280351 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCIl ������ PINK - FINANCE �� � � ��,, GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 1 �C uncil Resolution Presented By ��d�'r��¢ � Referred To �) h�h�'e Committee: Date � 3��� Out of Committee By Date An admini strati.ve Re solution e stabli shing new titles and class specifications in the Civil Service Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K by placing a star j�) before the title of Extension Services Supervisor in Grade 20, and by addi.ng at the bottom of the page the following statement: "This tit].e is abolished except as to present incumbents. " ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 3.K by inserting the titles of Public Services Manager and Technical Se rvi ce s Manage r in G rade 21; and be it FINALLY RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by striking out the class specificati.on for Extension Services Super- visor and by i.nserting, in proper alphabeti.cal order, the attached specifications for the new title s of Public Se rvice s Manage r and Te chnical Se rvice s Mamage r. Approved: Civil Servic Commission Chai rman COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays � Ga11� PERSO �1V L O CE Masanz � [n Favor Nicosia ��,� scne�be� __ Against BY �°°�' MAY 2 4 1g83 Form rove y C' rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certifie assed Cou .il S etary . B r By � t�p ro e by Mavor. D �'IAY 2 6 19�3 Approved y Mayor for Submi sion to C ncil B _ By �12 �, � , PUBLISHED JUN 4 1983 (� Title of class: • _ . ������� , PUB�;IC SERVICES rSANAGER ' DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible management and pro£es- sional work in planning, directing and coordinating the library's public service program; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direczion of a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Public Services personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in � this class. Plans, directs and coordinates the resources, services and programs of all public service agencies. Evaluates policies, procedures, equipment, staff, collection and building needs of public service agencies and recommends changes that will increase the effectiveness of the public service progra�a. Participates in the selection of public service staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates performance. Participates in establishing Library policies, standards, goals, objectives and budgets; develops and monitors public services budget and develops � goals and policies consistent with overall Library objectives. Develops and directs the development of programs and services to meet community needs. Directs the selection of material for public service agencies. Meets with professional and community organizations and the general public to ascertain community needs, to increase awareness of library services and to encourage cooperative efforts. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. Pro�ects future needs in collection, facilities and services and develops long range plans to meet them. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of library principles, practices and trends with expert knowledge of the management of public service programs. Considerable ability to p1an, organize and delegate work and to train and evaluate employees. Considerable knowledge of the principles of management and supervisory techniques. Considerable ability to deal tactfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, library staff, city administrators and library patrons. Considerable ability to communicate effect'ively both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College degree with a major in library science and two years' experience as a L;.brarian IV or equivalent. Title of class: • � TECH"i1ICAL SERVICES r1ANAGER t')C,�����'� �!.'. ; : �2 ,• DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible manageMent and profes- sional work in planning, directing and coordinating the technical support services of the Library Division; and perforn:s related duties as required. Supervision Received: �Jorks under the general guidance and direction of �a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administratide supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Technical Services Personnel. TYPIC.4L DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in tnis class. Plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the support services of the library system such as data processing, acquisitions, cataloguing, bibliographic controls and processing. Directs the developm.ent of automated systems for the Library Division; advises Library management on automation requirements; coordinates Library Electronic Data Processing activities with City Wide Data Processing and Metropolitan Library Services Agency (MELSA) . Supervises the collection and processing of data and the preparation of Management Information reports. Develops, implements and evaluates new methods and procedures. Prepares or supervises preparation of specifications and evaluates bids f or the purchase of equipment, �aterials and services. Advises and assists public service and building maintenance agency managers in obtaining timely and effective support services which meet the needs of their agencies. Participates in the selection of technical services staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates performance. Participates in establishing Library policies, goals, objectives and budgets; develogs and monitors technical services budget and develops goals and policies consistent with overall Library objectives. