280245 . � , ,���!4� ADVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY TO COUNCIL: April 5, 1983 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING April 20, 1983 Date of Hearing Description Cost S/3/83 In the matter of improving LAFAYETTE ROAD between Univereity Avenue and Tedesco Street by removing and replacing the top concrete surface of roadway on the bridge deck and approach panels and by removing the existing expansion joints and replacing them with new expansion joints on existing Bridge #62515. City Project #B-1117 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Construction Costs $343,000 Engineering & Inspection 60,000 Traffic 2,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $405,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1980 Municipal State Aid $ 17,400 1982 Municipal State Aid 373,634 1980 public Improvement Aid 13,966 TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING $405,000 - - ��-���-1E'� , " � :{:���45 5T. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUgLiC h� EARING NOTICE PlJBLIC IMPROd� MENT C4NSTRUCTION City Council District ��2 & ��7 District Plannin� Council ��4 & 4t5 � File No. 18313 � Dear Property Owner: , � To decide on whether to proceed with improving LAFAYETTE P U R P 0 S E ROAD between University Avenue and Tedesco Street by remov- ing and replacing the top concrete surface of the roadway on A N p the bridge deck and approach panels and by removing the existing expansion joints and replacing them with new � � � ^ � I 0 At expansion joints on existing Bridge No. 62515. N �'� Tuesday, May 3, 1983, 10:00 A.M. f-�E A R I N G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House If the Council approves this pro3ect, the estimated construc- tion costs and financing for this project are as follows: ` � Q T I O N ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $405,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1980 Municipal State Aid $ 17,400 p 'A82 Municipal State Aid 373,634 d 1ease ''��hlic Improvement Aid 13,966 1S�v '�Ore $405 000 ar �rs S r�2 rhar � YoU m S .t re the P cj r.Y H 11 a��to1 2or fnd de���' Wprk '^S ENT ar 9 rhzs °P � s �o .pa a, �eer 1., c �n �r e 2 �U G J� � �1� e m• I�� °n �e����da e °F r -� last minute Wedne �y' p1 as o�fl�a r y Co� 9:30- . Apr11 ��'����� C2�� o1Z1 1g83, cOn�er �n�a1 Zn j.�� � O, rt r-''`"- . � — u► _W� � • A ��yr, �v,. � rlr. � _/ � I'� �� MMit � �I i �,�� `,.I �' � IZ __ ; ST. � . � s� 'yJ_ � Qt .IN �1 K�U. __ . - � . l7' /.7'1 LJ L1�N A{ ��i �� N RTMEA .� ��� r� � ���� ����7tC��'C��`�. Rou�d r ` 1 f 2 w� 'S��wTlMN �V ��� `, J . � �\-=,/,vC: s ti'n�{.�'i r Notice sent April 15, 1983, ,p./S' ,, ;" 1,� �� „°'___'" "�,Y„-�J .� ` / --� 1 y/�. T ; f1 ;e � by the Valuations and ' - � NY � —�� � f'.�n\I�n Assessment Division, ��-�� _ "� �� R����-�,;� .�, � Department of Finance ' . '"' " <<� ,�� and Management Services � ''• _ i � `' ��4. � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � � �. °'� � T `� 5� . � ' � 'c*�'� ���' ` � 4 � �� AREA OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT � � ./'�� ,tt, ,`�• .