forces install a complete railroad crossing signal system and crossing
surface on Trunk High�aay No. 5 and a signal system on Alton Street as indicated
on the attached nlan marked Exhibit "B". The placement of the signals shall
be in accordance �aith Part �%III of the Planual on Uniform Traffic Control
Devices (�IUTCD) . Detailed plans, specifications and the �aork to be done shall
be subject to the approval of the Department of Transportation of the State of
�Vork of installing these signal systems and crossing surface shall be
prosecuted so as to be completed within 12 months after the date the Company
is authorized to begin work. Once surface work for T.II. 5 in the field has
begun, it shall be completed �aithin 10 working clays.
�� - 2 -
If the Company shall determine it impossible to complete the �aork within
the period }ierein specified, it shall make a written request to the State for
an extension of time for completion, setting forth therein the reason for such
3. The actual costs of the project herein contemplated, including
preliminary engineering costs, shall be paid to the Company by the State and
shall be ascertained in accordance with Article 9 of the Standard Clauses,
Exhibit "A". The 5tate will receive reimbursement of 900 ot the cost rrom
Federal Funds. The State will reimburse the Company as provided llerein for
only such items of ►aork and expense as are proper and eligible for payment
with Federal funds. Only materials actually incorporated into t}ie project
will be eligible for Federal reimbursement.
It is understood that the foilowing estimate is for informational purposes
only. The estimated cost of the various items of work to be done bv the
Company hereunder �aith its own equipment and regularly employed forces and in
accordance with the Company's agreements �aith such regularly emplo��ed torces
is as follows, and in further accordance with detaile�l estimate attachecl
hereto and marked Exhibit "C":
`�taterial � :���793,pp
Labor (Including �dditives) $ 42,261 .00
Contingencies S 8,S01 .00
TOT�1L � 95,860.00
- � -
AGREEh1ENT `:0. 61262
P4aterial $ 39,a62.00
Labor (Including Additives) � 21,316.00
Contingencies j 6 073.00
TOTAL � 66,856.00
4a. In the event it is determined that a change from the foregoin;
statement of ivork to be performed by the Company is required, it shall be
authorized only by an amendment to this agreement issued by the State prior to
the performance of the work involved in the change.
b. In the e��ent it is found that the work has not changed from the
foregoing statement of �aork to be performed by the Company, but the estimatecl
amount in this agreement is less than the actual cost of performing the �:ork,
then an increase �aill be allowed to the extent of such actual cost taithout an
amendment in accordance 1Jltt1 paragraph 15 of Exhibit A.
5. The said grade crossing signal systems and crossing surtace shall be
maintained and operated by the Company upon completion of its installation,
but this said ouligation to maintain said signal systems anci �rossin; surrace
shall continue in accordance �aith the law of the State as it shall be from
time to tir�e in the future.
6. The signal systems shall not be removed unless there has been a
determination that said signals are no longer required at this location. If
the signals or crossing surface are to be removed, the Company at the request
l�� - � -
of the State, shall reinstall it at some other crossing within the State on
the Company's trachs. The location and division of cost of such relocation
shall be agreed upon between the Company and the State prior to such removal.
In the event that either highway or railway improvements will necessitate
a rearrangement of tlie signals or crossing surface at said crossing, the party
whose improvement causes said changes will bear the entire cost of the same
without obligation to the other.
7. Tlle term of this agreement shall be three years from date of agree-
ment in �ahich time it is expected that all ��rork, inspections, billings, audits
and payments shall be accomplished. Any extension of the three year limit
shall be �aith the approval of all parties to the agreement.
8. This agreement is binding on Richard B. Ogilvie, not as an individual ,
but solely in his capacity as Trustee.
- 5 -
. �������
t;gree�ent ^Io. 61262
I:J ;dIT�1ESS :;a�:-;EOF, �"�e ^ar:ie� here�o zave caused this agreement to be �ll�jr
Assistant City Attorney �Qayor
Director oi Finance �nd ^�anagement Director of Pablic :t��rks
Reco�*aenced °or A��roval: S�'AmE OF ��1I:1:diSCT�.
Director, Railroad :,dministration Assistant Co!:�issior.er,
Proqram Management
�3ted: �o
� -
�pproved ss �o For:� and �xecutien: _?��:'ED:
D�_=L,:.._?.'T 0: _._.:l::I����'�l�:,
S�eci:� _;;�i��a::t ..��orney Gener�,i V =.ath;ri�ed Si�nature
- 6 -
March l, 198?
1. The State will review plans and specifications for the con-
struction of the grade separation structure and approve the separation of
grades of the tracks of the Compar�y and of the trunk hig�way, as shown in
the plans and specifications referred to in this agreement.
