00-194O � � � � ��� Council File # o o - \ GreenSheet# )00't RESOLUTION `. � O�NT�AU�MINNESOTA , �1 � Presented by Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION'S "PRINCIPLES FOR MINNESOTA'S ENERGY FUTURE" 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been recognized as a leader in protecting our region's environment 2 especially in the areas of recycling, energy efficiency, and developing local responses to climate change; and 3 WHEREAS, a sound natural environment is the foundation of a healthy society and a robust economy; and 4 WHEREAS, a energy system that is sustainable wili resuit in reliable, affordable and clean energy which will 5 increase conservation, lead to less pollution and increase the percentage of our electricity generated from 6 renewable sources; and 7 WHEREAS, the deregulation and restructuring of electrical utilities is a major issue under consideration in the 8 State of Minnesota and the outcome of this discussion will have a significant impact on the City of Saint Paul and 9 its citizens; and � 10 VJHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes the Sfate of Miimesota should not proceed thoughtlessly into 11 the restructuring of electric utilities without a long-range vision for the future of our energy system; and 12 WHEREAS, this vision must guarantee continual environmental improvement and economic development; and 13 WHEREAS, the Sustainable Energy for Economic Development Coalition (SEED), an association of 26 rural and 14 urban economic development and environxnental organizations, has developed a set of broad principles to guide 15 legislative decision-making on the future of electrical utility restructuring in Minnesota; and 16 WHEREAS, over 100 government officials from Minnesota, including County Board Members and State 17 Legislators, have endorsed the SEED Principles; now therefore be it 18 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council endorses the Sustainable Energy for Economic Development 19 Coalition's Principles for Minnesota's Energy Future and encourages the State of Minnesota to use the SEED 20 Principles as a guide for future electrical restructiu decisions. ���G1NAL 00 -t4y Requested by Department oE � Fomi Appxoved by Ciry Attorney � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B➢� � \_�_ � �-�P. _Jb� / � BY: Approved by yor: Date � �_T _ � 9 ��°��a�..� - � � s °_ � 4 � Adopted by CouncIl: Date ��.�.� �S 3 e� � a �,� Councilmember Blakey 3-1-00 AlIIIfiN �aaieee wn ROIIfY1G OROF7t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Endorse the Sustainable Energy For Economic Development Coalition's "Principles for Minnesota's Energy Future." a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PROBLEM ISSUE, The Saint Paul City Council will be on record as endorsing the SEED "Prineiples for Minnesota's Energy Future." None GREEN SHEET oF.�.�r owrrro. or ❑ crtrwnowar ❑ ananu ❑ wu�r��aaneFSO�e. ❑ r«wicw�aamKCro ❑ wvoRro�e�umown ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Flas thie a�oNfrm everxo�ketl unaer a conVact torthic department7 VES NO Hm ttas peraoNfi�m ever Deen a ci�' empbyee? . YE3 MO Ooec Mis PeisoNfirm Doesese a sldll nat mm�allvP�eesced bY am curreM �tity emdq'�7 YES NO IB Mie peieaNflrtn 8 terpMed vendaR YES NO and attach to areen sheet oo-tgy No 1 ��??6 ancaxc� The Saint Paul City Council will not be on record as endorsing the SEED "Principles for Minnee..�-..��. Y.....-.... 'C..�..�-.. �� OF TRANSACTION S COSTRtEVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE AC7NT'NUMBER JRh 20 '00 18�46 � � � oo -19y Sustainabte Energy for Economic 1?evelopment {SEED) � Priaciples for Missnesota's Energy �ture January 2Q00 Ivlinnesota has made great pFOgress tpward a sustainable energy �'vture. We �eed to keep moving forw�ard, stebi�izin� and ulamate(y redvciqg emissions throu� energy �ciency and renewabie power. Aay restrqcturing of tLe eleetricity iadustry mast guarentee eontinual environmental improvemeat sod ecunomic deveiopment Legis3ative decisions on restructiuiag the �iectric indushy will have a profouttd and lacting impact on Minnesota's eavironmeni, ecouoiay, aad commttnities. The fol�awing broad principles should guide that decision-maIong. 