280147 WHITE - C�TV CLERK [�[1[y�{��y�� PINtS - FjNANCE '���e(� f ' / CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COIIflCII flvN���3� : BLUE — MAYOR File NO• � � Cou c ' Resolution � . Presented By Referre� To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLU'TION APPROVING THE ENERGY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, SERIES III, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND VARIOUS ACTIONS RELATING THERETO WHEREAS, A. Chapter 72, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Administrative Code, authorizes the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, MN ("HRA") to exercise, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul ("City"), the powers conferred upon the City by Chapter 222 of Laws of Minnesota for 1981 (the "Act") upon authorization and direction of the City, which authorization and direction is hereby given; and B. The City has approved, and the HRA has implemented on behalf of the City, the related Energy Improvement Programs, Phases I and II; and C. The HRA will undertake a program to finance energy-related improvements made to residential rental properties in the City pursuant to Chapter 222 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1981 and Chapter 72, Saint Paul Administrative Code ("Energy Improvement Program, Phase III" or "Program"); and COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher anni ng and Economi c Devel opment ceu� In Favor Masanz Nicosfa scheibel � Against Tedesco Wilso� Form pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date i�� / , / Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY �� ����`'r, gy, t�pproved by IVlavor: Date Approve ayor for S on to Council BY - — BY ' ' • • ' • • �r'����� Page Two - D. The City has applied for and received preliminary approval for an Urban Development Action Grant No. 8-81-AA-27-0035 ("UDAG"), the proceeds of which will be utilized to finance the Program; and E. The HRA has secured private market-rate commitments from at least one Saint Paul lending institution and be utilized for Program purposes; and F. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the approximate amount of One Million Four Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars ($1,424,000.00) will be utilized for Program purposes; G. Proposed Program guidelines will be submitted for review and approval by the HRA. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that: (a) The City faces potential serious shortages in energy resources, and implementing energy conservation measures requires expanded authority and technical capability in order to minimize the use of traditional energy sources in the housing sector. (b) Accomplishing energy conservation is a public purpose. (c) It is in the public interest for the City, through the HRA, to provide loans to residential rental properties for energy improvements. (d) There is a continued need to reduce consumption of energy from nonrenewable petroleum based resources. (e) There are housing units within the jurisdiction of the City which are in need of energy improvements and energy rehabilitation. WNITE - C�TV CLERK �Q��• / GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council PINIi - FyNANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. f BLUE - MAYOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page Three - (f) Private sources of financing are not reasonably available to provide the needed loans for energy improvements and energy rehabilitation. (g) The types of energy improvements and energy rehabilitation which are eligible for financing under the Program will reduce the consumption of energy from nonrenewable petroleum based resources or from nuclear sources, both directly and indirectly. 2. 'The City Council hereby authorizes and directs the HRA to implement and carry out the Energy Improvement Program, Phase III. 3. The HRA is authorized and directed to prepare and submit all evidentiary requirements of the UDAG, and to receive and disburse UDAG funds, as agent for, and on behalf of, the City, for Program purposes. 4. The HRA is authorized and directed to prepare and execute agreements and/or instruments in connection with the Program, including amendments to the UDAG and Lender Participation Agreements required by the UDAG. COU(VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays Planning and Economic Development Galles �_ [n Eavor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel � _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date a� 7 1983 Form Approved by City Attorne Certified P s y Council ret By 1 Ap by Ylavor: e � _ '�PR � 1Q,R� APProved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By UBLISHED AI'tt 1 ti 1y�3 � � _ , r- _ *� r ; :� � �� � � r � ' � �� � - . . � : . . � � � . � � . � - . � : , _ . , . _ � - . _ . .. . .. .. . �r I . �a.R � � . . , ' , , - � � .. � .. . ., � :l � .r. .. ' " ^ . _ _ • k:;.. , ti.