Council File # O � — �Z
Green Sheet # 08911
Committee Date
Referred To
An Administrative Resolution approving a Memorandum Of
Agreement between the Ciry and the Saint Paul Police Federafion
RESOLVED, that the Council of The City Of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached
Memorandum of Agreement between the City Of Saint Paul and The Saint Paul Police Federation.
Requested by Depazhnent of:
Office Of Labor Relations
By. r �_
Form Approved by City Auorney
By: ��� � �� ,
sy: 1\ d- T"}� ��.�----�✓ ' Ti
Approved by M e� . Date � 2 � � (
, .iv�// G:\Shazed�I-II2CON7MON\SHOC[Q.EY�PO1.Com.Lieu[tes.wpd
By: �ii<
Adopted by Council: Date Of�
Adoption Certified by Commcil cretary
HumanResources 12-29-99 0O - l�
7olm Shockley 266-64s2 ,n�,un,�r es 7N . m , �,
Affict�o xarrwrmansr y�L cRrastK
IIOIIIiNG .,.-..• m�vDS Ev+�vp,�t�cvi�a,-m
As soon as possible oan�
ApProval of a M�orandum of Agre�ent (MOA) betwaen the City and the Saint Paul Police Federati� esqblishiog �e
impla�tati� pmcedures for moving curnnt mwmbeats holdiog certified appoi�ts to the Lieuteaani classificati� inko
the Commander classifiqtion as 2 tesuk � consolid3tion of the ' ant and Commaztder cl2sses; 2nd a�c�tiding Article 18
(Premium P2y/SpeCi31 Allowanees) ofthe Cutrent collective betgsiqiug agr�t by est3blishing a 5%premivm p3y for
"Seaior Commander" dury assigncr�nts.
1. HmthupafaJfumavawakdimdmoaotrmtforth'sdepmlmart?
�CBCOMI�9i7'EE 2 Hnth6P�tvmevebemaertymployee7
— s. a�waya+ods�y�....buna�q�Mmr��r�e�?
Yo No
4. Lthepm�a✓fvmctagarodv�f!
Yo No
Eqbi� ail rs �emn r rpv�4 f11eM �nd �d�ch b greeo ahaet
Since 1985, when these positions were last studied for appropriate classificaiion there have been many changes in the Police
Department organiTational structure includ'wg a move to a communiry oriented policing service. There has been a
decentralization of authority in the organi�ation and a resuit is that the Commander and Lieutenant posirions now have similar
levels of responsibility. Also, in recent years, there has been a reduction in the overall number of police management positions.
Consequently, the departmem requested that Human Resources review the Commander and Lieutenant positions for
appropriate classification. I3uman Resources deternuned that, at this time, there is not enough difference in the responsibilities
of the positions to justify two job classes. All of the positions in question should be allocated to the Commander class. This
means tbat current Lieutenant incumbents nced to be moved to the Commander class. This MOA accomplishes that in a timely
manner and addresses Police Federation concems regarding pay at the time of appoinhnent and seniority. Furthermore, this
MOA establishes a premium pay for Commanders who may be assigned to oversee the activities of other Commanders.
One class of management positions allows for greater fleacibility in duty assignments; a perceived pay inequity bettveen the
incumbents is addressed; Sergeants have more opportunity for promotion into the command ranks; the need for "out of tiUe
paY" is reduced.
None. Any increased satary costs have been offset �ry a reduction in the overall number of Police management positions.
Movement of the incumbents into the Commander class may take several years to accomplish and an opportunity to create
flazter more fle�rible command structure may be lost.
COtYP@� s���fL3'E C2�#8t'
" � :'it1
Memorandum Of Agreement
It has been determined by the Office of Human Resources that the positions currently allocated to
the classification of Lieutenant should be allocated to the Commander class. The City of Saint
Paul, hereinafter referred to as the "Employer," and The Saint Paul Police Federation, hereinafter
referred to as the "Union,"agree that the cunent incumbents holding certified appointments to the
Lieutenant classification will be moved to the Commander classification. It is also agreed that the
following procedwes will be used in implementation:
i. The direction and number of Commander positions shall continue to be determined solely
by the Emp3oyer, however, effective 7anuary 1, 200Q the Employer will move said
Lieutenant incumbents into the Commander classification, and the Office of Human
Resources will inactivate the Lieutenant classification.
2. Compensation at the time of appointment to Commander will be deternuned by placing
said Lieutenant incumbents at the salary step in the Commander grade corresponding to
their assigned salary step in the Lieutenant grade on 7anuary 1, 2000.
3. For the purposes of seniority in the event of a layoff, Lieutenants moved into the
Commander classification as a result of this Memorandum Of Agreement will have an
appointment date to the Commander classification of 3anuary 1, 2000. However, they will
be listed on the Commander reinstatement register in the order of their seniority based on
their certified appointment date in the old Lieutenant classification with the most senior
being listed first. This reinstatement register will be maintained by the Office of Human
4. Lieutenants who are moved to Commander as a result of this agreement and who are
currently on probation will continue to serve the designated probationary period. All
other said Lieutenant incumbents will not serve a probationary period following their
movement to Commander.
Employees who hold certified appointments as Commanders as of December 1, 1999, will
be assigned the duties of a"Senior Commander" and receive the premium pay as defined
The Employer and the Union also agree that Article 18 (Premium Pay/Special Allowances) of the
current collective bargaining agreement be amended to include the following language:
Any certified Commander who is assigned the duties of a`Senior Commander" shall
receive fzve percent (S%) per hour above their base rate.
The rrumber and nature of such Senior Commander assignments shall be determined
solely by the Employer. However, the Department Director shall make such assignments
from a list of eligibles provided by an advisory committee appointed by fhe Employer and
composed of representatives of both Podice Department mcmagement and the Union.
The Department Director may remove employees from Seniar Commander assignments
00 -��
at c»tytime. If an employee protests the removal, then the reasons for the removal will be
reviewed by the aforementioned advisory committee. Following the review, the advisory
committee will make a recommerrdation regarding the removal action to the Department
Assignments to and removals from Senior Commander duties shall not be subject to the
provisions of Article 6( Grievmzce Procedure) of this agreemem.
The aforementioned language shall be effective 7anuary 1, 2000, and incorporated into the next
collective bazgaining agreement between the parties.
The undersigned have read and understand the above Agreement. Signed this�� day of
December, 1999.
C�M M'_ZIjT.�`►il 117�11�
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Te altiner
Labor Relations Manager
DATE: 1�z9l9F
Brad Jacobs
DATE: � Z/Z$/9 p
DO -�3—
1��W1 17� 1�
sraa J�b�,, r�;a�c
, sint Paul Police Federation
373 Selby Stceet
Saint Paul, MN 55102 -
iaoaryadu�rs naPL,.. ss�-lssawo
11�/W➢mfi9evt SDINSP.� 65)-366dJ01
Sd�rPme�l9�nora3510b163J !e6/bc 63)-366d301
➢ �4dr 65)-195-]6S5
�99 �C 29 P2 :I O
RE: Lieutenant/Commander Consolidation Determination and 20 Day Notice
Dear Brad:
We have completed ow study for the purposes of detennining whether the Lieutenant and Commander
classifications should be consolidated into one class. We have reviewed the information you provided
regazding the current organizational shucture and the changes that have occu�red over the years in the
Lieutenant and Commander duty assignments and reporting relationships. We also reviewed e�sting
position descriprions and job evaluadon informarion. Based on that infoimation we have determined that
there is not enough difference beriveen the positions to justify rivo different class�cations. We bave also
determined that the Lieutenant class�cadion should be inactivated and that current incumbents holding
certitied positions in the Lieutenant class should be moved to the Commander class. Furthermore, we have
determined that the Commander class specification should be updated to reflect changes in duties and
responsibilities, and minimum qualifications.
We have drafted a Memorandum of Agreement beiween the City and the Police Federation moving the
current incumbents holding certified positions in the Lieutenant class to Commander. Upon sign off by the
Employer and the Union, we will ptocess a resolution for Ciry Council approval. We have attached, for your
review, the proposed Commander class specification as well as the e�sting Commander and Lieutenant
Tf you agree with the aforementioned actions, please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this
memorandum. If I do not hear from you withiu tlus twenty day notice period, I will assume agreement and
proceed with drafting the a�eement, the resolution and implement the specification update.
Tf you would like to waive the twenty day norice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the space
below and-return this memorandum to me:
/ 2�/z9
If you have any quesdons or nced assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482.
G �R�� ���.�
John H. 5hockley
Human Resources Senior Consultant
John Hamilton, OFsecror
Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor
William K. Finney
Chief of Police
John H. Shockley� ��
Office of Human esources
December 17, 1999
400 Ciry Hall Mnes
25 Weat Faurth Stseet
SaintPaul,Mw`esom SS702-/63I
p o -Z�-
Telephone: 657-266-6500
TOD/!TY 651-266-650I
Jobl'vle: 651-2666502
Facsimile: 65]-292-7656
LieutenanUCommander Consolidation Detertnination and 20 Day Notice
We have completed our study for the purposes of detemvning whether the Lieutenant and
Commander classifications should be consolidated into one class. We have reviewed the
information you provided regarding the current organizational structure and the changes that have
occurred over the yeazs in the Lieutenant and Commander duty assignments and reporting
relationships. We also reviewed existing position descrip6ons and job evatuation information.
Based on that information we have deternuned that there is not enough difference between the
positions to justify two different classifications at this time. We have also deternuned that the
Lieutenant class should be inactivated and that current incumbents holding ced�ed positions in
the Lieutenant class should be moved to the Commander class. Furthermore, we have deternuned
that the Commavder class specification should be updated to reflect changes in duties and
responsibilities, and minimum qual�cations.
We have drafted a Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the Police Federation
moving the current incumbents holding certified positions in the Lieutenant class to Commander.
Upon sign off by the Employer and the Union, we will process a resolution for City Council
approval. We have also attached the proposed Commander class specification as well as the
existing commander and Lieutenant specifications
If you agree with the aforementioned actions, please no6fy me within twenty days of receipt of
this memorandum. If I do not hear from you within this twenty day nouce period, I will assume
agreement and proceed with drafting the agreement, the resolution and implemenY the
speciFication update.
If you would 1' e to a�ye the twenty day notice period and indicate your ageement, please sign
e spac el a return this memorandum to me:
If y�a3�"�h�$�ue�ibn��r
Thank you.
NAW v�k� 1:�?'�6Z��f2
!��1 ,� i�_ ; 1� i.,tff,f
Attachmept� ; z ' ;
assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482.
0 0 _�>
Generai Statement of Duties:
CODE: 544
BU: 04
Performs 6ig6ty responsible adminisdxtive and managerial poGcc work in planning
aud directing the activities of an assigned patrol district, investigxtive unit, or other
ma}or unit of the Police Depsrtment; and performa rdated daties aa reqaired.
Suuervision Received:
Works under t6e general direction of a Deputy Chief or t6e C6ief of Police.
S�ervision Eaercised:
Eaercises, within the unit, general supervision over subordinate supervisors, police,
and support personnel.
The list of esamples m$y not include all the duties performed by all positions in t6is class.
Establishes a mission and vision for the unit and develops performance standards
that contribute to meeting that mission and vision as well as the overall mission and
vision of the Police Department.
Directs, sapervises, assigns, and evatuates the work of the unit stat3; aathorizes
payroll, hiring, disciplinary actions and other related actions.
Develops and oversees the implementatiQ�► of unit policaes and procedures.
Measures the effectiveness of the unit by analyzing performance data and
maintaining appropriate data used to measure performance; addresses any
performance deficiencies.
Plans, prepares and manages the unit budget; suthorizes purchases and
00 -�'s-
Page 2
Directs and conducts special investigations; conducts surveys of criminal incidents
for selective enforcement programs.
A'vects the preparation of and prepares necessary reports, records and
Instructs subordinate personnel in patrol and investigative activities throug6
participation, observation and direction.
Investigates complaints regarding unit activities.
Responds to press inquiries and maintains press relations.
Considerable knowledge of current management theory and the ability to appiy
these principles to the performance of the police mission.
Consicterable knowledge of modero police practices �nd tec6nology and the ability
to apply this knowledge to a command unit.
Considerable knowledge of and ability to apply federa►, state, and local laws to
specific cases.
Considerable ability to interact effectively with the public and subordinates.
Considerable ability to systematically develop and evaluate police policies and
Considerable ability to analyze facts, make decisions, and alter those decisions as
contingencies arise.
Considerable ability to supervise and ��aluste the work product of highly trained
tec6nical specialists (i.e., computer pro�rammers, criminalists, consultants, etc.)
Considerable ability to make organizatioaal adjustments to meet changing ueeds.
Considerable ability to devise plans that ac�ommodate speci5c needs that may
range from a few days to several years.
Page 3
Considerable ability to recognize strengths and wealmesses of subordinates and to
be cogn'rcant of t6ese factors in t6e assignment and development of personnel.
Considerable ability to iategrate individual tasks with the overali department
Considersble ability to coordinate comprehensive projects involving an array of
resources drawn from within and/or outside t6e department
Considerable ability to maintain professional and community contacts as they
relate to individual commands.
Considerable skiIl in eapertly operating a motor vehicle under any condition.
Considerable skill in handling and discharging firearms in a proficient
and safe manner.
Bachelor's Degree in law enforcement, sociolog,y, psyc6ology or a related field and
siz years of ezperience in the position and 6olding the title of Sergeant; or ten years
of eaperience in the position and 6olding the tiUe of Sergeant to include one year as
a supervising Sergeant and one year as a Sergeant investigator or administrator. A
Master's Degree in one of the fietds indicated or a Juris Doctorate may be
substituted for one year of eaperience.
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Q O �-
�eneral Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work of
an assigned unit(s); co�ands a shift of unifozmed personnel; takes charge of
all police work during an evening or night shift; and performs other related
duties as required.
Sunervision Received: i7orks under general supervision of a Deputy Chief
of Police.
,�upervision Exercised: Exercises vithin a unit genezal supervision
directly and through subordinate supervisors over police and support personnel.
The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions
in this class.
Directs the activities of uniformed police unit.
Assigns uniformed personnel where they are needed.
Conducts inspections at the zoll calls.
Directs the operations of the traffic division, planning section and/or training
Supervises and directs the activities of detectives and other assigned personnel
in such organized special details as homicide, juvenile, sex, robbery, burglary,
fraud and forgery, or auto theft.
Takes charge of and coordinates the work of the Identification and Records,
Communications and Date Processing sections.
Commands all personnel assigned on eveninp, or night watch.
Supervises investigations, interviews and interrogations and ensures that cases
ate propexly prepared for court.
Plans, controls, and directs planning for tactical operations.
Inspects operations, personnel, equipment and facilitates within assigned
Prepares operational plans; reco�ends policies and procedures.
Reviews operations and performance records and directs the evaluation of
performance of assigned unit(s).
(continued on reverse side)
CODE: 544
BU: 04
EFFECTIVE: 44/07/93
Page 2
Prepares and/or directs the preparation of reports and necessary records and
Takes charge of and conducts special investigations; conduct surveys of cziminal
incidents for selective enforcement programs.
Patrols with subordinates to observe, supervise and instruct subordinate
Im+estigates complaints zelative to service or personnel.
Makes zeco�endations regarding appointments, discipline, transfer and
Acts for superior in the absence of the superior; performs duties of Lieutenant
as necessary.
Maintains press zelations.
Considerable knowledge of modern management theory and the ability to apply
these principles to the perfoxmance of the police mission.
Considerable knowledge of modern police practices and technology and the ability
to apply this knowledge to a command unit. Considerable ]mowledge of and ability
to apply federal, state, and local laws to specific cases.
Considerable ability to interact effectively with the public and suhordinates.
Considerable ability to systematically develop and evaluate police policies and
procedures. '
Considezable ability to analyze facts, make decisions, and alter those decisions
as contingencies arise.
Considerable ability to supervise and evaluate the work product of highly
trained technical specialists (i.e., eomputer programmers, criminalists,
consultants, etc.)
Considerable ability to make organizational adjustments to meet changing needs.
Considerable ability to devise plans that accommodate specific needs that may
range from a few days to several years.
Considerable ability to recognize atrengths and weaknesses of subordinates and
to be cognizant of these factors in the assignment and development of personnel.
Considerable ability to integrate individual tasks with the overall department
Considerable ability to coordinate comprehensive projects involving an array of
Page 3
zesources drawn from within and/or outside the department.
O O -a-�
Considerable ability to mai�tain professional and co�unity contacts as they
relate to individual commands,
Considerable ability to eupertly drive a motor vehicle under any condition.
Considerable ability to handle and discharge firearms proficiently and safely.
High school graduation and 54 credit hours in courses peztaining to police work
(s list of such courses is aaintained in the Office of Human Resources) and
three years of experience in the position and holding the title of Lieutenant;
or four years of experience in the position and holding the title of Lieutenant.
(No substitution for experience.)
General Statement of Duties:
CODE: 545 0 0 �
BU: 04
EFFECTIVE: 08/04/75
Under supervision, commands an assigned unit or commands squads of law
en£orcement personnel; and performs related work as assigned.
The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions
in this class.
To assign, instruct, and inspect Sergeants and Police Officers in their
squad during a shift.
To direct the work of the traffic squad.
To direct the activities of patrol and foot sqnads during a shift.
To supervise the communications section.
To supervise the review, destruction, accuracy, filing and use of police
To act as training officer.
To direct the activities of the School Police unit.
To supervise personnel of lower rank in making investigations.
To conduct difficult and important investigations in special fields of
To assist in planning police methods and procedures.
To study and recommend staffing and materials needs.
To make administrative studies and surveys.
To coordinate civil defense activities.
To direct the investigation of complaints against services or personnel.
To read special reports and instructions at relief ineetings.
To patrol an area to observe, supervise, and instruct subordinate
To be responsible for the care and maintenance of police equipment and
(continued on reverse side)
M., _
Page 2
To supervise the custody and treatment of prisoners and prisoner's
To hold periodic inspections.
