00-225ORIGINAL rresentea Referred To 1 An Administrative Resolution changing the 2 rate of pay for PARK AND RECREATION MANAGER 3 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Council File # 00' �a,s Green Sheet # 10332 _ Committee Date 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of PARK AND RECREATION MANAGER be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 23, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees 6 Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensation in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation; 7 to Grade 26, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensation in 8 the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it 9 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 10 period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Requested by Department oL Office of Hiuuan Resources By: � � �� Form A oved by City Attorney By. ����.�!" � 2�'�i �o. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � � � i�� i�i�� �� z�l� G:VShared�Team1VS117DIES�RES.pkmgers.wpd Adopted by Council: Date S o o t, DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IlVITfATED `o S Office of Humau Resources 1/1/31 GREEN SHEET No.:10332 00- 3i CONTACT PC� RSON & YHOPiL: ,�, Il � 117,�uppTg 1VIiChel�e LeBOW 266-6514 inrsaxxns�rr Dm} a crrrmvivcu, Mark Robertson 266-6471 ''�'��D �� lY[7D�ERFOR 24TYAT1oRNl>Y CITYnsuv ROUfING ORDER PGIANQALSER.VDIlt £AtANQALSEkV/ACC1G 3MAYpA(OBASST) //��/� Z �ci/ � �1IISf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATk� As soon as possible TOTAL # OF SI6NAT'URE PAGES 2 (CLIp ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) J acriox�Quss�tu: Approval of the resolution to establish the upgiade in Park and Recreation Manager to Grade 26 of the Supetvisory Range of Compensation in ihe salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RHCOMHfRNDATIONS: Appxove (A) o: Rejwt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS hi[7ST ANSWER THE FOLIAWIL�TG QUESS70NS: 1. F7astivsPason/&m'.everurorkedunderacoNmccfortL�sdepaztment? _PLANN Yes No � i = CIBCO.Mi.II11BE 2. HavHuspe[sadFwneverbeenacityamployee? CNII.SERVICECOMIvIISSION yys No � _ 3. Does�iePe:son/fivnpossessaskillnotnovnallypossesudbyanycursent<ityemployee� Yes No 4 Is this pasoNfian a tazgetedvandoy! Yes No — Ezplain x1I yes answers on sepante sheet and atfachto greensLeet L�ITTATING YROBLEM, ISSi7E, OPPORTUMTY (Who, WLaf, When, Where, Why): Establish appropriate compensaflon which appropriately reflects the increase in duries and responstbilites of Park and Itecreation � Mana,gexs. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVF.D: � The Ciry will provide Park and Recteation Managers withthe appropriate compensation based on a compensation study conducted by � Human Resonrces staff. 1 , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROV"ED: NONE. DISADVAIVTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � Pazk and Recreation Mana.gers will not be adequately compensated for the increase duties and responsbilities in their jobs. TOTAL AMOiJNT OF 'I'RANSACTION: 29,005.71/year COST/REVENUE &UDGETED: YES FUNDING SOURCE: r,md s25-osis3 -� p��, ACTIVITY NUNTBER: N/A fund 325-23123 —revenues, special services, fiuu1325-23102 —recreationprogram support ��S�r�� �ny�4�a fund 325-23104 — foreshy support kTNANCIAL INFOItMATTON: (EXPI,AIN) �Cd��y ��°��'� �°� F r+, ,� �, G:VShared�Team1�STUDI6S�grncheetP�B� R'Pd � •• � ��� �d +� Zli� U AS OFfiCE OFHUMANI2ESOURCES JohnHami/tan. Jirecmr crrY aF san�rr Paur. Norm Coieman, .�fayar Daie Februaruy 23, 2000 400Ciryr7aII?�rnez 25 WestFourtlt Streef jmntPm�7,Minnesota �:102-1631 Union Saint Paul Supervisors Organization 8, 4 Street East, Ste. 200 St. Paul, MN SS1Q2 Dear Helga Kessler: C)O - �a5 TeZephone: 651-2666500 1DDffT'Y: 65Z-266-6501 Jobllrte: 65i-266-6502 ?ac.eimile: 1 a Optl on: 651-292-6414 2°tOption: 651-292-64I5 3'� Optiox: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the Pazk and Recreation Manager position should be upgraded from grade 23 to grade 26 in the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization. Please notify me wit.�in twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you withiu tha# timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. Sincereiy, �����,�J�� l�ickelle LeBow Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time rP**� ;n;ng on this 2fl day notice for the purpose of revising this title and class specification. I�,��_ G:4Shmed�l'aamZ 120DAfl2od¢y.pkmmiger.vnsonwpd Date � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CODE: 287A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: 60 -�as PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statemeat of Duties: ?erforms highly responsible supervisory and administYative work planning, directing and evaluating a major functional area of the Parks and Recreation Division. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Suoervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, geneYal superdision over all parks and recreation employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by alI positions in this class. Determines needs, sets priorities, prepares and recommends the budget or coordinates the budget preparation process for the functional area of Yesponsibility. Recruits, interviews, trains, advises, develops, evaluates and disciplines employees; assigns and reviews work and adjusts grievances. Develops short and long range plans for unit activities and assists with organization-wide strategic planning and defining the mission of the organization. ➢evelops, approves and implements policies axtd procedures. Establishes overall standards for operations, functions or services. Determines community needs, interests and desires for services; assesses available resources; and develops and implements programs or operations to address them as appropriate. Determ-aes puzchasing needs, writes specifications for purchases, negotiates with vendors and awards contracts and oversees budget expenditures and inventories. Promotes Parks and Recreation activi*_ies and services to the community. Negotiates and evaluates contractual agreements for products and services. (continued on revex'se side) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITI.E OF CLASS: p[�gKg AND RECREATION MANAGER Develops and/or assists in developing council resolutions, legislation and rules and regulations. Locates funding sources; works with private groups for cooperative ventures. Represents the Parks and Recreation Division on City-wide committees, boards, for�s and at public meetings. Prepares periodic and annual reports and recommendations as needed. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current management, supervisory and leadership principles. Considerable knowledge of the theory and techniques related to the planning and directing of parks and recreation programs. Considerable lmowledge of the equipment, material, rules and regulations involved in sports and recreation activities. Working knowledge of machines, equipment and materials used in the maintenance of park property and their safe use. Working knowledge of the City Ordinances and Policies related to Parks and Recreation activities. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, printer and a cop ier . Considerable ability to understand the process used to identify customer needs and develops services and policies to meet those needs. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to objectively evaluate programs and clearly report those evaluations. Considerable ability to develop strategies, policies and procedures that promote and implement the goals and objectives of the organization. Considerable ability to select, train and motivate staff, including volunteers. Considerable ability to create cooperative relationships with program participants, civic and private organizations and the general public. Considerable ability to promote parks and recreation programs through the preparation and distribution of promotional materials and through public , PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER b ' PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: speaking engagements. