280376 WHITE - CITV CLERK �� * ��� /� PINK - FINANCE COURCII � �� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. I ' � y r `� � Cauncil Resolution Present,ed By "''�� �� Referred To �/���U�-L Committee: Date � '��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the County of Washington whereby the City of Saint Paul will provide tuberculosis testing and subsequent reimbursement therefor according to the terms of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays /' Galles �d Comm n' Se v' es Masanz In Favor Nicosia scne�be� __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco VViFaClr' MAY 2 6 1983 Form prove c�t to ,, Adopted by Council: Date C Certifie assed il re�tary BY � B � ►ti n � Approve ,�a�or: MAY 2 '� i983 APP � y Mayor for mi s' o Council By BY� PUBLiSHED JIIN 4 1983 � j ' ��+�1`� � �''t _�..,;�,� �.,. ,c � � �� ' E IVED ;�'�� , RECE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ApR 1 21983 Division of Public Health Apri I 11 , �9s3 CITY ATTORI�EY TO: Paul McCloskey, Assistant City Attomey - -� °-�� APR 2 01983 FROM: Gary J. Pechmann, Administrative Analyst �1.;�,� ����� _ SUBJECT: Contract with Washington County ' �'"' The original agreement between Washington County and the City of Saint Paul was lost by Washington County after you had signed off on it. I had the agreement retyped and resubmitted it to Washington County. It is identical to the one you had seen previously. - GJ P:cb Att. <���.�.)'�.YJ+ Z / J ����'7�� _ Community Services DEPARTI,IENT � ' Gary J. Pechmann CONTACT 292-7711 PHONE ���� �� , Apri I 11 , 1983 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Or�r (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): � artment Director Ci ty At�orney 5 —�i�3 ,� G' r�a.�gement/Mayor R�r��"cp �, - � 4 Finance and Management Services Director 5 City Clerk 'APR 2 � 1�8� 6 Budget Di rector �OFFICE O� �r+� ���ttCTOR DEPAR�„'`^�T nc c�yAn;�E �ID MA►vAlitiJ�tlV i S�RVICES ��hat Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale) : Resolution to ailow City signatures on a contract between Washington Cou�ty and the City of Saint Paul through its Division of Public Health whereby the City shall provide tube�culosis te�ting, chest x-rays, propfiylactic and chemotherapy services, follow-up services and any required outpatient services for tuberculosis control� purposes to residents of Washington County. Financial , gudgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Reimbursement for services will be made according to the rates established in the contract. No personnel impacis are anticipated. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Activity code: 33235 Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : 1 . Ac�teement - original and 3 copies UEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? c/ Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No �j/�- Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 � (See Reverse Si.de for Instructions) ?, C�.r L.�J� � � '/� 4y;;� -- ':.-�, � Cz�r� or, �.�. riv�r P.�,uL . �'��F�"��'� �:,,� ��. �' ..-� ► =-I �;,-;:�:.,�••�, -.� or�rzcr o�, �r�r ci�r.ir corJ�TCIL + �.. .., ��� 1 *n •.ne�.•� �1:� ~.,,�,z.°`_ .� . D 0 t e : May 19, 1983 r;�,�� .;� ,�lirf��:..��• . COMM (TT � E RE PORT TO = SQ�n� Pau 1 City Cou�ci f . _ F R O Nf � C o m m ir�e e O h FINANCE, bfANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL C H A I R James Scheibe 1 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May 12, 1983 2. Resolution outlining final ositions re arding arbitration with manual . . -�--n- ma�nt en . ;�rs ,�o �'°*�..� ��7�0 : .: : � �� r#, -✓����A' P . � - . - 3. Resolution authorizing several financial institutions to safekeep . collateral securities le�ed to the City of St. Paul as protection� of public funds. ��� ��� 4. Resolution approvi,ng� tranfs r„of _�3q0 635 from the Contingent Reserve to Parks Ground hiaint`enance.����.��'�'�'��� . � 5. Resolution to increase financing and spending authority due to tree planting program in cooperation with the ne' hborhoods and removal-- program on private and commercial property. ��'�` _ ��`-�� . � � Resolution authorizing City officials to sign a contract between the City of St_ Paul and Washington County whereby the City of St_ Paul will provide tuberculosis testing and any required outpatient servic s for tuberculosis control purposes to residents .of Washington County. � ���=-0� �..:�.,;�,. 7. Resolutions relating to Civic Center sale/leaseback and including the following matters: . °",�'� a. Agreements between the City and HRA regarding land. ������'�� l�:- .. b. 7th Place Redevelopment and Financing Plan amendment ' • �.�� c. Pledge of revenues to �make lease payments, sources to include � ,�±�'�' ` hotel/motel tax, tax increment revenues and Civic Center revenues�''� 8. Resolution approving transfer of $1,200.00 from General Government Accounts. to Appeals Board and Special Services.�����`".-{� CITY NALL SEVENTH FLOQR SAINT PAUL, h1tNI�'ESOTA 55102 ���� �