280266 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council ���x��'� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �. # BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 1 ouncil Resolution Presented By �'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date In the Matter of the Abatement of Street Maintenance Assessment per County Auditor 's Report No. 2658 WHEREAS, Richard K. Parr on behalf of Land 0 Lakes, Inc. did file an application identified as County Auditor' s Report No. 2658 with the Board of Commissioners of Ramsey County and the Commissioner of Revenue for the State of Minnesota to have street maintenance assessments against property identified in said Report abated for the year 1982; and WHEREAS, The basis for the requested abatement is that this street assessment was also made a part of the assessment of another parcel of land and that the payment of the assessment would result in double pay- ment; and WHEREAS, The Ramsey County Department of Taxation has recommended abatement of said assessment as indicated by its April 19 , 1983 letter to the City Clerk. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the above-mentioned application of Richard K. Parr on behalf of Land O Lakes, Inc. for the abatement of the street maintenance assessment referred to in said application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon passage and adoption of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a copy of same to the Ramsey County Auditor. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays � Galles [n Favor Masanz � -ddieesi� scheibe� A gai n s t BY �edeseo Wilson � `5 '� Form Approved by City Adopted by Council: Date ��� � Certified P s ed y Council Se� By /�pp d y Ylavor: a e �� 9 1983 Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council B BY ��18LISNED ;`yiN`! 1 �t iyu� s ��.���� �:.� � � .°`T'°- CITY OF SAINT PAUL a~+ o '� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � iiii i i11°t � "• �° EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY '••• 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR April 25, 1983 Albert B. Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Building Re: Land O Lakes, Inc. Dear Mr. Olson: I have prepared and attached the appropriate resolution relative to the above matter which you requested on April 21, 1983 . Very truly yours, ----�-�ICt�t%�- yWALTER A! ER Assistant City Attorney WAB:rl Att. REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY G G C/D: u Abatement No.� �U� � � �`�` VI Assessment�istrict: $T� PAUL �;����i�„�1 ti1 �C�..� ��19 83 LB98I DBSCfIPYIOfI: PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CD c�HOOL WATER JARV I S SUBD I V I S I ON DIST. PLAT PARCEL DIST. SHED O1 39400 060 00 7 625 ' ,0 Z, ,4ddress of P�oPe�ty: 6�.4 MCKI NI�Y PL.ACE Appl icant: R,K�P, FOR: I�ND 0�LAKES I NC� __ .._ _ __ G�II ►er�Li�ll CV OI ML �i�1�7i . DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION '��.�� ` �`..° �� COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGFRS: Director Robert J. Ellis April �.9, 1983 Property Valuation ROGER VIK Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthof4 �a�d Re�o�ds Albert B. Olson City Clerk Room 386 Court House ATTTT: Council Recorder RE: Application for abatement submitted by Richard K. Parr, on behalf of: LAND 0 LAKES INC. Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed are copies of the following abatement. 2658 There are assessments levied against this parcel to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: ASSESSMENT YEAR DISTRICT STR. MAINT. �k32 1982 O1 $22.36 Please initiate the necessary action. Yours very truly, Lou McKenna, Director DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION ._. ��'� t, _�, ��, , r,..a C::_� �+ �._��:.L' �7 - �=�` f � � `i !` 'L��f/ � �-C,'� t`' p W Appraisal Services -:`; T°-�� DAR:em r:i �`� • c� ENC: 1 . ������.�� r,w.S-���'^�� �';-�� �`'��';,�'��'�y�>...., u .. FFa 1 �� ��a3 1 Form DPT 229 j...6�1:r�1�f��Gi �iii�• ��G:�W' �O• ' APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form � (If reduction requested exceeds s500 make spplicetion in triplicete, otherwise in duplica:e) To lhe County Board and County Auditor ot Ramsey County, and to the Cummissioner of Revenue of the State of MimesoLa: STATE OF MINNESOTA, • County of Ramsey ss. City, Village or Town ST PAiJ"L PROPERTY CODE: OI-39400-060-00 Applicant: RICHARD K PARR on behalf of: �ND 0 LAKES INC. Resides at• 614 Mc Kinley Place, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 , and that REMOVE ABOVE CODED PARCEL SEE DIVISION 57963 entered in error by Land Records. This strip of land is already part of 01-68610-182-00 � — , '. Applicant requests• ��ve from tax rolls. r �,= � l / �; !� ' `'��� Applicant DATE February 16, A.D. 19 83 � 3 � � � ~sa �s �gg � _ . ; . � ro � �� $ �� � g ! � o, � • !rM � � 3 � !t. � � e� ; � o � � D °' o � i»�o gc� � �-�C > � O O � > °�^g o M � ro �! ° � � �� S, « g �. � � � � 3 � � w !.. �o �e "» g �t.» � 6 ° �c. �Ole � o °„ � A � � i,�., � ~ x � � ,(� � � y� sso" �� a � � � � � � � � � p � l\ > > A P w , � w � � � � 1 G, .iC c�3�° M� A � �� � Q '� A� f� O (� � Z ...' � � Mo a,^o � B � w�e � ' p O W � � �. r ^ 0 o � a n� p •� � M � W t-�' � \ , . 0 �• ��J 5�3g�r°,� y • Q o � � � d�r � T > ^ G�B� e � � � '�! �+ � : "'~ �.eC� $Cr � o w � � �° r^ r � �a ;; e� �a s � f� � M R1 � r fD N W 2 �-� o a ^ p ...� e !j �• � W �i C ;� � � ��s ��o» :� ° �-°r x m I e'H �'x�'s� T�8.e�i,'■ ^ � � :" � � n° nmaa.? � !' � A CJ��` W . � � n �ao ° " � �II ° � ,°6» y � v, A 3 � � ° v 'U �ti �x Bo'B " C 'C ° v '0 N �r��^ o 0 0 oRn �a,. - e o n p y 3. o c a�,• o e ° � °o o°. � ° °. rc� � a - - _ � s � o�'Sao = � . 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