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 3 A bachelors degxee and seven years of expezience in a Public Parks and Recreation agency oY equivalent. At least three years of such experience must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity. (No substitution £or education_) oo-aa. s PARKS AND REGREATION MANAGER CLASSIFICAT'ION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbents: Department: Date Studied: Studied By: Park and Recreation Manager Position Judy Barr, Vince Gillespie, Rich Lallier Parks and Recreation January 18,1999 Michelle LeBow APPROVAL OF THE CORE CONSULTING SERVICES MANAGER DATEa BACKGROUND OO -�1,5 The positions were studied to determine appropriate level of compensation. The position was last studied 14 years ago and during that time period the scope of job assignments have involved increased responsibility and complexity. The job has evolved to include higlily complex projects and handle issues which aze not clearly governed by existing policies and established practices; wherein incumbents establish and interpret policies and procedure. STTJIDY COMPONEN'I'S Review of the job profile. Interview with the incumbents and immediate supervisors, including Director of Pazk and Recreation Comparison to related classifications and position. QES evaluation and analysis. POSITION DESCRIPTION The incumbeut's positions studied have increased in size and complexity of budgets, services and facilities haue increased draznatically over the last 14 years. The knowledge, skills and abilities required to effectively manage lazge, diverse and complicated sections ha�e also changed over the same time period. The contacts with the public, development of partnerslups and agreements and responsibility to interacting with groups outside the Division has also increased. In addition, the organization has grown at the same time two senior management positions (Superintendent of Programmi_n_g and Superintendent of Maintenance) were cut from the budget). Both the responsibilities and the workload haue been absorbed by the remaining Pazks and Recreation Managers. The specific responsibilities of Chis position include: O o—aa5 I. Direct the overall operation of a section for the Parks and Recrearion Division. (20%) 1. develop program goals and objectives for muitiple programs and activities. 2, develop annual workplans and track progress. 3. evaluate program effectiveness. 4, identify and implement program changes. 5. deploy resources as needed for the operaiion of the section. 6. identify and cosect problems. 7. work collabozatively on projects that involve 2 or more sections. II Manage section budgets and multiple programs and activities. (20%) 1. prepare operating budget and financing plans for programs, activities and facilities. 2. monitor budget e�enditures and reyenues. 3. ensure the cost-effective delivery of services and opera�ion of facilities. 4. recommend capital improvement budgets to maintain, upgrade and develop parks and recreation facilities. III Manage human resources to deliver services to the public and supporE Division activiYies. (20%) 1. recruit, interview, train, motivate and evaluate staf� 2. coach and develop employees. 3. instruct staff on duties, work assignments and ea�pectations. 4. monitors and adxninisters contracts and Civil Service nxles. 5. investigates employee conduct. 6. recruit and train volunteers and intems to assist with section and Division activities. IV Estabiish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc. for prog�'ams, services and facilities. (10%) 1. identi£y needed policies, procedures, standards. 2. develop and commuuicate, as needed. 3. review and modify pricing for services and facilities. 4, ensures compliance. 5, determines wheYhea section activities aze consistent with established policies, procedures and standazds. V. Manage major projects for new services, fac►lities and/or partnerships. (10%) 1. prepare recommendations and reports. 2. develop project steps, timelines, financing, etc. 3. develop agreements, as needed. 4. represent the Division at meetings. '�fl ^��S VI Establishes and maintains cooperative relationships with other organizations. (10%) 1. Esiablishes and staffs support groups and non-profit orgauizations who aze responsible for fundraising and marketing division facilities . 2. Works with community and neighborhood groups (district planning councils, Friends ofParks, Parks Commission). 3. Meets with various organizations to develop a plan for service delivery. 4. Evatuates relationship with other organization to insure goals of each group are being met. VII Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Divfision operations. (5°!0) 1. writes specifications for purchases;, develops requests for proposals. 2. negotiates contracts. 3. ensures contract compliance. 4. monitors delivery of contract services. 5. Investigates background (fivancial and other) of potential vendors for Pazks facilities. VIII Identifies key trends, opportunities and directnon for parlis and recreation programs and services. (5%) 1. identify and implement new services as warranted. 2. eliminate or reduce services as needed. 3. evaluate opportunities to meet community needs. 4. communicates vision and direction to staff, the public and partners. 5. analyze data about service and facility usage to determine operation, fees and need. IX Making oral presentations to ciiizen groups, Civic Leaders, City Council and others about programs, procedures and needed funding. i. Do the necessary research work on a project so a cleaz presentation may be made. 2. Defend programs, procedure or funding need to elected officials and citizen groups. 3. Establish "buy-in" from the above groups on information or request being presented. CLASSIFICA'IZON CQMPARISON OO ,�.5 CLASS SPECIF'ICATION COMPARISONS: The duties were compared to the Principai Designer, Program Aduvvistrator, Afiministration Manager —Public Works, and Assistant City Engineer class specifications. The duties of the studied positions are comparable to the Principal Designer and Program Administrator. The duties of the studied position is not compazable to the Administration Manage: Principal Designer: The Priacipal Designer class specification best describes the complexity and level of responsibility of the Park and Recreation Manager as a supervisor and in overseeing Iuge- scale projecis, deteimining work priorities, and assigning resources and staff. Program Administrator: The Program Adnunistrator class specificauon describes highly responsible initiation, direction and supervision of departmental activities and policies and reseazch on city-wide issues, budget prepazation, grant and funding trends to prepare opera4ing costs. AdministrationManager—PublicWorks: The AdministrationManger—PublicWorksmanages the administration division of the department, which takes caze of all the support services of the Department. Administration Manager position performs highiy responsible mauagerial work similaz to the position in question, however the work involves a wider range of unrelated fields or services that is more technical and specialized in civil engineering. Therefore, the Administration Manager position is not compazable to the position in question. Library Services Manager: Performs lugher levei managerial work involving the short and long range planning, provides support to the division head, directing and evaluating the activities of the library and is a higher rank than the position in question. The Library Services Manager supervises four management level positions and the daily operation of the entire library system. Therefore, the position in question is not comparable to the Library Services Manager. POSITION CONiPARISON: The duties of the posilion in question are not exactly the same as the duties of the compazable positions of Principai Designer and Program Administrator. However, the areas of responsibalities between the two positions that would be comparable aze in regazd to section management, staff supervision, intra and inter-departmental liaison, internal communication, and administrative fixuctions such as budgeting, funding, data and information dissemination for grant research and decision makin�. