00-221oR�GiNA€. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 0 i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of 2 the appoinUnents and reapointment, made by the Mayor, of the following s individuals to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. 4 5 fi � s 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 Vincent J. Courtney Jon Duckstad Dan Galles * Richard T. Faricy [Alternate) * Tienne M. Otteson [Alternate] Each of the above individuals shall serve a three-year term which will expire on November 1, 2002. * Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson shall each serve as ALTERNATE members. Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Y� �,�- �..-� � Approved by Ma Date �if/FiYiC f 2��� By: �(� � Council File # O O� l�1 eZ � Green Sheet # `0!�$ $�Q RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form pro ed by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council I By: � /J �C�-�-�— Adopted by Council: Date ,� � ��o�,� Mayor Coleman's Office NTACTPERSON&PHONE Erich Mische 266-8512 ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� 1'{1G 1^�GI S. Z�O O DATE INRIATED 2-24-2000 �, ��� �� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET u�nauor. orr.�un�r uwKraie ao-a.a.l No 104�389 u�m�ma. ancawri � arcwnox�r ❑ arcasna �..�.�,��� ❑..,.�.�,,.a.a � r�,rw �on,w�s.rm ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of Vincent Courtney, Jon Duckstad, Dan Galles, Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson shall sexve as Alternate members. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMTTTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPLAIN) Has Mis perwMrtn everworlced under a contract fwthis depaRmmYT YES NO Has Mis peisaUfirm eoer Leen a ciry empbyee? VES NO Does this pers�rm poesess a sldll nat �wrmalypossesseA by any curteM ciry employee7 YES NO �s this v�saNfirm a taroeted vendn? VES � COST/REVENUE BUD6EfED (CIRCLE ONk� ACTIVITY NUMBER YE8 NO is4��u2� i'i��'J�.^.�3.'. �'�G:"��,�.�� �' � `� � L��'� oo.ai� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokmart, Mayor Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 390 C#y Hdl ZS West BeIIogg Bou[evo,d Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniei Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter _..o..-°° Erich Misch Director of Strategic Initiatives February 24, 2000 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (BZA) Tekphone: (6l2) 26b8510 Pacsimile: (612) 266-8513 �dMU �.�"Siv.�i.�b�i �^"�'+��{,�� � � � � � ���� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. Vincent Courtney Jon Duckstad Dan Galles Richard Faricy [Alternate] Tienne Otteson [Alternate] Each of these individuals will serve a three-yeaz term which will expire on November 1, 2002. Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of the appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary l, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any questions. BM:drm Attachments c: John Hardwick, BZA Staff, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection Lucia Lebens, Assistant to the Mayor DEC-06-19°9 03�z1 KRVRNEY & ASSOCIRTES, LTD 612 223 2877 P.02 �( 3 �n- � OFFIC� OF THE MAYOR 390 CiTY HALL SAiNT PAUL, MTNNESOTA 55102 Phone:266-8525 Fax:266-8513 oo-aa� Name: Vincent J. Cowmev Home Address: I 30I Hartford Ave. St. Paul. MN 55116 Telephone Number: (Homel-651-297-6400� (Workl 651-297-6400� Fax: 551-223-2877 Planning District Council: HiEhland Park �� City Counsel Ward: Third Preferred Mailing Address: 6 West Fiftt� StreeL Suite 7Q0_ St. Paul. ,1R�1 55102 What is your occupation? Attomev Place of Employment: Self-em�loved Attomek{private oracticel Couriney & Courmev. 6 West Fifth S.k700. St. Paul_ MN 55102. Committee Applied For: Boazd of Zonine Anneals What skills, trainin� or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seck appointrnent? ( am a self em�loved attomev who has lived in St Paul for mv entire }ife-42 vears. Mv nractice of law deals on a reeular basis with real estate issues s�ecifically a fair amount of residenfial real estate includine some eaverience with zonin� issues I graduated from Hamline Universiiv SChool of Law in 1984 and have been nracticin�law for aves 13 vears I fee) that mv IeQa] trainingprovides a good backeround for undeistanding the letter of the law and the rationale behind it Tn addition to practicin�in the real estate azea_ 1 work with and for an individual Richard T Kavaney who practiees exclusivelv in the Construction Law Area, an area that I be]ieve would provide some guidance here My clients involve both sesidents(homeovmers in the Ci�y and several smalt business owner which 1 believe provides me �ood back�round in whae is �oingan in the Ciry Lastiv I have been a homeowner in the Citv for the last 12 Yeazs. The infonnation included in this apptication is considered private data according to the yinnesota Govemment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. DEC-06-1999 a3�21 KAURNEY & ASSOCIRTES. LTD 612 223 2877 P.03 n0-�1\ PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Richard T. Kavanev Address: $�Tne Address u 2142 I�lehart Avenue. St Paul MN 55104 Phone: Home-651-644-1084 Work-651-223-�861 Name: 7ames T. Hvnes Address: Home Addiess is 168t Highland Parkwav St Pau�55115 Phone:ilome-651-698-4809 Work-651-227-6661 Name: Pauick J. i�onohue Address: Business Addresc• 1035 West 7'" Street St Paul MN 5510� Phone: Home: 651-642-9498 Work-651-224-4050 Reasons for your interest in this particulaz committee: Since T heard about this from Patrick J Donohue much of mv interest is based on conversations with him 1 have a sincere interect in makin� St- Paul a betYer �lace for all of us As people migrate back to the Citv theare will be more and more interestint issues as oroperties aze devetoped to provide for that movement_ Similarlv as neoDle look for ontions to stav in the Ciry difficult and interestine issues aze bound to develoo T am imerested in beine a part of tt�at and hel in to gr9vide the nroner fair answers to the_ issues. Obviouslv I am interested in broadenin� mv horizons and meeting some new and difFerencepeonle. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? TFso, when and circumstances? i h�ve had no such contact In an attempt to ensure that committee representat�ion reflects the makeup of our community, piease check the line applicable to you. This information is sirictly voluntary. ,sx�x White (Caucasian) Black (African American) Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islapder _ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo xxxx Male Female Date of Birth: 6/14/57 i7isabled: Yes No xxxx No spe�i�l accommodation needed i heard about thic from Pat Donohue TOTAL P.63 r� y CL 1]• 1777 �.... lU // `Y J � c�� � �� �.+�L7d1�J7 ..cr.�G� i?.a.i�lil :Ll.n�.� OFFICE OF THE MAyOR 390 CTI'Y $AId, SAZNT PAUL, 2�7NNESOTA SSIO2 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 26fi-8513 . , ...._ c _ 0 0 �,.�.\ z _�� a �, Name: Jon Duckstad $omeAddrCSS: • �k."k..:� 5t. pgul�' 2�L`I '--- • . SS�i6 Street City • - Zip TeIephone Number: ffi4.mel 651 699 (Workl 651 221 �� 651 2g, 1, Planning District Council: `✓ City Couneii �Vard: � PreferredMailingAddress: 4b E. Fourth'Street, 1310 Minnesota Blde. St. Paul 2�LV SS1G1 �V6at is your occupa�ion? Ac�o Place of Emptoyment: Commiftee(s) Applied For; 1- ZS-?,oao What sl:ifls, training or experience do you posscss for the committee(s) for which yoa seek appointment? As a fonaer Asaistant St.. Pau1 Citv Attorney I vas assianed to the St 'Pau1 Plannine Board from 1964 thxu 1968 as a legal representative from the City Attorney Office. Duria� my term as an assistant Sc paul Citv Attornev Z r nr apnted the Ci v oi Sr v,1 ir our Ransey County District Coart and United States 151s[rict Cour[ on a number of liti7atzc zoning cases. (see attached) I al"so served as an assistant City AtLOrney from 1963 thr� 1970 duriaR crh�ch cime I drafted a revised bi2lbozrd zonin¢ code wnlch wac ona *ad nZ adopted by the then existing City Council and i.ncorporated in[o che overall zoni code. I have considerable experience in Muncipal laci includ'zng zoning. I'also"represented tce Village of Mendota £rom 19J0 thru 1975 as its le�a2 counsel I have been'in private'practice in the City or St Pavl since 19)0 I havA al"sa'sezved as a part-time Ramsey Councy Public Defender froa 1973 to [he present time. The information included in this application is considued private data according to the Mianesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this informstion ic not released to the general public. St'. Paul, Minnesota 1310 Minnesoca Bld�. St Paul i� - St. Paul Plaaning Cocmission Eeritage Preservation Coflmi (t) VER) Rev. 8--`.9 ; _.__ _,._. «.__ ..___�____� __...._, ,,..__�.. _��.,__ � .-.,.._ . � . : i . •�l. 0 0 -�a� Name; Joseph 0`Neill Esq. AddreSS: 1250 4lozld Trade Center, 30 E. Seventh Street, St. Paul, 4C1 55102 Phone: Name: � or � 651 298-8300 Robert Fletcher, Ramsey Councy Sheriff Address• Adult Detentzon Center, 15 W. Rellogg Blvd.> St Paul, iIl4 55102 phone: Name: J±m Reiter, C011RC�1fl3II AddreSS: 310 CitY Ha11 � Courchouse, 15 w. Kello�e B1vd., St. Paul MN 55102 Phone: jAomel (Workl 651 � �(p (p — g(„ �C) Reasons for your inYerest in this particular committee: Cl) I am interesced in the St. Pau1 Plannine Coe¢nission becauae I have conside a�l� exnerience in the area of municival land planning & 2oning. I have also a great deal of legel experience in this area 1n- cluding zepresentation of the City of St. Paul in numerous zoRin� court cases froa 1964 thru 1970. One of thsse cases involved preventinQ railroads from constructin� three (3) high rise towers (buildings} which would have blocked the vzew from the Ke11oRQ Ma1i. (2) I am also interested in preserving certzin o1d buildings and landmsrks in the Cicy. Have yov had previous contact with the committee for which you are making app]ication? Jf so, when, and the circumstances? I have had contact previously v�ith the St. Paul YlanninR Board from 19b4 thru 1470. Z have not hsd prior contact with the Heriea�e Preservation Commiseion. In an attempt to ensure thaE committee representation re{tects the makeup of our community, please check the lioe applicable to yov. 'This information is stricfly volunfary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Tndian or Alaskan Esl;imo _� bSale Disabled: Yes Female No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: N/n �RQ�� orl:l 651 266-9303 �upanic Asian or Pacitic Islande� Date of Birth: 06/04/34 $ow did you hear aboutthis opening? Mrs. Harold R. Foscch (Judy Focsch), 2133 Selby Ace. n ��z�is�i�yy 2a:ia �._z��__:� _�_ _ ..�_;_. _ _._: : - ��'�\ _ .;�� _ ,� :,ade:e i�E a� v'ir �� .��1��� � ���.�.� ��2,e V. �-w�r_ :::•,: ����P��' , � ��:�_�� �—,; s�ia� � .:��4z� :�::.. Fr�sf lJP i n Ninn 32 ?AG� 5:. PAL7.. 3�::. W%DYSDaY. DS"�SCi.." 1L 1%3 �o e :0 r_-__^�. �a �� ; Reds tab ! ' ' `'Y 122mmShelf � I g . �.. ; ��•�= f lnto Saigon I�iA : :j,.H Fin! Ariaci � gy Tarroris+s � -��� I S�ocr Augasl �--� °'I-� Sn:C.:Y iU?b � Torrvl avnaa! �If.� a �i:�.1 'y[)] �f Va� � e la �mu 6ue� •r< [v� nJ:ln.1 au � �c �< ,`. �. .n �a ..uc�e' �:a:u Itcr. ¢:.wr�a.e.� I na r.� 1.•-v F�+:b ..�Y ... ` 1'�::'J" �X4.t� ��f .m.t�u I:�< m �aW L^ua�r.cuF, <ar Y� M�a u•; oa.:y� nal �I�IIp"��'] .u�<< ? r A r w1.e.; `rt�er Y�.- � .<w � ^ l +Y,aat• tatr%Iei.L� ..� - n(�.� nll �i ] m C�nn m u�n,. � ].a..fl � nY ; �, r� .� «<..,.,,. � :,,, ,:; �.:�� �� Cot��� ���OIC�S _.¢- ':x•^ e r+ 9:�a ��oi rm ne hn':O�u Gni I:ui.S rLp �v�i :6niFJ DULnG <EikuCnY �,v W in6IDN!:ti0ev e�e�t i.lzi. •• n• � I ' Na:n:�f .1.� i u e..� f.d wrv N.�a. Ca.inr.. ir.. a l r.e. s.i� a 1 > r.. r..�. ,�i ....�� a� �w,.�m� ..e ` .n�.a a n.n �... <r i �,r�a. .�a� ux:��me..e .a�m c¢.� wn�...�. tion ;;�u., o,«o,,.«�..�< m Y w.. n:m .u-� i n<'.� .��. ,: s.i.l � o+ .,a : , .� io .�.om� � li� �.�� II� •� \ �� ° "��.� ;�°:: �.,,. T :, Nixon ! c�u<,��r•eil�'Cam:ie�'t`'r >•:b rt` �C nd�:. Il.y ,<<;... . ..j Pledges �ty` ' M:+/i/ La+.�ct S+uin ,i�.... <,.:� •>,�.,�,� .,.;:<�:.,, '� ,>'e,m�.�.,.,�, � ��.n..r.3�m . .�w.ee..mv •�r� f�{�� s. ..y Ir.�n�L � WASHLY4'C4 b- lL T<'ul aµe�vt`•��K°�(� N`il u�L'I;:fIN1n]- •�r.:t..M.an an C.+�j�4sil�.l��^nUGaw Gm�i1`r lu�«:.ex �ienCNf aed yd •n.:rwool:'n.,.:�.u..E:�mmxWw:>mxn. luanuau�a�y. �a� :'�' YYt�na:n�V�[:n�:aT�ny}TUtNVJ• ~ L'e:.1F<(YI),no���1RL.0ul • � ��G�.� T e$a.��[:�e4� ��y L'flne � k 4 'aviuNt�)tw�iL'AybW6'eam���n.e ` +IISM �U n. f � _ .r v : . 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In - � �:'�: p au 1> n�- uo f�^fy'�; d H 1 �ie,.,�,yM.�n.t�x..,_..a .... 01 < S.mb' I �:m e v' ` er G.:..... .u.�.�ua aiP:a-.o�u�:.mc >'� i �inr • t�r r<�^__ ._. ;. niln alllh�vnt�r� l�n(aw �;� er.r I Vrr:vn u�lu FFIC X•�5�'.+ ='(= : anit�mat��� �e �� ��b� 4��� m�.0��.f�. �a<s: �Mr�bRt NG] _��>t�:_. 'ulY� � u f r t�nln:.. � YleOl•e Yv.� ei�v Cu: �m ilo���' tr• �� 1.� �Nte�ie.r.�n:m<.'1 uan .• �- a en IL9W` ��v� T�L'y.:a•; •n ::b��C..�a�Y.....' + •<: Ya, 11:Y'I a •� ry �i:�pa t Il�ta 1:. St.[OY'�� Y. �:3 MY :� ila�l:a �11� �v�i..u] .h� o ,m.� ._ ...M._ � Saa.a nz� e<>a�. v��l ee, Nizon Is Sfill ' �-" "°,°.. ` n �..�:�,._`»;�:: ��W'�� .. N w 3 ♦ �� u�y Against Hiking '°" " ` =�"'� =' EffOft `�, ,:.,� .K;:;,, .�Tax Ezempticn �;� �� ����� _:=; -°' t��n��'Y.:�L "s��n�'�:•�i�A .ln::i. 6..� [�il�i� W.\NII\r�l.Y �Y���n:� snrm-Sdv21�..�_ VDa. Yuv01Yw.::�.9.Va;n �a�ow>: � a.:.m.:..:�e ' . �. . , _ ;io ..�,.ex.:er�ti��.tu`e�, �e,e�_. ^m � <¢aO:f:IT�.' U u._. �e ...� � f:eG nb aCN ela. A[.it�rcr: r[P:••. u `.�� (:_ :.1. L '- ( : � .]yie^v�e]e'I �ll:1e �n� �'.'�UN [l `G �� : �- ]uy �C Is'h� � : A .a l•Y m.man er ..r .. , .f. .��i� .am ..f.._ .. ..� ' St. Pau� ����w' L��r � �(.�.�� � �.�(i v.'���.���vJ � ��i:.�� �—��� � �..� .., d � ava,�at��� � tint au�nurnir ��'� � ������ � ���'!'� Where r... ..< _,.�a :. X°.:�� ;-°: �.,,:,. �� �, e4.<ne. Soek —Tb fM10 Boo'rc� Are u�<.,d ,�,m.,� . . �. . �� o , �k.. .....o.,.,. � 50��.� w.���a<o��u.«.h.R.e. � boot. ... uii G•u (x itld First Newspaper in Minnesofa ' T. heli )11 S1 � ^,: ror I (u !h� 5: I:Yf{ � f�� mg I hcua:,y �.::AEd ya: or.t 3r..a;eQ m s�td r, ro:.cei Eaus:�� a n. c..uzC, I c'c! .�:Y I i� a.''ry I :v poal.� � rvr.•I e-. z.i wx dl- -:iel - J�c: tet ua: ve: ° �J� SY ��}•IS P,1TTE}tSON Saft ti'rLLv Ucn o� (ncMlss+si7piRiver a�tla cf II+� Kelioey jilvJ. ra,!1 b.g;:r Ihan Iho maU ih sxif Ee:�e;n Si, Peter �n6 foccrl >;i rots. c, Ssl. �'•. = � . :WaDaz,a St., mughlioLevs h¢'iVn�y . ,• %�%�- '<��- . INe case <alad up tsemtha n<:r�r.. —�° �: °w�• � EGh[h V S. Ccurt o( Appeals 1 z�'u i TN� NAtIOM1AL C��RIST:.i.+.5 T6cE W.�S LI'vr.�EJ OUa:NG CEFEMON7 i�! WqSN1N6iON TJ;iDAY NIGHT m S!. Lcuis w��ch hdd for I . ` Wvt;�Sbq A.e lrU;lcnf ana N:t N.::� Co:�NC ine,a. In;erui $e</elery Wahvr H�U?I i ��s u'y 135f May. ,� . , ^et' . , Dac;siaa. who h�s rep[r : s d a y sen!<L �}^ c�lY Qutins mo�e �^ (�:° � thaa lu�a yqatt af �L�y�ation. "'"' Nixon Lights Tree ;NizonlsStill s�'�Lh:SapremeCouresac• u:.•-: ! ��:aa "m� a, lMt the [ity hai S�3%CC51 \ , pf2�3d?d ]tld Ola! i11E Oldl• C�' . I1]Il�c (5 C0119LLY1[OpHI Dpd s:.:,,� Against Hiking P����, ;t:d pledges Peace Effori � 1:.�,=:�;ew<<he���p�3 1^ �Taz Ezemption mesn¢x that a pl�yh66tF C°""5 � [ le•:! Il 60IDd UlSldllCtS [0 � W.aSHISGTJ�' 7.?I; -.id;�.g'�'z. :riva s�ar.]m� �!�poe�a 7enn.san� lionep: �utncti<ressmu.L� eec'�.•U F'r c a I d c n t Rc�a:d �I,.>. �� nu Sid< e:, r banJ:hc.^. plal- � I{.n;J Ang^is S:nt:' bul Uils cae Ln rzn r a � i �•:�i':�.�civv I,�y�_timl � F ev {heview 1 L,S:��, ���.'c:� a�'oai.(em: ^a �l�c k:War.. L�e Ve:R�laiu.vv.ce� wc;e iv.saC wlCn ida�.eu7 ct ai:elTaasu.y�o[ P.e, �lscualOalAiserQam �- �. Ch i�--,�-. -' i:J+�+sw�i$mt'�d'0.'CtceNMi�a"��!� oF "me Ur�wa:: �4a � t. �,,•, -. ���r�. a„ , oaa ron.t,e: " m�,a u.aoa � �� P P CnarL.s ti aa:.er O::IarN 1'cKa,.'�DU�eN.' :: I f. p:e;:eJ�LUU:rhy:ii. , w.�r'm+<<:nane.eahaml� I:�wi aC U,+u" «h.la st•oal�mg a 1p(oot Nc�wi�spro:_�;u:miutralors�Sa�!�Y+�dsi 'Y t1t \;z�n aJw.n�-. hlvlor Snom�i R. Eylne ,: c.cl.�doun anliwar czq�a:str3��rs', fror G{cns }a{Sr. N.`!., in > x�av, on lho n�ler Irin^o ot:l r a t i u r. a�:ar.Gm+ ficn. aommen:rJ: ':I am �apfR ` i . e ag�in,t anr ,-.4easa lu we"+�it� U:e Ce<�aron. Out ma1L r eov. �liu�!cE "peace r,cv n u,' „ - =n±:rt�a: tradi�m+:aa: br we co��a tau�; m� t�ra�� I �ers��a! mco:.;= �a� c�cm. ��,'+C tlm �ie�. a; Ua xiverfs �y7��varmg rnlp. I g. �. wlLi Calvin CoaL:y: ucr.l �cn. r I ane o: t;�t oulaUnding p�yei- 4e,wn�, tYi!h hJs NIL= s.,�, iCcrl A WY4'U:�Irlrar„C;��:a� T;�a p��:estcr5w3veCpl�c cal ftsj�;es ef SL Paul, 1 •.. Hd 10�Q Li.:$ L� R2'A'SRl_6 a:a:reeG�ng"banihebomb" commend and lhank the �'>"':� � � : a�.0 i�old Gp lhtir fagxre m J u:: �;l�r It1��t; Ihe r,',�rc- m c r.. E a r c o[ CAr rotlJn c sr.!h /��" i LN: ,. V'•Icr P"-3�e s�;n. DlsRy �ng szssian of : e SenatP, CJUni2; R)bp(l O CWNCII'6 f I � ; �� ts V�' /Ulonth Surtax ����� �roud f.e;C �;pleC 11Otl�OJn(uer.:_ �n lne ta:�s��� �F�DuciSLidN aftic� • ti�, relo:m Sul P �` � psa:e car.dles � aar, (or �he I.ne wofk lu a� t,:t, l�uer was cc:nn�.en:ir.F kee7ir.syufotus." M1yi;i �.�e ehantlr,gccU:le i on a repert by 5=n. tiY,n 7te •' :epert- , U rg e d I.arC. icu.LY, uF�allv when 7'i7 o:�a+nce wef xte n s� o n +���%� SIOJC Lf Ne �oQ1Y,T 10 G o t�, D�+ent t h a[ L:a I �h31'3oy?: hy tFa feU[oid ia 5lta: Ia tlm naLoa oc televt. �''�°'r r.sd C attx' c>¢., U.S. Disuict Court. Tlk nIP ei.:m� 5;on an d ra 1 10 ' r r o m i u s h r t h e < e r i f e r � n x � r o aC, a�ve d L i� t tioe fetVia n:!:e U�i W�y�LVGTOS' :7 - Tne r..:nded eioser s� ervmon vf i wmcl wou'd f.