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. K:�10[,TLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable kno�aledge of library principles, practices and trends �vith thorough knowledge of technical services functions. Expert knowledge of computer hardware and software systems which pertain to library operations, especially automated circulation control systems. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tactfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, agency managers, city administrators and the public. MINI�N:f QUAI,TFICATIONS College degree o�ith a major in library science and th: �e years' exper.ienc� as a Librarian III or equivalent which included responsibility for developing and managing automated technical services systems. Title of class: - . ' �.r. r� -�`--� �?"�;�i+b,��., TEC�u�r,,aL s�.,;���s r��:��GE� DESCRI?TION Or WOR�; General Stater.;ent of Duties: Perforns responsible management and prefes- sional work in planning, directir.o and coordinating the technical support services of the Library Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Technical Services Personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID ' The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the support services of the library system such as data processing, acquisitions, cataloguing, bibliographic controls and processing. Directs the development of automated systems for the Library Division; advises Library management on automation requirements; coordinates Library Electronic Data Processing activities with City tJide Data Processing and Metropolitan Library Services Agency (MELSA) . Supervises the collection and processing of data and the preparation of ' Management Information reports. Develops, implements and evaluates new methods and procedures. Prepares or supervises preparation of specifications and evaluates bids for the purchase of equipment, materials and services. Advises and assists public service and building maintenance agency managers in obtaining timely and effective support services which meet the needs of their agencies. Participates in the selection of technical services staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates performance. Participates in establishing Library policies, goals, ob�ectives and budgets; develops and manitors technical services budget and develops goals and policies consistent with overall Library objectives. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. K1v0�1L,EDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of library principles, practices and trends with thorough knowledge of technical services functions. Expert kno�aledge of computer hardware and software systems which pertain to Iibrary operations, especially automated circulation control systems. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tacCfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, agency managers, city administrators and the public. MINIMUM QUAI.:ZFZCATIONS . College degree with a major in library science and tt�:ee years' experienc�� as a Librarian III or equivalent which included responsibility for develeping and managing automated technical services systems. Title of class: • � , ' � ��'���� TEC�:ICAL SERVICES �1�ti�iAGER �` ' � f � DESCRIPTION OF WOR�: General Stater:ent of Duties: Performs responsible manager:ent and profes- sional �aork in planning, directin; and coordinating the technical support services of the Library Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or unit head. Supervisi�n Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over alI Technical Services Personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED ' The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the support services of the library system such as data processing, acquisitions, cataloguing, bibliographic controls and processing. Directs the developrzent of automated systems for the Library Division; advises Library management on automation requirements; coordinates Library Electronic Data Processing activities with City Wide Data Processing and Metropolitan Library Services Agency (MELSA) . Supervises the collection and processing of data and the preparation of � Management Information reports. Develops, implements and evaluates new methods and procedures. Prepares or supervises preparation of specifications and evaluates bids for the purchase of equipment, �aterials and services. Advises and assists public service and building maintenance agency managers in obtaining timely and effective support services wfiich meet the needs of their agencies. Participates in the selection of technical services staff, assigns and reviews �oork, directs staff training and development and evaluates performance. Participates in establishing Library policies, goals, objectives and budgets; develops and monitors technical services budget and develops goals and policies consistent with overall Library objectives. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. K1vOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable kno�aledge of library principles, practices and trends �aith thorough knowledge of techn�cal services functions. Expert knowledge of computer hardware and software systems which p.ertain to library operations, especially automated circulation control systems. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in cariting. Considerable ability to deal tactfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, agency managers, city adninistrators and the public. MINIMUM QL'pLIFICATIONS College degree with a m� ;or in library scitn�e and three years' experience as a Librarian IIi or equivalent which included responsibility for developing and managing automated technical services systems. Title of class: • . . ,�`�����1 . , . TEC��IIC�L SERVICES TIANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WOP.K General Stater.ient of Duties: Performs responsible management and profes- sional work in planning, directino and coordinating the technical support services of the Library Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: t�lorks under the general guidance and directicn of a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Technical Services Personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED ' The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the support services of the library system such as data processing, acquisitions, cataloguing, bibliographic controls and processing. Directs the development of automated systems for the Library Division; advises Library management on automation requirements; coordinates Library Electronic Data Processing activities with City Wide Data Processing and Metropolitan Library Services Agency (MELSA) . Supervises the collection and processing of data and the preparation of � Management Information reports. Develops, irnplements and evaluates new methods and procedures. Prepares or supervises preparation of specifications and evaluates bids for the purchase of equipment, materials and services. Advises and assists public service and building maintenance agency managers in obtaining timely and effective support services which meet the needs of their agencies. Participates in the selection of technical services staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates perf ortnance. Participates in establishing Library policies, goals, ob,jectives and budgets; develops and monitors technical services budget and develops goals and p.olicies consistent with overall Library objectives. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS.AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of library principles, practices and trends �aith thorough knowledge of technical services functions. Expert knowledge of computer hardware and software systems which pertain to library operations, especially automated circul.ation control systems. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to comiaunicate effectively both orally and in �ariting. Considerable ability to deal tactfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, agency managers, city administrators and the public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College c ��gree with a major i: library science and three years' experience " as a Librarian IIT or equi�alent which included responsibility for developing and managing automated technical services systems. � � Title of class: � � ���E���g. . PUBLIC SERVICES MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible manager�ent and profes- sional work in planning, directing and coordinating the library's public service program; and perfornts related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of`a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all ` Public Services personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED - � The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all posit�ons in this class. Plans, directs and coordinates the resources, services and programs of all public service agencies. Evaluates policies, procedures, equipment, staff, collection and building needs of public service agencies and recommends changes that will increase the effectiveness of the public service program. Participates in the selection of public service staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates performance. Participates in establishing Library policies, standards, goals, objectives and budgets; develops and monitors public services budget and develops goals and policies consistent with overall Library objectives. Develops and directs the development of programs and services to meet community needs. Directs the selection of material for public service agencies. Meets with professional and community organizations and the general public to ascertain community needs, to increase awareness of library services and to encourage cooperative efforts. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. Pro3ects future needs in collection, facilities and services and develops long range plans to meet them. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of library principles, practices and trends with expert knowledge of the management of public service programs. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work and to train and evaluate employees. Considerable knowledge of the principles of management and supervisory techniques. Considerable ability to deal tactfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, library staff, city administrators and library patrons. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College degree with a rnajor in library science and two years' experience as a Librsrian IV or equi,valent. Tit1e of class: . PUB�,IC SERVICES MANAGER ,C�',������. DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible management and profes- sional work in planning, directing and coordinating the library's public service program; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: td�rks under the general guidance and direction of a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Public Services personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in � this class. Plans, directs and coordinates the resources, services and programs of all public service agencies. Evaluates policies, procedures, equipment, staff, collection and building needs of public service agencies and recommends changes that will increase the effectiveness of the public service program. Participates in the selection of public service staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates performance. Participates in establishing Library policies, standards, goals, ob�ectives and budgets; develops and monitors public services budget and develops ` goals and policies consistent with overall Library objectives. Develops and directs the development of programs and services to meet community needs. Directs the selection of material for public service agencies. Meets with professional and community organizations and the general public to ascertain community needs, to increase awareness of library services and to encourage cooperative efforts. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. Pro�ects future needs in collection, facilities and services and develops long range plans to meet them. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND A.BILITIES Thorough knowledge of library principles, practices and trends with expert knowledge of the management of public service programs. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work and to train and evaluate employees. Considerable knowledge of the principles of management and supervisory techniques. Considerable ability to deal tacrfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, library staff, city administrators and library patrons. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College degree with a major in library science and two years' experience as a Librarian IV or equivalent. Title of class: . � n������ , PUBL'IC SERVICES MANAGER �' ' DESCRIPTIOti OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible management and profes- sional work in planning, directing and coordinating the library's public service program; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all ` Public Services personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, directs and coordinates the resources, services and programs of all public service agencies. Evaluates policies, procedures, equipment, staff, collection and building needs of public service agencies and recommends changes that will increase the effectiveness of the public service program. Participates in the selection of public service staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates performa.nce. Participates in establishing Library policies, standards, goals, objectives and budgets; develops and monitors public services budget and develops goals and policies consistent with overall Library objectives. Develops and directs the development of programs and services to meet connunity needs. Directs the selection of material for public service agencies. Meets with professional and community organizations and the general public to ascertain community needs, to increase awareness of library services and to encourage cooperative efforts. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. Projects future needs in collection, facilities and services and develops long range plans to meet them. IGti'O�r'I�EDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of library principles, practices and trends with expert knowledge of the management of public service programs. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work and to train and evaluate employees. Considerable knowledge of the principles of management and supervisory techniques. Consi.derable ability to deal tactfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, library staff, city administrators and library patrons. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. T1I.�L'�fU?`i QUr�LIFICATIONS College degree with a major in library science and two years' experience as a Llb��rian IV or equivalent. � ;TE - C�T. CLE�K Q � . .,r _ ' ' � �. 7���� - _ �,,� ,- -�:,� _'�. '� �'1 ����s�T�. Counc�l � ,� , _ -- � �i � �' x � >_. ,. e _ . _. � File �0. CITY CLERK �'�����1 ��s�lu��on �'-esented i��.� Referred To Committee: Date � Ouc of Committee By Date -- , .A.n admini strati.ve Re solution e stabli shing new titles and class specifications in the Civil Service Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3.K by placi.ng a star (�) before the title of Extension Services Supervisor in Grade 20, and by addi.ng at the bottom of the page the following statement: '`Thi s �Eitle i s aboli shed except a s to pre sent incumbents. " ; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 3.K by inserting the titles of Public 5ervices Manager and Technical Se xvi ce s Manage r in G rade 21; and be it FINALI�Y RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by striki.ng out the class specification for Extension Services Super- visor and by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, tlie attached specifications for the new title s of Public Se rvice s Manage r and Te chnical Se rvice s Manage r. ; Approved: Civil Service Commission Chai rma.n COUNCILI�IEN t eas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcher PERSONNEL OFFICE �ati� � [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�nei _ Against gY Tedesco Wiison Forr.: F.pproved by City Attorney :'�dopted by C,uncil: Date . Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B: _ '�• c�roved b� �la�:or: Date _____.