2. The State agrees to let a contract pursuant to law for the con-
�truction of the hig,�way project referred to in this agreement, in accor3�ce
with said nlans and specifications referred to in this agreement.
3. The State agrees that all work provided to be done by the State
on the right of way of the Company shall be performed and completed in
accordance with said plans and specifications in a mazuzer satisfactory to
the Chief IIzgineer of �he Company, or his authorized representative. The
State agrees tha,t any contract let by it, for �he performance of any construc-
tion work contemplated by this agreement, will require the contractor to
comply wi�h all of the provisions relating to work on railroad right of way
contained in 'mlinnesota, Department of Transportation, St. Paul, Standard Speci-
fications for Hignway Construction", dated January 1, 1978, to furnish to ine
Company a P�ailroad Protective Liability Insurance Policy and to carry regular
Contractor's Puolic Liability and Property Damage Insurance, both as specilied
in the :ederal-Aid Highway Program Manual, Volw-ne o, Chapter 6, Section 2,
Subsec�ion �, and havin� limits of liability, as speciiied in the specifica-
�ions and special provisions reierred to in this agreement. Said Railroad
Protective Liability Policy and evidence of said Contractor's Public Liabili�f
a..*�d property Da�age Insurance, executed by an insurer qualified to write
such oolicies in the State of rlinnesota, shall be delivered to the Compaqy
prior to the entry upon or use of the Company's property by the Contractor.
d. `�he State reserves the right to make such cnanges in the nlans
or character o� the �aork, as the work under tihe con;.ract progresses, as shall,
in the Commissioner of Transportation's judgment, be reasonably necessary �o
cause the agreed higi�:aay project to be in all tnin6s constructed and completed
in a satisfactory manner, and to that end, and as supplemental to any contract
let for the construction of said project, to enter into any supplemental
a�reement with the contractor for the performance of any ektra work or work
occasioned by any necessary, a.dvantageous or desirable change in the plans.
Ar�y such cnanges in plan or the character of work, incolving the Compar�y's
iacilities or property, will be subject to the approval of the Company.
F.XHIBIT "A" - Page 1
� ������� .
j. The State agrees to pay the entire cost of the rrork to b� �er-
formed under the contract to be let by the State , including the State'�
supervision of the contract work, provided, however: �
a.� that nothin� herei.n contained shall prevent the State fraim
pursuing and enforcing any of its common law and statutox�r
rigizts, which it may have against any tortfeasor, includ�g
any contractor and the Company;
b.) that when the Company ha,s liability or obligation to the
United States or the State for any portion of the raa.lw�
highway project, the Company sha.11 pay its share of the
railway-highwa.y project i.n the marmer and to the extent
set forth elsewhere in this agreement.
6. The provisions contained in Federal-Aid Hig�way Program l�aual,
Volume 6, Chapter 6, Section 2, Subsection 1, and Volume 1, Cha,pter �.,
Section 3, :.ha.11 apply to the railway-highway project, regaxdless of tYme
r�ethod of financing the project.
7. If the Company enters into a �ontract or agreement with a, con-
tracior, to perform all or any portion oi the Company's work set forth in this
a�reement, the Compar�y for itself, its assigns and successors in interest,
agrees that it will not discriminate in its choice of contractors and acill
include all of the nondiscrimination provisions set forth in APPENDIX "A",
attached hereto and made a part hereof, in any such contract or agree�t.
8. The Company agrees tha,t its representative in chaxge of �3ze work
set forth in this agreement shall furnisn the Siate's Engineer in char�+e of
the project:
a.� "Form �094, Minnesota Departmen� of Transportation, Payroll
itvnthly Report", signed in duplicate, showing the number
of nen on payroll, classiiication, total worked and
staxting, stopping, resumpiion and completion dates for
each month, not later than the week following the month in
which the work was performed.
b.) Upon request, full detailed informaLion as to progress of
work and amount of labor and ma.terial used as of the ti�e
of request.
In addition to the foregoing records and acts, the Company will, irom
ti�ae to tide, make such other reports, keep such other records and perform
such other work in such manner and iine as ma.y be necessary to enable ihe
State to collect and obtai.n available Federal �1id.
