280223 WH17E - CITV CLERK �I�����
:LUE� �- MAVOR File NO.
� � —
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Council has been requested by Port Authority of the City of O
Saint Paul to waive said retained easements in the property specifically
described above, and the affected City Departments, Northern States Power
Company and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company have filed written Certificates
of Intended Non-Use with the office of the City Clerk, which Certificates are
incorporated herein by reference: and
WHEREAS, the affected City Departments and other public instrumentalities
have continued to waive the retained easements in the vacated property as more
fully set forth in their Certificates of intended non-use as heretofore mentioned.
N04J THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
pursuant to Section 130.06, does hereby waive, release and extinguish the re-
tained easements in the vacated public property as specifically provided in the
aforementioned Certificates of intended non-use.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above mentioned waiver and release of said
easements are for the City of Saint Paul and those persons for whom the City has
reserved easements in said vacated property for the installation, maintenance and
operations of any sewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit of public
EXCEPTION, A permanent easement for Water Utility purposes being described as
The Norttierly 40 feet and the Easterl.y 40 feet of that portion of Schroeder
Road lying West of the Northerly extension of the West right-of-way line of Flynn
Street and the East right-of-way line of Snelling Avenue.
NOTE: This does not constitute a release of rights granted by the Burlington
Northern Transmission Line Permit for this property.
COUNCILl14EN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Fletcher Finance and Management Services
Galles In Favor
scheibei _ � __ Against By Director
Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 6 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified a_Se Council Se etar B
By —��!1'-� :�i.,e. c F= c�T
l�ppr v Mavor: Date APR Approved b r for Submis ion to Co ncil
By By U
i16uSHED N1AY `� 1983 C
• �w . �
• � �8 0223 �``.
. . . ��
CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'`'`� ;-, �
�a; - .-. �
=he undersigned hereby certify that they do nat intend to exercise �
their utility easenent rights in the follawing described realty:
(Parcel 1)
That part of Schroeder Drive lying between the East line of Snelling
Avenue and the East line of Flynn Street extended Northerly which is described as
lying within the following described lines :
Commencing at a brasa plug at the West Quarter corner of Section 27, Tawn-
ship 29 North, Bange 23 West; theace North 0°04�04" East along the Fiest line
of the Northwest 1/4 mf said Section 27 a distance of 1126.23 feet; thence Notit�
89°15'04" East 150.01 feet to the point of beginning of the lines to be here-
in described; thence continuing North 89°15'04" East 520.37 feet to a point on
the Northerly extension of the East lin� of Fly� Street; thence South 1°13'04"
West along said Northerly extension 122.42 feet to the Southerly line of Schroe-
der Drive; thence North 88°46'S6" West along said Southerly liae 125.90 feet;
thence North 86°29�56" West 392.70 feet along said Southerly line to the Easter-
ly line of Snelling Avenue; thence North �°04'04" Baat along said Easterly line
88.94 feet to the point of beginning. (Council File No. 277030)
(Parcel 2)
That part of Flqnn Street lying betsaeen the North line of highway taking
and the South line of Schroeder Drive which is described aa lying withis the
following described lines:
Commencing at a brass plug at the West Quarter cemer of Sectt�oa 27, Town-
ship 29 North, xange 23 West; thence North 0°04'04" East along the Weat line of
the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 27 a distance of 1126.23 feet; thence North
89°Z5'04" East 670.38 feet to a pofnt on th� Nartherly extension of the Sast line
of Flyan Street; thence South 1°13'04" West along aaid Northerly extensioa 122.42
feet to the Southerly liae of Schroeder Drive and the point of beginning of the
lines to be herein deacribed; thence continuing South 1°13'04" Weat along the
E:st liae af aaid Flqnn Street 762.54 feet to the aortherly line of highway taking;
thence Iiorth 72°44'42" iieat 83.24 feet gloag said northerly line to the Ntst line
of Flynn Street; thence North 1'13'Ot�" Bast 739.54 fect along �aid i�est liae t� ,
the Southerly line of Schroeder Drive; theac� South 88°46'36" 8ast alsng said
Southerly line 80.0 feet to the point of beginaing. (Council Pile No. 277030)
- and �
(Parcel 3)
That �art of Sesen Road and DeCourcy Drive lying within the Northwest 1/k,
Southwest 1/4, Northeast 1/4 and Southeast 2/4 of Section 27, Township 29 North,
Range 23 West all lq3ng ioithin the follvwing described lines:
Cos�enciag at a brass plug at the West Quarter corner of Section 27, Tawn-
ship 29 North, Range 23 West; thence North 0°04'04" Eaat (assumed bearing) a-
Zong the West line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 27 a distance of 217.32
feet; thence South 79°O1'S6" East 685.b3 feet to the point of beginning of the
lines to be herein described; thence continuing South 74°O1' S6" East 643.58 fee�t
to a point SO feet south of the South line of the North�test 1/4 of said Sectior�
27; thence North 89°22'04" Esst 1482.71 feet alcng a Iine 50 feet south of and
- � �° " �80�23
Page 2 �:�:
parallel with the South line of the Northweat 1/4 of eaid Section 27; theace
North 56°18'42" East 174.16 feet; thence North 0'02'47" West 179.09 feet; thence
South 76°22'04" West 437.63 feet; thence Westerly al�ng a curve to the right
226.89 feet; radiva of 1000 feet; delta angle of 13°, to a point 100 feet north-
erlq of the south line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 27; theace South
89°22'04" �lest 963.92 feet along a line 100 feet northerly of and parallel with
the south line of said Northwest 1/4; thence Nerth 79°O1' S4" i�Teat 628.82 feet;
thence South 10°47'06" �leat 15U.00 feet to the point of beginning.
(Couacil File No. 277030)
� and
(Parcel 4)
That part of the Southwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4, Seutheast 1/4 of North-
west 1/4 and Southwest 1/4 of Nvrtheast 1/4 of Section 27, Township 29 Iiorth,
Range 23 West, Fourth Principal Meridian lying East of Flynn Street as opened
bounded by the follawing described lines:
Co�encing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of said �Section
27; thence North 0°04'04" East (assumed bearing) along the �Test line of said
Northwest 1/4 a distaace of 1126.23 feet; theace North 89°15'04" East 670.39
feet t�+ a point on the Northerly extension of the Eaat line of Flynn Street,
said point being the point of beginning of the lines to be herein described;
thtnce South 1°13'04" i�isast 884.98 feet along the East line of said Flynn Street
to s point on the Nortlxerly line of highway property; thence South 72°44'42"
Eaat 51.03 feet along said northerlq line; thence South 10°47'06" Heat 0.87
feet; thence South 79°O1'S4" East 628.82 feet; thence North 89°22'OS" Bast
963.92 feet; thence Baaterly along a curve to the left 226.89 feet, radius of
1000 feet, delta angle of 13°; thence North 76'22'04" Eaat 437.63 £eet; thence
North 0°02'47" West 117.18 feet; thence North 52°09'16" West 1102.l8 feet; thence
Northwesterly along a curve to the left 286.10 feet, radius of 424.T.� feet,
delta angle of 38°35'40"; thence South 84°15'04" Weat 743.83 feet; thence
North 85°O1'S6" {dest 100.50 feet; thence South 89°15'04" Weat 279.84 feet to
the point of beginning. (Council File No. 276004)
The described tracta in parcel 4 iaclude. the following described porti�n
of these vscated public streeta:
- Seamer Street frcQ the Nozth line of �aseu Road to thie Smuth line ��
of Schroeder Drive; ;;;4',
- Jenea Street fr�a the North line of Hosen Hoad t� the Sorit3� line � ` �
of Schroeder Drive; � �
- Hamline Avenue frcoen the �orth line of Decouroy Drive to th� l�ortheily '��
line of the described tru t; and � � � � ��
- Schroedez Drive frea the Saat line of Flynn Street ezLended portherly ��
,«�s =.
to the Esst line of Jon�s Street extended Northerly. ���
I3ated , 19
Director of Public Works, City of Saint Pau1 General �a nager WBter DepaLt�nt,
City of 9St. Pau�
Northern States Pe�r�ver CoQpany Nerthwestern Bell Teleghone Company
,,, ,� �, � for R. E. Luger
, -�:
� .:`:.r.,.
� ., y. � ►������t��'
. � - ' '
�- )
) 38. � ;���
� :�
On this _,_ day of � K,�
19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County, ,�
_____ to me
personally appeared ;�
me au3,y ar,rorn. did say that
personally known, who, being bl� of NORTSERN 3TATF.3 pO�R
he is the
CprgpA�y, a corporation, named in the foregoing instrument•
and that the seal affixed to said instrument i.s the corporate
seal of said corgoration, and that said iastrument wa� si4ne�
and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its
Board of Directors ar�d said
acknowledged said instrumsnt to be the free act and deed of
said corporation.
� Notary Public, RamseY CountY• Mina.
My commission exPirea
) ss. ' . ,
co,� oF �s� ) �
On this.�_ day of ....�•
29 ��! before me, a notary public within and fo said Connty.
'—'- E Lu er to me �
personally appeared -
personally known. who being by me duly sworn, did say that
he is the n;�+�ict M�naeP_r�,.,��ctr_ ih�tinn of �RT�s� BE�' ��p��
COI�IPANY, a corporation., nam� i.n the foregoing instrumant. an�
rate seal
that the seal affixed to said instrument is thWaga�� �d
of said corporation, and that said instrumen
sealed in behalf of said corposation by authority ac�� ��
of Directors and said Cor oration =8tion.
said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corpo
�%� �c� �
Notary Public, RamseY Cour'tY� Minn.
Niy cofi�issiori expires--5 -a �-�!
.,,_,,...�� e�laz9azet .:JVutzmana
2 � y ..ik''� �0T4=v :J71fC-MI�^�ESCTA
��` Ra�i,ccY Cp�7°�lTY
My commistion expires May 24, 19£9
fi`� m �8 Q2
�. . �
�� � - ,
.�: . � ,
.�-�U�-�,s,a� �d
'ihe undersigned 'nereby c�rtify that they do not intend to exercise
their utility easement rights in the follawing described reQlty:
(Parcel 1)
That part of Schroedcr Drfve lqing between the East line�~of :'Snelling
Avenue and the East line of Flyan Street extended Northerly which is described as
lying within the followfng described lines:
Commencing at a brass plug .at the West Quarter corner of Section 27,, Town-
ship 29 North, Range 23 West; thence North 0°04'04" East along the West line
of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section.27 a distance of 1126.23 feet; thence No�fi
89°15'04" East 150.01 feet to the point of beginning of the lines to be here-
ia described; thence continuing Nozth 89°15'04" East 520.37 feet to a point on
the Northerly extension of the East line of Flynn Stzeet; thence -South 1°Z3'04"
West along said Northerly extension 122.42 feet to the Southerly line of Schroe-
der Drive; thence North 88°46'S6" West along said Southerly line 125..90 feet; .
