280334 WMITE - CITV CLERK (�(� (((���
PINK - FINANCE � COI1RC11 �/.�JJ�(��
CANqRV - DEPARTMENT�=���� GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO.~�,,��Z '� � '-�
Council esolu ion
� � �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Marich Construction has submitted a proposed lot split for
City Council approval ; and
WHEREAS, the pepartments of Planning and Economic Development and Public
Works have reviewed the lot split located on the north side of Summit
Avenue between pale Street and St. Albans Street, described as the "West
Parcel " and the "East Parcel " on the attached survey; and
WHEREAS, the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Section 67.304
of the Zoning Code;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accept and approve
this lot split.
COUNCILMEN Requested by L?epartment of:
Yeas Nays /
Galles �� tn Favor
Masanz �
schetbe� __ Against
Adopted by Council: Date MAY �. 9 1983 Form Ap e by ttor
Certifie as�ee��il , retary BY
Ap by ;Vlavor: Date M 1983 Ap ro y y r or S i si to Council
B By
f'iJBUSHED MAY z 8 1983
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The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing ta consider
the request of Marich Construction for a lot split located on the north
side of Summit Avenue between Dale and St. Albans Streets at about
641 Summit Avenue, on May� 19, 1983, at 10:00 a.m. in the Gity Council
Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall .
Rl Olson
City Clerk
City of Saint Paul
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„patriria .�ampc CONTACT
7494 Fxt �QO pHONE. � �
May 9, 1983 DATE ���
. (Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mialyoral Signature):
' De�•�Bi-r+rctor .
n� - Segal
3 � s �3 �3ment/Ma�yor ��C�IV�D
Fi nance and Manageanent Servi ces Di rector MAY 1 2 19�
4 City C1erk Must receive by May 12, 1983
Budget Di rector N�AYO�S OFFICE
�Ihat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
Implementation of subdivision regulations regarding lot splits. Safeguard against
creation of substandard/unbuildable lots. City Council hearing required.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel In�pacts Antici�ated:
Fee of $10.00 to cover administrative costs.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nu�er Charged or Credit�d:
General Fund
Attachments (List and Nw�er all Attachrt�nts�:
1. City Council Resolution.
2. Copy of 1ot split at 641 Summit `Ave.
3. Copy of legal notice that was published May 7, 1983.
� Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes � No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
fSpe RpvPrcP SidP for 'In5tructions)
` " E�y����•��
�,. 7 �
The Saint Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider
the request of Marich Construction for a lot split located on the north
side of Summit Avenue between Dale and St. Albans Streets at about
641 Summit Avenue, on May 19, 1983, at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council
Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall .
Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota this 4th day of May, 1983.
A1 Olson
City Clerk
Ci ty of Sai nt Paul
(rlay 7, 1983)
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CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �q�/ / ,�
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MAY 1 2 9y�3� �-
DATE: May 12, 1983 r�UNCfLMq�v� ��
TO: President Victor Tedesco � �^' `�' !� TF�ESC^ ;
Members of the City Council - , '
w � ,___-_-:�
FROM: Patricia James, City Planner � '
RE: Lot Split Review #26 - P9arich Construction
City Council Hearing: May 19, 1983
The Planning Division and the Department of Public Works have
reviewed the attached lot split pursuant to S�ction 67.304 of the
Zoning Code and have found the following:
1 . The lots have frontage on an existing improved street
and access to municipal services;
2. The lot to be divided is previously platted land;
3. The lots meet the minimum width and area standards for
construction of a two family dwelling in the RT-2 zoning
district in which they are located; (25 ft. and 3,000 sq.ft. ) ;
4. The lot division shall not create a separately described tract
which does not meet the minimum standards of the RT-2 zoning
district; and
5. The division does not result in a split zoning classification
on a single lot.