1_ 1►Tiaaesotans need clean power far cteaaer air, cleaner waYer and improved heasth. '1`herefore: • Electric utilities should not be deregulated unless policies aze in ptace to guatantee that the environment and public heahh will be improved. Minnesota must cnntinue a sostained, timely hansition to a cleaner system of �enerating ei�icity. * Energy sources and the impavts of enesgy production must be fully disclosed lo eonsurners. • Policies must reflect the true costs of energy p�oduction, inclnding public health daroage� sir and water poliution, and damages du� to resource extraction. , '1, e Z• �iVlinnesotans need reliabie, reavonably priced eneigy now and in the fulure, Therefore: • A11 people must have access to reliable eneagy at fair, reasonable, and stable prices. • Poticies must encourage increasing imesunems in energy efftciency to reduce energy use, improve reIiability an,d keep energy costs tow. 3. Minnesotans need the econom[c and environm�tai benefits of espanded renewable energy developmeot TLerefore: • Pcslic3es must encourage a mixed base of energy generation technologies, including a steadily increasing percentage of reaewabte energy_ • Energy policies should promote use of lacat resow�ces, W the benetit of local econamies. 4• Minnc4otans need energy policies that are fair and equitabte. Therefore: • Em�ironmental standards for the development and product%on of energy must be uniform and fair. • Policies should easure fair access to aansmission facitities �or distributed or renewable sources of genetation in order to benefit ivtinnesota cammunities. • Energy production or distribution at the expense of workers' rigius, human rights, or the health and safe{y of the state's citirsns is not acceptabie Flease add my name or org�aization to the )ist of sapporters of tLe Ptineiples for Minnesota's Energy Future_ Sig�eature Address Name (Please Print) Ciry/State Zip Orgsnization Nsme Pholae Eroaia � I plan to attend tha Ftbruary 3' Lobby bay �:' Date O � � � � ��� Council File # o o - \ GreenSheet# )00't RESOLUTION `. � O�NT�AU�MINNESOTA , �1 � Presented by Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION'S "PRINCIPLES FOR MINNESOTA'S ENERGY FUTURE" 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been recognized as a leader in protecting our region's environment 2 especially in the areas of recycling, energy efficiency, and developing local responses to climate change; and 3 WHEREAS, a sound natural environment is the foundation of a healthy society and a robust economy; and 4 WHEREAS, a energy system that is sustainable wili resuit in reliable, affordable and clean energy which will 5 increase conservation, lead to less pollution and increase the percentage of our electricity generated from 6 renewable sources; and 7 WHEREAS, the deregulation and restructuring of electrical utilities is a major issue under consideration in the 8 State of Minnesota and the outcome of this discussion will have a significant impact on the City of Saint Paul and 9 its citizens; and � 10 VJHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes the Sfate of Miimesota should not proceed thoughtlessly into 11 the restructuring of electric utilities without a long-range vision for the future of our energy system; and 12 WHEREAS, this vision must guarantee continual environmental improvement and economic development; and 13 WHEREAS, the Sustainable Energy for Economic Development Coalition (SEED), an association of 26 rural and 14 urban economic development and environxnental organizations, has developed a set of broad principles to guide 15 legislative decision-making on the future of electrical utility restructuring in Minnesota; and 16 WHEREAS, over 100 government officials from Minnesota, including County Board Members and State 17 Legislators, have endorsed the SEED Principles; now therefore be it 18 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council endorses the Sustainable Energy for Economic Development 19 Coalition's Principles for Minnesota's Energy Future and encourages the State of Minnesota to use the SEED 20 Principles as a guide for future electrical restructiu decisions. ���G1NAL 00 -t4y Requested by Department oE � Fomi Appxoved by Ciry Attorney � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B➢� � \_�_ � �-�P. _Jb� / � BY: Approved by yor: Date � �_T _ � 9 ��°��a�..� - � � s °_ � 4 � Adopted by CouncIl: Date ��.�.� �S 3 e� � a �,� Councilmember Blakey 3-1-00 AlIIIfiN �aaieee wn ROIIfY1G OROF7t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Endorse the Sustainable Energy For Economic Development Coalition's "Principles for Minnesota's Energy Future." a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PROBLEM ISSUE, The Saint Paul City Council will be on record as endorsing the SEED "Prineiples for Minnesota's Energy Future." None GREEN SHEET oF.�.