thence North 86°29t56" West 392.70 feet along said Southerly :line to:the .Easter-
ly l�ne of Snelling Avenue; taence North 0°04'04" East al�oag said Eas:terly line
88.94 feet to the point of beginning. (Council File No. 277030)
(Parcel 2)
That pert of Flynn Street lying between,.the I�orth Ziae of hfgtnray taking
,,,;. and the;South line.of .Schroeder Drive which,is ;described as,�.lyi� w�thit�;th�}, :
� following described .lines: � �� ,
Conanencing at .a brass plug .at the West Quarter corner of Se��i �: 27;°Town-
ship 29 North, 8ange 23 West; thence Nortn 0°04'04" East along the �st 1lne of
the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 27 a distance of 1126.23 feet; ;--thetire North
89°15'04" East 67Q.38 feet to a point on the Northerly extension:of th� Fsast line
af Flynn Street; thence South I°Z3'OG" West along said Northerly<ext�nsfoa 122.42
feet to the Southerly line of Schroeder �Drive and the point -of beginning vf the
. �:lines to be= hereia :described; .theace coatimiing South 1°13'�04" West� along the
N�East lint u:f said Flynn Street 762.54 feet to the nartherly ;l�ne of �iighway�aking; `
`_ thence.Norfh 72°44'42" West'.:83.24 feet along<:;.sai�d�"north�;rly �ine: to .the:�:�Test line
of Flynn Street;; thence North 1°13t=(34" East '739.'.�4 f�et,.alot� said West::line to :
the Sou'therly line of Schroeder�.Drivr; �thence South ,:88°46'S6;�' East along=4;sai� ';
Southerly line 80.0 feet to:��the point of begi.nni:ng. (Counci',1. Fil�e N,�. 27703�)
_ {�;
� SAd r: ��
. ;..: 5 .: . . . i�� . .
_ '��� � �tx � .� .. . � ,y ��' .. � .
(Pa�rcel:"3) � �: y. v'
�s. � ,., ;
That part�f Soaen Road and DeCourcy Drive �lying within the=:Nos'�tzwes.t 1/4,
Southwest 1�4, allortheast 1�4 an�d Sou�heast 1/4 of Section 27,. Towaship 29 North,
Range 23 West all lying within the follawing described linea:
Cosmencing:.at a brass, plug at .the West Quarter coraer of Sectfon 27, Tcnar.-
- ship 29. Nor,th, ,Range 23 -Wes t; thence horth 0°04`04" East (aasumed be�ring) a-
loa.g the Weat line of the Northwest l/4 of aaid Section 27 a distance of �17.32
' feet; thence South 79°O1'S6" East 6$5.63 fee.t to the point of beginning of the
.= lines to bc,;.herein .described; thence continuing South 7°°02'S6" East 643.5�� feet
to-a palnt ;50 feet south of the Sou'th line of the NorthWest 1/4_af said Section
'" 27; thence'.�Sorth 89°22'�04" Esst 1482.71 -feet along a Iine 50 feet south �of and
� _ ` :
,� - � .
_:, i .��
Page 2 -
parallel with the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of aaid Section 27; thence
North 56°18'42" East 174.I6 feet; thence North 0°02'47" West 179.09 feet; thence
South 76°22'04" West 437.63 feet; thence Westerly along a curve to the right
226.89 feet; radius of 1000 feet; delta angle of 13°, to a point 100 feet north-
erly of the south line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 27; thence South
89°22'04" West 963.92 feet along a line 100 feet noztherly of and parallel witl�
the south line of said Northwest 1/4; theace North 79°O1' S4" West 628.82 feet;
thence South 10°47'Ob" Weat 150.00 feet to the point of beginning.
(Couacil File No. 277030)
(Parcel 4)
That part of the Southwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of North-
west 1/4 and Soutiiwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 27, To�wnship 29 North,
Range 23 West, rourth Priacipal Meridian lying East of F1ynn Street as opened
bounded by ttte follawing described lines :
Commencing at the Southwest coraer of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section
27; thence North 0°04'0�" East (assumed bearing) along the West line of said
Northwest 1/4 a distance of 1126.23 feet; thence North 8�°15'�+" East 670.39
feet t� a point on the Northerly extension of the East line of Flynn Stzeet,
said point being the point of beginuing of the lines to be herein described;
thence South 1°13'04" West 884.98 feet along the East line of said Flynn Street
to a point on the Northerly line of highway property; thence South 72°44'42"
East 51.03 feet along said northerly line; thence South 10°47'Ob" West 0.87
feet; thence South 79°O1'S4" East 628.82 feet; thence North 89°22'OS" East
963.92 feet; theace Easterly alang a curve to the left 226.$9 f�eet,�kradius of
1000 feet, delta angle of 13°; thence North 76°22'04" Esst 437.53ffeet; thence
NorLh 0°02'47" West 117.18 feet; ther.ce 2iorth 52°09'16" West 1102.'�Q8 feet; theace
Northwesterly along a curve to the left 286.10 feet, radius of 424.72 feet,
delta angle of 38°35'40"; thence South 89°15'04" West 743.83 feet; thence
North 85°O1'S6" West 100.50 feet; thence South 89°15'04" W.est 279.84 feet to
Lhe point of beginning. (Council File I3o. 276004)
The described tracts ia parcel 4 include. the fcllowing described portion
of these vacated public streets: a
� .