��\ t0�. . .K\°� �- . � � ;;;'"--`� �:.I '1'X U L�� �_�.L\:l' ��_� U L C`;•'���F.J ;' !;' ,— '` .. . - i U1�'1'ICb: 01�• •ClfT�: Ci'L`i' COi:\(;1L. `: ��' � • Dafe . qpril 20 19S� � � �: . C 0 (1�1 I�i11 i`�' E E R c P 0 � T TO = S � �7� Pau 1 Ci�� Cou �ci ! FP, O i4l = Cor�tnii:i�2 on PUBLIC i�ott�:s � CHAIR , Chi-is I�'icosia �_'�'�C - - The Public h`oi•ks Committe.e at their meeting of Api-il 20 , 1933 took the follo�.in� action: . . - Items �2, .4 , 6, 7 reconirnended approval . Items �3 and S laid over for tti�o .�:eel:s . Item �8 - recommended approval of staff recommendation to approve assessment for 55 �V. Alaonolia and to de.fer payment of the assessment to 2531 Edgcumbe Road and pay it out of the • - __ . Nuisance Abatement Fund. � 2. 4/26/S3 FINAL ORDER: Removal of rresent bridge and construction of a new bridoe• over Chicago �'orthtirest..ern Railroad tracks on - � PAYNE AVE\UE to impro�e approaches by constructing a bitum- inous roade.�ay �rith concrete curb � gutter, reconstructing . d2•ive�:a}•s and �Jalks where necessary, constructing an ornament� street lighting system and doing all t�ork necessary and in- cidental to complete this project . Also , to change the grade of PAY�E AVEVUE bet��een �ti`hitall Street and Reaney Avenue. Alsc to condemn pei-manent and temporary easements necessary for th� � construction. 3. S/3/S3 FINAL ORDER: Improving I.�1FA1'ETTE ROAD bet�•:een �Universit�' A�-en' � and Tedesco Street by remoti•ing and replacina t}ie top concrete surface of roadt�ray an the bridbe deck ancl appi•oach panels anci � � by removing the existing expansion joints and replacing them irith ne�a ones on existing B�ridge �62515.. 4 S/�/S3 FIN�1L ORDER: Impro�Ting JEFFERSO� AVENUE betiaeen Lexington Park��ray �, r1ilton St. by removing and replacing the top concre surface of the roadi�ay on the bridge deck and approach panels and by removing �.he existing expansion joints and replacino them t.•ith new expansion joints on existing Bridoe II63517 . S. 4/26/S3 VACATIO\: Petition by the City of St. Paul for the vacation o public interest in 69 t�. Congress St. to convey this property to Eiispanos En Ttinnesota (H.E.I�I. ) . This vacation reRu�st ��as initiated by H.E_l�I. � has been approved by Federal Housing F� Urban Development Dept . subject to City Council ' s appro�ral . 6. 4/26/S� VACATIOl: Petition of the City of St. Paul for the vacation of the r.emaining 26- foot alley in Blk. 36, Bi•o�,rn b Jackson' s Addition to clear title for the abutting property, Lots 17,. 18 and part of Lot 19_ 7. 5/�/S i VACATIO\ : Petition of P�rt Autliority/City of St. Paul for tlie vacation oE the remainina portions of }iamli�le A��e. �, DeCourc;• Dri�•c �;ithin Ener�y Park �ti•hich t�ere not inc uued in t� ori�inal vacation of ctreet� aPpi•o�-ec1 by tlie Cit�• Couiicil in 19R1 . Thcse �'BC�tC LOi15 arc ne�cssc�r��• no►. to enablc Puc-t ��u[I�ari t�• to re�lat all the 1.1I1C� �,ithiii tine.r��• Park_ S - �/ '��'!::� (�r�T ( }� t (::1'I� iU\ Of .