To direct roll calls.
To direct assignments and movements of inen,
To manage and investigate assigned cases.
To detect, repress and control vice, gambling, narcotics, prostitution,
liquor laws, sex offenders, and other criminal activities.
To enforce rules and take disciplinary action.
To insure sufficiency of police strength.
To assume charge at scenes of criminal and non-criminal emergencies.
To coordinate and review information gathered by subordinates.
To review personnel records and reports.
To act for commanders during their absence.
To perform duties of sergeant whenever necessary.
High school graduation and thirty-six credit hours in courses pertaining to
police work (a list of such courses is maintained in the Office of Human
Resources) and three years' experience in the position and holding the
title of Sergeant, or four years' experience in the position and holding
the title of Sergeant. (No substitution for experience.)
0 0 -��--
Commander and Lieutenant
November 1999, by J.H. Shockley
PERSONS CONTACTED: Police Chie� William K Finney
Police Federation President, Brad Jacobsen
The positions allocated to Commander and Lieutenant were last studied for appropriate
classification in 1985. At that time, the difference between the two classes of positions was
mainly one of"rank" in the Police Department pazamilitary command structure. For
example, Commanders supervised a unit called a Watch and Lieutenants supervised a unit
called a Platoon which was a part of a Watch. Commanders had authoriry over
Lieutenants. Over the yeazs, there have been many changes to the departmental
organizational structure and the duties of positions within the two classes haue also
changed. Commanders and Lieutenants have been used on an interchangeable basis in
managing various units of the Police Department. Additionally, the move to community
policing calls for decentralization of authoriry so that management decisions need to be
made at the neighhorhood level. Furthermore, "out of tide" pay has become an issue
because of the blurring of the differences between the two classes of positions. Finally, in
recent years the Chief of Police has reduced the overall number of management positions to
meet budgetary requirements. Consequently, the Chief ofPolice asked that the Office of
Human Resources review the two classes of positions with regard to the possibility of
consolidating the posirions into one class.
Study Components
Review of job changes and organizational chart
Interview with Police Chief
Interview with Police Federation President
Comparison of class specifications
Review of e�sting Commander and Lieutenant 7ob Profiles
QES analysis and recommendation
Job Description
These posirions perform highly responsible administrative and managerial police work in
planning and directing the activities of an assigned patrol district, investigative unit, or
other major unit of the Police Department. The work is performed under the general
direction of a Depury Chief or the Chief of Police. These positions have full supervisory
authority over subordinate supervisors, police officers, and support personnel.
Some eacamples oftypical duties are:
Establishes a vision and mission for the assigned unit and develops performance standards
that contribute to meeting that vision and mission as well as the overall mission of the
Police Department.
Directs, supervises, assigns work, and evaluates the work of the unit staff; hires staff,
rewards disciplines, transfers, etc.
Develops and oversees the implementation of unit policies and procedures.
Measures the effectiveness of the unit by analyzing performance data and mailing such
data; addresses any performance deficiencies.
Plans, prepares, and manages the unit budget; authorizes purchases and payments.
Directs and conducts special investigations; conducts surveys of criminal incidents for
selective enforcement programs.
Directs the preparation of and prepazes necessary reports, records and documentation.
Instructs subordinate personnel in patrol and investigative activities through participation,
observation and direction.
Investigates complaints regarding unit activities.
Responds to press inquiries and maintains press relations.
Comparison to Class Specifications
The current class specifications for Lieutenant describe command of an assigned unit or
command of a squad of law enforcement personnel. The duties include directing the work
of Sergeants and Police Officers in a squad during a shift. Other duties include directing
the activities of patrol or foot squads during a shift. The rest of the duties in the
specification aze similar to those described above. From the information gathered in this
study the positions currently assigned to the Lieutenant class are performing duties at a
higher level than those described in the specification.
� O —�y-
The Commander class specification describes responsible supervisory work of an assigned
unit such as a shift of uniformed personnel, the traffic division, planning section, training,
records, communications, or special details. The Commander class specification more
closely describes the level of duties and responsibilities of all of the posirions in question.
Comuarison to Other Positions
The positions allocated to the Lieutenant and Commander classes aze used interchangeably
by the department. The department has moved to a community oriented policing service
wluch has required decentralization of the command structure. Consequently, there is no
need for the Lieutenant to Commander reporting relationship in the hierarchy. All of the
positions now aze comparable to positions currently allocated to the Commander class.
OES Evaluation and Anaiysis
When the Commander and Lieutenant positions were initially evaluated in 1985, the
difference between the two classes was 110 QES points. Commanders were awarded a
level five for the factor of Effect of Actions, while the Lieutenants were awarded a level
four. This was due to the fact that Lieutenants reported to Commanders in the command
structure. If Lieutenants do not report to Commander, then a11 of the positions would meet
the five level definition for the factor of Effect of Actions. This is because all have the
responsibility for managing a departmental program and, because community policing
requires these positions to solve critical operational problems and develop new approaches
and concepts. The other difference between the two classes was the factor awazd for Units
Supervised. As these positions are used interchangeably, all of the positions would have
authority over a moderately large group of employees, which meets the level four
It is recommended that the Lieutenant class be abolished because there is currently little or
no difference in the duties and responsibilities of positions allocated to the Lieutenant and
Commander classes. This recommendation is also supported by the QES analysis which
indicates that the positions aze of equal value to the organization. It is also recommended
that the Commander class specifications be updated to reflect the changes in duties,
responsibilities and minimum qualifications. The class specification has not heen amended
since 1993. Furthermore, it is recommended that the incumbents in the Lieutenant class be
moved to the Commander class. This could be accomplished via a Memorandum Of
Agreement (MOA) between the City and the Police Federation. This method would ensure
that current Lleutenant incumbents could be placed in the Commander classification in a
timely manner. Current Civil Service methods, such as testing and reallocation, may take
as long as two or three years to move all of the certified Lieutenants into the Commander
class. Also, any Federation concerns regazding pay at the time of appointment and
seniority could be addressed using the MOA method.
Council File # O � — �Z
Green Sheet # 08911
Committee Date
Referred To
An Administrative Resolution approving a Memorandum Of
Agreement between the Ciry and the Saint Paul Police Federafion
RESOLVED, that the Council of The City Of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached
Memorandum of Agreement between the City Of Saint Paul and The Saint Paul Police Federation.
Requested by Depazhnent of:
Office Of Labor Relations
By. r �_
Form Approved by City Auorney
By: ��� � �� ,
sy: 1\ d- T"}� ��.�----�✓ ' Ti
Approved by M e� . Date � 2 � � (
, .iv�// G:\Shazed�I-II2CON7MON\SHOC[Q.EY�PO1.Com.Lieu[tes.wpd
By: �ii<
Adopted by Council: Date Of�
Adoption Certified by Commcil cretary
HumanResources 12-29-99 0O - l�
7olm Shockley 266-64s2 ,n�,un,�r es 7N . m , �,
Affict�o xarrwrmansr y�L cRrastK
IIOIIIiNG .,.-..• m�vDS Ev+�vp,�t�cvi�a,-m
As soon as possible oan�
ApProval of a M�orandum of Agre�ent (MOA) betwaen the City and the Saint Paul Police Federati� esqblishiog �e
impla�tati� pmcedures for moving curnnt mwmbeats holdiog certified appoi�ts to the Lieuteaani classificati� inko
the Commander classifiqtion as 2 tesuk � consolid3tion of the ' ant and Commaztder cl2sses; 2nd a�c�tiding Article 18
(Premium P2y/SpeCi31 Allowanees) ofthe Cutrent collective betgsiqiug agr�t by est3blishing a 5%premivm p3y for
"Seaior Commander" dury assigncr�nts.
1. HmthupafaJfumavawakdimdmoaotrmtforth'sdepmlmart?
�CBCOMI�9i7'EE 2 Hnth6P�tvmevebemaertymployee7
— s. a�waya+ods�y�....buna�q�Mmr��r�e�?
Yo No
4. Lthepm�a✓fvmctagarodv�f!
Yo No
Eqbi� ail rs �emn r rpv�4 f11eM �nd �d�ch b greeo ahaet
Since 1985, when these positions were last studied for appropriate classificaiion there have been many changes in the Police
Department organiTational structure includ'wg a move to a communiry oriented policing service. There has been a
decentralization of authority in the organi�ation and a resuit is that the Commander and Lieutenant posirions now have similar
levels of responsibility. Also, in recent years, there has been a reduction in the overall number of police management positions.
Consequently, the departmem requested that Human Resources review the Commander and Lieutenant positions for
appropriate classification. I3uman Resources deternuned that, at this time, there is not enough difference in the responsibilities
of the positions to justify two job classes. All of the positions in question should be allocated to the Commander class. This
means tbat current Lieutenant incumbents nced to be moved to the Commander class. This MOA accomplishes that in a timely
manner and addresses Police Federation concems regarding pay at the time of appoinhnent and seniority. Furthermore, this
MOA establishes a premium pay for Commanders who may be assigned to oversee the activities of other Commanders.
