280136 WHITE - CITY CLERK �[�(��(�� PINK - FINANCE 1 tKW 8 -1 CA:�.ARV -EEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIIClI V�f v BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 0, din�nce Ordinance N 0. ����� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules by establishing the Director of Food Service position in the Unclassified Service for a specified period of time. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the Civil Service Rules be amended by adding to Section 34 immediately following Section 34.0 the following: 34.D The position of Director of Food Services is placed in the Unclassified Service of the City of St. Paul Section 2. 34.E Minimum qualifications for Director of Food Services shall be: College graduation with a degree in k'oods and Nutrition, Institutional Management or related field and five years' responsible experience in large-scale institutional or commercial feeding, at least three years of which must ha.ve been in a supervisory capacity. Section 3. 34.F The provisions of this Section 34 of these Rules which places the Director of Food Services in the Unclassified Service shall expire one year from the effective date of this Ordinance unless other�aise determined by the Civil Service Commission with the concurrence of the City Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Galles ef In Favor 'e G ,. Masanz l Nicosia A gai n s t BY � Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form prove by Ci ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY 4 By Approved by Mayor: Date A ro d by Mayor for S b i tvn to Council By B WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK -FINANCE (j I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CAMARV -DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • +� r n�nce Ordinance N 0. � ,��,L,_Ol Presented By �-�a'' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Approved: Chairman, C�. il Service Commis ' -2- COUNCILME[V Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays m � Fletcher (�'/2�p `f�/j� ���� �en« [n Favor Masanz ,� � e scne�be� Against By ��dosc� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �R 2 6 1�3 Form pro d by 'ty Attorney Certified s b Counc' S ary BY Ap rov y Ma or: a APR 2 g App by Mayor for Sub ss n ouncil sy By PUBL SHED �1 AY 7 1983 „,�, 36 Pe rsonnel Office DEPARI i•1EP�T � , � Bernard P. Wright rONTACT - 298-4221 PHONE ” . ���� � � March 15, 1983 RA7E (Routing and Explanation Sheet} .-� _ �t` Assign Number for Routing Order �Clip Ali Locations for Mayoral Signature): ' Department Di rector � �E�C.IV�.D . . . City Attorney �':�i� 1 5 �983 � ' 3 G' S 3 -i 6—�nt/Mayar . _ _ . �a���s oF�icE Finance and t�anagement Services Director � City Clerk . _ - - Budget Director _ �. What Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? �(Purpose/Rationale); The purpose of �his ord�nance is to place the classification Director, of Food Service in the unclassified service for a period of one year. This classification is used only in Independent�"School DisCrict #525. � �- � " - ,.,, � . - . • - - Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: �� .__. _ Norie. � . ._. , . �. . � ,. _ , . ; . : .::. . _. . . . �. . , .... . - - _:'n---.;i'.�:*�- _ . • - --- . . . . . : Funding Source and`Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: � Attachments (List and Number all Attachments} : 1. Ordinance 2. Copy for City Clerk. �� DEPAlZTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Counri 1 Resol uti on Requi red? Resol ution Requi red? Yes _, No l�s No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Ye� .� No Yes y !�o In�urance Attached? � Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions� �.��__"�! k� DO f e , l�iarch 31, 1983 ` ��.�r �������� � � . ti�_ COMMIT i EE _ REPORT T' 0 = Sa�n� Paut City Council ' F R � � = C o rn rn i r t-e e O h F INA�\CE, h1r1NAGEhiEhT � PERSO\I�EL CH A i R James Scheibel . . �'�w� . . 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held �:arch 10, 19S3.� -� ,<.� 2. Resolution initiating an investigation into the affairs, conduct, and procedures �. of the Gity's Personnel Dept..,�-,�.0�-`�F�4'���f�='�..'�E�rct= T�s��_`�,"`Z-83``;.,.._� _ - � . �It�A.." - .a.i�a�saaID� i0 s�C "`—`a��ie.w..:�. 3. Resolution authorizing an agreer�ent tJith 'ISD �625 whereby the School District will reimburse the City for services rendered. (Finance Dept.) GSc�f�1'�--`�=,� . �....�..,.._ 4. Resolution providing fundino for ornamental street li hting. on Kelloga Blvd. between Robert St. � John_ St. (Public 1:orks) �;�;,�� '_,�� - S. Resolution revising the Public Health Special: Project .- Lead Poisoning Control so a tr.ansfer of funds can be made. (Community Services _ ___ __ _ �` , � � - 6. Resolution appropriating funds for the �labor liaison position. (biayor�'s� Office �..-�d� ..� 7. Resolution updating salaries for S positions in the Parks � Rec. Division (Pe el .. . , . . ��:-�' 8. Ordinance to place the classification of Director of Food Service in the unclassified service for one year. (PersonnelJ `�:�� - � . . 9. Resolution establ's "n �he.��i:tl of Food Service Equipment Specialist Helper. (Personnel) � ��� - - •10. Resolution establish�.ng the rate ,of a - for the new title'�of Diicroco;rrputer _ Repairperson. (Personnel ����C� � 11. Resolution establishing the rate of the new title of Food Service Equin- ment Specialist Helper. (Personne , _ � � 12. Resolution establishing the title of Co;nputer Operations-Asst. - Library (P�o����p���, 13. Resolution establishing the title of Director of Food Services as an exen � position in the Salary Plan $ Rates of Compensation Resolution.� (Personne � �� 14. Resolution rembving the title of Director of School Cafeterias from the classified service. (Personnel) � 15. Resolution establishing the title of Microcomputer Repairperson. (Personnel • � �'�� 16. Resolution approving the securities pledged by Summit ratl. Bank. (Finance Dept.; r . �� 17. Resolution extending the priorities for use of. the adopted 1981 CIB a ropriatiort to the Residential Street Paving � Lighting Program. (Public �torks) 18. Resolution amending the 1980,. 1981, 1982, and 1953 CIB budoets to provide funding for six new projects. �Public �4orks) �, � ����,� - 19. Resolution authorizin �an ,increasg.Q ,S ,.4Q toain�rease recreation programr�ing. ' (Cit�� Council) .; ji :�,�� ,,,��¢�����:�=�_°A�:� - � 20. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1983 Special Projects-Police Bud�et. r ����� 21 . Resolution amendino the 1983 CIB budget to provide plrti�il fundin� for :he St Anthony Park Storn Se�.er - Buford (Public l�orksl _�PPtQ0�1���'_;�3=0 � 22. Resolution arnendinc� the 1983 CI(3 bud�e� to �iro��idc l�ai-tial ftmctin<< for th� E�, . �� . - l i l''�1 � C'� �nr' C l'"�� �I � r � �1 , .. . - . _ . _ .. . . .. . . .. ; f'(�1. �I �''1 1:� I�l)'�f. � 7� , lst � — � — ,�_� 2nd ��/�(�� 3rd Lf — 1 � — �.3 Adopted y—�� � �� . Yeas Nays FLETCHER � GALLES � ��/(� �S�Z ����3s . NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO