280283 WNITE - CITV CLERK �''�
C u 'l esolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Port Authority has submitted the attached final
plat for City Council approval; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Planning, the Division of Housing and Building
Code Enforcement, and the Departments of Fire and Safety Services, Public
Works, and Water have reviewed this fina1 plat; and
WHEREAS, the final plat for the western portion of Energy Park has been
determined to conform to all the requirements of Section 67 of the Zoning
Code except one; and
WHEREAS, AWH Corporation has addressed this nonconformity, stating that
they will rezone the appropriate portions of their pro perty so that
zoning district boundaries will conform to lot lines;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves
this final plat, described as Block 1, Lots 1,2,3,4, and Outlots A,B,C,
and D, and Block 2, Lots 1,2,3,4, and Outlots E and F, Energy Park Addition.
COUNCILMEIV Requeste epartment of:
eas Nays
Fletcher �
Ga°� In Favor
Scheibel �___ Against BY
� 1 O ��p3 Form A roved y i ttorne
dopted by Council: Date
ertified •sed Council reta BY
pproved y 1�lavor: D te MaY 1 1 ��3 App ed by Mayor for m sion t`Council
BY 8
Cair=�i N 1 1�83
PED _ ������
�a��:ci a Jarrws---�ONTACT �
7494 ext. 290 PHONE
5 2 83 DATE ! �� ��
. (Rout ng and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip Al1 Locations fo,�r Mayora�l Signature):
�=—�epartment oi r�ctor . _ RECEIVED
�,�Ci ty Attorney s-2-x 3 MAY 2 1983
3 Di ment/Ma�yor
F�nance and Management serv�ces o�rector CITY ATTORN�Y
4 City Clerk l�tt.(.S'f' �-1�/� '$y �-L"K� '� � 1��
Budget Dir�ector
'�lhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached �terials? (Purpose/Rationale):
Implementation of subdivision regulations
Financial , Bud�tary and Personnel In�pacts Anticipated:
$50.00 fee to cover administrative costs
Funding Source a�d Fund Activity Number Charged or Credite�:
General Fund
Attachments (List and Nw�er all Attachments) :
l. Resolution
2. Copy of P1at
x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution �equired? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Requtred? Insurance SUfficient? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Attached?
Revision oflOctober, 1982
{Spe RPVPrc�i SidP for 'Instructiorts)
��w �.w sws.• vv wr�rs� s�� � r�Lft� r\at 1Q�
Ut!i diy Of i ------ --- �.3•
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wc.+ry► I�t�elsc. Aw�k. c�wc�►� M�pot.
N�► Ca�daaloa E�it� .
_ _ _ _ _ _ ... - - -
��'�'� �d �t+id �r tM City Qwr�til et t!N City �t 3aiwt I�wi,� ��,a�
tll�� _ .. ..� � � _ � � � - - .� .. J l�.
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No baiir�t ta�ss � ts+�arre �n�r�t, tAla _ — —dy� o� _ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ ✓ 1l�y.
+ rts�nL O� ��y"raxst�aiQir�o�a►t �.. .. _ _ _ ._ .. ... _ .. ._ � _ �Y
rauant ta �Cl�apoer 7, Itl,�ota Lws o� 197�, tAia �rlat Aas N�n nviwM/ awd +OP��ov'ed�
i s My of - - - ilA3 and tM c�wdi Lions ot 1#iMSS�ta Statut�s,
ticw"�.Oj� S�ivi�i�n 2', Tiav`�a� fultill�d.
r � �v�� F � � �r � � r �.
I r�•
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01Jf1 Cy �OO['dQ!� CAr1�► Ot �� SV� � �/��iN�l�
the�Dy o�rtity Mat ti�is �1.�t ot E�IE'JIG1f ^Alr( �s til�/ % Mia o�tio� tlria day
t P'lat`s,�a�a�_ _ _ ..� �l� �t T, «► :r �'1p,��t,;_,,.M.; a�t N� t11�1! 31� Oe�lt `, — —-- —
.,, .,,,j .,��Ao1/�II�R !M.
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• �`i�a� �.11I��1 w�pl� .
TKe toreqoinq instr��ant s�aa adcrwirl�d�d b�tot� �e tA1s �yy
° - - - - - - - - -' 1lej, bY - - - �
- - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - -
b'Y , ot TIw Port �IutAoritp
o the �`ity o� �'a�'nt �aul, a �odp Corpoc��i ai�d'�olitio ot tl►e Stat� ot
M mesota, on bM�al t ot the �tporatlM.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ibtary Public, Ra�s�Y Ca+ntp� Min�s�ta
STATE Of MIMESOTA) � C�ai asion E�yir�s �
- - - - - - - � —
Cot�rr oF �wsEY j �
Tb� ferpoi�►q instrawnt�MS adcnor►l�d�r� Mt�rt � Mls
ot - - - - - - - -' 1!!�� by _ _ _ _ _�
.- .� � .s ... - - - - -+ - - --� - - - - - - - - - -
Mi � �a�l�Oi+��i� �o " — — —' — — — ot AI� Cocpor�tioa, a
rprat�o�. on�a�T �'tTii oe►rp'oratio�.
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
� llctasy Pub.lio� Ra�t�y Co�ttY� 1linws+ta
�b► Ca�alarion E�p,ir�s
STATE OF' MIM�.SOTA) . — — — — — — — — —
COI�(ilf � RIVfSEV )
tNe torpoinq insteuNnt +ws adua�ladq�d �toty M tAis - - -dp'
ot - - - - - - - -' 19A3, �
" - - -- - � - - - �. � _. �. � �� - - - - � — � - -
ot The Fint Ilitionai
of Saint�►auT�i�rii� �Lata �oi�otit�o`n�on �6�Tialt of ths oorporitia+.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � —
N�tar�r Pu�.lic. R+�y Cawtp• itin�aota
My Caitissivn Exptsss
STATE Ci MIt�ESOTA) — — — — — — — — —
T1wi torpotnq lnst�narint �s adcwo�l�� M�rn r tAia _ _ _ysr
ot - - - - - - - - -' 1lSj� h� - - - - ..�,.. _ - - - - - - J - - - -
- - - - -
a� � — �a1t"a►�'ro�i� L'ae�o�'t?o'n i� . '-�ae�ee`��,.�� �
of ll L�p' larte�csr'a.l�ai�y L.iti tad. , on MAal� ot tM partnar�Alp.
� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ibtasy Pl+bllo� Ra�r Cou�tp. Mia+es�ta
STATE � IlI1i�50?A)
� �i�� �� - - - - - - - -
CQIAiTY � RAl1.SEY ) .
The toe�espinq inst:rMnt ws aoknowl�d Mf� �w tAla _ MOr
ot — —
� �.. .� � �. � �.� ���� � � � i. i i � � � �. �r r .� � � � � � � i .� r r .�. .� �
a11d -. � � r ... �.� Of' f�ttt F�M�� ii'1►1A�ft
and ` �aaoalat�on `o�iY+��`Y�a. a t�ii� ttat�s Cti►rj�c�tion, �n i�A�alt •t t!y
oa ration. .
�. ..r �r r � w. .r � �r r � � � � r � � � .�r .�
Ilotit�► P1���Cr CAl11t� M�IIMl4t1
lrr�t'r�rls�t�s El�Ysi�' ` —
SHF'�T 1 nF � �1-I�� T�
Know All Persons By TAe�e Presents that the City ot Saint Paul. a Minneaota Mu�ic
, tion� �ac ot the tollowing desccibed property situated in the City ot Saint Par
County, Minnesota:
That part ot t�e Sauth halt ot the Northwest quarter of Section 27, Townst�ip
' Range 23 west lying within the tollowing descriDed lines: Co�ncing at the
corner of the Northrrest quarter ot said Section 27; thence N 0 04'Q4" E (a�s�
alon8 the west llne ot said Northwest quarter a distance ot 1126.23 fcet; t�+
N 84 15'04" E 150.01 teet ta tAe Easterly line ot Snelling Ave�ue; thence S �
along �aid Eastcrly line parallel rrit� the aaid IMeat 11nc ot tht lbrth+rest Qi
distance ot 88.44 tae� to the point ot Deginning ot the linea Co be herein d
; then�e continuinq S 0 04'04" w 246.94 teet; tAence S 42°07'07" E 78.40 te>et;
N 8g 22'04" E 381.53 tee� to a point on the 1�est line ot vacate� Flynn Stcea�
N 1 13'04" E alan9 said INest line oi va�ated Flynn Str�et 236.89 teet ta the
ot v$cated Sc�roadcr Drive; thmce N 88 46'S6" w q5.90 tcet alang said South
N 86 29'S6" w 392.70 teet alonq said South line of vacated Schroeder Driv� G
of bcginninq.