^c,uC< an ic�:lron5 0� Lhe he' Izofbdld. fe•rSRr.l I � � � PrefU';ouf Cor..m.cee Iar� 'K,y�t u2w.�If�(l��SnJ� :r<+.s^ in 6'Ie r3:mp;1o0. S0 "�` teanomic pt.ele,r. e;1. reo- I delrc:� e�enlini ar.; s�.0 I pyt rs r.ot a;ly pexe aew, in< Ce�'rtne::elu7 sa:1 � d��e0 L e�r31w e( IIS Deo .<.mg I e,nmentl2C' ;L°sC.. e:.x.i0 i t: a D.!'< e` anr mon.J ca�< `ot pmc. in Ne ; een to � Ni� ..=c wi ¢a <ux� a d. ty Gom G"-0.000 ta D150.000. .� m6 tne m:cma s_r.az nl •""'0iz wum�Ds`cad neGeasclora6pr�plcln;aGaaC Fc:c:alJo43eMdes3nr ._ "" Ir.ul 4ncoue.t I -.is �' �: <Cr.iltt: U allavl.�,re l;�c �. �PdiS IO Ce�v: h� 1' C:.�a �.'. c< .m� G;re 4.IJ inal �r.e OrJnNnc� wua �. .i. ,�� � Lug ll:� :..a , C� 'r��.:or ; ,f �Pe i�t.a: pi a�: tua .�:ct ��a�: a'v�vc , , .:e .. ___.. _ . . _ . �i.. aa.+:t> ', i+aon._t�t.an.1 STenh•». PNUi C, ,�� _ �� f., I�tII`Ih., W �D�iSDAY, DECY.��L3EF 17, 1909 . �C ' a°,"` "s:.;," 10 C�^TS � � I� �ur�� holds tr-�; � _� `: ' ' ;s -.; ; , ,. _s - •c_ ._ _.,. z�:1�7 //. `�.�... . . uJ.L�4::JJ � ==' = --__ =- _= N.+vG G�.; - - .- - � oo -�a1 ISSUE PiTS CITY,. CNW RAlLWAY �t�i.ld it�g Heigl�t �rir�� $y RICHARD $OR�71G � ' Slaff �4rlter � How high�s too hbh? z R'hza `i: comes ta cor,- ! structing bu(]dings'oa a 2?�- acre site nea; tne r.ortn E bank of the hlississippi ad• jaceot to the Kellog; hia!1, � tne city of S:. Pau2 contend; � "eye level at m�11 level." �a the other hand, �.y omner of thz Qroperty—;he • Chicago and horth Westerr. � Raihcay �— states ihat the �� cttY has no legal right to limit. anp proJzcted con- , strucfion on their land in t=rm; oi hei,�i;t. Tce ciFj did just tnai by.passing an o:dinance Aprii 2�,•19&',. Tn; trial to decide t4e is• su= sta;ted Tueslav before Fedzrat District Judgeti*.i[es I,ord and is e�cted to con- tin��e fo: more th;:, a wee:. Donald L. CT,apnz�, a� architectural eo;weer with a St. Paul f;rm, tzd the court that h�c co.mpanr ha; tecommended to the ra:1- wav tiiat they bui?d fivz buiidings on the procerty. ��P�an, answering questions fram Ph1]ip Strino Y� ' �t � :� _'. . . . .. kc�"a ... 1.� �.'S.'. Y�. � <` }', y`9:i _1 K � .�... S3 M.:.': �t�Y.. - : �. ,_e ". ..C".t'� . _ . . . .���. ���ins er, laxyer io: t'::e *ail�.;: , T'r.e railwa7 contends 3n sid tis fir..i coadssc!zd a i� suit [h2t li�e city }ys i ` tnree•monLi study of L`�e� e[,'ect "con;ucated $3 yu si'.e and of dc�a�toar: St. r?34r��• tc its � I Fau: s::d recor�mzndrl tce p:operEy and I consG o: a p�:i:; w'�ts 4hem reskred or else lo: wiLti a caoacity e: �'��� in co.•npensation � sen�e 11,CC0 cars. faur ni- f.om Lhe city. �i rise a?art:�ent; of 6�0 wis Du:iag nooa recess 'I�es- dP.d 3 27}r00I:! 1[l0t'_l. �� cay, Jadge Locd led String• � Chaprnan toid the co�t er, az;other railway attor• i: tbat there 1� "ahsoiutely r,o ney; Pa;il Sharood, aad an ; uchitecri::a! *easen" K;,y ae�ornep for the city 3on : Lhe Ei�e buidings shaJd no! D�ckstad, for a fitst-hand : rise hom Eetween L^ snd IB l�d at the .property. • stcries �6ove ti�e Ii2lloog 'i'}le trial resumes at 10 � m� 1ev=�• s. m. today. . ' _...__.__ . . _ \ N � , ,`: _, :�� � FEDERq� COURT RECESSES SO WABASNA STRFET BRIDGE - "`°° ° � IRII }o /Zigh} Are Jon Duckslad, Paul SSorood, Phili $lrin er cnd, in fore rovn�l, Jua� e� <-: _ � 9 s s M;ra� to,d � I � � � � b ���. � ;. �e � ' � ������� .� ..' , . � '=� , �.1���� � � � � . � ;�iEDN�SDAY, JUtiE 28, 1967 c FIFTEEN � r--- ----- i 02/i5/1595 LG:1� i / J � o7iL7'J1�5� . * ^ - .� ' - ` �f.�ttu1,I��isp7f�m- � . An Ia \ewspaper � � , � Bernord H. Ridder, Chairmon of �ha Bocrd - • . _ • Bsrnccd k. Ridder Jr., presideni and Publ�sher . ' • 7. l�erLn. Gensral Mo.agc� . T, f, lanfor3. P�ad�eYen Mono3u . d�e. H. A/ Le4en7J�g DL�c�or Fvn G. Svndherg. ��.cub��on OG��rp� � Wllif�m G. Samnv� Ed'nar i�id 5. Neu?eri:q &.c�1(.e Edi�er Glen�l:klea�que�io�_:d�or loFn R. fl�.<qon. Aoir execati.a fd:ter ' H. G. enn6om J.., Mc�cp:,q Ea:�er ' ' W�%HiNGlOH NE'NS 9U]EAU, Na��eml TF.vi.. sld�, � 1pvEFiISIVG O«KFS. Sapu.l..;��o..walke� C�+a�../ NEW Ype( C�Itn'vO D:TiOIt �Hi�pDEVM4 O�IUS , AtUNtA 5>Y iUNCISCp l�$ AN�E�E$ MINNE4>OUS ' Cm...l fJe� d tA� Prcn�v 7rev and C.�OV¢. a• �nain�a;•ed oi Il.... efpt�i. Editorials City Vi/ins on Waterfront It's appaient th$�U. S. Circuit Court Judge Gerald xeaney�bas an eye fo� beauty. • In z mz)ority opinion wYitten hy He2- ney, the Eighth District Circuit Court suled th&t a St. Pau1 city ordinance re• stricting the heights o[ buildings along the rivertront �ras not unconstitutional. The City,Councii enacted the ordi- nance in Se�lember, 1966. In September. 1967, p. S. District Covrt Judg: Aliles I,ord held thaE [he ordinance �ras a vio- lation o( the due process oE laW, The pracflcal resull o( Lord's rulin� could �ave been to a1ioM• the Chica�o & I<orth }Yestern Raitway Co., which ow�ns prop- erty below the Keliog� mall, to constrUCt apartmenE houses that rose above L4e level of the mall. but ox•ing (a the enlighiened Ienacity o( City Attorney Joseph Summers and his assistanl Jon Duckslad �anoakleat cluster (o each), the city appealed Judge Lord's deci5ion lo fhe Circuii Court. "In our view." Heaney wrote oo be� • hai[ ot that cour., "the action of the City � Council was hased on reason and togic = and not whim and caprice. It p�omoled : lF.e legitlmace police porver abjectives — � fhe renewal oE the core area of St. Paut : so as to make it a desirabte place in � which to work, live and eajny cultural ; and recreafional activities. • .=c'�;,.�T i �:;u�?N �LCKSD 1 I i ; i "The benefit to the pubtic is g*eat in comparison lo the d'unuIutioo of the � market values suffered by the owr.ers," � he said. ' This ruling is'ciucial to the future de- � •velapment of the St. Paui waterfront. Had the court decided against IY,e.city, � k'e may as well-have. f:issed the rive[ i good•bye. With'no height Yimit on build- " ings that would be bui!: ainn; the river• � tront, it woutd soon become impos5ibie + to see, much less reach the river from ; the city. � , The decision 'makes ail the more � worthwhile the development of Navy Is j ]and, a,projectwhichrecentlyhasbeen � open to the suggesfions oE professinnal • and amateur architects in the Twin Ci• ' ties. The pt`Oposals submitted, w�hile being a touch on Lhe fantastic side, nonetheless pointed out how dramatically , the ricericont could be ehan;ed from the ' drab. uninsp�ring character �f has now. � tndoubfedly, .lhis court tight has cost � the city considecable rooney, The er• . pense x•ill more tfiaa pay for itsetf in the � 2ong run, howevet� We're fortunate [he � city attorney'and:}�'s assistani chose to : do battie with the'federai disLict court. ; The decicion is a Yega] mIIest¢ne for any . communtry intere"sted in bringing aes- ; thetic objectiv¢s in balance with com• merciai ones. • ' i ��: PaGc �: d0°�x� 02/Oi/00 11::.0 F.� 612 3J% 3626 SY�1)fES �I�I�I 8�fCItEE �001 OO.}.�� FEB-07-20c�GJ 09�19 ST PRUL MHYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 P.92Z03 /1 (� OFFICE OF TSE MAXOR —�^ � ���(j� � oF2 �p a� 'J -� 0 y Y �' ` 396 CLIY HALL 1 � �`(-' �� SAIIV'� kAUL, MIPtNESOTA 55102 1�f�� 1�I -�•�' J I• -— Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-85I3 .�� ��� '� � Name: `�T�/ �• �f}I�tv Home Address: o�'vZtl ST �1 R , ' �j�. P�UL �j`C �DJ • Street . • C�� (0 2 � Zto Telephune 1�Iumber. (�q� ��5v � � � �7� p(anning Dfstrict Councit: Preferred Nlailing Address: �Vhat is your occupation? Placa of EmpIoyment: Committec(s) Applied For: ������ � Clty Councit Ward: �' AK�#1't�cT • � M M�, W�" � 5`{mM� M�t N l�� ��5� � (�f`' z(�1`1( 1-)U e�6��t,A.I�.�7- '�'S'hat si:itls, training or experience do you possess For the committee(s) for which you seek � . � ►. � ' -� � i i�er �j, �� � (�]� � r. �` /, � .1 -�. ' �Ili�� 1 � � . � f� � 1 iJ! � / I � � ( I � � � ,' I. �I +, / ' oF �-I�� .. , AN� ��A�il�1 t¢�'l�s.� • 1 /LAn /_�.r�-' _nI� p�� n� . . . . _ .. _ . The information included in this.application ls considered privace data accord;ng to thehlinnesoca Government Data Practices Act As a result, this informatian is not released to the general pubIic. „s (4VER} ' Rev. 8-: ->" , 02i07i00 11:41 F.�1 612 JJ2 J626 SY�)LS �f.�I`I & AfCI{EE FEB-07-2000 09=19 ST PAU� hpYOR'S OFFICE Nlame: Address: Phone: Name_ Address: Pfione: Name: Address; Phone: : �►. : � �; 7� M � f�j002 ' 00 �,�.� 612 266 6513 P.03ig3 70 LUG � � oF� Ls�� �Co t��T I�� �T• SS! atrtel �� ^J�° 2� b O a.Q � /'Wnr1 ��� � ��� � �x � �7� J�' �� 2Dter �7y' �j �') -7J f�Wnrl v�p�� �- l�� 5urnm�T-� sT 0 2 3 � 1�,�`!b Have you had previous contact witti and the circur�l, ances? � _ -�: ,�.��� �a �.� -- .� . . � t6e comtnittee for which you are m�king application? If so, wh;n; �ts'f � fJ�. �� .c ..� � . , . � ,��. --- -.. � , _ ..s.-- .. z��y��� �'�z. � u.l �►7T- _ In aa attempt to ensure that committee representatioa rellects tht makeup p{ our community, pfease check the line applicabte to you. This informatian is sErictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) $ispanic $lack (AFrican American) ?.sian or pacific Is(ander American Tndiart or Alaskan Eskimo " 11�Iale Female Date of Birth: �� � 12 � Disa6ted: Yes No �, IFspecia! accommodatiuns are needed, Qlease specify: a'z- a?ao bAST `T�'�n(� S SZ � � How dld you hear abaut this opening? _ ���� �� '' � Tr'?AL �.63 Reasons fo� your interest in this particular eommittee: .� - , � �� i,vu+�: Home Address: ' CONTINUE FROM PREUIOUS P�GE 0a1 �����oo aa-� - -._ - _.... _..._.---... _ . _,.,. isio. � � u� 5.,�.�,�--�° �rn Ss"�� 8treet • �`� ��� TeleQhone Number: Plvan(ng Disttiet Gaunctt: PreFerred hIatling Address: W�at is your occupation? Pisee aC Employmeut: Committa(s) Applled Fof: ag�. � � �J 7`'`� City Cauncll Wards � .c _ , _L <� .�...� 7�'ryt �—rSs-�,E'SS O�`'^�v �' �ff's G"_;`.�c._._:cS -- SYhat s�3lts, traialag ar espe�ienee do you po�seas for 4he cummittee(s) for whieh yov seek appointmenc' .��, G- �y`— �„'� � ,K�i�-�"d ,or.�D'y /pb,/$rr..6'SS �..' 5�Cri�lr'�ie. ,,�f,{��G.'nT' �� l� C! ��( 'yt7 C,�li)� � �x"�_ . � . � ,.,.. /I _e _ / ✓� „ _, � The informatiou tncluded lrs this apptication it tonaidered private data accarding to the hilnnwota Government Dac� Yracticas Act. As a resu(t, this ini'ormation i� �tot released to the general public, {OVER) Xttv. R-�-r" Denc oy:u�alles t,onNanien �ao l�:«J�__ rron el[e>odoG<vG4< <oo_C�io Fecelved Feb-02-00 14:13 � �` ��,: �,_i� Ol6 p6H-02-2fl00 13+28 n�rc rx ldytme: ,�ddress: PaAAe: Namc: At�dress: Phone: Nama: Pde2 ._ � OD -��� v�� T �� . __ _ . . � v A6d�ess: > � `� PM4ne: •� • S�` 9 $� �qs_ q9a ��•'s �s��---���s G�.�// Rna9ons fo� your interest in thi� partieular commtttee: ,.,L_ � A $ave you had prerious coatact r}'ith the committee tor which you are mal:tng gpplicatlon? If eo, when;' aad the circumaiAaces� _ � In s,n attempt to eaenre that eom�3ttee r0presenttdnn reflects the makeup of o�tr comtiturtity, please check the 13nc applicable to you. 7hig lnformadon ls etrictly �oluntary. ��Vhttc (CAUCasien) ___.__ Btack (�frican Amertcan} Auiertcan Indlan or Aiasl:an �sltimo �� hinte Female Disa6ted: Yss __ No '� If special accornmadatioas s�re needed, piease sp��ify: - va Hispaalc Asjaa or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: �/�L� �?G' �li',�E - G�,< ° -� o How did vou hear about tbls opening'! TOTF� P.04 1: . �� _ R'.[.rr��� �'d. �� � �: ,� S , ,- r _������ �_ 2laate : aa�� �' . .iAYOR'S OFfiC£ Home Address: � �E'tF� l(�OOb ttU 1'l 12. i _ y Z'� r� " i/�h �j 'rj� j� - Street . . Citp Zip Telephone Nuaber: _ _ fHome) � �J�� o�� �pe{ (Aork) �(D7— � � � l (EA%)�89-�� ! Planning District Co�ci1:��ST2JCT � City Council Aard: _� P=eferred TSailing Add=ess: _ QbpVE L7hat is your occupati Place�o£ F�ployment: Co�it�ee(s) 2pplie3 For. OtP1CF; Ur i'lii t.i.YU: : ' R � ` .�,�� ' ' 390 CITY HPS,L SAIIST PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 � ' OO•� , 26b-8525 FAX: 266-8513 At16 0 Z 199T = 15510 Z-�f-20DC� klzat skills/training or erperi.ence do jou possess for the comittee(s) £or vnich you seek appointment? i � ' � ' �.r _ � 1 .I/ � �!,�i��.�..-n. v u • � ' • � The infoxa.ation included in this application is considered private date accordi.a3 to the Hinnesota Govere3ent Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforr,.2tion is not �eleased to the general public. (OV�R) • P.ev. ?/?8f96 �enc oy=up+aes �onoanae> � fiecetved���0�0 13�28 � Naa�a ildQear. PI�ARc: . • •ro ir:» _� rro� el[oDaooOiQ cc� top coio pd�; TfVU� v..- — - � - ST PRCI� T1H`f�' = �' LL'E, . �a-.;-'•_ - - y : . w ._ 00 `i� �\ Name: �t ' �"`� • Aqdress: �oz G�Ftz� 7'� �E a�s�- yas Phone: Atama: A6Q�ess: Pppne: ��•'s L'8�---�r``GS �.c.•!/ A.mm�� Cer vOUf N2tYlSC �ti ttl�� P¢�tYlAC COrt1lM1tttlE: � Have you had prcvious cantact tijlth ttse camtaitsee for which you are mal:tng applieation3 If to, when;' and the circumataacea'! c7 - In un sttemgt w eneure that eamraFttee represeniaden reflects the mskeup of oar community please chack the line applicable to you. 7hi31nformstlon i� etricUy voiuntarv =��Vhttt (Caucasianj ` Black (Af�iean AmertcAn) Ameriean Iadlan or Alasl:an Eskiiuo '� Mnle Female Disabled: Yec No '� if special accommodations are needed, please speafy: _____ Hkpaalc � Asiaeorpaetfictsiander Date of Binh: l/� /,'�C „ �,�E - ��,f° , � o Bow did vou hear oboui tbis opening• ror� P.aa i: , �� _ a�.ma�...�- -- -- .� ' S'^ 9 B e � a, S'- `q°xg �g ✓i. �' B�r �- � lXGGi S �' S ' . � � � � L-�+ /( �1. ! ' q-.1L,_.. � -� •i( L! ♦ , ' � ., n Name: /� _ . �. . Address: o�-� rn.n,�- ..w a �� L� 10 `� Phone•_ (Home) CAorkl Name• Address: . Phone•_ (Home) � CGTorkl Reasons for your intezest in this particular coa�ittee; /In �.�..�-. �i �. .��_ . n. ._ i� . Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich pou are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstancesl ���{ n�n t n j' ( 3-l�t�. . DK�f_11L7 Q n't . — A n . . . .. � 1 . w _ . " . \ In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee zepresentation reflects the makeup of our communitp, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp, ✓ White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo �.,llfale \� Female Date o£ Birth: d �c— � a�. Disabled: Yes No �� _ � If special acco�•rrodations are needed, please specify. � - �� O ib ' Hov did you hear about this opening? �/LQi1^- �__ Tienne M. OttASOn � O -�a, Vice President WesteYn Insi�rance Agency (an affiliate of tqestern Bank) Western Agency is �ommitted to rzsk management of comsnercial and noriprofit accounts throughout Minnesota. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITZES Busiriess & Professional Women Young Career woman Independent Insurance Agents-Minneapolis Bo�rd of DirecLOrs Independent Insurance Ag2nts-St. Paul Board of Airectors COMMUNITX ACTSVITIES Summit University Planning Council Board of Directors 5t. Pau1 Pol.ice VoluriCeer Services St.Paul Palice I3.A.0. St. Paul Police Resezve Officer Outstanding ,AChievement Award Legion of Honor Ama�d St. Paul District Orie Planning Council Board of Directors Secretazy Vice President President Eastside Arts Council Bo�zd of Directors Port�.ge £or Youth board of Dit2�tors Xouth Mentor 1997 Legislative Aide to Ward � Ramsey County Board qf Equalization Rice Street Festival Ramsey Cbunty Charter Commission St. Paul Police K-9 F'oundation Treast�rer Community Solutions Fund Board of Directors 1976-1979 1982-1984 1996-1997 1989�1992 1984-1998 1992 1993-2000 1996-1997 1997-1999 1996 19 9 8 - CLtrrent 1998-current 1998-20Q2 1998-CUxrent 1999-2002 ziZ'd T96'ON J,�N39d SNI Na3153M WdiE:b 000Z'b 'H3� b p �� 02-24-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CO24�NTS 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6736 Grocery Stock/Department Head Neil Grass 1547 Leone 774-0463 or 626-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-310Q 2-2-98 MACHP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th Street (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 Sue O'DOnnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 (w) 776-2741 9-9-99 CIB STAR; BZA: Kim Roering 840 E. 6th Street St. Pau1, MN h) 651/776-�681 w) 651/776-2741 Kathy Jorgensen 8122 Diane Street Lino Lakes, MN 55014 h) 651/783-0521 w) 612/667-5077 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRIC2 DISTRIC2 (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- "------- -------- -----"-- --- --- --- 7 4 67 09J09J99 W M Father John Dombrowski 840 E. Sixth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 651/776-8086 w) 651/776-2741 00 =�'� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 CAMMZTTEE : BZA Zoninq Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMiSL�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOA) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- --- --- --- 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adama 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia st. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 appa. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave� 55104 w) 641-0297 02/20/98 W F ------------------------ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee� Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo(ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and PaYks-Rec: 00 -��� 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 3 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMlfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----�------------------------------ ---- -------- °------ -------" --- --- --- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee ,416 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003649 Courtney, Vincent J. Courtney & Courtney 6 W. Fifth Street, Suite 700 St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 297-6400 Attorney 3 15 12-6-99 BZA Richard T. Kavaney 2142 iglehart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 651.644-1084 w) 651.223-2861 James T. Aynes 1681 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651.698.4809 w) 651.227-6661 PatYick J. Donohue (current member) 1035 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 651.642.9498 w) 651.224-4050 003409 Crep, Martin 1034 Zdaho Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55117-3351 Home - 487-4213 5 10 12/06/99 W M 03/06/98 W M 3-6-98 P.C. and BZA 00 ��.