280290 WNITE - CITV CLERK / �g �C� PINK - FINANCE TT COUIICIl � Z ��'''L� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �A lJ L � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun il so tion . Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: Proper notice has been received as to a change of officers and stockholders in the Kal-Bon, Inc. , Off Sale Liquor Licensee at 140 North Snelling Avenue, doing business as Park Liquor Co. , therefore, be it RESOLVED: That with the resignation of Richard Kallok as Secretary-Treasurer, and the sale of his stock to Joseph D. Bonan, Jr. , the current officers are Joseph D. Bonan, Jr. , sole officer and stockholder, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCI MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � FI ch r Fietcher LeV Galles [n Favor Mas z � Nic ia Masanz s ei el Nicosia - __ Against BY - des o �reibel Tedesco Adopted by Counc''� Date i��L!"83 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified as•e y ouncil cre BY l' �9 Appr by :Navor. at _ �ri� � � j��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g _ By PUBLISHED MAY N 1 1983 ( � �'��'��l � _��,�,o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL e~� . '� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES + `_�_� ' DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION . d��� �� � ���� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor May 11 , 1983 Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul , Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: Currently Kal-Bon, Inc. holds an Off Sale Liquor License and miscellaneous licenses issued to them at 140 �Iorth Snelling Avenue, doing business as Park Liquor Co. The officers of the corporation are Joseph D. Bonan, Jr. Presi- dent and Richard Kallok, Secretary-Treasurer. The stock is held by Joseph D. Bonan, Jr. and Richard Kallok. Proper notice has been received as to a change in officers and stockholders. Richard Kallok has resigned and has sold his stock to Joseph D. Bonan, Jr, leaving him the sole officer and stock- holder. This application has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the City Attorney's Office. The recommendation is for approval . Very truly yours , �y��� ��� � Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/vah