��; - . .. ' . � . .. . . . , ti � �r�- . . .. .. March 24, 1983 ,� , ' . l Cuuucilman William �lilson ��� ~:� - . � ' Cnairman, �nergy, Utilities � Environment Com�i.ttee = , .. ; ` 7th Floor, City Hall : �; - • wF . - , I • _ Re: Resolution approving _the EnerAy Improvement �rogram, ` -�`� ;. Series III, of the �iRA. '- ,t ' Deer Councilman Wil�son: _ - The above-cited was referred by the City Council at its March 24th, 1983 meeting. � , , _ � ,, � ' Very truly yours, . . . � ". , � . , . ' f - Albert B. Olson . . , _ . , . City Clerk • 1�iS:la _ � - - . . , , _ c�T� GIERK Council � FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L qv - DEPARTMENT File NO• E - �4;OR � � � � Cou c ' Resolution � �' ` * 'resented By � . Refe rr e-d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � J � ✓r � S RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ,;% `' ENERGY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, SERIES III, OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF T'HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND VARIOUS ACTIONS RELA'TING THERETO WHEREAS, A. Chapter 72, Saint Paul, Minnesota, Administrative Code, authorizes the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, MN ("HRA") to exercise, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul ("City"), the powers conferred upon the City by Chapter 222 of Laws of Minnesota for 1981 (the "Act") upon authorization and direction of the City, which authorization and direction is hereby given; and B. The City has approved, and the HRA has implemented on behalf of the City, the related Energy Improvement Programs, Phases I and II; and C. The HRA will undertake a program to finance energy-related improvements made to residential rental properties in the City pursuant to Chapter 222 of the Laws of Minnesota for 198i and Chapter 72, Saint Paul Administrative Code ("Energy Improvement Program, Phase III" or "Program"); and COUNCILME[V Request�d by Department of: Na s Yeas Fiatcher Y anni ng and Economi c Devel opmen ceu� [n Favor � Masanz Nfcosia Sch�ibsl A gai n s t Ted�sco Wllsa� Form pproved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ` � / gY jl/A -y!��i Certified Passed by Council Sectetary BS' on to Council ppprove ayor for S Approved by Mavor: Date By _—. —_ B5� - ---— _ - - I , _ �v'..������ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFIC� OF TH� CITY COIINCIL �f�er+e ff��n��sree '=�=�'' D a t e ; March 28, 19�3 COMMITTEE RE PORT TO = SQint PQU I Cii`y Council FROM � Committee Oh ENERGY, UTILITIES AiVD ENVIRONMENT CHAIR WILLIAM L. WILSON At its meeting of March 25, the Committee recommended approval of the resolution approving the Energy Improvement Program, Series III , of the HRA. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 55102 .�r�a � �'' ���.4� - ; , . � . b, kp,' ,_�} • . . . � .. � �� �. � . . .. � . . � � . � � , " ,,� � � . � a_t✓ ♦ . � � - . . 4.��. � � ���f. . � .. . . . . - . . . . . . . � ..�� . . . . . � . � . � . .�. . . �s�t ti -.�f .. . � .. � ,� . � ', � � . , . � � . . �z � ��� � ` . , ��^4r J�, '; .. . 1 � . , . ' . . ; , . �� � < <�, , . . .. ' _ ' . , .. _ . ' . . : _ . . .. ` . , . � . : g _x.' � . . �� . �` . - . .. .. , � . i- . - . . . .. � } `. w . . � . �. �. � � � , � . .. , ' � � �. . > - F}:. .. � . � , .. . . . .. . . . . .. t ry?I� . . . . .. - .. . . . 3 � F� ;.:: . . .. . . ' .� . ' . . . . � . � � . # 1� ��� . ..��.:; 1 • �� . , , ��,�, {� . . ; . ; ,. . � _� . �: , ;, ��, r*' ` : � ' ,. , M�rch�24, �1983 _. � �� , . . � `s �- . i� � . , \ � � � , ,, , �� � � � ; � � ��', � �� � , • ,�t :: � Councflm�m William �il�on , . , � �' , ' `�` , G'ktal,re�an. ,Energq, Utilitiss b Fnviron�ecrt Ctm��ttae � ' t�� , �' � ` 7th Ploori, City Ha21 _ , � � ,: . �� � . R�e: ; Resolutian �ppraving �he Energ�r Impnovem�nt �rogram, f , � ���� '� � � ' Series III, of the HRA. I . a . , ��k . , F� �i . � � . ., . . � ,. � • � . rt ' � � D�ear Counc�.lman Wil•son:' � � ;r, . , � � The :abavs-Cited was referred by the C�.ty Coun�iT at its 2�iar�h 24th� . 1983 meet3ng. ' . � , � ,,, � ;� , ti � � . , Very truly �yours, , , - � � � . . � �� - .� � :, � ' ,1 � . � Albert B. 41san � . ` ' � . City C1erk ,� , _ , ,}, � , . � , i � • - ; , r-: �sia � . � . � . , , , � � , , - � - - � - , , : , � ,� , . , , ; , ; . �.. . � � � _ . , . � � � , ,,; . :4' � ; � ' ' � : ,, � i '.{ `I . ! , .` c �,. , � _ . � , ' , , ' � . , . . ;' __ ; Y . . . . , . . . � � - i• . . , ... . . . \ �. ... ... ' . \ . . ' , . . . . . . � .. . ' �1,. - . A : �' � ' � �� . �. . . . � , . . . . .. .. . �� � . y, � i , . � 1 �' l �: . � . `_ . '1 � • �.,m ,'1'� , i. • _. o , , . _ , - �