�S�t:SS`•lE:�"CS : ( L:� ict v�-ct- Et•ot� �/���iS�) ����c��;;it•nt For Sri�cr Scrt-ice Con�ic�ctiori [.eE�1ir� tor tti�� r.;unti:�: �.� f .Junc l�ti? tl� :•u �. tobcr 1�)S? C��r [hc Celto�: in�� , : , ' f' � ' . ��r: ic_; . ��; 1�� . �1tt,;nc, 1 isi tinc! �:.; 1 t;�!;�ctt�:!t►: 4:..�.t,? . ]! � t �; I 11 I : � � �: 1 �I� 1 I' 1t I `.�i .�.! .� •l \ ' ;_.. , 2����45 � Pin.ISQNARY OBDSR � �,, .. -�.. � - {,; :,-. �1 File No.280131 Bq„�rlg�l�(e-" `-'�#'��4�?_ot lmptovy�,,1;7��''.f�`.�,��1'E '� �wqen Un,y�ity Awo�e intl ' �:�bY�ovi�4i$n��the '�F-�d�!dqce of,�hy?;iPadsva�:�tp� '�,��`�Pp}�,:pRppl�..�d b7 . �'�14ihS�l apl4lE�;�S�oed . �then►with nnv�q{p��pdp�q� �f"��dM��16 i�i,.�'P1R4t No. 8�2l17. 'P�e Cmmeil of the�Cityot Stltnt Pa�iluving recdived the re�rt ot ti�A[ayor uPon t6e above l��t, and-hav9ng consldered sa1�11slt�ki.J�[e§�.resolv�: 1.That the aald repott aad the same is luoeb9 a�pmvld with rm altetnstivEs,and t��+�If�itti Akt•;i�fi'i1�,000 �� �17.�100: !00 �:.1�lrlltl!M������ Mad;l� ��C.�IDtbVeteent���}4.:'. S'<k'�� y �`T_!".__ A�� ! �`l0�'�/a�v!�._�d�?.T!.°��;dl- °�'Q'l�EP, t �!} the �t T�e��Court�oiq�e , We ���YVf�tP'aai. �.""< e��; . _.. ''° � °f��� r�1�8 be �� endin �ia'hnerprdvtd- 4d tir ' rter.sEatinB tAe t3me and b19ce of hearin , " �"`-`� . ---_ g�f��e�S1�eI' ` `ntand - the total cosf�tiereoT as egtima . File�lo,,�E$�8 '� �i... �3.F�,.,R�r�.�b y{9�i�;•.nF;,�. ' ' '�P�ay+s*•��3:L. , �De3�:�Tt�--, M� ��v. . . � . ���'.Y« .. v;r13_. � . ..-. . .._...,"'aF.k.__'v_�,—"'_T"�.. _ . ._ t. . '�r+. � CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO.� FINAL ORDER ,•�• �' ' B'' a-�ia►s, e-ilo�6 File No. ���10��� �•1�0� , �-IlOL9. i•110SQ In the Matter of �*�lk avascr�atioa aad/��r r�aoaetra�tiaa oi ths IeiloM►is`: •ot� i �•1244� �otli sids+r �Y!f1� !I't1�t! frew i�r+�d �waw to 'lNa�rrs �a� �r�h aid+� i�11fD A'�CMlti fra� �rro� �trNt to 1K���rria Stx�st 3 �i-11046 =outh sidt �MD AY�tti !`sa� �. flowll ltr�rteto i�� Aaeau� S s•110�'I iifst ri,d�e l�. �,! 8'�'�3' i�� ii. Iiaho Aw. to LrNat�rsx i1w. 4 8•11Wr8 Msst sid�� HA�li.I�C AY� f� iltdwy trsbray to q. ♦rli+a�to� Awaw 3 �-11049 �Ch a3�rlss JYL�! 11Y�pi i`rorr B. lNirria+n �irbw to �. Prior Awau! 1 Mtl� �tdr N�d: �,�! tti� !sr 1�i� �-�t t� �qw� st�sNt ASSESSMENT RATES: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front foot. � Replacement of old walk --$6.00* per front foot. *Please note that Residential rates are based on the con- struction of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks will be prorated accordingly. CQIYA4ERCIAL RATES (all property other than residential) 1007 of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb. Without integral curb the cost is estimsted to be $2.20 per squa re foot of walk constructed. . v....�,..... �......�_'-_� __'_' r"' .. .. all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. MAY 31� COtJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date � Yeas Nays MAY Certifie ssed Council Secretary �u� 5 �98� Fletcher � In Favor By � � Against (\Jj��sj� Mayor Scl�eibei � 1983 T��desc;o PUBUSNED M�� 1 � Wiison _ ._