280161 WHITE - CiTV CLERK ������� PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUflCIl � CANARV - DEGARTMENT Bl�!E -MAVOR File NO• C il Resolution Presented By — � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated March 8 , 1983, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 3/8/83 03-83-H 1090 Thomas C. Jess Madland (five units) BOARD ACTION: Granted refund of $10 . 00 filing fee because of adminis- trative settlement prior to board hearing. Property Description: Peck' s Addition, Lot 4 , Block 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/8/83 10-83-H 705 Summit Avenue James Crockarell, (ten units) by Lara Seven BOARD ACTION: Granted request that placard be lifted from property at this time. If the following repair or conditions as listed in city' s letter of June 9, 1982, are not corrected by May l, 1983, property shall again be placarded with a vacate date of June l, 1983: (l) Units #2 , 3, 4, 5-6 (one unit) , 7 and 10 remain vacant until certified. (2) Completion of following items: a. Heating plant enclosure COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by o �C'�+�'t`Qt.� Adopted by Council: Date J Certified Passed by Council Secretary B � � 3�'��'-�3 By l�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WH17E — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council eJ�' � BLU�RV� MAVORTMENT File NO.��,�� Co c 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date b. U.L. approved door closers on stairwell enclosure c. New electrical. service--building may be updated as a five-plex provided proper plans are sub- mitted and building permits obtained for conversion from 10 units to five d. Smoke detector in all units, including vacant units e. Backpitching of water heater vent pipe corrected f. Proper gas connectors on all ranges g. Replacement of double-keyed lock on Apt. #8 h. All large areas of missing plaster repaired Property Description: Holcombe' s Addition Except N. 100 ft. vacant alley adjoining and following W. 1/2 of Lots 8 and 23 and all of Lots 7 and 24, Block 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �e11 � � In Favor Mas z Galles Nic s a Masanz s ei e� _�___ Against BY — T des o Nicosia ilson $�heibel Tedesc0 APR 1 2 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council:yyi��n Date Certified -s ounc�l S re a B t� 3-- �-�'��'"� By, � Appr ve y ;Vlavor. Date 4 I9�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY pUBLISHED �r r�� � �y83 _ i���k���, ,� � - 4- 3/8/83 - Meeting No. 194 � x �-� l,(3/ T ,z} � _----- 03- 83-H 1090 Thomas . C. Jess Madland (five units) SUBJECT: Reauest return of filing fee because time extension was granted a m� inistratively, making appeal unnecessary. PROCEEDINGS : Chairman Glassman stated that Mr. Madland had consulted i�tit . t e ousing code office after filing his appeal . and that agency had granted him additional time to complete work orders. He asked that his filing fee be returned. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved that Mr. Madland' s filing fee be refunded. l�Irs . Bostrom seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 3/8/83 - P4eeting No. I94 . .� A�INUTES OF THE MFETING ST. PAUI, BOARD OF APPEALS F� REVIF.W Tuesday, Marcli 8 , 1983 Room 707 City Hall , 15 ?+l. Kellogg Blvd. MEP�IBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman, Chairman , Glenn Gausman Harold Knutson Rosann Bostrom Lucille Burg Collins ABSENT : William .Tilton Rudolph Sawyer AGE'�CIES PRESEVT : Department of Community Services - Division of of Housin g F� Building Code Enforcement : Alice Bijjani Housing Information Office : Lowell Yost Chris Creamer OTHERS PRESENT : Harold A. Moe Donald Carlson Dale bi. Johnson Anne Stafstrom � Fay R. Johnson Michael Harris Floyd Hartwig Dale Paulson Lorraine Hartwig Daniel Goodell Heidi Hartwig Lara Seven Barr� L. Bengts STAFF PRESENT: Patricia 1Koxness Josenhine Palermo The meeting was called to order at 1 : 35 p .m. The minutes of the mee�ting of February 8, 1983, were anproved as dis- trih�ttPri tn tha mPmhPre . . . -5- 3/8/83 - 1�4eeti�'g-"� �� : ��4 PROCEEDINGS : Ms . Seven stated that she was acting as managing agent for the owner, James Crockarell . She explained that the pronerty has been in litigation since 1980 , but is scheduled for court proceedings in late Anri1 , 1983. Ms . Seven pronosed to buy the building and reno- vate it , contingent on the outcome of today' s appeal and on the court decision in April . Several apartments are vacant, but the remaining tenants wished to stay, if possible , and she asked that the Notice to Vacate be removed to eliminate further uncertainty for them. Accord- ing to her plans , she felt that renovation could be completed without too much inconvenience to the occunants . Chairman Glassman asked if Ms . Seven' s purchase arrangements with the sellers had been worked out as to price , terms , financing , checking of the abstract and examination of title . Ms . Seven replied that these details were mainly taken care of. She had been given some latitude in the financing of the project by the owner and had made preliminary arrangements for additional financing on her own behalf if her plans to buy the pronerty materialized. She distributed drawings to illustrate her proposal for renovation , which envisioned cutting back from ten units to five. She said much of the work listed in the city' s letter was now completed, including the nlumbing, instal- lation of a sprinkling system, repair of front stens , and some electrical work, plus general cleaning, particularly