One class of management positions allows for greater fleacibility in duty assignments; a perceived pay inequity bettveen the
incumbents is addressed; Sergeants have more opportunity for promotion into the command ranks; the need for "out of tiUe
paY" is reduced.
None. Any increased satary costs have been offset �ry a reduction in the overall number of Police management positions.
Movement of the incumbents into the Commander class may take several years to accomplish and an opportunity to create
flazter more fle�rible command structure may be lost.
COtYP@� s���fL3'E C2�#8t'
" � :'it1
Memorandum Of Agreement
It has been determined by the Office of Human Resources that the positions currently allocated to
the classification of Lieutenant should be allocated to the Commander class. The City of Saint
Paul, hereinafter referred to as the "Employer," and The Saint Paul Police Federation, hereinafter
referred to as the "Union,"agree that the cunent incumbents holding certified appointments to the
Lieutenant classification will be moved to the Commander classification. It is also agreed that the
following procedwes will be used in implementation:
i. The direction and number of Commander positions shall continue to be determined solely
by the Emp3oyer, however, effective 7anuary 1, 200Q the Employer will move said
Lieutenant incumbents into the Commander classification, and the Office of Human
Resources will inactivate the Lieutenant classification.
2. Compensation at the time of appointment to Commander will be deternuned by placing
said Lieutenant incumbents at the salary step in the Commander grade corresponding to
their assigned salary step in the Lieutenant grade on 7anuary 1, 2000.
3. For the purposes of seniority in the event of a layoff, Lieutenants moved into the
Commander classification as a result of this Memorandum Of Agreement will have an
appointment date to the Commander classification of 3anuary 1, 2000. However, they will
be listed on the Commander reinstatement register in the order of their seniority based on
their certified appointment date in the old Lieutenant classification with the most senior
being listed first. This reinstatement register will be maintained by the Office of Human
4. Lieutenants who are moved to Commander as a result of this agreement and who are
currently on probation will continue to serve the designated probationary period. All
other said Lieutenant incumbents will not serve a probationary period following their
movement to Commander.
Employees who hold certified appointments as Commanders as of December 1, 1999, will
be assigned the duties of a"Senior Commander" and receive the premium pay as defined
The Employer and the Union also agree that Article 18 (Premium Pay/Special Allowances) of the
current collective bargaining agreement be amended to include the following language:
Any certified Commander who is assigned the duties of a`Senior Commander" shall
receive fzve percent (S%) per hour above their base rate.
The rrumber and nature of such Senior Commander assignments shall be determined
solely by the Employer. However, the Department Director shall make such assignments
from a list of eligibles provided by an advisory committee appointed by fhe Employer and
composed of representatives of both Podice Department mcmagement and the Union.
The Department Director may remove employees from Seniar Commander assignments
00 -��
at c»tytime. If an employee protests the removal, then the reasons for the removal will be
reviewed by the aforementioned advisory committee. Following the review, the advisory
committee will make a recommerrdation regarding the removal action to the Department
Assignments to and removals from Senior Commander duties shall not be subject to the
provisions of Article 6( Grievmzce Procedure) of this agreemem.
The aforementioned language shall be effective 7anuary 1, 2000, and incorporated into the next
collective bazgaining agreement between the parties.
The undersigned have read and understand the above Agreement. Signed this�� day of
December, 1999.
C�M M'_ZIjT.�`►il 117�11�
� -. � ��--`--
Te altiner
Labor Relations Manager
DATE: 1�z9l9F
Brad Jacobs
DATE: � Z/Z$/9 p
DO -�3—
1��W1 17� 1�
sraa J�b�,, r�;a�c
, sint Paul Police Federation
373 Selby Stceet
Saint Paul, MN 55102 -
iaoaryadu�rs naPL,.. ss�-lssawo
11�/W➢mfi9evt SDINSP.� 65)-366dJ01
Sd�rPme�l9�nora3510b163J !e6/bc 63)-366d301
➢ �4dr 65)-195-]6S5
�99 �C 29 P2 :I O
RE: Lieutenant/Commander Consolidation Determination and 20 Day Notice
Dear Brad:
We have completed ow study for the purposes of detennining whether the Lieutenant and Commander
classifications should be consolidated into one class. We have reviewed the information you provided
regazding the current organizational shucture and the changes that have occu�red over the years in the
Lieutenant and Commander duty assignments and reporting relationships. We also reviewed e�sting
position descriprions and job evaluadon informarion. Based on that infoimation we have determined that
there is not enough difference beriveen the positions to justify rivo different class�cations. We bave also
determined that the Lieutenant class�cadion should be inactivated and that current incumbents holding
certitied positions in the Lieutenant class should be moved to the Commander class. Furthermore, we have
determined that the Commander class specification should be updated to reflect changes in duties and
responsibilities, and minimum qualifications.
We have drafted a Memorandum of Agreement beiween the City and the Police Federation moving the
current incumbents holding certified positions in the Lieutenant class to Commander. Upon sign off by the
Employer and the Union, we will ptocess a resolution for Ciry Council approval. We have attached, for your
review, the proposed Commander class specification as well as the e�sting Commander and Lieutenant
Tf you agree with the aforementioned actions, please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this
memorandum. If I do not hear from you withiu tlus twenty day notice period, I will assume agreement and
proceed with drafting the a�eement, the resolution and implement the specification update.
Tf you would like to waive the twenty day norice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the space
below and-return this memorandum to me:
/ 2�/z9
If you have any quesdons or nced assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482.
G �R�� ���.�
John H. 5hockley
Human Resources Senior Consultant
John Hamilton, OFsecror
Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor
William K. Finney
Chief of Police
John H. Shockley� ��
Office of Human esources
December 17, 1999
400 Ciry Hall Mnes
25 Weat Faurth Stseet
SaintPaul,Mw`esom SS702-/63I
p o -Z�-
Telephone: 657-266-6500
TOD/!TY 651-266-650I
Jobl'vle: 651-2666502
Facsimile: 65]-292-7656
LieutenanUCommander Consolidation Detertnination and 20 Day Notice
We have completed our study for the purposes of detemvning whether the Lieutenant and
Commander classifications should be consolidated into one class. We have reviewed the
information you provided regarding the current organizational structure and the changes that have
occurred over the yeazs in the Lieutenant and Commander duty assignments and reporting
relationships. We also reviewed existing position descrip6ons and job evatuation information.
Based on that information we have deternuned that there is not enough difference between the
positions to justify two different classifications at this time. We have also deternuned that the
Lieutenant class should be inactivated and that current incumbents holding ced�ed positions in
the Lieutenant class should be moved to the Commander class. Furthermore, we have deternuned
that the Commavder class specification should be updated to reflect changes in duties and
responsibilities, and minimum qual�cations.
We have drafted a Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the Police Federation
moving the current incumbents holding certified positions in the Lieutenant class to Commander.
Upon sign off by the Employer and the Union, we will process a resolution for City Council
approval. We have also attached the proposed Commander class specification as well as the
existing commander and Lieutenant specifications
If you agree with the aforementioned actions, please no6fy me within twenty days of receipt of
this memorandum. If I do not hear from you within this twenty day nouce period, I will assume
agreement and proceed with drafting the agreement, the resolution and implemenY the
speciFication update.
If you would 1' e to a�ye the twenty day notice period and indicate your ageement, please sign
e spac el a return this memorandum to me:
If y�a3�"�h�$�ue�ibn��r
Thank you.
NAW v�k� 1:�?'�6Z��f2
!��1 ,� i�_ ; 1� i.,tff,f
Attachmept� ; z ' ;
assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482.
0 0 _�>
Generai Statement of Duties:
CODE: 544
BU: 04
Performs 6ig6ty responsible adminisdxtive and managerial poGcc work in planning
aud directing the activities of an assigned patrol district, investigxtive unit, or other
ma}or unit of the Police Depsrtment; and performa rdated daties aa reqaired.
Suuervision Received:
Works under t6e general direction of a Deputy Chief or t6e C6ief of Police.
S�ervision Eaercised:
Eaercises, within the unit, general supervision over subordinate supervisors, police,
and support personnel.
The list of esamples m$y not include all the duties performed by all positions in t6is class.
Establishes a mission and vision for the unit and develops performance standards
that contribute to meeting that mission and vision as well as the overall mission and
vision of the Police Department.
Directs, sapervises, assigns, and evatuates the work of the unit stat3; aathorizes
payroll, hiring, disciplinary actions and other related actions.
Develops and oversees the implementatiQ�► of unit policaes and procedures.
Measures the effectiveness of the unit by analyzing performance data and
maintaining appropriate data used to measure performance; addresses any
performance deficiencies.
Plans, prepares and manages the unit budget; suthorizes purchases and
00 -�'s-
Page 2
Directs and conducts special investigations; conducts surveys of criminal incidents
for selective enforcement programs.
A'vects the preparation of and prepares necessary reports, records and
Instructs subordinate personnel in patrol and investigative activities throug6
participation, observation and direction.
Investigates complaints regarding unit activities.