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSIIZONS The followiug studies were consulted: I Principal Designer - 1994 II Program Administrator - 1995 III Administration Manager — Public Works — 1991 N Library Services Manager — 1988 QES EVALUATION 0 o aa.5 The QES analysis supports upgrading the Pazk and Recreation Manager title to grade 26 in SPSO. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the positions held by 3udy Barr, V'mce Crillespie and Rich Lallier should be upgraded in the Pazk and Recreation Manager class be upgraded from grade 23 in SPSO to grade 26 in SPSO. � CODE: 287A BU: 09 �a �� EFFECTIVE: 08/14/97 TITLE OF CLASS: PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Per£orms highly responsible supervisory and administrative work pianning, directing and evaluaiing a major functional area o£ the Paxks and Recreation Division. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, general supervision over all parks and recreation employees either directly or thxough suhordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Determines needs, sets priox'ities, prepares and reco�ends the budget or coordinates the budget preparation process for the functioaal area of responsibility. Recruits, interviews, trains, advises, develops, evaluates and disciplines employees; assigns and reviews work and adjusts grievances. Develops short and long range plans for unit activiLies and assists with organization-wide strategic planning and defining the mission of the oxganization. Develops, approves and implements policies and procedures. Establishes overall standards for operations, functions or services. Deter[nines community needs, interests and desires for services; assesses available resources; and develops and implements programs or operations to address them as appropriate. Determines purchasing needs, writes specifications for purchases, negotiates with vendors and awards contracts and oversees budget expenditures and inventories. Promotes Parks and Rec'reation activities and services to che community. Negotiates and evaluates contractual agreements for products and services. (continued on x'everse side) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 2 PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Develops and/or assists in developing council resolutions, legislation and rules and regulations, Locates £unding sources; works with private groups £or cooperative venLUres. Represents the Parks and Recreation Division on City-wide committees, boards, £orums and ac public meetings. Prepares periodic and annual reports and reco�endations as needed. KNOWI.EDGE, SKTLLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current management, supervisory and leadership pxinciples. Considerable knowledge of the theory and'techniques related to the planning and directing o£ pazks and recreation programs. Considerable knowledge of the equipment, material, rules and regulations involved in sports and recreation activities. Working knowledge of machines, equipment and materials used in the maintenance o£ park property and their safe use. Working knowledge of the City Ordinances and Policies related to Parks and Recreation activities. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, printer and a copier. Considerable abiZity to understand the process used to identify customer needs and develops services and policies ta meet those needs. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to objectively evaluate programs and clearly report those evaluations. Considerable ability to develop strategies, policies and procedures that promote and implement the goals and objectives of the otganization. Considerable ability to select, train and motivate sta£f, including volunteers. Considerable ability tc create cooperative relationships with program participants, civic and private organizations and the general public. Considerable ability to promote parks and recreation programs through the preparation and distribution of promotional materials and through public I•7:`;i: .��I�i:7�p;i_�74���fu/�s�GQ� J Page 3 PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER 6� ��s speaking engagements. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelors degree and seven years of experience in a Public Parks and Recreation agency or equivalent. At least three years of such exper=ence must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity. (No substitutior £or education.) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER ORIGINAL rresentea Referred To 1 An Administrative Resolution changing the 2 rate of pay for PARK AND RECREATION MANAGER 3 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Council File # 00' �a,s Green Sheet # 10332 _ Committee Date 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of PARK AND RECREATION MANAGER be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 23, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees 6 Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensation in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation; 7 to Grade 26, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensation in 8 the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it 9 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 10 period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Requested by Department oL Office of Hiuuan Resources By: � � �� Form A oved by City Attorney By. ����.�!" � 2�'�i �o. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � � � i�� i�i�� �� z�l� G:VShared�Team1VS117DIES�RES.pkmgers.wpd Adopted by Council: Date S o o t, DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IlVITfATED `o S Office of Humau Resources 1/1/31 GREEN SHEET No.:10332 00- 3i CONTACT PC� RSON & YHOPiL: ,�, Il � 117,�uppTg 1VIiChel�e LeBOW 266-6514 inrsaxxns�rr Dm} a crrrmvivcu, Mark Robertson 266-6471 ''�'��D �� lY[7D�ERFOR 24TYAT1oRNl>Y CITYnsuv ROUfING ORDER PGIANQALSER.VDIlt £AtANQALSEkV/ACC1G 3MAYpA(OBASST) //��/� Z �ci/ � �1IISf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATk� As soon as possible TOTAL # OF SI6NAT'URE PAGES 2 (CLIp ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) J acriox�Quss�tu: Approval of the resolution to establish the upgiade in Park and Recreation Manager to Grade 26 of the Supetvisory Range of Compensation in ihe salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RHCOMHfRNDATIONS: Appxove (A) o: Rejwt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS hi[7ST ANSWER THE FOLIAWIL�TG QUESS70NS: 1. F7astivsPason/&m'.everurorkedunderacoNmccfortL�sdepaztment? _PLANN Yes No � i = CIBCO.Mi.II11BE 2. HavHuspe[sadFwneverbeenacityamployee? CNII.SERVICECOMIvIISSION yys No � _ 3. Does�iePe:son/fivnpossessaskillnotnovnallypossesudbyanycursent<ityemployee� Yes No 4 Is this pasoNfian a tazgetedvandoy! Yes No — Ezplain x1I yes answers on sepante sheet and atfachto greensLeet L�ITTATING YROBLEM, ISSi7E, OPPORTUMTY (Who, WLaf, When, Where, Why): Establish appropriate compensaflon which appropriately reflects the increase in duries and responstbilites of Park and Itecreation � Mana,gexs. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVF.D: � The Ciry will provide Park and Recteation Managers withthe appropriate compensation based on a compensation study conducted by � Human Resonrces staff. 