in the b asement. Sfie presented an information sheet which included a brief description and history of the property, a review of her proposal and progress made toward its implementation, and a schedule for completion of the remaining work. Alice Bijjani questioned the claim that substantial progress has been made because a city inspector had checked the property on the previous Thursday and reported only minor progress . There were some serious safety violations , a badly overloaded electrical system and no emergency escape route from a third floor bedroom. The city had been trying to get action for a long period, and the June 1982 violations list covered 19 pages . Ms . Seven explained that the delay was a result of a divorce action by the owners , and neither party wanted to put money into the building until a settlement was reached�when ownership would be resolved. She anticipated the April court action would bring about a final decision on ownership . Daniel Goodell, a resident in the building , said he had been impressed by the progress made in the building durin g the p ast two weeks , parti�u�- arly in the electrical system, and he honed to stay. Dale Carlson, another resident , said he , too, hoped to stay, and he felt c{uite secure in hiS third floor unit. Alice Bijjani pointed out that putting in a second exit for the third floor would be a time- consuming project , because the property had been given historic preservation status which required annroval of any exterior ch anges from the governmental authority that regulates such matters . Tf only one apartment were to be maintained on the third floor, a second exit would not be rec{uired. She suggested that Apt . #l0� where the sleep- ing room lacked a window and any second means of escape , be kept vacant . 2��.���� • , • -6- 3/8/83 - Meeting No. 194 b1s . Seven said that with the reduction in the number of units under her proposed plan, No. 10 would no longer be used. The electrician has been in contact with the city inspector to determine exactly what the electrical requirements would be for a conversion to five units . He has already done some minor electrical work to improve safety. Mr. Knutson recommended that the electrician do everything necessary to eliminate hazardous conditions temporarily until such time as definite ownership is established and major renovation begins . Chairman Glassman noted that the work schedule p�roposed by Ms . Seven im- plied an extension of time until August , 1983. Without knowing for certain that she would be the ultimate owner and that her proposed plan wauld be carried out, it was difficult for the board to make a decision . Ms . Bijjani said her main concern was for the neople living in the property. If the board felt inclined to extend the vacation date , there were certain violations that should be taken care of now to provide safety, namely, enclosure of the heating plant , correction of all electrical items , U. L. -apnroved door closers were needed on the stairwell enclosure , all major holes in plaster should be repaired; smoke detectors Should be installed, proper gas connectors on ranges should be put in , backpitching o� the water heater vent pipe should be corrected, and the double-key exit lock on Apt . #8 should be replaced. A detailed floor nlan, sufficient to pull permits , should be submitted. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Knutson moved that the placard be lifted and continued occupancy o the building be permitted, provided the following conditions are met : (1) Units #2 , 3, 4 , S-6 (one unit) , 7 and 10 remain vacant until certified. (2) The following rep airs must be properiy completed under nermit by May 1 , 1983: (a) Heating plant enclosure (b) U. L. -approved door closers on stairwell enclosure (c) New electrical service- -building may be updated as a five-plex provided proper plans are submitted and building permits obtained for conversion from 10 units to five (d) Smoke detectors in all units , including vacant units (e) Backpitching of water heater vent pipe (f) Froner gas connectors on all ranges (g) Replacement of double-keyed lock on Apt. #8 (h) A11 large areas of missing nlaster If the repairs are not completed by May 1 , 1983, the building will be replacarded with a vacate date of June 1 , 1983. Mrs . Bostrom seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE: Ayes - S Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - ------ -- --- - - - - - --- --- ------ - - - - - - The meeting adjourned at 2 : 40 p .m. _ 3/8/83 - P4eeting No. 194 � . ` MINUTES OF THE MEETING 5T. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS F� ,RF.VIEW Tuesday, March 8 , 1983 Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEP�IBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman, Chairman Glenn Gausman Harold Knutson Rosann Bostrom Lucille Burg Collins ABSENT . William Tilton Rudolph Sawyer AGEI�CIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of of Housing � Building Code Enforcement : Alice Bijjani Housing Information Office : Lowell Yost � Chris Creamer OTHERS PRESENT:� Harold A. Moe Donald Carlson Dale M. Johnson Anne Sta.fstrom Fay R. Johnson Michael Harris Floyd Fiartwig Dale Paulson Lorraine Hartwig Daniel Goodell Heidi Hartwig Lara Seven Barry L. Bengts STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness Josenhine Palermo The meeting was called to order at 1 : 35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of February 8 , 1983, were approved as dis- trihntP�l tn thP mPmharc .