9. To the extent set iorth in this agreement, the State will re-
imburse the Company for actual expense incurred performing the work set iorth
in this agreement. Payments will be raa.de in accordance ��rith the following;
r�iIBIT "A" - Page 2 3-1-82
a. ) At least a0;o of pariial bills marked "Progressive Bill i1o. 1,
Vo. 2, etc.", or "rirst, second, etc.", si�ed by an ofiicer
oi the Cora.pany, rendered in du�licate. Partial bilis shall •
be based on actual costs that can be substantiated by checking
the Company's records but do not need to be in detail: or,
b.) At Least 75;0 of partial bills marked and si�ned, as reQuired
above, based on the Company F�gineer's estimate of the per-
centage of completion of the various cost reimbursable items,
as shown on the detailed estimate, which is attached to and
ma.de a paxt of this agreement, subject to the State �gineer's
concurrence and approval of said completion percentage. In
no event will a combination of paxtial billing based on actua.l
cost, and �gineer's estimates, be reimbursable.
c.) At least 9CP,o of final bill marked "Final", signed by an oificer
oi the Compar�y, rendered in septuplet, in accordanee with Federal-
Aid Highway Pro�am I�Ianual Volume l, Chapter 4, Section 3. aaid
*inal bill sha.11 be a complete, detailed and itemized statement
of all i�ems of work performed by the Company, as shown in the
appropriate exhibit or exhibits attached to this agreement.
d.� Finai payment will be made �ter audit of the fina.l bill.
The Company shall keep account oi its work in such a way
that said accounts nay be readily audited. In the event
tnai any a.�►ount previously paid to the Company is in excess
oi �he ac;,ual cost determine3 0;�� audi�, the Company, upon
notice of the State, si�il pa�r to �he State the diiference.
10. In the event tnat the State does not enter into a contract for
construction o£ tZe project contemnlated b�• �ni� agreenent on or before a day
t;aelve (12� nonths after the date �his ao:.ee�ent is fully executed, then eiLher
party may, at any ti�►e thereafter, serve no�ice of cancellation upon the other
party, b5� re�istered mail, and this a�ree�e:�t shall immediately be cancelled
an� ter�inated; provided, however, �hat the Coanany sha.11 be rei.mbursed in full
by the State for all reimbursable costs incurred after this agreement is iullf
executed and nrior to said cancellation.
11. The reimbursable maintena.nce costs �lia.11 not extend to the repair
of a.ny dama�ge to the bridge structure resuitinb �rom the operations oi the
COIID3TIV for' which the Company has any- co�c►on lac,r or statutory liability. The
reimbursable ma.intenance costs shall be li:ai�ed to the actua,l cost of laoor
and materials used and to rental •Jalue o: ea�p:nent used. The actua.l cost o;
labor and r.►aterials and �he rental vaiue oi eauipment referred to shall be
ascertained in accordance with the pro✓isions o.f the Federal-Aid Hi�way Pro-
�ran i�iantzal, Volume 1, Chapter 4, �ection ;. :�ccept as hereinafter �ro�•ided
in the case of emer�ency repairs, reimb•�.:rsement shall be made only if the
Company has subMitted its proposed repairs to the State, includin� ar�Y estinate
of cost of such repairs, and approval has been received from the State i.n
r�rri�ing in adva,nce of stastin� work by the Company. If the Company is unable
to obtain the State's approval o= t?�e proposed repairs, it May requ�st and
require t:�e �ta,te to let a contract ior the necessary work. In the event of
an eoer�-ency requiring imrnediate repairs to said brid�e structure in order to
EXHIBIT "A�� _ Pa�e j 3-1-8?_
������`� .
ma,intain railroad �raffic, the ComparLy shall be only required to notify the
State as soon as reasonably possible that the emergency has arisen and that
the Company is proceeding wi�h the work. The Company hereby aclrnowledges
that it may be necessary to file a le�islative clai.m for reimbursement of ar�y
costs incurred before State F��nds are encumbered in an amount sufficient to
cover the co�ts of the work. In all events, reimbursable ma,intenance costs
shall be limited to necessary repairs.
If any maintenance work is such tha,t it cannot be performed by the
Company with its o��rn equipment and regularly employed forces, the Company may
contract the work. However, the Company sha,ll no� award the contract or start
work until the contract has been approved by the Commissioner of Transportation
and the necessary State funds have been encumbered.
12. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto anything
to the contrary herein notwithstanding, that the Commissioner of Transportation
of the State of Nisinesota is acting in his official capacity only and tha.t ne �
shall not be personally responsible or l:iable to the Company or to any person
or persons whomsoever for any claims, daiaages, actions, or causes of action
of any kind or character axising out of or by reason of the execution of this
a�reement or the performance or ccmpletion of the project provided for herein.
13. Before this agreement shall become bindin� and affective, it shall
have received the approval of such State ofiicers as the law may provide in
addition to the Corunissioner of Transportation.
1Q. The laws of the State of Ilinnesota shall govern all questions as
to the execution, nature, obli�a.tion, construction, validity and performance
of this agreement.