- Seamer Street from the North line of Rosea Road to the South..line
. �;.
of Schroeder Drive;
- Jones Street from the North 'line- of Rosen Road to.: the South 1`ine
of Schroeder Drive; °
- Hamline Avenue f_roat�the North line of Decourcy Dr:ive to the I�o.rtherly
line of the described tractz<.;..and - �1,,:
- Schraeder Drive frota. the East lin� of F1ynn Street extended l�ortherly
to the East Tine of :Jones Street extended Noxtherly. �
l�ated � , 19d � °
NOTE: This does not consit� e a;:release of rights granted by the Burlington Northern
Transmission b�s:e�`'.i?ex�i,t' �or this property. �
Director of Fnb��,c.wkT �l�s,�s,Ci.ty of Saint Pau1 General °d�ianager Water DepaLteoent,
� City of`St. Pau�
Northern �tarys: Poiaerp`,Company Northwestern Bell Telephont ComQany
� ...�. � 3 :, . � .
�.-' :. .. +r . . . ' �. .. . ..
.. � � .c . r� _ .. '. . :� ...,
. ., � a�, ti a � '-:. ' i ... . . . �.. � .
!% .�.��_-� rr....�-a�� �.,.C?�.._=---�--.--_ , ,
_ ,,._�..
. «
♦ _
- . _ .
} ss.
On this � day of �
19�, before me, a ot�r public w thin and r said County,
to me
personally appeared ' �i� did say that
personally own, w , being b� me �uly e�r°m•
he is the of NORTHERN STATES pfl�+�ER
COMPANY, a corporation, n in the foregoing instrum�ent•
and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate
seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was s.igned
and sealed in behalf of said o oz tion y a tho:ity of its
Board of Directors and said � �
acknowledged said instrument o be the free act and deed of
said corporation. �
` �
: Notary ' �i� �4ii�V ina.
My co ��
) ss. ' . ;
co•.� oF R.�s� )
On this___ day of �
19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County,
personally appeated to me :.
personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that
he is the of NORTSWE3TEIZN BELI+ TELEp��
CONIPANY, a corporation, named i.n the foregoi.ng instrument, and
that the seal affixed to said instrutaent is the corporate aeal
of said corporation, and that said instrum�nt Was sigr�ecl and
sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board
of Directors and said
said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
My commission� exPise9
- .,
� � ,
CITY OF SAINT PAUL j/�'�,.,��Z��' ' ,.,, '_
=he undersigaed hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise
theiz utility easement rights in the following described realty:
(Parcel 1)
That part of Schroeder Drive lying between the Esat line of Snelling
Avenue and the East line of Flynn Street extended Northerly which is described as
lying within the following described lines:
Coe�mencing at a brass plug at the West Quarter corner of Section 27, To�wn-
ship 29 North, Range 23 West; thence North 0°04r04r' East along the S�iest line
of the Northwest I/4 ef said Section 27 a distance of 1126.23 feet; thence No�th
89°15'04" East 150.d1 feet to the point of beginning of the lines to be here-
ia described; thence continuing North 89°15'�4" East 520.37 feet to � poiat on
the Northerly extension of the Esat line of Flyun Street; thence South 1°13'04"
West along said Northerly extension 122.42 feet to the Southerly line of Schroe-
der Drive; thence North 88°46'S6" West along said Southerly line 125.90 feet;
thence North 86°29�56" West 392.70 feet along said Southerly line to the Easter-
ly line of Snelling Avenue; thence North 0°04'04" East aloag said Eaaterly line
88.94 feet to the point of beginning. (�ouncil File No. 277030),
excepting a permanent easement for Water Utility purposes as described in
attached Exhibit "A".
(Parcel 2)
That part of Flynn Street lqing betweea the North line of high�ray taking
and the South line of Schroeder Drive which is described aa lying Withia the
following described lines:
Co�mencing at a brass plug at the West Quarter corner of Secti�on 27, Town-
ship 29 North, Range 23 West; thence North 0°04'04" East alang the �Iest Zine of
the Nortk�est 1/4 of said Section 27 a distance af 2126.23 feet; thet�ce North
89°15'U4" East 670.38 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the fiast line
of Flynn Street; thence Sauth 1°13'Q4" West along said Northerly extension I22.42
feet to the Southerly line of Schroeder Drive and the point of beginning of the
lines to be herein described; thence contisuing South 1°13'04" West along the
Eaat line of said Flynn Street 762.54 feet to the northerly line of highway taking;
thence North 72°44'42" iiest 83.24 feet along said northerly line to the ilest line
of Flyan Street; thence North 1'13'04" East 739.54 feet along said West line to
the Southerly Iine of Schroeder Drive; thence South 88°46'S6" Sast along said
Southerly line 80.0 feet to the point of begianing. (Council File No. 277030)
- and
(Parcel 3)
That psrt of xosen Road and DeCourcy Drive lying within the Northwest 1/4,
Southwest 1/4, Northesst 1%4 and Southeast I/4 of Section 27, Tawnahip 29 North,
Range 23 ileat all lying within the following described lines:
Co��menciag at a brass plug at tne West Quarter corner of Section 27, Tawn-
ship 29 North, Range 23 West; thence North 0°04`04" East (assume� besring) a-
long the West liae of the Northwest 1/4 of aaid Section 27 a distznce of 217.32
feet; thence South 79°O1'S6" East 685.63 feet to the point of beginning of the
lines to bt herein described; thence continuing South 79°O1' S6" East 643.58 feet
to a point SO feet south of the South line oi ti�e Northwest 1/4 of said Section
27; thenc� North 89°22'04" East 1482.i1 feet along a line 50 feet south of and
- �
.; . . �
Page 2
parallel with the South line of the Norths�+est 1/4 ef aaid Section 27; thence
North 56°18'42" East 174.16 feet; thence North 0°02'4T" Weat 179.09 feet.; thence
South 76°22'04" Hest 437.63 feet; thence �lesterly al•ng a curve to the right
226.89 feet; radiva of 1000 feet; delta angle of 13°, to a point 100 feet north-
erly of the south liae of the North�+est l/4 of said Sectien 27; thence South
89°22'04" West 963.92 feet along a line 100 feet northerly of and parallel �ith
the aouth line of said Northraest 1/4; thence N�rth 79°O1'S4" Weat 628.82 feet;
thence South 10°47'06�' Weat 15U.00 feet to the point of beginniag.
