280303 N�NITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S�AINT PAUL File NO. �`-r�'��•-� - CANARV - DEPARTMENT COIIIICI ' \ BLUE - MAVOR, � Council Resolution Presented By ' ( �� �-� t Referred To � ���^�-� Committee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approva s the attached Memorandum of Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and various Bargaining Units listed below regarding volunta.ry leave of absence without pay. Cement Masons #560 � , 5t. Paul Police Federation City Attorneys' Professional Association St. Paul Fire Supervisory Association Approved: � hairman, ivil Service Com ' ssion COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays PERSONNEL O ICE �a��� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� __ Against BY � �L Tedesco Wilson MAY 1 2 19$3 Form A roved y rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Ya-s d y ouncil Se r BY BS' �r2, o� /� A r v by 14avor: MflY 1 Fl �gS3 Approved for missio to Council By BY �tJBUS�I�U MAY N i 1983 � �► .. �ss?�'��;� ,��, , ,�. � 1983 MEMORANDITr1 OF AGREEMENT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- CEMENT MASONS LOCAL 560 . It is mutually agreed by and bet�oeen the City of Saint Paul and the Cement Masons Local 560 that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence � A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary Ieave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the - employee shall be considered, for Health and jdelfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is sub3ect to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pa�- granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. City of Saint Paul Cement Piasons Local 560 , � OR RELA NS D T � H.P. Andreason, Business Rep. F�` �`-� Dated this � day of ��r 1�983. . `��`"��.,,, ` �`' -y� � , i 1983 M .E�"iiQRANDLTII OF AGREE'�1i ENT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- SA�NT PAUL POLICE FEDERATION 1 �i It is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Police Federation that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence 1\ A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary �l�ave of absence caithout pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave� and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for �erit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualif.ying pay period as it reZates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Tdelfare benefits, the • employee shall be considered, for Health and Welfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. . , City of Saint Paul � � / �' •� � , / ,,i',? / .�i '� '!: ', -:�'. � LABOR REI�TIu D:"� CTOR / Dated this �3 day of�, 19 3. . � , : �D f��s`��;'� �� � � 1983 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL -and- CTTY ATTORNEY PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION . i � It is mutually agreed by and bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul and the City Attorney Professional Association that the voluntary leave - of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence � A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours of voluntary l�ave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During suc:i leave of absence �aithout pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the ' employee shall be considered, for Health and jdelfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroil for such period. Any leave of absence granted under this article is subject to the approval of the Department. Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on December 31, 1983. � City of Saint Paul r' (�/�L�`?�!y'�'" -,' �� r � Terrance Garvey, Preside,Flt • `'-�/ 3_ ��- �3 OR TI 1� IRE R March Dated this � day of �Ii3i�E7�, 1983. . f. � - �,^�a ���/�"! �•,.yt c . ' ; � � , . 1983 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � -and- THE SAINT PAUL FIRE SUPERVISORY ASSOCIATION � . . .. It is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Fire Supervisory Association that the voluntary leave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence �� A full-time employee may be granted up to 160 hours af voluntary I�ave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and Welfare benefits, the employee shall be considered, for Health and L+Telfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of �absence granted under this article is sub3ect to the approval of the Department Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence without pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. Tliis Article shall expire on Dec•ember 31, I983. City of Saint Paul . y �r f� / � // �L% p LABOR ELA NS D T Anthony Connelly, Preside t �i� Dated this � day of �,iu�';-'1983. �_ wH17E - CITV CLfiRK - � ����/� �� �INK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT � PA U L Council ,7 '�.; CANARY - DEPARTMENT '� r �� C 9LUE - MAVOR File �0. , � CITY C LERK Co�ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul he reby approves the attached Memorandum of Agreements between the City - of Sai.nt Paul and various Bargaining Units listed below regarding voluntary leave of absence without pay. Cement Masons #560 St. Paul Police Federation City Attorneys' Professional Association St. Paul Fire 5upervisory Association Approved: Chairman, Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F�etcher �aYs PERSONNEL OFFICE �a��� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� Against BY Tedesco Wilson , Form Ap�roved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� 1ppr�ved by \+lavor: Date — Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � a.. � - , ��('� � .. . f - . , � , , : . 