1 , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROV"ED: NONE. DISADVAIVTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � Pazk and Recreation Mana.gers will not be adequately compensated for the increase duties and responsbilities in their jobs. TOTAL AMOiJNT OF 'I'RANSACTION: 29,005.71/year COST/REVENUE &UDGETED: YES FUNDING SOURCE: r,md s25-osis3 -� p��, ACTIVITY NUNTBER: N/A fund 325-23123 —revenues, special services, fiuu1325-23102 —recreationprogram support ��S�r�� �ny�4�a fund 325-23104 — foreshy support kTNANCIAL INFOItMATTON: (EXPI,AIN) �Cd��y ��°��'� �°� F r+, ,� �, G:VShared�Team1�STUDI6S�grncheetP�B� R'Pd � •• � ��� �d +� Zli� U AS OFfiCE OFHUMANI2ESOURCES JohnHami/tan. Jirecmr crrY aF san�rr Paur. Norm Coieman, .�fayar Daie Februaruy 23, 2000 400Ciryr7aII?�rnez 25 WestFourtlt Streef jmntPm�7,Minnesota �:102-1631 Union Saint Paul Supervisors Organization 8, 4 Street East, Ste. 200 St. Paul, MN SS1Q2 Dear Helga Kessler: C)O - �a5 TeZephone: 651-2666500 1DDffT'Y: 65Z-266-6501 Jobllrte: 65i-266-6502 ?ac.eimile: 1 a Optl on: 651-292-6414 2°tOption: 651-292-64I5 3'� Optiox: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the Pazk and Recreation Manager position should be upgraded from grade 23 to grade 26 in the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization. Please notify me wit.�in twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you withiu tha# timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. Sincereiy, �����,�J�� l�ickelle LeBow Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time rP**� ;n;ng on this 2fl day notice for the purpose of revising this title and class specification. I�,��_ G:4Shmed�l'aamZ 120DAfl2od¢y.pkmmiger.vnsonwpd Date � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CODE: 287A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: 60 -�as PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statemeat of Duties: ?erforms highly responsible supervisory and administYative work planning, directing and evaluating a major functional area of the Parks and Recreation Division. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Suoervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, geneYal superdision over all parks and recreation employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by alI positions in this class. Determines needs, sets priorities, prepares and recommends the budget or coordinates the budget preparation process for the functional area of Yesponsibility. Recruits, interviews, trains, advises, develops, evaluates and disciplines employees; assigns and reviews work and adjusts grievances. Develops short and long range plans for unit activities and assists with organization-wide strategic planning and defining the mission of the organization. ➢evelops, approves and implements policies axtd procedures. Establishes overall standards for operations, functions or services. Determines community needs, interests and desires for services; assesses available resources; and develops and implements programs or operations to address them as appropriate. Determ-aes puzchasing needs, writes specifications for purchases, negotiates with vendors and awards contracts and oversees budget expenditures and inventories. Promotes Parks and Recreation activi*_ies and services to the community. Negotiates and evaluates contractual agreements for products and services. (continued on revex'se side) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITI.E OF CLASS: p[�gKg AND RECREATION MANAGER Develops and/or assists in developing council resolutions, legislation and rules and regulations. Locates funding sources; works with private groups for cooperative ventures. Represents the Parks and Recreation Division on City-wide committees, boards, for�s and at public meetings. Prepares periodic and annual reports and recommendations as needed. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current management, supervisory and leadership principles. Considerable knowledge of the theory and techniques related to the planning and directing of parks and recreation programs. Considerable lmowledge of the equipment, material, rules and regulations involved in sports and recreation activities. Working knowledge of machines, equipment and materials used in the maintenance of park property and their safe use. Working knowledge of the City Ordinances and Policies related to Parks and Recreation activities. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, printer and a cop ier . Considerable ability to understand the process used to identify customer needs and develops services and policies to meet those needs. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to objectively evaluate programs and clearly report those evaluations. Considerable ability to develop strategies, policies and procedures that promote and implement the goals and objectives of the organization. Considerable ability to select, train and motivate staff, including volunteers. Considerable ability to create cooperative relationships with program participants, civic and private organizations and the general public. Considerable ability to promote parks and recreation programs through the preparation and distribution of promotional materials and through public , PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER b ' PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: speaking engagements. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 3 A bachelors degxee and seven years of expezience in a Public Parks and Recreation agency oY equivalent. At least three years of such experience must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity. (No substitution £or education_) oo-aa. s PARKS AND REGREATION MANAGER CLASSIFICAT'ION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbents: Department: Date Studied: Studied By: Park and Recreation Manager Position Judy Barr, Vince Gillespie, Rich Lallier Parks and Recreation January 18,1999 Michelle LeBow APPROVAL OF THE CORE CONSULTING SERVICES MANAGER DATEa BACKGROUND OO -�1,5 The positions were studied to determine appropriate level of compensation. The position was last studied 14 years ago and during that time period the scope of job assignments have involved increased responsibility and complexity. The job has evolved to include higlily complex projects and handle issues which aze not clearly governed by existing policies and established practices; wherein incumbents establish and interpret policies and procedure. STTJIDY COMPONEN'I'S Review of the job profile. Interview with the incumbents and immediate supervisors, including Director of Pazk and Recreation Comparison to related classifications and position. QES evaluation and analysis. POSITION DESCRIPTION The incumbeut's positions studied have increased in size and complexity of budgets, services and facilities haue increased draznatically over the last 14 years. The knowledge, skills and abilities required to effectively manage lazge, diverse and complicated sections ha�e also changed over the same time period. The contacts with the public, development of partnerslups and agreements and responsibility to interacting with groups outside the Division has also increased. In addition, the organization has grown at the same time two senior management positions (Superintendent of Programmi_n_g and Superintendent of Maintenance) were cut from the budget). Both the responsibilities and the workload haue been absorbed by the remaining Pazks and Recreation Managers. The specific responsibilities of Chis position include: O o—aa5 I. Direct the overall operation of a section for the Parks and Recrearion Division. (20%) 1. develop program goals and objectives for muitiple programs and activities. 2, develop annual workplans and track progress. 