280263 WHITE - CITV CLERK f ///�''�� R���'''yyy(((��� PINK - FINANCE COIlIICll ������-�i CANARV�-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL f t�r BLUE -MAVOR File NO. r'��`• '� p . n�cnce Ordinance N 0. f�� �3 Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE GILLETTE C0�+4PANY, 310 EAST FIFTFI STREET, SAINT PAUL, �MINNESOTA AND/OR ITS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A PEDESTRIAN RAMP WITH HANDRAILS, WHICH EXTENDS APPRUXIMATELY FIVE FEET SIX INCHES INTO EAST FIFTH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, ADJACENT BLOQC 45, IQTTSO�t'S ADDITION, BETWEEN APP�7fIMATELY 93 FEET AND 125 FEET EASTERLY OF THE EASTEI2I,Y RIC�iT-OF-WAY LINE OF B1�OADWAY STREET. The Cbuncil of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That permfssion and authority are hereby granted to The Gillette Company, 310 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota and/or its successors in interest to construct, operate and maintain a pedestrian ramp with handrails which extends approximately five feet six inches into East Fifth Street rightrof�,vay, adjacent Block 45, Kittson's Addition, between approximately 93 feet and 125 feet east of the easterly rightrof- way line of Broad�ay Street. Section 2. That the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to The Gillette �mpany for the construction, operation and maintenance of said pedestrian ramp with handrails upon compliance with the following terms and conditions: a. �at said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall fully indemnify, hold hazmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its aqents, officers and employees from any and all damaqes, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses and on account of all claims of whatever nature COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of� Yeas Nays Ftetcher Pub1iC WOrks �eu� In Favor Masanz � NiCOSia B Scheibel A gai ns t Y Tedesco Donald E. Nygaard � TJE/ wuson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv d y i A rney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By dc . '����t�`��` �� ' • ��7.,�h�1.;P'1s r � - 2 - for injury to persons and/or property arising out of or connected with the construction, maintenance, operation and/or removal of said pedestrian ramp with handrails and by the permission and authority granted herein and that supplemental to all other obligations on their part jointly and/or severally hereunder said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish and maintain and pay all premiums and other expenses therefore, casualty insurance coverage with a duly licensed casualty insurance company, naming the permittee and the City as jointly insured to the extent of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,00O.00j for injury to any person and/or persons in any single incident and to the extent of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) for dama_qe to property in any single accident and insuring the City of Saint Paul against liability on account of all claims of third persons for injury to persons and/or proaerty arising from or connected with the construction, maintenance, operation and/or removal of said pedestrian ramp with handrails hereunder at all times. The permittee shall furnish a certificate of this insurance policy from time to time to the City of Saint Paul as described in paragraph c. below; b. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish a surety bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms and conditions of this ordinance and to indemnify said City from all liability, costs and expenses that may accrue occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; c. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall submit the necessary insurance and bond documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Office Engineer shall submit said documents to the City Attorney for review and if said insurance and bond are acceptable said documents shall be filed with the Department of Finance and Management Services of the City of Saint Paul; d. That said permittee shall construct said pedestrian ramp with handrails entirely at its own expense, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, in accordance with approved plans on file in the Department of Public Works; e. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publications of this ordinance and of all resolutions or ordinances passed in relation to said ordinance; f. That said permittee shall pay the cost of administration, engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works due to this undertaking. Said costs are esti.mated to be a sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) to be accounted for under Department of Public Works project number ; g. That said pedestrian ramp with handrails shall be removed by and at the sole cost and expense of said permittee and/or its successors in interest whenever the Council of the City of Saint Paul shall by resolution determine such removal necessary in the public interest and accordins�ly order the removal of said pedestrian ramp and handrails from East Fifth Street right-of-way; M�HITE - CITV CLERK 1 ������ PINK .- FINANCE COUI1C11 ByVERV-MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. • O r in�znce Ordinance N 0. �7��s Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 3 - h. Z"hat said permittee and/or its successors in interest expressly agrees and undertakes to maintain the pedestrian ramp and handrails in proper condition and to keep the same free and clear of any obsta.cles, snow or ice and light the ramp, between sunset and sunrise, in a manner acceptable to the Director of the Department of Public Works; i. That said construction must be performed by a licensed and bonded sidewalk contractor under a permit issued by the Sidewalk Section of the Department of Public Works; j. That said permittee shall coordinate all w�ork involving existinq utility installations, public or private, with the affected utility companies or agencies; k. 'rhat said peYmittee shall, within thirty (30) days from and after the publication of this ordinance, file written acceptance thereof, specifically agreeing to all the provisions, terms and conditions herein, with the City Clerk. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days frozn and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departme o • Yeas Nays � Fletcher Pub1iC W k ' ceu� [n Favor Masanz /Q Nicosia B � � Scheibel a Against Y �� Tedesco Donald E. Nygaard, ctor � � � Adopted by Council: Date �Y '?' � l� Form Approved it A orn Certifi asse y unc Secretary BY � . r BY f Ap ved by Mayor: Da ��Y 2 � �� Approv d by yo for Sub uncil B B PUBLISNE� J UN 4 198� ' ,\ - � �� lst ���a 3 2nd ��p�'�'3 - 3rd �' /�— �,3 Adopted .�-ay�3 Yeas Nays FLETCHER GALLES MASANZ NICOSIA SCHEIBEL ��-�`l�,��� WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO �, � � 1 � . WHITE - CITV CLERK . � PINK � FINANCE C011I1C1I -!�l � CAN -OEPARTMENT CITy OF SAINT PALTL /.����� . a -MAVOR File NO. „•• + • � � n�nce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By � Referced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1 • AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO T� GILLEZTE CCIMPANY, 310 EAST FIFTH STREET, SAINT PAUL, °A'IINNESOTA AND/OR ITS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST PERMISSION TO CONgTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A PEDESTRIAN RAMP WITH HANDRAILS, WHICH EXTENDS APPROXIMATELY FIVE FEET SIX INCAES INTO EAST FIFTH STREET RIGHT—OF—WAY, ADJACENT BI.OQC 45, KITTSpN'S ADDITION, BEZWEEAT AppROXIMATELY 93 FEET AND 125 FEET EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE OF B12�OADWAY STREET. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: a Section 1. � That permission and authority are hereby granted to The Gillette Company, 310 East - Fi€th Street, Saint Pau1; Minnesota and/or its successors in interest to construct, operate and maintain a pedestrian ramp with handrails which extends approximately ; five feet six inches into East Fifth Street right-of�way, adjacent Block 45, Kittson's ; Addition, between approximately 93 feet and 125 feet east of the easterly riqhtrof- way line of Broadway Street. Section 2. �hat the Director of the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to The Gillette oompany for the construction, operation and maintenance of said pedestrian ramp with handrails upon compliance with the followinq terms and conditions: a. That said permittee andlor_-_its successors in interest shall the City of lst �� �y oyees from any �a v 2nd ��p���� 8• suits or ��/ �t�atever nature 3rd .