�r owrrro. or ❑ crtrwnowar ❑ ananu ❑ wu�r��aaneFSO�e. ❑ r«wicw�aamKCro ❑ wvoRro�e�umown ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Flas thie a�oNfrm everxo�ketl unaer a conVact torthic department7 VES NO Hm ttas peraoNfi�m ever Deen a ci�' empbyee? . YE3 MO Ooec Mis PeisoNfirm Doesese a sldll nat mm�allvP�eesced bY am curreM �tity emdq'�7 YES NO IB Mie peieaNflrtn 8 terpMed vendaR YES NO and attach to areen sheet oo-tgy No 1 ��??6 ancaxc� The Saint Paul City Council will not be on record as endorsing the SEED "Principles for Minnee..�-..��. Y.....-.... 'C..�..�-.. �� OF TRANSACTION S COSTRtEVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE AC7NT'NUMBER JRh 20 '00 18�46 � � � oo -19y Sustainabte Energy for Economic 1?evelopment {SEED) � Priaciples for Missnesota's Energy �ture January 2Q00 Ivlinnesota has made great pFOgress tpward a sustainable energy �'vture. We �eed to keep moving forw�ard, stebi�izin� and ulamate(y redvciqg emissions throu� energy �ciency and renewabie power. Aay restrqcturing of tLe eleetricity iadustry mast guarentee eontinual environmental improvemeat sod ecunomic deveiopment Legis3ative decisions on restructiuiag the �iectric indushy will have a profouttd and lacting impact on Minnesota's eavironmeni, ecouoiay, aad commttnities. The fol�awing broad principles should guide that decision-maIong. 1_ 1►Tiaaesotans need clean power far cteaaer air, cleaner waYer and improved heasth. '1`herefore: • Electric utilities should not be deregulated unless policies aze in ptace to guatantee that the environment and public heahh will be improved. Minnesota must cnntinue a sostained, timely hansition to a cleaner system of �enerating ei�icity. * Energy sources and the impavts of enesgy production must be fully disclosed lo eonsurners. • Policies must reflect the true costs of energy p�oduction, inclnding public health daroage� sir and water poliution, and damages du� to resource extraction. , '1, e Z• �iVlinnesotans need reliabie, reavonably priced eneigy now and in the fulure, Therefore: • A11 people must have access to reliable eneagy at fair, reasonable, and stable prices. • Poticies must encourage increasing imesunems in energy efftciency to reduce energy use, improve reIiability an,d keep energy costs tow. 3. Minnesotans need the econom[c and environm�tai benefits of espanded renewable energy developmeot TLerefore: • Pcslic3es must encourage a mixed base of energy generation technologies, including a steadily increasing percentage of reaewabte energy_ • Energy policies should promote use of lacat resow�ces, W the benetit of local econamies. 4• Minnc4otans need energy policies that are fair and equitabte. Therefore: • Em�ironmental standards for the development and product%on of energy must be uniform and fair. • Policies should easure fair access to aansmission facitities �or distributed or renewable sources of genetation in order to benefit ivtinnesota cammunities. • Energy production or distribution at the expense of workers' rigius, human rights, or the health and safe{y of the state's citirsns is not acceptabie Flease add my name or org�aization to the )ist of sapporters of tLe Ptineiples for Minnesota's Energy Future_ Sig�eature Address Name (Please Print) Ciry/State Zip Orgsnization Nsme Pholae Eroaia � I plan to attend tha Ftbruary 3' Lobby bay �:' Date O � � � � ��� Council File # o o - \ GreenSheet# )00't RESOLUTION `. � O�NT�AU�MINNESOTA , �1 � Presented by Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COALITION'S "PRINCIPLES FOR MINNESOTA'S ENERGY FUTURE" 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has been recognized as a leader in protecting our region's environment 2 especially in the areas of recycling, energy efficiency, and developing local responses to climate change; and 3 WHEREAS, a sound natural environment is the foundation of a healthy society and a robust economy; and 4 WHEREAS, a energy system that is sustainable wili resuit in reliable, affordable and clean energy which will 5 increase conservation, lead to less pollution and increase the percentage of our electricity generated from 6 renewable sources; and 7 WHEREAS, the deregulation and restructuring of electrical utilities is a major issue under consideration in the 8 State of Minnesota and the outcome of this discussion will have a significant impact on the City of Saint Paul and 9 its citizens; and � 10 VJHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council believes the Sfate of Miimesota should not proceed thoughtlessly into 11 the restructuring of electric utilities without a long-range vision for the future of our energy system; and 12 WHEREAS, this vision must guarantee continual environmental improvement and economic development; and 13 WHEREAS, the Sustainable Energy for Economic Development Coalition (SEED), an association of 26 rural and 14 urban economic development and environxnental organizations, has