280343 WHI7E - CITV GLERK •^`I■ ■YI,t�■R PINK - FIfVANCE COUIICII F,,� 1 '��j,i"� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR . FIl@ NO. City Attny/RSH . . Co nc I�e lu,tion � ' .:��� Presented By � � Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR MHFA HOUSING REHABILITATION LOAN FUNDS BY THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL WHEREAS , the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) , State of Minnesota, has been authorized to undertake a program to pro- vide loans to property owners for the purpose of housing rehab- ilitation; and WHEREAS , the City of Saint Paul has developed an applieation as an Administering Entity for the MHFA Rehabilitation Loan Program; and WHEREAS , the Dayton' s Bluff and West Side Neighborhood Housing Services , Inc. , will apply for and administer MHFA Rehabilitation Loan Program funds on behalf of Districts 4 and 3 respectively; and WHEREAS , the City of Saint Paul has demonstrated the ability to perform the required activities of the MHFA Rehabilitation Loan Program. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows : 1. City of Saint Paul staff are authorized to make application to the MHFA for a grant of funds pursuant to the Rehabilitation Loan Program. �Q.�p,ey�;�5 � �"'7°_"_"� �31075�`�—'� COUNCILMEN Requested ��`�'`-''' nt of: Yeas p�etcber Nays �e��� �`'' [n Favor Mesanz NiCOSia , Scheibel �__ Against BY Tedeseo B wlroo' y Director, ept. o inance & Management Adopted by Council: Date �Y 2 4 19� Form Approved by Cify Attorney $erVl CeS Cerlifie asse Co cil , retary By �e���� Vi� jNY`� t � � ss� �,e o�=�;'- � Q^�n t1 rov by Mavor: D MA�i .� ;," ` Approved by 1Mayor for Submi sion to Co cil By BY PUBLI E� JUN 4 1983 