\ 02-24-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMSTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLZCATSONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COAIIZENTS PAGE 4 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) "--- ------° -------- -------- --- --- --- Jens Varge (Di.strict 10 Chairperson) 1419 Albert St. North St. Paul, MN 55108 h(659-0856) w(871-7212 Ron Edlund (COmm. Dev. Chair) 1507 Almond Ave. St. Paul MN 55108 h(647-9687 w(same} Tom & Bonita Heilman 4915 North Axm Dr. Minnetrista, MN 55364 h(472-2402) w(788-8081) 003646 Davis, Edward 1169 Lane Place St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 771-0046 Urban Planner 6 5 10-27-99 PHA, BZA and Family Housing Fund Boa{rd; Bill Turnblad City of Inver Grove Hghts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Joe Little City of Inver Grove hgts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h0 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Virginia Reilly, PhD Director EOAA Office (Acting) 336 Buruss Ha11JBlacksburg, VA 24061 h) 540/231-7500 w) 540/231-7500 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 2 16 5 Heather Place St. Paul� MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. 10/27/99 W M 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Council, B2A, P{lanning Commission o� -�a.� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAbff�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- "------- --- --- --- Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 D 003552 Duckstad, Jon 3 15 46 E. Fourth Street 1310 Minnesota Building St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - (651) 22?-3236 Attorney 2^15-99 Planning Commission & HPC: Joseph O'Neill, Esq. 1250 World Trade Center 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-8300 Robert Fletcher Ramsey County Sheriff Adult Detention Center 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-9303 Councilmember Jim Reiter 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8650 003382 Fishbein, Gregg M. 1533 Etna Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-2645 Attorney Richard Lockridge 6613 iroquois Trail Edina, MN h) 944-8857 w) 339-5900 6 2 O1/28/00 W M 02/23/98 W M b O =�'a-� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTF3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------------�-�--------------- ---- ----�--- ___----- -°----" --- --- --- Greg Dawson . 511 ICenwood Pkwy. Mpls., MN h) 729-219fi w) 988-3766 Richard Reece 13245 Fiji Way, #G Marina del Ray, CA 90292 h) (310) 821-0628 w) (310) 328-3583 003660 Galles, Dan Work - (651) 698-1988 Business Owner 3 15 02/02/00 W M 2-2-2000 BZA Matt Anfang 1685 Bayard Avenue h) 699-1338 w) 274-9163 Pat Donohue 1035 w. 7th Street w) 224-4050 Ho11y Crouse 1075 W. 7th Street h) 9612) 868-1987 w) 298-9925 003635 Jensen, Julie Ezlinger 2 16 64A Home - 651/297-8818 R.N. Health Admin. Consultant 9-24-99 HPC; CZB; CAAPB; Planning Commission {& BZA: Dave Thune 26 Irvine Park St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 651/227-2511 w) 651/266-6000 Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Helen) Mutphy 1440 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 651/698-3121 09/24/99 W F Mrs. Dede Wolfson 0 0 -�a-\ 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMZTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS PAGE 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTAICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -'--- ------° -------� -------- --- --- --- 1117 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 h� 651/271-0558 w) 651/228-0528 003405 Johnston, Christopher A. 201 N. CLeveland St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 642-9277 Siotel Manager 3-5-98 BZA & Riverfront Corp. William F. Lynch 989 Goodrich AVe., 55105 h) 224-8549 w) 667-1311 D. Kevin Leehan 1610 Palance Ave., 55116 h) 698-2379 Ken Golder 13930 Eden Wood Ct. Apple Valley, MN 55124 w) 333-3111 003670 Lattin, Ronald D. 563 W. Wheelock Parkway St. Paul, MN 55117 Aome - (651) 489-4154 Public Policy Consultant 2-15-2000 Peter Bell 3730 W. Calhoun Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55410 (h) (612) 915-1565 (w) (651) 213-4363 4 13 03/OS/98 W M � Joanne Benson 679 Sue Place St. Paul, MN 55116 (w) 612 337-5252 (h) 651.695-1192 6 66A 02/15(00 W M Charles Slocum 15134 Williston Lane Minnetonka, MN 55345 (HOme and Work) 612.939-0068 0 0 -a��-� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 8 APPLICAI3TS.RPT COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAHMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------�--------------- ---� -------- --°---- -------- --- --- �-- 003397 LeBOw, Eric 1451 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 675-1084 Zoning Administrator 3-3-98 P.C., BZA Gary Berg Senior Planner City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 Dwight Picha Community Development Director City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 03/03/9S W M Marty Jurgensen Associate Planner City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 003375 Mullen, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 4 11 02/13/98 U M Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. MenomOnie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 po -aa � 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APYLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS BATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- "------- --- --- --- 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian internal Affairs Planning Commiasion [same references as those listed above] 002835 Otteson, Tienne M. 2217 Highwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 7 1 02/04/00 w F Home - (651) 731-2562 V.P., Western Insurance Dino Guerin Jennifer wathen Greg Finzell 8-7-97 Planning Commission Dino Guerin Ramsey County Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102, 266-8350 Janice Rettman Ramsey County Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102, 266-8360 Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall 266-8510 003380 Paar, Christopher R. #201 1280 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0203 Judicial Clerk/MN Court App1s 3 14 02/23/98 w M Hon. Doris Ohlsen Huspeni 25 Constitution Ave. MN Judicial Center w) 297-1002 E1don Spencer ao-3a\ 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMlSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATfi APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) -�-- -------- -------- �------- -° --- --- 800 Norwest Center 55 E. Sth St. St. Paul, MN 55105 w) 227-9505 Bob Craggs Suite 800 Normandale Lake Office Park Mpls., 55437 w) 836-6120 003093 Pilko� Victoria �302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Kathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 Georgia Anderson 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8298 11j27J95 W F 003620 Raiter, Shawn M. 1 8 65A 08/26/99 W M #4 809 Pprtland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 228-9813 Attorney 8-26-99 CIB; HPC; HRC; Parks-Rec; P.C.; Police Intern{al Affairs and BZA: Daniel Scott Suite 1500 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN h) 651/310-9847 w) 651/312-6519 Scott Stevenson 846 Fairmont Avenue h) 651/224-7915 w) 651/733-2625 00 -aa-� 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COHMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICA23T f REFERENCE CAMhSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTF3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Ti.m Mulder 1880 Shady Beach Avenue Roseville, MN h) 651/489-00677 w) 651/224-3344 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MCI 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman state Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 4 11 Henry xristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 Univeraity Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs./St. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming� 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 9-21-98 Planning Commission Tom Conlon St. Paul School Board 2183 Berkley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 651 699-7399 w) (651) 293-5109 Henry Kristdl President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 551�4 h) (651) 452-5573 w) (651) 645-6473 03/1OJ98 W F Peggy Larson Postmaster St. Paul Post Office oo-aa� 02-24-00 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 APPI,ICAI3T5. RPT COMHITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/99 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM24ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DTSTRICT D2STRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------°--------------- ---- -------- -------- ------"- --- --- --- 180 E. Kellogg Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101-5001 (651) 293-3100 003207 Wible, Tori Jo 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul, MN 55107-1107 Home - 228-0697 Homemaker (retired attorney) 2 3 03/09/98 W F Justice Esther M. Tomljanovich The Judicial Center 25 Constitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 w) 296-2484 Kay Xruse 174 Delos St. W. St. Paul, 55107 h) 222-1898 Rev. James Carter House of Hope Presbyterian Church 797 Summit Anenue, 55105 w) 227-6311 3-10-98 .TUStice E.M. Tonljanovich Darlene Slenslay House of Hope Presbyterian Church (w) 227-6311 Stacy Schrader Project Break-Through Coordinator (w) 730-6165 000992 Winter, Nancy A. 1869 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 4 14 64 11/30/95 W F Home - 694-4495 Mortgage Banker Robert Plunkett, Atty. 1771 Montreal Avenue oo-a�� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT � REFERENCE COMP6fF.NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETEi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -----�-- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 699-1082 w) 854-4484 Joe Collins, Asst. to Janice Rettman 546 Blair h) 458-5108 w) 298-5289 Randy Peterson State Senator 155 N.E. Colleen Street, East Bethel h) 464-6479 w) 296-8018 11-30-95 Board of Zoning Appeals SKILLS: Member of Property Code Enforcement B(oard (1993-1995); Mortgage Banking since 19'I5; Real Estate broker's license. St. Paul homeo(wner since 1987. Reasons for Znterest: i enjoyed the Property {Code Enfotcement Board. Since it was eliminated I{ feel this board would be of similar interest. oR�GiNA€. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 0 i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of 2 the appoinUnents and reapointment, made by the Mayor, of the following s individuals to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. 4 5 fi � s 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 Vincent J. Courtney Jon Duckstad Dan Galles * Richard T. Faricy [Alternate) * Tienne M. Otteson [Alternate] Each of the above individuals shall serve a three-year term which will expire on November 1, 2002. * Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson shall each serve as ALTERNATE members. Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Y� �,�- �..-� � Approved by Ma Date �if/FiYiC f 2��� By: �(� � Council File # O O� l�1 eZ � Green Sheet # `0!�$ $�Q RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form pro ed by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council I By: � /J �C�-�-�— Adopted by Council: Date ,� � ��o�,� Mayor Coleman's Office NTACTPERSON&PHONE Erich Mische 266-8512 ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� 1'{1G 1^�GI S. Z�O O DATE INRIATED 2-24-2000 �, ��� �� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET u�nauor. orr.�un�r uwKraie ao-a.a.l No 104�389 u�m�ma. ancawri � arcwnox�r ❑ arcasna �..�.�,��� ❑..,.�.�,,.a.a � r�,rw �on,w�s.rm ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of Vincent Courtney, Jon Duckstad, Dan Galles, Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson shall sexve as Alternate members. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMTTTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPLAIN) Has Mis perwMrtn everworlced under a contract fwthis depaRmmYT YES NO Has Mis peisaUfirm eoer Leen a ciry empbyee? VES NO Does this pers�rm poesess a sldll nat �wrmalypossesseA by any curteM ciry employee7 YES NO �s this v�saNfirm a taroeted vendn? VES � COST/REVENUE BUD6EfED (CIRCLE ONk� ACTIVITY NUMBER YE8 NO is4��u2� i'i��'J�.^.�3.'. �'�G:"��,�.�� �' � `� � L��'� oo.ai� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokmart, Mayor Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 390 C#y Hdl ZS West BeIIogg Bou[evo,d Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniei Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter _..o..-°° Erich Misch Director of Strategic Initiatives February 24, 2000 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (BZA) Tekphone: (6l2) 26b8510 Pacsimile: (612) 266-8513 �dMU �.�"Siv.�i.�b�i �^"�'+��{,�� � � � � � ���� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. Vincent Courtney Jon Duckstad Dan Galles Richard Faricy [Alternate] Tienne Otteson [Alternate] Each of these individuals will serve a three-yeaz term which will expire on November 1, 2002. Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of the appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary l, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any questions. BM:drm Attachments c: John Hardwick, BZA Staff, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection Lucia Lebens, Assistant to the Mayor DEC-06-19°9 03�z1 KRVRNEY & ASSOCIRTES, LTD 612 223 2877 P.02 �( 3 �n- � OFFIC� OF THE MAYOR 390 CiTY HALL SAiNT PAUL, MTNNESOTA 55102 Phone:266-8525 Fax:266-8513 oo-aa� Name: Vincent J. Cowmev Home Address: I 30I Hartford Ave. St. Paul. MN 55116 Telephone Number: (Homel-651-297-6400� (Workl 651-297-6400� Fax: 551-223-2877 Planning District Council: HiEhland Park �� City Counsel Ward: Third Preferred Mailing Address: 6 West Fiftt� StreeL Suite 7Q0_ St. Paul. ,1R�1 55102 What is your occupation? Attomev Place of Employment: Self-em�loved Attomek{private oracticel Couriney & Courmev. 6 West Fifth S.k700. St. Paul_ MN 55102. Committee Applied For: Boazd of Zonine Anneals What skills, trainin� or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seck appointrnent? ( am a self em�loved attomev who has lived in St Paul for mv entire }ife-42 vears. Mv nractice of law deals on a reeular basis with real estate issues s�ecifically a fair amount of residenfial real estate includine some eaverience with zonin� issues I graduated from Hamline Universiiv SChool of Law in 1984 and have been nracticin�law for aves 13 vears I fee) that mv IeQa] trainingprovides a good backeround for undeistanding the letter of the law and the rationale behind it Tn addition to practicin�in the real estate azea_ 1 work with and for an individual Richard T Kavaney who practiees exclusivelv in the Construction Law Area, an area that I be]ieve would provide some guidance here My clients involve both sesidents(homeovmers in the Ci�y and several smalt business owner which 1 believe provides me �ood back�round in whae is �oingan in the Ciry Lastiv I have been a homeowner in the Citv for the last 12 Yeazs. The infonnation included in this apptication is considered private data according to the yinnesota Govemment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. DEC-06-1999 a3�21 KAURNEY & ASSOCIRTES. LTD 612 223 2877 P.03 n0-�1\ PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Richard T. Kavanev Address: $�Tne Address u 2142 I�lehart Avenue. St Paul MN 55104 Phone: Home-651-644-1084 Work-651-223-�861 Name: 7ames T. Hvnes Address: Home Addiess is 168t Highland Parkwav St Pau�55115 Phone:ilome-651-698-4809 Work-651-227-6661 Name: Pauick J. i�onohue Address: Business Addresc• 1035 West 7'" Street St Paul MN 5510� Phone: Home: 651-642-9498 Work-651-224-4050 Reasons for your interest in this particulaz committee: Since T heard about this from Patrick J Donohue much of mv interest is based on conversations with him 1 have a sincere interect in makin� St- Paul a betYer �lace for all of us As people migrate back to the Citv theare will be more and more interestint issues as oroperties aze devetoped to provide for that movement_ Similarlv as neoDle look for ontions to stav in the Ciry difficult and interestine issues aze bound to develoo T am imerested in beine a part of tt�at and hel in to gr9vide the nroner fair answers to the_ issues. Obviouslv I am interested in broadenin� mv horizons and meeting some new and difFerencepeonle. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? TFso, when and circumstances? i h�ve had no such contact In an attempt to ensure that committee representat�ion reflects the makeup of our community, piease check the line applicable to you. This information is sirictly voluntary. ,sx�x White (Caucasian) Black (African American) Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islapder _ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo xxxx Male Female Date of Birth: 6/14/57 i7isabled: Yes No xxxx No spe�i�l accommodation needed i heard about thic from Pat Donohue TOTAL P.63 r� y CL 1]• 1777 �.... lU // `Y J � c�� � �� �.