280251 � �' � �'Do�SJ� �. __ ' the NorWeest Quarter O+TEi4) ot said counc�i�e xo.zeooal+Br C1+ei�Nieoda— I Secc[on z7,tnmce south e�°s��a�•weac p9Y.D8 feet W U►e Eut llne of former City RaSOLV&D�Tlwt upcm th Na�of the ot St. Panl nmDertT thence 8outh Port Autha�lty ot the City oi�Paul,tLe� 0°02'47' Saat 58.25 feet a ' said P�1�Pl'oP�7�'�'�+'1�ed.be and Eaats�Ty Nne W the potat� the t�me hereb�"fa vwteil�diacmtlnued Sub�eet,however�to thst u P��P�D�7� ti.���°J' tor highway puipma daled � 17. lbat part of the i�out6 `�71 ot tba 195t, !i»m Northern P�ftIe s7 Northa�t Quart�((34!NtSi)�!Sactia� Compsny to ths CitY o!8aint PauI,tor s�,To..o�y�r�aa auw'�w•rt� �aing neca,�y n����a.� tAe Fourih Prtnctpai xerlat.n.Ctt�oi St- the soacn Th►ra ot the xortnesst Qwrter Paut.i�ss�,l�Ccout7.9ta2!'M1[fou�Ot�. (S�/i NEM�) of Sacti� 27� Townahlp 49 1�W�lthioi�eloltariu�tlercrIDedltPa: Northc�8S ilest.Fiiurth Pdneipal Cam�dr�atfLel�atQwrtarasrharo! Mertdian.�s mote partli.tilaz_l�deraibad BuNoa 27.?aiw�iP�Y I?oetk,A�a 2� Itt uid enemmt.In s�id asemmt.aM ` �Ieft; thence North 0"W'01' iatt j NotLhern Pacilie Railivay Comyaay (�d lpeiad aim�tAe We�t line�d i re�tved Ehe rl�h!to mrS�Wn and qfaete the lbetl�rat Qwrter (1A14i):�t n�id 'i s eo�ct'SU teedt an,orer aad�the 3eeuan 21 s�ftanoe of S37.i2 felk�oe ' Peemiees��i caaiveyed. f3raator, at $outh iY°01'96"Past 117.11 1�et. tHd auccawYin inta�at and Utk tiy mer�arlo yoin!betnn�115 feet E�tte��7 as uws�aed aaia Not�a�n Paclftc RailwaY�P�Y� at ri�Lt c�ki ltaln Mld� does herOb7 nelNae all rigFrt. titla em1 nctkn 1ine; thmce coetlauin/ 8outh intarast tolhst Pa3�►:4t sl�ra4twtion. !Y°01'S6`ast 1,lit.l•lilet tb a polat 40 fcet u it applia W N� m�int�oiiea fM. 8outtieri7.u asewr�d aY�ht+a�iks, operatfoa a!a'cwneetin�track oxer and. lewa t4e loWt� liae ot tAs,-I�etti�t acmu tne'landE b�.comveyad. All:: Qw�ta[(11wii)a�add 0�n.17:tlaoce otder Drqvleioos oi sald euanmt ramain` N�Rth M°�'M'iYt�'i'aiae p�nuel" ln fuil lorce and etfect; wHti s�fd 8oielh q�1�[�i-#.i1t.71&et:' sub1��P�'�lY to t�blbwio�condlt[oea-.. t�eae�io!#ti�i/°I#^#!'�st f74:1{fa�t to" �pd�tiaqs: SbMr�tiN 4[lbfmm'pk7,et 8R PauF 1.7��s�br rub�et.W ai3 the preyeat�; t6ae� Nat,�=�B"09'44' 1Nest teemcaed�al�E�ylr:iD9.ood�ied' 7l.N tNt to•a Do�liLN 1eM,iKOethal7 1[urh1.1W1.ottbeM.ihMd�eW�vr`Gode. of the South lloa�f6t Na#heaut qwrtwr �+e�aade�d:aqLl�u indttd�tM(;itt's ri�t (N85r)of s�W 9�otioa Yl,sdd D�t�i to�1 al d1.1�ta11�DD�.and,:Rl� the South qne ot D�mo�1r Dei�4:�the ��y.����� .., poiot ot b�{loqinL ot tM lfeeit to be heietn = ,� �,D�'�'r• �48,:�s � dacrlbpd: thN�4e N�rth'!Mq']7'�st . A����a:L'1lfaf8tlafPa�d.;sB�ii.aea. �lo4i pid Sputp Ilne s06.7i teet to�yoiaR ����.����,�:�. 174.�6 t�iL,Na�Ap�d_the South lioe ot • bond. a:as.�ca.�n+.u.r.ns.�o:n�.�me oerno.aea ooemaoro od dW.acaliaa a�ws ; to�,dde�d�ad a�ve hanol�n the City'b!81dat Piroi,�ts�s aad�p�ofRa ireau all roib. aetiam. a� cleiar oL�sy c4ariicter. Includ n0t ILedt�d 1q,a ,deim h�ou�t baca�ad wY W�rMs..o� •�ama�a.reodved or aWRlaqed bX 4n7,P�` . �b D�'�±�'D�3��Y.oa ecemint od�4b vuetiun:or 4ecsuse ot�qy ael,or qaqlaipn, �kct or misconduct of aaid petttioar,or bax�ux oi any clalm or llability arising irom or basad-m en7 vioLti�"of sny law or re�ulatlon ma�in axaa�dmce t►t!h t�e Lw, w6efher by tLe Detit[boer or sey o[ita semts or emplo�aes. 4. That upon aecnptaoce wd c�pHeaoa with the ter�s oi this eeeatt�the pro�ar(xty offidala be duthorlaed to c�vey a1d property to Post�Ca�otlty Dy�it�Claim Deod'�a� be. � , -, . AdoPte�1 bt t6e Co�mci11M�3K1Y6�.:,�►.,. APP�o��Y 5.1983: (May 14,1983)