(Ceuncil File No. 277030)
and �
(parcel 4)
That part of the Southwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of North-
west 1/4 and Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 27, To�wnship 29 North,
Range 23 West, Fourth Principal Meridian lying East of Flynn Street as opened
bounded by the following described lines:
Coa�encing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section
27; thence Nvrth 0°04'04" East (assumed bearing) along the {,1est line of said
Northwest 1/4 a distaace of 11�6.23 feet; thence North 89°15'04" East 670.39
feet tn a point on the Northerly extension of the East line of Flpnn Str.eet,
' said point being the paiat of beginning of the lines to be herein described;
thence South 1°13'04" Sieat 884.98 feet along the East line of said Flqnn Street
to a point on the Northerly line of highway property; thence Sonth 72°44'42"
East 53.03 feet along said northerlq line; theace South 10°47'06" Weat 0.87
feet; thence South 79°O1'S4" East 628.82 feet; theace North 89°22'OS" Bast
�� 963.92 feet; ,thence Bast�erly: along a curve to the left 226.89 feet, _radius of
1000 feet, delta angle of 13°; thence North 76'22'04" Eaat 437.63 feet; thence
North 0'02'47" West 117.18 feet; thence North 52°09'16" �Test 1102.9�8 feet; thence
Northwes terly along a curve ta the }�eft 285.10 feet, radius of 424.�2 feet,
delta angle of 38°35'4d'; thence South 89°15'04" Weat 743.83 feet; thence
North 85°O1'S6" West 100.50 feet; thence South 89°15'04" West 279.84 feet to
the point of beginning. ,{Council File No. 276004)
The deacribed tracta in parcel 4 include. the following described portian
of these vacated public �streeta:
- Seamer Street from the Nor..th line of 8vseu Raad to the South line
of Schroeder Drive; ;
- Jones Street frc�a the liorrh line of Sasen Rosd to the South liae
of Schroeder Drive;
- flamliae Avenue frve4 the North line of Decourcy Drive to the Noxtherly
line of the described tru:t; aad - �
- Schroeder Drive fr� the East line of Flynn Street extended Northerly
to the East line of Janes Street extended Northerly.
Da ted ( , 19�'�
, �
Director of Public Works, City of Saint Paul Geaeral �t�anager Wate Depattment,
City of �t. Pau�
Northera States power C�pany Northwestern Bell Telephone Ccempany
}y . '^k. �. .
. ^ ...._. ` .. �. . � . ..� . �
: :
A permanent easement for Water Utility
purposes being described as follows:
The Northerly 40 feet and the
Easterly 40 feet of that portion
of Schroeder Road lying West of
the Northerly extension of the
West right-of-way line of Flynn
Street and the East right-of-way
line of Snelling Avenue
., .. , .
„ � � ' �
_ I
2he undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise
their utility easeneat rights in the following described realty; I
(Parcel 1) �!
That part of Schroeder Drive lying between the East line of Snelling !,
Aveaue and the Esat line of Flynn Street extended Northerly which is described as !
lying within the following described lines :
Coa�encing at a brass plug at the West Quarter corner of S�ction 27, Town-
ship 29 North, Range 23 West; thence North 0°04r04" East along the West line
of the Northwest 1/4 of said Sectior. 27 a distance of 1126.23 feet; thence Nortt�
89°15'04" East 150.01 feet to the point af beginaing of the lines to be here-
` in described; thence continuing I3orth 89°15'04" East 520.37 feet to a point on
the Northerly extension of the Esst line of Flynn Street; thence South 1°13'04"
West along said Northerly extension 12�.42 feet to the Southerly line of Schroe- ;
der Drive; thence North 88°46'S6" West along said Southerly line 125.90 feet; !