+�L7d1�J7 ..cr.�G� i?.a.i�lil :Ll.n�.� OFFICE OF THE MAyOR 390 CTI'Y $AId, SAZNT PAUL, 2�7NNESOTA SSIO2 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 26fi-8513 . , ...._ c _ 0 0 �,.�.\ z _�� a �, Name: Jon Duckstad $omeAddrCSS: • �k."k..:� 5t. pgul�' 2�L`I '--- • . SS�i6 Street City • - Zip TeIephone Number: ffi4.mel 651 699 (Workl 651 221 �� 651 2g, 1, Planning District Council: `✓ City Couneii �Vard: � PreferredMailingAddress: 4b E. Fourth'Street, 1310 Minnesota Blde. St. Paul 2�LV SS1G1 �V6at is your occupa�ion? Ac�o Place of Emptoyment: Commiftee(s) Applied For; 1- ZS-?,oao What sl:ifls, training or experience do you posscss for the committee(s) for which yoa seek appointment? As a fonaer Asaistant St.. Pau1 Citv Attorney I vas assianed to the St 'Pau1 Plannine Board from 1964 thxu 1968 as a legal representative from the City Attorney Office. Duria� my term as an assistant Sc paul Citv Attornev Z r nr apnted the Ci v oi Sr v,1 ir our Ransey County District Coart and United States 151s[rict Cour[ on a number of liti7atzc zoning cases. (see attached) I al"so served as an assistant City AtLOrney from 1963 thr� 1970 duriaR crh�ch cime I drafted a revised bi2lbozrd zonin¢ code wnlch wac ona *ad nZ adopted by the then existing City Council and i.ncorporated in[o che overall zoni code. I have considerable experience in Muncipal laci includ'zng zoning. I'also"represented tce Village of Mendota £rom 19J0 thru 1975 as its le�a2 counsel I have been'in private'practice in the City or St Pavl since 19)0 I havA al"sa'sezved as a part-time Ramsey Councy Public Defender froa 1973 to [he present time. The information included in this application is considued private data according to the Mianesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this informstion ic not released to the general public. St'. Paul, Minnesota 1310 Minnesoca Bld�. St Paul i� - St. Paul Plaaning Cocmission Eeritage Preservation Coflmi (t) VER) Rev. 8--`.9 ; _.__ _,._. «.__ ..___�____� __...._, ,,..__�.. _��.,__ � .-.,.._ . � . : i . •�l. 0 0 -�a� Name; Joseph 0`Neill Esq. AddreSS: 1250 4lozld Trade Center, 30 E. Seventh Street, St. Paul, 4C1 55102 Phone: Name: � or � 651 298-8300 Robert Fletcher, Ramsey Councy Sheriff Address• Adult Detentzon Center, 15 W. Rellogg Blvd.> St Paul, iIl4 55102 phone: Name: J±m Reiter, C011RC�1fl3II AddreSS: 310 CitY Ha11 � Courchouse, 15 w. Kello�e B1vd., St. Paul MN 55102 Phone: jAomel (Workl 651 � �(p (p — g(„ �C) Reasons for your inYerest in this particular committee: Cl) I am interesced in the St. Pau1 Plannine Coe¢nission becauae I have conside a�l� exnerience in the area of municival land planning & 2oning. I have also a great deal of legel experience in this area 1n- cluding zepresentation of the City of St. Paul in numerous zoRin� court cases froa 1964 thru 1970. One of thsse cases involved preventinQ railroads from constructin� three (3) high rise towers (buildings} which would have blocked the vzew from the Ke11oRQ Ma1i. (2) I am also interested in preserving certzin o1d buildings and landmsrks in the Cicy. Have yov had previous contact with the committee for which you are making app]ication? Jf so, when, and the circumstances? I have had contact previously v�ith the St. Paul YlanninR Board from 19b4 thru 1470. Z have not hsd prior contact with the Heriea�e Preservation Commiseion. In an attempt to ensure thaE committee representation re{tects the makeup of our community, please check the lioe applicable to yov. 'This information is stricfly volunfary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Tndian or Alaskan Esl;imo _� bSale Disabled: Yes Female No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: N/n �RQ�� orl:l 651 266-9303 �upanic Asian or Pacitic Islande� Date of Birth: 06/04/34 $ow did you hear aboutthis opening? Mrs. Harold R. Foscch (Judy Focsch), 2133 Selby Ace. n ��z�is�i�yy 2a:ia �._z��__:� _�_ _ ..�_;_. _ _._: : - ��'�\ _ .;�� _ ,� :,ade:e i�E a� v'ir �� .��1��� � ���.�.� ��2,e V. �-w�r_ :::•,: ����P��' , � ��:�_�� �—,; s�ia� � .:��4z� :�::.. Fr�sf lJP i n Ninn 32 ?AG� 5:. PAL7.. 3�::. W%DYSDaY. DS"�SCi.." 1L 1%3 �o e :0 r_-__^�. �a �� ; Reds tab ! ' ' `'Y 122mmShelf � I g . �.. ; ��•�= f lnto Saigon I�iA : :j,.H Fin! Ariaci � gy Tarroris+s � -��� I S�ocr Augasl �--� °'I-� Sn:C.:Y iU?b � Torrvl avnaa! �If.� a �i:�.1 'y[)] �f Va� � e la �mu 6ue� •r< [v� nJ:ln.1 au � �c �< ,`. �. .n �a ..uc�e' �:a:u Itcr. ¢:.wr�a.e.� I na r.� 1.•-v F�+:b ..�Y ... ` 1'�::'J" �X4.t� ��f .m.t�u I:�< m �aW L^ua�r.cuF, <ar Y� M�a u•; oa.:y� nal �I�IIp"��'] .u�<< ? r A r w1.e.; `rt�er Y�.- � .<w � ^ l +Y,aat• tatr%Iei.L� ..� - n(�.� nll �i ] m C�nn m u�n,. � ].a..fl � nY ; �, r� .� «<..,.,,. � :,,, ,:; �.:�� �� Cot��� ���OIC�S _.¢- ':x•^ e r+ 9:�a ��oi rm ne hn':O�u Gni I:ui.S rLp �v�i :6niFJ DULnG <EikuCnY �,v W in6IDN!:ti0ev e�e�t i.lzi. •• n• � I ' Na:n:�f .1.� i u e..� f.d wrv N.�a. Ca.inr.. ir.. a l r.e. s.i� a 1 > r.. r..�. ,�i ....�� a� �w,.�m� ..e ` .n�.a a n.n �... <r i �,r�a. .�a� ux:��me..e .a�m c¢.� wn�...�. tion ;;�u., o,«o,,.«�..�< m Y w.. n:m .u-� i n<'.� .��. ,: s.i.l � o+ .,a : , .� io .�.om� � li� �.�� II� •� \ �� ° "��.� ;�°:: �.,,. T :, Nixon ! c�u<,��r•eil�'Cam:ie�'t`'r >•:b rt` �C nd�:. Il.y ,<<;... . ..j Pledges �ty` ' M:+/i/ La+.�ct S+uin ,i�.... <,.:� •>,�.,�,� .,.;:<�:.,, '� ,>'e,m�.�.,.,�, � ��.n..r.3�m . .�w.ee..mv •�r� f�{�� s. ..y Ir.�n�L � WASHLY4'C4 b- lL T<'ul aµe�vt`•��K°�(� N`il u�L'I;:fIN1n]- •�r.:t..M.an an C.+�j�4sil�.l��^nUGaw Gm�i1`r lu�«:.ex �ienCNf aed yd •n.:rwool:'n.,.:�.u..E:�mmxWw:>mxn. luanuau�a�y. �a� :'�' YYt�na:n�V�[:n�:aT�ny}TUtNVJ• ~ L'e:.1F<(YI),no���1RL.0ul • � ��G�.� T e$a.��[:�e4� ��y L'flne � k 4 'aviuNt�)tw�iL'AybW6'eam���n.e ` +IISM �U n. f � _ .r v : . ' ea� � Ev Int �t1�1(M1 Ir(t Yili�� NC�m- `��.� ....__. i�n _..� 'Y::�a:<'J:CLe�utN9UY�IF< Y:ar: t� a:n�" , n ��t�t,' � ••nG ler iY IIM1' .�rl� IM�aI'�lea � bt A>�v�1�Je.n'IJ<n: t Te�� �M 4�..pE ��nY�ff CuneCfLalJfl } v Pill� .� Y. `t l�L [ l' �u.lu. f:il I�n.�vl 1`�e� r.'L'Jw u �irn'Ira.tl�.t .. . . .y I3.n�p�C I� Co�ud• � �[Ft Or �.....� ,I• � b� ��YA < c..\ kl� '-'.a�� r.m.�.Nll�.l TI� `� �o�a._a.. lani ,. e:o.� :.:.. an�:v � a. a uee. � �.a ,.:ir..r;«:. �'a�"•:.••v�,/� Surtax � L'iSl�:tlnoi '}�� �^ Gu0( � V T�( �b.rd � �'� • �al Cr R:m � .�, •1 1 • �ef ira �u<.'� N� L�� . � beo� �:��<`j.. Urged�;:; , �1���� ��ll���•�Da>m�)�' • Warmlrend, T�':r' •�,°,°°' �� r ¢o dar K .. �.'�nm; i lb �9ec �:.32 High Due ; ° �`� °` " wW��f. d �dan �litn��v . � �"��N.<uae Y: � '���-� vtl.:[� :. I:�� A,vsY1 u n<P.�.Gu.' . a.:.....:.¢i —� ' aE 4ia»�v� I:ruy- iU .. n,.,.,.. _,�'$$TT�immed L�)!,4 i�Lyl�f..�a�1u 1. ihl�ty M�,�a� ^ ft i:v j mNn��� • Mni�+.^m..�U ,• h:: ] V. I U.I�� t�. In - � �:'�: p au 1> n�- uo f�^fy'�; d H 1 �ie,.,�,yM.�n.t�x..,_..a .... 01 < S.mb' I �:m e v' ` er G.:..... .u.�.�ua aiP:a-.o�u�:.mc >'� i �inr • t�r r<�^__ ._. ;. niln alllh�vnt�r� l�n(aw �;� er.r I Vrr:vn u�lu FFIC X•�5�'.+ ='(= : anit�mat��� �e �� ��b� 4��� m�.0��.f�. �a<s: �Mr�bRt NG] _��>t�:_. 'ulY� � u f r t�nln:.. � YleOl•e Yv.� ei�v Cu: �m ilo���' tr• �� 1.� �Nte�ie.r.�n:m<.'1 uan .• �- a en IL9W` ��v� T�L'y.:a•; •n ::b��C..�a�Y.....' + •<: Ya, 11:Y'I a •� ry �i:�pa t Il�ta 1:. St.[OY'�� Y. �:3 MY :� ila�l:a �11� �v�i..u] .h� o ,m.� ._ ...M._ � Saa.a nz� e<>a�. v��l ee, Nizon Is Sfill ' �-" "°,°.. ` n �..�:�,._`»;�:: ��W'�� .. N w 3 ♦ �� u�y Against Hiking '°" " ` =�"'� =' EffOft `�, ,:.,� .K;:;,, .�Tax Ezempticn �;� �� ����� _:=; -°' t��n��'Y.:�L "s��n�'�:•�i�A .ln::i. 6..� [�il�i� W.\NII\r�l.Y �Y���n:� snrm-Sdv21�..�_ VDa. Yuv01Yw.::�.9.Va;n �a�ow>: � a.:.m.:..:�e ' . �. . , _ ;io ..�,.ex.:er�ti��.tu`e�, �e,e�_. ^m � <¢aO:f:IT�.' U u._. �e ...� � f:eG nb aCN ela. A[.it�rcr: r[P:••. u `.�� (:_ :.1. L '- ( : � .]yie^v�e]e'I �ll:1e �n� �'.'�UN [l `G �� : �- ]uy �C Is'h� � : A .a l•Y m.man er ..r .. , .f. .��i� .am ..f.._ .. ..� ' St. Pau� ����w' L��r � �(.�.�� � �.�(i v.'���.���vJ � ��i:.�� �—��� � �..� .., d � ava,�at��� � tint au�nurnir ��'� � ������ � ���'!'� Where r... ..< _,.�a :. X°.:�� ;-°: �.,,:,. �� �, e4.<ne. Soek —Tb fM10 Boo'rc� Are u�<.,d ,�,m.,� . . �. . �� o , �k.. .....o.,.,. � 50��.� w.���a<o��u.«.h.R.e. � boot. ... uii G•u (x itld First Newspaper in Minnesofa ' T. heli )11 S1 � ^,: ror I (u !h� 5: I:Yf{ � f�� mg I hcua:,y �.::AEd ya: or.t 3r..a;eQ m s�td r, ro:.cei Eaus:�� a n. c..uzC, I c'c! .�:Y I i� a.''ry I :v poal.� � rvr.•I e-. z.i wx dl- -:iel - J�c: tet ua: ve: ° �J� SY ��}•IS P,1TTE}tSON Saft ti'rLLv Ucn o� (ncMlss+si7piRiver a�tla cf II+� Kelioey jilvJ. ra,!1 b.g;:r Ihan Iho maU ih sxif Ee:�e;n Si, Peter �n6 foccrl >;i rots. c, Ssl. �'•. = � . :WaDaz,a St., mughlioLevs h¢'iVn�y . ,• %�%�- '<��- . INe case <alad up tsemtha n<:r�r.. —�° �: °w�• � EGh[h V S. Ccurt o( Appeals 1 z�'u i TN� NAtIOM1AL C��RIST:.i.+.5 T6cE W.�S LI'vr.�EJ OUa:NG CEFEMON7 i�! WqSN1N6iON TJ;iDAY NIGHT m S!. Lcuis w��ch hdd for I . ` Wvt;�Sbq A.e lrU;lcnf ana N:t N.::� Co:�NC ine,a. In;erui $e</elery Wahvr H�U?I i ��s u'y 135f May. ,� . , ^et' . , Dac;siaa. who h�s rep[r : s d a y sen!<L �}^ c�lY Qutins mo�e �^ (�:° � thaa lu�a yqatt af �L�y�ation. "'"' Nixon Lights Tree ;NizonlsStill s�'�Lh:SapremeCouresac• u:.•-: ! ��:aa "m� a, lMt the [ity hai S�3%CC51 \ , pf2�3d?d ]tld Ola! i11E Oldl• C�' . I1]Il�c (5 C0119LLY1[OpHI Dpd s:.:,,� Against Hiking P����, ;t:d pledges Peace Effori � 1:.�,=:�;ew<<he���p�3 1^ �Taz Ezemption mesn¢x that a pl�yh66tF C°""5 � [ le•:! Il 60IDd UlSldllCtS [0 � W.aSHISGTJ�' 7.?I; -.id;�.g'�'z. :riva s�ar.]m� �!�poe�a 7enn.san� lionep: �utncti<ressmu.L� eec'�.•U F'r c a I d c n t Rc�a:d �I,.>. �� nu Sid< e:, r banJ:hc.^. plal- � I{.n;J Ang^is S:nt:' bul Uils cae Ln rzn r a � i �•:�i':�.�civv I,�y�_timl � F ev {heview 1 L,S:��, ���.'c:� a�'oai.(em: ^a �l�c k:War.. L�e Ve:R�laiu.vv.ce� wc;e iv.saC wlCn ida�.eu7 ct ai:elTaasu.y�o[ P.e, �lscualOalAiserQam �- �. Ch i�--,�-. -' i:J+�+sw�i$mt'�d'0.'CtceNMi�a"��!� oF "me Ur�wa:: �4a � t. �,,•, -. ���r�. a„ , oaa ron.t,e: " m�,a u.aoa � �� P P CnarL.s ti aa:.er O::IarN 1'cKa,.'�DU�eN.' :: I f. p:e;:eJ�LUU:rhy:ii. , w.�r'm+<<:nane.eahaml� I:�wi aC U,+u" «h.la st•oal�mg a 1p(oot Nc�wi�spro:_�;u:miutralors�Sa�!�Y+�dsi 'Y t1t \;z�n aJw.n�-. hlvlor Snom�i R. Eylne ,: c.cl.�doun anliwar czq�a:str3��rs', fror G{cns }a{Sr. N.`!., in > x�av, on lho n�ler Irin^o ot:l r a t i u r. a�:ar.Gm+ ficn. aommen:rJ: ':I am �apfR ` i . e ag�in,t anr ,-.4easa lu we"+�it� U:e Ce<�aron. Out ma1L r eov. �liu�!cE "peace r,cv n u,' „ - =n±:rt�a: tradi�m+:aa: br we co��a tau�; m� t�ra�� I �ers��a! mco:.;= �a� c�cm. ��,'+C tlm �ie�. a; Ua xiverfs �y7��varmg rnlp. I g. �. wlLi Calvin CoaL:y: ucr.l �cn. r I ane o: t;�t oulaUnding p�yei- 4e,wn�, tYi!h hJs NIL= s.,�, iCcrl A WY4'U:�Irlrar„C;��:a� T;�a p��:estcr5w3veCpl�c cal ftsj�;es ef SL Paul, 1 •.. Hd 10�Q Li.:$ L� R2'A'SRl_6 a:a:reeG�ng"banihebomb" commend and lhank the �'>"':� � � : a�.0 i�old Gp lhtir fagxre m J u:: �;l�r It1��t; Ihe r,',�rc- m c r.. E a r c o[ CAr rotlJn c sr.!h /��" i LN: ,. V'•Icr P"-3�e s�;n. DlsRy �ng szssian of : e SenatP, CJUni2; R)bp(l O CWNCII'6 f I � ; �� ts V�' /Ulonth Surtax ����� �roud f.e;C �;pleC 11Otl�OJn(uer.:_ �n lne ta:�s��� �F�DuciSLidN aftic� • ti�, relo:m Sul P �` � psa:e car.dles � aar, (or �he I.ne wofk lu a� t,:t, l�uer was cc:nn�.en:ir.F kee7ir.syufotus." M1yi;i �.�e ehantlr,gccU:le i on a repert by 5=n. tiY,n 7te •' :epert- , U rg e d I.arC. icu.LY, uF�allv when 7'i7 o:�a+nce wef xte n s� o n +���%� SIOJC Lf Ne �oQ1Y,T 10 G o t�, D�+ent t h a[ L:a I �h31'3oy?: hy tFa feU[oid ia 5lta: Ia tlm naLoa oc televt. �''�°'r r.sd C attx' c>¢., U.S. Disuict Court. Tlk nIP ei.:m� 5;on an d ra 1 10 ' r r o m i u s h r t h e < e r i f e r � n x � r o aC, a�ve d L i� t tioe fetVia n:!:e U�i W�y�LVGTOS' :7 - Tne r..:nded eioser s� ervmon vf i wmcl wou'd f.^c,uC< an ic�:lron5 0� Lhe he' Izofbdld. fe•rSRr.l I � � � PrefU';ouf Cor..m.cee Iar� 'K,y�t u2w.�If�(l��SnJ� :r<+.s^ in 6'Ie r3:mp;1o0. S0 "�` teanomic pt.ele,r. e;1. reo- I delrc:� e�enlini ar.; s�.0 I pyt rs r.ot a;ly pexe aew, in< Ce�'rtne::elu7 sa:1 � d��e0 L e�r31w e( IIS Deo .<.mg I e,nmentl2C' ;L°sC.. e:.x.i0 i t: a D.!'< e` anr mon.J ca�< `ot pmc. in Ne ; een to � Ni� ..=c wi ¢a <ux� a d. ty Gom G"-0.000 ta D150.000. .� m6 tne m:cma s_r.az nl •""'0iz wum�Ds`cad neGeasclora6pr�plcln;aGaaC Fc:c:alJo43eMdes3nr ._ "" Ir.ul 4ncoue.t I -.is �' �: <Cr.iltt: U allavl.�,re l;�c �. �PdiS IO Ce�v: h� 1' C:.�a �.'. c< .m� G;re 4.IJ inal �r.e OrJnNnc� wua �. .i. ,�� � Lug ll:� :..a , C� 'r��.:or ; ,f �Pe i�t.a: pi a�: tua .�:ct ��a�: a'v�vc , , .:e .. ___.. _ . . _ . �i.. aa.+:t> ', i+aon._t�t.an.1 STenh•». PNUi C, ,�� _ �� f., I�tII`Ih., W �D�iSDAY, DECY.��L3EF 17, 1909 . �C ' a°,"` "s:.;," 10 C�^TS � � I� �ur�� holds tr-�; � _� `: ' ' ;s -.; ; , ,. _s - •c_ ._ _.,. z�:1�7 //. `�.�... . . uJ.L�4::JJ � ==' = --__ =- _= N.+vG G�.; - - .- - � oo -�a1 ISSUE PiTS CITY,. CNW RAlLWAY �t�i.ld it�g Heigl�t �rir�� $y RICHARD $OR�71G � ' Slaff �4rlter � How high�s too hbh? z R'hza `i: comes ta cor,- ! structing bu(]dings'oa a 2?�- acre site nea; tne r.ortn E bank of the hlississippi ad• jaceot to the Kellog; hia!1, � tne city of S:. Pau2 contend; � "eye level at m�11 level." �a the other hand, �.y omner of thz Qroperty—;he • Chicago and horth Westerr. � Raihcay �— states ihat the �� cttY has no legal right to limit. anp proJzcted con- , strucfion on their land in t=rm; oi hei,�i;t. Tce ciFj did just tnai by.passing an o:dinance Aprii 2�,•19&',. Tn; trial to decide t4e is• su= sta;ted Tueslav before Fedzrat District Judgeti*.i[es I,ord and is e�cted to con- tin��e fo: more th;:, a wee:. Donald L. CT,apnz�, a� architectural eo;weer with a St. Paul f;rm, tzd the court that h�c co.mpanr ha; tecommended to the ra:1- wav tiiat they bui?d fivz buiidings on the procerty. ��P�an, answering questions fram Ph1]ip Strino Y� ' �t � :� _'. . . . .. kc�"a ... 1.� �.'S.'. Y�. � <` }', y`9:i _1 K � .�... S3 M.:.': �t�Y.. - : �. ,_e ". ..C".t'� . _ . . . .���. ���ins er, laxyer io: t'::e *ail�.;: , T'r.e railwa7 contends 3n sid tis fir..i coadssc!zd a i� suit [h2t li�e city }ys i ` tnree•monLi study of L`�e� e[,'ect "con;ucated $3 yu si'.e and of dc�a�toar: St. r?34r��• tc its � I Fau: s::d recor�mzndrl tce p:operEy and I consG o: a p�:i:; w'�ts 4hem reskred or else lo: wiLti a caoacity e: �'��� in co.•npensation � sen�e 11,CC0 cars. faur ni- f.om Lhe city. �i rise a?art:�ent; of 6�0 wis Du:iag nooa recess 'I�es- dP.d 3 27}r00I:! 1[l0t'_l. �� cay, Jadge Locd led String• � Chaprnan toid the co�t er, az;other railway attor• i: tbat there 1� "ahsoiutely r,o ney; Pa;il Sharood, aad an ; uchitecri::a! *easen" K;,y ae�ornep for the city 3on : Lhe Ei�e buidings shaJd no! D�ckstad, for a fitst-hand : rise hom Eetween L^ snd IB l�d at the .property. • stcries �6ove ti�e Ii2lloog 'i'}le trial resumes at 10 � m� 1ev=�• s. m. today. . ' _...__.__ . . _ \ N � , ,`: _, :�� � FEDERq� COURT RECESSES SO WABASNA STRFET BRIDGE - "`°° ° � IRII }o /Zigh} Are Jon Duckslad, Paul SSorood, Phili $lrin er cnd, in fore rovn�l, Jua� e� <-: _ � 9 s s M;ra� to,d � I � � � � b ���. � ;. �e � ' � ������� .� ..' , . � '=� , �.1���� � � � � . � ;�iEDN�SDAY, JUtiE 28, 1967 c FIFTEEN � r--- ----- i 02/i5/1595 LG:1� i / J � o7iL7'J1�5� . * ^ - .� ' - ` �f.�ttu1,I��isp7f�m- � . An Ia \ewspaper � � , � Bernord H. Ridder, Chairmon of �ha Bocrd - • . _ • Bsrnccd k. Ridder Jr., presideni and Publ�sher . ' • 7. l�erLn. Gensral Mo.agc� . T, f, lanfor3. P�ad�eYen Mono3u . d�e. H. A/ Le4en7J�g DL�c�or Fvn G. Svndherg. ��.cub��on OG��rp� � Wllif�m G. Samnv� Ed'nar i�id 5. Neu?eri:q &.c�1(.e Edi�er Glen�l:klea�que�io�_:d�or loFn R. fl�.<qon. Aoir execati.a fd:ter ' H. G. enn6om J.., Mc�cp:,q Ea:�er ' ' W�%HiNGlOH NE'NS 9U]EAU, Na��eml TF.vi.. sld�, � 1pvEFiISIVG O«KFS. Sapu.l..;��o..walke� C�+a�../ NEW Ype( C�Itn'vO D:TiOIt �Hi�pDEVM4 O�IUS , AtUNtA 5>Y iUNCISCp l�$ AN�E�E$ MINNE4>OUS ' Cm...l fJe� d tA� Prcn�v 7rev and C.�OV¢. a• �nain�a;•ed oi Il.... efpt�i. Editorials City Vi/ins on Waterfront It's appaient th$�U. S. Circuit Court Judge Gerald xeaney�bas an eye fo� beauty. • In z mz)ority opinion wYitten hy He2- ney, the Eighth District Circuit Court suled th&t a St. Pau1 city ordinance re• stricting the heights o[ buildings along the rivertront �ras not unconstitutional. The City,Councii enacted the ordi- nance in Se�lember, 1966. In September. 1967, p. S. District Covrt Judg: Aliles I,ord held thaE [he ordinance �ras a vio- lation o( the due process oE laW, The pracflcal resull o( Lord's rulin� could �ave been to a1ioM• the Chica�o & I<orth }Yestern Raitway Co., which ow�ns prop- erty below the Keliog� mall, to constrUCt apartmenE houses that rose above L4e level of the mall. but ox•ing (a the enlighiened Ienacity o( City Attorney Joseph Summers and his assistanl Jon Duckslad �anoakleat cluster (o each), the city appealed Judge Lord's deci5ion lo fhe Circuii Court. "In our view." Heaney wrote oo be� • hai[ ot that cour., "the action of the City � Council was hased on reason and togic = and not whim and caprice. It p�omoled : lF.e legitlmace police porver abjectives — � fhe renewal oE the core area of St. Paut : so as to make it a desirabte place in � which to work, live and eajny cultural ; and recreafional activities. • .=c'�;,.�T i �:;u�?N �LCKSD 1 I i ; i "The benefit to the pubtic is g*eat in comparison lo the d'unuIutioo of the � market values suffered by the owr.ers," � he said. ' This ruling is'ciucial to the future de- � •velapment of the St. Paui waterfront. Had the court decided against IY,e.city, � k'e may as well-have. f:issed the rive[ i good•bye. With'no height Yimit on build- " ings that would be bui!: ainn; the river• � tront, it woutd soon become impos5ibie + to see, much less reach the river from ; the city. � , The decision 'makes ail the more � worthwhile the development of Navy Is j ]and, a,projectwhichrecentlyhasbeen � open to the suggesfions oE professinnal • and amateur architects in the Twin Ci• ' ties. The pt`Oposals submitted, w�hile being a touch on Lhe fantastic side, nonetheless pointed out how dramatically , the ricericont could be ehan;ed from the ' drab. uninsp�ring character �f has now. � tndoubfedly, .lhis court tight has cost � the city considecable rooney, The er• . pense x•ill more tfiaa pay for itsetf in the � 2ong run, howevet� We're fortunate [he � city attorney'and:}�'s assistani chose to : do battie with the'federai disLict court. ; The decicion is a Yega] mIIest¢ne for any . communtry intere"sted in bringing aes- ; thetic objectiv¢s in balance with com• merciai ones. • ' i ��: PaGc �: d0°�x� 02/Oi/00 11::.0 F.� 612 3J% 3626 SY�1)fES �I�I�I 8�fCItEE �001 OO.}.�� FEB-07-20c�GJ 09�19 ST PRUL MHYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 P.92Z03 /1 (� OFFICE OF TSE MAXOR —�^ � ���(j� � oF2 �p a� 'J -� 0 y Y �' ` 396 CLIY HALL 1 � �`(-' �� SAIIV'� kAUL, MIPtNESOTA 55102 1�f�� 1�I -�•�' J I• -— Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-85I3 .�� ��� '� � Name: `�T�/ �• �f}I�tv Home Address: o�'vZtl ST �1 R , ' �j�. P�UL �j`C �DJ • Street . • C�� (0 2 � Zto Telephune 1�Iumber. (�q� ��5v � � � �7� p(anning Dfstrict Councit: Preferred Nlailing Address: �Vhat is your occupation? Placa of EmpIoyment: Committec(s) Applied For: ������ � Clty Councit Ward: �' AK�#1't�cT • � M M�, W�" � 5`{mM� M�t N l�� ��5� � (�f`' z(�1`1( 1-)U e�6��t,A.I�.�7- '�'S'hat si:itls, training or experience do you possess For the committee(s) for which you seek � . � ►. � ' -� � i i�er �j, �� � (�]� � r. �` /, � .1 -�. ' �Ili�� 1 � � . � f� � 1 iJ! � / I � � ( I � � � ,' I. �I +, / ' oF �-I�� .. , AN� ��A�il�1 t¢�'l�s.� • 1 /LAn /_�.r�-' _nI� p�� n� . . . . _ .. _ . The information included in this.application ls considered privace data accord;ng to thehlinnesoca Government Data Practices Act As a result, this informatian is not released to the general pubIic. „s (4VER} ' Rev. 8-: ->" , 02i07i00 11:41 F.�1 612 JJ2 J626 SY�)LS �f.�I`I & AfCI{EE FEB-07-2000 09=19 ST PAU� hpYOR'S OFFICE Nlame: Address: Phone: Name_ Address: Pfione: Name: Address; Phone: : �►. : � �; 7� M � f�j002 ' 00 �,�.� 612 266 6513 P.03ig3 70 LUG � � oF� Ls�� �Co t��T I�� �T• SS! atrtel �� ^J�° 2� b O a.Q � /'Wnr1 ��� � ��� � �x � �7� J�' �� 2Dter �7y' �j �') -7J f�Wnrl v�p�� �- l�� 5urnm�T-� sT 0 2 3 � 1�,�`!b Have you had previous contact witti and the circur�l, ances? � _ -�: ,�.��� �a �.� -- .� . . � t6e comtnittee for which you are m�king application? If so, wh;n; �ts'f � fJ�. �� .c ..� � . , . � ,��. --- -.. � , _ ..s.-- .. z��y��� �'�z. � u.l �►7T- _ In aa attempt to ensure that committee representatioa rellects tht makeup p{ our community, pfease check the line applicabte to you. This informatian is sErictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) $ispanic $lack (AFrican American) ?.sian or pacific Is(ander American Tndiart or Alaskan Eskimo " 11�Iale Female Date of Birth: �� � 12 � Disa6ted: Yes No �, IFspecia! accommodatiuns are needed, Qlease specify: a'z- a?ao bAST `T�'�n(� S SZ � � How dld you hear abaut this opening? _ ���� �� '' � Tr'?AL �.63 Reasons fo� your interest in this particular eommittee: .� - , � �� i,vu+�: Home Address: ' CONTINUE FROM PREUIOUS P�GE 0a1 �����oo aa-� - -._ - _.... _..._.---... _ . _,.,. isio. � � u� 5.,�.�,�--�° �rn Ss"�� 8treet • �`� ��� TeleQhone Number: Plvan(ng Disttiet Gaunctt: PreFerred hIatling Address: W�at is your occupation? Pisee aC Employmeut: Committa(s) Applled Fof: ag�. � � �J 7`'`� City Cauncll Wards � .c _ , _L <� .�...� 7�'ryt �—rSs-�,E'SS O�`'^�v �' �ff's G"_;`.�c._._:cS -- SYhat s�3lts, traialag ar espe�ienee do you po�seas for 4he cummittee(s) for whieh yov seek appointmenc' .��, G- �y`— �„'� � ,K�i�-�"d ,or.�D'y /pb,/$rr..6'SS �..' 5�Cri�lr'�ie. ,,�f,{��G.'nT' �� l� C! ��( 'yt7 C,�li)� � �x"�_ . � . � ,.,.. /I _e _ / ✓� „ _, � The informatiou tncluded lrs this apptication it tonaidered private data accarding to the hilnnwota Government Dac� Yracticas Act. As a resu(t, this ini'ormation i� �tot released to the general public, {OVER) Xttv. R-�-r" Denc oy:u�alles t,onNanien �ao l�:«J�__ rron el[e>odoG<vG4< <oo_C�io Fecelved Feb-02-00 14:13 � �` ��,: �,_i� Ol6 p6H-02-2fl00 13+28 n�rc rx ldytme: ,�ddress: PaAAe: Namc: At�dress: Phone: Nama: Pde2 ._ � OD -��� v�� T �� . __ _ . . � v A6d�ess: > � `� PM4ne: •� • S�` 9 $� �qs_ q9a ��•'s �s��---���s G�.�// Rna9ons fo� your interest in thi� partieular commtttee: ,.,L_ � A $ave you had prerious coatact r}'ith the committee tor which you are mal:tng gpplicatlon? If eo, when;' aad the circumaiAaces� _ � In s,n attempt to eaenre that eom�3ttee r0presenttdnn reflects the makeup of o�tr comtiturtity, please check the 13nc applicable to you. 7hig lnformadon ls etrictly �oluntary. ��Vhttc (CAUCasien) ___.__ Btack (�frican Amertcan} Auiertcan Indlan or Aiasl:an �sltimo �� hinte Female Disa6ted: Yss __ No '� If special accornmadatioas s�re needed, piease sp��ify: - va Hispaalc Asjaa or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: �/�L� �?G' �li',�E - G�,< ° -� o How did vou hear about tbls opening'! TOTF� P.04 1: . �� _ R'.[.rr��� �'d. �� � �: ,� S , ,- r _������ �_ 2laate : aa�� �' . .iAYOR'S OFfiC£ Home Address: � �E'tF� l(�OOb ttU 1'l 12. i _ y Z'� r� " i/�h �j 'rj� j� - Street . . Citp Zip Telephone Nuaber: _ _ fHome) � �J�� o�� �pe{ (Aork) �(D7— � � � l (EA%)�89-�� ! Planning District Co�ci1:��ST2JCT � City Council Aard: _� P=eferred TSailing Add=ess: _ QbpVE L7hat is your occupati Place�o£ F�ployment: Co�it�ee(s) 2pplie3 For. OtP1CF; Ur i'lii t.i.YU: : ' R � ` .�,�� ' ' 390 CITY HPS,L SAIIST PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 � ' OO•� , 26b-8525 FAX: 266-8513 At16 0 Z 199T = 15510 Z-�f-20DC� klzat skills/training or erperi.ence do jou possess for the comittee(s) £or vnich you seek appointment? i � ' � ' �.r _ � 1 .I/ � �!,�i��.�..-n. v u • � ' • � The infoxa.ation included in this application is considered private date accordi.a3 to the Hinnesota Govere3ent Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforr,.2tion is not �eleased to the general public. (OV�R) • P.ev. ?/?8f96 �enc oy=up+aes �onoanae> � fiecetved���0�0 13�28 � Naa�a ildQear. PI�ARc: . • •ro ir:» _� rro� el[oDaooOiQ cc� top coio pd�; TfVU� v..- — - � - ST PRCI� T1H`f�' = �' LL'E, . �a-.;-'•_ - - y : . w ._ 00 `i� �\ Name: �t ' �"`� • Aqdress: �oz G�Ftz� 7'� �E a�s�- yas Phone: Atama: A6Q�ess: Pppne: ��•'s L'8�---�r``GS �.c.•!/ A.mm�� Cer vOUf N2tYlSC �ti ttl�� P¢�tYlAC COrt1lM1tttlE: � Have you had prcvious cantact tijlth ttse camtaitsee for which you are mal:tng applieation3 If to, when;' and the circumataacea'! c7 - In un sttemgt w eneure that eamraFttee represeniaden reflects the mskeup of oar community please chack the line applicable to you. 7hi31nformstlon i� etricUy voiuntarv =��Vhttt (Caucasianj ` Black (Af�iean AmertcAn) Ameriean Iadlan or Alasl:an Eskiiuo '� Mnle Female Disabled: Yec No '� if special accommodations are needed, please speafy: _____ Hkpaalc � Asiaeorpaetfictsiander Date of Binh: l/� /,'�C „ �,�E - ��,f° , � o Bow did vou hear oboui tbis opening• ror� P.aa i: , �� _ a�.ma�...�- -- -- .� ' S'^ 9 B e � a, S'- `q°xg �g ✓i. �' B�r �- � lXGGi S �' S ' . � � � � L-�+ /( �1. ! ' q-.1L,_.. � -� •i( L! ♦ , ' � ., n Name: /� _ . �. . Address: o�-� rn.n,�- ..w a �� L� 10 `� Phone•_ (Home) CAorkl Name• Address: . Phone•_ (Home) � CGTorkl Reasons for your intezest in this particular coa�ittee; /In �.�..�-. �i �. .��_ . n. ._ i� . Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich pou are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstancesl ���{ n�n t n j' ( 3-l�t�. . DK�f_11L7 Q n't . — A n . . . .. � 1 . w _ . " . \ In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee zepresentation reflects the makeup of our communitp, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp, ✓ White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo �.,llfale \� Female Date o£ Birth: d �c— � a�. Disabled: Yes No �� _ � If special acco�•rrodations are needed, please specify. � - �� O ib ' Hov did you hear about this opening? �/LQi1^- �__ Tienne M. OttASOn � O -�a, Vice President WesteYn Insi�rance Agency (an affiliate of tqestern Bank) Western Agency is �ommitted to rzsk management of comsnercial and noriprofit accounts throughout Minnesota. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITZES Busiriess & Professional Women Young Career woman Independent Insurance Agents-Minneapolis Bo�rd of DirecLOrs Independent Insurance Ag2nts-St. Paul Board of Airectors COMMUNITX ACTSVITIES Summit University Planning Council Board of Directors 5t. Pau1 Pol.ice VoluriCeer Services St.Paul Palice I3.A.0. St. Paul Police Resezve Officer Outstanding ,AChievement Award Legion of Honor Ama�d St. Paul District Orie Planning Council Board of Directors Secretazy Vice President President Eastside Arts Council Bo�zd of Directors Port�.ge £or Youth board of Dit2�tors Xouth Mentor 1997 Legislative Aide to Ward � Ramsey County Board qf Equalization Rice Street Festival Ramsey Cbunty Charter Commission St. Paul Police K-9 F'oundation Treast�rer Community Solutions Fund Board of Directors 1976-1979 1982-1984 1996-1997 1989�1992 1984-1998 1992 1993-2000 1996-1997 1997-1999 1996 19 9 8 - CLtrrent 1998-current 1998-20Q2 1998-CUxrent 1999-2002 ziZ'd T96'ON J,�N39d SNI Na3153M WdiE:b 000Z'b 'H3� b p �� 02-24-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CO24�NTS 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6736 Grocery Stock/Department Head Neil Grass 1547 Leone 774-0463 or 626-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-310Q 2-2-98 MACHP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th Street (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 Sue O'DOnnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 (w) 776-2741 9-9-99 CIB STAR; BZA: Kim Roering 840 E. 6th Street St. Pau1, MN h) 651/776-�681 w) 651/776-2741 Kathy Jorgensen 8122 Diane Street Lino Lakes, MN 55014 h) 651/783-0521 w) 612/667-5077 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRIC2 DISTRIC2 (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- "------- -------- -----"-- --- --- --- 7 4 67 09J09J99 W M Father John Dombrowski 840 E. Sixth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 651/776-8086 w) 651/776-2741 00 =�'� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 CAMMZTTEE : BZA Zoninq Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMiSL�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOA) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- --- --- --- 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adama 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia st. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 appa. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave� 55104 w) 641-0297 02/20/98 W F ------------------------ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee� Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo(ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and PaYks-Rec: 00 -��� 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 3 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMlfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----�------------------------------ ---- -------- °------ -------" --- --- --- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee ,416 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003649 Courtney, Vincent J. Courtney & Courtney 6 W. Fifth Street, Suite 700 St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 297-6400 Attorney 3 15 12-6-99 BZA Richard T. Kavaney 2142 iglehart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 651.644-1084 w) 651.223-2861 James T. Aynes 1681 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651.698.4809 w) 651.227-6661 PatYick J. Donohue (current member) 1035 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 651.642.9498 w) 651.224-4050 003409 Crep, Martin 1034 Zdaho Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55117-3351 Home - 487-4213 5 10 12/06/99 W M 03/06/98 W M 3-6-98 P.C. and BZA 00 ��.\ 02-24-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMSTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLZCATSONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COAIIZENTS PAGE 4 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) "--- ------° -------- -------- --- --- --- Jens Varge (Di.strict 10 Chairperson) 1419 Albert St. North St. Paul, MN 55108 h(659-0856) w(871-7212 Ron Edlund (COmm. Dev. Chair) 1507 Almond Ave. St. Paul MN 55108 h(647-9687 w(same} Tom & Bonita Heilman 4915 North Axm Dr. Minnetrista, MN 55364 h(472-2402) w(788-8081) 003646 Davis, Edward 1169 Lane Place St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 771-0046 Urban Planner 6 5 10-27-99 PHA, BZA and Family Housing Fund Boa{rd; Bill Turnblad City of Inver Grove Hghts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Joe Little City of Inver Grove hgts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h0 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Virginia Reilly, PhD Director EOAA Office (Acting) 336 Buruss Ha11JBlacksburg, VA 24061 h) 540/231-7500 w) 540/231-7500 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 2 16 5 Heather Place St. Paul� MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. 10/27/99 W M 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Council, B2A, P{lanning Commission o� -�a.� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAbff�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- "------- --- --- --- Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 D 003552 Duckstad, Jon 3 15 46 E. Fourth Street 1310 Minnesota Building St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - (651) 22?-3236 Attorney 2^15-99 Planning Commission & HPC: Joseph O'Neill, Esq. 1250 World Trade Center 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-8300 Robert Fletcher Ramsey County Sheriff Adult Detention Center 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-9303 Councilmember Jim Reiter 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8650 003382 Fishbein, Gregg M. 1533 Etna Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-2645 Attorney Richard Lockridge 6613 iroquois Trail Edina, MN h) 944-8857 w) 339-5900 6 2 O1/28/00 W M 02/23/98 W M b O =�'a-� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTF3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------------�-�--------------- ---- ----�--- ___----- -°----" --- --- --- Greg Dawson . 