__ Approved �y Mayor for Submission to Council `c�. __ . -- -------------------------- _----- �y — Title of class: � ' �� - - � 2�� ��� PUBLIC SERVICES MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible management and profes- sional work in planning, directing and coordinating the library's public service program; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Public Services personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, directs and coordinates the resources, services and programs of all public service agencies. Evaluates policies, procedures, equipment, staff, collection and building needs of public service agencies and recommends changes that will increase the effectiveness of the public service program. Participates in the selection of public service staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates performance. Participates in establishing Library policies, standards, goals, objectives and budgets; develops and monitors public services budget and develops goals and policies consistent with overall Library ob�ectives. Develops and directs the development of programs and services to meet community needs. Directs the selection of material for public service agencies. Meets with professional and community organizations and the general public to ascertain community needs, to increase awareness of library services and to encourage cooperative efforts. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. Pro3ects future needs in collection, facilities and services and develops long range plans to meet them. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of library principles, practices and trends with expert knowledge of the management of public service programs. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work and to train and evaluate employees. Considerable knowledge of the principles of management and supervisory techniques. Considerable ability to deal tactfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, library staff, city administrators and library patrons. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College degree with a ma�or in library science and two years' experience as a Librarian IV or equivalent. i a • � Title of class: . ,• � "''-������� TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible management and profes- sional work in planning, directing and coordinating the technical support services of the Library Division; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general technical and administrative supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Technical Services Personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the support services of the library system such as data processing, acquisitions, cataloguing, bibliographic controls and processing. Directs the development of automated systems for the Library Division; advises Library management on automation requirements; coordinates Library Electronic Data Processing activities with City Wide Data Processing and Metropolitan Library Services Agency (MELSA) . Supervises the collection and processing of data and the preparation of Management Information reports. Develops, implements and evaluates new methods and procedures. Prepares or supervises preparation of specifications and evaluates bids for the purchase of equipment, materials and services. Advises and assists public service and building maintenance agency managers in obtaining timely and effective support services which meet the needs of their agencies. Participates in the selection of technical services staff, assigns and reviews work, directs staff training and development and evaluates performance. Participates in establishing Library policies, goals, ob�ectives and budgets; develops and monitors technical services budget and develops goals and policies consistent with overall Library ob�ectives. Prepares reports and conducts special studies as requested. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of library principles, practices and trends with thorough knowledge of technical services functions. Expert knowledge of computer hardware and software systems which pertain to library operations, especially automated circulation control systems. Considerable ability to plan, organize and delegate work. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tactfully with and secure the cooperation of subordinates, agency managers, city administrators and the public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College degree with a ma3or in library science and three years' experience as a Librarian III or equivalent which included responsibility for developing and managing automated technical services systems. � .� �Pe rsonnel Office DEPART(,tENT . . Bernard P. Wright r.ONTACT .' '�" '"����� . 298-4221 PHONE April 12, 198 3 DATE - �v�� �� , . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) � Assign Nurr�er for Routinq Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signatu� � ,.-i� : artment Di r�ctor ? City Attorney_ 3 Da��e t� 4-i� �� ment/Ma`yor Finance and. Management Services Director ��C�'I���� : City Clerk . AP� "� ; �,. _;� -___, Budget Di rector �a�'�'p°'�: '� , �. . � � What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This resolution will',establish the ti.tles a.nd class specificati.ons for Public $ervices Manager and Techn.ical Services Manager i.n Grade 21 of Secti.on 3.� ;(Professional- �iministrati.ve Supervisors-Graded) of the Civi1� Service Rules. Bot1i pos�.tions are in the Library Division. The Public Services Ma.nager class will replace the class of Extension 5ervices Supervisor, Grade 20, which is to be starred (*) abolished except as to present incum�ents. The Teehnical Services Manager class will replace a positi.on currently allocated to Librarian IV (grade 18). , These changes reflect the current Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: organizational plans for the Library. Grade 21, Schedule D . . ' A B C D E F G l0 yr. 15 yr. 1118.5 1164.6 1210. 