thence North 86°29°56" West 392.70 feet sloag said Southerly line to the Easter- �
ly line of Snelling Avenue; thence horth 0°04'04" Eaa[ along said Easterly line �
88.94 feet to the point of beginning. (�ouncil File No. 277030)
and �
(Parcel 2) j
That part of Flynn Street lying between the North line of highway taking �
and the South line of Schroeder Drive which is described as lying withia the
following described lines:
Cos�encing at a brass plug at the West Quarter corner of Sectioa 27, Tawn- �
ship 29 North, R�nge 23 West; thence North 0°04'04" East along the West line of �
the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 27 a distance of 1126.23 feet; theace North '
89°15'04" East 670.38 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of the Bast line �
o: Flynn Street; thence South 1°13'04" West along said North�rly extension 122.42
feet to the Southerl; line of Schroede: Drive and the point of beginning of the
lines to be herein described; thence continuing South 1°13'04" West along the ;
Esst line of said Flynn Street 762.54 feet to the naztherly line of highway taking; �
thence North 72°44'42" idest 83.24 fe�t along said northerly line to the Weat line �
of Flynn Street; thence North 1°13`04" East 739.54 feet along said West lin� to
the Southerly line of Schroeder Drive; thenc� South 88°46'S6" East along said
Southerly liue 80.0 feet to the point of beginning. (Council File No. 277030)
- and
(parcel 3)
That part o£ Boaen Road and DeCourcy Drive lyiag within the Nortiiwest l./4, I
Southwest 1/4, Northeaat 1/4 and Southeast 1/4 of Sectfoa 27, Township 29 North,
Range 23 West all lying within the fallawing described lines: I
Cos�mencing at a brass plug at the West Quarter corne: of Section 27, Town-
ship 29 North, Range 23 West; thence North 0°04�04" East (assumed bearing) a- �
long the West line of the Northwest 1/4 of aaid Section 27 a distance of 217.32 �
feet; thence South 79°O1'S6" E�st 685.b3 feet to the point o: beginning of the �
' lines to be herein described; thence continuing South 79°O1 ' S6" Esst 643.58 feet
to a poin[ 50 feet south of the South Iine of the Northw�st 1/4 of said Section
27; thence North 89°22`04" East 1482.71 feet 81ong e line 50 feet south of and
r -'
:_;� i�gNDED NON=USE
page 2
parallel with the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of aaid Section 27; thence
North 56°18�42" East 174.16 feet; thence North 0°02'4Tp� West 179.09 feet; thence
South 76°22'04" West 437.63 feet; thence Westerly along a curve to the right
226.89 fe�t; radiva of 1Q00 feet; delta angle of 13°, to a point 100 feet north-
erly of the south line of the tiorthwest 1/4 of said Section 27; theace South
89°22'04" West 963.92 feet along a line 100 feet northerly of and parallel with
the south line of said Northwest 1/4; thence North 79°O1'S4" Weat 628.82 feet;
thence South 10°47'06" Weat 150.00 feet to the point of beginning.
(Council File No. 277030)
(Parcel 4)
That part of the Southwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of North-
west 1,/4 and Southwest 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Section 27, Tawnship 29 North,
Range 23 West, Fourth Principal Meridian lying East of Flynn Street as opened
bounded by the following described lines :
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section
27; thence North 0°04'04" East (assumed bearing) along the West line of said
horthwest 1/4 a distance of 1126.23 feet; thence North 89°15�04" East 670.39
feet tn a point on the Northerly extension af the East line of Flynn Street,
said point being the poiat of begianing of the lines to be herein described;
thence South 1°13'04" West 884.98 feet along the East line of said Flynn Street
to a point on the Northerly line of highway property; thence South 72°44'42"
East 51,03 feet along said aortherly line; thence South 10°47'06" i�Test 0.87
feet; thence South 79°O1'S4" gast 628.82 feet; thence North 89°22'05" Esst
963.92 feet; thence Easterly along a curve to the left 226.89 feet, radius of
1000 feet, delta angle of 13°; thence North 76°22'04" East 437.63 feet; thence
North 0°02'47" West 117.18 feet; thence Iiorth 52°09'16" West 1102.98 feet; thence
Northwesterly along a curve to the left 286.10 feet, radius of 424:72 feet,
delta angle of 38°35'40"; thence South 89°15'04" West 743.83 feet; thence
North 85°O1'S6" West 100.50 feet; thence South 89°15'04" West 279.84� feet to
the point of beginning. (Council File No. 276004) �
The des�ribed tracts in parcel 4 include the iollowing described portion
of these vscated public streets:
- Sea�er Street from the North line of Rosen Road to the South line
of Schroeder Drive;
- Jones Street from the North line of Rosen Road to the u
, So th line
i of ch o
S r eder Drive;
- Hamline Avenue from the North line of Decourcy Drive to the Northerly
liae of the described trart; and ,
- Schroeder Dzive from the £a�t line of Flynn Street extended Northerly
to the Esst line of 3ones Street extendcd Northerly.
n8c�a , /6 , �98�
�ti��l!� �-. !
, Director of Public Work it Saint Paul General Mana ger Water Depattment,
City of St. Pau�
Northern States power Comp�uy Northwestegn Bell Tclephone Company
By (SEAL) By (SEA1.)
• % �.J "� -- ,f/ �/ -,�,�+--c. .•� �, � • / ` `.�. � /�, � '
. + ' J �, � ��� C �' /
i/ y � -�-' ���--�i,�,�w o�
Jca,nei�Fu�N0.r6ow-er x«�w,eao�-•
. Resolvcd.'Rul upon the pellt3on of the Citr •
. of Saint Paul, the puEl�c.properifea
' hcrein�fter describld.Ee�nd tlie same herrDy
� am racsted and dixontin- ue�is publk proper. DESCR1PJ70N:P��1](pr�o(tbe Pfrr
lirs� - - '° Troininp Cmter Buildinp - �{�jns
DESCRIPf70N:Partrl I IContains 113.599 �2.]22 Sp.Ft.or 11.�'fSY Attei)
i sq.ft..or�.067 rcrea.murr or leul That pan of Lot 1.Block 1.1,ot 1.Block 2.�
', That Dart of tAe SW K o/lhe NW N o/Sec� +�d Kasota Avenue Ijin� West of tAe
tion T7. Towmship 2� North, Ran�e 23 fulluring deycribed(inr -
West. Fourth Pri�ripal Meridim �rbich COQ1^'r^�'iof�t the Nortbvest corner of
. lies Norlherly �nd E�slerly ot hisbw��y. . s+�id Kasou Addltion:t►�enc�N!d•ST'2D' .
v�xnr.N�ot Flrnn Sueec u oPencd� E�'+sume'd bearinp 1035.0 feet alon�the
bounded by lAe lollovtn�dexYibed linest North line of said Addition W thr poinl oI
CommencirK�t tAe Soulhwest cprner of �_ �6��nin�of tAe�jne b p�hereln descrid
inr rrw•K ot wid Seceioo zr:u,en�e N ea'ibencr s azs��t�E p.nl�d�o ine wesi :
linr of�id Kaso4 Additfon 706.5�teet, ,
' U°W'0/' E(anurned be�ru�l alor� tAe 4 morr or less. to the .