511 ICenwood Pkwy. Mpls., MN h) 729-219fi w) 988-3766 Richard Reece 13245 Fiji Way, #G Marina del Ray, CA 90292 h) (310) 821-0628 w) (310) 328-3583 003660 Galles, Dan Work - (651) 698-1988 Business Owner 3 15 02/02/00 W M 2-2-2000 BZA Matt Anfang 1685 Bayard Avenue h) 699-1338 w) 274-9163 Pat Donohue 1035 w. 7th Street w) 224-4050 Ho11y Crouse 1075 W. 7th Street h) 9612) 868-1987 w) 298-9925 003635 Jensen, Julie Ezlinger 2 16 64A Home - 651/297-8818 R.N. Health Admin. Consultant 9-24-99 HPC; CZB; CAAPB; Planning Commission {& BZA: Dave Thune 26 Irvine Park St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 651/227-2511 w) 651/266-6000 Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Helen) Mutphy 1440 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 651/698-3121 09/24/99 W F Mrs. Dede Wolfson 0 0 -�a-\ 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMZTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS PAGE 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTAICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -'--- ------° -------� -------- --- --- --- 1117 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 h� 651/271-0558 w) 651/228-0528 003405 Johnston, Christopher A. 201 N. CLeveland St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 642-9277 Siotel Manager 3-5-98 BZA & Riverfront Corp. William F. Lynch 989 Goodrich AVe., 55105 h) 224-8549 w) 667-1311 D. Kevin Leehan 1610 Palance Ave., 55116 h) 698-2379 Ken Golder 13930 Eden Wood Ct. Apple Valley, MN 55124 w) 333-3111 003670 Lattin, Ronald D. 563 W. Wheelock Parkway St. Paul, MN 55117 Aome - (651) 489-4154 Public Policy Consultant 2-15-2000 Peter Bell 3730 W. Calhoun Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55410 (h) (612) 915-1565 (w) (651) 213-4363 4 13 03/OS/98 W M � Joanne Benson 679 Sue Place St. Paul, MN 55116 (w) 612 337-5252 (h) 651.695-1192 6 66A 02/15(00 W M Charles Slocum 15134 Williston Lane Minnetonka, MN 55345 (HOme and Work) 612.939-0068 0 0 -a��-� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 8 APPLICAI3TS.RPT COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAHMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------�--------------- ---� -------- --°---- -------- --- --- �-- 003397 LeBOw, Eric 1451 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 675-1084 Zoning Administrator 3-3-98 P.C., BZA Gary Berg Senior Planner City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 Dwight Picha Community Development Director City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 03/03/9S W M Marty Jurgensen Associate Planner City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 003375 Mullen, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 4 11 02/13/98 U M Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. MenomOnie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 po -aa � 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APYLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS BATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- "------- --- --- --- 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian internal Affairs Planning Commiasion [same references as those listed above] 002835 Otteson, Tienne M. 2217 Highwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 7 1 02/04/00 w F Home - (651) 731-2562 V.P., Western Insurance Dino Guerin Jennifer wathen Greg Finzell 8-7-97 Planning Commission Dino Guerin Ramsey County Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102, 266-8350 Janice Rettman Ramsey County Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102, 266-8360 Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall 266-8510 003380 Paar, Christopher R. #201 1280 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0203 Judicial Clerk/MN Court App1s 3 14 02/23/98 w M Hon. Doris Ohlsen Huspeni 25 Constitution Ave. MN Judicial Center w) 297-1002 E1don Spencer ao-3a\ 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMlSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATfi APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) -�-- -------- -------- �------- -° --- --- 800 Norwest Center 55 E. Sth St. St. Paul, MN 55105 w) 227-9505 Bob Craggs Suite 800 Normandale Lake Office Park Mpls., 55437 w) 836-6120 003093 Pilko� Victoria �302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Kathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 Georgia Anderson 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8298 11j27J95 W F 003620 Raiter, Shawn M. 1 8 65A 08/26/99 W M #4 809 Pprtland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 228-9813 Attorney 8-26-99 CIB; HPC; HRC; Parks-Rec; P.C.; Police Intern{al Affairs and BZA: Daniel Scott Suite 1500 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN h) 651/310-9847 w) 651/312-6519 Scott Stevenson 846 Fairmont Avenue h) 651/224-7915 w) 651/733-2625 00 -aa-� 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COHMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICA23T f REFERENCE CAMhSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTF3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Ti.m Mulder 1880 Shady Beach Avenue Roseville, MN h) 651/489-00677 w) 651/224-3344 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MCI 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman state Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 4 11 Henry xristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 Univeraity Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs./St. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming� 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 9-21-98 Planning Commission Tom Conlon St. Paul School Board 2183 Berkley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 651 699-7399 w) (651) 293-5109 Henry Kristdl President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 551�4 h) (651) 452-5573 w) (651) 645-6473 03/1OJ98 W F Peggy Larson Postmaster St. Paul Post Office oo-aa� 02-24-00 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 APPI,ICAI3T5. RPT COMHITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/99 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM24ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DTSTRICT D2STRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------°--------------- ---- -------- -------- ------"- --- --- --- 180 E. Kellogg Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101-5001 (651) 293-3100 003207 Wible, Tori Jo 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul, MN 55107-1107 Home - 228-0697 Homemaker (retired attorney) 2 3 03/09/98 W F Justice Esther M. Tomljanovich The Judicial Center 25 Constitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 w) 296-2484 Kay Xruse 174 Delos St. W. St. Paul, 55107 h) 222-1898 Rev. James Carter House of Hope Presbyterian Church 797 Summit Anenue, 55105 w) 227-6311 3-10-98 .TUStice E.M. Tonljanovich Darlene Slenslay House of Hope Presbyterian Church (w) 227-6311 Stacy Schrader Project Break-Through Coordinator (w) 730-6165 000992 Winter, Nancy A. 1869 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 4 14 64 11/30/95 W F Home - 694-4495 Mortgage Banker Robert Plunkett, Atty. 1771 Montreal Avenue oo-a�� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT � REFERENCE COMP6fF.NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETEi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -----�-- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 699-1082 w) 854-4484 Joe Collins, Asst. to Janice Rettman 546 Blair h) 458-5108 w) 298-5289 Randy Peterson State Senator 155 N.E. Colleen Street, East Bethel h) 464-6479 w) 296-8018 11-30-95 Board of Zoning Appeals SKILLS: Member of Property Code Enforcement B(oard (1993-1995); Mortgage Banking since 19'I5; Real Estate broker's license. St. Paul homeo(wner since 1987. Reasons for Znterest: i enjoyed the Property {Code Enfotcement Board. Since it was eliminated I{ feel this board would be of similar interest. oR�GiNA€. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 0 i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of 2 the appoinUnents and reapointment, made by the Mayor, of the following s individuals to serve on the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. 4 5 fi � s 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 Vincent J. Courtney Jon Duckstad Dan Galles * Richard T. Faricy [Alternate) * Tienne M. Otteson [Alternate] Each of the above individuals shall serve a three-year term which will expire on November 1, 2002. * Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson shall each serve as ALTERNATE members. Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Y� �,�- �..-� � Approved by Ma Date �if/FiYiC f 2��� By: �(� � Council File # O O� l�1 eZ � Green Sheet # `0!�$ $�Q RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form pro ed by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council I By: � /J �C�-�-�— Adopted by Council: Date ,� � ��o�,� Mayor Coleman's Office NTACTPERSON&PHONE Erich Mische 266-8512 ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� 1'{1G 1^�GI S. Z�O O DATE INRIATED 2-24-2000 �, ��� �� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET u�nauor. orr.�un�r uwKraie ao-a.a.l No 104�389 u�m�ma. ancawri � arcwnox�r ❑ arcasna �..�.�,��� ❑..,.�.�,,.a.a � r�,rw �on,w�s.rm ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of Vincent Courtney, Jon Duckstad, Dan Galles, Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Richard Faricy and Tienne Otteson shall sexve as Alternate members. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMTTTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPLAIN) Has Mis perwMrtn everworlced under a contract fwthis depaRmmYT YES NO Has Mis peisaUfirm eoer Leen a ciry empbyee? VES NO Does this pers�rm poesess a sldll nat �wrmalypossesseA by any curteM ciry employee7 YES NO �s this v�saNfirm a taroeted vendn? VES � COST/REVENUE BUD6EfED (CIRCLE ONk� ACTIVITY NUMBER YE8 NO is4��u2� i'i��'J�.^.�3.'. �'�G:"��,�.�� �' � `� � L��'� oo.ai� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cokmart, Mayor Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 390 C#y Hdl ZS West BeIIogg Bou[evo,d Saint Paul City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniei Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter _..o..-°° Erich Misch Director of Strategic Initiatives February 24, 2000 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (BZA) Tekphone: (6l2) 26b8510 Pacsimile: (612) 266-8513 �dMU �.�"Siv.�i.�b�i �^"�'+��{,�� � � � � � ���� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. Vincent Courtney Jon Duckstad Dan Galles Richard Faricy [Alternate] Tienne Otteson [Alternate] Each of these individuals will serve a three-yeaz term which will expire on November 1, 2002. Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of the appointees' applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary l, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any questions. BM:drm Attachments c: John Hardwick, BZA Staff, License, Inspection and Environmental Protection Lucia Lebens, Assistant to the Mayor DEC-06-19°9 03�z1 KRVRNEY & ASSOCIRTES, LTD 612 223 2877 P.02 �( 3 �n- � OFFIC� OF THE MAYOR 390 CiTY HALL SAiNT PAUL, MTNNESOTA 55102 Phone:266-8525 Fax:266-8513 oo-aa� Name: Vincent J. Cowmev Home Address: I 30I Hartford Ave. St. Paul. MN 55116 Telephone Number: (Homel-651-297-6400� (Workl 651-297-6400� Fax: 551-223-2877 Planning District Council: HiEhland Park �� City Counsel Ward: Third Preferred Mailing Address: 6 West Fiftt� StreeL Suite 7Q0_ St. Paul. ,1R�1 55102 What is your occupation? Attomev Place of Employment: Self-em�loved Attomek{private oracticel Couriney & Courmev. 6 West Fifth S.k700. St. Paul_ MN 55102. Committee Applied For: Boazd of Zonine Anneals What skills, trainin� or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seck appointrnent? ( am a self em�loved attomev who has lived in St Paul for mv entire }ife-42 vears. Mv nractice of law deals on a reeular basis with real estate issues s�ecifically a fair amount of residenfial real estate includine some eaverience with zonin� issues I graduated from Hamline Universiiv SChool of Law in 1984 and have been nracticin�law for aves 13 vears I fee) that mv IeQa] trainingprovides a good backeround for undeistanding the letter of the law and the rationale behind it Tn addition to practicin�in the real estate azea_ 1 work with and for an individual Richard T Kavaney who practiees exclusivelv in the Construction Law Area, an area that I be]ieve would provide some guidance here My clients involve both sesidents(homeovmers in the Ci�y and several smalt business owner which 1 believe provides me �ood back�round in whae is �oingan in the Ciry Lastiv I have been a homeowner in the Citv for the last 12 Yeazs. The infonnation included in this apptication is considered private data according to the yinnesota Govemment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. DEC-06-1999 a3�21 KAURNEY & ASSOCIRTES. LTD 612 223 2877 P.03 n0-�1\ PERSONAL REFERENCES Name: Richard T. Kavanev Address: $�Tne Address u 2142 I�lehart Avenue. St Paul MN 55104 Phone: Home-651-644-1084 Work-651-223-�861 Name: 7ames T. Hvnes Address: Home Addiess is 168t Highland Parkwav St Pau�55115 Phone:ilome-651-698-4809 Work-651-227-6661 Name: Pauick J. i�onohue Address: Business Addresc• 1035 West 7'" Street St Paul MN 5510� Phone: Home: 651-642-9498 Work-651-224-4050 Reasons for your interest in this particulaz committee: Since T heard about this from Patrick J Donohue much of mv interest is based on conversations with him 1 have a sincere interect in makin� St- Paul a betYer �lace for all of us As people migrate back to the Citv theare will be more and more interestint issues as oroperties aze devetoped to provide for that movement_ Similarlv as neoDle look for ontions to stav in the Ciry difficult and interestine issues aze bound to develoo T am imerested in beine a part of tt�at and hel in to gr9vide the nroner fair answers to the_ issues. Obviouslv I am interested in broadenin� mv horizons and meeting some new and difFerencepeonle. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? TFso, when and circumstances? i h�ve had no such contact In an attempt to ensure that committee representat�ion reflects the makeup of our community, piease check the line applicable to you. This information is sirictly voluntary. ,sx�x White (Caucasian) Black (African American) Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islapder _ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo xxxx Male Female Date of Birth: 6/14/57 i7isabled: Yes No xxxx No spe�i�l accommodation needed i heard about thic from Pat Donohue TOTAL P.63 r� y CL 1]• 1777 �.... lU // `Y J � c�� � �� �.+�L7d1�J7 ..cr.�G� i?.a.i�lil :Ll.n�.� OFFICE OF THE MAyOR 390 CTI'Y $AId, SAZNT PAUL, 2�7NNESOTA SSIO2 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 26fi-8513 . , ...._ c _ 0 0 �,.�.\ z _�� a �, Name: Jon Duckstad $omeAddrCSS: • �k."k..:� 5t. pgul�' 2�L`I '--- • . SS�i6 Street City • - Zip TeIephone Number: ffi4.mel 651 699 (Workl 651 221 �� 651 2g, 1, Planning District Council: `✓ City Couneii �Vard: � PreferredMailingAddress: 4b E. Fourth'Street, 1310 Minnesota Blde. St. Paul 2�LV SS1G1 �V6at is your occupa�ion? Ac�o Place of Emptoyment: Commiftee(s) Applied For; 1- ZS-?,oao What sl:ifls, training or experience do you posscss for the committee(s) for which yoa seek appointment? As a fonaer Asaistant St.. Pau1 Citv Attorney I vas assianed to the St 'Pau1 Plannine Board from 1964 thxu 1968 as a legal representative from the City Attorney Office. Duria� my term as an assistant Sc paul Citv Attornev Z r nr apnted the Ci v oi Sr v,1 ir our Ransey County District Coart and United States 151s[rict Cour[ on a number of liti7atzc zoning cases. (see attached) I al"so served as an assistant City AtLOrney from 1963 thr� 1970 duriaR crh�ch cime I drafted a revised bi2lbozrd zonin¢ code wnlch wac ona *ad nZ adopted by the then existing City Council and i.ncorporated in[o che overall zoni code. I have considerable experience in Muncipal laci includ'zng zoning. I'also"represented tce Village of Mendota £rom 19J0 thru 1975 as its le�a2 counsel I have been'in private'practice in the City or St Pavl since 19)0 I havA al"sa'sezved as a part-time Ramsey Councy Public Defender froa 1973 to [he present time. The information included in this application is considued private data according to the Mianesota Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this informstion ic not released to the general public. St'. Paul, Minnesota 1310 Minnesoca Bld�. St Paul i� - St. Paul Plaaning Cocmission Eeritage Preservation Coflmi (t) VER) Rev. 8--`.9 ; _.__ _,._. «.__ ..___�____� __...._, ,,..__�.. _��.,__ � .-.,.._ . � . : i . •�l. 0 0 -�a� Name; Joseph 0`Neill Esq. AddreSS: 1250 4lozld Trade Center, 30 E. Seventh Street, St. Paul, 4C1 55102 Phone: Name: � or � 651 298-8300 Robert Fletcher, Ramsey Councy Sheriff Address• Adult Detentzon Center, 15 W. Rellogg Blvd.> St Paul, iIl4 55102 phone: Name: J±m Reiter, C011RC�1fl3II AddreSS: 310 CitY Ha11 � Courchouse, 15 w. Kello�e B1vd., St. Paul MN 55102 Phone: jAomel (Workl 651 � �(p (p — g(„ �C) Reasons for your inYerest in this particular committee: Cl) I am interesced in the St. Pau1 Plannine Coe¢nission becauae I have conside a�l� exnerience in the area of municival land planning & 2oning. I have also a great deal of legel experience in this area 1n- cluding zepresentation of the City of St. Paul in numerous zoRin� court cases froa 1964 thru 1970. One of thsse cases involved preventinQ railroads from constructin� three (3) high rise towers (buildings} which would have blocked the vzew from the Ke11oRQ Ma1i. (2) I am also interested in preserving certzin o1d buildings and landmsrks in the Cicy. Have yov had previous contact with the committee for which you are making app]ication? Jf so, when, and the circumstances? I have had contact previously v�ith the St. Paul YlanninR Board from 19b4 thru 1470. Z have not hsd prior contact with the Heriea�e Preservation Commiseion. In an attempt to ensure thaE committee representation re{tects the makeup of our community, please check the lioe applicable to yov. 'This information is stricfly volunfary. X White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ American Tndian or Alaskan Esl;imo _� bSale Disabled: Yes Female No X If special accommodations are needed, please specify: N/n �RQ�� orl:l 651 266-9303 �upanic Asian or Pacitic Islande� Date of Birth: 06/04/34 $ow did you hear aboutthis opening? Mrs. Harold R. Foscch (Judy Focsch), 2133 Selby Ace. n ��z�is�i�yy 2a:ia �._z��__:� _�_ _ ..�_;_. _ _._: : - ��'�\ _ .;�� _ ,� :,ade:e i�E a� v'ir �� .��1��� � ���.�.� ��2,e V. �-w�r_ :::•,: ����P��' , � ��:�_�� �—,; s�ia� � .:��4z� :�::.. Fr�sf lJP i n Ninn 32 ?AG� 5:. PAL7.. 3�::. W%DYSDaY. DS"�SCi.." 1L 1%3 �o e :0 r_-__^�. �a �� ; Reds tab ! ' ' `'Y 122mmShelf � I g . �.. ; ��•�= f lnto Saigon I�iA : :j,.H Fin! Ariaci � gy Tarroris+s � -��� I S�ocr Augasl �--� °'I-� Sn:C.:Y iU?b � Torrvl avnaa! �If.� a �i:�.1 'y[)] �f Va� � e la �mu 6ue� •r< [v� nJ:ln.1 au � �c �< ,`. �. .n �a ..uc�e' �:a:u Itcr. ¢:.wr�a.e.� I na r.� 1.•-v F�+:b ..�Y ... ` 1'�::'J" �X4.t� ��f .m.t�u I:�< m �aW L^ua�r.cuF, <ar Y� M�a u•; oa.:y� nal �I�IIp"��'] .u�<< ? r A r w1.e.; `rt�er Y�.- � .<w � ^ l +Y,aat• tatr%Iei.L� ..� - n(�.� nll �i ] m C�nn m u�n,. � ].a..fl � nY ; �, r� .� «<..,.,,. � :,,, ,:; �.:�� �� Cot��� ���OIC�S _.¢- ':x•^ e r+ 9:�a ��oi rm ne hn':O�u Gni I:ui.S rLp �v�i :6niFJ DULnG <EikuCnY �,v W in6IDN!:ti0ev e�e�t i.lzi. •• n• � I ' Na:n:�f .1.� i u e..� f.d wrv N.�a. Ca.inr.. ir.. a l r.e. s.i� a 1 > r.. r..�. ,�i ....�� a� �w,.�m� ..e ` .n�.a a n.n �... <r i �,r�a. .�a� ux:��me..e .a�m c¢.� wn�...�. tion ;;�u., o,«o,,.«�..�< m Y w.. n:m .u-� i n<'.� .��. ,: s.i.l � o+ .,a : , .� io .�.om� � li� �.�� II� •� \ �� ° "��.� ;�°:: �.,,. T :, Nixon ! c�u<,��r•eil�'Cam:ie�'t`'r >•:b rt` �C nd�:. Il.y ,<<;... . ..j Pledges �ty` ' M:+/i/ La+.�ct S+uin ,i�.... <,.:� •>,�.,�,� .,.;:<�:.,, '� ,>'e,m�.�.,.,�, � ��.n..r.3�m . .�w.ee..mv •�r� f�{�� s. ..y Ir.