developed a set of broad principles to guide 15 legislative decision-making on the future of electrical utility restructuring in Minnesota; and 16 WHEREAS, over 100 government officials from Minnesota, including County Board Members and State 17 Legislators, have endorsed the SEED Principles; now therefore be it 18 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council endorses the Sustainable Energy for Economic Development 19 Coalition's Principles for Minnesota's Energy Future and encourages the State of Minnesota to use the SEED 20 Principles as a guide for future electrical restructiu decisions. ���G1NAL 00 -t4y Requested by Department oE � Fomi Appxoved by Ciry Attorney � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B➢� � \_�_ � �-�P. _Jb� / � BY: Approved by yor: Date � �_T _ � 9 ��°��a�..� - � � s °_ � 4 � Adopted by CouncIl: Date ��.�.� �S 3 e� � a �,� Councilmember Blakey 3-1-00 AlIIIfiN �aaieee wn ROIIfY1G OROF7t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Endorse the Sustainable Energy For Economic Development Coalition's "Principles for Minnesota's Energy Future." a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PROBLEM ISSUE, The Saint Paul City Council will be on record as endorsing the SEED "Prineiples for Minnesota's Energy Future." None GREEN SHEET oF.�.�r owrrro. or ❑ crtrwnowar ❑ ananu ❑ wu�r��aaneFSO�e. ❑ r«wicw�aamKCro ❑ wvoRro�e�umown ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Flas thie a�oNfrm everxo�ketl unaer a conVact torthic department7 VES NO Hm ttas peraoNfi�m ever Deen a ci�' empbyee? . YE3 MO Ooec Mis PeisoNfirm Doesese a sldll nat mm�allvP�eesced bY am curreM �tity emdq'�7 YES NO IB Mie peieaNflrtn 8 terpMed vendaR YES NO and attach to areen sheet oo-tgy No 1 ��??6 ancaxc� The Saint Paul City Council will not be on record as endorsing the SEED "Principles for Minnee..�-..��. Y.....-.... 'C..�..�-.. �� OF TRANSACTION S COSTRtEVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� VES NO SOURCE AC7NT'NUMBER JRh 20 '00 18�46 � � � oo -19y Sustainabte Energy for Economic 1?evelopment {SEED) � Priaciples for Missnesota's Energy �ture January 2Q00 Ivlinnesota has made great pFOgress tpward a sustainable energy �'vture. We �eed to keep moving forw�ard, stebi�izin� and ulamate(y redvciqg emissions throu� energy �ciency and renewabie power. Aay restrqcturing of tLe eleetricity iadustry mast guarentee eontinual environmental improvemeat sod ecunomic deveiopment Legis3ative decisions on restructiuiag the �iectric indushy will have a profouttd and lacting impact on Minnesota's eavironmeni, ecouoiay, aad commttnities. The fol�awing broad principles should guide that decision-maIong. 1_ 1►Tiaaesotans need clean power far cteaaer air, cleaner waYer and improved heasth. '1`herefore: • Electric utilities should not be deregulated unless policies aze in ptace to guatantee that the environment and public heahh will be improved. Minnesota must cnntinue a sostained, timely hansition to a cleaner system of �enerating ei�icity. * Energy sources and the impavts of enesgy production must be fully disclosed lo eonsurners. • Policies must reflect the true costs of energy p�oduction, inclnding public health daroage� sir and water poliution, and damages du� to resource extraction. , '1, e Z• �iVlinnesotans need reliabie, reavonably priced eneigy now and in the fulure, Therefore: • A11 people must have access to reliable eneagy at fair, reasonable, and stable prices. • Poticies must encourage increasing imesunems in energy efftciency to reduce energy use, improve reIiability an,d keep energy costs tow. 3. Minnesotans need the econom[c and environm�tai benefits of espanded renewable energy developmeot TLerefore: • Pcslic3es must encourage a mixed base of energy generation technologies, including a steadily increasing percentage of reaewabte energy_ • Energy policies should promote use of lacat resow�ces, W the benetit of local econamies. 4• Minnc4otans need energy policies that are fair and equitabte. Therefore: • Em�ironmental standards for the development and product%on of energy must be uniform and fair. • Policies should easure fair access to aansmission facitities �or distributed or renewable sources of genetation in order to benefit ivtinnesota cammunities. • Energy production or distribution at the expense of workers' rigius, human rights, or the health and safe{y of the state's citirsns is not acceptabie Flease add my name or org�aization to the )ist of sapporters of tLe Ptineiples for Minnesota's Energy Future_ Sig�eature Address Name (Please Print) Ciry/State Zip Orgsnization Nsme Pholae Eroaia � I plan to attend tha Ftbruary 3' Lobby bay �:' Date