�- /. / ' ��7 Adopted �p�y O-3 Yeas Nays FLETCHER ► Department of; ., Works " �� GALLES MASANZ RL�%� ld E. Nygaard � T�� NICOSIA ,a y i A rney SCHEInEL ���i'��� WILSON �layor for Submission to Council MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO dc "�uFl i c Works DEPART(•tENT � �,��,��rV� Robert A. Horrisbe�per Jr1'ONTACT ` 292-6131 PHONE � � Ap r i 1 15, 198 3 DATE re e �r ' (Routing and Explanation Sheet) , Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature)�ECEIVED �_ .�—�.. � �-��� � �,��� ..������ ��-.� �„ Ci ty Attorney �� APR 1 9 � 3 Director of Manageme /Mayor � Cf TY ATTORNEY Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director �Ihat Will be Achieved by Takin� Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): The Ordinance would grant permission to the Gillette Company to install a pedestrian ramp ' within the public sidewalk for handicapped access to the Gillette Company's building. The ramp, to be located on the south side of E. Fifth Street east of Broadway, will be 27 feet long and extend 5-1/2 feet from the face of the building. . Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Irrq�acts Anticipated: . As a condition of the ordinance the Gillette Company will pay Public Works for engineering and inspection re��ted to this project, estimated to be $20Q.00, The Gillette Company will be fully responsible for the ramp. F�nding Source and Fund Activity Nund�er Charc�ed or Credited: , Attachments (I.ist and N4mber all Attachments): Ordinance Map and Plan of ramp DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes � No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes X No � Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (�PP RPVPI"�P Sic1� f�r �Instructions) . ��—�,�.�. . , � . . a. ..,�,,� � 'k � T ' _ _ �, � � . 3 � , � �i A '� �' ,z, � I -� �� � �� � � ! •�p � �i ` , � v �- � � � � � � � 2 � �, �, _ .� �.-I- � � � (� . � � z � v � g � u� � � _ _ � � �� �� � ,,� � , ; �� o � � � � ; � o _ o � r . I : 0 � � � r e , . �. �J � ; � � � i , I � ��; � J � : � � . � � W � — ' � . a '�� � ! ' �� � - � Q � �:_. �.: I j I �dJ' ' ' , _ � � � + � . : , i � � --- . , _. _ _._,..�__ ___.._ .._ . `• �.: � y' � i 0 `� U m Z ,� ; '?? �; i ' i ° /' � �Ij° 4J � � � \ � � ' � � � � � � � {1 � w 1 lfi - .- ---- _ �__. _�. __.�_ __._ �� . � _. _.__ _ _ ___ __. ---..r__._.�__.. _ ._ , � ` � � ) � o ' � � � d � �. : � _ � \ � � � : �Q: t < � i , , � . - >> � � . ` . e.. L . . . :�.S :�yr . . . ._. S . ' ' ' ' . T" • � . . . �:.y'r j.. . , . . . � ,�, � 3 a ' � r , , � . ' � ! ! _ : � � � � - � . � �� � - , . , , � vr . ' � it � 2 � �. � � � � � a ��� j �' � = i � + � �.' �` I i`I ,� � � � � � � � ��`�� � � �� ! � : i ; , � w '' ,���.;'� 2 � � 0 a _ : � � . ' " ` � � � � � � ° � °� 3 < � r. 4; ��� ; , . , � � � � � � �� ��21� � ' J m a ) � ' � � �� , , i 1 � `� ' _ i � �L N�� . 3 I� � �y 1 � � � ~ � . � ^ - � � i t ' � I i . � 3 =�` '� ��) � . . � �� � IP `r y— —�_ � . , y � � � �h � � � � <-..L£- _`� Q; ' J.. ; �' l � �y � ,r, 4�, st ; : � / _�j �i' +� ;� i a�►�. ��-- a \ ! r . ..� � �> > - ` , � �9 � � , � `' -rv � _ _.f> �; � � � ��J. . „ �' ... � � , ��d,�(� ,3 The Gillette Company Saint Paul Manufacturing Center Fifth at Broadway Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)292-2900 �IL�D Ju� 16 3 2u P� '83 June 10 , 1983 CITY CL�P,K'S OFFICE S�� �'�,llt, M11MN. To the Honorable City Council of St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the undersigned petitioners , hereby accept and assure to comply with the terms and conditions of City Council File No. 280263 , Ordinance No. 17025 adopted by the Council on May 24 , 1983 regarding the granting of permission to construct, operate and maintain a pedestrian ramp with handrails , which extends into East Fifth Street right of way, between approxi- mately 93 feet and 125 feet easterly of Broadway Street. Signed , � �u Keith Ewy Plant Services Manager KE/kmm ._ _ _ `� _ _. p� � lst_ � �—O 2nd ���-�"�� 3rd_ l���,.q.�'3 Adopted_ i�l0—�3 Yeas Nays � FLETCHER GALLES MASANZ �`��!?�h'�r NICOSIA / �� 7� SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO � i �