280139 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE n ����.39 :BLUE�� ? MA OR MENT G I TY O F SA I NT 1 �U L COUflC1I File N 0. � oun il Resolution . , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 1 of 3 A RESOLUTION TO ADD A NEW PROJECT AND AMEND A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING ON KELLOGG BOULEVARD BETWEEN ROBERT STREET AND JOHN STREET: CITY PROJECT NO. V-0728 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul adopted the use of $154 ,000. 00 in 1981 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS for construction of an ornamental street lighting system on White Bear Avenue WHEREAS , The actual cost of the improvement was less than estimated, leaving a fund balance; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Mayor and with the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that a new project be added and the Capital Improvement Budget be amended as follows: The 3t.Paut Long•Raage Capi*.a3 I�n:�:oti�m�t Iiudge#Com��ittse z�c;:iv��th:s r�q�zea,c,n (�'a )-.-'a7``,,`-�`y '`� a;::I ia::�._..:,::a� �J �i��ed: � . -�_ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department oE: Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon B � Showalter - __ Against Y — � Tedesco Wilson Form Approved b ity Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary BY � Bl' -- Approved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approve or or Su to Council , BY �- - _ _ �y WHITE - CITY CLERK ('�['���y�ryi, PINK - FINANCE �'.7'0�E CANAI�Y � DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ���L COUIICII f„r� t� tBLUE - MAYOR � File N . Council Resolution Presented By .L� , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 of 3 A RESOLUTION TO ADD A NEW PROJECT AND AMEND A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING ON KELLOGG BOULEVARD BETWEEN ROBERT STREET AND JOHN STREET: CITY PROJECT NO. V-0728 A. Add New Project Log No. Project Amount Recommended S-1709 Kellogg Blvd. Lighting $50 ,000. 00 Robert to John (92081-025) B. Transfers Log No. Project From To Balance S-0207 White Bear Ave. Lighting $50,000. 00 $104 , 000. 00 Case to Larpenteur t92081-002) S-1709 Kellogg Blvd. Lighting $50 ,000. 00 $50,000. 00 Robert to John (92081-025) COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon (J B snowaiter - __ Against Y — � Tedesco Wilson Form Approved City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor f r Submis ' ouncil By _ _ By WNITE T- C�TV CLERK COUI1C11 L"���3� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �� �LUE - MAVOR File NO• Cou cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3 of 3 A RESOLUTION TO ADD A NE��1 PRQJECT AND AMEND A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING ON KELLOGG BOULEVARD BETWEEN ROBERT STREET AND JOHN STREET : CITY PROJECT NO. V-0728 C. Appropriation Analysis Current Amended Project Ap ropriation Change Appropriation White Bear Ave. Lighting $154 ,000. 00 ( $50,000. 00) $104 , 000 . 00 Case to Larpenteur (92081-002) Kellogg Blvd. Lighting -0- $50 ,000 . 00 $ 50, 000. 00 Robert to John (92081-025) APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVED ` J� Peter Hames, Director ,�$� Greg Blees Finance and Management Service�J" ' Budget Director COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: letc er PubliC W rks ) evin [n Favor s nz N sia S eibel _ � __ Against BY — ' T, d sco � jNils Pp R 7 1983 Form Approved y ty A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_ d Council reta BY B� l�pp ved ;Vlavor: Date ry�� 0 3 Approv by yor for Submi i Council g By ISHED a�R 1 b �983 � �� - � Public Works DEPARTt�ENT � Michael C,_ Klassen �ONTACT o��v 292-6r293 PHONE � �� . February 2 , 19 8 3 DATE �v� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) RE�E��ED Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): ��TY Department Di rector AT TORN� City Attorqe�/�� �3/�or � R�,�� � AL T��']� Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector I�QR -(r����� <'J J3 � Ci ty C1 erk OFFlCE 0�,^fi,��° p���.�Q�,r^� DEPARi��1FN7 (1F Finlq�,rC��-._: %WD MANAGEh�ENT 5ERVICES � �--'�[msen Aichinger i�hat Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Approva� of the attached Council Resolution will allow the inefficient and substan�.�rd portions of lighting that exist on Kellogg Blvd. between Robert and John to be replaced with a new efficient lighting system, meeting current standards. This work would be coordinated with the planned street and sewer improvements scheduled for this year. � R�����Eo e�^r-'; Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: � �� � '� `��'� hA ��-�°R None - fund currently in 1981 CIB �1C�OF ��n�,RS����c;�s OF ��;��� �N`t O�P�p,�p,tiPu.y�, PNp Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Log No. S-0207 White Bear Ave. Lighting (92081-002) excess funds would be transferred to Log No. S-1709 Kellogg Blvd. Lighting (92081-025) . Attachments (List and Nu�r all Attachments) : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Cvuncil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes _� No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes _� No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for '��►structions)