280252 � �' �?��'a�'� CoundlBJla�jo�b2—BY CArfs Nimsia—. Ri'SOL1tSD.-�ki1t.� ot the City°i6 8rnt� $t�, !�g yiypertr he�'e�efl�+dpft�lbsd.Ee hereb�r. is v�ted; � �saout is Pu411c P�1'tT• .... "15at.� ot the N ' rk aad Swt6eatt 36 ot Secti�M,, -wne6ip 29 Nott4 R� 28 West d tha F�11rth. , PrindD�1 Meridian, C^ity of 3t. Paul, �7�7�Sta4 oi Ddlnnesota.1Y1n6 veStMicrti�fe`liowlo`deaertbed'lines: Comm�ciag at the Weat awrter cbmer ot 3eetlon 27.TownsLip 28 tiorth.ltaa;e 29 Wett; thence North 0°0!'b}" `�►aif (wumsd besrlov alon�t6e West ltt�of the Northweat Quarter oi sdd Sectt�lT a dbt�nce of Pi4.32 teet: thspet:.:._BotAh ` 79°Ol'SS•E�st 184�;31 tNt tfi4���•_ feet So�AI. +� m�Q t�t-ii�ht-_: ao�lr,•-�oot.the SaitR liai oi !le Nort�vbt Q�rrt�er aQ sNd,Sectlm!7; tlweee liath!Q°Yt'#'�rt:tt�a po� :_ p�raliel`°1rtt►fr�id.�8o�tth:qwxtu' llne 146f.'h falf to the po{nY aI be�imlt�of the ifas to be 5erda ddee�d:thmce coatinvin�Notth 9P°!S'04'Eaat 14b leet: theuce Nortd 0°b!'4'J"Wat 9S leet;t6ence Soufh 5E°IB'4!' Nest'iT4.lA fEet to the po[nt ot be�fmin�; subiect expiatsly!01k�';WlpiPtar ca�dityuo�. �nd ia�erratkos: 1.That the wcadao be sub�act W all tM tetms aad�cohdittoot of C6apter 150.ooditkd Ilarch 1,�19liY:oithe St.Paul I,e�IsiativeCode� es amendad.aad sha111nNude t�u City's rf�ltt to�i+�l a�aii lster�i tu8po:t sad�l�e easeenenb In said wcatioe aRa. Y.That!he pEtitioner be[ng t6e Cit�of Saint Paul s6all not be reqi�it�d to pay comyswadon or pat a bdee�'. �• Thft uyon �apt�oee:�j�d.aamPliance v{!h ti�e ternat uf this vaxElen E��ioper Clty offlcials De wth6rlmd to conoe?'�W�th w P�t Authoeih M 9�it'ctaim deed. AdoDbd by ttie Cowcll Yq�.19�E. Appmved MaY S.lis3. , . (WY lb lpl�.