The Port Authority ot tl�e City ot Saint Paul� a Qody Corporate and Politie ot the
Minnesota� owner ot the followiny dcscribed property aituated !n the C1ty o� Sair
Rar�sey County, Minnesota:
That part ot Sectian 27� Io�nship 29 North, Ranqe 23 N�est lyinq �it�in the 1
cfescribesd lines: Ce�►einq at the South�rest oornar of Lhe NortAwest quarte
Sectfo� 27; tt�ence N p 04'0�►" E (assuwed bearin9) alonq tt� Nest lina of saf
quarter a distance ot 1126.23 teet to a point 190 tee& southerly of the Nort
the South halt ot aaid Northwest Quarter; th�nce N 89 15'0�" E along a line
south�ecly ot and parallel with tf►e said North line o' 'he 5outh halt a dist�
teet to the polnt o� Deginniny ot the lincs to be hercin describ&di t�ence c
N 64°1S'04" E alonq said parallel lina 1780.21 fenet; L��Crce 5 29 19'�2" w 41
thence SoutReasterly alorfq $ non-tanqential a,rve to the right 162.87 fe�t�
350 beat, delta an41e of j8 jS'40", lon9 cAord ot 161.k4 teet bears 5 6S 29'
S S2 09'16" E 576.63 feat alo�g a line tanqent to said curve; tAence alo�y �
curv& to the lett 167.72 tcet� radius ot 250 teet, delta angle ot 38°26'19";
N 94 24.'25" E 692.37 te$ti thence S 0°37'27" E-�L1.� f ca�i. to thi�' Nori�n" fl ine c
Park Orive; thence S 99 2p'2S" w along aaid North �ine 232.90 ttet to a poir
Easc ltne ot old City Stadius property; thence S 0 02'47" E 80 A teet alo�y
Stadiu� pcoperty= thence N 89°2k'25" E 200.69 teet; then&e S Oa�S'j5" E 70�►,
the South line ot old Koppers Coke property; thence N 78 59' w alonq t�e 50�
llne ot said old Koppers Cokt property 2072.12 feet to thc wost MiesterlX po1
o!d Koppers Coke property� said point Deiny describrd aa (bcinq 157.71 teet
Quarter section corner ot tAe Eas� line ot said Section 27; t�ence westerly
anqles 4199.t6 teet)� thc�c� N 79 O1'�►9" w 1011.26 teet to a point 11S tt�et
woa wred at riyht anQles tra► aai$ west line ot t�e Southwest quarter ot tt►�
quacter of Section 27i thenee N 0 W►'04" E 101.84 feet to a point� said poir
described a� (COrencin9 at the M!est quarter corner ot siid Sectiaa 27; ther
aa xa�ed bcabinq alony tAe Mest line ot said Nobtt►west quarter a distance ot
t�emce S 79 O1 'S6" E 117�11 teet); thence 5 79 O1'S6" �E Sbg.52 teet; tAence
150.97 teet; thenoe N l2 w+►'�2" w 139.1j �eeti thence N 86 SS'4S" MI 174.75 1
on a ta�Qentt�l c�urv� to the riyht 69.20 feet, radius of 979.93 teet, delta
4°30'21"i thertice N p M•04" E alor►q a bi�e not t��ger+t io siid curve 339.45
N il°07'Q7" w 18�.36 teati th�nce N 89 22'04" E 381.Sj t�e� to a point on tt
af vacated f lynr► Street; the�ce N 1°1 j'0�" f along s�id 1luest 1 inr of �acatec
2 3b.Q9 f ee t to tAe Sou th l ine o t �aca tc� S�e�roe�err Ot 1 ve� trie+�ce N d� �d'S6'
ten�t alonp sald Sa,th 11nei cMir�ca K di ?i►'S6" t 392.�0 teet a1�r+Q s�ist S�C+u1
��t�rd Sc�ros�te�r ,:t)r t wir t�a �!� �ss t i#na� �1" �nc 1�1n� A�+�e; .t�+�a N 0°04�i
•: �'�twrt ��� �t�[ �s�rt i;t� +�' 3rrir�lt� +��ur co ,t�r� �lat o# �a�f�q.
Md that part ot the Soutl� lult ot the IiortA Aalt ot Section 27. To�wtshtp t!
Ranqe 2! Mest �hid► lies within the tollaring deserib+ed lines: Co�errein9 �
aw the Nest 11� ot aaid Section 27� Township 29 North, Ranqe 23 Mest disUu
fcet North of the SoutMast cae-r�r ot the tlortttwest Quarter ot said Sectior�
point bein9 190 teet soutl►erly ot the ti�rth line ot ttu Scwth Aalf of tha Nc
quarter ot said Sectio$ 27= t1►a�+ce N 89 2S'04" E (the Mest lina ot said Nori
is asx�ed to Dear H 0 0+1'W1" E) 2205.46 teet along a line 190 teat SoutA oi
wit1� the NortA line ot said South halti thert�e SouLh 5�.07 teet; th8nca N ��
437.32 teet to a point an the North-South c�uarter line; thence N 89 28'32" E
to ttae point af beginninq ot the line� to be ttierein deacriDedi L!►erotx o$ntir
N 89 28'32" E 242.29 fsetj tt►�nae 5 0 37'27" E 2Q7.09 teeti tf�a� M SO 02'�
, teet to the point ot t�eqinnlnq.