��NK �� r;N4N�CE • CITY OF SAINT �AUL Fleci1N0. ��� 33 �
�ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Marich Construction has submitted a proposed lot split for
� City Council approval; and �
WHEREAS, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public
Works have reviewed the lot split located on the north side of Summit
Avenue between Dale Street and St. Albans Street, described as the "West
Parcel" and the "East Parcel" on the attached survey; and
WHEREAS, the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Section 67.304
of the Zoning Code;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED, that the City Council accept and approve
this lot split. �
Yeas Nays Requested by Depactment of:
���BS In Favor
- Masanz
scnetbs� A gai ns t BY
Tedesco •
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yassed by Council Seccetary BY
Approved by A�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
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That part of [he folla+ing describ�d tracts of landt
Tract A: The West � of Lot 26 and all of Lot 25, Block 16, Holcombe's Addition +
to Saint Paul, according co the plat ttureof on tile in ttr oftice �
of [he County Recorder, Ramsey County� Minneaota. '
'tract B: ;hat attip of land immediately North of aaid Lot 25, mor� particularly
described aa followe:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 25; thence North 20 f�et;
thence Westerly 40 fee[; thence South 20 feet; tMace Easterly 60 f�et
to the place of beginning, �ame being that portioa of Che alley
accruing to aaid Lot 25 by reason of th� vacatioa by th� City of
Saint Paul.
lying Eaaterly of a dividing line 30 feet Easterly of and parallel with the Weat
lot line of said Lot 25 (said dividing line extended to the North line of Tract B
Together vith easements as follo�s:
Easement No. 1:
An easement for ingresa and egress over and acroaa the Weaterly 10 faet oi th�
east one-half of �aid Lot 26, and over and acro�s the following described
eeginning at the NE corner of said Lot 25; thence Northnrly 20 feet; thence
Eas[erly 30 feet; thence Southerly 20 feet; thence Westerly 30 feet [o the
place of beginning (the last deacribed part baing a portion of the alley
vscated by [he City of Saint Paul).
Easement No. 2;
� An easement for ingresa and egresa over and acrosa that part of Tract B
described above, lying Westerly of a dividing line 30 feet Easterly of and
parallel with the Westerly lot line of said Lot 25 (aaid dividing line
extended Northerly to the Northerly line of said Tract B).
And subject to an eaaement for ingreas and egrese over and acroas that part of
Ttact B deacribed above lying Easterly of • dividing line 30 feet Eaaterly o! and
parallel vith the West lot line of eaid Lot 25 (said dividing line extended North-
erly to the Northerly line of aaid Tza ct B).
It is agreed by Grantors on behalf of themselves, their heirs, auccesaor� and
aasigns, and by [he Grantee on behalf of its auccesaors and aasigns (as evidenced
by the r�cording hereof by the Grantee) that such eaeement area ia not to be
obstructed by parking or otherviae, and that the property to vhich the easement is
aubject and the property to which the easemsnt is appurtanant ehall both be equally
liable and responsible for the maintenan.ce of such easement areaa la a condition
suitable for ingreas and egreas by foot or by vehicle.
�� �MC�
That patt ot the lollaring described tracta of lands
Tract A� ?M Vast 1� ot Lot 26 and all of Lot 25, Block 16, Holcombe's Addition
to Saiat Paul, according [o the plat thereof on filt in the office of
th� County Recorder, Rams�y County, Minneaota.
l�act 8! ?bat atrip of l�nd i�ediately North of aaid Lot 25. more particularly
described a• follovs:
Beginning at� the Northeast corner of said Lot 25; thence North 20 feet;
thence West�rly 40 feet= thence South 20 fe�t; thence Easterly 40 feet
to the place of beginning, aame being that portion of the alley
accruing to said Lot 25 by reaaon of the vacation by the City of
Saint PauL
t� iT�st+�tlr of a dividina liae 30 teet Ea�terly of and parallel with the West
oC lioi of •aid Lot 25 (said dividinE line extended to the North line of ':'ract B
tog�th�r vith �asemeats as follw►s: �
Eas�i�snt No. 1:
M easement for ingrees and egresa over and acroas the Weaterly 10 feet of the
�a�t ocw�.half of said Lot 26, and over and acroaa Che following described
parc�l s
�eainnisg at the I� corner of said Lot 25; thence Northerly 20 feet; thence
Easterlq 30 feet; thenc� Southerly 20 feet; thence Weaterly 30 feet to the
plaee of beginning (the laat described part being a portion of the alley
vacated bp the City of Saint Pavl) .
