B L U E - M A V O R ,1�r��
File N .
Council Resolution
Presented By ��'� �r ` �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
.An administrative Resolution starring the title
and abolishing the class specification for Director
of School Cafeterias in the Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. K
by placing a star (�) be�ore the title of Director of School Cafeterias in
Grade 23, and by adding at the bottom of the page the following statement:
"This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. "
and be it
FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended
in Section 32 by striking out the class specification for Director of School
Chairman, vil Service om ission
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
L ine Fletcher
M a n z G a l l e s In Favor
c sia �
ch 'bel Masanz � ,qgainst BY � ������s���
ede o Nicos+a
Wilson� $cheibel
Tedesco Form A roved b .tt Atto e
Adopted by CouncilWilson Date A�R � 4 1983 �PP Y� `iY Y
Certified P by Counci , cre BY , ��'`"� \��" -"�^�•
Approved by , vor: Date Ap by Mayor for Su sio o uncil
BY - — BY
� �y��
'�- BUSHED �N�� �
�` PersonnelOffice DEPART(�1ENT C�$
' �. Be rnard P. Wrigh# rON�'ACT �
___ _ _- 298-4221
pHONE en ee
February 15, I983 DATE 1 V �
. (Routing and Explanation Sheet) ��
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature}:
!�-�Department Di rector
City Attorne
3 vK 3-/l t/�or
Finance and. Management Services Director
City Clerk
� Budget Director
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
This resolution removes the title of Director of School Cafeterias from �lie classified
service. The title of Director of Food Services wilLbe established as an exemptposition
for a period of one year. There will be no charige in t1�.e salary grade.
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged�or Credited:
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments):
L Re solution
2. Copy fox City Clerk
Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? ✓ Yes� No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � No��
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982 .
(�PP RPYPI"SP Sj(�P for Instructions)
�. �'•"'�=� k� D a t e , �•tarch 31, 1983
� =-
� `� - .
COMM (Ti � E _. � � REPORT 28�181
z' O = Sa�n� Pau t City Cour�cil
' F R � � = C o m rn i T t e e O h F INr1!\CE, I�IANAGEb1ENT $ PERSON\EL
C H A i R James Sche ibe 1
• - o :a--� - -
I. Approval of minutes from meeting held l�:arch 10,_ 19S3.������~�``'�
2. Resolution� iriitiating an investigation into the affairs, conduct, and px'ocedures
. of the City's Personnel Dept. _ - ' :'�'c�'c��- .�,.��`��..�:=���"'; s-'� _ " �
-- - =_:::.
3. Resolution authorizing an agreenent with 'ISD �625 �ahereby the School Di�trict
will reimburse the City for services rendered_ (Finance Dept.)�.����;:�'
4. Resolution providing fundino for ornamental street lighting. on Kellogg Blyd.
between Robert St. � John. St. (Public �:orks)������.�---�� -
S. Resolution revising the Public Health Special: Project .- Lead Poisoning Control
so a tr.ansfer of funds can be made. (Community Services���` ���::��
� 6. Resolution appropriating funds for the �labor liaison position. (�fayor's Office - ,�
7. Resolution updating salaries for S positions in the Parks F� Rec. Division (Pe�4����t��,,.�.
8. Ordinance to place the classification of Director of Food Service in the
unclassified service for one year. �(PersonnelJ ��� _ _ • .
� �" - -
9. Resolution estab2�}';s� �,a ;,.t��t�.�l of Food Service Equipment Specialist Helper.
(Personnel) ���"''��
- - •10. Resolution .establish�ng the rate of a - for the new title�of riicroco;r�put.er ,
Repairperson. (Personnel �-��d�
11. Resolution establishing the rate of K the new title of Food Service Equip-
ment Specialist Helper. (Personnel���"�������+�'`��
12. Resolution establishing the title of Co�nputer Operations Asst. - Library (P
3. Resolution establishing the title of Director of Food Services as an exen
� position in the Salary Plan f� Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Persoanel�
14. Resolution rembving the title of Director of School Cafeterias from the classified
service. (Persannel)
. . _
15. Resolution establishing the title of blicrocomputer Repairperson. (Personnel ' � y �
16. Resolution approving the securities pledged by Summit 11at1. Bank. (Finance Dept. ��
17. Resolution extending the priorities for use of. the adopted 1981 CIB a ropriatiore ""
to the Residential Street Paving �, Lighting Program. (Public Liorks)
18. Resolution amending the 1980,. 1981, 1982, and 1983 CIB budoets to provide funding
for six new projects. �Public ttlorks) , � _�__,o'�'`�_..„"L��?� - �
19. Resolution authorizin4�(�C�y��a}n increase .of_.�510�,_.y4QQ increase recreation programc�ing.
m 5f,i�Y' A '�" '��� y .����u�i��������� ����
' �Clt)' COURCII� �.:, ',t �' �� _ �. .
20. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1983 Special Projects-Police Bud�et�. � �ov e��
�-. ...
21 . Resolution amendino the 1983 CIB budget to provide Pat•ti.tl fundin� for the St.
Ant}iony Park Storm Se�.er - Buford (Pt�blic Iiorks),P�Q?�Q��,.p �-o �'
22. Resolution amendinp the 1983 CIEi bud�et to �rovidc liat�tial ficnctin�, for th�
Rr,,. '.. , _Si � th S*, ���_.:c�r� Sv�`rr'i. (i'uhl ic, j10�'= �� � _ - —