280371 WHITE - CITV CLERK COIIflCll �'����� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council so ution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE ����/�" Referred To Co ittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application R 7977 for the transfer of the On Sale Liquor License, expiring January 31 , 1984, presently issued to Mikate, Inc. (Niichael J. Geraldo, President) at 475 Wabasha, be and the same is hereby transferred to Not Exactly Charlies, Inc. (John R. Rupp, President) at 46 East Fourth Stre�t and 310 Cedar, to be held inactive. COU[VCILMEl�1 /� Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays /' �v �e��� In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scheibei __ Against BY Tedesco dIYi1S61�� Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 5 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie ass� .il cretary BY B t�pp IVlavor: D �QY � f'3 i��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY Pu I ED JUN 4 1983 �4,���`�R�"�d �',� j , x � `�,T,;. CITY OF SAINT PAUL e•' �� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ` ���_� ' DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION . e °'o� � Room 203, City Hall ���� Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor May 25, 1983 Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul , Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: Mikate, Inc. (Michael J. Geraldo, President) and Not Exactly Charlies, Inc. (John R. Rupp, President) request that the On Sale Liquor License presently issued to Mikate, Inc. at 475 Wabasha be transferred to Not Exactly Charlies, Inc. at 46 East Fourth Street, to be held inactive. John R. Rupp is the sole officer and stockholder of Not Exactly Charlies, Inc. This application has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the City Attorney's Office. The recommendation is for approval . Very truly yours , �7�� "_ � � Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/vah