7 1272. 1 1336.4 1404.8 1474. 0 1518. 7 1564. 1 $29, 182. 0 a,nnually 40, 808.0 Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged�or Credited: Grade 20 Schedule D 108 . 3 1130. 3 l I 75. 7 12 35. 1 12 9 7. 7 136 2. 9 14 31.4 1474. 0 1518. 1 $28, 342. 0 39,606. 0 Attachments (List and Number all Attachrr�nts): G rade 18 Sche dule D 023.5 10 4.0 110 . 2 1163. 9 1221. 8 1284. ? 1349.0 1390. 2 1429. 3 $26, 702. 0 37, 290. 0 - 1. R.e soluti.on . . 2. Co for Ci Cle rk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�t . ? ? �' Yes No Yes � No Counc�l Resolutian Requ�red. Resolution Requ�red. Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � Na �/�-- Yes No Insurance Attached? . . Revision of October, 1982 (SPp RPVprsP Sicl� for 'Instructians) - -- ._ ._...,r.�..,.T._.,�.�.,a.,.�.�,�.�.,� ._...........n..�.....� _ ,�-. .. � � •� ' �`��a�•�� • Title of class: EXTENSION SERVICES SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTTON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible professi,onal and supervisory work in planning and directing the day-to-day operation of the library system's Extension units; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance aad direction of the Library Services Manager or Division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises general supervision directly and through subordinate supervisors over all Extension personnel. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the daq-to-day operation of all branch iibraries, bookmobiles, the Co�unitq Relations Office, Video Communication Center and related Extension agencies. � Maintains contact directly or through Extension agency supervisors with co�unity organizations to ascertain communitq needs, to iacrease their awareness of Library services and to encourage cooperative efforts. Formulates with L�xtension agency supervisors programs and sernices to meet community needs. Evaluates equipment, staff, collection and building needs of Extension ageacies and recommends changes and improvements. Assists in developing budget to meet materials, staff and equipment needs. Oversees Extension collection development and works with Aequisitions Librarian and Central supervisors to insure attainment of standards. Directs implementation of I.ibrary policies and procedures within Extension agencies. Provides direction to and guidance of $stension supervisors while evaluating their performance. Assists in selection and assignment of library personnel. Repxesents Extension agencies and cooxdinates their activities with other Library agencies. Plans and coordinates staff in-service trainiag and continuing education for all library employees. • KNOWLEDGES, SRILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable laiowledge of library principles, practices and trends. (continued on reverse side) � Effective February 17, 1979 EXTENSION SERVICES SUPERVISOR - � . ."Y. . " /� . EXTENSION SERVICES SUPERVISOR • (continued) - Coasiderable knowledge of principles of management and supervisory techniques. Working kaowledge of public relations techniques. Considerable skill in communicating with others orally and in writing. Considerable ability to evaluate commuaity needs and develop methods of providing service. Considerable ability to plan, orgaaize and set ob3ectives and priorities. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Col.lege graduation with a ma3or in Library Science and 7 yea.rs' professional library e�perience, at least two years of which must have been in a branch library aad at least two years of which must have been $t the Librarian III level or equivalent. • • . 4 � �,������` � CITY OF �SAINT 1�11UL �'����° t� � � ,� OFFIC� OF TH� CITY COIINCIL ..,.o.:. IZ - '.,�.{.",'�::.�.,. �:. ti...►'�., � -� D a t e . May ]�S, 198 3 ` . . COMM (TTEE :: RE PORT - T4 = Saint Pqu I City Counci! F R O M = C o rn m i r t e e O h F�NANCE, MANAGEMENT F� PERSONAL C H A I R James Scheibel 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held May S, 1983. 2. Resolution revising the class s ecs for the title of Veh' �te �G� Supervisor. (Personal) � �� ��r � �� �� 3. Resoli�tion approving a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Sfi. Paul and Carpenters District Council. (Personnel) �p�I''OVL°� �J( Resolution establishing new title and class specs for Extension Services �� Supervisor. (Personnel) �p�roved. �'� �'— � �� . 5. Resolution establishing .title and class specs for Microcomputer Repairperson. (Personnel) L�}�� OV�� 6. Resolution amending Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation for Aticrocomputer Repairperson. (Personnel) Lj�{ �� D�f EI� 7. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Ramsey County whereby the City will furnish health supervision services to individuals in their homes as requested with reimbursement from the County. (Community Services) �-P�1�DUE'aI 8. Resolution authorizing an agreement with HUD whereby HUD will grant monies in the furtherance of a study concerning innovations and public serviee financing. (Finance) �pproved 9. Resolution authorizing amendments to the 1983 General Revenue Fund Budget as outlined on the resolution. (Budget Director's Office) �}.��lrQVC'� 10. Resolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds to finance conversion of heating systems to the District Heating System. (PED) x}-p�I�QU�Q� 11. Resolution approving issuance of tax exempt revenue bonds for acquisition and remodeling of EAC Industries, Inc. (PED) �p ro U� CITY I-iALL � SEVHNTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 �.�,