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To; Victor Tedesco, Council President and
Members of the City Council �
From: J. William Donovan
• Valuation and Assessment En�ineer
Date: March 8, 1983
Sub�ect: Petition of the City of Saint Paul for the va.cation of
the Arlington EZementa.ry School Site.
Public Hearing; March 22, 1983
The vacation of the Arlington Elementary School Site will make possible
the sale of the site by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to a
priva.te developer for the construction of up to 23 single family homes.
The total lot size is 159,599 square feet and is zoned R-3 (One Fami],y
Residential District).
The Board of Independent School District �625 dec].a.red this site surplus
property on Februa.ry 16, 1982. The Planning Cammission by resolution
on October 22, 1982, recommended that the city acquire the site for a
developer to build 23 single family homes. The School Board agreed to
the sale, the proposed development and to a negotiated sale price of
$154,�00 which is 80fo of the appraised vacant land va.lue less demolition.
The recomm�ended reuse and the 80°fo reimbursement is in compliance with
the School Board's policy on '�isposal of School Properties".
The Depa.rtment of Pu.blic Works reviewed the proposed va.cation and reports
no ob�ection.
There were no objections or recommendations fYom ar�y public or private
agencies involved.
In view of the fore�oing, I recommend tha.t the va.cation and ne�otiated
settlement be approved, sub3ect to the follcnring terms and conditions:
1. Tha.t the description of the property to be va.cateci
rea.d as follahrs:
Lots one (1) thrau�h twenty-eight (28)
Block thirteen (13), Edwin M. Ware's
Cumberland Addition, Plat l, including
vacated alleys.
I-2: That the va.cation be sub3ect to all the terms and
conditions of G'hapter 130, codified March l, 1981,
of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code, as amended, in-
cluding the retention of all public utilities
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�, �3: That the petitioner, being the City of Saint Paul, shall
not be required to pay compensation or post a bond. It
being understood that the City will receive said site
from the Independent School District #625 and convey it
directly to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for
sale to a priva.te developer for the construction of up to
23 single family homes. It being fl�rther understood that
at the time of sale of Arlington Elementary School Site
by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority to a private
� developer, the Independent School District #625 will
receive from the Housin� and Redevelopment Authority the
sum of $154,400.00 for said site.
3� That the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Saint Pa.ul, their assigns or successors, and in addition
thereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this
vacation agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless
the City of Saint Pa.ul, its officers and emplayees i�am all
suits, actions, or claims of ar�y character, including, but
not limited to, a claim brought because of aqy in3uries,
or damages received or sustained by ar�y person, persons
or property, on account of this vacation; or because of ar�y
act or omission, neglect or misconduct of sa.id petitioner;
or because of ar�y claim or liability arising from or based
on ar�y violation of any law or regulation made in accordance
with the law, whether by the petitioner or ar�y of its agents
or employees.
I flu�ther recommend�that the proper City Officials be authorized to accept
and record a deed from Independent School District �#625 conveying said site
to City of St. Pa.ul. I further recommend that the proper City Officials be
authorized to convey, by Quit Claim Deed, title of subject property to the
Hausing and Redevelopment Authority.
cc : Ma.yor George Lati.mer