15. If it appears to the Company at any time subsequent to the date of this
agreement and prior to final completion of such work, that the actual cost of such
work will exceed the estimated cost, the Company shall immediately so notify the
State in writing, thereof, and, a.fter the additional funds are encumbered, notice
of the encumUrance to the Company will have the affect of amendir.g this agreement
so as to include the supplemental cost of such work.
16. As provided under MinneUota, Laws 1980, Cnapter 614, Sec. 51,
all boolcs, records, docum�nts, and accounting procedures and prac�ices of the
Company relevant ta this contract are subject to examination by P-L�/DOT and
either the legisla.tive auditor or the State auditor as appropriate.
17• The "�"BL requirements of 1�9CFR, Pa.rt 2;�, annl,y to this A�reement.
The Company shal.l insure that r�inorit,y business entr:rr;rises as defined in 4qr.FR,
Part 23, have the r.iaximum on»ortunit,y to particinate in t�e per•formance of contracts ,
fina.r�ced in whole or in nart with Federa] funds. In this regard, the Com�anY shal]
ta.ke all necessar,y and reasonable ste�s in accordance �aith �9CFR, Part 23, to
insure that minorit.y business enter�rises have t.he r.�ar,ir�um onnortunity to r_omnete
for and perform an,y Cont.racts aw�.rded under this A�reer�ent. The Cor�nanv sha11 not
discrir�inate on the basis of race, color, national ori�*in, or sex in the award a.nd
performa.nce of cont.racts under thi� A�reerient, Failure to ca.rr,y out the ab�ve re-
quirer�ents shall con::titute a br•eac•h of th�.s A�reer�ent, and ma;r result. in terrii.nation
of the At;reer�ent b;r T;n/D�'i, :�nd nos�iY�le c�eba;•rrient. f'rom perforinin� other contr•act.tiral
servic�es with the Federal llc�r�artment of 7r�,nsncrt�,tion.
�iIBI`P "A" - Pa�e 4 3-]-8?
Mn/DOT 25252(12/76)
Non-Discrimination Provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest
(hereinafter referred to as the "contractor"), agrees as follows:
(1) Compliance with Regulations: The Contractor will comply with Regulations of the Department of
Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Com-
merce (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulation. Part 21, hereinafter referred to asthe Regulations),which
are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract.
(2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it after award and prior to
completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on the ground of race, color, or national origin
in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of
equipment. The contractor will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination pro-
hibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers
a program set forth in Appendix "A", "B" and "C".
(3) Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations
either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a
subcontract, including procurements of materials or equipment, each potential subcontractor or sub-
plier shatl be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations. under this contract and the
Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, color or nation origin.
(4) Information and Reports: The contractor will provide all information and reports required by the
Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, and will permit access to its books,
records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Depart-
ment of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance
with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in
the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the contractor shall
so certify to the Oepartment of Transportation, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate,
and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information.
(5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimi-
nation provisions of this contract, the Department of Transportation shall impose such contract
sanctions as it or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate, including
but not limited to,
(a) witholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or
(b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part.
(6) Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will include the provisions of paragraph (1) through (6)
in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by
the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take such action
with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Oepartment of Transportation or the Federal
Highway Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for
noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threaten-
ed with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the contractor may
request the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and in addition,
the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of
the United States.
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Public works DEPARTI,IENT �'7i����
.n. �., �a
R�obert � Horrisberger, Jr. rONTACT .
292-6131 PHONE
rsa i9s DATE �v�� �
y 3, 3
(Routing a�d Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
� Cr'�-�Ft�°r�ey/�-��
3 nt/Mayor MAY 1 p 1g83
Fi nance and Management servi ces �i rector CITY ATTORNEY
4 City Clerk
Budget Director
i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
The attached resolution would authorize the City to enter into an agreement with the Minnesota
Department of Transportation and the Chicago, Milwaakee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad concern-
ing improvements at the Railroad's (Ford Spur Line) crossings on W. Seventh and Alton Street.
The Railroad will install, operate and maintain cantilever flashing light crossing signals as
well as, install and maintain rubber type surface crossing at the W. Seventh St. Crossing
(T.H.S) . The Railroad will also install, operate and maintain flashing light type crossing
signals at the Alton St. crossing. The State will pay all costs relati�g to the construction of
these facilities. Ther will be cost ta t�he .Cit�.
Financial , Budgetary anc� Personnel�mpacts An �cipa d:
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: �� �
None '"� +`
r�-•� �-�.
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments�: �y �
.R en
Resolution x� �
Copy of Agreement � c�
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for 'Instructions)