�n�L � WASHLY4'C4 b- lL T<'ul aµe�vt`•��K°�(� N`il u�L'I;:fIN1n]- •�r.:t..M.an an C.+�j�4sil�.l��^nUGaw Gm�i1`r lu�«:.ex �ienCNf aed yd •n.:rwool:'n.,.:�.u..E:�mmxWw:>mxn. luanuau�a�y. �a� :'�' YYt�na:n�V�[:n�:aT�ny}TUtNVJ• ~ L'e:.1F<(YI),no���1RL.0ul • � ��G�.� T e$a.��[:�e4� ��y L'flne � k 4 'aviuNt�)tw�iL'AybW6'eam���n.e ` +IISM �U n. f � _ .r v : . ' ea� � Ev Int �t1�1(M1 Ir(t Yili�� NC�m- `��.� ....__. i�n _..� 'Y::�a:<'J:CLe�utN9UY�IF< Y:ar: t� a:n�" , n ��t�t,' � ••nG ler iY IIM1' .�rl� IM�aI'�lea � bt A>�v�1�Je.n'IJ<n: t Te�� �M 4�..pE ��nY�ff CuneCfLalJfl } v Pill� .� Y. `t l�L [ l' �u.lu. f:il I�n.�vl 1`�e� r.'L'Jw u �irn'Ira.tl�.t .. . . .y I3.n�p�C I� Co�ud• � �[Ft Or �.....� ,I• � b� ��YA < c..\ kl� '-'.a�� r.m.�.Nll�.l TI� `� �o�a._a.. lani ,. e:o.� :.:.. an�:v � a. a uee. � �.a ,.:ir..r;«:. �'a�"•:.••v�,/� Surtax � L'iSl�:tlnoi '}�� �^ Gu0( � V T�( �b.rd � �'� • �al Cr R:m � .�, •1 1 • �ef ira �u<.'� N� L�� . � beo� �:��<`j.. Urged�;:; , �1���� ��ll���•�Da>m�)�' • Warmlrend, T�':r' •�,°,°°' �� r ¢o dar K .. �.'�nm; i lb �9ec �:.32 High Due ; ° �`� °` " wW��f. d �dan �litn��v . � �"��N.<uae Y: � '���-� vtl.:[� :. I:�� A,vsY1 u n<P.�.Gu.' . a.:.....:.¢i —� ' aE 4ia»�v� I:ruy- iU .. n,.,.,.. _,�'$$TT�immed L�)!,4 i�Lyl�f..�a�1u 1. ihl�ty M�,�a� ^ ft i:v j mNn��� • Mni�+.^m..�U ,• h:: ] V. I U.I�� t�. In - � �:'�: p au 1> n�- uo f�^fy'�; d H 1 �ie,.,�,yM.�n.t�x..,_..a .... 01 < S.mb' I �:m e v' ` er G.:..... .u.�.�ua aiP:a-.o�u�:.mc >'� i �inr • t�r r<�^__ ._. ;. niln alllh�vnt�r� l�n(aw �;� er.r I Vrr:vn u�lu FFIC X•�5�'.+ ='(= : anit�mat��� �e �� ��b� 4��� m�.0��.f�. �a<s: �Mr�bRt NG] _��>t�:_. 'ulY� � u f r t�nln:.. � YleOl•e Yv.� ei�v Cu: �m ilo���' tr• �� 1.� �Nte�ie.r.�n:m<.'1 uan .• �- a en IL9W` ��v� T�L'y.:a•; •n ::b��C..�a�Y.....' + •<: Ya, 11:Y'I a •� ry �i:�pa t Il�ta 1:. St.[OY'�� Y. �:3 MY :� ila�l:a �11� �v�i..u] .h� o ,m.� ._ ...M._ � Saa.a nz� e<>a�. v��l ee, Nizon Is Sfill ' �-" "°,°.. ` n �..�:�,._`»;�:: ��W'�� .. N w 3 ♦ �� u�y Against Hiking '°" " ` =�"'� =' EffOft `�, ,:.,� .K;:;,, .�Tax Ezempticn �;� �� ����� _:=; -°' t��n��'Y.:�L "s��n�'�:•�i�A .ln::i. 6..� [�il�i� W.\NII\r�l.Y �Y���n:� snrm-Sdv21�..�_ VDa. Yuv01Yw.::�.9.Va;n �a�ow>: � a.:.m.:..:�e ' . �. . , _ ;io ..�,.ex.:er�ti��.tu`e�, �e,e�_. ^m � <¢aO:f:IT�.' U u._. �e ...� � f:eG nb aCN ela. A[.it�rcr: r[P:••. u `.�� (:_ :.1. L '- ( : � .]yie^v�e]e'I �ll:1e �n� �'.'�UN [l `G �� : �- ]uy �C Is'h� � : A .a l•Y m.man er ..r .. , .f. .��i� .am ..f.._ .. ..� ' St. Pau� ����w' L��r � �(.�.�� � �.�(i v.'���.���vJ � ��i:.�� �—��� � �..� .., d � ava,�at��� � tint au�nurnir ��'� � ������ � ���'!'� Where r... ..< _,.�a :. X°.:�� ;-°: �.,,:,. �� �, e4.<ne. Soek —Tb fM10 Boo'rc� Are u�<.,d ,�,m.,� . . �. . �� o , �k.. .....o.,.,. � 50��.� w.���a<o��u.«.h.R.e. � boot. ... uii G•u (x itld First Newspaper in Minnesofa ' T. heli )11 S1 � ^,: ror I (u !h� 5: I:Yf{ � f�� mg I hcua:,y �.::AEd ya: or.t 3r..a;eQ m s�td r, ro:.cei Eaus:�� a n. c..uzC, I c'c! .�:Y I i� a.''ry I :v poal.� � rvr.•I e-. z.i wx dl- -:iel - J�c: tet ua: ve: ° �J� SY ��}•IS P,1TTE}tSON Saft ti'rLLv Ucn o� (ncMlss+si7piRiver a�tla cf II+� Kelioey jilvJ. ra,!1 b.g;:r Ihan Iho maU ih sxif Ee:�e;n Si, Peter �n6 foccrl >;i rots. c, Ssl. �'•. = � . :WaDaz,a St., mughlioLevs h¢'iVn�y . ,• %�%�- '<��- . INe case <alad up tsemtha n<:r�r.. —�° �: °w�• � EGh[h V S. Ccurt o( Appeals 1 z�'u i TN� NAtIOM1AL C��RIST:.i.+.5 T6cE W.�S LI'vr.�EJ OUa:NG CEFEMON7 i�! WqSN1N6iON TJ;iDAY NIGHT m S!. Lcuis w��ch hdd for I . ` Wvt;�Sbq A.e lrU;lcnf ana N:t N.::� Co:�NC ine,a. In;erui $e</elery Wahvr H�U?I i ��s u'y 135f May. ,� . , ^et' . , Dac;siaa. who h�s rep[r : s d a y sen!<L �}^ c�lY Qutins mo�e �^ (�:° � thaa lu�a yqatt af �L�y�ation. "'"' Nixon Lights Tree ;NizonlsStill s�'�Lh:SapremeCouresac• u:.•-: ! ��:aa "m� a, lMt the [ity hai S�3%CC51 \ , pf2�3d?d ]tld Ola! i11E Oldl• C�' . I1]Il�c (5 C0119LLY1[OpHI Dpd s:.:,,� Against Hiking P����, ;t:d pledges Peace Effori � 1:.�,=:�;ew<<he���p�3 1^ �Taz Ezemption mesn¢x that a pl�yh66tF C°""5 � [ le•:! Il 60IDd UlSldllCtS [0 � W.aSHISGTJ�' 7.?I; -.id;�.g'�'z. :riva s�ar.]m� �!�poe�a 7enn.san� lionep: �utncti<ressmu.L� eec'�.•U F'r c a I d c n t Rc�a:d �I,.>. �� nu Sid< e:, r banJ:hc.^. plal- � I{.n;J Ang^is S:nt:' bul Uils cae Ln rzn r a � i �•:�i':�.�civv I,�y�_timl � F ev {heview 1 L,S:��, ���.'c:� a�'oai.(em: ^a �l�c k:War.. L�e Ve:R�laiu.vv.ce� wc;e iv.saC wlCn ida�.eu7 ct ai:elTaasu.y�o[ P.e, �lscualOalAiserQam �- �. Ch i�--,�-. -' i:J+�+sw�i$mt'�d'0.'CtceNMi�a"��!� oF "me Ur�wa:: �4a � t. �,,•, -. ���r�. a„ , oaa ron.t,e: " m�,a u.aoa � �� P P CnarL.s ti aa:.er O::IarN 1'cKa,.'�DU�eN.' :: I f. p:e;:eJ�LUU:rhy:ii. , w.�r'm+<<:nane.eahaml� I:�wi aC U,+u" «h.la st•oal�mg a 1p(oot Nc�wi�spro:_�;u:miutralors�Sa�!�Y+�dsi 'Y t1t \;z�n aJw.n�-. hlvlor Snom�i R. Eylne ,: c.cl.�doun anliwar czq�a:str3��rs', fror G{cns }a{Sr. N.`!., in > x�av, on lho n�ler Irin^o ot:l r a t i u r. a�:ar.Gm+ ficn. aommen:rJ: ':I am �apfR ` i . e ag�in,t anr ,-.4easa lu we"+�it� U:e Ce<�aron. Out ma1L r eov. �liu�!cE "peace r,cv n u,' „ - =n±:rt�a: tradi�m+:aa: br we co��a tau�; m� t�ra�� I �ers��a! mco:.;= �a� c�cm. ��,'+C tlm �ie�. a; Ua xiverfs �y7��varmg rnlp. I g. �. wlLi Calvin CoaL:y: ucr.l �cn. r I ane o: t;�t oulaUnding p�yei- 4e,wn�, tYi!h hJs NIL= s.,�, iCcrl A WY4'U:�Irlrar„C;��:a� T;�a p��:estcr5w3veCpl�c cal ftsj�;es ef SL Paul, 1 •.. Hd 10�Q Li.:$ L� R2'A'SRl_6 a:a:reeG�ng"banihebomb" commend and lhank the �'>"':� � � : a�.0 i�old Gp lhtir fagxre m J u:: �;l�r It1��t; Ihe r,',�rc- m c r.. E a r c o[ CAr rotlJn c sr.!h /��" i LN: ,. V'•Icr P"-3�e s�;n. DlsRy �ng szssian of : e SenatP, CJUni2; R)bp(l O CWNCII'6 f I � ; �� ts V�' /Ulonth Surtax ����� �roud f.e;C �;pleC 11Otl�OJn(uer.:_ �n lne ta:�s��� �F�DuciSLidN aftic� • ti�, relo:m Sul P �` � psa:e car.dles � aar, (or �he I.ne wofk lu a� t,:t, l�uer was cc:nn�.en:ir.F kee7ir.syufotus." M1yi;i �.�e ehantlr,gccU:le i on a repert by 5=n. tiY,n 7te •' :epert- , U rg e d I.arC. icu.LY, uF�allv when 7'i7 o:�a+nce wef xte n s� o n +���%� SIOJC Lf Ne �oQ1Y,T 10 G o t�, D�+ent t h a[ L:a I �h31'3oy?: hy tFa feU[oid ia 5lta: Ia tlm naLoa oc televt. �''�°'r r.sd C attx' c>¢., U.S. Disuict Court. Tlk nIP ei.:m� 5;on an d ra 1 10 ' r r o m i u s h r t h e < e r i f e r � n x � r o aC, a�ve d L i� t tioe fetVia n:!:e U�i W�y�LVGTOS' :7 - Tne r..:nded eioser s� ervmon vf i wmcl wou'd f.^c,uC< an ic�:lron5 0� Lhe he' Izofbdld. fe•rSRr.l I � � � PrefU';ouf Cor..m.cee Iar� 'K,y�t u2w.�If�(l��SnJ� :r<+.s^ in 6'Ie r3:mp;1o0. S0 "�` teanomic pt.ele,r. e;1. reo- I delrc:� e�enlini ar.; s�.0 I pyt rs r.ot a;ly pexe aew, in< Ce�'rtne::elu7 sa:1 � d��e0 L e�r31w e( IIS Deo .<.mg I e,nmentl2C' ;L°sC.. e:.x.i0 i t: a D.!'< e` anr mon.J ca�< `ot pmc. in Ne ; een to � Ni� ..=c wi ¢a <ux� a d. ty Gom G"-0.000 ta D150.000. .� m6 tne m:cma s_r.az nl •""'0iz wum�Ds`cad neGeasclora6pr�plcln;aGaaC Fc:c:alJo43eMdes3nr ._ "" Ir.ul 4ncoue.t I -.is �' �: <Cr.iltt: U allavl.�,re l;�c �. �PdiS IO Ce�v: h� 1' C:.�a �.'. c< .m� G;re 4.IJ inal �r.e OrJnNnc� wua �. .i. ,�� � Lug ll:� :..a , C� 'r��.:or ; ,f �Pe i�t.a: pi a�: tua .�:ct ��a�: a'v�vc , , .:e .. ___.. _ . . _ . �i.. aa.+:t> ', i+aon._t�t.an.1 STenh•». PNUi C, ,�� _ �� f., I�tII`Ih., W �D�iSDAY, DECY.��L3EF 17, 1909 . �C ' a°,"` "s:.;," 10 C�^TS � � I� �ur�� holds tr-�; � _� `: ' ' ;s -.; ; , ,. _s - •c_ ._ _.,. z�:1�7 //. `�.�... . . uJ.L�4::JJ � ==' = --__ =- _= N.+vG G�.; - - .- - � oo -�a1 ISSUE PiTS CITY,. CNW RAlLWAY �t�i.ld it�g Heigl�t �rir�� $y RICHARD $OR�71G � ' Slaff �4rlter � How high�s too hbh? z R'hza `i: comes ta cor,- ! structing bu(]dings'oa a 2?�- acre site nea; tne r.ortn E bank of the hlississippi ad• jaceot to the Kellog; hia!1, � tne city of S:. Pau2 contend; � "eye level at m�11 level." �a the other hand, �.y omner of thz Qroperty—;he • Chicago and horth Westerr. � Raihcay �— states ihat the �� cttY has no legal right to limit. anp proJzcted con- , strucfion on their land in t=rm; oi hei,�i;t. Tce ciFj did just tnai by.passing an o:dinance Aprii 2�,•19&',. Tn; trial to decide t4e is• su= sta;ted Tueslav before Fedzrat District Judgeti*.i[es I,ord and is e�cted to con- tin��e fo: more th;:, a wee:. Donald L. CT,apnz�, a� architectural eo;weer with a St. Paul f;rm, tzd the court that h�c co.mpanr ha; tecommended to the ra:1- wav tiiat they bui?d fivz buiidings on the procerty. ��P�an, answering questions fram Ph1]ip Strino Y� ' �t � :� _'. . . . .. kc�"a ... 1.� �.'S.'. Y�. � <` }', y`9:i _1 K � .�... S3 M.:.': �t�Y.. - : �. ,_e ". ..C".t'� . _ . . . .���. ���ins er, laxyer io: t'::e *ail�.;: , T'r.e railwa7 contends 3n sid tis fir..i coadssc!zd a i� suit [h2t li�e city }ys i ` tnree•monLi study of L`�e� e[,'ect "con;ucated $3 yu si'.e and of dc�a�toar: St. r?34r��• tc its � I Fau: s::d recor�mzndrl tce p:operEy and I consG o: a p�:i:; w'�ts 4hem reskred or else lo: wiLti a caoacity e: �'��� in co.•npensation � sen�e 11,CC0 cars. faur ni- f.om Lhe city. �i rise a?art:�ent; of 6�0 wis Du:iag nooa recess 'I�es- dP.d 3 27}r00I:! 1[l0t'_l. �� cay, Jadge Locd led String• � Chaprnan toid the co�t er, az;other railway attor• i: tbat there 1� "ahsoiutely r,o ney; Pa;il Sharood, aad an ; uchitecri::a! *easen" K;,y ae�ornep for the city 3on : Lhe Ei�e buidings shaJd no! D�ckstad, for a fitst-hand : rise hom Eetween L^ snd IB l�d at the .property. • stcries �6ove ti�e Ii2lloog 'i'}le trial resumes at 10 � m� 1ev=�• s. m. today. . ' _...__.__ . . _ \ N � , ,`: _, :�� � FEDERq� COURT RECESSES SO WABASNA STRFET BRIDGE - "`°° ° � IRII }o /Zigh} Are Jon Duckslad, Paul SSorood, Phili $lrin er cnd, in fore rovn�l, Jua� e� <-: _ � 9 s s M;ra� to,d � I � � � � b ���. � ;. �e � ' � ������� .� ..' , . � '=� , �.1���� � � � � . � ;�iEDN�SDAY, JUtiE 28, 1967 c FIFTEEN � r--- ----- i 02/i5/1595 LG:1� i / J � o7iL7'J1�5� . * ^ - .� ' - ` �f.�ttu1,I��isp7f�m- � . An Ia \ewspaper � � , � Bernord H. Ridder, Chairmon of �ha Bocrd - • . _ • Bsrnccd k. Ridder Jr., presideni and Publ�sher . ' • 7. l�erLn. Gensral Mo.agc� . T, f, lanfor3. P�ad�eYen Mono3u . d�e. H. A/ Le4en7J�g DL�c�or Fvn G. Svndherg. ��.cub��on OG��rp� � Wllif�m G. Samnv� Ed'nar i�id 5. Neu?eri:q &.c�1(.e Edi�er Glen�l:klea�que�io�_:d�or loFn R. fl�.<qon. Aoir execati.a fd:ter ' H. G. enn6om J.., Mc�cp:,q Ea:�er ' ' W�%HiNGlOH NE'NS 9U]EAU, Na��eml TF.vi.. sld�, � 1pvEFiISIVG O«KFS. Sapu.l..;��o..walke� C�+a�../ NEW Ype( C�Itn'vO D:TiOIt �Hi�pDEVM4 O�IUS , AtUNtA 5>Y iUNCISCp l�$ AN�E�E$ MINNE4>OUS ' Cm...l fJe� d tA� Prcn�v 7rev and C.�OV¢. a• �nain�a;•ed oi Il.... efpt�i. Editorials City Vi/ins on Waterfront It's appaient th$�U. S. Circuit Court Judge Gerald xeaney�bas an eye fo� beauty. • In z mz)ority opinion wYitten hy He2- ney, the Eighth District Circuit Court suled th&t a St. Pau1 city ordinance re• stricting the heights o[ buildings along the rivertront �ras not unconstitutional. The City,Councii enacted the ordi- nance in Se�lember, 1966. In September. 1967, p. S. District Covrt Judg: Aliles I,ord held thaE [he ordinance �ras a vio- lation o( the due process oE laW, The pracflcal resull o( Lord's rulin� could �ave been to a1ioM• the Chica�o & I<orth }Yestern Raitway Co., which ow�ns prop- erty below the Keliog� mall, to constrUCt apartmenE houses that rose above L4e level of the mall. but ox•ing (a the enlighiened Ienacity o( City Attorney Joseph Summers and his assistanl Jon Duckslad �anoakleat cluster (o each), the city appealed Judge Lord's deci5ion lo fhe Circuii Court. "In our view." Heaney wrote oo be� • hai[ ot that cour., "the action of the City � Council was hased on reason and togic = and not whim and caprice. It p�omoled : lF.e legitlmace police porver abjectives — � fhe renewal oE the core area of St. Paut : so as to make it a desirabte place in � which to work, live and eajny cultural ; and recreafional activities. • .=c'�;,.�T i �:;u�?N �LCKSD 1 I i ; i "The benefit to the pubtic is g*eat in comparison lo the d'unuIutioo of the � market values suffered by the owr.ers," � he said. ' This ruling is'ciucial to the future de- � •velapment of the St. Paui waterfront. Had the court decided against IY,e.city, � k'e may as well-have. f:issed the rive[ i good•bye. With'no height Yimit on build- " ings that would be bui!: ainn; the river• � tront, it woutd soon become impos5ibie + to see, much less reach the river from ; the city. � , The decision 'makes ail the more � worthwhile the development of Navy Is j ]and, a,projectwhichrecentlyhasbeen � open to the suggesfions oE professinnal • and amateur architects in the Twin Ci• ' ties. The pt`Oposals submitted, w�hile being a touch on Lhe fantastic side, nonetheless pointed out how dramatically , the ricericont could be ehan;ed from the ' drab. uninsp�ring character �f has now. � tndoubfedly, .lhis court tight has cost � the city considecable rooney, The er• . pense x•ill more tfiaa pay for itsetf in the � 2ong run, howevet� We're fortunate [he � city attorney'and:}�'s assistani chose to : do battie with the'federai disLict court. ; The decicion is a Yega] mIIest¢ne for any . communtry intere"sted in bringing aes- ; thetic objectiv¢s in balance with com• merciai ones. • ' i ��: PaGc �: d0°�x� 02/Oi/00 11::.0 F.� 612 3J% 3626 SY�1)fES �I�I�I 8�fCItEE �001 OO.}.�� FEB-07-20c�GJ 09�19 ST PRUL MHYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 8513 P.92Z03 /1 (� OFFICE OF TSE MAXOR —�^ � ���(j� � oF2 �p a� 'J -� 0 y Y �' ` 396 CLIY HALL 1 � �`(-' �� SAIIV'� kAUL, MIPtNESOTA 55102 1�f�� 1�I -�•�' J I• -— Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-85I3 .�� ��� '� � Name: `�T�/ �• �f}I�tv Home Address: o�'vZtl ST �1 R , ' �j�. P�UL �j`C �DJ • Street . • C�� (0 2 � Zto Telephune 1�Iumber. (�q� ��5v � � � �7� p(anning Dfstrict Councit: Preferred Nlailing Address: �Vhat is your occupation? Placa of EmpIoyment: Committec(s) Applied For: ������ � Clty Councit Ward: �' AK�#1't�cT • � M M�, W�" � 5`{mM� M�t N l�� ��5� � (�f`' z(�1`1( 1-)U e�6��t,A.I�.�7- '�'S'hat si:itls, training or experience do you possess For the committee(s) for which you seek � . � ►. � ' -� � i i�er �j, �� � (�]� � r. �` /, � .1 -�. ' �Ili�� 1 � � . � f� � 1 iJ! � / I � � ( I � � � ,' I. �I +, / ' oF �-I�� .. , AN� ��A�il�1 t¢�'l�s.� • 1 /LAn /_�.r�-' _nI� p�� n� . . . . _ .. _ . The information included in this.application ls considered privace data accord;ng to thehlinnesoca Government Data Practices Act As a result, this informatian is not released to the general pubIic. „s (4VER} ' Rev. 8-: ->" , 02i07i00 11:41 F.�1 612 JJ2 J626 SY�)LS �f.�I`I & AfCI{EE FEB-07-2000 09=19 ST PAU� hpYOR'S OFFICE Nlame: Address: Phone: Name_ Address: Pfione: Name: Address; Phone: : �►. : � �; 7� M � f�j002 ' 00 �,�.� 612 266 6513 P.03ig3 70 LUG � � oF� Ls�� �Co t��T I�� �T• SS! atrtel �� ^J�° 2� b O a.Q � /'Wnr1 ��� � ��� � �x � �7� J�' �� 2Dter �7y' �j �') -7J f�Wnrl v�p�� �- l�� 5urnm�T-� sT 0 2 3 � 1�,�`!b Have you had previous contact witti and the circur�l, ances? � _ -�: ,�.��� �a �.� -- .� . . � t6e comtnittee for which you are m�king application? If so, wh;n; �ts'f � fJ�. �� .c ..� � . , . � ,��. --- -.. � , _ ..s.-- .. z��y��� �'�z. � u.l �►7T- _ In aa attempt to ensure that committee representatioa rellects tht makeup p{ our community, pfease check the line applicabte to you. This informatian is sErictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) $ispanic $lack (AFrican American) ?.sian or pacific Is(ander American Tndiart or Alaskan Eskimo " 11�Iale Female Date of Birth: �� � 12 � Disa6ted: Yes No �, IFspecia! accommodatiuns are needed, Qlease specify: a'z- a?ao bAST `T�'�n(� S SZ � � How dld you hear abaut this opening? _ ���� �� '' � Tr'?AL �.63 Reasons fo� your interest in this particular eommittee: .� - , � �� i,vu+�: Home Address: ' CONTINUE FROM PREUIOUS P�GE 0a1 �����oo aa-� - -._ - _.... _..._.---... _ . _,.,. isio. � � u� 5.,�.�,�--�° �rn Ss"�� 8treet • �`� ��� TeleQhone Number: Plvan(ng Disttiet Gaunctt: PreFerred hIatling Address: W�at is your occupation? Pisee aC Employmeut: Committa(s) Applled Fof: ag�. � � �J 7`'`� City Cauncll Wards � .c _ , _L <� .�...� 7�'ryt �—rSs-�,E'SS O�`'^�v �' �ff's G"_;`.�c._._:cS -- SYhat s�3lts, traialag ar espe�ienee do you po�seas for 4he cummittee(s) for whieh yov seek appointmenc' .��, G- �y`— �„'� � ,K�i�-�"d ,or.�D'y /pb,/$rr..6'SS �..' 5�Cri�lr'�ie. ,,�f,{��G.'nT' �� l� C! ��( 'yt7 C,�li)� � �x"�_ . � . � ,.,.. /I _e _ / ✓� „ _, � The informatiou tncluded lrs this apptication it tonaidered private data accarding to the hilnnwota Government Dac� Yracticas Act. As a resu(t, this ini'ormation i� �tot released to the general public, {OVER) Xttv. R-�-r" Denc oy:u�alles t,onNanien �ao l�:«J�__ rron el[e>odoG<vG4< <oo_C�io Fecelved Feb-02-00 14:13 � �` ��,: �,_i� Ol6 p6H-02-2fl00 13+28 n�rc rx ldytme: ,�ddress: PaAAe: Namc: At�dress: Phone: Nama: Pde2 ._ � OD -��� v�� T �� . __ _ . . � v A6d�ess: > � `� PM4ne: •� • S�` 9 $� �qs_ q9a ��•'s �s��---���s G�.�// Rna9ons fo� your interest in thi� partieular commtttee: ,.,L_ � A $ave you had prerious coatact r}'ith the committee tor which you are mal:tng gpplicatlon? If eo, when;' aad the circumaiAaces� _ � In s,n attempt to eaenre that eom�3ttee r0presenttdnn reflects the makeup of o�tr comtiturtity, please check the 13nc applicable to you. 7hig lnformadon ls etrictly �oluntary. ��Vhttc (CAUCasien) ___.__ Btack (�frican Amertcan} Auiertcan Indlan or Aiasl:an �sltimo �� hinte Female Disa6ted: Yss __ No '� If special accornmadatioas s�re needed, piease sp��ify: - va Hispaalc Asjaa or Pacific Isiander Date of Birth: �/�L� �?G' �li',�E - G�,< ° -� o How did vou hear about tbls opening'! TOTF� P.04 1: . �� _ R'.