280183 WHITE - CITV CLERK ' PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICII ��J��(� �('�[ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. s�/��/� BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the title and class specification for Food Service Equipment Spe ciali st Helpe r in the Civil Se rvi ce l�.ule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rule s be amended in 5ecti.on 3.D, Ungraded, by inserting, in proper alphabEtical order, the title of Food Se rvice Equipment Spe ciali st Helpe r; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Food Service Equipment Specialist Helper. Approved: hai rman Civil 5ervice Commission COUIyCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F� t er Nletcher � PERSONNEL OFFICE � e ",alles [n Favor M sanz r i osia �?asanz �/ j.� c eibei �.�;cosia _ __ Against BY — Wil n� :cheibel ,,` • °edesco Adopted by Council: �y��sonDate APR i 4 1983 Form �prove b -Cit3{ Attorney Certified a: �e uncil , tar BY � BY . t�lpproved b ; avor: Date S pp�o d by Mayor for Subm ion ' Cou il By � B � t��t� AP R 2 3 1983 Title of class: �0183 FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST HELPER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs work maintaining and assisting in the upkeep of the School District's food processing, preparation, pacicaging and sanitation equipment; and performs related work as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the supervision of the Food Service Equipment Specialist. Supervision E�cercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IED The listed examples may not include 211 G�L'ties perforr.ied by all positions in � this class. Performs preventive maintenance on food service machines and equipment, including lubrication, cleaning, sanitation and set-up of equipment. Assists with the maintenance of a spare parts inventory. Assists with the upkeep of food service equipment including the removal and replacement of needed parts. , Keeps records of maintenance and equipment information. Reports immediately to Equipment Specialist any abuse or malfunction of equipment. Does general cleanup and maintenance of the shop and stores area. K:'�OTJLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of sanitation and food. processing procedures. Some ability to repair mechanical equipment. Ability to work with others. � Ability to carry out instructions. rfINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation with two years' general maintenance experience. ,� Yersonne1 vr.s��r:____�tk'HKtF1tIV1 _ _ 3ernard _ . �Vri ht ,� ,. ��� " ��.--CO�qTFi�T,- 298-4221 PHOME ' 1 8 3 D�tTE ����� �� - :vSarch I5, 9 ��Q . (Routing and Expianation Sheet) �irC701 3 ._ .4» � ._,'yp. As�ign �iumE�er for Rou�tinq Order (Clip Aii Locatians for t•tayoral Signature): . �f'�Degartment Di rector � City Attorn T 3 d,C. � 3 �e�nt�M or / a1Y Finance and Managem�nt Services Director � � City Clerk . � - Budget Di rector What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materia7s? (PurposelRationale): Thi s re solution e stabli she s the ti.tle of �'003 Se rvice Equipmetat SpeciaZi st Helpe r in. �ect��cn 3.i: (Eq;:ipmeat 141aintrnance-Un;rzued} of the Civil �ervic� Rules and the ci2sa specification for this title in Section. 32. . � FinanciaT , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None. This is a Schooi District position. Funding Saurce and Fund Activity Numoer Char eq d+or Credited: Attachments (List and Number ali Attachrrents} : 1. Re solutioa ' Z. Copy for City Cler�c - ., OE�ARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTOR+�EY REVIEW ' Yes No Council Resolution Re�uired?� Resolution Required? Yes No Y�s No Insurance Requi��ed? � Insurance Suff?�ient? _____ Y�_�► , � �to ' Y�s � No Insurance Attache�? , , . Revision of Octo6er, I�a2 (�PP RpvPr�p SidP f�r 'tnstructiorts� ��f �....��•a �� � __�� �. . D O f e ; Niarch 31, lytSS `^��'!- � . `��_ . 2$0�83 COMMIT i � E . RE PO RT TO = Sa�nfi Pau 1 City Cou� cil ' F(� � � = C o m rr�i T t e z O h F II�A!\CE, I�fANAGEb1EI�T $ PERSO��EL C H A I R James Scheibel � � ,,:.�. - - 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held b'.arch 10, 19S3.�����``�'�-"�a:..' 2. Resolution� initiating an investigation into the affairs, conduct, and pz'ocedures " ► �;c��v� 4"� �. _ - -�"�`.�8�.p�-f of the Gity s Personnel Dept. �� ,Y� �. _���� _,�- , � - 3. Resolution authorizing an agreenent �rith 'ISD �625 whereby the Schoo2 District will reimburse the City for services rendered. (Finance Dept.)���'��:� 4. Resolution providing funding for ornamental street lighting. on Kelloga Blvd. . .�.� �. between Robert St. F� John, St. (Public 1:orks)-�.,,�,-. . - ,� _ 5. Resolution revising the Public Health Special. Project .- Lead Poisonino Control so a transfer of funds can be made. (Community Services�} ` F ��',��'31 _ . � �� � �� �� � 6. Resolution appropriating funds for the labor liaison position. (i�iayor's Office�:_,d� 7. Resolution updating salaries for S positions in the Parks F� Rec. Division (Pe��o�nel�_�,y $�'8�� 8. Ordinance to place the classification of Director of Food Service in the ;����T; �N'i�iF'�a{ �'.'%�1'M3��r unclassified service for one year. �(Personnel7 ���``�-�,-��„��-fJ�t � 9. �Resolution establ"s i.a .�he.-.tk�1 of Food Service Equipment Specialist Helper. (Personnel) +������'��'� __- •10. Resolution establish�ng the rate :f; a�for the necr title�of Diicroco;�uter , Repairperson. (Personnel:�� ..���*'��� . � . 11. Resolution establishing the rate of a o� the new title of Food Service Equin- ment Specialist Nelper. (Personne2��;���t� e.-o�::,,�...,_ ...A:. ... . �� 12. Resolution establishing the title of Computer Operations Asst. - Library (P 13. Resolution establishing the title of Director of Food Services as an etenpn position in the Salary plan � Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Personne ' "� ,::,.� 14_ Resolution rembving the title of Director of School Cafeterias from the classified service. (Persvnnel) >� . � � 15. Resolution establishing the title of biicrocomp uter Repairperson. (Personnel ' : 16. Resolution approving the securities pledged by Summit ratl. Bank. (Finance Dept. �� - . . :�c 17. Resolution extending the priorities for use of the adopted 1981 CIB a ropriation ' to the Residential Street Paving F, Lighting Program. (Public iiorks) � 18. Resolution amending the 1980,. 1981, 1982, and 1953 CIB budoets to provide funding � for six new projects. �Public �dorks) _.� �i _'�'� . - 19. Resolution authorizin an increase of. Sl�#4Q� increase recreation programr�ing. ' (City Counci 1) .�K�r� '�'���.�";.-"�,.'��''�f,� 'Lt3-,:;.... �� ;� ' 20. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1983 Special Projects-Police Buciget. �Iice� _� _o�� a= 21 . Resolution amendino the 1983 CIB budget to provide, plrti<11 funding for ;he St. Ant}ion}• Park Storm Se�.er - Buford (Pt�blic liorks7�,.�PP(ZaU�n�"��=0 �' 22. Resolution atnen;lino the 1983 CIEi bud�et Lo providc ��at-ti1l funclin« fot- thc t,. . , �-. �� _. �,. , !}� C, . . . C,. . .. C�•<:�-,r.. �i��i�-.1 i . lt'n-r.t_c� -' . , . .