Responds to press inquiries and maintains press relations.
Considerable knowledge of current management theory and the ability to appiy
these principles to the performance of the police mission.
Consicterable knowledge of modero police practices �nd tec6nology and the ability
to apply this knowledge to a command unit.
Considerable knowledge of and ability to apply federa►, state, and local laws to
specific cases.
Considerable ability to interact effectively with the public and subordinates.
Considerable ability to systematically develop and evaluate police policies and
Considerable ability to analyze facts, make decisions, and alter those decisions as
contingencies arise.
Considerable ability to supervise and ��aluste the work product of highly trained
tec6nical specialists (i.e., computer pro�rammers, criminalists, consultants, etc.)
Considerable ability to make organizatioaal adjustments to meet changing ueeds.
Considerable ability to devise plans that ac�ommodate speci5c needs that may
range from a few days to several years.
Page 3
Considerable ability to recognize strengths and wealmesses of subordinates and to
be cogn'rcant of t6ese factors in t6e assignment and development of personnel.
Considerable ability to iategrate individual tasks with the overali department
Considersble ability to coordinate comprehensive projects involving an array of
resources drawn from within and/or outside t6e department
Considerable ability to maintain professional and community contacts as they
relate to individual commands.
Considerable skiIl in eapertly operating a motor vehicle under any condition.
Considerable skill in handling and discharging firearms in a proficient
and safe manner.
Bachelor's Degree in law enforcement, sociolog,y, psyc6ology or a related field and
siz years of ezperience in the position and 6olding the title of Sergeant; or ten years
of eaperience in the position and 6olding the tiUe of Sergeant to include one year as
a supervising Sergeant and one year as a Sergeant investigator or administrator. A
Master's Degree in one of the fietds indicated or a Juris Doctorate may be
substituted for one year of eaperience.
�.� �<2����Z`���
Q O �-
�eneral Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work of
an assigned unit(s); co�ands a shift of unifozmed personnel; takes charge of
all police work during an evening or night shift; and performs other related
duties as required.
Sunervision Received: i7orks under general supervision of a Deputy Chief
of Police.
,�upervision Exercised: Exercises vithin a unit genezal supervision
directly and through subordinate supervisors over police and support personnel.
The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions
in this class.
Directs the activities of uniformed police unit.
Assigns uniformed personnel where they are needed.
Conducts inspections at the zoll calls.
Directs the operations of the traffic division, planning section and/or training
Supervises and directs the activities of detectives and other assigned personnel
in such organized special details as homicide, juvenile, sex, robbery, burglary,
fraud and forgery, or auto theft.
Takes charge of and coordinates the work of the Identification and Records,
Communications and Date Processing sections.
Commands all personnel assigned on eveninp, or night watch.
Supervises investigations, interviews and interrogations and ensures that cases
ate propexly prepared for court.
Plans, controls, and directs planning for tactical operations.
Inspects operations, personnel, equipment and facilitates within assigned
Prepares operational plans; reco�ends policies and procedures.
Reviews operations and performance records and directs the evaluation of
performance of assigned unit(s).
(continued on reverse side)
CODE: 544
BU: 04
EFFECTIVE: 44/07/93
Page 2
Prepares and/or directs the preparation of reports and necessary records and
Takes charge of and conducts special investigations; conduct surveys of cziminal
incidents for selective enforcement programs.
Patrols with subordinates to observe, supervise and instruct subordinate
Im+estigates complaints zelative to service or personnel.
Makes zeco�endations regarding appointments, discipline, transfer and
Acts for superior in the absence of the superior; performs duties of Lieutenant
as necessary.
Maintains press zelations.
Considerable knowledge of modern management theory and the ability to apply
these principles to the perfoxmance of the police mission.
Considerable knowledge of modern police practices and technology and the ability
to apply this knowledge to a command unit. Considerable ]mowledge of and ability
to apply federal, state, and local laws to specific cases.
Considerable ability to interact effectively with the public and suhordinates.
Considerable ability to systematically develop and evaluate police policies and
procedures. '
Considezable ability to analyze facts, make decisions, and alter those decisions
as contingencies arise.
Considerable ability to supervise and evaluate the work product of highly
trained technical specialists (i.e., eomputer programmers, criminalists,
consultants, etc.)
Considerable ability to make organizational adjustments to meet changing needs.
Considerable ability to devise plans that accommodate specific needs that may
range from a few days to several years.
Considerable ability to recognize atrengths and weaknesses of subordinates and
to be cognizant of these factors in the assignment and development of personnel.
Considerable ability to integrate individual tasks with the overall department
Considerable ability to coordinate comprehensive projects involving an array of
Page 3
zesources drawn from within and/or outside the department.
O O -a-�
Considerable ability to mai�tain professional and co�unity contacts as they
relate to individual commands,
Considerable ability to eupertly drive a motor vehicle under any condition.
Considerable ability to handle and discharge firearms proficiently and safely.
High school graduation and 54 credit hours in courses peztaining to police work
(s list of such courses is aaintained in the Office of Human Resources) and
three years of experience in the position and holding the title of Lieutenant;
or four years of experience in the position and holding the title of Lieutenant.
(No substitution for experience.)
General Statement of Duties:
CODE: 545 0 0 �
BU: 04
EFFECTIVE: 08/04/75
Under supervision, commands an assigned unit or commands squads of law
en£orcement personnel; and performs related work as assigned.
The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions
in this class.
To assign, instruct, and inspect Sergeants and Police Officers in their
squad during a shift.
To direct the work of the traffic squad.
To direct the activities of patrol and foot sqnads during a shift.
To supervise the communications section.
To supervise the review, destruction, accuracy, filing and use of police
To act as training officer.
To direct the activities of the School Police unit.
To supervise personnel of lower rank in making investigations.
To conduct difficult and important investigations in special fields of
To assist in planning police methods and procedures.
To study and recommend staffing and materials needs.
To make administrative studies and surveys.
To coordinate civil defense activities.
To direct the investigation of complaints against services or personnel.
To read special reports and instructions at relief ineetings.
To patrol an area to observe, supervise, and instruct subordinate
To be responsible for the care and maintenance of police equipment and
(continued on reverse side)
M., _
Page 2
To supervise the custody and treatment of prisoners and prisoner's
To hold periodic inspections.
To direct roll calls.
To direct assignments and movements of inen,
To manage and investigate assigned cases.
To detect, repress and control vice, gambling, narcotics, prostitution,
liquor laws, sex offenders, and other criminal activities.
To enforce rules and take disciplinary action.
To insure sufficiency of police strength.
To assume charge at scenes of criminal and non-criminal emergencies.
To coordinate and review information gathered by subordinates.
To review personnel records and reports.
To act for commanders during their absence.
To perform duties of sergeant whenever necessary.
High school graduation and thirty-six credit hours in courses pertaining to
police work (a list of such courses is maintained in the Office of Human
Resources) and three years' experience in the position and holding the
title of Sergeant, or four years' experience in the position and holding
the title of Sergeant. (No substitution for experience.)
0 0 -��--
Commander and Lieutenant
November 1999, by J.H. Shockley
PERSONS CONTACTED: Police Chie� William K Finney
Police Federation President, Brad Jacobsen
The positions allocated to Commander and Lieutenant were last studied for appropriate
classification in 1985. At that time, the difference between the two classes of positions was
mainly one of"rank" in the Police Department pazamilitary command structure. For
example, Commanders supervised a unit called a Watch and Lieutenants supervised a unit
called a Platoon which was a part of a Watch. Commanders had authoriry over
Lieutenants. Over the yeazs, there have been many changes to the departmental
organizational structure and the duties of positions within the two classes haue also
changed. Commanders and Lieutenants have been used on an interchangeable basis in
managing various units of the Police Department. Additionally, the move to community
policing calls for decentralization of authoriry so that management decisions need to be
made at the neighhorhood level. Furthermore, "out of tide" pay has become an issue
because of the blurring of the differences between the two classes of positions. Finally, in
recent years the Chief of Police has reduced the overall number of management positions to
meet budgetary requirements. Consequently, the Chief ofPolice asked that the Office of
Human Resources review the two classes of positions with regard to the possibility of
consolidating the posirions into one class.
Study Components
Review of job changes and organizational chart
Interview with Police Chief
Interview with Police Federation President
Comparison of class specifications
Review of e�sting Commander and Lieutenant 7ob Profiles
QES analysis and recommendation
Job Description
These posirions perform highly responsible administrative and managerial police work in
planning and directing the activities of an assigned patrol district, investigative unit, or
other major unit of the Police Department. The work is performed under the general
direction of a Depury Chief or the Chief of Police. These positions have full supervisory
authority over subordinate supervisors, police officers, and support personnel.
Some eacamples oftypical duties are:
Establishes a vision and mission for the assigned unit and develops performance standards
that contribute to meeting that vision and mission as well as the overall mission of the
Police Department.
Directs, supervises, assigns work, and evaluates the work of the unit staff; hires staff,
rewards disciplines, transfers, etc.
Develops and oversees the implementation of unit policies and procedures.