[.rr��� �'d. �� � �: ,� S , ,- r _������ �_ 2laate : aa�� �' . .iAYOR'S OFfiC£ Home Address: � �E'tF� l(�OOb ttU 1'l 12. i _ y Z'� r� " i/�h �j 'rj� j� - Street . . Citp Zip Telephone Nuaber: _ _ fHome) � �J�� o�� �pe{ (Aork) �(D7— � � � l (EA%)�89-�� ! Planning District Co�ci1:��ST2JCT � City Council Aard: _� P=eferred TSailing Add=ess: _ QbpVE L7hat is your occupati Place�o£ F�ployment: Co�it�ee(s) 2pplie3 For. OtP1CF; Ur i'lii t.i.YU: : ' R � ` .�,�� ' ' 390 CITY HPS,L SAIIST PAIIL� MINNESOTA 55102 � ' OO•� , 26b-8525 FAX: 266-8513 At16 0 Z 199T = 15510 Z-�f-20DC� klzat skills/training or erperi.ence do jou possess for the comittee(s) £or vnich you seek appointment? i � ' � ' �.r _ � 1 .I/ � �!,�i��.�..-n. v u • � ' • � The infoxa.ation included in this application is considered private date accordi.a3 to the Hinnesota Govere3ent Data Practices Act. As a result, this inforr,.2tion is not �eleased to the general public. (OV�R) • P.ev. ?/?8f96 �enc oy=up+aes �onoanae> � fiecetved���0�0 13�28 � Naa�a ildQear. PI�ARc: . • •ro ir:» _� rro� el[oDaooOiQ cc� top coio pd�; TfVU� v..- — - � - ST PRCI� T1H`f�' = �' LL'E, . �a-.;-'•_ - - y : . w ._ 00 `i� �\ Name: �t ' �"`� • Aqdress: �oz G�Ftz� 7'� �E a�s�- yas Phone: Atama: A6Q�ess: Pppne: ��•'s L'8�---�r``GS �.c.•!/ A.mm�� Cer vOUf N2tYlSC �ti ttl�� P¢�tYlAC COrt1lM1tttlE: � Have you had prcvious cantact tijlth ttse camtaitsee for which you are mal:tng applieation3 If to, when;' and the circumataacea'! c7 - In un sttemgt w eneure that eamraFttee represeniaden reflects the mskeup of oar community please chack the line applicable to you. 7hi31nformstlon i� etricUy voiuntarv =��Vhttt (Caucasianj ` Black (Af�iean AmertcAn) Ameriean Iadlan or Alasl:an Eskiiuo '� Mnle Female Disabled: Yec No '� if special accommodations are needed, please speafy: _____ Hkpaalc � Asiaeorpaetfictsiander Date of Binh: l/� /,'�C „ �,�E - ��,f° , � o Bow did vou hear oboui tbis opening• ror� P.aa i: , �� _ a�.ma�...�- -- -- .� ' S'^ 9 B e � a, S'- `q°xg �g ✓i. �' B�r �- � lXGGi S �' S ' . � � � � L-�+ /( �1. ! ' q-.1L,_.. � -� •i( L! ♦ , ' � ., n Name: /� _ . �. . Address: o�-� rn.n,�- ..w a �� L� 10 `� Phone•_ (Home) CAorkl Name• Address: . Phone•_ (Home) � CGTorkl Reasons for your intezest in this particular coa�ittee; /In �.�..�-. �i �. .��_ . n. ._ i� . Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich pou are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstancesl ���{ n�n t n j' ( 3-l�t�. . DK�f_11L7 Q n't . — A n . . . .. � 1 . w _ . " . \ In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee zepresentation reflects the makeup of our communitp, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntarp, ✓ White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eski.mo �.,llfale \� Female Date o£ Birth: d �c— � a�. Disabled: Yes No �� _ � If special acco�•rrodations are needed, please specify. � - �� O ib ' Hov did you hear about this opening? �/LQi1^- �__ Tienne M. OttASOn � O -�a, Vice President WesteYn Insi�rance Agency (an affiliate of tqestern Bank) Western Agency is �ommitted to rzsk management of comsnercial and noriprofit accounts throughout Minnesota. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITZES Busiriess & Professional Women Young Career woman Independent Insurance Agents-Minneapolis Bo�rd of DirecLOrs Independent Insurance Ag2nts-St. Paul Board of Airectors COMMUNITX ACTSVITIES Summit University Planning Council Board of Directors 5t. Pau1 Pol.ice VoluriCeer Services St.Paul Palice I3.A.0. St. Paul Police Resezve Officer Outstanding ,AChievement Award Legion of Honor Ama�d St. Paul District Orie Planning Council Board of Directors Secretazy Vice President President Eastside Arts Council Bo�zd of Directors Port�.ge £or Youth board of Dit2�tors Xouth Mentor 1997 Legislative Aide to Ward � Ramsey County Board qf Equalization Rice Street Festival Ramsey Cbunty Charter Commission St. Paul Police K-9 F'oundation Treast�rer Community Solutions Fund Board of Directors 1976-1979 1982-1984 1996-1997 1989�1992 1984-1998 1992 1993-2000 1996-1997 1997-1999 1996 19 9 8 - CLtrrent 1998-current 1998-20Q2 1998-CUxrent 1999-2002 ziZ'd T96'ON J,�N39d SNI Na3153M WdiE:b 000Z'b 'H3� b p �� 02-24-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CO24�NTS 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6736 Grocery Stock/Department Head Neil Grass 1547 Leone 774-0463 or 626-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-310Q 2-2-98 MACHP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th Street (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 Sue O'DOnnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 (w) 776-2741 9-9-99 CIB STAR; BZA: Kim Roering 840 E. 6th Street St. Pau1, MN h) 651/776-�681 w) 651/776-2741 Kathy Jorgensen 8122 Diane Street Lino Lakes, MN 55014 h) 651/783-0521 w) 612/667-5077 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRIC2 DISTRIC2 (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- "------- -------- -----"-- --- --- --- 7 4 67 09J09J99 W M Father John Dombrowski 840 E. Sixth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 651/776-8086 w) 651/776-2741 00 =�'� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 CAMMZTTEE : BZA Zoninq Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMiSL�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOA) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- --- --- --- 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adama 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia st. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 appa. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave� 55104 w) 641-0297 02/20/98 W F ------------------------ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee� Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo(ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and PaYks-Rec: 00 -��� 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 3 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMlfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----�------------------------------ ---- -------- °------ -------" --- --- --- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee ,416 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003649 Courtney, Vincent J. Courtney & Courtney 6 W. Fifth Street, Suite 700 St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 297-6400 Attorney 3 15 12-6-99 BZA Richard T. Kavaney 2142 iglehart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 651.644-1084 w) 651.223-2861 James T. Aynes 1681 Highland Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651.698.4809 w) 651.227-6661 PatYick J. Donohue (current member) 1035 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 651.642.9498 w) 651.224-4050 003409 Crep, Martin 1034 Zdaho Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55117-3351 Home - 487-4213 5 10 12/06/99 W M 03/06/98 W M 3-6-98 P.C. and BZA 00 ��.\ 02-24-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMSTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLZCATSONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COAIIZENTS PAGE 4 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) "--- ------° -------- -------- --- --- --- Jens Varge (Di.strict 10 Chairperson) 1419 Albert St. North St. Paul, MN 55108 h(659-0856) w(871-7212 Ron Edlund (COmm. Dev. Chair) 1507 Almond Ave. St. Paul MN 55108 h(647-9687 w(same} Tom & Bonita Heilman 4915 North Axm Dr. Minnetrista, MN 55364 h(472-2402) w(788-8081) 003646 Davis, Edward 1169 Lane Place St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - (651) 771-0046 Urban Planner 6 5 10-27-99 PHA, BZA and Family Housing Fund Boa{rd; Bill Turnblad City of Inver Grove Hghts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Joe Little City of Inver Grove hgts. 8150 Barbara Avenue Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h0 651/450-2553 w) 651/450-2553 Virginia Reilly, PhD Director EOAA Office (Acting) 336 Buruss Ha11JBlacksburg, VA 24061 h) 540/231-7500 w) 540/231-7500 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 2 16 5 Heather Place St. Paul� MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. 10/27/99 W M 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Council, B2A, P{lanning Commission o� -�a.� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAbff�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) --------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- "------- --- --- --- Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 D 003552 Duckstad, Jon 3 15 46 E. Fourth Street 1310 Minnesota Building St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - (651) 22?-3236 Attorney 2^15-99 Planning Commission & HPC: Joseph O'Neill, Esq. 1250 World Trade Center 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-8300 Robert Fletcher Ramsey County Sheriff Adult Detention Center 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-9303 Councilmember Jim Reiter 310 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8650 003382 Fishbein, Gregg M. 1533 Etna Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-2645 Attorney Richard Lockridge 6613 iroquois Trail Edina, MN h) 944-8857 w) 339-5900 6 2 O1/28/00 W M 02/23/98 W M b O =�'a-� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTF3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------------�-�--------------- ---- ----�--- ___----- -°----" --- --- --- Greg Dawson . 511 ICenwood Pkwy. Mpls., MN h) 729-219fi w) 988-3766 Richard Reece 13245 Fiji Way, #G Marina del Ray, CA 90292 h) (310) 821-0628 w) (310) 328-3583 003660 Galles, Dan Work - (651) 698-1988 Business Owner 3 15 02/02/00 W M 2-2-2000 BZA Matt Anfang 1685 Bayard Avenue h) 699-1338 w) 274-9163 Pat Donohue 1035 w. 7th Street w) 224-4050 Ho11y Crouse 1075 W. 7th Street h) 9612) 868-1987 w) 298-9925 003635 Jensen, Julie Ezlinger 2 16 64A Home - 651/297-8818 R.N. Health Admin. Consultant 9-24-99 HPC; CZB; CAAPB; Planning Commission {& BZA: Dave Thune 26 Irvine Park St. Paul, MN 55102 h) 651/227-2511 w) 651/266-6000 Mr. & Mrs. Richard (Helen) Mutphy 1440 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 651/698-3121 09/24/99 W F Mrs. Dede Wolfson 0 0 -�a-\ 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMZTTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS PAGE 7 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTAICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -'--- ------° -------� -------- --- --- --- 1117 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 h� 651/271-0558 w) 651/228-0528 003405 Johnston, Christopher A. 201 N. CLeveland St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 642-9277 Siotel Manager 3-5-98 BZA & Riverfront Corp. William F. Lynch 989 Goodrich AVe., 55105 h) 224-8549 w) 667-1311 D. Kevin Leehan 1610 Palance Ave., 55116 h) 698-2379 Ken Golder 13930 Eden Wood Ct. Apple Valley, MN 55124 w) 333-3111 003670 Lattin, Ronald D. 563 W. Wheelock Parkway St. Paul, MN 55117 Aome - (651) 489-4154 Public Policy Consultant 2-15-2000 Peter Bell 3730 W. Calhoun Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55410 (h) (612) 915-1565 (w) (651) 213-4363 4 13 03/OS/98 W M � Joanne Benson 679 Sue Place St. Paul, MN 55116 (w) 612 337-5252 (h) 651.695-1192 6 66A 02/15(00 W M Charles Slocum 15134 Williston Lane Minnetonka, MN 55345 (HOme and Work) 612.939-0068 0 0 -a��-� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 8 APPLICAI3TS.RPT COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAHMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------�--------------- ---� -------- --°---- -------- --- --- �-- 003397 LeBOw, Eric 1451 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 675-1084 Zoning Administrator 3-3-98 P.C., BZA Gary Berg Senior Planner City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 Dwight Picha Community Development Director City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 03/03/9S W M Marty Jurgensen Associate Planner City of Woodbury w) 731-5790 003375 Mullen, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 4 11 02/13/98 U M Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 h) (715) 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 800 Wilson Ave. MenomOnie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 po -aa � 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APYLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS BATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- "------- --- --- --- 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian internal Affairs Planning Commiasion [same references as those listed above] 002835 Otteson, Tienne M. 2217 Highwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 7 1 02/04/00 w F Home - (651) 731-2562 V.P., Western Insurance Dino Guerin Jennifer wathen Greg Finzell 8-7-97 Planning Commission Dino Guerin Ramsey County Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102, 266-8350 Janice Rettman Ramsey County Commissioner 220 Court House, 55102, 266-8360 Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall 266-8510 003380 Paar, Christopher R. #201 1280 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0203 Judicial Clerk/MN Court App1s 3 14 02/23/98 w M Hon. Doris Ohlsen Huspeni 25 Constitution Ave. MN Judicial Center w) 297-1002 E1don Spencer ao-3a\ 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMlSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATfi APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) -�-- -------- -------- �------- -° --- --- 800 Norwest Center 55 E. Sth St. St. Paul, MN 55105 w) 227-9505 Bob Craggs Suite 800 Normandale Lake Office Park Mpls., 55437 w) 836-6120 003093 Pilko� Victoria �302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Home - 894-8468 Realtor Kathy Phillips V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 Georgia Anderson 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8298 11j27J95 W F 003620 Raiter, Shawn M. 1 8 65A 08/26/99 W M #4 809 Pprtland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 228-9813 Attorney 8-26-99 CIB; HPC; HRC; Parks-Rec; P.C.; Police Intern{al Affairs and BZA: Daniel Scott Suite 1500 345 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN h) 651/310-9847 w) 651/312-6519 Scott Stevenson 846 Fairmont Avenue h) 651/224-7915 w) 651/733-2625 00 -aa-� 02-24-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COHMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICA23T f REFERENCE CAMhSENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTF3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Ti.m Mulder 1880 Shady Beach Avenue Roseville, MN h) 651/489-00677 w) 651/224-3344 003105 Tasselmyer, Benita Bleecker 785 Aldine Street St. Paul, MCI 55104-1105 Home - 641-1037 Industrial Engineer Alice Hausman state Representative 1447 Chelmsford Ave., 55108 w) 296-6013 h) 646-6220 4 11 Henry xristal President, Embers Restaurants 1664 Univeraity Ave., 55104 w) 645-6473 Neal Thao Ramsey Co. Human Svcs./St. Paul School Board 154 Wyoming� 55107 h) 290-0590 w) 226-4274 Kathi Austin-Mahle Pastor, Hamline United Methodist Church 1514 Englewood Ave., 55104 w) 645-0667 9-21-98 Planning Commission Tom Conlon St. Paul School Board 2183 Berkley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 651 699-7399 w) (651) 293-5109 Henry Kristdl President, Embers Restaurants 1664 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 551�4 h) (651) 452-5573 w) (651) 645-6473 03/1OJ98 W F Peggy Larson Postmaster St. Paul Post Office oo-aa� 02-24-00 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 12 APPI,ICAI3T5. RPT COMHITTEE : BZA Zoning Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/99 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM24ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DTSTRICT D2STRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------°--------------- ---- -------- -------- ------"- --- --- --- 180 E. Kellogg Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101-5001 (651) 293-3100 003207 Wible, Tori Jo 50 W. Delos Street St. Paul, MN 55107-1107 Home - 228-0697 Homemaker (retired attorney) 2 3 03/09/98 W F Justice Esther M. Tomljanovich The Judicial Center 25 Constitution Avenue St. Paul, MN 55155 w) 296-2484 Kay Xruse 174 Delos St. W. St. Paul, 55107 h) 222-1898 Rev. James Carter House of Hope Presbyterian Church 797 Summit Anenue, 55105 w) 227-6311 3-10-98 .TUStice E.M. Tonljanovich Darlene Slenslay House of Hope Presbyterian Church (w) 227-6311 Stacy Schrader Project Break-Through Coordinator (w) 730-6165 000992 Winter, Nancy A. 1869 Sargent Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 4 14 64 11/30/95 W F Home - 694-4495 Mortgage Banker Robert Plunkett, Atty. 1771 Montreal Avenue oo-a�� 02-24-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 13 COMMITTEE : B2A Zoning Board FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT � REFERENCE COMP6fF.NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETEi GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -----�-- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 699-1082 w) 854-4484 Joe Collins, Asst. to Janice Rettman 546 Blair h) 458-5108 w) 298-5289 Randy Peterson State Senator 155 N.E. Colleen Street, East Bethel h) 464-6479 w) 296-8018 11-30-95 Board of Zoning Appeals SKILLS: Member of Property Code Enforcement B(oard (1993-1995); Mortgage Banking since 19'I5; Real Estate broker's license. St. Paul homeo(wner since 1987. Reasons for Znterest: i enjoyed the Property {Code Enfotcement Board. Since it was eliminated I{ feel this board would be of similar interest.