N�iIM Corporation. a Nirw�csot� Ik�-Protit Corpor�tio�. ow�ner� and tl►e First Naticn�
Saint Paul. a United States Corporatla►� �ortqaQe holAer ot Lh�c fallo�rinq describ
sltuatcd in t�t City ot Saint P�ul� Rassey Carntr, Minneaota:
T�at part ot ihe SoutA halt ot tf►e Horth halt ot Section 27, To�r►aAlp 2'! !b2
2j M�est which lisa within tA� tollarinq d�scribed lines: Ca�wer+einq at a pc
�est line ot said Section 27� distant 1126.2j feet NortA ot tAe SoutMest a
NortMeest qwrter ot said Section 27� said point beiny 194 teet southerly ol
line ot tt►e South halt ot tfie Nocthwest quarter ot said Section 27S thence �
(tAe Mbst line ot said tbrtAwest Quarter is aaw�ed to bear N 0°M'0�" E) 1S
alony Lhe 5outherly lina ot 190 toot �ide riyht-ot-way of 8urlinqto� tbrtAei
Cawpany, said lin,e also bein9 190 feet soutt►erly ot and para12e1 �rith t.�e Fk
ot tM South Aalt ot said lbrth�rest quarterb Lo the poin� ot beqinning ot tf
be Aerein descriDed; th�nce continuing N 99 15'04" E 275.24 taet alo� said
Sout� 73.78 t�t� tl�enoe Southeasterly 1g2.j teet alonq a taggenti�l eurme 1
radius o� 112.3d teet. delta anqle ot S2 09'16"; tha�ce S 52 09'16" f 7S ta
Southeaaterly 14g.89 teet alony a tag�tial curve to the lett� radius of 1!
delta angle ot S 19'S�►"i thence S S7 29'10" E 301.96 feat; thence Southeaste
fe�t along a ta�4entia� curve to tAe riqht� radius of 4b8.5� feet� delta ans
I� Donald •. Sclrtidt, Are�M►p o�ttitp that I h�w �t��l aa� 'lat�ar tlw�
desoribed in the dsdication ot tlti• pl�t u E1E�GY PMK; tl�at tAis �Ut is
cepcsa�nUtion ot saia �arw�►� tMC all dlst�awo�s ar�t oat�r�cily �lio�n a+ t
all �aents hw� M�n aoc�rrctly ►lao�M iw tM 4r�a�0 u slaw�; tl�at t�
poundary lines arr oan�atly dssi�t�!��ea t� plat� ae� tA�sn ar� as wt
�asw�nts or puelio hi�ys otA�e dw� �a Mro�wi N+erro�.
�e qansral rtnee is ANM Cotporation, �
�deral Sa�i and Loan Aasociation ot �aldY- �I��-�ig�s�i=„� - - ,�,
br.�it tM o2lotlr+g cksc,cl�1 PropectY � �t,,� IlKiitratiow No. �O�S�!
�esota: . •
iectian 27� To�nship 2! Nortl�� Ranqe STATE Of KI1lESOTA)
lines: C inq at .a point o� the CflI�tTY � RJI!lSEY I • •
: NartN ot South�sst corner ot tAe � �r���s C�rtifloat� sss s�+rcnril� �e+� w�ac� Lo i�rfecr �, � 1
�einq 190 t t iouthsrly ot d►g .lbrth
� said Sect �n 27{ tfwnct N d! 1 S'0�" E �a .. .. �r °f - - - -- - - - - -� ��•
s0 to bear 0�0►'0+" E) 22�5.�6 teet .
the Norcn 1 ne ot saia so�,a� n.lf i __ - - - 7aa�"�e-+ '�sid.n - _ ,� _ _ _ _ _
ot the li s to De herein d�scribed; . �yt,�r P1�1►iio. Ar�a Cwr►t�r, N�+aa►R�
e North-Sos qwrter lir►� ot aaid � ��� E�� _ -
c� S SO°02' " E �19.01 t�et s t�enc.�e . - - ... ... _ _ � _ ...
�nq a rw�- �tal ourwe to tfw riqht ��� � �,� � t!N Ctty C�r�stl of tM Citp �t l�aiwL lh�r,i: !l�wr
19°0�'lj". lonq aAord Ot 3�.56 teet �s � � � �, �.
�eet i tbctAwesterly alap � _ _ - _ •• _- ,• _ ,- •.
�t �.5� t t. delta anqle ot 18 11'19";
:�ily alon� a tarqential curve to the �� .. �. _ - _ _ _ .• .. _ - - - - - - -
anqle ot S 9'S�"i t�+� N S2°09'16• N
tve to tAe 101+t 102.3 teet, radius ot � dslt�r�qtMr+t ta�� �wii tirMrhe �wl�r�/, t#!i - - -dyr o� ... _ ... _ ... _. .. ,
tA 1'.71 t t Lo tM p�1nt ot �qinniny.
u E)EAGY Mrt atb do Asr'iby dsdlcata Dte�ol�ot
�t� �1Y � � VKi�� ��t 0� ���� �w � r � � �. � .� � � r. � .� w�
. pursurr+t t�e► c�►+qcrs 7, Itl,r..da w. er l�n�� thi: �tl.t A.s ►..n r.vi..«
� t�i s Mp ot ' 1fA� �r+d tM c�wd!tia�s et Mlin�t�
` S�ot1o+A�.Oj, �ivliiin�, Tw�vr�� tultill�d.
, has cauaaa thes�'��i*MI� to b� si qned ,
rr�unto atti ed this _ � `day
� . ��.� �v��i1Ry •. .. �- .. .. - -
p�o�ea�LO� fr' AO't'lwq R�i�My CO�wt� Surv�o�r
, - - - - - - - - - - Car�ty R�o�ord�r. Ca�r�tY �f A�y� Sla� �t MlrewrsoCa
• , I l+fr�by o�rtiry t�at;tl►is� flat •r OFJIGY lr1A( �a til�t ir this of'fio� d
Corporat� Pblitia ot the S� ot { ot �liti,��ii« ...-..��' _ at ��,-�►��oi11�MR M�►.�-. .Mawt, tNS tLl� 3�M S
its p�r o tiorrs antl its oo rate
� �
- - - -' 1 j. � �;
tic ot tl+� S t� ot MiroNSOta � �-�' -t,���-'�j"��" � - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• . :�
- - - - - - . � . . . � .
- - .• _ _ _
TKe toreQoinq irutnrsnt w�aa aokr�l�dp�d b�ttort �e this _ _ dty
has ows�e s� pt�s�nU to b� ai9rtied . °f - - - - - - - - -' 1l13� by - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - -
�serunto atti tAl• day and by � _ _ ot Th� Port A�uthoritp
- - ot tt�e Z`ity o� �iTn't ��il, a �o�Q�► Cocpoq�e and��'olitia ot tM Stat� ot
�ration MimesoU� on D�MIt of: tAe wrpratiM.
� � � �. � r � � .� � �. � � � � � � � w �
— — — — — — — �1pLiT�l PUb11C� Rit�► COIMILY 1 �MAiOta
- - - - - - _ le► Ca■�issian E.�ir�s
- - - - - - - � -
es Cocporati . Aaa oaused thes� ptasanta L'OI�RY OF tW�SfY `)' •
e seal to De to aftixe�d TM hreqoinq i�utn�nt �sa aaic�o�1�� Mt�rt � this _ dty
� � - -
ot - - - - - ._ �� 1llji _ _ J _ - - - -
� � � � � � � � � � � � � �
Lb SL�Lfi CO ai�.Ofl �Q �r ._ , • 1 01' 1,1� �'OP{IOt�L10A
11�fYf!lO���fl�i'�����A!}0!'aL�011� OA�i�� ��M 00�!'�O�taL.�OA•
� � � �. - � - - � -
� � .. - - - � - - .� �. - � ... � � .� - .. �
- - - - - - - - - . Motisy PUb11C� Ra�Ny CauttYr K1M�sota
!b► Cawaisaion E�.ira
� .. _ _ .. _ � _ ,
Aos� 9eneral is MA Cor�poration� C�OI�(TY Cf Rll!lSEY :.�:
pres�nta to �iqr+ed b�► its praper Ths tor+poinq imt[IMnt ws aolcnool��d b�fott M tAis - - dq►
oration u al partnar ot Hilltcp ot - - - - - - - - -� 1l13� by - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - -
snd Dy
ot The Fitst Il�tia
8ank ot'-Saint'��ul�i' ni� �taas ioiprat�on,on Ti�ialt of! tAs oospor�
�- - - - - - - - -
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