Wesl line o!said!fW M,a dfstanee o!T1l : Sarth line ot s�id
sKasol� Addition and there.t�rminatlnt. T
/eet: tl�enc: N !!• �2'01" E 201.6/ leet � ?SubJat�o e�sements of record. !
alorK�line panikl b lbe South'llne o( �
wid NW K W a point on tbe ri�ht-0!•v�y ' . R°�^+�Y CountY.Minnesota
line of Snetlin�Avenue.said poinl befn� ' ��b' "
tAe poim of Ee�lnn[n�ot lhe linea to be ' 1K'�e:prrssly to the fotlowln�conditions
herein described: thencti contiauin� N , and reservations: . "
08•22'0{'E�l1.S�teel to the West line ot 1. That the vscation be subjert to aIl the
Flynn Street:t1�e�ce S 1•l�'01"W SOY.6S t�rms a�d conditions o!Clupter 7ld ol
(art alon� tAe West line of aaid Flrno� the St.Paul Le�islative Code.as amend
Strrel to�point on the Nortberly lioe o! ed.
h�gAway property;thern�e N TS'N'�2'W 2. That lemporary eascments be rttained
1.l6 frct alon� the yid Northerlf lit�e; fur the existin`storm waler pond and all
tbenceNl6°SS'15'W17�.751eNdon�ydd existinR storm and sanilary sew�r
Northearly Une:tsepce Walerl�sloo�� � lacilitles within .the vaqted •rea rs �
curve to the ri�ht N10 teet. radfus o( shown on auached E�chibit ..A... until
l79.A1(cet.de14 an�le of 1'�0'11'�lon� sucA timc as tAey a�e rp lonser nececsary.
aaid Noriherly line to a point on the The Publie Works Director of t6e City o/
Eastcrly lineo!Sneltin�Avenue;tbeoce N Srint Paul�ri!!release yaid pondin�are�
U'M'01� E n�.9s tc.1„n�wid E.s�erlr and eaxments�t such time as adequate
ri�hlof-wti�;tbn�or N U'07'07'IY 1RT.�8 �*Placemmt tacilitia art canstruayed.
(eet alonj s�id ri�td-w�ar to t6e poinl o/ �.That the prlme petltiooer.its sucrKwn
Ee�lnn��, and assisru.u[+a'e to replat and dedieale
Ftam�er Couoe�.Yinne�oU'' _.`., Y • any new rf�esor•v.r ana e�ements as - .
� DESCRIPTION:• Parcel 2 ICoatains„� d�'�'^�^�ry�nd�rhicLmeettbe�p.
1.dS2,�2y Sq.Ft..a u.5236 Acres.m��or � P�al o!the CHy ot St Paul Depanmerrt
lesa) . . _ � of Publk Work:.and Uut tAepraperpt�
7Tut part of the S9Y li o(NW 1�,SE 1�of Official: sha!! be authorised b accept
NW 4 and SW M of NE K o!Sectlon ZT. said Ikrd of Dedic�lion�nd easernents.
� 1. That rnm y
� Tornship 2Y NoM,Ran�e 2]West,Fauth ' v�'os+tlun►or the eo�ve ance ot
' Prircip�l Meridi�n lyinj F�st ot Flynn thr vaeated ProprKy�as:ubstanlfally
sen�.:�e�e�,ua�a er wr iouo.,�;as Drovided in the unexecuted eapy o!the
deseMped lines: _ "Par�icipation A�reement" �tlxhM to '
Commenrin��t Ne SoutAve�t eorner ot t� vacation petition enUtkd E:dibft
the N9Y µ ot taid Section 47:thener N .•8...a copy o!whieh[s atlaeAed heMo
�'W'0/' E{atsumed bearina�IaK tl+e � and incorporaled by refe�ence.
West line M nid NW u � distance ot 5. Tbat upon accept�n�e and eompll�nce
I IYA.23 tcet:tbenee N!9°IS'01' E 6T0.79 wiN the ternts of lhk v�caUm the proper
(eet to a point on thr Nortderl�e:teasion City Officials be authorired and d�nat�y
. ot t6c East line ot Flron Streel.said point to conve •11 the lands be
� bein�the pdnt of be�lanln�of the W�es to y � v��
Aercin to the port Aothorit�pl yk Lrytr�
be Aercin de�cribed:tbence S 1°17'01'W Saint Paul by deed apProv�d pr lAeqty
l61.Y!/eet alon� the Eut Ilne ol said Attorner and�lso,that the proper qt
Flrnn Streel lo a point on t6e Nort6erly Olficlals be authorjred b ve�yk �
line o( Ai=haar VroD�K7: theoee S ••PartkipaUoa Ape�oen�^��{��
T2•{4'{1"E 91.Q1 ket alan�s�W oortberly lhe vaeadon do
line:tMenec S 10'�T'Oi'W 0.{T feet:lMue P�ibe enUtled L4hID1t
S T9'Ol'SI''E'62t.t2 feet: thenee N � ••B•.and incoeponted 6eiM,In�lorm
• and manner app►oved.D7 tbe Clt� A6
!9'Tl'OS" E 963.9Y feet:tsence Easterly tomey whkh.u
aloe��cvrve to the lelt 2M.M feet.ndfus 0�ezecvtfa4 ihall be
o(1000 feet.del4�u�k o/IJ•:tAence N su�stituted for the une=Ky��r�
76•22'0/'E 139.63 leet:thence N 0'OZ'�7' the '•Partieipation A�reement" made•
W I IT.I!teet:tAenee N S2'OB'16'W 1102 9! Dan o!this rexolution.