Eas�meat No. Z:
Aa eas�meat for ingrass and egresa over and acroos that part of Tract B
d�actibed abave, lying Easterly of a dividing line 30 feet Easterly of and
parall�l �rith the {iest lot line of said Lot 25 (said dividing line extended
1Tortherl�r to the Northerly Iine o! eaid Tract B).
Aad aubjeet to an easement for ingress and egress over and acroes that part of
. Tract B.described abave lyicig Weaterly of a dividing line 30 feet Eaaterly of and
parallel Mith the {�feat lot line of aaid Lot 25 (aaid dividing line extended North-
erl� to the Northerly line ot said Tract B).
It is aaraed by Grantora on behalf of themselves, their heirs, succ�ssors and
•�signs, and by the Grantee on behalf of its �uccessors and asaigna (as evidenced
b� th� recording hereof by the Grantee) that auch eaaement area is not to be
obstructed bq parking or otherWise, and that the property to which che easement is
snbject and the property to which the easemeat ia appurtenant ahall both be eQUally
liable and responiible for the maintenance of such eaeement areas in a condition
•uitable for ingr�s• and egresa by foot or by vehicle.
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`Dated at�{.'Paul 1[inoppq this 4th day of
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eg. Land Surveyors
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�� ��. � SS9 That part of the following described Cracts of land :
� Tract A: The West '� of Lot 26 and a11 of Lot 25,
to Saint Paul, according to the plat the
of the County Recorder, Ramsey County, M
Tract B: That strip of land immediately North of
described as follows :
Beginning at the Northeast corner of sai
Chence Westerly 40 feet; th�nce South 20
ta the place of begfnning, same being th
accruing to said Lot 25 by reason of the
Saint Paul,
o indicates iron set r�arch 4, 1981
lying Easterly of a dividing line 30 feet Easterly o
lot line of said Lot 25 (said dividing line extended
� above) .
�" - - Ne9°s��3m��. Together with easements as follows :
,,�n.�z 30 .
. "�Q
,F p ..•-EASEMENT n Easement NO. � :
, � . 9-s �3°�E An easement for ingress and egress over and acros
lo.l] 0.06
� I east one-half of said Lot 26, and over and across
' � parcel :
� '. � � Beginning at the NE corner of said Lot 25 ; thence
, , �o� � Easterly 30 feet ; thence Southerly 20 feet; thenc
� � I place of beginning (the last described part bein�
vacated by the City of Saint Paul) .
A - 1 -- _ _ �
� � �-"' � Easement No. 2 :
°` u 3 �
o � �
,; � � W � An easement for ingress and egress over and acro:
� ho � � described above, lying Westerly of a dividing lir
�` °`` W parallel with the Westerly lot line of said Lot
"� �w � ' � extended Northerly to the Northerly line of said
- �� And subject to an easement for ingress and egress o�
�__ -`'t,�6- - - � I Tract B described above lying Easterly of a dividing
, � pa�allel with the West lot line of said Lot 25 (saic
�-Ey'�-�'� erly to the Northerly line of said Tract B) .
i �
� '°� � It is agreed by Grantors on behalf of themselves, tr
' � assigns, and by Che Grantee on behalf of its success
- '-� �a,ob '"� WEST
by the recording hereof by the Grantee) that such ea
obstructed by parking or otherwise, and that Che prc
subject and the property to which the easement is a�
�o liable and responsible for the maintenance of such e
suitable for ingress and egress by foot or by vehicl
�E-W�' SEC. �2� T�29Nj h'.2 3 W.
-t– ----- -- —
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