Measures the effectiveness of the unit by analyzing performance data and mailing such
data; addresses any performance deficiencies.
Plans, prepares, and manages the unit budget; authorizes purchases and payments.
Directs and conducts special investigations; conducts surveys of criminal incidents for
selective enforcement programs.
Directs the preparation of and prepazes necessary reports, records and documentation.
Instructs subordinate personnel in patrol and investigative activities through participation,
observation and direction.
Investigates complaints regarding unit activities.
Responds to press inquiries and maintains press relations.
Comparison to Class Specifications
The current class specifications for Lieutenant describe command of an assigned unit or
command of a squad of law enforcement personnel. The duties include directing the work
of Sergeants and Police Officers in a squad during a shift. Other duties include directing
the activities of patrol or foot squads during a shift. The rest of the duties in the
specification aze similar to those described above. From the information gathered in this
study the positions currently assigned to the Lieutenant class are performing duties at a
higher level than those described in the specification.
� O —�y-
The Commander class specification describes responsible supervisory work of an assigned
unit such as a shift of uniformed personnel, the traffic division, planning section, training,
records, communications, or special details. The Commander class specification more
closely describes the level of duties and responsibilities of all of the posirions in question.
Comuarison to Other Positions
The positions allocated to the Lieutenant and Commander classes aze used interchangeably
by the department. The department has moved to a community oriented policing service
wluch has required decentralization of the command structure. Consequently, there is no
need for the Lieutenant to Commander reporting relationship in the hierarchy. All of the
positions now aze comparable to positions currently allocated to the Commander class.
OES Evaluation and Anaiysis
When the Commander and Lieutenant positions were initially evaluated in 1985, the
difference between the two classes was 110 QES points. Commanders were awarded a
level five for the factor of Effect of Actions, while the Lieutenants were awarded a level
four. This was due to the fact that Lieutenants reported to Commanders in the command
structure. If Lieutenants do not report to Commander, then a11 of the positions would meet
the five level definition for the factor of Effect of Actions. This is because all have the
responsibility for managing a departmental program and, because community policing
requires these positions to solve critical operational problems and develop new approaches
and concepts. The other difference between the two classes was the factor awazd for Units
Supervised. As these positions are used interchangeably, all of the positions would have
authority over a moderately large group of employees, which meets the level four
It is recommended that the Lieutenant class be abolished because there is currently little or
no difference in the duties and responsibilities of positions allocated to the Lieutenant and
Commander classes. This recommendation is also supported by the QES analysis which
indicates that the positions aze of equal value to the organization. It is also recommended
that the Commander class specifications be updated to reflect the changes in duties,
responsibilities and minimum qualifications. The class specification has not heen amended
since 1993. Furthermore, it is recommended that the incumbents in the Lieutenant class be
moved to the Commander class. This could be accomplished via a Memorandum Of
Agreement (MOA) between the City and the Police Federation. This method would ensure
that current Lleutenant incumbents could be placed in the Commander classification in a
timely manner. Current Civil Service methods, such as testing and reallocation, may take
as long as two or three years to move all of the certified Lieutenants into the Commander
class. Also, any Federation concerns regazding pay at the time of appointment and
seniority could be addressed using the MOA method.
Council File # O � — �Z
Green Sheet # 08911
Committee Date
Referred To
An Administrative Resolution approving a Memorandum Of
Agreement between the Ciry and the Saint Paul Police Federafion
RESOLVED, that the Council of The City Of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached
Memorandum of Agreement between the City Of Saint Paul and The Saint Paul Police Federation.
Requested by Depazhnent of:
Office Of Labor Relations
By. r �_
Form Approved by City Auorney
By: ��� � �� ,
sy: 1\ d- T"}� ��.�----�✓ ' Ti
Approved by M e� . Date � 2 � � (
, .iv�// G:\Shazed�I-II2CON7MON\SHOC[Q.EY�PO1.Com.Lieu[tes.wpd
By: �ii<
Adopted by Council: Date Of�
Adoption Certified by Commcil cretary
HumanResources 12-29-99 0O - l�
7olm Shockley 266-64s2 ,n�,un,�r es 7N . m , �,
Affict�o xarrwrmansr y�L cRrastK
IIOIIIiNG .,.-..• m�vDS Ev+�vp,�t�cvi�a,-m
As soon as possible oan�
ApProval of a M�orandum of Agre�ent (MOA) betwaen the City and the Saint Paul Police Federati� esqblishiog �e
impla�tati� pmcedures for moving curnnt mwmbeats holdiog certified appoi�ts to the Lieuteaani classificati� inko
the Commander classifiqtion as 2 tesuk � consolid3tion of the ' ant and Commaztder cl2sses; 2nd a�c�tiding Article 18
(Premium P2y/SpeCi31 Allowanees) ofthe Cutrent collective betgsiqiug agr�t by est3blishing a 5%premivm p3y for
"Seaior Commander" dury assigncr�nts.
1. HmthupafaJfumavawakdimdmoaotrmtforth'sdepmlmart?
�CBCOMI�9i7'EE 2 Hnth6P�tvmevebemaertymployee7
— s. a�waya+ods�y�....buna�q�Mmr��r�e�?
Yo No
4. Lthepm�a✓fvmctagarodv�f!
Yo No
Eqbi� ail rs �emn r rpv�4 f11eM �nd �d�ch b greeo ahaet
Since 1985, when these positions were last studied for appropriate classificaiion there have been many changes in the Police
Department organiTational structure includ'wg a move to a communiry oriented policing service. There has been a
decentralization of authority in the organi�ation and a resuit is that the Commander and Lieutenant posirions now have similar
levels of responsibility. Also, in recent years, there has been a reduction in the overall number of police management positions.
Consequently, the departmem requested that Human Resources review the Commander and Lieutenant positions for
appropriate classification. I3uman Resources deternuned that, at this time, there is not enough difference in the responsibilities
of the positions to justify two job classes. All of the positions in question should be allocated to the Commander class. This
means tbat current Lieutenant incumbents nced to be moved to the Commander class. This MOA accomplishes that in a timely
manner and addresses Police Federation concems regarding pay at the time of appoinhnent and seniority. Furthermore, this
MOA establishes a premium pay for Commanders who may be assigned to oversee the activities of other Commanders.
One class of management positions allows for greater fleacibility in duty assignments; a perceived pay inequity bettveen the
incumbents is addressed; Sergeants have more opportunity for promotion into the command ranks; the need for "out of tiUe
paY" is reduced.
None. Any increased satary costs have been offset �ry a reduction in the overall number of Police management positions.
Movement of the incumbents into the Commander class may take several years to accomplish and an opportunity to create
flazter more fle�rible command structure may be lost.
COtYP@� s���fL3'E C2�#8t'
" � :'it1
Memorandum Of Agreement
It has been determined by the Office of Human Resources that the positions currently allocated to
the classification of Lieutenant should be allocated to the Commander class. The City of Saint
Paul, hereinafter referred to as the "Employer," and The Saint Paul Police Federation, hereinafter
referred to as the "Union,"agree that the cunent incumbents holding certified appointments to the
Lieutenant classification will be moved to the Commander classification. It is also agreed that the
following procedwes will be used in implementation:
i. The direction and number of Commander positions shall continue to be determined solely
by the Emp3oyer, however, effective 7anuary 1, 200Q the Employer will move said
Lieutenant incumbents into the Commander classification, and the Office of Human
Resources will inactivate the Lieutenant classification.
2. Compensation at the time of appointment to Commander will be deternuned by placing
said Lieutenant incumbents at the salary step in the Commander grade corresponding to
their assigned salary step in the Lieutenant grade on 7anuary 1, 2000.
3. For the purposes of seniority in the event of a layoff, Lieutenants moved into the
Commander classification as a result of this Memorandum Of Agreement will have an
appointment date to the Commander classification of 3anuary 1, 2000. However, they will
be listed on the Commander reinstatement register in the order of their seniority based on
their certified appointment date in the old Lieutenant classification with the most senior
being listed first. This reinstatement register will be maintained by the Office of Human
4. Lieutenants who are moved to Commander as a result of this agreement and who are
currently on probation will continue to serve the designated probationary period. All
other said Lieutenant incumbents will not serve a probationary period following their
movement to Commander.
Employees who hold certified appointments as Commanders as of December 1, 1999, will
be assigned the duties of a"Senior Commander" and receive the premium pay as defined
The Employer and the Union also agree that Article 18 (Premium Pay/Special Allowances) of the
current collective bargaining agreement be amended to include the following language:
Any certified Commander who is assigned the duties of a`Senior Commander" shall
receive fzve percent (S%) per hour above their base rate.
The rrumber and nature of such Senior Commander assignments shall be determined
solely by the Employer. However, the Department Director shall make such assignments
from a list of eligibles provided by an advisory committee appointed by fhe Employer and
composed of representatives of both Podice Department mcmagement and the Union.
The Department Director may remove employees from Seniar Commander assignments
00 -��
at c»tytime. If an employee protests the removal, then the reasons for the removal will be
reviewed by the aforementioned advisory committee. Following the review, the advisory
committee will make a recommerrdation regarding the removal action to the Department
Assignments to and removals from Senior Commander duties shall not be subject to the
provisions of Article 6( Grievmzce Procedure) of this agreemem.