feel:lhence NorNvesterly�lon�a eurve AdoPt�'d by lhe Council jlovemDer25.19l0
, to the I�ft 2l6.10 feet.radius of�2�.T2(ee�. Approved pecemEer t.IUBO
d�lts an�le o! 38•�S'W", tAence S �Derember 6,1980�
t9°IS'04' W 7��.C7 teer tEener N
es•ui•se-w�oo.sor�:e�seo�is a• r
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4�e $. '+•< n�e ____--------
Finance & Management Serv. pARTf•1ENT
J.',_„William )onovan OfVT�CT .
29$-5317 PMONE � .
w ���� �
Aarii 13, 1983 4 �, DATE
� (Routing and Explanatia� Sheet)
Assign I�waber for Ro��ir�g Order (Ctip Ail Locations fo� Ma►yoral Siqnature): •
---;� - - _
Department Di ractor =- y. � '` °�-�
C�ty Attorney APR 1 4 J�83
2 D' ctor of Man$ge�ent/Maycr ,._ _ , '
Fi nance and Manage�aent Servi c�s Di rector ' ��.�.- RFCEIVED ,�,�
3 C�ty C1erk APR 131983
� 8udget Director
ifllt�at Wi 11 be Achi eved by Taki nq Acti on on the Attached Materi al s? (Purpose,�Rati ot►al e):
That utility easements in certain public right-of-ways emoved
financial , Buctr�ta,�d Pers8nnel impacts Anticipated:
Fur�di ng Source arid F�d Actf vi ty Nweber Char�d or Cred ted: .
Attachments �list and Numt�er�11 Attact�ts):
1. Proposed Resolm��'�an !�. Map of Area
2. Certificate of Intended Non-Use from Northern States Power Co. , Northwestern
Bell Telephone Co. , Department of Public Works and Water Utility
3. Copy of C.F. #276004 and C.F. #277030
Yes R No Council ResolLtion Re�quired? Resoiution Reguired? Yes R No
Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � No
Yes R No Insurance Attached?
Revision of Octcber, 1982
(See Reverse Si�e for tnstructions)
. ,� , , ,,� �
� __
The GREEN SBEET has several purposes: �
1. To assist in rou*inq documents a�d in securinq
requir�d si�,at•:ses
2. To brief the reviewers of docun�nts on the impacts
o� approva
3. 2o help e�sure that necesaary succortina materials
are., prep_ared and, if requirad, attached.
�+�at G�E�JT S$E�.'T a��icns �ust �e rsv;��e�_' �v 3 �e�ar�e.�t
3irec�or, �s City �t�arzey, Llze �i.:sc�cor o� t+tanaq.az+ant, :h� �
Dft�ctor of FiAauee and Maaagement Services: Other possible
r�eviar�ra>sigaaturas are listed.
BRI�.EFZ�NG '. :,�
M�ost of the G1tEEN SSEET haadings are desigaed to asaist i.zi
developing a pr__e_c_i�s,of the deeision which the attaehm�eats
repreaent. The a l�.gi"�aze o�e,re�d to remind usiers of s4�as 1
of th+� mcre crf.tical sl�meats o� ,this br3ef.
�e F�ai1 Bu etar,y,aad Perso�l Zamacts headf.nq �rovid�s
a spac�a to exp a n e cost bena t aspecta a the deciaion.
Costs ar�a bene:�its relat� both to City budqet tGeneral Fund andlor
Special Fands) u�d to broad�r fiaanciai impacts tcost to e��ers,
homeowrbera or vther groups affected by the action) . Tl�e parsonr�l
impact is a descriptioa of chaaqe or shigt of P"uil-Tiaie Equivalent
tFTE) positions. �
Zn the Attachne�mts section, lisct all attachments. Zf tha GREEN
58EET ia ors �, no letter ot traasm�,tta1 n�sd be iaalucl�d
tuniess siqning such a letter is one ot the requ�sted actions) .
Note: Actioas aihieh r e City Council resolutions includ�: _
a. Cont=actusl relstions�ip aith anoti�ar .qcvarnment uuit.
� ..,;,
= . b. Collectiv�e barqaini:uuq. � � , : , :
� � _ ,_ , � 1�
c. Purchase or s�le ot land, o�� leaae �af 1and. . . :
d. Issuanae of bonds by City.
e. Emineat domain.
f. Assumption of liability by City, or qranting
by City of indemnification.
q. aqreements �aith State or Federal Gavernn�nt
under which they are providinq fundinq.
Note alse: If an aqreemeat re�uire� evidence of insurance/co-
insurance, a Certificate vf Ins�rance should be or►e
of the attachments at time of rout�nq.
�iaaeuae i !M►a��a�at iucv.
3. Willi�t 1'loa�ras
April 1�. 1983
��t utilitY �u�tt in t��rtaia pu'blia ri�t-ol-w�ra ar� raa�rsd
1. Prapossd A�soi���oa �. t�tap ot 4r�a
2. Wrtitiwt� o! Iot��sd Mon•Os• trca Nortb�rn Stf� Irrws Co., Northrt�st�ra
1�11 ?�l�phoe� �. . Hirpsrt��t of lublie Nork� �� W�ter 8tility
�• �P7 0! C.�. f276Ot� and �.g. #3y7Q:�0
X �
X �