3. evaluate program effectiveness. 4, identify and implement program changes. 5. deploy resources as needed for the operaiion of the section. 6. identify and cosect problems. 7. work collabozatively on projects that involve 2 or more sections. II Manage section budgets and multiple programs and activities. (20%) 1. prepare operating budget and financing plans for programs, activities and facilities. 2. monitor budget e�enditures and reyenues. 3. ensure the cost-effective delivery of services and opera�ion of facilities. 4. recommend capital improvement budgets to maintain, upgrade and develop parks and recreation facilities. III Manage human resources to deliver services to the public and supporE Division activiYies. (20%) 1. recruit, interview, train, motivate and evaluate staf� 2. coach and develop employees. 3. instruct staff on duties, work assignments and ea�pectations. 4. monitors and adxninisters contracts and Civil Service nxles. 5. investigates employee conduct. 6. recruit and train volunteers and intems to assist with section and Division activities. IV Estabiish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc. for prog�'ams, services and facilities. (10%) 1. identi£y needed policies, procedures, standards. 2. develop and commuuicate, as needed. 3. review and modify pricing for services and facilities. 4, ensures compliance. 5, determines wheYhea section activities aze consistent with established policies, procedures and standazds. V. Manage major projects for new services, fac►lities and/or partnerships. (10%) 1. prepare recommendations and reports. 2. develop project steps, timelines, financing, etc. 3. develop agreements, as needed. 4. represent the Division at meetings. '�fl ^��S VI Establishes and maintains cooperative relationships with other organizations. (10%) 1. Esiablishes and staffs support groups and non-profit orgauizations who aze responsible for fundraising and marketing division facilities . 2. Works with community and neighborhood groups (district planning councils, Friends ofParks, Parks Commission). 3. Meets with various organizations to develop a plan for service delivery. 4. Evatuates relationship with other organization to insure goals of each group are being met. VII Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Divfision operations. (5°!0) 1. writes specifications for purchases;, develops requests for proposals. 2. negotiates contracts. 3. ensures contract compliance. 4. monitors delivery of contract services. 5. Investigates background (fivancial and other) of potential vendors for Pazks facilities. VIII Identifies key trends, opportunities and directnon for parlis and recreation programs and services. (5%) 1. identify and implement new services as warranted. 2. eliminate or reduce services as needed. 3. evaluate opportunities to meet community needs. 4. communicates vision and direction to staff, the public and partners. 5. analyze data about service and facility usage to determine operation, fees and need. IX Making oral presentations to ciiizen groups, Civic Leaders, City Council and others about programs, procedures and needed funding. i. Do the necessary research work on a project so a cleaz presentation may be made. 2. Defend programs, procedure or funding need to elected officials and citizen groups. 3. Establish "buy-in" from the above groups on information or request being presented. CLASSIFICA'IZON CQMPARISON OO ,�.5 CLASS SPECIF'ICATION COMPARISONS: The duties were compared to the Principai Designer, Program Aduvvistrator, Afiministration Manager —Public Works, and Assistant City Engineer class specifications. The duties of the studied positions are comparable to the Principal Designer and Program Administrator. The duties of the studied position is not compazable to the Administration Manage: Principal Designer: The Priacipal Designer class specification best describes the complexity and level of responsibility of the Park and Recreation Manager as a supervisor and in overseeing Iuge- scale projecis, deteimining work priorities, and assigning resources and staff. Program Administrator: The Program Adnunistrator class specificauon describes highly responsible initiation, direction and supervision of departmental activities and policies and reseazch on city-wide issues, budget prepazation, grant and funding trends to prepare opera4ing costs. AdministrationManager—PublicWorks: The AdministrationManger—PublicWorksmanages the administration division of the department, which takes caze of all the support services of the Department. Administration Manager position performs highiy responsible mauagerial work similaz to the position in question, however the work involves a wider range of unrelated fields or services that is more technical and specialized in civil engineering. Therefore, the Administration Manager position is not compazable to the position in question. Library Services Manager: Performs lugher levei managerial work involving the short and long range planning, provides support to the division head, directing and evaluating the activities of the library and is a higher rank than the position in question. The Library Services Manager supervises four management level positions and the daily operation of the entire library system. Therefore, the position in question is not comparable to the Library Services Manager. POSITION CONiPARISON: The duties of the posilion in question are not exactly the same as the duties of the compazable positions of Principai Designer and Program Administrator. However, the areas of responsibalities between the two positions that would be comparable aze in regazd to section management, staff supervision, intra and inter-departmental liaison, internal communication, and administrative fixuctions such as budgeting, funding, data and information dissemination for grant research and decision makin�. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSIIZONS The followiug studies were consulted: I Principal Designer - 1994 II Program Administrator - 1995 III Administration Manager — Public Works — 1991 N Library Services Manager — 1988 QES EVALUATION 0 o aa.5 The QES analysis supports upgrading the Pazk and Recreation Manager title to grade 26 in SPSO. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the positions held by 3udy Barr, V'mce Crillespie and Rich Lallier should be upgraded in the Pazk and Recreation Manager class be upgraded from grade 23 in SPSO to grade 26 in SPSO. � CODE: 287A BU: 09 �a �� EFFECTIVE: 08/14/97 TITLE OF CLASS: PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Per£orms highly responsible supervisory and administrative work pianning, directing and evaluaiing a major functional area o£ the Paxks and Recreation Division. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, general supervision over all parks and recreation employees either directly or thxough suhordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Determines needs, sets priox'ities, prepares and reco�ends the budget or coordinates the budget preparation process for the functioaal area of responsibility. Recruits, interviews, trains, advises, develops, evaluates and disciplines employees; assigns and reviews work and adjusts grievances. Develops short and long range plans for unit activiLies and assists with organization-wide strategic planning and defining the mission of the oxganization. Develops, approves and implements policies and procedures. Establishes overall standards for operations, functions or services. Deter[nines community needs, interests and desires for services; assesses available resources; and develops and implements programs or operations to address them as appropriate. Determines purchasing needs, writes specifications for purchases, negotiates with vendors and awards contracts and oversees budget expenditures and inventories. Promotes Parks and Rec'reation activities and services to che community. Negotiates and evaluates contractual agreements for products and services. (continued on x'everse side) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 2 PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Develops and/or assists in developing council resolutions, legislation and rules and regulations, Locates £unding sources; works with private groups £or cooperative venLUres. Represents the Parks and Recreation Division on City-wide committees, boards, £orums and ac public meetings. Prepares periodic and annual reports and reco�endations as needed. KNOWI.EDGE, SKTLLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current management, supervisory and leadership pxinciples. Considerable knowledge of the theory and'techniques related to the planning and directing o£ pazks and recreation programs. Considerable knowledge of the equipment, material, rules and regulations involved in sports and recreation activities. Working knowledge of machines, equipment and materials used in the maintenance o£ park property and their safe use. Working knowledge of the City Ordinances and Policies related to Parks and Recreation activities. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, printer and a copier. Considerable abiZity to understand the process used to identify customer needs and develops services and policies ta meet those needs. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to objectively evaluate programs and clearly report those evaluations. Considerable ability to develop strategies, policies and procedures that promote and implement the goals and objectives of the otganization. Considerable ability to select, train and motivate sta£f, including volunteers. Considerable ability tc create cooperative relationships with program participants, civic and private organizations and the general public. Considerable ability to promote parks and recreation programs through the preparation and distribution of promotional materials and through public I•7:`;i: .��I�i:7�p;i_�74���fu/�s�GQ� J Page 3 PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER 6� ��s speaking engagements. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelors degree and seven years of experience in a Public Parks and Recreation agency or equivalent. At least three years of such exper=ence must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity. (No substitutior £or education.) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER ORIGINAL rresentea Referred To 1 An Administrative Resolution changing the 2 rate of pay for PARK AND RECREATION MANAGER 3 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Council File # 00' �a,s Green Sheet # 10332 _ Committee Date 4 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of PARK AND RECREATION MANAGER be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 23, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees 6 Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensation in the Sa1ary Plan and Rates of Compensation; 7 to Grade 26, Section IC4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standazd Range of Compensation in 8 the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it 9 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 10 period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � App � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA a� Requested by Department oL Office of Hiuuan Resources By: � � �� Form A oved by City Attorney By. ����.�!" � 2�'�i �o. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � � � i�� i�i�� �� z�l� G:VShared�Team1VS117DIES�RES.pkmgers.wpd Adopted by Council: Date S o o t, DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE IlVITfATED `o S Office of Humau Resources 1/1/31 GREEN SHEET No.:10332 00- 3i CONTACT PC� RSON & YHOPiL: ,�, Il � 117,�uppTg 1VIiChel�e LeBOW 266-6514 inrsaxxns�rr Dm} a crrrmvivcu, Mark Robertson 266-6471 ''�'��D �� lY[7D�ERFOR 24TYAT1oRNl>Y CITYnsuv ROUfING ORDER PGIANQALSER.VDIlt £AtANQALSEkV/ACC1G 3MAYpA(OBASST) //��/� Z �ci/ � �1IISf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATk� As soon as possible TOTAL # OF SI6NAT'URE PAGES 2 (CLIp ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) J acriox�Quss�tu: Approval of the resolution to establish the upgiade in Park and Recreation Manager to Grade 26 of the Supetvisory Range of Compensation in ihe salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RHCOMHfRNDATIONS: Appxove (A) o: Rejwt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS hi[7ST ANSWER THE FOLIAWIL�TG QUESS70NS: 1. F7astivsPason/&m'.everurorkedunderacoNmccfortL�sdepaztment? _PLANN Yes No � i = CIBCO.Mi.II11BE 2. HavHuspe[sadFwneverbeenacityamployee? CNII.SERVICECOMIvIISSION yys No � _ 3. Does�iePe:son/fivnpossessaskillnotnovnallypossesudbyanycursent<ityemployee� Yes No 4 Is this pasoNfian a tazgetedvandoy! Yes No — Ezplain x1I yes answers on sepante sheet and atfachto greensLeet L�ITTATING YROBLEM, ISSi7E, OPPORTUMTY (Who, WLaf, When, Where, Why): Establish appropriate compensaflon which appropriately reflects the increase in duries and responstbilites of Park and Itecreation � Mana,gexs. � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVF.D: � The Ciry will provide Park and Recteation Managers withthe appropriate compensation based on a compensation study conducted by � Human Resonrces staff. 1 , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROV"ED: NONE. DISADVAIVTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � Pazk and Recreation Mana.gers will not be adequately compensated for the increase duties and responsbilities in their jobs. TOTAL AMOiJNT OF 'I'RANSACTION: 29,005.71/year COST/REVENUE &UDGETED: YES FUNDING SOURCE: r,md s25-osis3 -� p��, ACTIVITY NUNTBER: N/A fund 325-23123 —revenues, special services, fiuu1325-23102 —recreationprogram support ��S�r�� �ny�4�a fund 325-23104 — foreshy support kTNANCIAL INFOItMATTON: (EXPI,AIN) �Cd��y ��°��'� �°� F r+, ,� �, G:VShared�Team1�STUDI6S�grncheetP�B� R'Pd � •• � ��� �d +� Zli� U AS OFfiCE OFHUMANI2ESOURCES JohnHami/tan. Jirecmr crrY aF san�rr Paur. Norm Coieman, .�fayar Daie Februaruy 23, 2000 400Ciryr7aII?�rnez 25 WestFourtlt Streef jmntPm�7,Minnesota �:102-1631 Union Saint Paul Supervisors Organization 8, 4 Street East, Ste. 200 St. Paul, MN SS1Q2 Dear Helga Kessler: C)O - �a5 TeZephone: 651-2666500 1DDffT'Y: 65Z-266-6501 Jobllrte: 65i-266-6502 ?ac.eimile: 1 a Optl on: 651-292-6414 2°tOption: 651-292-64I5 3'� Optiox: 651-292-7656 It has been determined that the Pazk and Recreation Manager position should be upgraded from grade 23 to grade 26 in the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization. Please notify me wit.�in twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you withiu tha# timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. Sincereiy, �����,�J�� l�ickelle LeBow Office of Human Resources I hereby waive the time rP**� ;n;ng on this 2fl day notice for the purpose of revising this title and class specification. I�,��_ G:4Shmed�l'aamZ 120DAfl2od¢y.pkmmiger.vnsonwpd Date � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: CODE: 287A BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: 60 -�as PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statemeat of Duties: ?erforms highly responsible supervisory and administYative work planning, directing and evaluating a major functional area of the Parks and Recreation Division. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Suoervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, geneYal superdision over all parks and recreation employees either directly or through subordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by alI positions in this class. Determines needs, sets priorities, prepares and recommends the budget or coordinates the budget preparation process for the functional area of Yesponsibility. Recruits, interviews, trains, advises, develops, evaluates and disciplines employees; assigns and reviews work and adjusts grievances. Develops short and long range plans for unit activities and assists with organization-wide strategic planning and defining the mission of the organization. ➢evelops, approves and implements policies axtd procedures. Establishes overall standards for operations, functions or services. Determines community needs, interests and desires for services; assesses available resources; and develops and implements programs or operations to address them as appropriate. Determ-aes puzchasing needs, writes specifications for purchases, negotiates with vendors and awards contracts and oversees budget expenditures and inventories. Promotes Parks and Recreation activi*_ies and services to the community. Negotiates and evaluates contractual agreements for products and services. (continued on revex'se side) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITI.E OF CLASS: p[�gKg AND RECREATION MANAGER Develops and/or assists in developing council resolutions, legislation and rules and regulations. Locates funding sources; works with private groups for cooperative ventures. Represents the Parks and Recreation Division on City-wide committees, boards, for�s and at public meetings. Prepares periodic and annual reports and recommendations as needed. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current management, supervisory and leadership principles. Considerable knowledge of the theory and techniques related to the planning and directing of parks and recreation programs. Considerable lmowledge of the equipment, material, rules and regulations involved in sports and recreation activities. Working knowledge of machines, equipment and materials used in the maintenance of park property and their safe use. Working knowledge of the City Ordinances and Policies related to Parks and Recreation activities. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, printer and a cop ier . Considerable ability to understand the process used to identify customer needs and develops services and policies to meet those needs. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to objectively evaluate programs and clearly report those evaluations. Considerable ability to develop strategies, policies and procedures that promote and implement the goals and objectives of the organization. Considerable ability to select, train and motivate staff, including volunteers. Considerable ability to create cooperative relationships with program participants, civic and private organizations and the general public. Considerable ability to promote parks and recreation programs through the preparation and distribution of promotional materials and through public , PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER b ' PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: speaking engagements. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 3 A bachelors degxee and seven years of expezience in a Public Parks and Recreation agency oY equivalent. At least three years of such experience must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity. (No substitution £or education_) oo-aa. s PARKS AND REGREATION MANAGER CLASSIFICAT'ION STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Incumbents: Department: Date Studied: Studied By: Park and Recreation Manager Position Judy Barr, Vince Gillespie, Rich Lallier Parks and Recreation January 18,1999 Michelle LeBow APPROVAL OF THE CORE CONSULTING SERVICES MANAGER DATEa BACKGROUND OO -�1,5 The positions were studied to determine appropriate level of compensation. The position was last studied 14 years ago and during that time period the scope of job assignments have involved increased responsibility and complexity. The job has evolved to include higlily complex projects and handle issues which aze not clearly governed by existing policies and established practices; wherein incumbents establish and interpret policies and procedure. STTJIDY COMPONEN'I'S Review of the job profile. Interview with the incumbents and immediate supervisors, including Director of Pazk and Recreation Comparison to related classifications and position. QES evaluation and analysis. POSITION DESCRIPTION The incumbeut's positions studied have increased in size and complexity of budgets, services and facilities haue increased draznatically over the last 14 years. The knowledge, skills and abilities required to effectively manage lazge, diverse and complicated sections ha�e also changed over the same time period. The contacts with the public, development of partnerslups and agreements and responsibility to interacting with groups outside the Division has also increased. In addition, the organization has grown at the same time two senior management positions (Superintendent of Programmi_n_g and Superintendent of Maintenance) were cut from the budget). Both the responsibilities and the workload haue been absorbed by the remaining Pazks and Recreation Managers. The specific responsibilities of Chis position include: O o—aa5 I. Direct the overall operation of a section for the Parks and Recrearion Division. (20%) 1. develop program goals and objectives for muitiple programs and activities. 2, develop annual workplans and track progress. 3. evaluate program effectiveness. 4, identify and implement program changes. 5. deploy resources as needed for the operaiion of the section. 6. identify and cosect problems. 7. work collabozatively on projects that involve 2 or more sections. II Manage section budgets and multiple programs and activities. (20%) 1. prepare operating budget and financing plans for programs, activities and facilities. 2. monitor budget e�enditures and reyenues. 3. ensure the cost-effective delivery of services and opera�ion of facilities. 4. recommend capital improvement budgets to maintain, upgrade and develop parks and recreation facilities. III Manage human resources to deliver services to the public and supporE Division activiYies. (20%) 1. recruit, interview, train, motivate and evaluate staf� 2. coach and develop employees. 3. instruct staff on duties, work assignments and ea�pectations. 4. monitors and adxninisters contracts and Civil Service nxles. 5. investigates employee conduct. 6. recruit and train volunteers and intems to assist with section and Division activities. IV Estabiish policies, procedures, standards, pricing, etc. for prog�'ams, services and facilities. (10%) 1. identi£y needed policies, procedures, standards. 2. develop and commuuicate, as needed. 3. review and modify pricing for services and facilities. 4, ensures compliance. 5, determines wheYhea section activities aze consistent with established policies, procedures and standazds. V. Manage major projects for new services, fac►lities and/or partnerships. (10%) 1. prepare recommendations and reports. 2. develop project steps, timelines, financing, etc. 3. develop agreements, as needed. 4. represent the Division at meetings. '�fl ^��S VI Establishes and maintains cooperative relationships with other organizations. (10%) 1. Esiablishes and staffs support groups and non-profit orgauizations who aze responsible for fundraising and marketing division facilities . 2. Works with community and neighborhood groups (district planning councils, Friends ofParks, Parks Commission). 3. Meets with various organizations to develop a plan for service delivery. 4. Evatuates relationship with other organization to insure goals of each group are being met. VII Manages contracts and agreements necessary to carry out Section and Divfision operations. (5°!0) 1. writes specifications for purchases;, develops requests for proposals. 2. negotiates contracts. 3. ensures contract compliance. 4. monitors delivery of contract services. 