The aforementioned language shall be effective 7anuary 1, 2000, and incorporated into the next
collective bazgaining agreement between the parties.
The undersigned have read and understand the above Agreement. Signed this�� day of
December, 1999.
C�M M'_ZIjT.�`►il 117�11�
� -. � ��--`--
Te altiner
Labor Relations Manager
DATE: 1�z9l9F
Brad Jacobs
DATE: � Z/Z$/9 p
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, sint Paul Police Federation
373 Selby Stceet
Saint Paul, MN 55102 -
iaoaryadu�rs naPL,.. ss�-lssawo
11�/W➢mfi9evt SDINSP.� 65)-366dJ01
Sd�rPme�l9�nora3510b163J !e6/bc 63)-366d301
➢ �4dr 65)-195-]6S5
�99 �C 29 P2 :I O
RE: Lieutenant/Commander Consolidation Determination and 20 Day Notice
Dear Brad:
We have completed ow study for the purposes of detennining whether the Lieutenant and Commander
classifications should be consolidated into one class. We have reviewed the information you provided
regazding the current organizational shucture and the changes that have occu�red over the years in the
Lieutenant and Commander duty assignments and reporting relationships. We also reviewed e�sting
position descriprions and job evaluadon informarion. Based on that infoimation we have determined that
there is not enough difference beriveen the positions to justify rivo different class�cations. We bave also
determined that the Lieutenant class�cadion should be inactivated and that current incumbents holding
certitied positions in the Lieutenant class should be moved to the Commander class. Furthermore, we have
determined that the Commander class specification should be updated to reflect changes in duties and
responsibilities, and minimum qualifications.
We have drafted a Memorandum of Agreement beiween the City and the Police Federation moving the
current incumbents holding certified positions in the Lieutenant class to Commander. Upon sign off by the
Employer and the Union, we will ptocess a resolution for Ciry Council approval. We have attached, for your
review, the proposed Commander class specification as well as the e�sting Commander and Lieutenant
Tf you agree with the aforementioned actions, please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this
memorandum. If I do not hear from you withiu tlus twenty day notice period, I will assume agreement and
proceed with drafting the a�eement, the resolution and implement the specification update.
Tf you would like to waive the twenty day norice period and indicate your agreement, please sign in the space
below and-return this memorandum to me:
/ 2�/z9
If you have any quesdons or nced assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482.
G �R�� ���.�
John H. 5hockley
Human Resources Senior Consultant
John Hamilton, OFsecror
Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor
William K. Finney
Chief of Police
John H. Shockley� ��
Office of Human esources
December 17, 1999
400 Ciry Hall Mnes
25 Weat Faurth Stseet
SaintPaul,Mw`esom SS702-/63I
p o -Z�-
Telephone: 657-266-6500
TOD/!TY 651-266-650I
Jobl'vle: 651-2666502
Facsimile: 65]-292-7656
LieutenanUCommander Consolidation Detertnination and 20 Day Notice
We have completed our study for the purposes of detemvning whether the Lieutenant and
Commander classifications should be consolidated into one class. We have reviewed the
information you provided regarding the current organizational structure and the changes that have
occurred over the yeazs in the Lieutenant and Commander duty assignments and reporting
relationships. We also reviewed existing position descrip6ons and job evatuation information.
Based on that information we have deternuned that there is not enough difference between the
positions to justify two different classifications at this time. We have also deternuned that the
Lieutenant class should be inactivated and that current incumbents holding ced�ed positions in
the Lieutenant class should be moved to the Commander class. Furthermore, we have deternuned
that the Commavder class specification should be updated to reflect changes in duties and
responsibilities, and minimum qual�cations.
We have drafted a Memorandum of Agreement between the City and the Police Federation
moving the current incumbents holding certified positions in the Lieutenant class to Commander.
Upon sign off by the Employer and the Union, we will process a resolution for City Council
approval. We have also attached the proposed Commander class specification as well as the
existing commander and Lieutenant specifications
If you agree with the aforementioned actions, please no6fy me within twenty days of receipt of
this memorandum. If I do not hear from you within this twenty day nouce period, I will assume
agreement and proceed with drafting the agreement, the resolution and implemenY the
speciFication update.
If you would 1' e to a�ye the twenty day notice period and indicate your ageement, please sign
e spac el a return this memorandum to me:
If y�a3�"�h�$�ue�ibn��r
Thank you.
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Attachmept� ; z ' ;
assistance in this matter, please call me at 266-6482.
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Generai Statement of Duties:
CODE: 544
BU: 04
Performs 6ig6ty responsible adminisdxtive and managerial poGcc work in planning
aud directing the activities of an assigned patrol district, investigxtive unit, or other
ma}or unit of the Police Depsrtment; and performa rdated daties aa reqaired.
Suuervision Received:
Works under t6e general direction of a Deputy Chief or t6e C6ief of Police.
S�ervision Eaercised:
Eaercises, within the unit, general supervision over subordinate supervisors, police,
and support personnel.
The list of esamples m$y not include all the duties performed by all positions in t6is class.
Establishes a mission and vision for the unit and develops performance standards
that contribute to meeting that mission and vision as well as the overall mission and
vision of the Police Department.
Directs, sapervises, assigns, and evatuates the work of the unit stat3; aathorizes
payroll, hiring, disciplinary actions and other related actions.
Develops and oversees the implementatiQ�► of unit policaes and procedures.
Measures the effectiveness of the unit by analyzing performance data and
maintaining appropriate data used to measure performance; addresses any
performance deficiencies.
Plans, prepares and manages the unit budget; suthorizes purchases and
00 -�'s-
Page 2
Directs and conducts special investigations; conducts surveys of criminal incidents
for selective enforcement programs.
A'vects the preparation of and prepares necessary reports, records and
Instructs subordinate personnel in patrol and investigative activities throug6
participation, observation and direction.
Investigates complaints regarding unit activities.
Responds to press inquiries and maintains press relations.
Considerable knowledge of current management theory and the ability to appiy
these principles to the performance of the police mission.
Consicterable knowledge of modero police practices �nd tec6nology and the ability
to apply this knowledge to a command unit.
Considerable knowledge of and ability to apply federa►, state, and local laws to
specific cases.
Considerable ability to interact effectively with the public and subordinates.
Considerable ability to systematically develop and evaluate police policies and
Considerable ability to analyze facts, make decisions, and alter those decisions as
contingencies arise.
Considerable ability to supervise and ��aluste the work product of highly trained
tec6nical specialists (i.e., computer pro�rammers, criminalists, consultants, etc.)
Considerable ability to make organizatioaal adjustments to meet changing ueeds.
Considerable ability to devise plans that ac�ommodate speci5c needs that may
range from a few days to several years.
Page 3
Considerable ability to recognize strengths and wealmesses of subordinates and to
be cogn'rcant of t6ese factors in t6e assignment and development of personnel.
Considerable ability to iategrate individual tasks with the overali department
Considersble ability to coordinate comprehensive projects involving an array of
resources drawn from within and/or outside t6e department
Considerable ability to maintain professional and community contacts as they
relate to individual commands.
Considerable skiIl in eapertly operating a motor vehicle under any condition.
Considerable skill in handling and discharging firearms in a proficient
and safe manner.
Bachelor's Degree in law enforcement, sociolog,y, psyc6ology or a related field and
siz years of ezperience in the position and 6olding the title of Sergeant; or ten years
of eaperience in the position and 6olding the tiUe of Sergeant to include one year as
a supervising Sergeant and one year as a Sergeant investigator or administrator. A
Master's Degree in one of the fietds indicated or a Juris Doctorate may be
substituted for one year of eaperience.
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�eneral Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work of
an assigned unit(s); co�ands a shift of unifozmed personnel; takes charge of
all police work during an evening or night shift; and performs other related
duties as required.
Sunervision Received: i7orks under general supervision of a Deputy Chief
of Police.
,�upervision Exercised: Exercises vithin a unit genezal supervision
directly and through subordinate supervisors over police and support personnel.
The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions
in this class.
Directs the activities of uniformed police unit.
Assigns uniformed personnel where they are needed.
Conducts inspections at the zoll calls.
Directs the operations of the traffic division, planning section and/or training
Supervises and directs the activities of detectives and other assigned personnel
in such organized special details as homicide, juvenile, sex, robbery, burglary,
fraud and forgery, or auto theft.
Takes charge of and coordinates the work of the Identification and Records,
Communications and Date Processing sections.
Commands all personnel assigned on eveninp, or night watch.
Supervises investigations, interviews and interrogations and ensures that cases
ate propexly prepared for court.
Plans, controls, and directs planning for tactical operations.
Inspects operations, personnel, equipment and facilitates within assigned
Prepares operational plans; reco�ends policies and procedures.
Reviews operations and performance records and directs the evaluation of
performance of assigned unit(s).
