280180 WHITE - GTV CLERK COUIICll ��8� PINK y - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT �BLUE - MAYOR File NO. C uncil Resolution Presented By �"<":� ''� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strati.ve Re soluti.on adju sting the rate of pay for Life Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Swimming Pool Supervisor, Senior Pool Attendant and Re fectory Helper in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Re solution. RE SOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensation be amended by striking out of Section II B where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employments" the following: "Life Guard Life Guard (Indoor Pool) Water Safety Instructor lst 500 hours of employment $4. 25 per hour 2nd 500 hours of employment 4. 50 per hour 3rd 500 hours of employment 4. 75 per hour 4th 500 hours of employment & the re afte r 5. 00 pe r hour Refe ctory Helpe r 3. 35 pe r hour Senior Pool Attendant 5. 00 per hour Swimming Pool Supe rvi sor 5. 25 pe r hour" and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Life Guard Life Guard (Indoor Pool) Water Safety Instructor lst 500 hours of employment 4. 50 per hour -1- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcner PERSONNEL OFFICE �evine [n Favor Masanz w Nicosia Scheibel _ __ Against BY TedesCo Wilson Form App oved by City rney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� /�pproved by Ylavor. Date _ A pro ed by Mayor for S b ssivn to Council BY - — B WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 ���0 PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L �CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2nd 500 hours of employment $4. 75 per hour 3rd 500 hours of employment 5. 00 per hour 4th 500 hours of employment 5. 25 per hour and the re afte r (Hours worked in any one of the titles will apply toward the accumulated total hours. ) Refectory Helper 3. 50 per hour Senior Pool Attendant 5. 75 per hour Swimming Pool Supervisor 6. 25 per hour •2� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fle c er r etcher � PERSONNEL OFFICE �ev e � In Favor Ma nz aallec � � Ni ia °�lasanz , ,�j� s e e� �rosia - � __ Against BY —1�K�" des o ilson heibel ?descO yyi��� I� APR � 4 1983 Form Ap ro ed by i At r ey Adopted by Council: Da�te � � J Certified Pa_ • y cil e BY � B}� Approved by : a r. Date Ap ov by Mayor for Sub 'ssi to ouncil By � �_ R„ l� `i� 8U ED l�P K� �i 1y�3 _�_� el _fice EPARTt•1EPaT � , �� __Berr�ar�;. P. �`Trig�lt rp�TACT � . ' '7 f� _ 258-4223. PHOP�E �" � � � �� ' Marc�i 15, 1983 DATE ���� � � (Routing and Explanatio� Sheet} --�� - - nss i yn �durbar far Routi nq_Order (Cl i p Al l l.ocati ons for 1�iayoral Si qnature�: , ' � Departr�ent D�rec�tar � .' � Ci�y P.tt�rney ��C�I��1� . �����K� 3�1ei�3 r� 5 �a3�. 3 r• " ,,,e.,,s ��Mayor C...1;� 1 _ Fi nance and t�tanagement Servi ces Di rector ������ �F���� City C]erk � - - - . Budc�e� �i rector � � � . - . � �lhat Will be Achieved by Talcing Action on the Attached hfaterials? (PurposeJRationale}: This resolution updates the salaries for �ve positions in the Parks & Recreation Division. The update was requested by the division and will be the first increase i.n.salary since spriag, 1�81. � -. - _ _ _ � . - . ` . - . _ . Fii�ancial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: . ` Tla.e Astima'ted cost for fihe increases will be $11, 500 in 1983. __ ._" - __ _ � - Funding Source and Fund Activity Nu�nb�r Charged or Credit�d:_ - Attachments (List and Number ali Attachments): � � ��� � l. Re solution 2, Copy for City Clerk � ��'SF� ts���f: ... �� . . Q�PAi�TP��E"iT REVIEw � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Ye�::•.:. No Counci 1 Resol uti or� Requi red? Resol ution Requi rPd? Yes....,_` �to . lles �r No In�::rance Required�' Insurance S��Ffic�:iEnt? Yes . Pio ! Ye� No Insuran�e �i:tache:d? Revision of Octab�r, 1982 (�ee Reverse Side for Instructions) ���-��,:.��'� " D d t e ; (�farch 31, 1983 E��� � ' , 1V� C4MM1T i EE _ � _ _ REP4RT ����80 z'p = Sain� Pau t City Council ' F R O I�l� = C o m r�r�i�t e e O h F IrA�\CE, b9ANAGEDIENT $ PERSO�I�EL C N A I R James Sche ibe I 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held I�:arch 10, 19S3� � � -���' 2. Resolution iriitiating an investigation into the affairs, conduct, and procedures . of the Gity's Personnel Dept.�C3�������.�'r�.►c�:,'� :,_`� �-83.«.�"`� . - . . '�+�-YSI�.�Y��.,mTi�.�.av�.+.'s�.�s+ -"�:r.i>nw.riai.�.:.::a. 3. Resolution authorizing an agreer,►ent with 'ISD �625 whereby the School Di�trict will reimburse the City for services rendered. (Finance Dept.) ����b�`�3=�-,-ET:.�Q . -- �,-..�.�. , 4_ Resolution provi.ding funding £or ornamental street li hting on Kellog� Blvd. bet��reen Robert St. �, John. St. (Public �:orks)��-�������.���� - .. ,--.�.....:..,.._._........ 5. Resolution revising the Public Health Special: Project .- Lead Poisoning Control '� f Y so a tr.ansfer of funds can be made. (Community Services����g��.�"� � � 6. Resolution appropriating funds for the �labor liaison position. (Aiayor�'s Office���.�;;.:�� �(�'. Resolution updating salaries for S positions in the Parks � Rec. Division (P� el _. . �� � 8. Ordinance to place the classification of Director of Food Service in the � unclassified service for one year. �(Personnel) ���,,,,� '�'`� • �..� �..,.o.� 9. Resolution establis iA ��he:.�.=_.itly of Food Service Equipment Specialist Helper. (Personnel) , . �. - �. �, .__- •10. Resolution establish�ng the rate of �,.a • for the ne�r title��of Diicroco;Rputer , Repairperson. (Personnel���'o,��,.,.� . 11. Resolution establishing the rate of ��o�.- the new title of Food Service Equip- ment Specialist Helper. (Personne�����`ral�i.�� 1Z. Resolution establishing the title of Co�nputer Operations- Asst. - Library (P� � . � 13. Resolution establishing the title of Director of Food Services as an exen � _ position in the Salary Plan � Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Personne _.� 14. Resolution rembving the title of Director of School Cafeterias from the classified service. (Personnel) � `I " 15. Resolution establishing the title of I�Iicrocomputer Repairperson. (Personnel �� �_� .. . �>. 16. Resolution approving the securities pledged by Summit ratl. Bank. (Finance Dept. ��'� 17. Resolution extending the priorities for use of. the adopted 1981 CIB a ropriation ' to the Residential Street Paving �, Lighting Program. (Public korks) R,� , � 18. Resolution amending the 1980,. 1981, 1982, and 1983 CIB budgets to provide funding for six new projects. �Public ��'orks) �_ �y -_°�� - � 19. Resolution authorizin an increase__Qf. S1Q,,4fl _ increase recreation programc�in�. 1�"�������' xi. = r.,,:,� . ``� gs r` =�t��=. �;��'�� ' (Cit�� Council) � �.. 20. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1983 S�ecial Projects-Police Bud�et. r �o��' � 21 . Resolution amendino the 1983 CIB budget to provide P�rti�il_ funding for .he St. Ant}►ony Park Storm Se�.-er - Buford (Ptiblic ltorksl,�_�P?��`��n�_ � -� � 22. Resolution amendina the 1��83 CI[� bucl�et Lo �T04"1C�C 1111'C111 fundin�� foi- t�� Rrn'irlt:'�•. .. �i t-th Gt;.,.,._ c - . Ct" `a•r��. �i't:trl i�' 41'1�.;�� ,-. . . � � _ -