5. Investigates background (fivancial and other) of potential vendors for Pazks facilities. VIII Identifies key trends, opportunities and directnon for parlis and recreation programs and services. (5%) 1. identify and implement new services as warranted. 2. eliminate or reduce services as needed. 3. evaluate opportunities to meet community needs. 4. communicates vision and direction to staff, the public and partners. 5. analyze data about service and facility usage to determine operation, fees and need. IX Making oral presentations to ciiizen groups, Civic Leaders, City Council and others about programs, procedures and needed funding. i. Do the necessary research work on a project so a cleaz presentation may be made. 2. Defend programs, procedure or funding need to elected officials and citizen groups. 3. Establish "buy-in" from the above groups on information or request being presented. CLASSIFICA'IZON CQMPARISON OO ,�.5 CLASS SPECIF'ICATION COMPARISONS: The duties were compared to the Principai Designer, Program Aduvvistrator, Afiministration Manager —Public Works, and Assistant City Engineer class specifications. The duties of the studied positions are comparable to the Principal Designer and Program Administrator. The duties of the studied position is not compazable to the Administration Manage: Principal Designer: The Priacipal Designer class specification best describes the complexity and level of responsibility of the Park and Recreation Manager as a supervisor and in overseeing Iuge- scale projecis, deteimining work priorities, and assigning resources and staff. Program Administrator: The Program Adnunistrator class specificauon describes highly responsible initiation, direction and supervision of departmental activities and policies and reseazch on city-wide issues, budget prepazation, grant and funding trends to prepare opera4ing costs. AdministrationManager—PublicWorks: The AdministrationManger—PublicWorksmanages the administration division of the department, which takes caze of all the support services of the Department. Administration Manager position performs highiy responsible mauagerial work similaz to the position in question, however the work involves a wider range of unrelated fields or services that is more technical and specialized in civil engineering. Therefore, the Administration Manager position is not compazable to the position in question. Library Services Manager: Performs lugher levei managerial work involving the short and long range planning, provides support to the division head, directing and evaluating the activities of the library and is a higher rank than the position in question. The Library Services Manager supervises four management level positions and the daily operation of the entire library system. Therefore, the position in question is not comparable to the Library Services Manager. POSITION CONiPARISON: The duties of the posilion in question are not exactly the same as the duties of the compazable positions of Principai Designer and Program Administrator. However, the areas of responsibalities between the two positions that would be comparable aze in regazd to section management, staff supervision, intra and inter-departmental liaison, internal communication, and administrative fixuctions such as budgeting, funding, data and information dissemination for grant research and decision makin�. COMPARISON TO OTHER POSIIZONS The followiug studies were consulted: I Principal Designer - 1994 II Program Administrator - 1995 III Administration Manager — Public Works — 1991 N Library Services Manager — 1988 QES EVALUATION 0 o aa.5 The QES analysis supports upgrading the Pazk and Recreation Manager title to grade 26 in SPSO. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the positions held by 3udy Barr, V'mce Crillespie and Rich Lallier should be upgraded in the Pazk and Recreation Manager class be upgraded from grade 23 in SPSO to grade 26 in SPSO. � CODE: 287A BU: 09 �a �� EFFECTIVE: 08/14/97 TITLE OF CLASS: PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Per£orms highly responsible supervisory and administrative work pianning, directing and evaluaiing a major functional area o£ the Paxks and Recreation Division. Supervision Received: Works under the administrative direction of the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, general supervision over all parks and recreation employees either directly or thxough suhordinate supervisors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Determines needs, sets priox'ities, prepares and reco�ends the budget or coordinates the budget preparation process for the functioaal area of responsibility. Recruits, interviews, trains, advises, develops, evaluates and disciplines employees; assigns and reviews work and adjusts grievances. Develops short and long range plans for unit activiLies and assists with organization-wide strategic planning and defining the mission of the oxganization. Develops, approves and implements policies and procedures. Establishes overall standards for operations, functions or services. Deter[nines community needs, interests and desires for services; assesses available resources; and develops and implements programs or operations to address them as appropriate. Determines purchasing needs, writes specifications for purchases, negotiates with vendors and awards contracts and oversees budget expenditures and inventories. Promotes Parks and Rec'reation activities and services to che community. Negotiates and evaluates contractual agreements for products and services. (continued on x'everse side) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Page 2 PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER Develops and/or assists in developing council resolutions, legislation and rules and regulations, Locates £unding sources; works with private groups £or cooperative venLUres. Represents the Parks and Recreation Division on City-wide committees, boards, £orums and ac public meetings. Prepares periodic and annual reports and reco�endations as needed. KNOWI.EDGE, SKTLLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of current management, supervisory and leadership pxinciples. Considerable knowledge of the theory and'techniques related to the planning and directing o£ pazks and recreation programs. Considerable knowledge of the equipment, material, rules and regulations involved in sports and recreation activities. Working knowledge of machines, equipment and materials used in the maintenance o£ park property and their safe use. Working knowledge of the City Ordinances and Policies related to Parks and Recreation activities. Working skill in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, printer and a copier. Considerable abiZity to understand the process used to identify customer needs and develops services and policies ta meet those needs. Considerable ability to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to objectively evaluate programs and clearly report those evaluations. Considerable ability to develop strategies, policies and procedures that promote and implement the goals and objectives of the otganization. Considerable ability to select, train and motivate sta£f, including volunteers. Considerable ability tc create cooperative relationships with program participants, civic and private organizations and the general public. Considerable ability to promote parks and recreation programs through the preparation and distribution of promotional materials and through public I•7:`;i: .��I�i:7�p;i_�74���fu/�s�GQ� J Page 3 PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER 6� ��s speaking engagements. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelors degree and seven years of experience in a Public Parks and Recreation agency or equivalent. At least three years of such exper=ence must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity. (No substitutior £or education.) PARKS AND RECREATION MANAGER