oun il Resolution
Presented By
�� ���
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An admini strative Re solution amending the Salary
Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by
establishing the compensation rate for the class
of Food Se rvice Equipment Speciali st Helpe r.
RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensati.on
Resolution be amended in Section II thereof, by inserting immediately
after Subsection J, the following:
"K The compensation for the class of Food Service Equipment
Speciali st Helper in Section 3.D of the Civil Se rvice Rule s
shall be a s follows:
Start 6 months 1 ear
6. 50 6. 75 7. 00
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�e i� F�etcher In Favor
Ma z Galles � �
Nic sia Masanz
Sc ibel � __ Against BY
T de co Nicosia
ilso Scheibel
Tedesco qpR � 4 1g83 Form Ap r ved by ttorney
Adopted by Council:Wilson Date
Certified a. �ed b Council , etar BY /
Approved 'Vlavor: Dat ° A ro by Mayor for b s ,�on to Council
BY - – — By`, ` �"�
��� �p � ;� 19�3
. - PersonnelOffice DEPARTt�1ENT O�
Bernard P. Wright rONTACT li�(7V�
298-4221 PHONE
_ March 15, 198 3 DATE 1 V�� � v l�
. (Routing and Explanation Sheet) -
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip Al1 Locations for Mayoral Signat_u_�
.� . Department Di rector
.�l Ci ty At vo�ne/�S 3-/G-�.� . _
3 t/Mayor ,
Finance and. Managen�nt Services Director -
City Clerk
Budget Director
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
- Thi s re soluti.on e stabli she s the rate of pay for the new title of Food Se rvice Equipment
Specialist Helper which is bei.ng established in the Equipment'Maintenance, Ungraded,
Se cti.on 3.D of the Civil Se rvice Rule s. The hourly wage s to be i.n se rted in Secti.on II K
of tlze Salary Plan & Rates of Compensati.on Resblution sha11 be as follows:
Sta.rt 6 month s 1 e a r
6. 50 . 75 7. 00
Financ�ial, Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:_
None. Thi s i s a School Di strict position.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments):
Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes� No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � No
Yes No Insurance Attached?
. Revision of October, 1982
(SnP Rever�e Side for 'Instructions)
'_- .�� k � , U C3 f e . 4tarcn st, 1y25s
� -- .,
:� _,i
-�- 280184
COMM (T i EE _ �_ REP � RT
Z'O = Satnfi Pau t Cit� Councit
' F R O � = C O E71 t'{))�t G 2 O Il F INA�\CE, b1�NAGEb1E�;T �, PERS0IKEL
C H A I R James Sche ibe 1
1. Approval of minutes from meeting held I�:3rch 10,_ 19S3.�i —.���
2. Resolution initiating an investigation into the affairs, conduct, and px'ocedures
. of the Gity's Personnel Dept.��.ff�� ��"�'�iG��``'�'`�"�.��.&��`::� _ � �
3. Resolution authorizing �n agreenent tirith 'ISD �625 whereby the School Di�trict
will reimburse the City for services rendered. (Finance Dept.) � - _: _':'��.'�?;,f
4. Resolution providing fundino for ornamental street lighting. on Kellogg Blvd. �
bet��reen Robert St. � John_ St. Public S��arks � �s .
( )���::�,_��� -
S. Resolution revising the Public Health Special. Project .- Lead Foisoning Control
so a transfer of funds can be made. (Community Services�����`a�'� _
- � 6_ Resolution a ro riatin funds for the �labor liaison osition. Ria or's Office ;- �`�
. PP P g P � Y ,.�-�o°
7. Resolution updating salaries for S positions in the Parks � Rec. Division (Pe neI _
� �����
8. Ordinance to place the classification of Director o£ Food Service in the �`�
unclassified service for one year. (PersonnelJ ���`�� -
9. Resolution establ�,s aa-�;.�he..��t� of Food Service Equipment Specialist Helper.
(Personnel) � '���� � .
_-_- �1Q. Resolution establish�ng the rate o a - for the new title�of Dficroco;Rputer _
Repairperson. (Personnel�„�,� . �
11. Resolution establishing the rate of �� � g�s the new title of Food Service Equip-
ment Specialist Helper. (Personne���`��
�12. Resolution establishing the title of Co�nputer Operations Asst. - Library (Pe������.�.�!
. � .
13. Resolution establishing the title of Director of Food Services as an exenp �
position in the Salary Plan F� Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Perso�ne - `�
14. Resolution rembving the title of Director of School Cafeterias from the classified
service. (Personnel) �
15. Resolution establishing the title of 6licrocomputer Repairperson. (Personnel ' ' '��
16. Resolution approvino the securities pledged by Summit ratl. Bank. (Finance Dept. ��
17. Resolution extending the priorities for use of. the adopted 1981 CIB a ropriation �
to the Residential Street Paving $ Lighting program. (Public ttorks)
18. Resolution amending the 1980,. 1981, 1982, and 1983 CIB budoets to provide funding
for six new projects. �Public ��'orks) �� -
19. Resolution authorizin an increase of S]�Q,4Q_Q increase recreation programr�ing.
,-. �.;��,���Y��� -w,� -..� . -_
� �Cl t�� Coun c i l) �r � i ��4 ' �„� �S�� �'C�'-_..:`'�, ' � `� '
20. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1983 S�ecial Projects-Police Bud�et. li..e�
� ' :��o�'���
21 . Resolution amending the 1983 CIB budget to provide pai•ti�tl fundin� for ,he St.
Anthony Park Storm Se�.�er - Buford (Ptiblic l�'orks) AP?����.�""��-� !
22. Resolution amending the 1983 CIE3 bud�e;. to pro4�idc l�at�tial fun<:in�� for th�
.. . , . _ ,. _
Rr:: �,.;n�•_.�> >-fh Ct.,. .� C�,� ., C,•c`. ,� ('���t�l ir I\nr�, �.l
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