280210 ¢...�. WHITE - CITV CLERK �Q210 PINK - FNANCE CO11I1C11 CArTARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �LUE �-MAVOR File NO. • � / ftiZ/!��/`CG Ordinance N O. ��� ��� Presented By Referred To .��1�� Committee: Date ( a�`a3 Out of Committee By Date An ordinance authorizing use of police officers' privately owned four-wheel-drive vehicles as police patrol vehicles during snow emergencies; establishing terms for the use of such vehicles and an hourly rate of payment therefor; amending the St. Paul Administrative Code, Chapter 33. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 33.01 of the St. Paul Administrative Code, pertaining to: the use of automobiles by city officers and employees for official city business, be and the same hereby is amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: _ T e . In the event that a snow emer�ency is declared b the director of the de artment of ;�ublic works pursuant to Chapter 1 1 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the chief of police may "re ues of icers of the police department who own our-w eeI drive vehicles to utilize them as oliee a rol vehicles for the duration of the emer enc . For an officer who volun eers the use o is or er our-wheel drive veh�.c e each s all receive as reimbursemen here or e sum o 1 er hour for each hour the vehicle is u ilize b . the department and, in addition there o, such gasoline or reimbursement therefor as mav be needed for the operation of the vehicle. Further, the city shall save and hold harmless such officers utilizing their vehicles hereunder from a,ny and all claims arising out of said usage and, COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays • Fletcher ��,(� �eu� In Favor Masanz ' Nicosia /�'�� ��,1 Scheibel Against BY -�,�„ Tedesco Wilson Form y Cit A to y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By / Approved by Mayor: Date App v by Mayor for S iss n Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK 28�21� PINK - iINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CA�ARV -OEPARTMENT - - �BLUE �- MAVOR File N 0. Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. additionall shall re air or cause to be re aired at its expense any dama�e sus ained bY the vehicle durin� the time of said usa�e, normal wear and tear excepted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take eYfect� and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and�or section number at the time of the next revision of said Administrative Code. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Dep ment of,: Yeas Nays Fletcher ��� �eu� In Favor Masanz Q ` s�n ibe� Against BY �, Tedesco 1AFNS�R'� Adopted by Council: Date �_� 4 �983 Form A Ci Atto ey c Certifi Passed y Co cil S r,�ta�y �y BY c By Ap by Mayor: a �� ?`' 3 ��� App v d y Mayor for u is on'to Council By By �— PUBLfSNfD MAY z � 1983 wrilTE - C�rr CLEHK COUI1C11 �U210 PINK - WNANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARrMENT ���MAVOR File NO. • � r in�nce Ordinance N O. r �o� � Presented By - � . Referced To ..����ly.�.�= Committee: Date ( a�^g3 Out of Committee By Date An ordinance authorizing use oY police officers' privately owned four-wheel-drive vehicles as police patrol vehicles during snow emergenciea; eatablishing terms for the use of such v-ehicles and an hourly rate of payment therefor; amending the St. Paul Administrative Code, Chapter 33• THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 33.01 0� the St. Paul Administrative Code, pertaining to,- the use of automobiles by city officers and employees for official city business, be and the same hereby is amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: T e . In the event that a snow emer�enc.y is declared b the director of the de artment of ublic works ursuant to_Cha ter 1 1 of the St. aul Le islative Code he chie� of olice ma "' e uest of icers of the olice de artment who own our-w ee drive vehicles to utilize them as olice atrol vehicles Yor the duration of the emer enc . For an oY icer who volunteers the use o is or er our-whee drive vehicle each s all receive as reimbursemen here or e sum o 1 per hour for each hour he vehic e is utilize by -..__--_- --___________ the denar.tment_and`in addition here o, such � �s may be S/S/ � � _ Icle. 1 s t ? a�— d -.� 2nd p3 harmless such p�7 ? treunder from 3rd �—�p� ' OJ Adopted `� - � 9- �V �id us8ge 8nd, Yeas Nays FLETCHER �partment of: , ����� �.� GALLES ` ��Z 280210 -1 � -� NICOSIA �y Cit A to y SCHEIBEL j � WILSON � MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO yor for S iss n Council / _ . fi i �����a . . 00��1==o. ,y CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � iiii i ti ii � � „� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,,,. 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIIvlER MAYOR ,.,.:::..... �`� 3 �t:� 5 April 1983 ������ � A�� � t�s� � Chief william McCutcheon CH1EF`S OFFICE Department of Police Public Safety Building � Dear Chief McCutcheon : Attached please find an ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code . This Chapter deals with mileage allowances for City employees . As an aftermath of the past winter , Lt . Thomas Reding , in consulta- tion with you , decided to formalize the emergency practice of utilizing four-wheel-drive vehicles during blizzards . The attached ordinance hopefully accomplishes that end . It is my understanding that Tom will then prepare a form which will be used for the purposes of inspection when vehicles are brought into use , document the hours of useage , etc . A separate form will be used for each vehicle that is brought into service . If the ordinance meets with your approval , please sign off on it and forward it on to Greg Haupt for further processing. Yours truly , PAUL F. McCLOSKEY Assistant City Attorney PFM/mkc attachment cc : Lt . Thomas Reding -�'���- :'�% i � �Ap �� CITY OF SAIN'i` PAUL q� �d�.-I � ;�, �� �� OFF'IC� OF TFI� CI i`Y GOIINCIL d� �:_ ;,,....::.::: �^' �,,,,...�.� � _- D a t e ; April 28, 1983 - ,Y,..� � f��tr� � �' , ��., �- �n L �. J. � �J 1� i� . �,• '� , f�- � ;,:,� • i' - �., � _ '1 V, TO = Saint Pqu I City Council ` ' �� c �^�`�;n= . ,: F R O M = C o m m it t e e O h FINANCE, AfANAGEMENT F PERSONNEL C H A I R James Scheibel 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held April 25, 1983��� 2. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Ramsey County whereby the City will provide a physician's services and testing services in the furtherance of tuberculosis control. �Z�.� -- ,��+_c�` 3. Resolution authorizing an agreement with Ramsey County whereby the City will provide a person in the preparation of health education ___. __ -- materials ' ' - X 4. Ordinance authorizing use of police officers' privately owned fouz�- � �. wheel-drive vehicles as police patrol vehicles during snow emergencies. �'�� :;,,�..:� 5. Discussion of the order of lay-offs of Public' {Vorks laborers and unskilled laborers. 6. Resolution adopting a revised Affirmative Action Progra 7. Resolution directing the City Attorney to seek an order from Federal District Court compelling the Personnel Dept. to comply with Judge Devitt's order of December 6, 1972, which invalidated a discriminatory test. �i��� ' � 8. Discussion of salary increases for certain appointed city officials. hOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: Resolution authorizing an agreement iaith the titi'est Side Citizens Organization dealing with the ' �vities of an event known .� � F_'Y"',: as "Riverfront Days." ' CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .�.,.