1983 MEMORANDUt�i OF AGRE�fi1ENT -between- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - -and- � THE SAINT PAUL FIRE SUPERVISORY ASSOCIATION + � .. It is mutually agreed by and bet�•:een the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Fire Supervisory Association that the voluntary Ieave of absences during 1983 shall be governed by the following. Voluntary Leave of Absence �\ A fu11-time employee may be granted up to I60 hours of voluntary Ieave of absence without pay during the calendar year of 1983. During such leave of absence without pay, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation, sick leave and seniority credits as they relate to eligibility for merit increases. If such leave is taken during the qualifying pay period as it . relates to the eligibility for city paid Health and tdelfare benefits, the employee shall be considered, for Health a.Zd tdelfare eligibility purposes, as though he/she was on the payroll for such period. Any leave of �absence granted under this article is subject to the apgroval of the Degart�e:t Head. This Article shall not apply to Leave of Absence with.out pay granted in excess of 160 hours during the calendar year of 1983. This Article shall expire on Dec•�mber 31, I983. City of Saint Paul y �,.� G / V ��1c�Tr � �G'��� LABOR ELA NS D T Anthony Connelly, Preside t �i� Dated this � �-" day of �1983. . � � . . . � � . . . '� � . . . �III � . . . � . . PersonnelOffice DEPARTf�1ENT , ;' ����� Bernard P. Wright y �i .,�,#' ;�c..-� y -�'ONTACT . �. 2g8-4221 PHONE � • April 12, 1983 DATE r , �� � (Roi�ting and Explanation Sheet) ;, Assiqn Number for Routing Order (C1ip Al1 Locationsirfor Ma�yoral Signature): ` � Department Director . T � City Attorney �' ;, 3 Director of Management/Mayor �� : r L.0 d a S rvices Directo �I Finance an M na ement e � � 9 . i City Clerk ; A.-� ' '� �, . t� � i;,�3 � � . . Budget Di rector 1�N'���� ��;.:.E�� _ . . ;I � � �Jhat Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attac�ed Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This resoluti.on approves Memorandum of Agreena.e�ts between the City of St. I3au1 and the�Bargai�i�a�; Uriits I�:sted below. # . Cement Masons #�560 St. Paul Poli ce F��de ra'ti.on City Attorneys' l��rofessional Association St. Paul Fire Su ' rvisory Associa�i.on. . The �►greememts alfow members of the Bargaining nit to be granted a Leave of Absence with- out pay without loss of frim e efit . T 's.w be limited to 1b0 hours for 1983. Financ�al , 8udgetary an��ersor�ie��mpac�s An�'�`c�pa,`�c� Non.e, '! - . .. i1 . , . _ � _ . . _ ��i . . . Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or �redited: _ ;. �, . Attachments (List and Nur�er all Attachments) : 1. R.e solution ;' . . 2. Memorandum of Agreemen.ts 3. Copy for City Clerk ;� ; ;;s• �; - UEPAI2TMENT REVIEW C,TY ATTORNEY REUIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? R�solution Required? Yes �io Yes No Insurance Required? I�►surance Sufficient? Yes No /1/��� Yes No Insurance Attached? �'! vision of October, 1982 � , (�ee Reverse Side for "Instractions) CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �? t < <.•:`�i c�.'.�� - ;��,..;, OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCZL � �•��l���Y�J�P! ��i��Yl!`_• . • ` � � � Date : MayS, 1983 � \ TO = Sa�nt PQUt City Council _ _ F R 0� = C o rn r�it t e e O t"1 FINANC�, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL � CH L�l l R James Scheibel . _... .. . 1., Apgroval of minutes from meetino ..._ . o held April 28, 1983. - }�'' �- �---�-__ 2. _ Resolution amending the I9g3 budget transfe ring £unds - - - appropriate_ways. (Human Rights) ; to be used in the 3- Resolution authorizing an agreement with Ramsey Co. whereb the County for part of the� salary of a nutritionist assigned to the Coun� 's y the City kill reimburse health department. (Community Services) Y 4- Resolution authorizing an agreenent �dith Capi�Col bledic _ . �- - testing se�rviees. (Community Services) al La�oratories for medical S- Resolution revising the class specs for the title of B ' uxldino Laborer. (Personnel�� 6- Resolution approving Memorandum of Aareements for four bargaining units as on the resolution. (Personnel) listed 7- Resolution amending salary plan and rates of compensatio ! , n resolution. � 8• Resolution app�oving the transfer of CDBG Year V fund - s as listed. (pE 9. Resolution establishing a budget for a Federal grant financ' Community Services Department - Parks IaI prograr� f �r Recreation. (Community Ser�•ices I�• Resolution adopting additions to the 1953 budget for serv' bean performed on approved projects that ha�•e not �ces rendered that ha gone to contract. (Public kor3�s) 11- P,esolution authoriiing an agreement iYi.th Ra;nsEy �o r ,. �sphalt by the City to the Count •. ��ldin� for the saIe of � (Public I�orks) CtTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR , SA1NT PAUL, I�1INNESUTA 5510_ »�a,..�.