(continued on reverse side)
CODE: 544
BU: 04
EFFECTIVE: 44/07/93
Page 2
Prepares and/or directs the preparation of reports and necessary records and
Takes charge of and conducts special investigations; conduct surveys of cziminal
incidents for selective enforcement programs.
Patrols with subordinates to observe, supervise and instruct subordinate
Im+estigates complaints zelative to service or personnel.
Makes zeco�endations regarding appointments, discipline, transfer and
Acts for superior in the absence of the superior; performs duties of Lieutenant
as necessary.
Maintains press zelations.
Considerable knowledge of modern management theory and the ability to apply
these principles to the perfoxmance of the police mission.
Considerable knowledge of modern police practices and technology and the ability
to apply this knowledge to a command unit. Considerable ]mowledge of and ability
to apply federal, state, and local laws to specific cases.
Considerable ability to interact effectively with the public and suhordinates.
Considerable ability to systematically develop and evaluate police policies and
procedures. '
Considezable ability to analyze facts, make decisions, and alter those decisions
as contingencies arise.
Considerable ability to supervise and evaluate the work product of highly
trained technical specialists (i.e., eomputer programmers, criminalists,
consultants, etc.)
Considerable ability to make organizational adjustments to meet changing needs.
Considerable ability to devise plans that accommodate specific needs that may
range from a few days to several years.
Considerable ability to recognize atrengths and weaknesses of subordinates and
to be cognizant of these factors in the assignment and development of personnel.
Considerable ability to integrate individual tasks with the overall department
Considerable ability to coordinate comprehensive projects involving an array of
Page 3
zesources drawn from within and/or outside the department.
O O -a-�
Considerable ability to mai�tain professional and co�unity contacts as they
relate to individual commands,
Considerable ability to eupertly drive a motor vehicle under any condition.
Considerable ability to handle and discharge firearms proficiently and safely.
High school graduation and 54 credit hours in courses peztaining to police work
(s list of such courses is aaintained in the Office of Human Resources) and
three years of experience in the position and holding the title of Lieutenant;
or four years of experience in the position and holding the title of Lieutenant.
(No substitution for experience.)
General Statement of Duties:
CODE: 545 0 0 �
BU: 04
EFFECTIVE: 08/04/75
Under supervision, commands an assigned unit or commands squads of law
en£orcement personnel; and performs related work as assigned.
The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions
in this class.
To assign, instruct, and inspect Sergeants and Police Officers in their
squad during a shift.
To direct the work of the traffic squad.
To direct the activities of patrol and foot sqnads during a shift.
To supervise the communications section.
To supervise the review, destruction, accuracy, filing and use of police
To act as training officer.
To direct the activities of the School Police unit.
To supervise personnel of lower rank in making investigations.
To conduct difficult and important investigations in special fields of
To assist in planning police methods and procedures.
To study and recommend staffing and materials needs.
To make administrative studies and surveys.
To coordinate civil defense activities.
To direct the investigation of complaints against services or personnel.
To read special reports and instructions at relief ineetings.
To patrol an area to observe, supervise, and instruct subordinate
To be responsible for the care and maintenance of police equipment and
(continued on reverse side)
M., _
Page 2
To supervise the custody and treatment of prisoners and prisoner's
To hold periodic inspections.
To direct roll calls.
To direct assignments and movements of inen,
To manage and investigate assigned cases.
To detect, repress and control vice, gambling, narcotics, prostitution,
liquor laws, sex offenders, and other criminal activities.
To enforce rules and take disciplinary action.
To insure sufficiency of police strength.
To assume charge at scenes of criminal and non-criminal emergencies.
To coordinate and review information gathered by subordinates.
To review personnel records and reports.
To act for commanders during their absence.
To perform duties of sergeant whenever necessary.
High school graduation and thirty-six credit hours in courses pertaining to
police work (a list of such courses is maintained in the Office of Human
Resources) and three years' experience in the position and holding the
title of Sergeant, or four years' experience in the position and holding
the title of Sergeant. (No substitution for experience.)
0 0 -��--
Commander and Lieutenant
November 1999, by J.H. Shockley
PERSONS CONTACTED: Police Chie� William K Finney
Police Federation President, Brad Jacobsen
The positions allocated to Commander and Lieutenant were last studied for appropriate
classification in 1985. At that time, the difference between the two classes of positions was
mainly one of"rank" in the Police Department pazamilitary command structure. For
example, Commanders supervised a unit called a Watch and Lieutenants supervised a unit
called a Platoon which was a part of a Watch. Commanders had authoriry over
Lieutenants. Over the yeazs, there have been many changes to the departmental
organizational structure and the duties of positions within the two classes haue also
changed. Commanders and Lieutenants have been used on an interchangeable basis in
managing various units of the Police Department. Additionally, the move to community
policing calls for decentralization of authoriry so that management decisions need to be
made at the neighhorhood level. Furthermore, "out of tide" pay has become an issue
because of the blurring of the differences between the two classes of positions. Finally, in
recent years the Chief of Police has reduced the overall number of management positions to
meet budgetary requirements. Consequently, the Chief ofPolice asked that the Office of
Human Resources review the two classes of positions with regard to the possibility of
consolidating the posirions into one class.
Study Components
Review of job changes and organizational chart
Interview with Police Chief
Interview with Police Federation President
Comparison of class specifications
Review of e�sting Commander and Lieutenant 7ob Profiles
QES analysis and recommendation
Job Description
These posirions perform highly responsible administrative and managerial police work in
planning and directing the activities of an assigned patrol district, investigative unit, or
other major unit of the Police Department. The work is performed under the general
direction of a Depury Chief or the Chief of Police. These positions have full supervisory
authority over subordinate supervisors, police officers, and support personnel.
Some eacamples oftypical duties are:
Establishes a vision and mission for the assigned unit and develops performance standards
that contribute to meeting that vision and mission as well as the overall mission of the
Police Department.
Directs, supervises, assigns work, and evaluates the work of the unit staff; hires staff,
rewards disciplines, transfers, etc.
Develops and oversees the implementation of unit policies and procedures.
Measures the effectiveness of the unit by analyzing performance data and mailing such
data; addresses any performance deficiencies.
Plans, prepares, and manages the unit budget; authorizes purchases and payments.
Directs and conducts special investigations; conducts surveys of criminal incidents for
selective enforcement programs.
Directs the preparation of and prepazes necessary reports, records and documentation.
Instructs subordinate personnel in patrol and investigative activities through participation,
observation and direction.
Investigates complaints regarding unit activities.
Responds to press inquiries and maintains press relations.
Comparison to Class Specifications
The current class specifications for Lieutenant describe command of an assigned unit or
command of a squad of law enforcement personnel. The duties include directing the work
of Sergeants and Police Officers in a squad during a shift. Other duties include directing
the activities of patrol or foot squads during a shift. The rest of the duties in the
specification aze similar to those described above. From the information gathered in this
study the positions currently assigned to the Lieutenant class are performing duties at a
higher level than those described in the specification.
� O —�y-
The Commander class specification describes responsible supervisory work of an assigned
unit such as a shift of uniformed personnel, the traffic division, planning section, training,
records, communications, or special details. The Commander class specification more
closely describes the level of duties and responsibilities of all of the posirions in question.
Comuarison to Other Positions
The positions allocated to the Lieutenant and Commander classes aze used interchangeably
by the department. The department has moved to a community oriented policing service
wluch has required decentralization of the command structure. Consequently, there is no
need for the Lieutenant to Commander reporting relationship in the hierarchy. All of the
positions now aze comparable to positions currently allocated to the Commander class.
OES Evaluation and Anaiysis
When the Commander and Lieutenant positions were initially evaluated in 1985, the
difference between the two classes was 110 QES points. Commanders were awarded a
level five for the factor of Effect of Actions, while the Lieutenants were awarded a level
four. This was due to the fact that Lieutenants reported to Commanders in the command
structure. If Lieutenants do not report to Commander, then a11 of the positions would meet
the five level definition for the factor of Effect of Actions. This is because all have the
responsibility for managing a departmental program and, because community policing
requires these positions to solve critical operational problems and develop new approaches
and concepts. The other difference between the two classes was the factor awazd for Units
Supervised. As these positions are used interchangeably, all of the positions would have
authority over a moderately large group of employees, which meets the level four
It is recommended that the Lieutenant class be abolished because there is currently little or
no difference in the duties and responsibilities of positions allocated to the Lieutenant and
Commander classes. This recommendation is also supported by the QES analysis which
indicates that the positions aze of equal value to the organization. It is also recommended
that the Commander class specifications be updated to reflect the changes in duties,
responsibilities and minimum qualifications. The class specification has not heen amended
since 1993. Furthermore, it is recommended that the incumbents in the Lieutenant class be
moved to the Commander class. This could be accomplished via a Memorandum Of
Agreement (MOA) between the City and the Police Federation. This method would ensure
that current Lleutenant incumbents could be placed in the Commander classification in a
timely manner. Current Civil Service methods, such as testing and reallocation, may take
as long as two or three years to move all of the certified Lieutenants into the Commander
class. Also, any Federation concerns regazding pay at the time of appointment and
seniority could be addressed using the MOA method.